

namespace Models\VisualConsole;
use Models\Model;

 * Model of a Visual Console.
final class Container extends Model

     * Validate the received data structure to ensure if we can extract the
     * values required to build the model.
     * @param array $data Input data.
     * @return void
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If any input value is considered
     * invalid.
     * @overrides Model::validateData.
    protected function validateData(array $data): void
        if (isset($data['id']) === false
            || \is_numeric($data['id']) === false
        ) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                'the Id property is required and should be integer'

        if (isset($data['name']) === false
            || \is_string($data['name']) === false
            || empty($data['name']) === true
        ) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                'the name property is required and should be string'

        if (isset($data['width']) === false
            || \is_numeric($data['width']) === false
            || $data['width'] <= 0
        ) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                'the width property is required and should greater than 0'

        if (isset($data['height']) === false
            || \is_numeric($data['height']) === false
            || $data['height'] <= 0
        ) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                'the height property is required and should greater than 0'


     * Returns a valid representation of the model.
     * @param array $data Input data.
     * @return array Data structure representing the model.
     * @overrides Model::decode.
    protected function decode(array $data): array
        return [
            'id'                => (int) $data['id'],
            'name'              => $data['name'],
            'groupId'           => static::extractGroupId($data),
            'backgroundImage'   => static::extractBackgroundImage($data),
            'backgroundColor'   => static::extractBackgroundColor($data),
            'isFavorite'        => static::extractFavorite($data),
            'autoAdjust'        => static::extractAutoAdjust($data),
            'width'             => (int) $data['width'],
            'height'            => (int) $data['height'],
            'backgroundURL'     => static::extractBackgroundUrl($data),
            'relationLineWidth' => (int) $data['relationLineWidth'],
            'hash'              => static::extractHash($data),
            'maintenanceMode'   => static::extractMaintenanceMode($data),

     * Return a valid representation of a record in database.
     * @param array $data Input data.
     * @return array Data structure representing a record in database.
     * @overrides Model::encode.
    protected static function encode(array $data): array
        $result = [];
        return $result;

     * Insert or update an item in the database
     * @param array $data Unknown input data structure.
     * @return boolean The modeled element data structure stored into the DB.
     * @overrides Model::save.
    public function save(array $data=[]): bool
        return true;

     * Delete an item in the database
     * @param integer $itemId Identifier of the Item.
     * @return boolean The modeled element data structure stored into the DB.
     * @overrides Model::delete.
    public function delete(int $itemId): bool
        return true;

     * Extract a group Id value.
     * @param array $data Unknown input data structure.
     * @return integer Valid identifier of a group.
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When a valid group Id can't be found.
    private static function extractGroupId(array $data): int
        $groupId = static::parseIntOr(
            static::issetInArray($data, ['id_group', 'groupId']),

        if ($groupId === null || $groupId < 0) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
                'the group Id property is required and should be integer'

        return $groupId;

     * Extract a image name value.
     * @param array $data Unknown input data structure.
     * @return mixed String representing the image name (not empty) or null.
    private static function extractBackgroundImage(array $data)
        $backgroundImage = static::notEmptyStringOr(
            static::issetInArray($data, ['background', 'backgroundURL']),

        return ($backgroundImage === 'None.png') ? null : str_replace(' ', '%20', $backgroundImage);

     * Extract a image url value.
     * @param array $data Unknown input data structure.
     * @return mixed String representing the image url (not empty) or null.
    private static function extractBackgroundUrl(array $data)
        return static::notEmptyStringOr(
            static::issetInArray($data, ['backgroundURL']),

     * Extract a hash.
     * @param array $data Unknown input data structure.
     * @return mixed String representing hash (not empty) or null.
    private static function extractHash(array $data)
        return static::notEmptyStringOr(
            static::issetInArray($data, ['hash']),

     * Extract a background color value.
     * @param array $data Unknown input data structure.
     * @return mixed String representing the color (not empty) or null.
    private static function extractBackgroundColor(array $data)
        return static::notEmptyStringOr(

     * Extract a background color value.
     * @param array $data Unknown input data structure.
     * @return mixed String representing the color (not empty) or null.
    private static function extractMaintenanceMode(array $data)
        global $config;
        $maintenance_mode = static::notEmptyStringOr(

        $result = null;
        if ($maintenance_mode !== null) {
            $result = json_decode($maintenance_mode, true);

            $result['date'] = date(

            $result['timestamp'] = human_time_description_raw(
                (time() - $result['timestamp'])

        return $result;

     * Extract the "is favorite" switch value.
     * @param array $data Unknown input data structure.
     * @return boolean If the item is favorite or not.
    private static function extractFavorite(array $data): bool
        return static::parseBool(
            static::issetInArray($data, ['is_favourite', 'isFavorite'])

     * Extract the "auto adjust" switch value.
     * @param array $data Unknown input data structure.
     * @return boolean If the item is favorite or not.
    private static function extractAutoAdjust(array $data): bool
        return static::parseBool(
            static::issetInArray($data, ['auto_adjust', 'autoAdjust'])

