false, 'message' => '', ]; if ($type_execution == 'once' && !$config['past_planned_downtimes'] && $datetime_from < $now) { $result['message'] = ui_print_error_message(__('Not created. Error inserting data. Start time must be higher than the current time'), '', true); } else if ($type_execution == 'once' && $datetime_from >= $datetime_to) { $result['message'] = ui_print_error_message(__('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('The end date must be higher than the start date'), '', true); } else if ($type_execution == 'periodically' && (($type_periodicity == 'weekly' && $periodically_time_from >= $periodically_time_to) || ($type_periodicity == 'monthly' && $periodically_day_from == $periodically_day_to && $periodically_time_from >= $periodically_time_to)) ) { $result['message'] = ui_print_error_message(__('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('The end time must be higher than the start time'), '', true); } else if ($type_execution == 'periodically' && $type_periodicity == 'monthly' && $periodically_day_from > $periodically_day_to) { $result['message'] = ui_print_error_message(__('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('The end day must be higher than the start day'), '', true); } else { $result['result'] = true; } return $result; } /** * Update or create a planned downtime. * * @param array Values of the planned downtime. * @param int Id of the planned downtime. Empty to create a new downtime. * * @return array Id of the updated/created planned downtime, result of the operation and result message. */ function planned_downtimes_update($values, $downtime_id=0, $check_dates=true) { $result = [ 'id' => $downtime_id, 'result' => false, 'message' => '', ]; if ($check_dates) { $dates_check = planned_downtimes_check_dates( $values['type_execution'], $values['type_periodicity'], $values['date_from'], $values['date_to'], $values['periodically_time_from'], $values['periodically_time_to'], $values['periodically_day_from'], $values['periodically_day_to'] ); if (!$dates_check['result']) { $result['message'] = $dates_check['message']; return $result; } } $name_trimmed = trim(io_safe_output($values['name'])); if (!empty($name_trimmed)) { $name_exists = (bool) db_get_value('id', 'tplanned_downtime', 'name', $values['name']); if ($name_exists) { $result['message'] = ui_print_error_message(__('Each scheduled downtime must have a different name'), '', true); return $result; } } else { $result['message'] = ui_print_error_message(__('Scheduled downtime must have a name'), '', true); return $result; } if (empty($downtime_id)) { $res = db_process_sql_insert('tplanned_downtime', $values); if ($res === false) { $result['message'] = ui_print_error_message(__('Could not be created'), '', true); } else { $result['message'] = ui_print_success_message(__('Successfully created'), '', true); $result['result'] = true; $result['id'] = $res; } } else { $res = db_process_sql_update('tplanned_downtime', $values, ['id' => $downtime_id]); if (empty($res)) { $result['message'] = ui_print_error_message(__('Could not be updated'), '', true); } else { $result['message'] = ui_print_success_message(__('Successfully updated'), '', true); $result['result'] = true; } } return $result; } /** * Add new agents and modules to the planned downtime. * * @param int Id of the planned downtime. * @param array IDs of the agents to add. * @param bool Add all modules of the agents or not. * @param array Names of the modules to add. Empty to add all the modules. * * @return array The status will be false id any insertion fails. * The failed insertions will be added to bad_agents and bad_modules. */ function planned_downtimes_add_items($downtime_id, $agents, $all_modules=true, $module_names=[]) { global $config; include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_modules.php'; $return = [ 'status' => true, 'bad_agents' => [], 'bad_modules' => [], ]; if (empty($module_names)) { $all_modules = true; } else { // It is empty. if ($module_names[0] == '0') { $all_modules = true; } } if (empty($agents)) { $agents = []; $return['status'] = false; } foreach ($agents as $agent_id) { $values = [ 'id_downtime' => $downtime_id, 'id_agent' => $agent_id, 'all_modules' => $all_modules, ]; $result = db_process_sql_insert('tplanned_downtime_agents', $values); if (empty($result)) { $return['bad_agents'][] = $agent_id; } else if (!