(int) $agent_module_id, "utimestamp > '".$date_array['start_date']."'", "utimestamp < '".$date_array['final_date']."'", 'group' => "ROUND(utimestamp / $data_slice)", 'order' => 'utimestamp ASC' ], [ 'count(*) as datos', 'min(utimestamp) as utimestamp', ], 'AND', $data_module_graph['history_db'] ); } else { // all points(data) and boolean if ($data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 2 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 6 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 21 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 18 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 9 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 31 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 100 ) { $data = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_datos', ['id_agente_modulo' => (int) $agent_module_id, "utimestamp > '".$date_array['start_date']."'", "utimestamp < '".$date_array['final_date']."'", 'order' => 'utimestamp ASC' ], [ 'datos', 'utimestamp', ], 'AND', $data_module_graph['history_db'] ); } } if ($data === false) { $data = []; } // Get previous data. $previous_data = modules_get_previous_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array['start_date'] ); if ($previous_data !== false) { $previous_data['utimestamp'] = $date_array['start_date']; unset($previous_data['id_agente_modulo']); array_unshift($data, $previous_data); } // Get next data. $nextData = modules_get_next_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array['final_date'] ); if ($nextData !== false) { unset($nextData['id_agente_modulo']); array_push($data, $nextData); } else if (count($data) > 0) { // Propagate the last known data to the end of the interval. $nextData = [ 'datos' => $data[(count($data) - 1)]['datos'], 'utimestamp' => $date_array['final_date'], ]; array_push($data, $nextData); } // Check available data. if (count($data) < 1) { return false; } $array_data = []; $min_value = (PHP_INT_MAX - 1); $max_value = (PHP_INT_MIN + 1); $array_percentil = []; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { // Convert array. if ($params['flag_overlapped']) { $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['data'][$k] = [ (($v['utimestamp'] + $date_array['period'] ) * 1000), $v['datos'], ]; } else { $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['data'][$k] = [ ($v['utimestamp'] * 1000), $v['datos'], ]; } // Min. if ($min_value > $v['datos']) { $min_value = $v['datos']; } // Max. if ($max_value < $v['datos']) { $max_value = $v['datos']; } // Avg. $sum_data += $v['datos']; $count_data++; // Percentil. if (!isset($params['percentil']) && $params['percentil']) { $array_percentil[] = $v['datos']; } } $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['min'] = $min_value; $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['max'] = $max_value; $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['avg'] = ($sum_data / $count_data); $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['agent_module_id'] = $agent_module_id; $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['id_module_type'] = $data_module_graph['id_module_type']; $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['agent_name'] = $data_module_graph['agent_name']; $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['module_name'] = $data_module_graph['module_name']; $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['agent_alias'] = $data_module_graph['agent_alias']; if (!isset($params['percentil']) && $params['percentil'] && !$params['flag_overlapped'] ) { $percentil_result = get_percentile( $params['percentil'], $array_percentil ); $array_data['percentil'.$series_suffix]['data'][0] = [ ($date_array['start_date'] * 1000), $percentil_result, ]; $array_data['percentil'.$series_suffix]['data'][1] = [ ($date_array['final_date'] * 1000), $percentil_result, ]; $array_data['percentil'.$series_suffix]['agent_module_id'] = $agent_module_id; } return $array_data; } /** * Prepare data for send to function js paint charts. * * @param integer $agent_module_id ID. * @param array $date_array Date stasrt finish and period. * @param array $data_module_graph Data module. * @param array $params Params graphs. * @param integer $series_suffix Int. * * @return array Prepare data to paint js. */ function grafico_modulo_sparse_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array, $data_module_graph, $params, $series_suffix ) { global $config; global $array_events_alerts; if ($params['fullscale']) { $array_data = fullscale_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array, $params['show_unknown'], $params['percentil'], $series_suffix, $params['flag_overlapped'], false, $params['type_mode_graph'] ); } else { // Uncompress data except boolean and string. if ($data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 23 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 3 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 17 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 10 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 33 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 2 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 6 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 21 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 18 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 9 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 31 || $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] == 100 ) { $array_data = grafico_modulo_sparse_data_chart( $agent_module_id, $date_array, $data_module_graph, $params, $series_suffix ); } else { $data_slice = ($date_array['period'] / (250 * $params['zoom']) + 100); $array_data = fullscale_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array, $params['show_unknown'], $params['percentil'], $series_suffix, $params['flag_overlapped'], $data_slice, $params['type_mode_graph'] ); } } if ($array_data === false && (!$params['graph_combined'] && !isset($array_data['sum1']['data'][0][1]) && !$params['baseline']) ) { return false; } $array_data = series_suffix_leyend( 'sum', $series_suffix, $agent_module_id, $data_module_graph, $array_data ); if ($params['percentil']) { $array_data = series_suffix_leyend( 'percentil', $series_suffix, $agent_module_id, $data_module_graph, $array_data ); } if ($params['type_mode_graph']) { $array_data = series_suffix_leyend( 'min', $series_suffix, $agent_module_id, $data_module_graph, $array_data ); $array_data = series_suffix_leyend( 'max', $series_suffix, $agent_module_id, $data_module_graph, $array_data ); } // This is for a specific type of report that consists in passing // an interval and doing the average sum and avg. if ($params['force_interval'] != '') { $period_time_interval = ($date_array['period'] * 1000); $start_period = ($date_array['start_date'] * 1000); $i = 0; $sum_data = 0; $count_data = 0; $data_last_acum = $array_data['sum1']['data'][0][1]; while ($period_time_interval > 0) { foreach ($array_data['sum1']['data'] as $key => $value) { if ($value[0] >= $start_period && $value[0] < ($start_period + $params['time_interval'] * 1000) ) { $sum_data = $value[1]; $array_data_only[] = $value[1]; $count_data++; unset($array_data['sum1']['data'][$key]); } else { if ($params['force_interval'] == 'max_only') { $acum_array_data[$i][0] = $start_period; if (is_array($array_data_only) && count($array_data_only) > 0 ) { $acum_array_data[$i][1] = max($array_data_only); $data_last_acum = $array_data_only[(count($array_data_only) - 1)]; } else { $acum_array_data[$i][1] = $data_last_acum; } } if ($params['force_interval'] == 'min_only') { $acum_array_data[$i][0] = $start_period; if (is_array($array_data_only) && count($array_data_only) > 0 ) { $acum_array_data[$i][1] = min($array_data_only); $data_last_acum = $array_data_only[(count($array_data_only) - 1)]; } else { $acum_array_data[$i][1] = $data_last_acum; } } if ($params['force_interval'] == 'avg_only') { $acum_array_data[$i][0] = $start_period; if (is_array($array_data_only) && count($array_data_only) > 0 ) { $acum_array_data[$i][1] = ($sum_data / $count_data); } else { $acum_array_data[$i][1] = $data_last_acum; } } $start_period = ($start_period + $params['time_interval'] * 1000); $array_data_only = []; $sum_data = 0; $count_data = 0; $i++; break; } } $period_time_interval = ($period_time_interval - $params['time_interval']); } // Drag the last value to paint the graph correctly. $acum_array_data[] = [ 0 => $start_period, 1 => $acum_array_data[($i - 1)][1], ]; $array_data['sum1']['data'] = $acum_array_data; } $events = []; if (isset($array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['max'])) { $max = $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['max']; $min = $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['min']; $avg = $array_data['sum'.$series_suffix]['avg']; } if (!$params['flag_overlapped']) { if ($params['fullscale']) { if ($params['show_unknown'] && isset($array_data['unknown'.$series_suffix]) && is_array($array_data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data']) ) { foreach ($array_data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'] as $key => $s_date) { if ($s_date[1] == 1) { $array_data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][$key] = [ $s_date[0], ($max * 1.05), ]; } } } } else { if ($params['show_unknown']) { $unknown_events = db_get_module_ranges_unknown( $agent_module_id, $date_array['start_date'], $date_array['final_date'], $data_module_graph['history_db'], 1 ); if ($unknown_events !== false) { foreach ($unknown_events as $key => $s_date) { if (isset($s_date['time_from'])) { $array_data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ (($s_date['time_from'] - 1) * 1000), 0, ]; $array_data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ ($s_date['time_from'] * 1000), ($max * 1.05), ]; } else { $array_data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ ($date_array['start_date'] * 1000), ($max * 1.05), ]; } if (isset($s_date['time_to'])) { $array_data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ ($s_date['time_to'] * 1000), ($max * 1.05), ]; $array_data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ (($s_date['time_to'] + 1) * 1000), 0, ]; } else { $array_data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ ($date_array['final_date'] * 1000), ($max * 1.05), ]; } } } } } if ($params['show_events'] || $params['show_alerts'] ) { $events = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tevento', ['id_agentmodule' => $agent_module_id, 'utimestamp > '.$date_array['start_date'], 'utimestamp < '.$date_array['final_date'], 'order' => 'utimestamp ASC' ], false, 'AND', $data_module_graph['history_db'] ); $alerts_array = []; $events_array = []; if ($events && is_array($events)) { $count_events = 0; $count_alerts = 0; foreach ($events as $k => $v) { if (strpos($v['event_type'], 'alert') !== false) { if ($params['flag_overlapped']) { $alerts_array['data'][$count_alerts] = [ ($v['utimestamp'] + $date_array['period'] * 1000), ($max * 1.10), ]; } else { $alerts_array['data'][$count_alerts] = [ ($v['utimestamp'] * 1000), ($max * 1.10), ]; } $count_alerts++; } else { if ($params['flag_overlapped']) { if (( strstr($v['event_type'], 'going_up') ) || ( strstr($v['event_type'], 'going_down') ) ) { $events_array['data'][$count_events] = [ (($v['utimestamp'] + 1 + $date_array['period']) * 1000), ($max * 1.15), ]; } else { $events_array['data'][$count_events] = [ ($v['utimestamp'] + $date_array['period'] * 1000), ($max * 1.15), ]; } } else { if (( strstr($v['event_type'], 'going_up') ) || ( strstr($v['event_type'], 'going_down') ) ) { $events_array['data'][$count_events] = [ (($v['utimestamp'] + 1) * 1000), ($max * 1.15), ]; } else { $events_array['data'][$count_events] = [ ($v['utimestamp'] * 1000), ($max * 1.15), ]; } } $count_events++; } } } } if ($params['show_events']) { $array_data['event'.$series_suffix] = $events_array; } if ($params['show_alerts']) { $array_data['alert'.$series_suffix] = $alerts_array; } } if ($params['return_data'] == 1) { return $array_data; } $array_events_alerts[$series_suffix] = $events; return $array_data; } /** * Functions tu create graphs. * * @param array $params Details builds graphs. For example: * 'agent_module_id' => $agent_module_id, * 'period' => $period, * 'show_events' => false, * 'width' => $width, * 'height' => $height, * 'title' => '', * 'unit_name' => null, * 'show_alerts' => false, * 'date' => 0, * 'unit' => '', * 'baseline' => 0, * 'return_data' => 0, * 'show_title' => true, * 'only_image' => false, * 'homeurl' => $config['homeurl'], * 'ttl' => 1, * 'adapt_key' => '', * 'compare' => false, * 'show_unknown' => false, * 'menu' => true, * 'backgroundColor' => 'white', * 'percentil' => null, * 'dashboard' => false, * 'vconsole' => false, * 'type_graph' => 'area', * 'fullscale' => false, * 'id_widget_dashboard' => false, * 'force_interval' => '', * 'time_interval' => 300, * 'array_data_create' => 0, * 'show_legend' => true, * 'show_overview' => true, * 'return_img_base_64' => false, * 'image_treshold' => false, * 'graph_combined' => false, * 'zoom' => 1, * 'server_id' => null, * 'stacked' => 0. * * @return string html Content graphs. */ function grafico_modulo_sparse($params) { global $config; if (!isset($params) || !is_array($params)) { return false; } if (!isset($params['period'])) { return false; } if (!isset($params['show_events'])) { $params['show_events'] = false; } if (!isset($params['width'])) { $params['width'] = '90%'; } if (!isset($params['height'])) { $params['height'] = 450; } if (!isset($params['title'])) { $params['title'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['unit_name'])) { $params['unit_name'] = null; } if (!isset($params['show_alerts'])) { $params['show_alerts'] = false; } if (!isset($params['date']) || !