     * Obtain a container data structure from the database using a filter.
     * @param array $filter Filter of the Visual Console.
     * @return self A Visual Console Container instance.
     * @throws \Exception When the data cannot be retrieved from the DB.
     * @override Model::fetchDataFromDB.
    protected static function fetchDataFromDB(
        array $filter,
        ?float $ratio=0,
        ?float $widthRatio=0
    ) {
        // Due to this DB call, this function cannot be unit tested without
        // a proper mock.
        $row = \db_get_row_filter('tlayout', $filter);

        if ($row === false) {
            throw new \Exception('error fetching the data from the DB');

        // Load side libraries.
        global $config;
        include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_io.php';
        include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_ui.php';

        // Clean HTML entities.
        $row = \io_safe_output($row);

        $row['relationLineWidth'] = (int) $config['vc_line_thickness'];

        $backgroundUrl = static::extractBackgroundUrl($row);
        $backgroundImage = static::extractBackgroundImage($row);

        if ($backgroundUrl === null && $backgroundImage !== null) {
            $row['backgroundURL'] = \ui_get_full_url(

        $row['hash'] = md5(

        return $row;

     * Obtain a item's class.
     * @param integer $type Type of the item of the Visual Console.
     * @return mixed A reference to the item's class.
    public static function getItemClass(int $type)
        switch ($type) {
            case STATIC_GRAPH:
            return Items\StaticGraph::class;

            case MODULE_GRAPH:
            return Items\ModuleGraph::class;

            case SIMPLE_VALUE:
            case SIMPLE_VALUE_MAX:
            case SIMPLE_VALUE_MIN:
            case SIMPLE_VALUE_AVG:
            return Items\SimpleValue::class;

            case PERCENTILE_BAR:
            case PERCENTILE_BUBBLE:
            case CIRCULAR_PROGRESS_BAR:
            return Items\Percentile::class;

            case LABEL:
            return Items\Label::class;

            case ICON:
            return Items\Icon::class;

            // Enterprise item. It may not exist.
            case SERVICE:
            return \class_exists('\Enterprise\Models\VisualConsole\Items\Service') ? \Enterprise\Models\VisualConsole\Items\Service::class : Item::class;

            case GROUP_ITEM:
            return Items\Group::class;

            case BOX_ITEM:
            return Items\Box::class;

            case LINE_ITEM:
            return Items\Line::class;

            case AUTO_SLA_GRAPH:
            return Items\EventsHistory::class;

            case DONUT_GRAPH:
            return Items\DonutGraph::class;

            case BARS_GRAPH:
            return Items\BarsGraph::class;

            case CLOCK:
            return Items\Clock::class;

            case COLOR_CLOUD:
            return Items\ColorCloud::class;

            case NETWORK_LINK:
            return Items\NetworkLink::class;

            case ODOMETER:
            return Items\Odometer::class;

            case BASIC_CHART:
            return Items\BasicChart::class;

            return Item::class;

     * Obtain a list of items which belong to the Visual Console.
     * @param integer $layoutId     Identifier of the Visual Console.
     * @param array   $groupsFilter Groups can access user.
     * @return array A list of items.
     * @throws \Exception When the data cannot be retrieved from the DB.
    public static function getItemsFromDB(
        int $layoutId,
        array $groupsFilter=[],
        ?float $ratio=0,
        ?float $widthRatio=0
    ): array {
        // Default filter.
        $filter = ['id_layout' => $layoutId];
        $fields = [
            'DISTINCT(id) AS id',

        // Override the filter if the groups filter is not empty.
        if (count($groupsFilter) > 0) {
            // Filter group for elements groups.
            $filter = [];
            $filter[] = \db_format_array_where_clause_sql(
                    'id_layout'     => $layoutId,
                    'element_group' => $groupsFilter,

            // Filter groups for type groups.
            // Only true condition if type is GROUP_ITEM.
            $filter[] = '('.\db_format_array_where_clause_sql(
                    'id_layout' => $layoutId,
                    'type'      => GROUP_ITEM,
                    'id_group'  => $groupsFilter,

        $rows = \db_get_all_rows_filter(

        if ($rows === false) {
            $rows = [];

        $items = [];

        foreach ($rows as $data) {
            $itemId = (int) $data['id'];
            $class = static::getItemClass((int) $data['type']);

            try {
                array_push($items, $class::fromDB($data, $ratio, $widthRatio));
            } catch (\Throwable $e) {
                error_log('VC[Container]: '.$e->getMessage());

        return $items;

     * Obtain an item which belong to the Visual Console.
     * @param integer $itemId Identifier of the Item.
     * @return Model Item or Line.
     * @throws \Exception When the data cannot be retrieved from the DB.
    public static function getItemFromDB(int $itemId): Model
        // Default filter.
        $filter = ['id' => $itemId];
        $fields = [
            'DISTINCT(id) AS id',

        $row = \db_get_row_filter(

        if ($row === false) {
            return '';

        $class = static::getItemClass((int) $row['type']);

        try {
            $item = $class::fromDB($row);
        } catch (\Throwable $e) {
            // TODO: Log this?

        return $item;