$all_modules) { foreach ($module_names as $module_name) { $module = modules_get_agentmodule_id(io_safe_input($module_name), $agent_id); $result = false; if ($module) { $module_id = $module['id_agente_modulo']; $values = [ 'id_downtime' => $downtime_id, 'id_agent' => $agent_id, 'id_agent_module' => $module_id, ]; $result = db_process_sql_insert('tplanned_downtime_modules', $values); } if (!$result) { $return['bad_modules'][] = $module_name; } } } } return $return; } /** * Delete the agents and modules asociated to a planned downtime. * * @param int Id of the planned downtime. * @param int ID of the agent to delete. * * @return boolean The result of the operation. */ function planned_downtimes_delete_items($downtime_id, $agent_id) { $filter = [ 'id_downtime' => $downtime_id, 'id_agent' => $agent_id, ]; $downtime_agent_row = db_get_row('tplanned_downtime_agents', $filter); $result = db_process_sql_delete('tplanned_downtime_agents', ['id' => $downtime_agent_row['id']]); if (!empty($result) && $downtime_agent_row['all_modules'] == 0) { // Delete modules in downtime $filter = [ 'id_downtime' => $downtime_id, 'id_agent' => $agent_id, ]; db_process_sql_delete('tplanned_downtime_modules', $filter); } return $result; } /** * Get the planned downtimes that don't comply the actual rules of dates * * @return array List of planned downtimes */ function planned_downtimes_get_malformed() { $sql = "SELECT * FROM tplanned_downtime WHERE type_execution = 'periodically' AND (type_periodicity = 'monthly' AND (periodically_day_from > periodically_day_to OR (periodically_day_from = periodically_day_to AND periodically_time_from >= periodically_time_to)))"; $malformed_downtimes = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($malformed_downtimes === false) { return false; } $malformed_downtimes_aux = []; foreach ($malformed_downtimes as $malformed_downtime) { $malformed_downtimes_aux[$malformed_downtime['id']] = $malformed_downtime; } $malformed_downtimes = $malformed_downtimes_aux; return $malformed_downtimes; } /** * Create new downtimes with the correct format and delete the malformed * * @param array List with the malformed downtimes * * @return boolean The result of the migration */ function planned_downtimes_migrate_malformed_downtimes($malformed_downtimes=[]) { global $config; $migration_result = [ 'status' => true, 'bad_downtimes' => [], ]; if (empty($malformed_downtimes)) { $malformed_downtimes = planned_downtimes_get_malformed(); } foreach ($malformed_downtimes as $key => $downtime) { $downtime_type = $downtime['type_downtime']; $downtime_execution = $downtime['type_execution']; $downtime_periodicity = $downtime['type_periodicity']; $downtime_time_from = $downtime['periodically_time_from']; $downtime_time_to = $downtime['periodically_time_to']; if ($downtime_execution == 'periodically') { if ($downtime_periodicity == 'monthly') { $downtime_day_from = $downtime['periodically_day_from']; $downtime_day_to = $downtime['periodically_day_to']; if (($downtime_day_from > $downtime_day_to) || ($downtime_day_from == $downtime_day_to && $downtime_time_from > $downtime_time_to)) { $values_first = [ 'name' => $downtime['name'].' [1/2]', 'description' => $downtime['description'], 'executed' => $downtime['executed'], 'id_group' => $downtime['id_group'], 'only_alerts' => $downtime['only_alerts'], 'periodically_time_from' => $downtime_time_from, 'periodically_time_to' => '23:59:59', 'periodically_day_from' => $downtime_day_from, 'periodically_day_to' => 31, 'type_downtime' => $downtime_type, 'type_execution' => $downtime_execution, 'type_periodicity' => $downtime_periodicity, 'id_user' => $config['id_user'], ]; $values_second = $values_first; $values_second['name'] = $downtime['name'].' [2/2]'; $values_second['periodically_day_from'] = 1; $values_second['periodically_time_from'] = '00:00:00'; $values_second['periodically_day_to'] = $downtime_day_to; $values_second['periodically_time_to'] = $downtime_time_to; $result_first = planned_downtimes_update($values_first, 0, false); if ($result_first['result']) { $result_second = planned_downtimes_update($values_second, 0, false); if (!