$params['date']) { $params['date'] = get_system_time(); } if (!isset($params['unit'])) { $params['unit'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['baseline'])) { $params['baseline'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['return_data'])) { $params['return_data'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['show_title'])) { $show_title = true; } if (!isset($params['only_image'])) { $params['only_image'] = false; } if (!isset($params['homeurl'])) { $params['homeurl'] = $config['homeurl']; } if (!isset($params['ttl'])) { $params['ttl'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['adapt_key'])) { $params['adapt_key'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['compare'])) { $params['compare'] = false; } if (!isset($params['show_unknown'])) { $params['show_unknown'] = false; } if (!isset($params['menu'])) { $params['menu'] = true; } if (!isset($params['show_legend'])) { $params['show_legend'] = true; } if (!isset($params['show_overview'])) { $params['show_overview'] = true; } if (!isset($params['show_export_csv'])) { $params['show_export_csv'] = true; } if (!isset($params['backgroundColor'])) { $params['backgroundColor'] = 'white'; } if (!isset($params['percentil'])) { $params['percentil'] = null; } if (!isset($params['dashboard'])) { $params['dashboard'] = false; } if (!isset($params['vconsole']) || $params['vconsole'] == false) { $params['vconsole'] = false; } else { $params['menu'] = false; } if (!isset($params['type_graph'])) { $params['type_graph'] = $config['type_module_charts']; } if (!isset($params['fullscale'])) { $params['fullscale'] = false; } if (!isset($params['id_widget_dashboard'])) { $params['id_widget_dashboard'] = false; } if (!isset($params['force_interval'])) { $params['force_interval'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['time_interval'])) { $params['time_interval'] = 300; } if (!isset($params['array_data_create'])) { $params['array_data_create'] = 0; } if (!isset($params['return_img_base_64'])) { $params['return_img_base_64'] = false; } if (!isset($params['image_treshold'])) { $params['image_treshold'] = false; } if (!isset($params['graph_combined'])) { $params['graph_combined'] = false; } if (!isset($params['zoom'])) { $params['zoom'] = ($config['zoom_graph']) ? $config['zoom_graph'] : 1; } if (!isset($params['type_mode_graph'])) { $params['type_mode_graph'] = $config['type_mode_graph']; } if (!isset($params['projection'])) { $params['projection'] = false; } if (!isset($params['agent_module_id'])) { return graph_nodata_image($params['width'], $params['height']); } else { $agent_module_id = $params['agent_module_id']; } if (!isset($params['stacked'])) { $params['stacked'] = 0; } // TODO: Configurable. $params['grid_color'] = '#C1C1C1'; $params['legend_color'] = '#636363'; $params['font'] = $config['fontpath']; $params['font_size'] = $config['font_size']; $params['short_data'] = $config['short_module_graph_data']; if ($params['only_image']) { return generator_chart_to_pdf('sparse', $params); } global $graphic_type; global $array_events_alerts; $array_data = []; $legend = []; $array_events_alerts = []; $date_array = []; $date_array['period'] = $params['period']; $date_array['final_date'] = $params['date']; $date_array['start_date'] = ($params['date'] - $params['period']); if ($agent_module_id) { $module_data = db_get_row_sql( 'SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$agent_module_id ); $data_module_graph = []; $data_module_graph['history_db'] = db_search_in_history_db( $date_array['start_date'] ); $data_module_graph['agent_name'] = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name( $agent_module_id ); $data_module_graph['agent_alias'] = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias( $agent_module_id ); $data_module_graph['agent_id'] = $module_data['id_agente']; $data_module_graph['module_name'] = $module_data['nombre']; $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] = $module_data['id_tipo_modulo']; $data_module_graph['module_type'] = modules_get_moduletype_name( $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] ); $data_module_graph['uncompressed'] = is_module_uncompressed( $data_module_graph['module_type'] ); $data_module_graph['w_min'] = $module_data['min_warning']; $data_module_graph['w_max'] = $module_data['max_warning']; $data_module_graph['w_inv'] = $module_data['warning_inverse']; $data_module_graph['c_min'] = $module_data['min_critical']; $data_module_graph['c_max'] = $module_data['max_critical']; $data_module_graph['c_inv'] = $module_data['critical_inverse']; $data_module_graph['unit'] = $module_data['unit']; } else { $data_module_graph = false; } // Format of the graph. if (empty($params['unit'])) { $params['unit'] = $module_data['unit']; if (modules_is_unit_macro($params['unit'])) { $params['unit'] = ''; } } if (!$params['array_data_create']) { if ($params['baseline']) { $array_data = get_baseline_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array, $data_module_graph, $params ); } else { if ($params['compare'] !== false) { $series_suffix = 2; $date_array_prev['final_date'] = $date_array['start_date']; $date_array_prev['start_date'] = ($date_array['start_date'] - $date_array['period']); $date_array_prev['period'] = $date_array['period']; if ($params['compare'] === 'overlapped') { $params['flag_overlapped'] = 1; } else { $params['flag_overlapped'] = 0; } $array_data = grafico_modulo_sparse_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array_prev, $data_module_graph, $params, $series_suffix ); switch ($params['compare']) { case 'separated': case 'overlapped': // Store the chart calculated. $array_data_prev = $array_data; $legend_prev = $legend; break; default: // Not defined. break; } } $series_suffix = 1; $params['flag_overlapped'] = 0; $array_data = grafico_modulo_sparse_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array, $data_module_graph, $params, $series_suffix ); if ($params['compare']) { if ($params['compare'] === 'overlapped') { $array_data = array_merge($array_data, $array_data_prev); $legend = array_merge($legend, $legend_prev); } } } } else { $array_data = $params['array_data_create']; } if ($params['return_data']) { return $array_data; } $series_type_array = series_type_graph_array( $array_data, $params ); $series_type = $series_type_array['series_type']; $legend = $series_type_array['legend']; $color = $series_type_array['color']; if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url( '/images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false ), ]; } $data_module_graph['series_suffix'] = $series_suffix; // Check available data. if ($params['compare'] === 'separated') { if (!empty($array_data)) { $return = area_graph( $agent_module_id, $array_data, $legend, $series_type, $color, $date_array, $data_module_graph, $params, $water_mark, $array_events_alerts ); } else { $return = graph_nodata_image($params['width'], $params['height']); } $return .= '
'; if (!empty($array_data_prev)) { $series_type_array = series_type_graph_array( $array_data_prev, $params ); $series_type = $series_type_array['series_type']; $legend = $series_type_array['legend']; $color = $series_type_array['color']; $return .= area_graph( $agent_module_id, $array_data_prev, $legend, $series_type, $color, $date_array_prev, $data_module_graph, $params, $water_mark, $array_events_alerts ); } else { $return .= graph_nodata_image($params['width'], $params['height']); } } else { if (!empty($array_data)) { $return = area_graph( $agent_module_id, $array_data, $legend, $series_type, $color, $date_array, $data_module_graph, $params, $water_mark, $array_events_alerts ); } else { $return = graph_nodata_image( $params['width'], $params['height'], 'area', __('No data to display within the selected interval') ); } } return $return; } /** * Functions tu create graphs. * * @param array $module_list Array modules. * @param array $params Details builds graphs. For example: * 'period' => $period, * 'show_events' => false, * 'width' => $width, * 'height' => $height, * 'title' => '', * 'unit_name' => null, * 'show_alerts' => false, * 'date' => 0, * 'unit' => '', * 'only_image' => false, * 'homeurl' => '', * 'ttl' => 1, * 'percentil' => null, * 'dashboard' => false, * 'vconsole' => false, * 'fullscale' => false, * 'id_widget_dashboard' => false. * @param array $params_combined Details builds graphs. For example: * 'weight_list' => array(), * 'stacked' => 0, * 'projection' => false, * 'labels' => array(), * 'from_interface' => false, * 'summatory' => 0, * 'average' => 0, * 'modules_series' => 0, * 'id_graph' => 0, * 'return' => 1. * * @return string html Content graphs. */ function graphic_combined_module( $module_list, $params, $params_combined ) { global $config; if (!isset($params_combined['from_interface'])) { $params_combined['from_interface'] = false; } if (!isset($params_combined['stacked'])) { if ($params_combined['from_interface']) { if ($config['type_interface_charts'] == 'line') { $params_combined['stacked'] = CUSTOM_GRAPH_LINE; } else { $params_combined['stacked'] = CUSTOM_GRAPH_AREA; } } else { if ($params_combined['id_graph'] == 0) { $params_combined['stacked'] = CUSTOM_GRAPH_AREA; } else { $params_combined['stacked'] = db_get_row('tgraph', 'id_graph', $params_combined['id_graph']); } } } $params['stacked'] = $params_combined['stacked']; if (!isset($params_combined['projection']) || $params_combined['projection'] == false) { $params_combined['projection'] = false; } else { $params['stacked'] = 'area'; $params['projection'] = true; } if (!isset($params_combined['labels'])) { $params_combined['labels'] = []; } if (!isset($params_combined['summatory'])) { $params_combined['summatory'] = 0; } if (!isset($params_combined['average'])) { $params_combined['average'] = 0; } if (!isset($params_combined['modules_series'])) { $params_combined['modules_series'] = 0; } if (!isset($params_combined['return'])) { $params_combined['return'] = 1; } if (!isset($params_combined['id_graph'])) { $params_combined['id_graph'] = 0; } if (!isset($params_combined['type_report'])) { $params_combined['type_report'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['percentil'])) { $params_combined['percentil'] = null; } else { $params_combined['percentil'] = $params['percentil']; } if (!isset($params['period'])) { return false; } if (!isset($params['width'])) { $params['width'] = '90%'; } if (!isset($params['height'])) { $params['height'] = 450; } if (!isset($params['title'])) { $params['title'] = ''; } if (!isset($params['unit_name'])) { $params['unit_name'] = null; } if (!isset($params['show_alerts'])) { $params['show_alerts'] = false; } if (!isset($params['date']) || !$params['date']) { $params['date'] = get_system_time(); } if (!isset($params['only_image'])) { $params['only_image'] = false; } if (!isset($params['ttl'])) { $params['ttl'] = 1; } if (!isset($params['backgroundColor'])) { $params['backgroundColor'] = 'white'; } if (!isset($params['dashboard'])) { $params['dashboard'] = false; } if (!isset($params['menu']) || $params['only_image']) { $params['menu'] = true; } else { $params['menu'] = false; } if (!isset($params['vconsole']) || $params['vconsole'] == false) { $params['vconsole'] = false; } else { $params['menu'] = false; } if (!isset($params['type_graph'])) { $params['type_graph'] = $config['type_module_charts']; } if (!isset($params['percentil'])) { $params['percentil'] = null; } if (!isset($params['fullscale'])) { $params['fullscale'] = false; } if (!isset($params['id_widget_dashboard'])) { $params['id_widget_dashboard'] = false; } if (!isset($params['homeurl'])) { $params['homeurl'] = ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false); } if (!isset($params['show_legend'])) { $params['show_legend'] = true; } if (!isset($params['show_overview'])) { $params['show_overview'] = true; } if (!isset($params['show_export_csv'])) { $params['show_export_csv'] = true; } if (!isset($params['return_img_base_64'])) { $params['return_img_base_64'] = false; } if (!isset($params['image_treshold'])) { $params['image_treshold'] = false; } if (!isset($params['show_unknown'])) { $params['show_unknown'] = false; } if (!isset($params['type_mode_graph'])) { // $config['type_mode_graph'] $params['type_mode_graph'] = 0; } $params['graph_combined'] = true; $params_combined['graph_combined'] = true; if ($params['only_image']) { return generator_chart_to_pdf( 'combined', $params, $params_combined, $module_list ); } if (!isset($params['zoom'])) { $params['zoom'] = 1; } // TODO: Configurable. $params['grid_color'] = '#C1C1C1'; $params['legend_color'] = '#636363'; $params['font'] = $config['fontpath']; $params['font_size'] = $config['font_size']; $params['short_data'] = $config['short_module_graph_data']; global $config; global $graphic_type; $sources = false; if ($params_combined['id_graph'] == 0) { $count_modules = count($module_list); if (!$params_combined['weight_list']) { $weights = array_fill(0, $count_modules, 1); } if ($count_modules > 0) { $sources = true; } } else { $sources = db_get_all_rows_field_filter( 'tgraph_source', 'id_graph', $params_combined['id_graph'], 'field_order' ); $series = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT summatory_series,average_series, modules_series FROM tgraph WHERE id_graph = '.