columns = array('agent' => 1); if ($system->checkACL($this->acl)) { $this->correct_acl = true; } else { $this->correct_acl = false; } } public function setReadOnly() { $this->readOnly = true; } public function ajax($parameter2 = false) { $system = System::getInstance(); if (!$this->correct_acl) { return; } else { switch ($parameter2) { case 'get_events': $this->eventsGetFilters(); $page = $system->getRequest('page', 0); $system = System::getInstance(); $listEvents = $this->getListEvents($page); $events_db = $listEvents['events']; $total_events = $listEvents['total']; $events = array(); $end = 1; foreach ($events_db as $event) { $end = 0; $row = array(); $row[] = ' ' . __('Event Name') . ' ' . io_safe_output($event['evento']) . ''; /* switch ($event['estado']) { case 0: $img_st = "images/star.png"; $title_st = __('New event'); break; case 1: $img_st = "images/tick.png"; $title_st = __('Event validated'); break; case 2: $img_st = "images/hourglass.png"; $title_st = __('Event in process'); break; } $row[] = html_print_image ($img_st, true, array ("class" => "image_status", "width" => 16, "height" => 16, "title" => $title_st, "id" => 'status_img_' . $event["id_evento"])); */ $row[] = '' . __('Timestamp') . '' . ui_print_timestamp ($event['timestamp_rep'], true); $row[] = '' . __('Agent') . '' . ui_print_agent_name ($event["id_agente"], true); $status = html_print_image ("mobile/images/" . get_priority_class($event['criticity']) . ".png", true); $status .= " "; if ($event['estado'] == 1) { $img_st = "images/tick.png"; $title_st = __('Event validated'); $status .= html_print_image ($img_st, true, array ("class" => "image_status", "width" => 16, "height" => 16, "title" => $title_st, "id" => 'status_img_' . $event["id_evento"])); } else { $status .= ''; } $row[] = '' . __('Status') . '' . $status; $events[$event['id_evento']] = $row; } echo json_encode(array('end' => $end, 'events' => $events)); break; case 'get_detail_event': $system = System::getInstance(); $id_event = $system->getRequest('id_event', 0); $event = events_get_event($id_event); if ($event) { //Check if it is a event from module. if ($event['id_agentmodule'] > 0) { $event['module_graph_link'] = '' . html_print_image('images/chart_curve.png', true, array ("style" => 'vertical-align: middle;')) . ''; } $event['evento'] = io_safe_output($event['evento']); $event['clean_tags'] = events_clean_tags($event['tags']); $event["timestamp"] = date($system->getConfig("date_format"), strtotime($event["timestamp"])); if(empty($event["owner_user"])) { $event["owner_user"] = ''.__('N/A').''; } else { $user_owner = db_get_value('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event["owner_user"]); if (empty($user_owner)) { $user_owner = $event['owner_user']; } $event["owner_user"] = $user_owner; } $event["event_type"] = events_print_type_img ($event["event_type"], true).' '.events_print_type_description($event["event_type"], true); if (!isset($group_rep)) $group_rep = 0; if ($group_rep != 0) { if($event["event_rep"] <= 1) { $event["event_repeated"] = ''.__('No').''; } else { $event["event_repeated"] = sprintf("%d Times",$event["event_rep"]); } } else { $event["event_repeated"] = ''.__('No').''; } $event_criticity = get_priority_name ($event["criticity"]); switch ($event["criticity"]) { default: case 0: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_maintenance.png"; break; case 1: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_informational.png"; break; case 2: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_normal.png"; break; case 3: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_warning.png"; break; case 4: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_critical.png"; break; case 5: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_minor.png"; break; case 6: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_major.png"; break; } $event["criticity"] = html_print_image ($img_sev, true, array ("class" => "image_status", "width" => 12, "height" => 12, "title" => $event_criticity)); $event["criticity"] .