widgetId = $widgetId; $this->cellId = $cellId; $this->dashboardId = $dashboardId; $this->fields = $this->get(); $this->className = $this->fields['class_name']; $cellClass = new Cell($this->cellId, $this->dashboardId); $this->dataCell = $cellClass->get(); $this->values = $this->decoders($this->getOptionsWidget()); if (isset($this->values['node']) === true) { $this->nodeId = $this->values['node']; } } return $this; } /** * Retrieve a cell definition. * * @return array cell data. */ public function get() { $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM twidget WHERE id = %d', $this->widgetId ); $data = \db_get_row_sql($sql); if ($data === false) { return []; } return $data; } /** * Get options Cell widget configuration. * * @return array */ public function getOptionsWidget():array { $result = []; if (empty($this->dataCell['options']) === false) { $result = \json_decode($this->dataCell['options'], true); // Hack retrocompatibility. if ($result === null) { $result = \unserialize($this->dataCell['options']); } } return $result; } /** * Get options Cell widget configuration. * * @return array */ public function getPositionWidget():array { global $config; $result = []; if (empty($this->dataCell['position']) === false) { $result = \json_decode($this->dataCell['position'], true); // Hack retrocompatibility. if ($result === null) { $result = \unserialize($this->dataCell['position']); } } return $result; } /** * Insert widgets. * * @return void */ public function install() { $id = db_get_value( 'id', 'twidget', 'unique_name', $this->getName() ); if ($id !== false) { return; } $values = [ 'unique_name' => $this->getName(), 'description' => $this->getDescription(), 'options' => '', 'page' => $this->page, 'class_name' => $this->className, ]; $res = db_process_sql_insert('twidget', $values); return $res; } /** * Get all dashboard user can you see. * * @param integer $offset Offset query. * @param integer $limit Limit query. * @param string|null $search Search word. * * @return array Return info all dasboards. */ static public function getWidgets( int $offset=-1, int $limit=-1, ?string $search='' ):array { global $config; $sql_limit = ''; if ($offset !== -1 && $limit !== -1) { $sql_limit = ' LIMIT '.$offset.','.$limit; } $sql_search = ''; if (empty($search) === false) { $sql_search = 'AND description LIKE "%'.addslashes($search).'%" '; } // User admin view all dashboards. $sql_widget = \sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM twidget WHERE 1=1 %s ORDER BY `description` %s', $sql_search, $sql_limit ); $widgets = \db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_widget); if ($widgets === false) { $widgets = []; } return $widgets; } /** * Install Widgets. * * @param integer $cellId Cell ID. * * @return void */ /*public static function dashboardInstallWidgets(int $cellId) { global $config; $dir = $config['homedir'].'/include/lib/Dashboard/Widgets/'; $handle = opendir($dir); if ($handle === false) { return; } $ignores = [ '.', '..', ]; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (in_array($file, $ignores) === true) { continue; } $filepath = realpath($dir.'/'.$file); if (is_readable($filepath) === false || is_dir($filepath) === true || preg_match('/.*\.php$/', $filepath) === false ) { continue; } $name = preg_replace('/.php/', '', $file); $className = 'PandoraFMS\Dashboard'; $not_installed = false; switch ($name) { case 'agent_module': $className .= '\AgentModuleWidget'; break; case 'alerts_fired': $className .= '\AlertsFiredWidget'; break; case 'clock': $className .= '\ClockWidget'; break; case 'custom_graph': $className .= '\CustomGraphWidget'; break; case 'events_list': $className .= '\EventsListWidget'; break; case 'example': $className .= '\WelcomeWidget'; break; case 'graph_module_histogram': $className .= '\GraphModuleHistogramWidget'; break; case 'groups_status': $className .= '\GroupsStatusWidget'; break; case 'groups_status_map': $className .= '\GroupsStatusMapWidget'; break; case 'maps_made_by_user': $className .= '\MapsMadeByUser'; break; case 'maps_status': $className .= '\MapsStatusWidget'; break; case 'module_icon': $className .= '\ModuleIconWidget'; break; case 'module_status': $className .= '\ModuleStatusWidget'; break; case 'module_table_value': $className .= '\ModuleTableValueWidget'; break; case 'module_value': $className .