 * Cron Functions.
 * @category   Utils
 * @package    Pandora FMS Community
 * @subpackage Cron
 * @version    1.0.0
 * @license    See below
 *    ______                 ___                    _______ _______ ________
 *   |   __ \.-----.--.--.--|  |.-----.----.-----. |    ___|   |   |     __|
 *  |    __/|  _  |     |  _  ||  _  |   _|  _  | |    ___|       |__     |
 * |___|   |___._|__|__|_____||_____|__| |___._| |___|   |__|_|__|_______|
 * ============================================================================
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2022 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
 * Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * ============================================================================

// Begin.
global $config;

require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_db.php';

 * Update the execution interval of the given module
 * @param integer $module_id Id of module to update.
 * @param string  $cron      String with the Linux cron configuration.
 * @return boolean Return number of rows affected.
function cron_update_module_interval($module_id, $cron)
    // Check for a valid cron.
    if (!cron_check_syntax($cron)) {
        return false;

    $module_interval = db_get_value(

    if ($cron === '* * * * *') {
        return db_process_sql(
            'UPDATE tagente_estado SET current_interval = '.$module_interval.' WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.(int) $module_id
    } else {
        return db_process_sql(
            'UPDATE tagente_estado SET current_interval = '.cron_next_execution($cron, $module_interval, $module_id).' WHERE id_agente_modulo = '.(int) $module_id


 * Get the number of seconds left to the next execution of the given cron entry.
 * @param string  $cron            String with the Linux cron configuration.
 * @param integer $module_interval Module interval. Minimum increased time.
 * @param integer $module_id       Module id.
 * @return integer Time to next execution time.
function cron_next_execution($cron, $module_interval, $module_id)
    // Get day of the week and month from cron config.
    $cron_array = explode(' ', $cron);
    $wday = $cron_array[4];

    // Get last execution time.
    $last_execution = db_get_value(

    $cron_elems = explode(' ', $cron);

    if (isset($cron_elems[4]) === true) {
        $cron_elems[4] = '*';

    $cron = implode(' ', $cron_elems);

    $cur_time = ($last_execution !== false) ? $last_execution : time();
    $nex_time = cron_next_execution_date($cron, $cur_time, $module_interval);
    $nex_wday = (int) date('w', $nex_time);

    // Check the wday values to avoid infinite loop.
    $wday_int = cron_get_interval($wday);
    if ($wday_int['down'] !== '*' && ($wday_int['down'] > 6 || ($wday_int['up'] !== false && $wday_int['up'] > 6))) {
        $wday = '*';

    // Check week day.
    while (!cron_check_interval($nex_wday, $wday)) {
        // If it does not acomplish the day of the week, go to the next day.
        $nex_time += SECONDS_1DAY;
        $nex_wday = (int) date('w', $nex_time);

    $nex_time = cron_next_execution_date($cron, $nex_time, 0);

    return ($nex_time - $cur_time);

 * Get the next execution date for the given cron entry in seconds since epoch.
 * @param string  $cron            String with the Linux cron configuration.
 * @param integer $cur_time        Current time in utimestamp.
 * @param integer $module_interval Module interval. Minimum increased time.
 * @return integer Next execution timestamp seing the cron configuration.
function cron_next_execution_date($cron, $cur_time=false, $module_interval=300)
    // Get cron configuration.
    $cron_array = explode(' ', $cron);

    // REMARKS: Months start from 1 in php (different to server)
    // Get current time.
    if ($cur_time === false) {
        $cur_time = time();

    $nex_time = ($cur_time + $module_interval);
    $nex_time_array = explode(' ', date('i H d m Y', $nex_time));
    if (cron_is_in_cron($cron_array, $nex_time_array)) {
        return $nex_time;

    // Update minutes.
    $nex_time_array[0] = cron_get_next_time_element($cron_array[0]);

    $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);
    if ($nex_time >= $cur_time) {
        if (cron_is_in_cron($cron_array, $nex_time_array) && $nex_time) {
            return $nex_time;

    // Check if next hour is in cron.
    $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);

    if ($nex_time === false) {
        // Update the month day if overflow.
        $nex_time_array[1] = 0;
        $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);
        if ($nex_time === false) {
            // Update the month if overflow.
            $nex_time_array[2] = 1;
            $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);
            if ($nex_time === false) {
                // Update the year if overflow.
                $nex_time_array[3] = 1;
                $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);

    // Check the hour.
    if (cron_is_in_cron($cron_array, $nex_time_array) && $nex_time) {
        return $nex_time;

