2006-12-05 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent.sh: Added support for SSH port (contrib from Dagget). * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Added server_port feature. 2006-11-27 Manuel Arostegui * linux/pandora_agent.sh: Added new distro detection 2006-11-23 Raul Mateos * linux/pandora_agent.sh, linux/pandora_agent_daemon: Update license, translated text from spanish to english, updated build. * linux/pandora_agent.conf: Solved small bug with vmstat. 2006-11-15 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent_daemon: Updated header for LSB compatibility (thanks to patch send by Jose Angel de Bustos. 2006-09-20 Sancho Lerena * linux/pandora_agent.sh: Inserted code for detect Linux Distro, and get versions (ported from babel agent code). 2006-08-30 Sancho Lerena * pandora_agent/ChangeLog: Created and added to repository