// xTooltipGroup, Copyright 2002,2003,2004,2005 Michael Foster (Cross-Browser.com) // Part of X, a Cross-Browser Javascript Library, Distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL document.write(""); document.write("
"); var xttTrigger = null; // current trigger element function xTooltipGroup(grpClassOrIdList, tipClass, origin, xOffset, yOffset, textList) { //// Properties this.c = tipClass; this.o = origin; this.x = xOffset; this.y = yOffset; this.t = null; // tooltip element - all groups use the same element //// Constructor Code var i, tips; if (xStr(grpClassOrIdList)) { tips = xGetElementsByClassName(grpClassOrIdList); for (i = 0; i < tips.length; ++i) { tips[i].xTooltip = this; } } else { tips = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < grpClassOrIdList.length; ++i) { tips[i] = xGetElementById(grpClassOrIdList[i]); if (!tips[i]) { alert('Element not found for id = ' + grpClassOrIdList[i]); } else { tips[i].xTooltip = this; tips[i].xTooltipText = textList[i]; } } } if (!this.t) { // only execute once this.t = xGetElementById('xTooltipElement'); xAddEventListener(document, 'mousemove', this.docOnMousemove, false); } } // end xTooltipGroup ctor //// xTooltipGroup Methods xTooltipGroup.prototype.show = function(trigEle, mx, my) { if (xttTrigger != trigEle) { // if not active or moved to an adjacent trigger this.t.className = trigEle.xTooltip.c; this.t.innerHTML = trigEle.xTooltipText ? trigEle.xTooltipText : trigEle.title; xttTrigger = trigEle; } var x, y; switch(this.o) { case 'right': x = xPageX(trigEle) + xWidth(trigEle); y = xPageY(trigEle); break; case 'top': x = xPageX(trigEle); y = xPageY(trigEle) - xHeight(trigEle); break; case 'mouse': x = mx; y = my; break; } xMoveTo(this.t, x + this.x, y + this.y); xShow(this.t); }; xTooltipGroup.prototype.hide = function() { xMoveTo(this.t, -1000, -1000); xttTrigger = null; }; xTooltipGroup.prototype.docOnMousemove = function(oEvent) { // this == document at runtime var o, e = new xEvent(oEvent); if (e.target && (o = e.target.xTooltip)) { o.show(e.target, e.pageX, e.pageY); } else if (xttTrigger) { xttTrigger.xTooltip.hide(); } };