    // Update the hour if fails.
    $nex_time_array[1] = cron_get_next_time_element($cron_array[1]);

    // When an overflow is passed check the hour update again.
    $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);
    if ($nex_time >= $cur_time) {
        if (cron_is_in_cron($cron_array, $nex_time_array) && $nex_time) {
            return $nex_time;

    // Check if next day is in cron.
    $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);
    if ($nex_time === false) {
        // Update the month if overflow.
        $nex_time_array[2] = 1;
        $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);
        if ($nex_time === false) {
            // Update the year if overflow.
            $nex_time_array[3] = 1;
            $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);

    // Check the day.
    if (cron_is_in_cron($cron_array, $nex_time_array) && $nex_time) {
        return $nex_time;

    // Update the day if fails.
    $nex_time_array[2] = cron_get_next_time_element($cron_array[2]);

    // When an overflow is passed check the hour update in the next execution.
    $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);
    if ($nex_time >= $cur_time) {
        if (cron_is_in_cron($cron_array, $nex_time_array) && $nex_time) {
            return $nex_time;

    // Check if next month is in cron.
    $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);
    if ($nex_time === false) {
        // Update the year if overflow.
        $nex_time_array[3] = 1;
        $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);

    // Check the month.
    if (cron_is_in_cron($cron_array, $nex_time_array) && $nex_time) {
        return $nex_time;

    // Update the month if fails.
    $nex_time_array[3] = cron_get_next_time_element($cron_array[3]);

    // When an overflow is passed check the hour update in the next execution.
    $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);
    if ($nex_time >= $cur_time) {
        if (cron_is_in_cron($cron_array, $nex_time_array) && $nex_time) {
            return $nex_time;

    // Update the year.
    $nex_time = cron_valid_date($nex_time_array);

    return ($nex_time !== false) ? $nex_time : $module_interval;

 * Get the next tentative time for a cron value or interval in case of overflow.
 * @param string $cron_array_elem Cron element.
 * @return integer The tentative time. Ex:
 *      * shold returns 0.
 *      5 should returns 5.
 *      10-55 should returns 10.
 *      55-10 should retunrs 0.
function cron_get_next_time_element($cron_array_elem)
    $interval = cron_get_interval($cron_array_elem);
    $value = ($interval['down'] == '*' || ($interval['up'] !== false && $interval['down'] > $interval['up'] )) ? 0 : $interval['down'];
    return $value;

 * Get an array with the cron interval.
 * @param string $element String with the elemen cron configuration.
 * @return array With up and down elements.
 *      If there is not an interval, up element will be false.
function cron_get_interval($element)
    // Not a range.
    if (!preg_match('/(\d+)\-(\d+)/', $element, $capture)) {
        return [
            'down' => $element,
            'up'   => false,

    return [
        'down' => $capture[1],
        'up'   => $capture[2],

 * Returns if a date is in a cron. Recursive.
 * @param array   $elems_cron      Cron configuration in array format.
 * @param integer $elems_curr_time Time to check if is in cron.
 * @return boolean Returns true if is in cron. False if it is outside.
function cron_is_in_cron($elems_cron, $elems_curr_time)
    $elem_cron = array_shift($elems_cron);
    $elem_curr_time = array_shift($elems_curr_time);

    // If there is no elements means that is in cron.
    if ($elem_cron === null || $elem_curr_time === null) {
        return true;

    // Go to last element if current is a wild card.
    if (cron_check_interval($elem_curr_time, $elem_cron) === false) {
        return false;

    return cron_is_in_cron($elems_cron, $elems_curr_time);

 * Check if an element is inside the cron interval or not.
 * @param integer $elem_curr_time Integer that represents the time to check.
 * @param string  $elem_cron      Cron interval (splitted by hypen)
 *            or cron single value (a number).
 * @return boolean True if is in interval.
function cron_check_interval($elem_curr_time, $elem_cron)
    // Go to last element if current is a wild card.
    if ($elem_cron === '*') {
        return true;

    $elem_s = cron_get_interval($elem_cron);
    // Check if there is no a range.
    if (($elem_s['up'] === false) && ($elem_s['down'] != $elem_curr_time)) {
        return false;

    // Check if there is on the range.
    if ($elem_s['up'] !== false && (int) $elem_s['up'] === (int) $elem_curr_time) {
        return true;

    if ($elem_s['down'] < $elem_s['up']) {
        if ($elem_curr_time < $elem_s['down'] || $elem_curr_time > $elem_s['up']) {
            return false;
    } else {
        if ($elem_curr_time > $elem_s['down'] || $elem_curr_time < $elem_s['up']) {
            return false;

    return true;

