$tags) { if ($user_strict) { // Remove groups with tags $groups_without_tags[$group] = $group; } if ($tags != '') { $tags_group = explode(',', $tags); foreach ($tags_group as $tag) { $user_tags[$tag] = tags_get_name($tag); } } } if ($user_strict) { $user_groups_ids = implode(',', array_keys($groups_without_tags)); } else { $user_groups_ids = implode(',', array_keys($acltags)); } if (empty($user_groups_ids)) { $user_groups_ids = 'null'; } if (!empty($user_groups_ids)) { $list_groups = db_get_all_rows_sql( ' SELECT * FROM tgrupo WHERE id_grupo IN ('.$user_groups_ids.') ORDER BY nombre ASC' ); } $list = []; $list['_monitors_critical_'] = 0; $list['_monitors_warning_'] = 0; $list['_monitors_unknown_'] = 0; $list['_monitors_not_init_'] = 0; $list['_monitors_ok_'] = 0; $list['_monitors_alerts_fired_'] = 0; if (empty($list_groups)) { $list_groups = []; } /* * Agent cache for metaconsole. * Retrieve the statistic data from the cache table. */ if (is_metaconsole() && !empty($list_groups)) { $cache_table = 'tmetaconsole_agent'; if (users_is_admin() === false) { $user_groups_ids_array = explode(',', $user_groups_ids); $user_group_children_ids = []; foreach ($user_groups_ids_array as $user_group_id) { $group_children_ids = groups_get_children_ids($user_group_id); $user_group_children_ids = array_merge($user_group_children_ids, $group_children_ids); } $user_groups_ids = implode(',', array_unique($user_group_children_ids)); } // Subquery is needed for avoid possible duplicity in id_agente. $sql_stats = sprintf( 'SELECT tma.id_grupo, COUNT(tma.id_agente) AS agents_total, SUM(tma.total_count) AS monitors_total, SUM(tma.normal_count) AS monitors_ok, SUM(tma.warning_count) AS monitors_warning, SUM(tma.critical_count) AS monitors_critical, SUM(tma.unknown_count) AS monitors_unknown, SUM(tma.notinit_count) AS monitors_not_init, SUM(tma.fired_count) AS alerts_fired FROM tmetaconsole_agent tma WHERE tma.disabled = 0 AND tma.id_agente IN ( SELECT DISTINCT tmag.id_agente FROM tmetaconsole_agent tmag LEFT JOIN tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group tmasg ON tmag.id_agente = tmasg.id_agent WHERE tmag.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tmasg.id_group IN (%s) ) GROUP BY tma.id_grupo', $user_groups_ids, $user_groups_ids ); $data_stats = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_stats); $sql_stats_unknown = sprintf( 'SELECT tma.id_grupo, COUNT(tma.id_agente) AS agents_unknown FROM tmetaconsole_agent tma LEFT JOIN tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group tmasg ON tma.id_agente = tmasg.id_agent WHERE tma.disabled = 0 AND (tma.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tmasg.id_group IN (%s)) AND tma.critical_count = 0 AND tma.warning_count = 0 AND tma.unknown_count > 0 GROUP BY tma.id_grupo', $user_groups_ids, $user_groups_ids ); $data_stats_unknown = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_stats_unknown); $sql_stats_not_init = sprintf( 'SELECT tma.id_grupo, COUNT(tma.id_agente) AS agents_not_init FROM tmetaconsole_agent tma LEFT JOIN tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group tmasg ON tma.id_agente = tmasg.id_agent WHERE tma.disabled = 0 AND (tma.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tmasg.id_group IN (%s)) AND (tma.total_count = 0 OR tma.total_count = tma.notinit_count) GROUP BY tma.id_grupo', $user_groups_ids, $user_groups_ids ); $data_stats_not_init = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_stats_not_init); $sql_stats_ok = sprintf( 'SELECT tma.id_grupo, COUNT(tma.id_agente) AS agents_ok FROM tmetaconsole_agent tma LEFT JOIN tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group tmasg ON tma.id_agente = tmasg.id_agent WHERE tma.disabled = 0 AND (tma.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tmasg.id_group IN (%s)) AND tma.critical_count = 0 AND tma.warning_count = 0 AND tma.unknown_count = 0 AND tma.normal_count > 0 GROUP BY tma.id_grupo', $user_groups_ids, $user_groups_ids ); $data_stats_ok = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_stats_ok); $sql_stats_warning = sprintf( 'SELECT tma.id_grupo, COUNT(tma.id_agente) AS agents_warning FROM tmetaconsole_agent tma LEFT JOIN tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group tmasg ON tma.id_agente = tmasg.id_agent WHERE tma.disabled = 0 AND (tma.