
// Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com
// ==================================================
// Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
// Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the  GNU Lesser General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2

// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.


// Date format for nfdump
$nfdump_date_format = 'Y/m/d.H:i:s';

 * Selects all netflow filters (array (id_name => id_name)) or filters filtered
 * @param mixed Array with filter conditions to retrieve filters or false.  
 * @return array List of all filters
function netflow_get_filters ($filter = false) {
	if ($filter === false) { 
		$filters = db_get_all_rows_in_table ("tnetflow_filter", "id_name");
	else {
		$filters = db_get_all_rows_filter ("tnetflow_filter", $filter);
	$return = array ();
	if ($filters === false) {
		return $return;
	foreach ($filters as $filter) {
		$return[$filter["id_name"]] = $filter["id_name"];
	return $return;

 * Selects all netflow reports (array (id_name => id_name)) or filters filtered
 * @param mixed Array with filter conditions to retrieve filters or false.  
 * @return array List of all filters
function netflow_get_reports ($filter = false) {
	if ($filter === false) { 
		$filters = db_get_all_rows_in_table ("tnetflow_report", "id_name");
	else {
		$filters = db_get_all_rows_filter ("tnetflow_report", $filter);
	$return = array ();
	if ($filters === false) {
		return $return;
	foreach ($filters as $filter) {
		$return[$filter["id_name"]] = $filter["id_name"];
	return $return;

//permite validar si un filtro pertenece a un grupo permitido para el usuario

function netflow_check_filter_group ($id_sg) {
	global $config;
	$id_group = db_get_value('id_group', 'tnetflow_filter', 'id_sg', $id_sg);	
	$own_info = get_user_info ($config['id_user']);
	// Get group list that user has access
	$groups_user = users_get_groups ($config['id_user'], "IW", $own_info['is_admin'], true);
	$groups_id = array();
	$has_permission = false;
	foreach($groups_user as $key => $groups){
		if ($groups['id_grupo'] == $id_group)
			return true;
	return false;

/* Permite validar si un informe pertenece a un grupo permitido para el usuario.
 * Si mode = false entonces es modo godmode y solo puede ver el grupo All el admin
 * Si es modo operation (mode = true) entonces todos pueden ver el grupo All

function netflow_check_report_group ($id_report, $mode=false) {
	global $config;
	if (!$mode) {
		$own_info = get_user_info ($config['id_user']);
		$mode = $own_info['is_admin'];
	$id_group = db_get_value('id_group', 'tnetflow_report', 'id_report', $id_report);
	// Get group list that user has access
	$groups_user = users_get_groups ($config['id_user'], "IW", $mode, true);
	$groups_id = array();
	$has_permission = false;
	foreach($groups_user as $key => $groups){
		if ($groups['id_grupo'] == $id_group)
			return true;
	return false;

 * Get a filter.
 * @param int filter id to be fetched.
 * @param array Extra filter.
 * @param array Fields to be fetched.
 * @return array A netflow filter matching id and filter.
function netflow_filter_get_filter ($id_sg, $filter = false, $fields = false) {

		if (! is_array ($filter))
			$filter = array ();
			$filter['id_sg'] = (int) $id_sg;
			return db_get_row_filter ('tnetflow_filter', $filter, $fields);

 * Get options.
 * @param int filter id to be fetched.
 * @param array Extra filter.
 * @param array Fields to be fetched.
 * @return array A netflow filter matching id and filter.
function netflow_reports_get_reports ($id_report, $filter = false, $fields = false) {
	if (empty ($id_report))
		return false;
	if (! is_array ($filter))
		$filter = array ();
	$filter['id_report'] = (int) $id_report;
	return db_get_row_filter ('tnetflow_report', $filter, $fields);

function netflow_reports_get_content ($id_rc, $filter = false, $fields = false){
	if (empty ($id_rc))
		return false;
	if (! is_array ($filter))
		$filter = array ();
	$filter['id_rc'] = (int) $id_rc;
	return db_get_row_filter ('tnetflow_report_content', $filter, $fields);

 * Compare two flows according to the 'data' column.
 * @param array a First flow.
 * @param array b Second flow.
 * @return Result of the comparison.
function compare_flows ($a, $b) {
	return $a['data'] < $b['data'];

 * Sort netflow data according to the 'data' column.
 * @param array netflow_data Netflow data array.
function sort_netflow_data (&$netflow_data) {
     usort($netflow_data, "compare_flows");

function netflow_stat_table ($data, $start_date, $end_date, $aggregate, $unit){
	global $nfdump_date_format;