= '\ModuleValueWidget'; break; case 'monitor_health': $className .= '\MonitorHealthWidget'; break; case 'network_map': if (\enterprise_installed() === false) { $not_installed = true; } $className .= '\NetworkMapWidget'; break; case 'post': $className .= '\PostWidget'; break; case 'reports': $className .= '\ReportsWidget'; break; case 'service_map': if (\enterprise_installed() === false) { $not_installed = true; } $className .= '\ServiceMapWidget'; break; case 'service_view': if (\enterprise_installed() === false) { $not_installed = true; } $className .= '\ServiceViewWidget'; break; case 'single_graph': $className .= '\SingleGraphWidget'; break; case 'sla_percent': $className .= '\SLAPercentWidget'; break; case 'system_group_status': $className .= '\SystemGroupStatusWidget'; break; case 'tactical': $className .= '\TacticalWidget'; break; case 'top_n_events_by_module': $className .= '\TopNEventByModuleWidget'; break; case 'top_n_events_by_group': $className .= '\TopNEventByGroupWidget'; break; case 'top_n': $className .= '\TopNWidget'; break; case 'tree_view': $className .= '\TreeViewWidget'; break; case 'url': $className .= '\UrlWidget'; break; case 'wux_transaction_stats': if (\enterprise_installed() === false) { $not_installed = true; } $className .= '\WuxStatsWidget'; break; case 'wux_transaction': if (\enterprise_installed() === false) { $not_installed = true; } $className .= '\WuxWidget'; break; case 'inventory': $className .= '\InventoryWidget'; break; case 'os_quick_report': $className .= '\OsQuickReportWidget'; break; case 'netflow': $className .= '\Netflow'; break; case 'GroupedMeterGraphs': case 'ColorModuleTabs': case 'BlockHistogram': case 'DataMatrix': case 'EventCardboard': case 'ModulesByStatus': case 'AvgSumMaxMinModule': case 'BasicChart': case 'AgentHive': $className .= '\\'.$name; break; case 'ITSMIncidences': if (isset($config['ITSM_enabled']) === false || (bool) $config['ITSM_enabled'] === false) { $not_installed = true; } $className .= '\\'.$name; break; case 'heatmap': $className .= '\HeatmapWidget'; break; case 'security_hardening': if (\enterprise_installed() === false) { $not_installed = true; } $className .= '\SecurityHardening'; break; default: $className = false; break; } if ($not_installed === false && $className !== false) { include_once $filepath; $instance = new $className($cellId, 0, 0); if (method_exists($instance, 'install') === true) { $instance->install(); } } } closedir($handle); }*/ /** * Draw html. * * @return string Html data. */ public function printHtml() { global $config; $output = ''; if ((bool) \is_metaconsole() === true) { \enterprise_include_once('include/functions_metaconsole.php'); if ($this->nodeId > 0) { if (\metaconsole_connect(null, $this->nodeId) !== NOERR) { $output .= '
'; $output .= \ui_print_info_message( __('Failed to connect to node %d', $this->nodeId), '', true ); $output .= '
'; return $output; } $config['metaconsole'] = false; } } if ($this->configurationRequired === true) { $output .= '
'; $output .= \ui_print_info_message( __('Please configure this widget before usage'), '', true ); $output .= '
'; } else if ($this->loadError === true) { $output .= '
'; $output .= \ui_print_error_message( __('Widget cannot be loaded').'. '.__('Please, configure the widget again to recover it'), '', true ); $output .= '
'; } else { $output .= $this->load(); } if ((bool) \is_metaconsole() === true) { if ($this->nodeId > 0) { \metaconsole_restore_db(); $config['metaconsole'] = true; } } return $output; } /** * Generates inputs for form. * * @return array Of inputs. */ public function getFormInputs(): array { global $config; $inputs = []; $values = $this->values; // Default values. if (isset($values['title']) === false) { $values['title'] = $this->getDescription(); } if (empty($values['background']) === true) { $values['background'] = '#ffffff'; if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black' && is_metaconsole() === false ) { $values['background'] = '#222222'; } } $inputs[] = [ 'arguments' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'dashboardId', 'value' => $this->dashboardId, ], ]; $inputs[] = [ 'arguments' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'cellId', 'value' => $this->cellId, ], ]; $inputs[] = [ 'arguments' => [ 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'widgetId', 'value' => $this->widgetId, ], ]; $inputs[] = [ 