elements = $this->instanceElements(); } /** * Returns whether general statistics are disabled. * * @return boolean */ public function disableGeneralStatistics():bool { global $config; if (users_is_admin($config['id_user']) === true) { return false; } else { return (bool) $config['disable_general_statistics']; } } /** * Instantiate all the elements that will build the dashboard * * @return array */ public function instanceElements():array { global $config; $dir = $config['homedir'].'/include/lib/TacticalView/elements/'; $handle = opendir($dir); if ($handle === false) { return []; } $ignores = [ '.', '..', ]; $elements = []; $elements['welcome'] = $this->getWelcomeMessage(); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { try { if (in_array($file, $ignores) === true) { continue; } $filepath = realpath($dir.'/'.$file); if (is_readable($filepath) === false || is_dir($filepath) === true || preg_match('/.*\.php$/', $filepath) === false ) { continue; } $className = preg_replace('/.php/', '', $file); include_once $filepath; if (class_exists($className) === true) { $instance = new $className(); $elements[$className] = $instance; } } catch (Exception $e) { } } return $elements; } /** * Render funcion for print the html. * * @return void */ public function render():void { $data = []; $data['javascript'] = $this->javascript(); $data['disableGeneralStatistics'] = $this->disableGeneralStatistics(); $data = array_merge($data, $this->elements); View::render( 'tacticalView/view', $data ); } /** * Function for print js embedded in html. * * @return string */ public function javascript():string { $js = ''; return $js; } /** * Return the welcome message. * * @return string */ private function getWelcomeMessage():string { global $config; $flag_eastern_egg = $config['eastern_eggs_disabled']; if ((bool) $flag_eastern_egg === true) { $message = $this->randomWelcomeMessage(); } else { $user = users_get_user_by_id($config['id_user']); if (is_array($user) === true && count($user) > 0) { $name = $user['fullname']; } else { $name = $user['firstname']; } // 👋 if (empty($name) === true) { $message = __('Welcome back! 👋'); } else { $message = __('Welcome back %s! 👋', $name); } } return html_print_div( [ 'content' => $message, 'class' => 'message-welcome', ], true ); } /** * Return random welcome message. * * @return string */ private function randomWelcomeMessage() : string { global $config; $welcome = []; $user = users_get_user_by_id($config['id_user']); if (is_array($user) === true && count($user) > 0) { $name = $user['fullname']; } else { $name = $user['firstname']; } // Config user time zone. if (!empty($user['timezone'])) { $timezone = $user['timezone']; } else { $timezone = date_default_timezone_get(); } date_default_timezone_set($timezone); $date_zone = new DateTimeZone($timezone); $zone_location = $date_zone->getLocation(); $latitude = $zone_location['latitude']; $emojiOptions = [ 'have_good_day' => __('Have a good day %s ✌', $name), 'welcome_back' => __('Welcome back! %s 👋', $name), 'merry_christmas' => __('Welcome back! %s 🎅', $name), 'good_morning' => __('Good morning, %s! ☕', $name), 'good_evening' => __('Good evening, %s 🌇', $name), 'good_night' => __('Good night, %s 🌕', $name), 'happy_summer' => __('Happy summer, %s 🌞', $name), 'happy_winter' => __('Happy winter, %s ⛄', $name), 'happy_autumn' => __('Happy autumn, %s 🍂', $name), 'happy_spring' => __('Happy spring, %s 🌻', $name), ]; // Welcome back. $user_last_connect = $user['last_connect']; $user_last_day = date('d', $user_last_connect); $day = date('d', strtotime('now')); if ($user_last_day === $day) { $welcome[] = $emojiOptions['welcome_back']; } // Morning, evening, night. $date = date('H'); if ($date < 13) { $welcome[] = $emojiOptions['good_morning']; } else if ($date < 18) { $welcome[] = $emojiOptions['good_evening']; } else { $welcome[] = $emojiOptions['good_night']; } // Seasons. $mes = date('m'); if (($latitude > 0 && ($mes >= 3 && $mes <= 5)) || ($latitude < 0 && ($mes >= 9 && $mes <= 11))) { $welcome[] = $emojiOptions['happy_spring']; } else if (($latitude > 0 && ($mes >= 6 && $mes <= 8)) || ($latitude < 0 && ($mes >= 12 || $mes <= 2))) { $welcome[] = $emojiOptions['happy_summer']; } else if (($latitude > 0 && ($mes >= 9 && $mes <= 11)) || ($latitude < 0 && ($mes >= 3 && $mes <= 5))) { $welcome[] = $emojiOptions['happy_autumn']; } else { $welcome[] = $emojiOptions['happy_winter']; } if ($mes === '12' && $day === '25') { unset($welcome); $welcome[] = $emojiOptions['merry_christmas']; } $length = count($welcome); $possition = rand(0, ($length - 1)); return $welcome[$possition]; } }