	$start_date = date ($nfdump_date_format, $start_date);
	$end_date = date ($nfdump_date_format, $end_date);
	$values = array();
	$table->width = '50%';
	$table->class = 'databox';
	$table->data = array();
	$j = 0;
	$x = 0;
	$table->head = array ();
	$table->head[0] = '<b>' . __($aggregate) . '</b>';
	$table->head[1] = '<b>' . __($unit) . '</b>';
	while (isset ($data[$j])) {
		$agg = $data[$j]['agg'];
		if (!isset($values[$agg])){
			$values[$agg] = $data[$j]['data'];
			$table->data[$x][0] = $agg;
			$table->data[$x][1] = format_numeric ($data[$j]['data']);
		} else {
			$values[$agg] += $data[$j]['data'];
			$table->data[$x][0] = $agg;
			$table->data[$x][1] = format_numeric ($data[$j]['data']);


 * Show a table with netflow statistics.
 * @param array data Statistic data.
 * @param string start_date Start date.
 * @param string end_date End date.
 * @param string aggregate Aggregate field.
 * @return The statistics table.
function netflow_data_table ($data, $start_date, $end_date, $aggregate) {
	global $nfdump_date_format;

	$period = $end_date - $start_date;
	$start_date = date ($nfdump_date_format, $start_date);
	$end_date = date ($nfdump_date_format, $end_date);

	// Set the format
	if ($period <= 21600) {
		$time_format = 'H:i:s';
	elseif ($period < 86400) {
		$time_format = 'H:i';
	elseif ($period < 1296000) {
		$time_format = 'M d H:i';
	elseif ($period < 2592000) {
		$time_format = 'M d H\h';
	else {  
		$time_format = 'M d H\h';

	$values = array();
	$table->size = array ('50%');
	$table->class = 'databox';
	$table->data = array();

	$table->head = array();
	$table->head[0] = '<b>'.__('Timestamp').'</b>';

	$j = 0;
	$source_index = array ();
	$source_count = 0;
	foreach ($data['sources'] as $source => $null) {
		$table->head[$j+1] = $source;
		$source_index[$j] = $source;

	$i = 0;
	foreach ($data['data'] as $timestamp => $values) {
		$table->data[$i][0] = date ($time_format, $timestamp);
		for ($j = 0; $j < $source_count; $j++) {
			if (isset ($values[$source_index[$j]])) {
				$table->data[$i][$j+1] = format_numeric ($values[$source_index[$j]]);
			} else {
				$table->data[$i][$j+1] = 0;


 * Returns 1 if the given address is a network address.
 * @param string address Host or network address.
 * @return 1 if the address is a network address, 0 otherwise.
function netflow_is_net ($address) {
	if (strpos ($address, '/') !== FALSE) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

 * Returns netflow data for the given period in an array.
 * @param string start_date Period start date.
 * @param string end_date Period end date.
 * @param string command Command used to retrieve netflow data.
 * @param string unique_id A unique number that is used to generate a cache file.
 * @param string aggregate Aggregate field.
 * @param int max Maximum number of aggregates.
 * @param string unit Unit to show.
 * @return An array with netflow stats.
function netflow_get_data ($start_date, $end_date, $command, $unique_id, $aggregate, $max, $unit) {
	global $nfdump_date_format;
	global $config;

	// If there is aggregation calculate the top n
	if ($aggregate != 'none') {
		$values['data'] = array ();
		$values['sources'] = array ();
		$agg_command = $command . " -s $aggregate/$unit -n $max -t ".date($nfdump_date_format, $start_date).'-'.date($nfdump_date_format, $end_date);
		exec($agg_command, $string);

		foreach($string as $line){
			if ($line=='') {
			$line = preg_replace('/\(\s*\S+\)/','',$line);
			$line = preg_replace('/\s+/',' ',$line);
			$val = explode(' ',$line);
			$values['sources'][$val[4]] = 1;
	} else {
		$values = array ();

	// Load cache
	$cache_file = $config['attachment_store'] . '/netflow_' . $unique_id . '.cache';
	$last_timestamp = netflow_load_cache ($values, $cache_file, $start_date, $end_date, $aggregate);
	if ($last_timestamp < $end_date) {


		// Execute nfdump and save its output in a temporary file
		$temp_file = $config['attachment_store'] . '/netflow_' . $unique_id . '.tmp';
		$command .= ' -t '.date($nfdump_date_format, $last_timestamp).'-'.date($nfdump_date_format, $end_date);
		exec("$command > $temp_file");

		// Parse data file
		// We must parse from $start_date to avoid creating new intervals!
		netflow_parse_file ($start_date, $end_date, $temp_file, $values, $aggregate, $unit);
		unlink ($temp_file);