$params_combined['id_graph'] ); $summatory = $series[0]['summatory_series']; $average = $series[0]['average_series']; $modules_series = $series[0]['modules_series']; $weights = []; $labels = []; $modules = []; if (isset($sources) && is_array($sources)) { foreach ($sources as $source) { array_push($modules, $source['id_agent_module']); array_push($weights, $source['weight']); if ($source['label'] != '' || $params_combined['labels']) { $id_agent = agents_get_module_id( $source['id_agent_module'] ); $agent_description = agents_get_description($id_agent); $agent_group = agents_get_agent_group($id_agent); $agent_address = agents_get_address($id_agent); $agent_alias = agents_get_alias($id_agent); $module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name( $source['id_agent_module'] ); $module_description = modules_get_agentmodule_descripcion( $source['id_agent_module'] ); $items_label = [ 'type' => 'custom_graph', 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'id_agent_module' => $source['id_agent_module'], 'agent_description' => $agent_description, 'agent_group' => $agent_group, 'agent_address' => $agent_address, 'agent_alias' => $agent_alias, 'module_name' => $module_name, 'module_description' => $module_description, ]; $labels[$source['id_agent_module']] = ($source['label'] != '') ? reporting_label_macro($items_label, $source['label']) : reporting_label_macro($item, $params_combined['labels']); } } } } if ($module_list) { $params_combined['modules_id'] = $module_list; } else { $params_combined['modules_id'] = $modules; } if (isset($summatory)) { $params_combined['summatory'] = $summatory; } if (isset($average)) { $params_combined['average'] = $average; } if (isset($modules_series)) { $params_combined['modules_series'] = $modules_series; } if (isset($labels)) { $params_combined['labels'] = $labels; } if (isset($weights)) { $params_combined['weight_list'] = $weights; } if (!$module_list) { $module_list = $modules; } if ($sources === false) { if ($params_combined['return']) { return false; } else { ui_print_info_message( [ 'no_close' => true, 'message' => __('No items.'), ] ); return; } } $width = $params['width']; $height = $params['height']; $homeurl = $params['homeurl']; $ttl = $params['ttl']; $background_color = $params['backgroundColor']; $datelimit = $date_array['start_date']; $fixed_font_size = $config['font_size']; if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url( '/images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false ), ]; } $long_index = ''; switch ($params_combined['stacked']) { default: case CUSTOM_GRAPH_STACKED_LINE: case CUSTOM_GRAPH_STACKED_AREA: case CUSTOM_GRAPH_AREA: case CUSTOM_GRAPH_LINE: $date_array = []; $date_array['period'] = $params['period']; $date_array['final_date'] = $params['date']; $date_array['start_date'] = ($params['date'] - $params['period']); if ($params_combined['projection']) { $output_projection = forecast_projection_graph( $module_list[0], $params['period'], $params_combined['projection'] ); } $i = 0; $array_data = []; foreach ($module_list as $key => $agent_module_id) { if ((bool) $agent_module_id === false) { continue; } if (is_metaconsole() && $params_combined['type_report'] == 'automatic_graph') { $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($agent_module_id['server']); if (metaconsole_connect($server) != NOERR) { continue; } $agent_module_id = $agent_module_id['module']; } $module_data = db_get_row_sql( 'SELECT * FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.$agent_module_id ); $data_module_graph = []; $data_module_graph['history_db'] = db_search_in_history_db( $date_array['start_date'] ); $data_module_graph['agent_name'] = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name( $agent_module_id ); $data_module_graph['agent_alias'] = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias( $agent_module_id ); $data_module_graph['agent_id'] = $module_data['id_agente']; $data_module_graph['module_name'] = $module_data['nombre']; $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] = $module_data['id_tipo_modulo']; $data_module_graph['module_type'] = modules_get_moduletype_name( $data_module_graph['id_module_type'] ); $data_module_graph['uncompressed'] = is_module_uncompressed( $data_module_graph['module_type'] ); $data_module_graph['w_min'] = $module_data['min_warning']; $data_module_graph['w_max'] = $module_data['max_warning']; $data_module_graph['w_inv'] = $module_data['warning_inverse']; $data_module_graph['c_min'] = $module_data['min_critical']; $data_module_graph['c_max'] = $module_data['max_critical']; $data_module_graph['c_inv'] = $module_data['critical_inverse']; $data_module_graph['module_id'] = $agent_module_id; $data_module_graph['unit'] = $module_data['unit']; // Stract data. $array_data_module = grafico_modulo_sparse_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array, $data_module_graph, $params, $i ); $series_suffix = $i; // Convert to array graph and weight. foreach ($array_data_module as $key => $value) { $array_data[$key] = $value; if ($params_combined['weight_list'][$i] != 1) { foreach ($value['data'] as $k => $v) { if ($v[1] != false) { $array_data[$key]['data'][$k][1] = ($v[1] * $params_combined['weight_list'][$i]); } } } } $max = $array_data['sum'.$i]['max']; $min = $array_data['sum'.$i]['min']; $avg = $array_data['sum'.$i]['avg']; if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } // Work around for fixed the agents name with huge size chars. $fixed_font_size = $config['font_size']; $i++; if (is_metaconsole() && $params_combined['type_report'] == 'automatic_graph' ) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } if (empty($array_data)) { if ($params_combined['return']) { return graph_nodata_image($width, $height); } echo graph_nodata_image($width, $height); return false; } if ($params_combined['projection']) { // If projection doesn't have data then don't draw graph. if ($output_projection != null) { $date_array_projection = max($output_projection); $date_array['final_date'] = ($date_array_projection[0] / 1000); $array_data['projection']['data'] = $output_projection; } } // Summatory and average series. if ($params_combined['stacked'] == CUSTOM_GRAPH_AREA || $params_combined['stacked'] == CUSTOM_GRAPH_LINE ) { if ($params_combined['summatory'] || $params_combined['average'] ) { $array_data = combined_graph_summatory_average( $array_data, $params_combined['average'], $params_combined['summatory'], $params_combined['modules_series'], $date_array ); } } $series_type_array = series_type_graph_array( $array_data, $params_combined ); $series_type = $series_type_array['series_type']; $legend = $series_type_array['legend']; $color = $series_type_array['color']; $threshold_data = []; if ($params_combined['from_interface']) { $yellow_threshold = 0; $red_threshold = 0; $yellow_up = 0; $red_up = 0; $yellow_inverse = 0; $red_inverse = 0; $compare_warning = false; $compare_critical = false; $do_it_warning_min = true; $do_it_critical_min = true; $do_it_warning_max = true; $do_it_critical_max = true; $do_it_warning_inverse = true; $do_it_critical_inverse = true; foreach ($module_list as $index => $id_module) { // Get module warning_min and critical_min. $warning_min = db_get_value( 'min_warning', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_module ); $critical_min = db_get_value( 'min_critical', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_module ); if ($index == 0) { $compare_warning = $warning_min; } else { if ($compare_warning != $warning_min) { $do_it_warning_min = false; } } if ($index == 0) { $compare_critical = $critical_min; } else { if ($compare_critical != $critical_min) { $do_it_critical_min = false; } } } if ($do_it_warning_min || $do_it_critical_min) { foreach ($module_list as $index => $id_module) { $warning_max = db_get_value( 'max_warning', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_module ); $critical_max = db_get_value( 'max_critical', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_module ); if ($index == 0) { $yellow_up = $warning_max; } else { if ($yellow_up != $warning_max) { $do_it_warning_max = false; } } if ($index == 0) { $red_up = $critical_max; } else { if ($red_up != $critical_max) { $do_it_critical_max = false; } } } } if ($do_it_warning_min || $do_it_critical_min) { foreach ($module_list as $index => $id_module) { $warning_inverse = db_get_value( 'warning_inverse', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_module ); $critical_inverse = db_get_value( 'critical_inverse', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_module ); if ($index == 0) { $yellow_inverse = $warning_inverse; } else { if ($yellow_inverse != $warning_inverse) { $do_it_warning_inverse = false; } } if ($index == 0) { $red_inverse = $critical_inverse; } else { if ($red_inverse != $critical_inverse) { $do_it_critical_inverse = false; } } } } if ($do_it_warning_min && $do_it_warning_max && $do_it_warning_inverse ) { $yellow_threshold = $compare_warning; $threshold_data['yellow_threshold'] = $compare_warning; $threshold_data['yellow_up'] = $yellow_up; $threshold_data['yellow_inverse'] = (bool) $yellow_inverse; } if ($do_it_critical_min && $do_it_critical_max && $do_it_critical_inverse ) { $red_threshold = $compare_critical; $threshold_data['red_threshold'] = $compare_critical; $threshold_data['red_up'] = $red_up; $threshold_data['red_inverse'] = (bool) $red_inverse; } $params['threshold_data'] = $threshold_data; } $output = area_graph( $agent_module_id, $array_data, $legend, $series_type, $color, $date_array, $data_module_graph, $params, $water_mark, $array_events_alerts ); break; case CUSTOM_GRAPH_BULLET_CHART_THRESHOLD: case CUSTOM_GRAPH_BULLET_CHART: $number_elements = count($module_list); if ($params_combined['stacked'] == CUSTOM_GRAPH_BULLET_CHART_THRESHOLD) { $acumulador = 0; foreach ($module_list as $module_item) { $module = $module_item; $query_last_value = sprintf( ' SELECT datos FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND utimestamp < %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC', $module, $params['date'] ); $temp_data = db_get_value_sql($query_last_value); if ($acumulador < $temp_data) { $acumulador = $temp_data; } } } foreach ($module_list as $module_item) { $automatic_custom_graph_meta = false; if ($config['metaconsole']) { // Automatic custom graph from the report // template in metaconsole. if (is_array($module_list[$i])) { $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id( $module_item['server'] ); metaconsole_connect($server); $automatic_custom_graph_meta = true; } } if ($automatic_custom_graph_meta) { $module = $module_item['module']; } else { $module = $module_item; } $search_in_history_db = db_search_in_history_db($datelimit); $temp[$module] = io_safe_output(modules_get_agentmodule($module)); $query_last_value = sprintf( ' SELECT datos FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND utimestamp < %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC', $module, $params['date'] ); $temp_data = db_get_value_sql($query_last_value); if ($temp_data) { if (is_numeric($temp_data)) { $value = $temp_data; } else { $value = count($value); } } else { $value = false; } if (!empty($params_combined['labels']) && isset($params_combined['labels'][$module]) ) { $label = io_safe_output($params_combined['labels'][$module]); } else { $alias = db_get_value( 'alias', 'tagente', 'id_agente', $temp[$module]['id_agente'] ); $label = $alias.': '.$temp[$module]['nombre']; } $temp[$module]['label'] = $label; $temp[$module]['value'] = $value; $temp_max = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max( $module, $params['period'], $params['date'] ); if ($temp_max < 0) { $temp_max = 0; } if (isset($acumulador)) { $temp[$module]['max'] = $acumulador; } else { $temp[$module]['max'] = ($temp_max === false) ? 0 : $temp_max; } $temp_min = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_min( $module, $params['period'], $params['date'] ); if ($temp_min < 0) { $temp_min = 0; } $temp[$module]['min'] = ($temp_min === false) ? 0 : $temp_min; if ($config['metaconsole']) { // Automatic custom graph from the // report template in metaconsole. if (is_array($module_list[0])) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } } $graph_values = $temp; if (!$params['vconsole']) { $width = 1024; $height = 50; } else { $height = ($height / $number_elements); } $color = color_graph_array(); $output = stacked_bullet_chart( $graph_values, $width, $height, $color, $module_name_list, $long_index, ui_get_full_url( 'images/image_problem_area_small.png', false, false, false ), '', '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], ($config['font_size'] + 1), '', $ttl, $homeurl, $background_color ); break; case CUSTOM_GRAPH_GAUGE: $i = 0; $number_elements = count($module_list); foreach ($module_list as $module_item) { $automatic_custom_graph_meta = false; if ($config['metaconsole']) { // Automatic custom graph from // the report template in metaconsole. if (is_array($module_list[$i])) { $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id( $module_item['server'] ); metaconsole_connect($server); $automatic_custom_graph_meta = true; } } if ($automatic_custom_graph_meta) { $module = $module_item['module']; } else { $module = $module_item; } $temp[$module] = modules_get_agentmodule($module); $query_last_value = sprintf( ' SELECT datos FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND utimestamp < %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC', $module, $params['date'] ); $temp_data = db_get_value_sql($query_last_value); if ($temp_data) { if (is_numeric($temp_data)) { $value = $temp_data; } else { $value = count($value); } } else { $value = false; } $temp[$module]['label'] = ($params_combined['labels'][$module] != '') ? $params_combined['labels'][$module] : $temp[$module]['nombre']; $temp[$module]['value'] = $value; $temp[$module]['label'] = ui_print_truncate_text( $temp[$module]['label'], 'module_small', false, true, false, '..' ); if ($temp[$module]['unit'] == '%') { $temp[$module]['min'] = 0; $temp[$module]['max'] = 100; } else { $min = $temp[$module]['min']; if ($temp[$module]['max'] == 0) { $max = reporting_get_agentmodule_data_max( $module, $params['period'], $params['date'] ); } else { $max = $temp[$module]['max']; } $temp[$module]['min'] = ($min == 0 ) ? 0 : $min; $temp[$module]['max'] = ($max == 0 ) ? 100 : $max; } $temp[$module]['gauge'] = uniqid('gauge_'); if ($config['metaconsole']) { // Automatic custom graph from the report // template in metaconsole. if (is_array($module_list[0])) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } $i++; } $graph_values = $temp; $color = color_graph_array(); if (!