= ' '.$event_criticity; if ($event['estado'] == 1) { $user_ack = db_get_value('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event['id_usuario']); if(empty($user_ack)) { $user_ack = $event['id_usuario']; } $date_ack = date ($system->getConfig("date_format"), $event['ack_utimestamp']); $event["acknowledged_by"] = $user_ack.' ('.$date_ack.')'; } else { $event["acknowledged_by"] = ''.__('N/A').''; } // Get Status switch($event['estado']) { case 0: $img_st = "images/star.png"; $title_st = __('New event'); break; case 1: $img_st = "images/tick.png"; $title_st = __('Event validated'); break; case 2: $img_st = "images/hourglass.png"; $title_st = __('Event in process'); break; } $event["status"] = html_print_image($img_st,true).' '.$title_st; $event["group"] = ui_print_group_icon ($event["id_grupo"], true); $event["group"] .= groups_get_name ($event["id_grupo"]); $event["tags"] = tags_get_tags_formatted($event["tags"]); if (empty($event["tags"])) { $event["tags"] = ''.__('N/A').''; } echo json_encode(array('correct' => 1, 'event' => $event)); } else { echo json_encode(array('correct' => 0, 'event' => array())); } break; case 'validate_event': $system = System::getInstance(); $id_event = $system->getRequest('id_event', 0); if (events_validate_event($id_event)) { echo json_encode(array('correct' => 1)); } else { echo json_encode(array('correct' => 0)); } break; } } } public function disabledColumns($columns = null) { if (!empty($columns)) { foreach ($columns as $column) { unset($this->columns[$column]); } } } private function eventsGetFilters() { $system = System::getInstance(); $user = User::getInstance(); $this->hours_old = $system->getRequest('hours_old', 8); if ($this->hours_old != 8) { $this->default = false; } $this->free_search = $system->getRequest('free_search', ''); if ($this->free_search != '') { $this->default = false; } $this->status = $system->getRequest('status', __("Status")); if (($this->status === __("Status")) || ($this->status == 3)) { $this->status = 3; } else { $this->default = false; } $this->type = $system->getRequest('type', __("Type")); if ($this->type === __("Type")) { $this->type = ""; } else { $this->default = false; } $this->group = $system->getRequest('group', __("Group")); if (!$user->isInGroup($this->acl, $this->group)) { $this->group = 0; } if (($this->group === __("Group")) || ($this->group == 0)) { $this->group = 0; } else { $this->default = false; } $this->severity = $system->getRequest('severity', __("Severity")); if ($this->severity === __("Severity")) { $this->severity = -1; } else { $this->default = false; } $this->filter = $system->getRequest('filter', __('Preset Filters')); if (($this->filter === __("Preset Filters")) || ($this->filter == 0)) { $this->filter = 0; } else { $this->default = false; } ///The user set a preset filter if ($this->filter > 0) { $this->loadPresetFilter(); } } public function setFilters($filters) { if (isset($filters['id_agent'])) { $this->id_agent = $filters['id_agent']; } if (isset($filters['all_events'])) { $this->all_events = $filters['all_events']; } } private function loadPresetFilter() { $filter = db_get_row('tevent_filter', 'id_filter', $this->filter); $this->free_search = $filter['search']; $this->hours_old = $filter['event_view_hr']; $this->status = $filter['status']; $this->type = $filter['type']; $this->severity = $filter['severity']; } public function show() { if (!$this->correct_acl) { $this->show_fail_acl(); } else { $this->eventsGetFilters(); $this->show_events(); } } private function show_fail_acl() { $ui = Ui::getInstance(); $ui->createPage(); $options['type'] = 'onStart'; $options['title_text'] = __('You don\'t have access to this page'); $options['content_text'] = __('Access to this page is restricted to authorized users only, please contact system administrator if you need assistance.