	// Save cache
	if ($aggregate == 'none') {
		netflow_save_cache ($values, $cache_file);

	return $values;

 * Returns netflow stats for the given period in an array.
 * @param string start_date Period start date.
 * @param string end_date Period end date.
 * @param string command Command used to retrieve netflow data.
 * @param string aggregate Aggregate field.
 * @param int max Maximum number of aggregates.
 * @param string unit Unit to show.
 * @return An array with netflow stats.
function netflow_get_stats ($start_date, $end_date, $command, $aggregate, $max, $unit){
	global $nfdump_date_format;

	$command .= " -s $aggregate/$unit -n $max -t " .date($nfdump_date_format, $start_date).'-'.date($nfdump_date_format, $end_date);
	exec($command, $string);

	if(! is_array($string)){
		return array ();
	$i = 0;
	$values = array();
	foreach($string as $line){
		if ($line == '') {
		$line = preg_replace('/\(\s*\S+\)/','',$line);
		$line = preg_replace('/\s+/',' ',$line);
		$val = explode(' ',$line);

		$values[$i]['date'] = $val[0];
		$values[$i]['time'] = $val[1];
		//create field to sort array
		$date = $val[0];
		$time = $val[1];
		$end_date = strtotime ($date." ".$time);
		$values[$i]['datetime'] = $end_date;
		$values[$i]['agg'] = $val[4];
		switch ($unit){
			case "flows":
				$values[$i]['data'] = $val[5];
			case "packets":
				$values[$i]['data'] = $val[6];
			case "bytes":
				$values[$i]['data'] = $val[7];

	sort_netflow_data ($values);
	return $values;

 * Returns the command needed to run nfdump for the given filter.
 * @param array filter Netflow filter.
 * @return Command to run.
function netflow_get_command ($filter) {
	global $config;

	// Build command
	$command = 'nfdump -q -N -m';
	// Netflow data path
	if (isset($config['netflow_path']) && $config['netflow_path'] != '') {
		$command .= ' -R '.$config['netflow_path'];

	// Filter options
	$command .= netflow_get_filter_arguments ($filter);

	return $command;

 * Returns the nfdump command line arguments that match the given filter.
 * @param array filter Netflow filter.
 * @return Command line argument string.
function netflow_get_filter_arguments ($filter) {

	// Advanced filter
	$filter_args = '';
	if ($filter['advanced_filter'] != '') {
		$filter_args = preg_replace('/["\r\n]/','', io_safe_output ($filter['advanced_filter']));
		return ' "(' . $filter_args . ')"';

	// Normal filter
	if ($filter['ip_dst'] != ''){
		$filter_args .= ' "(';
		$val_ipdst = explode(',', $filter['ip_dst']);
		for($i = 0; $i < count ($val_ipdst); $i++){
			if ($i > 0) {
				$filter_args .= ' or ';
			if (netflow_is_net ($val_ipdst[$i]) == 0) {
				$filter_args .= 'dst ip '.$val_ipdst[$i];
			} else {
				$filter_args .= 'dst net '.$val_ipdst[$i];
		$filter_args .=  ')';
	if ($filter['ip_src'] != ''){
		if ($filter_args == '') {
			$filter_args .= ' "(';
		} else {
			$filter_args .= ' and (';
		$val_ipsrc = explode(',', $filter['ip_src']);
		for($i = 0; $i < count ($val_ipsrc); $i++){
			if ($i > 0) {
				$filter_args .= ' or ';
			if (netflow_is_net ($val_ipsrc[$i]) == 0) {
				$filter_args .= 'src ip '.$val_ipsrc[$i];
			} else {
				$filter_args .= 'src net '.$val_ipsrc[$i];
		$filter_args .=  ')';
	if ($filter['dst_port'] != 0) {
		if ($filter_args == '') {
			$filter_args .= ' "(';
		} else {
			$filter_args .= ' and (';
		$val_dstport = explode(',', $filter['dst_port']);
		for($i = 0; $i < count ($val_dstport); $i++){
			if ($i > 0) {
				$filter_args .= ' or ';
			$filter_args .= 'dst port '.$val_dstport[$i];
		$filter_args .=  ')';
	if ($filter['src_port'] != 0) {
		if ($filter_args == '') {
			$filter_args .= ' "(';
		} else {
			$filter_args .= ' and (';
		$val_srcport = explode(',', $filter['src_port']);
		for($i = 0; $i < count ($val_srcport); $i++){
			if ($i > 0) {
				$filter_args .= ' or ';
			$filter_args .= 'src port '.$val_srcport[$i];
		$filter_args .=  ')';
	if ($filter_args != '') {
		$filter_args .= '"';

	return $filter_args;