$params['vconsole']) { $width = 200; $height = 200; } else { $width = ($width / $number_elements); $height = ($height / $number_elements); } $output = stacked_gauge( $graph_values, $width, $height, $color, $module_name_list, ui_get_full_url( 'images/image_problem_area_small.png', false, false, false ), $config['fontpath'], $fixed_font_size, '', $homeurl ); break; case CUSTOM_GRAPH_HBARS: case CUSTOM_GRAPH_VBARS: $label = ''; foreach ($module_list as $module_item) { $automatic_custom_graph_meta = false; if ($config['metaconsole']) { // Automatic custom graph from the report // template in metaconsole. if (is_array($module_list[$i])) { $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id( $module_item['server'] ); metaconsole_connect($server); $automatic_custom_graph_meta = true; } } if ($automatic_custom_graph_meta) { $module = $module_item['module']; } else { $module = $module_item; } $module_data = modules_get_agentmodule($module); $query_last_value = sprintf( ' SELECT datos FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND utimestamp < %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC', $module, $params['date'] ); $temp_data = db_get_value_sql($query_last_value); $agent_name = io_safe_output( modules_get_agentmodule_agent_name($module) ); if (!empty($params_combined['labels']) && isset($params_combined['labels'][$module]) ) { $label = $params_combined['labels'][$module]; } else { $alias = db_get_value( 'alias', 'tagente', 'id_agente', $module_data['id_agente'] ); $label = $alias.' - '.$module_data['nombre']; } $temp[$label]['g'] = round($temp_data, 4); if ($config['metaconsole']) { // Automatic custom graph from the report // template in metaconsole. if (is_array($module_list[0])) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } } $color = color_graph_array(); $graph_values = $temp; if (!$params['vconsole']) { $width = 1024; $height = 500; } if ($params_combined['stacked'] == CUSTOM_GRAPH_HBARS) { $output = hbar_graph( $graph_values, $width, $height, $color, $module_name_list, $long_index, ui_get_full_url( 'images/image_problem_area_small.png', false, false, false ), '', '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $fixed_font_size, '', $ttl, $homeurl, $background_color, '#c1c1c1' ); } if ($params_combined['stacked'] == CUSTOM_GRAPH_VBARS) { $output = vbar_graph( $graph_values, $width, $height, $color, $module_name_list, $long_index, ui_get_full_url( 'images/image_problem_area_small.png', false, false, false ), '', '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $fixed_font_size, '', $ttl, $homeurl, $background_color, true, false, '#c1c1c1' ); } break; case CUSTOM_GRAPH_PIE: $total_modules = 0; foreach ($module_list as $module_item) { $automatic_custom_graph_meta = false; if ($config['metaconsole']) { // Automatic custom graph from the report // template in metaconsole. if (is_array($module_list[$i])) { $server = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id( $module_item['server'] ); metaconsole_connect($server); $automatic_custom_graph_meta = true; } } if ($automatic_custom_graph_meta) { $module = $module_item['module']; } else { $module = $module_item; } $data_module = modules_get_agentmodule($module); $query_last_value = sprintf( ' SELECT datos FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo = %d AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp < %d ORDER BY utimestamp DESC', $module, $datelimit, $params['date'] ); $temp_data = db_get_value_sql($query_last_value); if ($temp_data) { if (is_numeric($temp_data)) { $value = $temp_data; } else { $value = count($value); } } else { $value = false; } $total_modules += $value; if (!empty($params_combined['labels']) && isset($params_combined['labels'][$module]) ) { $label = io_safe_output( $params_combined['labels'][$module] ); } else { $alias = db_get_value( 'alias', 'tagente', 'id_agente', $data_module['id_agente'] ); $label = io_safe_output($alias.': '.$data_module['nombre']); } $temp[$label] = [ 'value' => $value, 'unit' => $data_module['unit'], ]; if ($config['metaconsole']) { // Automatic custom graph from the report // template in metaconsole. if (is_array($module_list[0])) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } } $temp['total_modules'] = $total_modules; $graph_values = $temp; if (!$params['vconsole']) { $width = $width; $height = 500; } $color = color_graph_array(); $output = ring_graph( $graph_values, $width, $height, $others_str, $homeurl, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], ($config['font_size'] + 1), $ttl, false, $color, false, $background_color ); break; } if ($params_combined['return']) { return $output; } echo $output; } /** * Function for convert data summatory. * * @param array $array_data Data array. * @param boolean $average Average. * @param boolean $summatory Summatory. * @param boolean $modules_series Series module. * @param array $date_array Date data. * * @return array Data. */ function combined_graph_summatory_average( $array_data, $average=false, $summatory=false, $modules_series=false, $date_array=[] ) { if (isset($array_data) && is_array($array_data)) { $reduce_array = []; foreach ($array_data as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, 'sum') !== false) { $last = $date_array['start_date']; $reduce_array = array_reduce( $value['data'], function ($carry, $item) use ($date_array, $last, $reduce_array) { $slice_start = $date_array['start_date']; $iterator = $last; // JS to PHP timestamp format. $item[0] /= 1000; while ($iterator <= $date_array['final_date']) { if ($item[0] >= $slice_start && $item[0] < $iterator) { $array = []; $val = 0; $n = 0; if (is_array($reduce_array[$slice_start])) { $val = $reduce_array[$slice_start]['value']; $n = ($reduce_array[$slice_start]['n'] + 1); } $array['value'] = ($item[1] + $val); $array['n'] = $n; $array['t'] = ($slice_start * 1000); $carry[$slice_start] = $array; $last = $iterator; break; } else { $slice_start = $iterator; $iterator += 300; } } $i++; return $carry; }, $reduce_array ); } if (!$modules_series) { unset($array_data[$key]); } } $reduce_array_summatory = []; $reduce_array_average = []; $i = 0; foreach ($reduce_array as $item) { $reduce_array_summatory[$i][0] = $item['t']; $reduce_array_summatory[$i][1] = $item['value']; $reduce_array_average[$i][0] = $item['t']; $reduce_array_average[$i][1] = ($item['value'] / ($item['n'] + 1)); $i++; } if ($summatory && isset($reduce_array_summatory) && is_array($reduce_array_summatory) && count($reduce_array_summatory) > 0 ) { $array_data['summatory']['data'] = $reduce_array_summatory; } if ($average && isset($reduce_array_average) && is_array($reduce_array_average) && count($reduce_array_average) > 0 ) { $array_data['average']['data'] = $reduce_array_average; } return $array_data; } else { return false; } } /** * Print a graph with access data of agents * * @param integer $id_agent Agent ID. * @param integer $width Pie graph width. * @param integer $height Pie graph height. * @param integer $period Time period. * @param boolean $return Return. * @param boolean $tree View tree. * * @return string Return or echo the result flag. */ function graphic_agentaccess( $id_agent, $width, $height, $period=0, $return=false, $tree=false ) { global $config; global $graphic_type; $date = get_system_time(); $datelimit = ($date - $period); $data_array = []; $interval = agents_get_interval($id_agent); $data = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT utimestamp, count(*) as data FROM tagent_access WHERE id_agent = %d AND utimestamp > %d AND utimestamp < %d GROUP BY ROUND(utimestamp/%d)', $id_agent, $datelimit, $date, $interval ) ); if (isset($data) && is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $data_array['Agent access']['data'][$key][0] = ($value['utimestamp'] * 1000); $data_array['Agent access']['data'][$key][1] = $value['data']; } $data_array['Agent access']['color'] = 'green'; } else { if ($return) { return graph_nodata_image($width, $height); } else { echo graph_nodata_image($width, $height); } } if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url( 'images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false ), ]; } $params = [ 'agent_module_id' => false, 'period' => $period, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'unit' => $unit, 'only_image' => $only_image, 'homeurl' => $homeurl, 'menu' => true, 'backgroundColor' => 'transparent', 'type_graph' => 'area', 'font' => $config['fontpath'], 'font_size' => $config['font_size'], 'array_data_create' => $data_array, 'show_overview' => false, 'show_export_csv' => false, 'vconsole' => true, 'show_legend' => false, 'grid_color' => 'grey', ]; if ($return) { return grafico_modulo_sparse($params); } else { echo grafico_modulo_sparse($params); } } /** * Print a pie graph with alerts defined/fired data * * @param integer Number of defined alerts * @param integer Number of fired alerts * @param integer width pie graph width * @param integer height pie graph height * @param bool return or echo flag */ function graph_alert_status($defined_alerts, $fired_alerts, $width=300, $height=200, $return=false) { global $config; $data = [ __('Not fired alerts') => ($defined_alerts - $fired_alerts), __('Fired alerts') => $fired_alerts, ]; $colors = [ COL_NORMAL, COL_ALERTFIRED, ]; if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } $out = pie_graph( $data, $width, $height, __('other'), '', '', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'hidden', $colors, false ); if ($return) { return $out; } else { echo $out; } } // If any value is negative, truncate it to 0 function truncate_negatives(&$element) { if ($element < 0) { $element = 0; } } /** * Print a pie graph with events data of agent or all agents (if id_agent = false) * * @param integer id_agent Agent ID * @param integer width pie graph width * @param integer height pie graph height * @param bool return or echo flag * @param bool show_not_init flag */ function graph_agent_status($id_agent=false, $width=300, $height=200, $return=false, $show_not_init=false, $data_agents=false, $donut_narrow_graph=false) { global $config; if ($data_agents == false) { $groups = implode(',', array_keys(users_get_groups(false, 'AR', false))); $p_table = 'tagente'; $s_table = 'tagent_secondary_group'; if (is_metaconsole()) { $p_table = 'tmetaconsole_agent'; $s_table = 'tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group'; } $data = db_get_row_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT SUM(critical_count) AS Critical, SUM(warning_count) AS Warning, SUM(normal_count) AS Normal, SUM(unknown_count) AS Unknown %s FROM %s ta LEFT JOIN %s tasg ON ta.id_agente = tasg.id_agent WHERE ta.disabled = 0 AND %s (ta.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tasg.id_group IN (%s))', $show_not_init ? ', SUM(notinit_count) "Not init"' : '', $p_table, $s_table, empty($id_agent) ? '' : "ta.id_agente = $id_agent AND", $groups, $groups ) ); } else { $data = $data_agents; } if (empty($data)) { $data = []; } array_walk($data, 'truncate_negatives'); if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } // $colors = array(COL_CRITICAL, COL_WARNING, COL_NORMAL, COL_UNKNOWN); $colors['Critical'] = COL_CRITICAL; $colors['Warning'] = COL_WARNING; $colors['Normal'] = COL_NORMAL; $colors['Unknown'] = COL_UNKNOWN; if ($show_not_init) { $colors['Not init'] = COL_NOTINIT; } if (array_sum($data) == 0) { $data = []; } if ($donut_narrow_graph == true) { $data_total = array_sum($data); $out = print_donut_narrow_graph( $colors, $width, $height, $data, $data_total ); return $out; } else { $out = pie_graph( $data, $width, $height, __('other'), ui_get_full_url(false, false, false, false), '', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'hidden', $colors, 0 ); if ($return) { return $out; } else { echo $out; } } } /** * Print a pie graph with events data of agent * * @param integer width pie graph width * @param integer height pie graph height * @param integer id_agent Agent ID */ function graph_event_module($width=300, $height=200, $id_agent) { global $config; global $graphic_type; // Fix: tag filters implemented! for tag functionality groups have to be all user_groups (propagate ACL funct!) $groups = users_get_groups($config['id_user']); $tags_condition = tags_get_acl_tags($config['id_user'], array_keys($groups), 'ER', 'event_condition', 'AND'); $data = []; $max_items = 6; switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': case 'postgresql': $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(id_evento) AS count_number, id_agentmodule FROM tevento WHERE tevento.id_agente = %d %s GROUP BY id_agentmodule ORDER BY count_number DESC LIMIT %d', $id_agent, $tags_condition, $max_items ); break; case 'oracle': $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(id_evento) AS count_number, id_agentmodule FROM tevento WHERE tevento.id_agente = %d AND rownum <= %d GROUP BY id_agentmodule ORDER BY count_number DESC', $id_agent, $max_items ); break; } $events = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($events === false) { if (! $graphic_type) { return fs_error_image(); } graphic_error(); return; } foreach ($events as $event) { if ($event['id_agentmodule'] == 0) { $key = __('System').' ('.$event['count_number'].')'; } else { $key = modules_get_agentmodule_name($event['id_agentmodule']).' ('.$event['count_number'].')'; } $data[$key] = $event['count_number']; } if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } return pie_graph( $data, $width, $height, __('other'), '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom' ); } function progress_bar($progress, $width, $height, $title='', $mode=1, $value_text=false, $color=false, $options=false) { global $config; $out_of_lim_str = io_safe_output(__('Out of limits')); $title = ''; if ($value_text === false) { $value_text = $progress.'%'; } $colorRGB = ''; if ($color !== false) { $colorRGB = html_html2rgb($color); $colorRGB = implode('|', $colorRGB); } $class_tag = ''; $id_tag = ''; if ($options !== false) { foreach ($options as $option_type => $option_value) { if ($option_type == 'class') { $class_tag = ' class="'.$option_value.'" '; } else if ($option_type == 'id') { $id_tag = ' id="'.$option_value.'" '; } } } include_once 'include_graph_dependencies.php'; include_graphs_dependencies($config['homedir'].'