$result_second['result']) { db_process_sql_delete('tplanned_downtime', ['id' => $result_first['id']]); } } if ($result_first['result'] && $result_second['result']) { $result_copy = planned_downtimes_migrate_malformed_downtimes_copy_items($downtime['id'], $result_first['id'], $result_second['id']); if (!$result_copy) { $migration_result['status'] = false; $migration_result['bad_downtimes'][] = $downtime['id']; } } else { $migration_result['status'] = false; $migration_result['bad_downtimes'][] = $downtime['id']; } } else if ($downtime_day_from == $downtime_day_to && $downtime_time_from == $downtime_time_to) { $utimestamp = strtotime("1-1-1970 $downtime_time_to"); $time = date('H:i:s', ($utimestamp + 1)); if ($time != '00:00:00') { $values = ['periodically_time_to' => $time]; } else { $utimestamp = strtotime("1-1-1970 $downtime_time_from"); $time = date('H:i:s', ($utimestamp - 1)); $values = ['periodically_time_from' => $time]; } $filter = ['id' => $downtime['id']]; $result_update = db_process_sql_update('tplanned_downtime', $values, $filter); if (!$result_update) { $migration_result['status'] = false; $migration_result['bad_downtimes'][] = $downtime['id']; } } } else if ($downtime_periodicity == 'weekly') { if ($downtime_time_from > $downtime_time_to) { $days = [ 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday', ]; $values_first = [ 'name' => $downtime['name'].' [1/2]', 'description' => $downtime['description'], 'executed' => $downtime['executed'], 'id_group' => $downtime['id_group'], 'only_alerts' => $downtime['only_alerts'], 'monday' => $downtime['monday'], 'tuesday' => $downtime['tuesday'], 'wednesday' => $downtime['wednesday'], 'thursday' => $downtime['thursday'], 'friday' => $downtime['friday'], 'saturday' => $downtime['saturday'], 'sunday' => $downtime['sunday'], 'periodically_time_from' => $downtime_time_from, 'periodically_time_to' => '23:59:59', 'type_downtime' => $downtime_type, 'type_execution' => $downtime_execution, 'type_periodicity' => $downtime_periodicity, 'id_user' => $config['id_user'], ]; $values_second = $values_first; $values_second['name'] = $downtime['name'].' [2/2]'; $values_second['periodically_time_from'] = '00:00:00'; $values_second['periodically_time_to'] = $downtime_time_to; $values_second['tuesday'] = $downtime['monday'] ? 1 : 0; $values_second['wednesday'] = $downtime['tuesday'] ? 1 : 0; $values_second['thursday'] = $downtime['wednesday'] ? 1 : 0; $values_second['friday'] = $downtime['thursday'] ? 1 : 0; $values_second['saturday'] = $downtime['friday'] ? 1 : 0; $values_second['sunday'] = $downtime['saturday'] ? 1 : 0; $values_second['monday'] = $downtime['sunday'] ? 1 : 0; $result_first = planned_downtimes_update($values_first, 0, false); if ($result_first['result']) { $result_second = planned_downtimes_update($values_second, 0, false); if (!$result_second['result']) { db_process_sql_delete('tplanned_downtime', ['id' => $result_first['id']]); } } if ($result_first['result'] && $result_second['result']) { $result_copy = planned_downtimes_migrate_malformed_downtimes_copy_items($downtime['id'], $result_first['id'], $result_second['id']); if (!$result_copy) { $migration_result['status'] = false; $migration_result['bad_downtimes'][] = $downtime['id']; } } else { $migration_result['status'] = false; $migration_result['bad_downtimes'][] = $downtime['id']; } } else if ($downtime_time_from == $downtime_time_to) { $utimestamp = strtotime("1-1-1970 $downtime_time_to"); $time = date('H:i:s', ($utimestamp + 1)); if ($time != '00:00:00') { $values = ['periodically_time_to' => $time]; } else { $utimestamp = strtotime("1-1-1970 $downtime_time_from"); $time = date('H:i:s', ($utimestamp - 1)); $values = ['periodically_time_from' => $time]; } $filter = ['id' => $downtime['id']]; $result_update = db_process_sql_update('tplanned_downtime', $values, $filter); if (!