 * Check if a date is correct or not.
 * @param array $da Date in array format [year, month, day, hour, minutes].
 * @return integer Utimestamp. False if date is incorrect.
function cron_valid_date($da)
    $st = sprintf(
        '%04d:%02d:%02d %02d:%02d:00',
    $time = strtotime($st);
    return $time;

 * Check if cron is properly constructed.
 * @param string $cron String with the Linux cron configuration.
 * @return boolean True if is well formed. False otherwise.
function cron_check_syntax($cron)
    return preg_match(
        '/^[\d|\*].* .*[\d|\*].* .*[\d|\*].* .*[\d|\*].* .*[\d|\*]$/',

 * Cron list table.
 * @return void It prints the HTML table.
function cron_list_table()
    global $config;

    $read_perms = check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'RR');
    $write_perms = (bool) check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'RW');
    $manage_perms = (bool) check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'RM');
    $manage_pandora = (bool) check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM');

    $url = 'index.php?extension_in_menu=gservers&sec=extensions&sec2=enterprise/extensions/cron&';

    $user_groups = implode(

    $filter = '';
    if (is_reporting_console_node() === true) {
        $write_perms = false;
        $manage_perms = false;
        $manage_pandora = false;

        $filter .= sprintf(
            ' AND (
                tuser_task.function_name = "cron_task_generate_report"
                OR tuser_task.function_name = "cron_task_generate_report_by_template"
                OR tuser_task.function_name = "cron_task_save_report_to_disk"

    // Admin.
    $sql = sprintf(
        'SELECT tuser_task_scheduled.*
        FROM tuser_task_scheduled
        INNER JOIN tuser_task
            ON tuser_task_scheduled.id_user_task = tuser_task.id
        id_grupo IN (%s)

    $defined_tasks = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql);

    if (!check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'PM')) {
        $read_tasks = [];
        foreach ($defined_tasks as $task) {
            $function_name = db_get_value(

            if (($function_name != 'cron_task_execute_custom_script')
                && ($function_name != 'cron_task_do_backup')
            ) {
                $read_tasks[] = $task;

        $defined_tasks = $read_tasks;

        if (empty($defined_tasks)) {
            $defined_tasks = false;

    if ($defined_tasks !== false) {
        echo '<h2>'.__('Scheduled jobs').'</h2>';

        $table = new stdClass();
        $table->class = 'databox data';
        $table->width = '100%';
        $table->data = [];
        $table->head = [];
        $table->head[0] = '';
        $table->head[1] = __('User');
        $table->head[2] = __('Task');
        $table->head[3] = __('Scheduled');
        $table->head[4] = __('Next execution');
        $table->head[5] = __('Last run');
        $table->head[6] = __('Group');
        if ($manage_perms || $manage_pandora) {
            $table->head[7] = __('Actions');

        $table->align[7] = 'left';

        foreach ($defined_tasks as $task) {
            $data = [];

            $function_name = db_get_value(

            switch ($function_name) {
                case 'cron_task_generate_csv_log':
                case 'cron_task_call_user_function':
                    // Ignore.
                    if ((bool) $task['enabled'] === true) {
                        $data[0] = html_print_anchor(
                                'href'    => sprintf(
                                'content' => html_print_image(
                                        'title' => __('Force run'),
                                        'class' => 'invert_filter',
                    } else {
                        $data[0] = '';

                    $data[1] = $task['id_usuario'];
                    $data[2] = db_get_value(
                    $args = unserialize($task['args']);

                    if ($function_name === 'cron_task_call_user_function') {
                        $data[2] .= ' ('.$args['function_name'].')';

                case 'cron_task_generate_report':
                    if ((bool) $task['enabled'] === true) {
                        $data[0] = html_print_anchor(
                                'href'    => sprintf(
                                'content' => html_print_image(
                                        'title' => __('Force run'),
                                        'class' => 'invert_filter',
                    } else {
                        $data[0] = '';

                    $data[1] = $task['id_usuario'];
                    $data[2] = db_get_value(
                    $args = unserialize($task['args']);
                    $report = reports_get_report($args[0]);

                    // Check ACL in reports_get_report return false.
                    if ($report === false) {