/'); $src = ui_get_full_url( '/include/graphs/fgraph.php?graph_type=progressbar'.'&width='.$width.'&height='.$height.'&progress='.$progress.'&mode='.$mode.'&out_of_lim_str='.$out_of_lim_str.'&title='.$title.'&value_text='.$value_text.'&colorRGB='.$colorRGB, false, false, false ); return "".$title.""; } function progress_bubble($progress, $width, $height, $title='', $mode=1, $value_text=false, $color=false) { global $config; $hack_metaconsole = ''; if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $hack_metaconsole = '../../'; } $out_of_lim_str = io_safe_output(__('Out of limits')); $title = ''; if ($value_text === false) { $value_text = $progress.'%'; } $colorRGB = ''; if ($color !== false) { $colorRGB = html_html2rgb($color); $colorRGB = implode('|', $colorRGB); } include_once 'include_graph_dependencies.php'; include_graphs_dependencies($config['homedir'].'/'); return "".$title.""; } function graph_sla_slicebar( $id, $period, $sla_min, $sla_max, $date, $daysWeek=null, $time_from=null, $time_to=null, $width, $height, $home_url, $ttl=1, $data=false, $round_corner=null ) { global $config; if ($round_corner === null) { $round_corner = $config['round_corner']; } $col_planned_downtime = '#20973F'; $colors = [ 1 => COL_NORMAL, 2 => COL_WARNING, 3 => COL_CRITICAL, 4 => COL_UNKNOWN, 5 => COL_DOWNTIME, 6 => COL_NOTINIT, 7 => COL_IGNORED, ]; return $return['chart'] = flot_slicesbar_graph( $data, $period, $width, $height, '', $colors, $config['fontpath'], $round_corner, $home_url, '', '', false, 0, [], true, $ttl, false, false ); } /** * Print a pie graph with priodity incident */ function grafico_incidente_prioridad() { global $config; global $graphic_type; $data_tmp = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ]; $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incidents, prioridad FROM tincidencia GROUP BY prioridad ORDER BY 2 DESC'; $incidents = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($incidents == false) { $incidents = []; } foreach ($incidents as $incident) { if ($incident['prioridad'] < 5) { $data_tmp[$incident['prioridad']] = $incident['n_incidents']; } else { $data_tmp[5] += $incident['n_incidents']; } } $data = [ __('Informative') => $data_tmp[0], __('Low') => $data_tmp[1], __('Medium') => $data_tmp[2], __('Serious') => $data_tmp[3], __('Very serious') => $data_tmp[4], __('Maintenance') => $data_tmp[5], ]; if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } return pie_graph( $data, 320, 200, __('Other'), '', '', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'] ); } /** * Print a pie graph with incidents data */ function graph_incidents_status() { global $config; global $graphic_type; $data = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, ]; $data = []; $data[__('Open incident')] = 0; $data[__('Closed incident')] = 0; $data[__('Outdated')] = 0; $data[__('Invalid')] = 0; $incidents = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tincidencia', [ 'estado' => [ 0, 2, 3, 13, ], ], ['estado'] ); if ($incidents === false) { $incidents = []; } foreach ($incidents as $incident) { if ($incident['estado'] == 0) { $data[__('Open incident')]++; } if ($incident['estado'] == 2) { $data[__('Closed incident')]++; } if ($incident['estado'] == 3) { $data[__('Outdated')]++; } if ($incident['estado'] == 13) { $data[__('Invalid')]++; } } if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } return pie_graph( $data, 320, 200, __('Other'), '', '', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'] ); } /** * Print a pie graph with incident data by group */ function graphic_incident_group() { global $config; global $graphic_type; $data = []; $max_items = 5; switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incidents, nombre FROM tincidencia,tgrupo WHERE tgrupo.id_grupo = tincidencia.id_grupo GROUP BY tgrupo.id_grupo, nombre ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items ); break; case 'oracle': $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incidents, nombre FROM tincidencia,tgrupo WHERE tgrupo.id_grupo = tincidencia.id_grupo AND rownum <= %d GROUP BY tgrupo.id_grupo, nombre ORDER BY 1 DESC', $max_items ); break; } $incidents = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incidents FROM tincidencia WHERE tincidencia.id_grupo = 0' ); $incidents_all = db_get_value_sql($sql); if ($incidents == false) { $incidents = []; } foreach ($incidents as $incident) { $data[$incident['nombre']] = $incident['n_incidents']; } if ($incidents_all > 0) { $data[__('All')] = $incidents_all; } if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } return pie_graph( $data, 320, 200, __('Other'), '', '', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'] ); } /** * Print a graph with access data of agents * * @param integer id_agent Agent ID * @param integer width pie graph width * @param integer height pie graph height * @param integer period time period */ function graphic_incident_user() { global $config; global $graphic_type; $data = []; $max_items = 5; switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incidents, id_usuario FROM tincidencia GROUP BY id_usuario ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items ); break; case 'oracle': $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incidents, id_usuario FROM tincidencia WHERE rownum <= %d GROUP BY id_usuario ORDER BY 1 DESC', $max_items ); break; } $incidents = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($incidents == false) { $incidents = []; } foreach ($incidents as $incident) { if ($incident['id_usuario'] == false) { $name = __('System'); } else { $name = $incident['id_usuario']; } $data[$name] = $incident['n_incidents']; } if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } return pie_graph( $data, 320, 200, __('Other'), '', '', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'] ); } /** * Print a pie graph with access data of incidents source * * @param integer width pie graph width * @param integer height pie graph height */ function graphic_incident_source($width=320, $height=200) { global $config; global $graphic_type; $data = []; $max_items = 5; switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incident, origen FROM tincidencia GROUP BY `origen` ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items ); break; case 'postgresql': $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incident, origen FROM tincidencia GROUP BY "origen" ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $max_items ); break; case 'oracle': $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(id_incidencia) n_incident, origen FROM tincidencia WHERE rownum <= %d GROUP BY origen ORDER BY 1 DESC', $max_items ); break; } $origins = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($origins == false) { $origins = []; } foreach ($origins as $origin) { $data[$origin['origen']] = $origin['n_incident']; } if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } return pie_graph( $data, $width, $height, __('Other'), '', '', $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'] ); } function series_suffix_leyend($series_name, $series_suffix, $id_agent, $data_module_graph, $array_data) { global $config; $array_data[$series_name.$series_suffix]['agent_module_id'] = $id_agent; $array_data[$series_name.$series_suffix]['id_module_type'] = $data_module_graph['id_module_type']; $array_data[$series_name.$series_suffix]['agent_name'] = $data_module_graph['agent_name']; $array_data[$series_name.$series_suffix]['module_name'] = $data_module_graph['module_name']; $array_data[$series_name.$series_suffix]['agent_alias'] = $data_module_graph['agent_alias']; $array_data[$series_name.$series_suffix]['unit'] = $data_module_graph['unit']; return $array_data; } function graph_events_validated($width=300, $height=200, $extra_filters=[], $meta=false, $history=false) { global $config; global $graphic_type; $event_type = false; if (array_key_exists('event_type', $extra_filters)) { $event_type = $extra_filters['event_type']; } $event_severity = false; if (array_key_exists('event_severity', $extra_filters)) { $event_severity = $extra_filters['event_severity']; } $event_status = false; if (array_key_exists('event_status', $extra_filters)) { $event_status = $extra_filters['event_status']; } $event_filter_search = false; if (array_key_exists('event_filter_search', $extra_filters)) { $event_filter_search = $extra_filters['event_filter_search']; } $data_graph = events_get_count_events_validated( ['id_group' => array_keys(users_get_groups())], null, null, $event_severity, $event_type, $event_status, $event_filter_search ); $colors = []; foreach ($data_graph as $k => $v) { if ($k == __('Validated')) { $colors[$k] = COL_NORMAL; } else { $colors[$k] = COL_CRITICAL; } } if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } echo pie_graph( $data_graph, $width, $height, __('other'), '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom', $colors ); } /** * Print a pie graph with events data of group * * @param integer width pie graph width * @param integer height pie graph height * @param string url */ function grafico_eventos_grupo($width=300, $height=200, $url='', $noWaterMark=true, $time_limit=false) { global $config; global $graphic_type; // It was urlencoded, so we urldecode it $url = html_entity_decode(rawurldecode($url), ENT_QUOTES); $data = []; $loop = 0; define('NUM_PIECES_PIE', 6); // Hotfix for the id_agente_modulo $url = str_replace( 'SELECT id_agente_modulo', 'SELECT_id_agente_modulo', $url ); $badstrings = [ ';', 'SELECT ', 'DELETE ', 'UPDATE ', 'INSERT ', 'EXEC', ]; // remove bad strings from the query so queries like ; DELETE FROM don't pass $url = str_ireplace($badstrings, '', $url); // Hotfix for the id_agente_modulo $url = str_replace( 'SELECT_id_agente_modulo', 'SELECT id_agente_modulo', $url ); $event_table = 'tevento'; $field_extra = ''; $groupby_extra = ''; // Add tags condition to filter $tags_condition = tags_get_acl_tags($config['id_user'], 0, 'ER', 'event_condition', 'AND'); if ($time_limit && $config['event_view_hr']) { $tags_condition .= ' AND utimestamp > (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - '.($config['event_view_hr'] * SECONDS_1HOUR).')'; } // This will give the distinct id_agente, give the id_grupo that goes // with it and then the number of times it occured. GROUP BY statement // is required if both DISTINCT() and COUNT() are in the statement $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT DISTINCT(id_agente) AS id_agente, COUNT(id_agente) AS count'.$field_extra.' FROM '.$event_table.' te LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg ON te.id_grupo = tasg.id_group WHERE 1=1 %s %s GROUP BY id_agente'.$groupby_extra.' ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 8', $url, $tags_condition ); $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql, false, false); if ($result === false) { $result = []; } $system_events = 0; $other_events = 0; foreach ($result as $row) { $row['id_grupo'] = agents_get_agent_group($row['id_agente']); if (!check_acl($config['id_user'], $row['id_grupo'], 'ER') == 1) { continue; } if ($loop >= NUM_PIECES_PIE) { $other_events += $row['count']; } else { if ($row['id_agente'] == 0) { $system_events += $row['count']; } else { $alias = agents_get_alias($row['id_agente']); $name = mb_substr($alias, 0, 25).' #'.$row['id_agente'].' ('.$row['count'].')'; $data[$name] = $row['count']; } } $loop++; } if ($system_events > 0) { $name = __('SYSTEM').' ('.$system_events.')'; $data[$name] = $system_events; } // Sort the data arsort($data); if ($noWaterMark) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } else { $water_mark = []; } return pie_graph( $data, $width, $height, __('Other'), '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom' ); } /** * Print a pie graph with events data in 320x200 size * * @param string filter Filter for query in DB */ function grafico_eventos_total($filter='', $width=320, $height=200, $noWaterMark=true, $time_limit=false) { global $config; global $graphic_type; $filter = str_replace('\\', '', $filter); // Add tags condition to filter $tags_condition = tags_get_acl_tags($config['id_user'], 0, 'ER', 'event_condition', 'AND'); $filter .= $tags_condition; if ($time_limit && $config['event_view_hr']) { $filter .= ' AND utimestamp > (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - '.($config['event_view_hr'] * SECONDS_1HOUR).')'; } $data = []; $legend = []; $total = 0; $where = 'WHERE 1=1'; if (!users_is_admin()) { $where = 'WHERE event_type NOT IN (\'recon_host_detected\', \'system\',\'error\', \'new_agent\', \'configuration_change\')'; } $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT criticity, COUNT(id_evento) events FROM tevento LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg ON tevento.id_agente = tasg.id_agent %s %s GROUP BY criticity ORDER BY events DESC', $where, $filter ); $criticities = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql, false, false); if (empty($criticities)) { $criticities = []; $colors = []; } foreach ($criticities as $cr) { switch ($cr['criticity']) { case EVENT_CRIT_MAINTENANCE: $data[__('Maintenance')] = $cr['events']; $colors[__('Maintenance')] = COL_MAINTENANCE; break; case EVENT_CRIT_INFORMATIONAL: $data[__('Informational')] = $cr['events']; $colors[__('Informational')] = COL_INFORMATIONAL; break; case EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL: $data[__('Normal')] = $cr['events']; $colors[__('Normal')] = COL_NORMAL; break; case EVENT_CRIT_MINOR: $data[__('Minor')] = $cr['events']; $colors[__('Minor')] = COL_MINOR; break; case EVENT_CRIT_WARNING: $data[__('Warning')] = $cr['events']; $colors[__('Warning')] = COL_WARNING; break; case EVENT_CRIT_MAJOR: $data[__('Major')] = $cr['events']; $colors[__('Major')] = COL_MAJOR; break; case EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL: $data[__('Critical')] = $cr['events']; $colors[__('Critical')] = COL_CRITICAL; break; } } if ($noWaterMark) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('/images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } else { $water_mark = []; } return pie_graph( $data, $width, $height, __('Other'), '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom', $colors ); } /** * Print a pie graph with events data of users * * @param integer height pie graph height * @param integer period time period */ function grafico_eventos_usuario($width, $height) { global $config; global $graphic_type; $data = []; $max_items = 5; $where = ''; if (!users_is_admin()) { $where = 'WHERE event_type NOT IN (\'recon_host_detected\', \'system\',\'error\', \'new_agent\', \'configuration_change\')'; } $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(id_evento) events, id_usuario FROM tevento %s GROUP BY id_usuario ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT %d', $where, $max_items ); $events = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($events === false) { $events = []; } foreach ($events as $event) { if ($event['id_usuario'] == '0') { $data[__('System')] = $event['events']; } else if ($event['id_usuario'] == '') { $data[__('System')] = $event['events']; } else { $data[$event['id_usuario']] = $event['events']; } } $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('/images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; return pie_graph( $data, $width, $height, __('Other'), '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], 1, 'bottom' ); } /** * Print a custom SQL-defined graph * * @param integer ID of report content, used to get SQL code to get information for graph * @param integer height graph height * @param integer width graph width * @param integer Graph type 1 vbar, 2 hbar, 3 pie */ function graph_custom_sql_graph( $id, $width, $height, $type='sql_graph_vbar', $only_image=false, $homeurl='', $ttl=1, $max_num_elements=8 ) { global $config; $SQL_GRAPH_MAX_LABEL_SIZE = 20; if (is_metaconsole()) { $server = metaconsole_get_connection_names(); $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server); metaconsole_connect($connection); } $report_content = db_get_row('treport_content', 'id_rc', $id); if ($report_content == false || $report_content == '') { $report_content = db_get_row('treport_content_template', 'id_rc', $id); } if ($report_content == false || $report_content == '') { enterprise_hook('metaconsole_restore_db'); $report_content = db_get_row('treport_content', 'id_rc', $id); if ($report_content == false || $report_content == '') { $report_content = db_get_row('treport_content_template', 'id_rc', $id); } if (is_metaconsole()) { $server = metaconsole_get_connection_names(); $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($server); metaconsole_connect($connection); } } if ($id != null) { $historical_db = db_get_value_sql('SELECT historical_db from treport_content where id_rc ='.$id); } else { $historical_db = $content['historical_db']; } if ($report_content['external_source'] != '') { $sql = io_safe_output($report_content['external_source']); } else { $sql = db_get_row('treport_custom_sql', 'id', $report_content['treport_custom_sql_id']); $sql = io_safe_output($sql['sql']); } $data_result = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql, $historical_db); if (is_metaconsole()) { enterprise_hook('metaconsole_restore_db'); } if ($data_result === false) { $data_result = []; } $data = []; $count = 0; foreach ($data_result as $data_item) { $count++; $value = 0; if (!empty($data_item['value'])) { $value = $data_item['value']; } if ($count <= $max_num_elements) { $label = __('Data'); if (!empty($data_item['label'])) { $label = io_safe_output($data_item['label']); if (strlen($label) > $SQL_GRAPH_MAX_LABEL_SIZE) { $first_label = $label; $label = substr($first_label, 0, floor($SQL_GRAPH_MAX_LABEL_SIZE / 2)); $label .= '...'; $label .= substr($first_label, floor(-$SQL_GRAPH_MAX_LABEL_SIZE / 2)); } } switch ($type) { case 'sql_graph_vbar': // vertical bar case 'sql_graph_hbar': // horizontal bar $data[$label.'_'.$count]['g'] = $value; break; case 'sql_graph_pie': // Pie $data[$label.'_'.$count] = $value; break; } } else { switch ($type) { case 'sql_graph_vbar': // vertical bar case 'sql_graph_hbar': // horizontal bar if (!isset($data[__('Other')]['g'])) { $data[__('Other')]['g'] = 0; } $data[__('Other')]['g'] += $value; break; case 'sql_graph_pie': // Pie if (!isset($data[__('Other')])) { $data[__('Other')] = 0; } $data[__('Other')] += $value; break; } } } if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } switch ($type) { case 'sql_graph_vbar': // vertical bar return vbar_graph( $data, $width, $height, [], [], '', '', '', '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], '', $ttl, $homeurl, 'white', true, false, '#c1c1c1' ); break; case 'sql_graph_hbar': // horizontal bar return hbar_graph( $data, $width, $height, [], [], '', '', '', '', $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], false, $ttl, $homeurl, 'white', '#c1c1c1' ); break; case 'sql_graph_pie': // Pie return pie_graph( $data, $width, $height, __('other'), $homeurl, $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl ); break; } } /** * Print a static graph with event data of agents * * @param integer id_agent Agent ID * @param integer width pie graph width * @param integer height pie graph height * @param integer period time period * @param string homeurl * @param bool return or echo the result */ function graph_graphic_agentevents($id_agent, $width, $height, $period=0, $homeurl, $return=false, $from_agent_view=false, $widgets=false) { global $config; global $graphic_type; $data = []; // TODO interval $interval = 24; $date = get_system_time(); $datelimit = ($date - $period); $periodtime = floor($period / $interval); $time = []; $data = []; $legend = []; $full_legend = []; $full_legend_date = []; $cont = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $interval; $i++) { $bottom = ($datelimit + ($periodtime * $i)); if (! $graphic_type) { $name = date('H:i', $bottom); } else { $name = $bottom; } // Show less values in legend if ($cont == 0 or ($cont % 2)) { $legend[$cont] = $name; } if ($from_agent_view) { $full_date = date('Y/m/d', $bottom); $full_legend_date[$cont] = $full_date; } $full_legend[$cont] = $name; $top = ($datelimit + ($periodtime * ($i + 1))); $events = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tevento', ['id_agente' => $id_agent, 'utimestamp > '.$bottom, 'utimestamp < '.$top, ], 'criticity, utimestamp' ); if (!empty($events)) { $data[$cont]['utimestamp'] = $periodtime; $event_criticity = array_column($events, 'criticity'); if (array_search(EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL, $event_criticity) !== false) { $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL; } else if (array_search(EVENT_CRIT_WARNING, $event_criticity) !== false) { $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_WARNING; } else { $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL; } } else { $data[$cont]['utimestamp'] = $periodtime; $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL; } $cont++; } $colors = [ 1 => COL_UNKNOWN, EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL => COL_NORMAL, EVENT_CRIT_WARNING => COL_WARNING, EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL => COL_CRITICAL, ]; // Draw slicebar graph $out = flot_slicesbar_graph($data, $period, $width, $height, $full_legend, $colors, $config['fontpath'], $config['round_corner'], $homeurl, '', '', false, $id_agent, $full_legend_date, 0, 1, $widgets); if ($return) { return $out; } else { echo $out; } } /** * Print a static graph with event data of agents * * @param integer id_agent Agent ID * @param integer width pie graph width * @param integer height pie graph height * @param integer period time period * @param string homeurl * @param bool return or echo the result */ function graph_graphic_moduleevents($id_agent, $id_module, $width, $height, $period=0, $homeurl, $return=false) { global $config; global $graphic_type; $data = []; $interval = 24; $date = get_system_time(); $datelimit = ($date - $period); $periodtime = floor($period / $interval); $data = []; $legend = []; $full_legend = []; $cont = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $interval; $i++) { $bottom = ($datelimit + ($periodtime * $i)); if (! $graphic_type) { $name = date('H\h', $bottom); } else { $name = $bottom; } // Show less values in legend if ($cont == 0 or ($cont % 2)) { $legend[$cont] = $name; } $full_legend[$cont] = $name; $top = ($datelimit + ($periodtime * ($i + 1))); $event_filter = ['id_agente' => $id_agent, 'utimestamp > '.$bottom, 'utimestamp < '.$top ]; if ((int) $id_module !== 0) { $event_filter['id_agentmodule'] = $id_module; } $event = db_get_row_filter('tevento', $event_filter, 'criticity, utimestamp'); if (!empty($event['utimestamp'])) { $data[$cont]['utimestamp'] = $periodtime; switch ($event['criticity']) { case EVENT_CRIT_WARNING: $data[$cont]['data'] = 2; break; case EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL: $data[$cont]['data'] = 3; break; default: $data[$cont]['data'] = 1; break; } } else { $data[$cont]['utimestamp'] = $periodtime; $data[$cont]['data'] = 1; } $cont++; } $colors = [ 1 => COL_NORMAL, 2 => COL_WARNING, 3 => COL_CRITICAL, 4 => COL_UNKNOWN, ]; $out = flot_slicesbar_graph( $data, $period, 100, $height, $full_legend, $colors, $config['fontpath'], $config['round_corner'], $homeurl, '', '', false, $id_agent, [], true, 1 ); if ($return) { return $out; } else { echo $out; } } /** * Function for retun image no data. * * @param integer $width Width. * @param integer $height Height. * * @return string Image. */ function fs_error_image($width=300, $height=110) { global $config; return graph_nodata_image($width, $height, 'area'); } /** * Function for uncompressed data module for cherts. * * @param integer $agent_module_id Id modulo. * @param array $date_array Date start, finish, period. * @param integer $show_unknown Show Unknown. * @param integer $show_percentil Show Percentil. * @param integer $series_suffix Series. * @param boolean $compare Type compare. * @param boolean $data_slice Size slice. * @param string $type_mode_graph Type. * * @return array Return array data uncompresess. */ function fullscale_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array, $show_unknown=0, $show_percentil=0, $series_suffix=0, $compare=false, $data_slice=false, $type_mode_graph='' ) { global $config; $data_uncompress = db_uncompress_module_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array['start_date'], $date_array['final_date'], $data_slice ); $data = []; $previous_data = 0; // Normal. $min_value_total = PHP_INT_MAX; $max_value_total = (-PHP_INT_MAX); // Max. $max_value_min = PHP_INT_MAX; $max_value_max = (-PHP_INT_MAX); // Min. $min_value_min = PHP_INT_MAX; $min_value_max = (-PHP_INT_MAX); // Avg. $avg_value_min = PHP_INT_MAX; $avg_value_max = (-PHP_INT_MAX); $flag_unknown = 0; $array_percentil = []; if ($data_slice) { if (isset($data_uncompress) === true && is_array($data_uncompress) === true ) { foreach ($data_uncompress as $k) { $sum_data = 0; $count_data = 0; $min_value = PHP_INT_MAX; $max_value = (-PHP_INT_MAX); $flag_virtual_data = 0; foreach ($k['data'] as $v) { if (isset($v['type']) && $v['type'] == 1) { // Skip unnecesary virtual data. continue; $flag_virtual_data = 1; } if ($compare) { // Data * 1000 need js utimestam mlsecond. $real_date = (($v['utimestamp'] + $date_array['period']) * 1000); } else { $real_date = ($v['utimestamp'] * 1000); } if ($v['datos'] === null) { // Unknown. if ($show_unknown) { if (!$compare) { if ($flag_unknown) { $data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ $real_date, 1, ]; } else { $data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ ($real_date - 1), 0, ]; $data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ $real_date, 1, ]; $flag_unknown = 1; } } } $v['datos'] = $previous_data; } else { // Normal. $previous_data = $v['datos']; if ($show_unknown) { if (!$compare) { if ($flag_unknown) { $data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ $real_date, 0, ]; $flag_unknown = 0; } } } } if (isset($v['datos']) && $v['datos']) { // Max. if ($v['datos'] >= $max_value) { $max_value = $v['datos']; } // Min. if ($v['datos'] <= $min_value) { $min_value = $v['datos']; } // Avg sum. $sum_data += $v['datos']; } // Avg count. $count_data++; if ($show_percentil && !$compare) { $array_percentil[] = $v['datos']; } $last_data = $v['datos']; } if (!$flag_virtual_data) { if ($compare) { // Data * 1000 need js utimestam mlsecond. $real_date = (($k['data'][0]['utimestamp'] + $date_array['period']) * 1000); } else { $real_date = ($k['data'][0]['utimestamp'] * 1000); } $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ $real_date, ($sum_data / $count_data), ]; if ($type_mode_graph && !$params['baseline']) { if ($min_value != PHP_INT_MAX) { $data['min'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ $real_date, $min_value, ]; } if ($max_value != (-PHP_INT_MAX)) { $data['max'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ $real_date, $max_value, ]; } } else { if ($min_value != PHP_INT_MAX) { $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['slice_data'][$real_date]['min'] = $min_value; } $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['slice_data'][$real_date]['avg'] = ($sum_data / $count_data); if ($max_value != (-PHP_INT_MAX)) { $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['slice_data'][$real_date]['max'] = $max_value; } } // Max total. if ($max_value >= $max_value_total && $max_value != (-PHP_INT_MAX) ) { $max_value_total = $max_value; } // Min total. if ($min_value <= $min_value_total && $min_value != PHP_INT_MAX ) { $min_value_total = $min_value; } // Avg sum total. $sum_data_total += ($sum_data / $count_data); // Avg count total. $count_data_total++; if ($type_mode_graph && !