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tmasg.id_group IN (%s)) AND tma.critical_count = 0 AND tma.warning_count > 0 GROUP BY tma.id_grupo', $user_groups_ids, $user_groups_ids ); $data_stats_warning = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_stats_warning); $sql_stats_critical = sprintf( 'SELECT tma.id_grupo, COUNT(tma.id_agente) AS agents_critical FROM tmetaconsole_agent tma LEFT JOIN tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group tmasg ON tma.id_agente = tmasg.id_agent WHERE tma.disabled = 0 AND (tma.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tmasg.id_group IN (%s)) AND tma.critical_count > 0 GROUP BY tma.id_grupo', $user_groups_ids, $user_groups_ids ); $data_stats_critical = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_stats_critical); if (!empty($data_stats)) { foreach ($data_stats as $value) { $list['_total_agents_'] += (int) $value['agents_total']; $list['_monitors_ok_'] += (int) $value['monitors_ok']; $list['_monitors_critical_'] += (int) $value['monitors_critical']; $list['_monitors_warning_'] += (int) $value['monitors_warning']; $list['_monitors_unknown_'] += (int) $value['monitors_unknown']; $list['_monitors_not_init_'] += (int) $value['monitors_not_init']; $list['_monitors_alerts_fired_'] += (int) $value['alerts_fired']; } if (!empty($data_stats_unknown)) { foreach ($data_stats_unknown as $value) { $list['_agents_unknown_'] += (int) $value['agents_unknown']; } } if (!empty($data_stats_not_init)) { foreach ($data_stats_not_init as $value) { $list['_agents_not_init_'] += (int) $value['agents_not_init']; } } if (!empty($data_stats_ok)) { foreach ($data_stats_ok as $value) { $list['_agents_ok_'] += (int) $value['agents_ok']; } } if (!empty($data_stats_warning)) { foreach ($data_stats_warning as $value) { $list['_agents_warning_'] += (int) $value['agents_warning']; } } if (!empty($data_stats_critical)) { foreach ($data_stats_critical as $value) { $list['_agents_critical_'] += (int) $value['agents_critical']; } } } } if (is_metaconsole()) { // Agent cache // Get total count of monitors for this group, except disabled. $list['_monitor_checks_'] = ($list['_monitors_not_init_'] + $list['_monitors_unknown_'] + $list['_monitors_warning_'] + $list['_monitors_critical_'] + $list['_monitors_ok_']); // Calculate not_normal monitors $list['_monitor_not_normal_'] = ($list[$i]['_monitor_checks_'] - $list['_monitors_ok_']); if ($list['_monitor_not_normal_'] > 0 && $list['_monitor_checks_'] > 0) { $list['_monitor_health_'] = format_numeric((100 - ($list['_monitor_not_normal_'] / ($list['_monitor_checks_'] / 100))), 1); } else { $list['_monitor_health_'] = 100; } if ($list['_monitors_not_init_'] > 0 && $list['_monitor_checks_'] > 0) { $list['_module_sanity_'] = format_numeric((100 - ($list['_monitors_not_init_'] / ($list['_monitor_checks_'] / 100))), 1); } else { $list['_module_sanity_'] = 100; } if (isset($list[$i]['_alerts_'])) { if ($list['_monitors_alerts_fired_'] > 0 && $list['_alerts_'] > 0) { $list['_alert_level_'] = format_numeric((100 - ($list['_monitors_alerts_fired_'] / ($list['_alerts_'] / 100))), 1); } else { $list['_alert_level_'] = 100; } } else { $list['_alert_level_'] = 100; $list['_alerts_'] = 0; } $list['_monitor_bad_'] = ($list['_monitors_critical_'] + $list['_monitors_warning_']); if ($list['_monitor_bad_'] > 0 && $list['_monitor_checks_'] > 0) { $list['_global_health_'] = format_numeric((100 - ($list['_monitor_bad_'] / ($list['_monitor_checks_'] / 100))), 1); } else { $list['_global_health_'] = 100; } $list['_server_sanity_'] = format_numeric((100 - $list['_module_sanity_']), 1); } else if (($config['realtimestats'] == 0)) { if (users_is_admin()) { $group_stat = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT SUM(ta.normal_count) as normal, SUM(ta.critical_count) as critical, SUM(ta.warning_count) as warning,SUM(ta.unknown_count) as unknown, SUM(ta.notinit_count) as not_init, SUM(ta.fired_count) as alerts_fired FROM tagente ta WHERE ta.disabled = 0 AND ta.id_grupo IN (%s) ', $user_groups_ids ) ); } else { $group_stat = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT SUM(ta.normal_count) as normal, SUM(ta.critical_count) as critical, SUM(ta.warning_count) as warning,SUM(ta.unknown_count) as unknown, SUM(ta.notinit_count) as not_init, SUM(ta.fired_count) as alerts_fired FROM tagente ta LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg ON ta.id_agente = tasg.id_agent WHERE ta.disabled = 0 AND (ta.id_grupo IN ( %s ) OR tasg.id_group IN ( %s ))', $user_groups_ids, $user_groups_ids ) ); } $list['_agents_unknown_'] = $group_stat[0]['unknown']; $list['_monitors_alerts_fired_'] = $group_stat[0]['alerts_fired']; $list['_monitors_ok_'] = $group_stat[0]['normal']; $list['_monitors_warning_'] = $group_stat[0]['warning']; $list['_monitors_critical_'] = $group_stat[0]['critical']; $list['_monitors_unknown_'] = $group_stat[0]['unknown']; $list['_monitors_not_init_'] = $group_stat[0]['not_init']; $total_agentes = agents_get_agents(false, ['count(*) as total_agents'], 'AR', false, false); $list['_total_agents_'] = $total_agentes[0]['total_agents']; $list['_monitor_alerts_fire_count_'] = $group_stat[0]['alerts_fired']; $list['_monitors_alerts_'] = tactical_monitor_alerts($user_strict); // Get total count of monitors for this group, except disabled. $list['_monitor_checks_'] = ($list['_monitors_not_init_'] + $list['_monitors_unknown_'] + $list['_monitors_warning_'] + $list['_monitors_critical_'] + $list['_monitors_ok_']); // Calculate not_normal monitors $list['_monitor_not_normal_'] = ($list['_monitor_checks_'] - $list['_monitors_ok_']); if ($list['_monitor_not_normal_'] > 0 && $list['_monitor_checks_'] > 0) { $list['_monitor_health_'] = format_numeric((100 - ($list['_monitor_not_normal_'] / ($list['_monitor_checks_'] / 100))), 1); } else { $list['_monitor_health_'] = 100; } if ($list['_monitors_not_init_'] > 0 && $list['_monitor_checks_'] > 0) { $list['_module_sanity_'] = format_numeric((100 - ($list['_monitors_not_init_'] / ($list['_monitor_checks_'] / 100))), 1); } else { $list['_module_sanity_'] = 100; } if (isset($list['_alerts_'])) { if ($list['_monitors_alerts_fired_'] > 0 && $list['_alerts_'] > 0) { $list['_alert_level_'] = format_numeric((100 - ($list['_monitors_alerts_fired_'] / ($list['_alerts_'] / 100))), 1); } else { $list['_alert_level_'] = 100; } } else { $list['_alert_level_'] = 100; $list['_alerts_'] = 0; } $list['_monitor_bad_'] = ($list['_monitors_critical_'] + $list['_monitors_warning_']); if ($list['_monitor_bad_'] > 0 && $list['_monitor_checks_'] > 0) { $list['_global_health_'] = format_numeric((100 - ($list['_monitor_bad_'] / ($list['_monitor_checks_'] / 100))), 1); } else { $list['_global_health_'] = 100; } $list['_server_sanity_'] = format_numeric((100 - $list['_module_sanity_']), 1); } else { if (users_is_admin() || users_can_manage_group_all()) { $result_list = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(*) as contado, estado FROM tagente_estado tae INNER JOIN tagente ta ON tae.id_agente = ta.id_agente AND ta.disabled = 0 AND ta.id_grupo IN ( %s ) INNER JOIN tagente_modulo tam ON tae.id_agente_modulo = tam.id_agente_modulo AND tam.disabled = 0 AND tam.id_modulo <> 0 GROUP BY estado', $user_groups_ids ) ); } else { $result_list = db_get_all_rows_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(*) as contado, estado FROM tagente_estado tae INNER JOIN tagente ta ON tae.id_agente = ta.id_agente AND ta.disabled = 0 INNER JOIN tagente_modulo tam ON tae.id_agente_modulo = tam.id_agente_modulo AND tam.disabled = 0 AND tam.id_modulo <> 0 LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg ON ta.id_agente = tasg.id_agent WHERE (ta.id_grupo IN ( %s ) OR tasg.id_group IN ( %s )) GROUP BY estado', $user_groups_ids, $user_groups_ids ) ); } if (empty($result_list)) { $result_list = []; } foreach ($result_list as $result) { switch ($result['estado']) { case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_ALERT: break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD: $list['_monitors_critical_'] += (int) $result['contado']; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING_ALERT: break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING: $list['_monitors_warning_'] += (int) $result['contado']; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN: $list['_monitors_unknown_'] += (int) $result['contado']; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NO_DATA: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT: $list['_monitors_not_init_'] += (int) $result['contado']; break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL_ALERT: // Do nothing. break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL: $list['_monitors_ok_'] += (int) $result['contado']; break; } } $list['_monitors_alerts_fired_'] = tactical_monitor_fired_alerts(explode(',', $user_groups_ids), $user_strict, explode(',', $user_groups_ids)); $list['_monitors_alerts_'] = tactical_monitor_alerts($user_strict); $total_agentes = agents_get_agents(false, ['count(DISTINCT id_agente) as total_agents'], 'AR', false, false, 1); $list['_total_agents_'] = $total_agentes[0]['total_agents']; $list['_monitor_checks_'] = ($list['_monitors_not_init_'] + $list['_monitors_unknown_'] + $list['_monitors_warning_'] + $list['_monitors_critical_'] + $list['_monitors_ok_']); $list['_monitor_total_'] = ($list['_monitors_not_init_'] + $list['_monitors_unknown_'] + $list['_monitors_warning_'] + $list['_monitors_critical_'] + $list['_monitors_ok_']); // Calculate not_normal monitors $list['_monitor_not_normal_'] = ($list['_monitor_checks_'] - $list['_monitors_ok_']); } return $list; } function tactical_status_modules_agents($id_user=false, $user_strict=false, $access='AR', $force_group_and_tag=true) { global $config; if ($id_user == false) { $id_user = $config['id_user']; } $acltags = tags_get_user_groups_and_tags($id_user, $access, $user_strict); $result_list = tactical_get_data($id_user, $user_strict, $acltags); return $result_list; } function tactical_monitor_alerts($strict_user=false) { $groups = users_get_groups($config['id_user'], 'AR', false); $id_groups = array_keys($groups); if (empty($id_groups)) { $where_clause .= ' AND (1 = 0) '; } else { $where_clause .= sprintf( ' AND id_agent_module IN ( SELECT tam.id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo tam WHERE tam.id_agente IN (SELECT ta.id_agente FROM tagente ta LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg ON ta.id_agente = tasg.id_agent WHERE (ta.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tasg.id_group IN (%s)))) ', implode(',', $id_groups), implode(',', $id_groups) ); } $filter_alert = []; $filter_alert['disabled'] = 'all_enabled'; $alert_count = get_group_alerts($id_groups, $filter_alert, false, $where_clause, false, false, false, true, $strict_user); return $alert_count; } function tactical_monitor_fired_alerts($group_array, $strict_user=false, $id_group_strict=false) { // If there are not groups to query, we jump to nextone if (empty($group_array)) { return 0; } else if (!is_array($group_array)) { $group_array = [$group_array]; } $group_clause = implode(',', $group_array); $group_clause = '('.$group_clause.')'; if ($strict_user) { $group_clause_strict = implode(',', $id_group_strict); $group_clause_strict = '('.$group_clause_strict.')'; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(talert_template_modules.id) FROM talert_template_modules, tagente_modulo, tagente_estado, tagente WHERE tagente.id_grupo IN $group_clause_strict AND tagente_modulo.id_agente = tagente.id_agente AND tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo AND talert_template_modules.id_agent_module = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo AND times_fired > 0 AND talert_template_modules.disabled = 0 AND tagente.disabled = 0 AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0"; $count = db_get_sql($sql); return $count; } else { // TODO REVIEW ORACLE AND POSTGRES return db_get_sql( "SELECT COUNT(talert_template_modules.id) FROM talert_template_modules, tagente_modulo, tagente_estado, tagente WHERE tagente.id_grupo IN $group_clause AND tagente_modulo.id_agente = tagente.id_agente AND tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo AND talert_template_modules.id_agent_module = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo AND times_fired > 0 AND talert_template_modules.disabled = 0 AND tagente.disabled = 0 AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0" ); } }