'label' => __('Title'), 'arguments' => [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'title', 'value' => $values['title'], 'return' => true, 'size' => 0, ], ]; $inputs[] = [ 'label' => __('Background'), 'arguments' => [ 'wrapper' => 'div', 'name' => 'background', 'type' => 'color', 'value' => $values['background'], 'return' => true, ], ]; if ((bool) \is_metaconsole() === true && $this->shouldSelectNode() === true ) { \enterprise_include_once('include/functions_metaconsole.php'); $servers = \metaconsole_get_servers(); if (is_array($servers) === true) { $servers = array_reduce( $servers, function ($carry, $item) { $carry[$item['id']] = $item['server_name']; return $carry; } ); } else { $servers = []; } $inputs[] = [ 'label' => __('Node'), 'arguments' => [ 'wrapper' => 'div', 'name' => 'node', 'type' => 'select', 'fields' => $servers, 'selected' => $values['node'], 'nothing' => __('This metaconsole'), 'nothing_value' => -1, 'return' => true, ], ]; } return $inputs; } /** * Get Post for widget. * * @return array */ public function getPost():array { $values = []; $values['title'] = \get_parameter('title', ''); $values['background'] = \get_parameter('background', '#ffffff'); if ((bool) \is_metaconsole() === true) { if ($this->shouldSelectNode() === true) { $values['node'] = \get_parameter('node', null); } else { $values['node'] = \get_parameter('metaconsoleId', null); } } return $values; } /** * Decoders hack for retrocompability. * * @param array $decoder Values. * * @return array Returns the values ​​with the correct key. */ public function decoders(array $decoder):array { $values = []; if (isset($decoder['title']) === true) { $values['title'] = $decoder['title']; } if (isset($decoder['background-color']) === true) { $values['background'] = $decoder['background-color']; } if (isset($decoder['background']) === true) { $values['background'] = $decoder['background']; } if (isset($decoder['node']) === true) { $values['node'] = $decoder['node']; } return $values; } /** * Size Cell. * * @return array */ protected function getSize():array { $gridWidth = $this->gridWidth; if ($this->gridWidth === 0) { $gridWidth = 1170; } if ($this->width === 0) { $width = (((int) $this->position['width'] / 12 * $gridWidth) - 60); } else { $width = (((int) $this->width / 12 * $gridWidth) - 60); } if ($this->height === 0) { $height = ((((int) $this->position['height'] - 1) * 80) + 60 - 30); } else { $height = ((((int) $this->height - 1) * 80) + 60 - 30); } $result = [ 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, ]; return $result; } /** * Should select for nodes been shown while in metaconsole environment? * * @return boolean */ protected function shouldSelectNode():bool { if ($this->showSelectNodeMeta !== null) { return (bool) $this->showSelectNodeMeta; } switch ($this->className) { case 'EventsListWidget': case 'ReportsWidget': case 'MapsMadeByUser': case 'AlertsFiredWidget': $this->showSelectNodeMeta = true; break; default: $this->showSelectNodeMeta = false; break; } return (bool) $this->showSelectNodeMeta; } /** * Get description should be implemented for each child. * * @return string */ public static function getDescription() { return '**NOT DEFINED**'; } /** * Load should be implemented for each child. * * @return string */ public function load() { return '**NOT DEFINED**'; } /** * Get name should be implemented for each child. * * @return string */ public static function getName() { return '**NOT DEFINED**'; } /** * Return aux javascript code for forms. * * @return string */ public function getFormJS() { return ''; } /** * Get size Modal Configuration. * * @return array */ public function getSizeModalConfiguration():array { $size = [ 'width' => 400, 'height' => 650, ]; return $size; } /** * Set the date range of parent configuration. * * @param integer $dateFrom Date from init for filter widget. * @param integer $dateTo Date from end for filter widget. * * @return void */ public function setDateRange(int $dateFrom, int $dateTo) { $this->dateFrom = $dateFrom; $this->dateTo = $dateTo; } public function getDateFrom() { return $this->dateFrom; } public function getDateTo() { return $this->dateTo; } public function getPeriod():mixed { if (empty($this->dateFrom) === false && empty($this->dateTo) === false) { return ($this->dateTo - $this->dateFrom); } else { return null; } } }