$result_update) { $migration_result['status'] = false; $migration_result['bad_downtimes'][] = $downtime['id']; } } } } } return $migration_result; } /** * Aux function to copy the items of the selected downtime to the new downtimes. * Deletes the new downtimes if the items are not copied. */ function planned_downtimes_migrate_malformed_downtimes_copy_items($original_downtime_id, $new_downtime_first_id, $new_downtime_second_id) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM tplanned_downtime_agents WHERE id_downtime = '.$original_downtime_id; $downtime_agents_rows = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM tplanned_downtime_modules WHERE id_downtime = '.$original_downtime_id; $downtime_modules_rows = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if (!empty($downtime_agents_rows)) { $result_agents = true; foreach ($downtime_agents_rows as $downtime_agents_row) { $values_agent = [ 'id_agent' => $downtime_agents_row['id_agent'], 'all_modules' => $downtime_agents_row['all_modules'], ]; $values_agent['id_downtime'] = $new_downtime_first_id; $result_agent_first = db_process_sql_insert('tplanned_downtime_agents', $values_agent); $values_agent['id_downtime'] = $new_downtime_second_id; $result_agent_second = db_process_sql_insert('tplanned_downtime_agents', $values_agent); if (empty($result_agent_first) || empty($result_agent_second)) { $result_agents = false; db_process_sql_delete('tplanned_downtime', ['id' => $new_downtime_first_id]); db_process_sql_delete('tplanned_downtime', ['id' => $new_downtime_second_id]); break; } } if ($result_agents) { if (!empty($downtime_modules_rows)) { foreach ($downtime_modules_rows as $downtime_modules_row) { $values_module = [ 'id_agent' => $downtime_modules_row['id_agent'], 'id_agent_module' => $downtime_modules_row['id_agent_module'], ]; $values_module['id_downtime'] = $new_downtime_first_id; $result_module_first = db_process_sql_insert('tplanned_downtime_modules', $values_module); $values_module['id_downtime'] = $new_downtime_second_id; $result_module_second = db_process_sql_insert('tplanned_downtime_modules', $values_module); if (empty($result_module_first) || empty($result_module_second)) { db_process_sql_delete('tplanned_downtime', ['id' => $new_downtime_first_id]); db_process_sql_delete('tplanned_downtime', ['id' => $new_downtime_second_id]); break; } } } } } // The new downtimes are created $new_planned_downtimes_exists = (bool) db_get_value('id', 'tplanned_downtime', 'id', $new_downtime_first_id) && (bool) db_get_value('id', 'tplanned_downtime', 'id', $new_downtime_second_id); if ($new_planned_downtimes_exists) { // Delete the migrated downtime and its items db_process_sql_delete('tplanned_downtime', ['id' => $original_downtime_id]); } return $new_planned_downtimes_exists; } /** * Stop a planned downtime. * * @param array $downtime Planned downtime data. * * @return mixed False on error or an array with the result and a message of * the operation. */ function planned_downtimes_stop($downtime) { global $config; $result = false; $message = ''; if (empty($downtime)) { return false; } $id_downtime = $downtime['id']; switch ($downtime['type_execution']) { case 'once': $values = [ 'executed' => 0, 'date_to' => time(), ]; $result = db_process_sql_update( 'tplanned_downtime', $values, ['id' => $id_downtime] ); break; case 'periodically': $values = [ 'executed' => 0, 'date_to' => time(), ]; $result = db_process_sql_update( 'tplanned_downtime', $values, ['id' => $id_downtime] ); break; default: // Nothing to do. break; } $message .= ui_print_result_message( $result, __('Succesful stopped the Downtime'), __('Unsuccesful stopped the Downtime'), true ); if ($result) { events_create_event( 'Manual stop downtime '.$downtime['name'].' ('.$downtime['id'].') by '.$config['id_user'], 0, 0, EVENT_STATUS_NEW, $config['id_user'], 'system', 1 ); db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_SYSTEM, 'Manual stop downtime '.