'.''.''.__('Google Map Type').': | '.''.trim(html_print_select($gmaps_types, 'gmap_type', $gmap_type, '', '', 0, true)).' | '.'
'.''.''.__('Google Maps Key').': | '.'
'.''.''.html_print_input_text('gmap_key', $gmap_key, '', 90, 128, true).' | '.'
// Image Map Connection.
$optionsConnectionImageTable = ''.''.''.__('Image URL').': | '.''.html_print_input_text('url', $mapConnectionDataUrl, '', 45, 90, true).' | '.'
'.''.''.__('Corners of the area of the image').': | '.'
'.''.''.__('Left').': | '.''.html_print_input_text('bb_left', $bb_left, '', 25, 25, true).' | '.''.__('Bottom').': | '.''.html_print_input_text('bb_bottom', $bb_bottom, '', 25, 25, true).' | '.'
'.''.''.__('Right').': | '.''.html_print_input_text('bb_right', $bb_right, '', 25, 25, true).' | '.''.__('Top').': | '.''.html_print_input_text('bb_top', $bb_top, '', 25, 25, true).' | '.'
'.''.''.__('Image Size').': | '.'
'.''.''.__('Width').': | '.''.html_print_input_text('image_width', $image_width, '', 25, 25, true).' | '.''.__('Height').': | '.''.html_print_input_text('image_height', $image_height, '', 25, 25, true).' | '.'
// WMS Server Connection.
$optionsConnectionWMSTable = '';
html_print_submit_button(__('Save'), '', false, 'class="sub save wand"');
echo '
echo '