$params['baseline']) { // MIN. // max min. if ($min_value >= $min_value_max && $min_value != PHP_INT_MAX ) { $min_value_max = $min_value; } // Min min. if ($min_value <= $min_value_min && $min_value != PHP_INT_MAX ) { $min_value_min = $min_value; } // Avg sum min. if ($min_value != PHP_INT_MAX) { $sum_data_min += $min_value; } // MAX. // Max max. if ($max_value >= $max_value_max && $max_value != (-PHP_INT_MAX) ) { $max_value_max = $max_value; } // Min max. if ($max_value <= $max_value_min && $max_value != (-PHP_INT_MAX) ) { $max_value_min = $max_value; } // Avg Sum max. if ($max_value != (-PHP_INT_MAX)) { $sum_data_max += $max_value; } // AVG. // Max max. if (($sum_data / $count_data) >= $avg_value_max) { $avg_value_max = ($sum_data / $count_data); } // Min max. if (($sum_data / $count_data) <= $avg_value_min) { $avg_value_min = ($sum_data / $count_data); } // Avg sum max. $sum_data_avg += ($sum_data / $count_data); } } } } $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['min'] = $min_value_total; $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['max'] = $max_value_total; $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['avg'] = 0; if (isset($count_data_total) === true) { $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['avg'] = ($sum_data_total / $count_data_total); } if ($type_mode_graph && !$params['baseline']) { $data['min'.$series_suffix]['min'] = $min_value_min; $data['min'.$series_suffix]['max'] = $min_value_max; $data['min'.$series_suffix]['avg'] = ($sum_data_min / $count_data_total); $data['max'.$series_suffix]['min'] = $max_value_min; $data['max'.$series_suffix]['max'] = $max_value_max; $data['max'.$series_suffix]['avg'] = ($sum_data_max / $count_data_total); $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['min'] = $avg_value_min; $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['max'] = $avg_value_max; $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['avg'] = ($sum_data_avg / $count_data_total); } } else { if ($data_uncompress === false) { $data_uncompress = []; } foreach ($data_uncompress as $k) { foreach ($k['data'] as $v) { if (isset($v['type']) && $v['type'] == 1) { // Skip unnecesary virtual data. continue; } if ($compare) { // Data * 1000 need js utimestam mlsecond. $real_date = (($v['utimestamp'] + $date_array['period']) * 1000); } else { $real_date = ($v['utimestamp'] * 1000); } if ($v['datos'] === null) { // Unknown. if ($show_unknown) { if (!$compare) { if ($flag_unknown) { $data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ $real_date, 1, ]; } else { $data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ ($real_date - 1), 0, ]; $data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ $real_date, 1, ]; $flag_unknown = 1; } } } $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ $real_date, $previous_data, ]; } else { // Normal. $previous_data = $v['datos']; $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ $real_date, $v['datos'], ]; if ($show_unknown) { if (!$compare) { if ($flag_unknown) { $data['unknown'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ $real_date, 0, ]; $flag_unknown = 0; } } } } if (isset($v['datos']) && $v['datos']) { // Max. if ((float) $v['datos'] >= $max_value_max) { $max_value_max = $v['datos']; } // Min. if ((float) $v['datos'] <= $min_value_min) { $min_value_min = $v['datos']; } // Avg sum. $sum_data += $v['datos']; } // Avg count. $count_data++; if ($show_percentil && !$compare) { $array_percentil[] = $v['datos']; } $last_data = $v['datos']; } } $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['min'] = $min_value_min; $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['max'] = $max_value_max; $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['avg'] = ($count_data == 0) ? 0 : ($sum_data / $count_data); } if ($show_percentil && !$compare) { $percentil_result = get_percentile($show_percentil, $array_percentil); if ($compare) { $data['percentil'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ (($date_array['start_date'] + $date_array['period']) * 1000), $percentil_result, ]; $data['percentil'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ (($date_array['final_date'] + $date_array['period']) * 1000), $percentil_result, ]; } else { $data['percentil'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ ($date_array['start_date'] * 1000), $percentil_result, ]; $data['percentil'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ ($date_array['final_date'] * 1000), $percentil_result, ]; } } // Add missed last data. if ($compare) { $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ (($date_array['final_date'] + $date_array['period']) * 1000), $last_data, ]; } else { $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ ($date_array['final_date'] * 1000), $last_data, ]; if ($data_slice) { if ($type_mode_graph && !$params['baseline']) { $data['min'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ ($date_array['final_date'] * 1000), $min_value, ]; $data['max'.$series_suffix]['data'][] = [ ($date_array['final_date'] * 1000), $max_value, ]; } else { $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['slice_data'][($date_array['final_date'] * 1000)]['min'] = $min_value; $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['slice_data'][($date_array['final_date'] * 1000)]['avg'] = 0; if (isset($count_data) === true) { $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['slice_data'][($date_array['final_date'] * 1000)]['avg'] = ($sum_data / $count_data); } $data['sum'.$series_suffix]['slice_data'][($date_array['final_date'] * 1000)]['max'] = $max_value; } } } return $data; } /** * Print an area graph with netflow aggregated */ function graph_netflow_aggregate_area($data, $period, $width, $height, $ttl=1, $only_image=false, $date=null) { global $config; global $graphic_type; if (empty($data)) { echo fs_error_image(); return; } // Calculate source indexes. foreach ($data['sources'] as $key => $value) { $i = 0; foreach ($data['data'] as $k => $v) { $chart['netflow_'.$key]['data'][$i][0] = ($k * 1000); $chart['netflow_'.$key]['data'][$i][1] = $v[$key]; $i++; } } if ($config['homeurl'] != '') { $homeurl = $config['homeurl']; } else { $homeurl = ''; } if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url( 'images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false ), ]; $water_mark = $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png'; } if ($ttl >= 2) { $only_image = true; } else { $only_image = false; } $params = [ 'agent_module_id' => false, 'period' => $period, 'width' => '90%', 'height' => 450, 'unit' => 'bytes', 'only_image' => $only_image, 'homeurl' => $homeurl, 'menu' => true, 'backgroundColor' => 'white', 'type_graph' => 'area', 'font' => $config['fontpath'], 'font_size' => $config['font_size'], 'array_data_create' => $chart, 'stacked' => 1, 'date' => $date, 'show_export_csv' => false, 'show_overview' => false, ]; return grafico_modulo_sparse($params); } /** * Print an area graph with netflow total */ function graph_netflow_total_area($data, $period, $width, $height, $unit='', $ttl=1, $only_image=false) { global $config; global $graphic_type; if (empty($data)) { echo fs_error_image(); return; } // Calculate source indexes $i = 0; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $chart['netflow']['data'][$i][0] = ($key * 1000); $chart['netflow']['data'][$i][1] = $value['data']; $i++; } if ($config['homeurl'] != '') { $homeurl = $config['homeurl']; } else { $homeurl = ''; } if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; $water_mark = $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png'; } if ($ttl >= 2) { $only_image = true; } else { $only_image = false; } $params = [ 'agent_module_id' => false, 'period' => $period, 'width' => '90%', 'height' => 450, 'unit' => $unit, 'only_image' => $only_image, 'homeurl' => $homeurl, 'menu' => true, 'backgroundColor' => 'white', 'type_graph' => 'area', 'font' => $config['fontpath'], 'font_size' => $config['font_size'], 'array_data_create' => $chart, ]; return grafico_modulo_sparse($params); } /** * Print a pie graph with netflow aggregated */ function graph_netflow_aggregate_pie($data, $aggregate, $ttl=1, $only_image=false) { global $config; global $graphic_type; if (empty($data)) { return fs_error_image(); } $date_array = []; $date_array['period'] = 300; $date_array['final_date'] = time(); $date_array['start_date'] = (time() - 300); $i = 0; $values = []; $agg = ''; while (isset($data[$i])) { $agg = $data[$i]['agg']; if (!isset($values[$agg])) { $values[$agg] = $data[$i]['data']; } else { $values[$agg] += $data[$i]['data']; } $i++; } if ($config['fixed_graph'] == false) { $water_mark = [ 'file' => $config['homedir'].'/images/logo_vertical_water.png', 'url' => ui_get_full_url('images/logo_vertical_water.png', false, false, false), ]; } return pie_graph( $values, 370, 200, __('Other'), $config['homeurl'], $water_mark, $config['fontpath'], $config['font_size'], $ttl ); } /** * Print a circular mesh array. * * @param array $data Array with properly data structure. Array with two * elements required: * 'elements': Non-associative array with all the relationships. * 'matrix': Array of arrays with value of the relationship. * * @return string HTML data. */ function graph_netflow_circular_mesh($data) { global $config; if (empty($data) || empty($data['elements']) || empty($data['matrix'])) { return fs_error_image(); } include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/graphs/functions_d3.php'; return d3_relationship_graph($data['elements'], $data['matrix'], 700, true); } /** * Print a rectangular graph with the traffic of the ports for each IP */ function graph_netflow_host_traffic($data, $width=700, $height=700) { global $config; if (empty($data)) { return fs_error_image(); } include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/graphs/functions_d3.php'; return d3_tree_map_graph($data, $width, $height, true); } /** * Print a graph with event data of module * * @param integer id_module Module ID * @param integer width graph width * @param integer height graph height * @param integer period time period * @param string homeurl Home url if the complete path is needed * @param int Zoom factor over the graph * @param string adaptation width and margin left key (could be adapter_[something] or adapted_[something]) * @param int date limit of the period */ function graphic_module_events($id_module, $width, $height, $period=0, $homeurl='', $zoom=0, $adapt_key='', $date=false, $stat_win=false) { global $config; global $graphic_type; $data = []; // $resolution = $config['graph_res'] * ($period * 2 / $width); // Number of "slices" we want in graph $resolution = (5 * ($period * 2 / $width)); // Number of "slices" we want in graph $interval = (int) ($period / $resolution); if ($date === false) { $date = get_system_time(); } $datelimit = ($date - $period); $periodtime = floor($period / $interval); $time = []; $data = []; // Set the title and time format if ($period <= SECONDS_6HOURS) { $time_format = 'H:i:s'; } else if ($period < SECONDS_1DAY) { $time_format = 'H:i'; } else if ($period < SECONDS_15DAYS) { $time_format = 'M d H:i'; } else if ($period < SECONDS_1MONTH) { $time_format = 'M d H\h'; } else if ($period < SECONDS_6MONTHS) { $time_format = 'M d H\h'; } else { $time_format = 'Y M d H\h'; } $legend = []; $cont = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $interval; $i++) { $bottom = ($datelimit + ($periodtime * $i)); if (! $graphic_type) { $name = date($time_format, $bottom); // $name = date('H\h', $bottom); } else { $name = $bottom; } $top = ($datelimit + ($periodtime * ($i + 1))); $events = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tevento', ['id_agentmodule' => $id_module, 'utimestamp > '.$bottom, 'utimestamp < '.$top ], 'event_type, utimestamp' ); if (!empty($events)) { $status = 'normal'; foreach ($events as $event) { if (empty($event['utimestamp'])) { continue; } switch ($event['event_type']) { case 'going_down_normal': case 'going_up_normal': // The default status is normal. Do nothing break; case 'going_unknown': if ($status == 'normal') { $status = 'unknown'; } break; case 'going_up_warning': case 'going_down_warning': if ($status == 'normal' || $status == 'unknown') { $status = 'warning'; } break; case 'going_up_critical': case 'going_down_critical': $status = 'critical'; break; } } } $data[$cont]['utimestamp'] = $periodtime; if (!empty($events)) { switch ($status) { case 'warning': $data[$cont]['data'] = 2; break; case 'critical': $data[$cont]['data'] = 3; break; case 'unknown': $data[$cont]['data'] = 4; break; default: $data[$cont]['data'] = 1; break; } } else { $data[$cont]['data'] = 1; } $current_timestamp = $bottom; $legend[] = date($time_format, $current_timestamp); $cont++; } $pixels_between_xdata = 25; $max_xdata_display = round($width / $pixels_between_xdata); $ndata = count($data); if ($max_xdata_display > $ndata) { $xdata_display = $ndata; } else { $xdata_display = $max_xdata_display; } $step = round($ndata / $xdata_display); $colors = [ 1 => '#38B800', 2 => '#FFFF00', 3 => '#FF0000', 4 => '#C3C3C3', ]; // Draw slicebar graph echo flot_slicesbar_graph( $data, $period, $width, 50, $legend, $colors, $config['fontpath'], $config['round_corner'], $homeurl, '', $adapt_key, $stat_win ); } function graph_nodata_image($width=300, $height=110, $type='area', $text='') { $image = ui_get_full_url( 'images/image_problem_area.png', false, false, false ); // if ($text == '') { // $text = __('No data to show'); // } $text_div = '
'; $image_div = $text_div.'
'; $div = '