$downtime['name'].' (ID '.$downtime['id'].')', false, true ); // Reenabled the Agents or Modules or alerts...depends of type. switch ($downtime['type_downtime']) { case 'quiet': $agents = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tplanned_downtime_agents', ['id_downtime' => $id_downtime] ); if (empty($agents)) { $agents = []; } $count = 0; foreach ($agents as $agent) { if ($agent['all_modules']) { $result = db_process_sql_update( 'tagente', ['quiet' => 0], ['id_agente' => $agent['id_agent']] ); if ($result) { $count++; } } else { $modules = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tplanned_downtime_modules', [ 'id_agent' => $agent['id_agent'], 'id_downtime' => $id_downtime, ] ); if (empty($modules)) { $modules = []; } foreach ($modules as $module) { $result = db_process_sql_update( 'tagente_modulo', ['quiet' => 0], [ 'id_agente_modulo' => $module['id_agent_module'], ] ); if ($result) { $count++; } } } } break; case 'disable_agents': $agents = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tplanned_downtime_agents', ['id_downtime' => $id_downtime] ); if (empty($agents)) { $agents = []; } $count = 0; foreach ($agents as $agent) { $result = db_process_sql_update( 'tagente', [ 'disabled' => 0, 'update_module_count' => 1, ], ['id_agente' => $agent['id_agent']] ); if ($result) { $count++; } } break; case 'disable_agent_modules': $update_sql = sprintf( 'UPDATE tagente_modulo tam, tagente ta, tplanned_downtime_modules tpdm SET tam.disabled = 0, ta.update_module_count = 1 WHERE tpdm.id_agent_module = tam.id_agente_modulo AND ta.id_agente = tam.id_agente AND tpdm.id_downtime = %d', $id_downtime ); db_process_sql($update_sql); $count = ''; break; case 'disable_agents_alerts': $agents = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tplanned_downtime_agents', ['id_downtime' => $id_downtime] ); if (empty($agents)) { $agents = []; } $count = 0; foreach ($agents as $agent) { $modules = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_modulo', ['id_agente' => $agent['id_agent']] ); if (empty($modules)) { $modules = []; } foreach ($modules as $module) { $result = db_process_sql_update( 'talert_template_modules', ['disabled' => 0], [ 'id_agent_module' => $module['id_agente_modulo'], ] ); if ($result) { $count++; } } } break; default: // Nothing to do. break; } $message .= ui_print_info_message( sprintf(__('Enabled %s elements from the downtime'), $count), true ); } return [ 'result' => $result, 'message' => $message, ]; } function planned_downtimes_created($values) { global $config; $check_id_user = (bool) db_get_value('id_user', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $values['id_user']); $check_group = (bool) db_get_value('id_grupo', 'tgrupo', 'id_grupo', $values['id_group']); $check = (bool) db_get_value('name', 'tplanned_downtime', 'name', $values['name']); $now = time(); $result = false; if ($values['type_execution'] == 'once' && !$config['past_planned_downtimes'] && $values['date_from'] < $now) { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Not created. Error inserting data. Start time must be higher than the current time'), ]; } else if ($values['type_execution'] == 'once' && !$config['past_planned_downtimes'] && $values['date_to'] <= $now) { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('The end date must be higher than the current time'), ]; } else if ($values['type_execution'] == 'once' && ($values['date_from'] > $values['date_to']) || (($values['date_from'] == $values['date_to']) && ($values['periodically_time_from'] >= $values['periodically_time_to'])) ) { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('The end date must be higher than the start date'), ]; } else if ($values['type_execution'] == 'periodically' && (($values['type_periodicity'] == 'weekly' && $values['periodically_time_from'] >= $values['periodically_time_to']) || ($values['type_periodicity'] == 'monthly' && $values['periodically_day_from'] == $values['periodically_day_to'] && $values['periodically_time_from'] >= $values['periodically_time_to'])) ) { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('The end time must be higher than the start time'), ]; } else if ($values['type_execution'] == 'periodically' && $values['type_periodicity'] == 'monthly' && $values['periodically_day_from'] > $values['periodically_day_to'] ) { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('The end day must be higher than the start day'), ]; } else if ($values['type_downtime'] !