#!/bin/bash PANDORA_LOG=/var/log/pandora/pandora_agent.log PANDORA_BIN=/usr/bin/pandora_agent PANDORA_EXEC_BIN=/usr/bin/pandora_agent PANDORA_HOME=/usr/share/pandora_agent PANDORA_TEMP=/var/spool/pandora/data_out PANDORA_CFG=/etc/pandora LOG_TIMESTAMP=`date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"` echo "Copy new version of plugins into dir" cp -i /tmp/plugins/* /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/ rm /tmp/plugins -rf echo "Linking Pandora FMS Agent plugins directory to $PANDORA_CFG/plugins..." rm $PANDORA_CFG/plugins 2> /dev/null ln -s $PANDORA_HOME/plugins $PANDORA_CFG 2> /dev/null echo "Linking Pandora FMS Agent configuration to $PANDORA_CFG/pandora_agent.conf..." #~ rm $PANDORA_CFG/pandora_agent.conf 2> /dev/null #~ ln -s $PANDORA_HOME/pandora_agent.conf $PANDORA_CFG/pandora_agent.conf echo "Start log of agent." echo "$LOG_TIMESTAMP Pandora FMS installer has created this file at startup" > $PANDORA_LOG echo "Setting secure permissions and ownership for all Pandora FMS Agent files..." chmod 700 $PANDORA_BIN chmod 700 $PANDORA_EXEC_BIN chmod 600 $PANDORA_HOME/pandora_agent.conf chmod -R 700 $PANDORA_HOME/plugins chown -R root $PANDORA_HOME chmod -R 600 $PANDORA_TEMP chmod 640 $PANDORA_LOG chgrp root $PANDORA_LOG chown -R root:root $PANDORA_BIN chown -R root:root $PANDORA_EXEC_BIN echo "Linking start-up daemon script to /etc/rc$INITLV.d"; update-rc.d pandora_agent_daemon defaults echo "Please, now setup the $PANDORA_HOME/pandora_agent.conf and before start the /etc/init.d/pandora_agent_daemon"