'; return $div; } function get_criticity_pie_colors($data_graph) { $colors = []; foreach (array_keys($data_graph) as $crit) { switch ($crit) { case __('Maintenance'): $colors[$crit] = COL_MAINTENANCE; break; case __('Informational'): $colors[$crit] = COL_INFORMATIONAL; break; case __('Normal'): $colors[$crit] = COL_NORMAL; break; case __('Warning'): $colors[$crit] = COL_WARNING; break; case __('Critical'): $colors[$crit] = COL_CRITICAL; break; case __('Minor'): $colors[$crit] = COL_MINOR; break; case __('Major'): $colors[$crit] = COL_MAJOR; break; } } return $colors; } /** * Print a rectangular graph with the snmptraps received */ function graph_snmp_traps_treemap($data, $width=700, $height=700) { global $config; if (empty($data)) { return fs_error_image(); } include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/graphs/functions_d3.php'; return d3_tree_map_graph($data, $width, $height, true); } function extract_agents_with_group_id(&$agents, $group_id) { $valid_agents = []; foreach ($agents as $id => $agent) { if (isset($agent['group']) && $agent['group'] == $group_id) { $valid_agents[$id] = $agent; unset($agents[$id]); } } if (!empty($valid_agents)) { return $valid_agents; } else { return false; } } function iterate_group_array($groups, &$data_agents) { $data = []; foreach ($groups as $id => $group) { $group_aux = []; $group_aux['id'] = (int) $id; $group_aux['name'] = io_safe_output($group['nombre']); $group_aux['show_name'] = true; $group_aux['parent'] = (int) $group['parent']; $group_aux['type'] = 'group'; $group_aux['size'] = 100; $group_aux['status'] = groups_get_status($id); switch ($group_aux['status']) { case AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL: $group_aux['color'] = COL_CRITICAL; break; case AGENT_STATUS_WARNING: case AGENT_STATUS_ALERT_FIRED: $group_aux['color'] = COL_WARNING; break; case AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL: $group_aux['color'] = COL_NORMAL; break; case AGENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: default: $group_aux['color'] = COL_UNKNOWN; break; } $tooltip_content = html_print_image('images/groups_small/'.$group['icon'].'.png', true).' '.__('Group').': '.$group_aux['name'].''; $group_aux['tooltip_content'] = $tooltip_content; $group_aux['children'] = []; if (!empty($group['children'])) { $group_aux['children'] = iterate_group_array($group['children'], $data_agents); } $agents = extract_agents_with_group_id($data_agents, (int) $id); if (!empty($agents)) { $group_aux['children'] = array_merge($group_aux['children'], $agents); } $data[] = $group_aux; } return $data; } /** * Print a solarburst graph with a representation of all the groups, agents, module groups and modules grouped */ function graph_monitor_wheel($width=550, $height=600, $filter=false) { global $config; include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_users.php'; include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_groups.php'; include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_agents.php'; include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_modules.php'; $graph_data = []; $filter_module_group = (!empty($filter) && !empty($filter['module_group'])) ? $filter['module_group'] : false; if ($filter['group'] != 0) { $filter_subgroups = ''; if (!$filter['dont_show_subgroups']) { $filter_subgroups = ' || parent = '.$filter['group']; } $groups = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT * FROM tgrupo where id_grupo = '.$filter['group'].$filter_subgroups); $groups_ax = []; foreach ($groups as $g) { $groups_ax[$g['id_grupo']] = $g; } $groups = $groups_ax; } else { $groups = users_get_groups(false, 'AR', false, true, (!empty($filter) && isset($filter['group']) ? $filter['group'] : null)); } $data_groups = []; if (!empty($groups)) { $groups_aux = $groups; $childrens = []; $data_groups = groups_get_tree_good($groups, false, $childrens); // When i want only one group if (count($data_groups) > 1) { foreach ($childrens as $id_c) { unset($data_groups[$id_c]); } } $data_groups_keys = []; groups_get_tree_keys($data_groups, $data_groups_keys); $groups_aux = null; } if (!empty($data_groups)) { $filter = ['id_grupo' => array_keys($data_groups_keys)]; $fields = [ 'id_agente', 'id_parent', 'id_grupo', 'alias', ]; $agents = agents_get_agents($filter, $fields); if (!empty($agents)) { $agents_id = []; $agents_aux = []; foreach ($agents as $key => $agent) { $agents_aux[$agent['id_agente']] = $agent; } $agents = $agents_aux; $agents_aux = null; $module_groups = modules_get_modulegroups(); $module_groups[0] = __('Not assigned'); $modules = agents_get_modules(array_keys($agents), '*'); $data_agents = []; if (!empty($modules)) { foreach ($modules as $key => $module) { $module_id = (int) $module['id_agente_modulo']; $agent_id = (int) $module['id_agente']; $module_group_id = (int) $module['id_module_group']; $module_name = io_safe_output($module['nombre']); $module_status = modules_get_agentmodule_status($module_id); $module_value = modules_get_last_value($module_id); if ($filter_module_group && $filter_module_group != $module_group_id) { continue; } if (!isset($data_agents[$agent_id])) { $data_agents[$agent_id] = []; $data_agents[$agent_id]['id'] = $agent_id; $data_agents[$agent_id]['name'] = io_safe_output($agents[$agent_id]['alias']); $data_agents[$agent_id]['group'] = (int) $agents[$agent_id]['id_grupo']; $data_agents[$agent_id]['type'] = 'agent'; $data_agents[$agent_id]['size'] = 30; $data_agents[$agent_id]['show_name'] = true; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'] = []; $tooltip_content = __('Agent').': '.$data_agents[$agent_id]['name'].''; $data_agents[$agent_id]['tooltip_content'] = io_safe_output($tooltip_content); $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_critical'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_warning'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_normal'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_not_init'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_not_normal'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_unknown'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_UNKNOWN; unset($agents[$agent_id]); } if (!isset($data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id])) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id] = []; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['id'] = $module_group_id; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['name'] = io_safe_output($module_groups[$module_group_id]); $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['type'] = 'module_group'; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['size'] = 10; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['children'] = []; $tooltip_content = __('Module group').': '.$data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['name'].''; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['tooltip_content'] = $tooltip_content; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_critical'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_warning'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_normal'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_not_init'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_not_normal'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_unknown'] = 0; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_UNKNOWN; } switch ($module_status) { case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_ALERT: $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_critical']++; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_critical']++; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING_ALERT: $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_warning']++; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_warning']++; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL_ALERT: $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_normal']++; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_normal']++; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT: $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_not_init']++; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_not_init']++; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL: $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_not_normal']++; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_not_normal']++; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NO_DATA: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN: $data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_unknown']++; $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_unknown']++; break; } if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_critical'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_CRITICAL; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_warning'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_WARNING; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_not_normal'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_WARNING; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_unknown'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_UNKNOWN; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['modules_normal'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_NORMAL; } else { $data_agents[$agent_id]['color'] = COL_NOTINIT; } if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_critical'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_CRITICAL; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_warning'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_WARNING; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_not_normal'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_WARNING; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_unknown'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_UNKNOWN; } else if ($data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['modules_normal'] > 0) { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_NORMAL; } else { $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['color'] = COL_NOTINIT; } $data_module = []; $data_module['id'] = $module_id; $data_module['name'] = $module_name; $data_module['type'] = 'module'; $data_module['size'] = 10; $data_module['link'] = ui_get_full_url("index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=$agent_id"); $tooltip_content = __('Module').': '.$module_name.''; if (isset($module_value) && $module_value !== false) { $tooltip_content .= '
'; $tooltip_content .= __('Value').': '.io_safe_output($module_value).''; } $data_module['tooltip_content'] = $tooltip_content; switch ($module_status) { case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_ALERT: $data_module['color'] = COL_CRITICAL; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING_ALERT: $data_module['color'] = COL_WARNING; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL_ALERT: $data_module['color'] = COL_NORMAL; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT: $data_module['color'] = COL_NOTINIT; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL: $data_module['color'] = COL_WARNING; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NO_DATA: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN: default: $data_module['color'] = COL_UNKNOWN; break; } $data_agents[$agent_id]['children'][$module_group_id]['children'][] = $data_module; unset($modules[$module_id]); } $data_agents = array_map( function ($value) { $value['children'] = array_merge($value['children']); return $value; }, $data_agents ); } foreach ($agents as $id => $agent) { if (!isset($data_agents[$id])) { $data_agents[$id] = []; $data_agents[$id]['id'] = (int) $id; $data_agents[$id]['name'] = io_safe_output($agent['alias']); $data_agents[$id]['type'] = 'agent'; $data_agents[$id]['color'] = COL_NOTINIT; $data_agents[$id]['show_name'] = true; } } $agents = null; } } $graph_data = [ 'name' => __('Main node'), 'type' => 'center_node', 'children' => iterate_group_array($data_groups, $data_agents), 'color' => '#3F3F3F', ]; if (empty($graph_data['children'])) { return fs_error_image(); } include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/graphs/functions_d3.php'; return d3_sunburst_graph($graph_data, $width, $height, true); } /** * Function that on a date requests 3 times that period and takes an average. * * @param integer $agent_module_id ID module. * @param array $date_array Date array start finish period. * @param array $data_module_graph Data module. * @param array $params Params. * * @return array Data baseline graph. */ function get_baseline_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array, $data_module_graph, $params ) { $period = $date_array['period']; $date = $date_array['final_date']; $array_data = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $date_array = []; $date_array['period'] = $period; $date_array['final_date'] = ($date - ($period * $i)); $date_array['start_date'] = ($date - ($period * ($i + 1))); $array_data[] = grafico_modulo_sparse_data( $agent_module_id, $date_array, $data_module_graph, $params, $i ); } $result = []; $array_data[1] = array_reverse($array_data[1]['sum1']['slice_data']); $array_data[2] = array_reverse($array_data[2]['sum2']['slice_data']); $array_data[3] = array_reverse($array_data[3]['sum3']['slice_data']); foreach ($array_data[0]['sum0']['slice_data'] as $key => $value) { $data1 = array_pop($array_data[1]); $data2 = array_pop($array_data[2]); $data3 = array_pop($array_data[3]); $result['slice_data'][$key]['min'] = (($data1['min'] + $data2['min'] + $data3['min'] + $value['min']) / 4); $result['slice_data'][$key]['avg'] = (($data1['avg'] + $data2['avg'] + $data3['avg'] + $value['avg']) / 4); $result['slice_data'][$key]['max'] = (($data1['max'] + $data2['max'] + $data3['max'] + $value['max']) / 4); $result['data'][] = [ $key, $result['slice_data'][$key]['avg'], ]; } $result['avg'] = (($array_data[0]['sum0']['avg'] + $array_data[1]['sum1']['avg'] + $array_data[2]['sum2']['avg'] + $array_data[3]['sum3']['avg']) / 4); $result['max'] = max( $array_data[0]['sum0']['max'], $array_data[1]['sum1']['max'], $array_data[2]['sum2']['max'], $array_data[3]['sum3']['max'] ); $result['min'] = min( $array_data[0]['sum0']['min'], $array_data[1]['sum1']['min'], $array_data[2]['sum2']['min'], $array_data[3]['sum3']['min'] ); $result['agent_module_id'] = $array_data[0]['sum0']['agent_module_id']; $result['id_module_type'] = $array_data[0]['sum0']['id_module_type']; $result['agent_name'] = $array_data[0]['sum0']['agent_name']; $result['module_name'] = $array_data[0]['sum0']['module_name']; $result['agent_alias'] = $array_data[0]['sum0']['agent_alias']; return ['sum0' => $result]; }