 * Parses netflow data from the given file.
 * @param string start_date Period start date.
 * @param string end_date Period end date.
 * @param string file File that contains netflow data.
 * @param array values Array where netflow data will be placed.
 * @param string aggregate Aggregate field.
 * @param string unit Unit to show.
 * @return Timestamp of the last data read.
function netflow_parse_file ($start_date, $end_date, $file, &$values, $aggregate, $unit) {
	global $config;

	// Last timestamp read
	$last_timestamp = $start_date;

	// Open the data file
	$fh = @fopen ($file, "r");
	if ($fh === FALSE) {
		return $last_timestamp;

	// Calculate the number of intervals
	$num_intervals = $config['graph_res'] * 50;
	$period = $end_date - $start_date;
	$interval_length = (int) ($period / $num_intervals);

	// Parse flow data
	$read_flag = 1;
	$flow = array ();
	for ($i = 0; $i < $num_intervals; $i++) {
		$timestamp = $start_date + ($interval_length * $i);
		if ($aggregate != 'none') {
			$interval_total = array ();
			$interval_count = array ();
		} else {
			$interval_total = 0;
			$interval_count = 0;

		do {
			if ($read_flag == 1) {
				$read_flag = 0;
				$line = fgets($fh, 4096);
				if ($line === false) {
					$read_flag = 1;
				$line = preg_replace('/\s+/',' ',$line);
				$val = explode(' ',$line);
				if (! isset ($val[6])) {
					$read_flag = 1;
				$flow['date'] = $val[0];
				$flow['time'] = $val[1];
				switch ($aggregate){
					case "proto":
						$flow['agg'] = $val[3];
					case "srcip":
						$val2 = explode(':', $val[4]);
						$flow['agg'] = $val2[0];
					case "srcport":
						$val2 = explode(':', $val[4]);
						$flow['agg'] = $val2[1];
					case "dstip":
						$val2 = explode(':', $val[6]);
						$flow['agg'] = $val2[0];
					case "dstport":
						$val2 = explode(':', $val[6]);
						$flow['agg'] = $val2[1];
				switch ($unit) {
					case "flows":
						$flow['data'] = $val[6];
					case "packets":
						$flow['data'] = $val[7];
					case "bytes":
						$flow['data'] = $val[8];
				$flow['timestamp'] = strtotime ($flow['date'] . " " . $flow['time']);
				$last_timestamp = $flow['timestamp'];
			if ($flow['timestamp'] >= $timestamp && $flow['timestamp'] <= $timestamp + $interval_length) {
				$read_flag = 1;
				if ($aggregate != 'none') {
					if (isset ($values['sources'][$flow['agg']])) {
						if (! isset ($interval_total[$flow['agg']])) {
							$interval_total[$flow['agg']] = 0;
							$interval_count[$flow['agg']] = 0;
						$interval_total[$flow['agg']] += $flow['data'];
						$interval_count[$flow['agg']] += 1;
				} else {
					$interval_total += $flow['data'];
					$interval_count += 1;
		} while ($read_flag == 1);
		if ($aggregate != 'none') {
			foreach ($interval_total as $agg => $val) {
				// No data for this interval/aggregate
				if ($interval_count[$agg] == 0) {

				// Read previous data for this interval
				if (isset ($values['data'][$timestamp][$agg])) {
					$previous_value = $values['data'][$timestamp][$agg];
				} else {
					$previous_value = 0;

				// Calculate interval data
				$values['data'][$timestamp][$agg] = (int) ($interval_total[$agg] / $interval_count[$agg]);
				// Average with previous data
				if ($previous_value != 0) {
					$values['data'][$timestamp][$agg] = (int) (($values['data'][$timestamp][$agg] + $previous_data) / 2);
		} else {

			// No data for this interval
			if ($interval_count == 0) {
			// Read previous data for this interval
			if (isset ($values[$timestamp]['data'])) {
				$previous_value = $values[$timestamp]['data'];
			} else {
				$previous_value = 0;

			// Calculate interval data
			$values[$timestamp]['data'] = (int) ($interval_total / $interval_count);
			// Average with previous data
			if ($previous_value != 0) {
				$values[$timestamp]['data'] = (int) (($values[$timestamp]['data'] + $previous_value) / 2);


	fclose ($fh);
	return $last_timestamp;

 * Save data to the specified cache file.
 * @param array data Data array.
 * @param string cache_file Cache file name.
function netflow_save_cache ($data, $cache_file) {

	@file_put_contents ($cache_file, serialize ($data));