Please know that all attempts to access this page are recorded in security logs of Pandora System Database'); $ui->addDialog($options); $ui->showPage(); } private function show_events() { $ui = Ui::getInstance(); $ui->createPage(); $options['type'] = 'hidden'; $options['dialog_id'] = 'detail_event_dialog'; $options['title_close_button'] = true; $options['title_text'] = __('Event detail'); //Content ob_start(); ?>
__('Validate'), 'id' => 'validate_button', 'href' => 'javascript: validateEvent();'); $options['content_text'] .= $ui->createButton($options_button); $options_hidden = array( 'id' => 'event_id', 'value' => 0, 'type' => 'hidden' ); $options['content_text'] .= $ui->getInput($options_hidden); $options['content_text'] .= ''; $options['content_text'] .= ''; $options['content_text'] .= ''; $options['button_close'] = false; $ui->addDialog($options); $options['type'] = 'hidden'; $options['dialog_id'] = 'detail_event_dialog_error'; $options['title_text'] = __('ERROR: Event detail'); $options['content_text'] = '' . __('Error connecting to DB pandora.') . ''; $ui->addDialog($options); $ui->createDefaultHeader(__("PandoraFMS: Events")); $ui->showFooter(false); $ui->beginContent(); $ui->contentAddHtml(""); $ui->contentAddHtml(""); $filter_title = sprintf(__('Filter Events by %s'), $this->filterEventsGetString()); $ui->contentBeginCollapsible($filter_title); $ui->beginForm("index.php?page=events"); /* $options = array( 'name' => 'page', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'events' ); $ui->formAddInput($options);*/ $items = db_get_all_rows_in_table('tevent_filter'); $items[] = array('id_filter' => 0, 'id_name' => __('None')); $options = array( 'name' => 'filter', 'title' => __('Preset Filters'), 'label' => __('Preset Filters'), 'items' => $items, 'item_id' => 'id_filter', 'item_value' => 'id_name', 'selected' => $this->filter ); $ui->formAddSelectBox($options); $system = System::getInstance(); $groups = users_get_groups_for_select( $system->getConfig('id_user'), "ER", true, true, false, 'id_grupo'); $options = array( 'name' => 'group', 'title' => __('Group'), 'label' => __('Group'), 'items' => $groups, 'selected' => $this->group ); $ui->formAddSelectBox($options); $options = array( 'name' => 'status', 'title' => __('Status'), 'label' => __('Status'), 'items' => events_get_all_status(), 'selected' => $this->status ); $ui->formAddSelectBox($options); $options = array( 'name' => 'type', 'title' => __('Type'), 'label' => __('Type'), 'items' => get_event_types(), 'selected' => $this->type ); $ui->formAddSelectBox($options); $options = array( 'name' => 'severity', 'title' => __('Severity'), 'label' => __('Severity'), 'items' => get_priorities(), 'selected' => $this->severity ); $ui->formAddSelectBox($options); $options = array( 'name' => 'free_search', 'value' => $this->free_search, 'placeholder' => __('Free search') ); $ui->formAddInputSearch($options); $options = array( 'label' => __('Max. hours old'), 'name' => 'hours_old', 'value' => $this->hours_old, 'min' => 0, 'max' => 24 * 7, 'step' => 8 ); $ui->formAddSlider($options); $options = array( 'icon' => 'refresh', 'icon_pos' => 'right', 'text' => __('Apply Filter') ); $ui->formAddSubmitButton($options); $html = $ui->getEndForm(); $ui->contentCollapsibleAddItem($html); $ui->contentEndCollapsible(); $this->listEventsHtml(); $ui->endContent(); $ui->showPage(); } private function getListEvents($page = 0) { $system = System::getInstance(); //--------------Fill the SQL POST------------------------------- $sql_post = ''; switch ($this->status) { case 0: case 1: case 2: $sql_post .= " AND estado = " . $this->status; break; case 3: $sql_post .= " AND (estado = 0 OR estado = 2)"; break; } if ($this->free_search != "") { $sql_post .= " AND evento LIKE '%" . io_safe_input($this->free_search) . "%'"; } if ($this->severity != -1) { switch ($this->severity) { case EVENT_CRIT_WARNING_OR_CRITICAL: $sql_post .= " AND (criticity = " . EVENT_CRIT_WARNING . " OR criticity = " . EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL . ")"; break; case EVENT_CRIT_NOT_NORMAL: $sql_post .= " AND criticity != " . EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL; break; default: $sql_post .= " AND criticity = " . $this->severity; break; } } if ($this->hours_old > 0) { $unixtime = get_system_time () - ($this->hours_old * SECONDS_1HOUR); $sql_post .