"; } else { $output = "
"; } $output .= ""; $output .= ''; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; $output .= ''; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; if ($stacked == CUSTOM_GRAPH_GAUGE) { $hidden = ' style="display:none;" '; } else { $hidden = ''; } $output .= ''; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; $output .= ''; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; $output .= ''; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; $output .= "'; $output .= ''; $output .= '
".__('Name').''; if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'RW')) { $output .= html_print_select_groups( $config['id_user'], 'RW', true, 'graph_id_group', $id_group, '', '', '', true ); } else if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'RM')) { $output .= html_print_select_groups( $config['id_user'], 'RM', true, 'graph_id_group', $id_group, '', '', '', true ); } $output .= '
".__('Description').''; $output .= '
"; $output .= ''.__('Period').'"; $output .= html_print_extended_select_for_time( 'period', $period, '', '', '0', 10, true ); $output .= ""; $output .= ''.__('Type of graph').'
"; require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_graph.php'; $stackeds = [ CUSTOM_GRAPH_AREA => __('Area'), CUSTOM_GRAPH_STACKED_AREA => __('Stacked area'), CUSTOM_GRAPH_LINE => __('Line'), CUSTOM_GRAPH_STACKED_LINE => __('Stacked line'), CUSTOM_GRAPH_BULLET_CHART => __('Bullet chart'), CUSTOM_GRAPH_GAUGE => __('Gauge'), CUSTOM_GRAPH_HBARS => __('Horizontal bars'), CUSTOM_GRAPH_VBARS => __('Vertical bars'), CUSTOM_GRAPH_PIE => __('Pie'), ]; $output .= html_print_select($stackeds, 'stacked', $stacked, '', '', 0, true); $output .= '
"; $output .= __('Equalize maximum thresholds'); $output .= '"; $output .= html_print_checkbox( 'threshold', CUSTOM_GRAPH_BULLET_CHART_THRESHOLD, $check, true, false, '', false ); $output .= '
"; $output .= __('Percentil'); $output .= '"; $output .= html_print_checkbox( 'percentil', 1, $percentil, true ); $output .= '
"; $output .= __('Add summatory series'); $output .= '"; $output .= html_print_checkbox( 'summatory_series', 1, $summatory_series, true ); $output .= ""; $output .= __('Add average series'); $output .= '"; $output .= html_print_checkbox( 'average_series', 1, $average_series, true ); $output .= '
"; $output .= __('Modules and series'); $output .= '"; $output .= html_print_checkbox('modules_series', 1, $modules_series, true); $output .= '"; $output .= __('Show full scale graph (TIP)'); $output .= '"; $output .= html_print_checkbox('fullscale', 1, $fullscale, true); $output .= '
'; if ($edit_graph) { $output .= "
"; $output .= ""; $output .= '
'; } else { $output .= "
"; $output .= ""; $output .= '
'; } $output .= '
'; echo $output; ?>