== 'quiet' && $values['type_downtime'] !== 'disable_agents' && $values['type_downtime'] !== 'disable_agents_alerts') { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('The downtime must be quiet, disable_agents or disable_agents_alerts'), ]; } else if ($values['type_execution'] !== 'periodically' && $values['type_execution'] !== 'once') { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('The execution must be once or periodically'), ]; } else if ($values['type_periodicity'] !== 'weekly' && $values['type_periodicity'] !== 'monthly') { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('The periodicity must be weekly or monthly'), ]; } else if (!$check_id_user) { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('There is no user with such id'), ]; } else if (!$check_group && $values['id_group'] != 0) { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('There is no group with such id'), ]; } else if (!$values['date_from'] || !$values['date_to']) { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Not created. Error inserting data').'. '.__('Date is wrong formatted'), ]; } else { if (trim(io_safe_output($values['name'])) != '') { if (!$check) { if ($config['dbtype'] == 'oracle') { $values['periodically_time_from'] = '1970/01/01 '.$values['periodically_time_from']; $values['periodically_time_to'] = '1970/01/01 '.$values['periodically_time_to']; } $result = db_process_sql_insert('tplanned_downtime', $values); } else { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Each scheduled downtime must have a different name'), ]; } } else { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Scheduled downtime must have a name'), ]; } if ($result === false) { return [ 'return' => false, 'message' => __('Could not be created'), ]; } else { return [ 'return' => $result, 'message' => __('Successfully created'), ]; } } return $return; } function all_planned_downtimes($filter) { $fields = 'id, name, description, date_from, date_to, id_group, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, periodically_time_from, periodically_time_to, periodically_day_from, periodically_day_to, type_downtime, type_execution, type_periodicity, id_user'; $result = db_get_all_rows_filter('tplanned_downtime', $filter, $fields); return $result; } function planned_downtimes_items($filter) { $downtime_agents = db_get_all_rows_filter('tplanned_downtime_agents', $filter, 'id_agent,id_downtime,all_modules'); $downtime = db_get_row_filter('tplanned_downtime', ['id' => $filter['id_downtime']], 'type_downtime'); $return = [ 'id_agents' => [], 'id_downtime' => $filter['id_downtime'], 'all_modules' => 0, 'modules' => [], ]; foreach ($downtime_agents as $key => $data) { // Do not add the agent information if no permissions if (!agents_check_access_agent($data['id_agent'], 'AR')) { continue; } $return['id_agents'][] = $data['id_agent']; $return['id_downtime'] = $data['id_downtime']; $return['all_modules'] = $data['all_modules']; if ($downtime['type_downtime'] === 'quiet') { if (!