= " AND (utimestamp > " . $unixtime . ")"; } if ($this->type != "") { // If normal, warning, could be several (going_up_warning, going_down_warning... too complex // for the user so for him is presented only "warning, critical and normal" if ($this->type == "warning" || $this->type == "critical" || $this->type == "normal") { $sql_post .= " AND event_type LIKE '%" . $this->type . "%' "; } elseif ($this->type == "not_normal") { $sql_post .= " AND event_type LIKE '%warning%' OR event_type LIKE '%critical%' OR event_type LIKE '%unknown%' "; } elseif ($this->type != "all") { $sql_post .= " AND event_type = '" . $this->type."'"; } } if ($this->group > 0) { //If a group is selected and it's in the groups allowed $sql_post = " AND id_grupo = " . $this->group; } if ($this->id_agente > 0) { $sql_post = " AND id_agente = " . $this->id_agente; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- $events_db = events_get_events_grouped($sql_post, $page * $system->getPageSize(), $system->getPageSize(), false, false); if (empty($events_db)) { $events_db = array(); } $total_events = events_get_total_events_grouped($sql_post); return array('events' => $events_db, 'total' => $total_events); } public function listEventsHtml($page = 0, $return = false) { $system = System::getInstance(); $listEvents = $this->getListEvents($page); $events_db = $listEvents['events']; $total_events = $listEvents['total']; if (empty($events_db)) $events_db = array(); $events = array(); $field_event_name = __('Event Name'); $field_timestamp = __('Timestamp'); $field_agent = __('Agent'); $field_status = __('Status'); $row_class = array(); foreach ($events_db as $event) { $row_class[$event['id_evento']] = "events"; // . get_priority_class($event['criticity']); $row = array(); if ($this->readOnly) { $row[$field_event_name] = io_safe_output($event['evento']); } else { $row[$field_event_name] = '' . io_safe_output($event['evento']) . ''; } /* switch ($event['estado']) { case 0: $img_st = "images/star.png"; $title_st = __('New event'); break; case 1: $img_st = "images/tick.png"; $title_st = __('Event validated'); break; case 2: $img_st = "images/hourglass.png"; $title_st = __('Event in process'); break; } */ $row[$field_timestamp] = ui_print_timestamp ($event['timestamp_rep'], true); if ($this->columns['agent']) { $row[$field_agent] = '' . (string) agents_get_name($event["id_agente"]) . ''; } $row[$field_status] = html_print_image ("mobile/images/" . get_priority_class($event['criticity']) . ".png", true); $row[$field_status] .= " "; if ($event['estado'] == 1) { $img_st = "images/tick.png"; $title_st = __('Event validated'); $row[$field_status] .= html_print_image ($img_st, true, array ("class" => "image_status", "width" => 16, "height" => 16, "title" => $title_st, "id" => 'status_img_' . $event["id_evento"])); } else { $row[$field_status] .= ''; } $events[$event['id_evento']] = $row; } $ui = Ui::getInstance(); if (empty($events)) { if (!$return) { $ui->contentAddHtml('

' . __('No events') . '

'); } else { return '

' . __('No events') . '

'; } } else { $table = new Table(); $table->id = 'list_events'; $table->setRowClass($row_class); $table->importFromHash($events); if (!$return) { $ui->contentAddHtml($table->getHTML()); if ($system->getPageSize() < $total_events) { $ui->contentAddHtml('
' . html_print_image('images/spinner.gif', true) . ' ' . __('Loading...') . '
'); $this->addJavascriptAddBottom(); } $this->addJavascriptDialog(); } else { return $table->getHTML(); } } } private function addJavascriptDialog() { $ui = Ui::getInstance(); $ui->contentAddHtml(" "); } private function addJavascriptAddBottom() { $ui = Ui::getInstance(); $ui->contentAddHtml(""); } private function filterEventsGetString() { if ($this->default) { return __("(Default)"); } else { if ($this->filter) { $filter = db_get_row('tevent_filter', 'id_filter', $this->filter); return sprintf(__('Filter: %s'), $filter['id_name']); } else { $status = ""; if (!empty($this->status)) $status = events_get_status($this->status); $type = ""; if (!empty($this->empty)) $type = get_event_types($this->type); $severity = ""; if ($this->severity != -1) $severity = get_priorities($this->severity); $string = sprintf( __("(Status: %s - Hours: %s - Type: %s - Severity: %s - Free Search: %s)"), $status, $this->hours_old, $type, $severity, $this->free_search); return $string; } } } } ?>