stages: - build - test - deploy build: stage: build image: fbsanchez/httpdphp:7-runner script: - composer install cache: key: umc0000 paths: - vendor test: stage: test image: aiur.artica.lan:5000/um:master dependencies: - build needs: - job: build cache: key: umc0000 paths: - vendor variables: DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 TEST: client DBUSER: root DBHOST: DBPASS: pandora DBNAME: um SOURCE_DIR: /root/code APACHE_USER: apache APACHE_GROUP: apache TARGET: updatemanager script: - echo ">> Starting mysql service" - sudo -u mysql mysqld & - sleep 5 - while [ "`ps aux | grep mysqld | grep -v grep | grep -v sudo | wc -l`" == "0" ]; do echo "-- Waiting (5) until service mysql is available"; sleep 5; done - echo ">> Setting password for root" - if [ -e '/var/log/mysql/mysqld.log' ]; then sqllogfile='/var/log/mysql/mysqld.log'; centos=8; else sqllogfile='/var/log/mysqld.log'; centos=7; fi - echo "set password='$DBPASS'" | mysql -p$(cat $sqllogfile | grep temporary | awk '{print $NF}') --connect-expired-password - mysql -q -u root -p$DBPASS -e "SET GLOBAL time_zone = '+2:00';" - echo ">> Installing DB schema" - mysql -q -u root -p$DBPASS -e "create database um" - mysql -q -u root -p$DBPASS um < $SOURCE_DIR/db/tables.sql 2>&1 - if [ $centos -eq 7 ]; then mysql -q -u root -p$DBPASS -e "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '$DBPASS'"; fi - echo ">> Loading countries information" - mysql -q -u root -p$DBPASS um < $SOURCE_DIR/db/geocountry.sql 2>&1 - echo ">> Adding admin user (admin // $DBPASS)" - mysql -q -u root -p$DBPASS um -e "INSERT INTO um_users (username, password, admin) VALUES ('admin', '5a7b2e919d9eb13cbcfcdaa0bda8bf6aec156a00e29448e96f1702676f70b119', 1);" 2>&1 - echo 'xdebug.mode=coverage' >> /etc/php.ini - echo 'memory_limit = 512M' >> /etc/php.ini - echo -e "[Open Update Manager]\ndb_host = $DBHOST\ndb_user = $DBUSER\ndb_pass = $DBPASS\ndb_name = $DBNAME\nbuild_script_path = /var/www/html/extras/\nenterprise_repo_path = repo/enterprise\nsourceforge_repo_url =\nsourceforge_repo_path = /projects/pandora/files/Nightlies/7.0NG/Tarball\nsourceforge_cache_file = /tmp/pandora7.sourceforge.cache\npagination_size = 25\n;At the moment pandora/integria\nmode = pandora\nfree_license_sting = PANDORA-FREE\n" > $SOURCE_DIR/src/conf/server.ini - cp -Rp $SOURCE_DIR/src /var/www/html/$TARGET - echo '' > /var/www/html/index.html - chown $APACHE_USER:$APACHE_GROUP -R /var/www/html - bash / & - sleep 5 - rm -rf $SOURCE_DIR/client - cp -rp ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} $SOURCE_DIR/client - cd $SOURCE_DIR - echo $(pwd)':' - echo "- Test client" - vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --coverage-text --testsuite client # Generate a package into packages register deploy_composer: only: - tags stage: deploy image: alpine/curl dependencies: - test needs: - job: test script: - curl -sS --show-error --fail --data tag=${CI_COMMIT_TAG} "https://__token__:${PACKAGE_DEPLOY_TOKEN}${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/composer" # Generates a package into deploy_packagist: only: - tags stage: deploy image: alpine/curl dependencies: - test needs: - job: test script: - echo "Updating $PACKAGIST_PROJECT_URL" - curl -XPOST -H'content-type:application/json' "$PACKAGIST_API_TOKEN&autoUpdated=1" -d"{\"repository\":{\"url\":\"$PACKAGIST_PROJECT_URL\"}}"