$data['all_modules']) { $second_filter = [ 'id_agent' => $data['id_agent'], 'id_downtime' => $data['id_downtime'], ]; $downtime_modules = db_get_all_rows_filter('tplanned_downtime_modules', $second_filter, 'id_agent_module'); if ($downtime_modules) { foreach ($downtime_modules as $data2) { $return['modules'][$data2['id_agent_module']] = $data2['id_agent_module']; } } } } } if (empty($return['id_agents'])) { return false; } // Implode agents and modules $return['id_agents'] = implode(',', $return['id_agents']); $return['modules'] = implode(',', $return['modules']); return $return; } function delete_planned_downtimes($filter) { $downtime_execute = db_get_row_filter('tplanned_downtime', ['id' => $filter['id_downtime']], 'execute'); if ($downtime_execute) { $return = __("This scheduled downtime are executed now. Can't delete in this moment."); } else { $delete = db_process_sql_delete( 'tplanned_downtime', ['id' => $filter['id_downtime']] ); if ($delete) { $return = __('Deleted this scheduled downtime successfully.'); } else { $return = __('Problems for deleted this scheduled downtime.'); } } return $return; } function planned_downtimes_copy($id_downtime) { $planned_downtime = db_get_row_filter( 'tplanned_downtime', ['id' => $id_downtime] ); $planned_agents = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tplanned_downtime_agents', ['id_downtime' => $id_downtime] ); $planned_modules = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tplanned_downtime_modules', ['id_downtime' => $id_downtime] ); if ($planned_downtime === false) { return false; } // Unset id. unset($planned_downtime['id']); // Change copy name. $planned_downtime['name'] = __('Copy of ').$planned_downtime['name']; // Insert new downtime $result['id_downtime'] = db_process_sql_insert( 'tplanned_downtime', $planned_downtime ); if ($result === false) { $result['error'] = __('Could not be copied'); return $result; } else { $result['success'] = __('Successfully copied'); } if ($planned_agents !== false) { foreach ($planned_agents as $planned_agent) { // Unset id. unset($planned_agent['id']); // Set id_planned downtime $planned_agent['id_downtime'] = $result['id_downtime']; $result['id_agents'][] = db_process_sql_insert( 'tplanned_downtime_agents', $planned_agent ); if ($result === false) { $return['error'] = __('Error adding agents to copied downtime'); break; } } } if ($result === false) { return false; } if ((bool) $planned_agents['all_modules'] === false && $planned_modules !== false ) { foreach ($planned_modules as $planned_module) { // Unset id. unset($planned_module['id']); // Set id_planned downtime. $planned_module['id_downtime'] = $result['id_downtime']; $result['id_modules'][] = db_process_sql_insert( 'tplanned_downtime_moduless', $planned_module ); if ($result === false) { $return['error'] = __('Error adding module to copied downtime'); break; } } } return $result; } /** * Get agentts and modules for planned_downtime. * * @param [type] $id Id planned. * * @return array Result array data. */ function get_agents_modules_planned_dowtime($id, $options, $count=false) { $result = []; $filters_agent = ''; if (isset($options['filters']['filter_agents']) === true && empty($options['filters']['filter_agents']) === false ) { $filters_agent = sprintf( ' AND (tagente.alias LIKE "%%%s%%")', $options['filters']['filter_agents'] ); } $filters_module = ''; if (isset($options['filters']['filter_modules']) === true && empty($options['filters']['filter_modules']) === false ) { $filters_module = sprintf( ' AND (tagente_modulo.nombre LIKE "%%%s%%")', $options['filters']['filter_modules'] ); } if ($count === false) { $query = sprintf( 'SELECT tplanned_downtime_modules.*, tagente.alias as agent_name, tagente_modulo.nombre as module_name FROM tplanned_downtime_modules INNER JOIN tagente ON tplanned_downtime_modules.id_agent = tagente.id_agente INNER JOIN tagente_modulo ON tplanned_downtime_modules.id_agent_module = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo WHERE id_downtime = %d %s %s ORDER BY %s LIMIT %d, %d', $id, $filters_agent, $filters_module, $options['order'], $options['limit'], $options['offset'] ); } else { $query = sprintf( 'SELECT count(tplanned_downtime_modules.id) as total FROM tplanned_downtime_modules INNER JOIN tagente ON tplanned_downtime_modules.id_agent = tagente.id_agente INNER JOIN tagente_modulo ON tplanned_downtime_modules.id_agent_module = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo WHERE id_downtime = %d %s %s', $id, $filters_agent, $filters_module ); } $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($query); if ($result === false) { $result = []; } return $result; }