 * Load data from the specified cache file.
 * @param string data Array were cache data will be stored.
 * @param string cache_file Cache file name.
 * @param string start_date Period start date.
 * @param string end_date Period end date.
 * @return Timestamp of the last data read from cache.
function netflow_load_cache (&$data, $cache_file, $start_date, $end_date, $aggregate) {
	global $config;

	// Open cache file
	$cache_data = @file_get_contents ($cache_file);
	$cache_data = @unserialize ($cache_data);

	// Calculate the number of intervals
	$num_intervals = $config['graph_res'] * 50;
	$period = $end_date - $start_date;
	$interval_length = (int) ($period / $num_intervals);
	$last_timestamp = $start_date;

	// Initializa chart data
	if ($aggregate == 'none') {
		if ($cache_data === FALSE) {
			$cache_data = array ();
		for ($i = 0; $i < $num_intervals; $i++) {
			$timestamp = $start_date + ($interval_length * $i);
			$interval_count = 0;
			$interval_total = 0;
			foreach ($cache_data as $cache_timestamp => $cache_value) {
				if ($cache_timestamp < $timestamp + $interval_length) {
					if ($cache_timestamp >= $timestamp) {
						$interval_total += $cache_value['data'];
						$last_timestamp = $cache_timestamp;
					unset ($cache_data[$cache_timestamp]);
				} else {
			if ($interval_count > 0) {
				$data[$timestamp]['data'] = (int) ($interval_total / $interval_count);
			} else {
				$data[$timestamp]['data'] = 0;
	} else {
               for ($i = 0; $i < $num_intervals; $i++) {
                        $timestamp = $start_date + ($interval_length * $i);
                        $interval_count = array ();
                        $interval_total = array ();

                        foreach ($data['sources'] as $source => $null) {
                                $data['data'][$timestamp][$source] = 0;

	return $last_timestamp;

 * Get the types of netflow charts.
 * @return Array of types.
function netflow_get_chart_types () {

	return array(
	               __('Area graph'),
	               __('Pie graph'),
	               __('Data table'),
	               __('Statistics table')

 * Gets valid intervals for a netflow chart in the format:
 *     interval_length => interval_description
 * @return Array of valid intervals.
function netflow_get_valid_intervals () {
        return array ('600' => __('10 mins'),
                      '900' => __('15 mins'),
                      '1800' => __('30 mins'),
                      '3600' => __('1 hour'),
                      '7200' => __('2 hours'),
                      '18000' => __('5 hours'),
                      '43200' => __('12 hours'),
                      '86400' => __('1 day'),
                      '172800' => __('2 days'),
                      '432000' => __('5 days'),
                      '1296000' => __('15 days'),
                      '604800' => __('Last week'),
                      '2592000' => __('Last month'),
                      '5184000' => __('2 months'),
                      '7776000' => __('3 months'),
                      '15552000' => __('6 months'),
                      '31104000' => __('Last year'),
                      '62208000' => __('2 years')

 * Draw a netflow report item.
 * @param string start_date Period start date.
 * @param string end_date Period end date.
 * @param string type Chart type.
 * @param string command Command used to retrieve netflow data.
 * @param array filter Netflow filter.
 * @param int max_aggregates Maximum number of aggregates.
 * @param string unique_id A unique number that is used to generate a cache file.
function netflow_draw_item ($start_date, $end_date, $type, $filter, $command, $filter, $max_aggregates, $unique_id) {

	$aggregate = $filter['aggregate'];
	$unit = $filter['output'];
	$interval = $end_date - $start_date;

	// Process item
	switch ($type){
		case '0':
			$data = netflow_get_data ($start_date, $end_date, $command, $unique_id, $aggregate, $max_aggregates, $unit);
			if ($aggregate != 'none') {
				echo graph_netflow_aggregate_area($data, $interval, 660, 320, 0);
			} else {
				echo graph_netflow_total_area($data, $interval, 660, 320, 0);
		case '1':
			$data = netflow_get_stats ($start_date, $end_date, $command, $aggregate, $max_aggregates, $unit);
			echo graph_netflow_aggregate_pie($data, $aggregate);
		case '2':
			$data = netflow_get_data ($start_date, $end_date, $command, $unique_id, $aggregate, $max_aggregates, $unit);
			echo netflow_data_table ($data, $start_date, $end_date, $aggregate);
		case '3':
			$data = netflow_get_stats ($start_date, $end_date, $command, $aggregate, $max_aggregates, $unit);
			echo netflow_stat_table ($data, $start_date, $end_date, $aggregate, $unit);
			echo fs_error_image();