                    $email = ui_print_truncate_text($args[1], 120);
                    $reportName = ui_print_truncate_text($report['name'], 120);
                    $reportType = $args[4];
                    $data[2] .= html_print_anchor(
                            'href'    => ui_get_full_url(
                            'content' => $reportName,
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Report type').': '.$reportType;
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Email').': '.$email;

                case 'cron_task_generate_report_by_template':
                    if ((bool) $task['enabled'] === true) {
                        $data[0] = html_print_anchor(
                                'href'    => sprintf(
                                'content' => html_print_image(
                                        'title' => __('Force run'),
                                        'class' => 'invert_filter',
                    } else {
                        $data[0] = '';

                    $data[1] = $task['id_usuario'];
                    $data[2] = db_get_value(

                    $args = unserialize($task['args']);

                    $filter = [];
                    $filter['id_report'] = $args[0];
                    $template = db_get_row_filter(

                    // Check ACL in reports_get_report return false.
                    if ($template === false) {

                    if (empty($args[1]) === false && (string) $args[1] !== '0') {
                        if (is_metaconsole() === true) {
                            $tmpAgents = explode(',', $args[1]);
                            $agentsId = '';
                            foreach ($tmpAgents as $tmpAgent) {
                                $tmpAgentData = explode('|', $tmpAgent);
                                $agentsId .= (empty($agentsId) === false) ? ', '.$tmpAgentData[2] : $tmpAgentData[2];
                    } else {
                        if (empty($args[2]) === false) {
                            $agentsId = sprintf(
                                '<em>(%s)</em> %s',
                        } else {
                            $agentsId = __('None');

                    // Assignations.
                    $agentsId = ui_print_truncate_text($agentsId, 120);
                    $reportPerAgent = ((string) $args[3] === '1') ? __('Yes') : __('No');
                    $reportName = ui_print_truncate_text($args[4], 120);
                    $email = ui_print_truncate_text($args[5], 120);
                    $reportType = $args[8];
                    // Table row.
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Template').': ';
                    $data[2] .= html_print_anchor(
                            'href'    => ui_get_full_url(
                            'content' => $template['name'],
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Agents').': '.$agentsId;
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Report per agent').': '.$reportPerAgent;
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Report name').': '.$reportName;
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Email').': '.$email;
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Report type').': '.$reportType;

                case 'cron_task_execute_custom_script':
                    if ((bool) $task['enabled'] === true) {
                        $data[0] = html_print_anchor(
                                'href'    => sprintf(
                                'content' => html_print_image(
                                        'title' => __('Force run'),
                                        'class' => 'invert_filter',
                    } else {
                        $data[0] = '';

                    $data[1] = $task['id_usuario'];
                    $data[2] = db_get_value(

                    $args = unserialize($task['args']);
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Custom script').': '.$args[0];

                case 'cron_task_save_report_to_disk':
                    if ((bool) $task['enabled'] === true) {
                        $data[0] = html_print_anchor(
                                'href'    => sprintf(
                                'content' => html_print_image(
                                        'title' => __('Force run'),
                                        'class' => 'invert_filter',
                    } else {
                        $data[0] = '';

                    $data[1] = $task['id_usuario'];
                    $data[2] = db_get_value(

                    $args = unserialize($task['args']);
                    $report = reports_get_report($args[0]);

                    // Check ACL in reports_get_report return false.
                    if ($report === false) {

                    $path = $args[1];
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Report').": <a href='index.php?sec=reporting&sec2=operation/reporting/reporting_viewer";
                    $data[2] .= '&id='.$args[0]."'>".$report['name'].'</a>';
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Path').': '.$path.'</a>';

                case 'cron_task_save_xml_report_to_disk':
                    if ((bool) $task['enabled'] === true && ($write_perms === true || $manage_pandora === true)) {
                        $data[0] = html_print_anchor(
                                'href'    => sprintf(
                                'content' => html_print_image(
                                        'title' => __('Force run'),
                                        'class' => 'invert_filter',
                    } else {
                        $data[0] = '';

                    $data[1] = $task['id_usuario'];
                    $data[2] = db_get_value('name', 'tuser_task', 'id', $task['id_user_task']);
                    $args = unserialize($task['args']);
                    $report = reports_get_report($args[0]);

                    // Check ACL in reports_get_report return false.
                    if ($report === false) {

                    $path = $args[1];
                    $report_type = $args[3];
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Report').": <a href='index.php?sec=reporting&sec2=operation/reporting/reporting_viewer";
                    $data[2] .= '&id='.$args[0]."'>".$report['name'].'</a>';
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Path').': '.$path.'</a>';
                    $data[2] .= '<br>- '.__('Report type').': '.$report_type;

                case 'cron_task_do_backup':
                    if ((bool) $task['enabled'] === true && $manage_pandora === true) {
                        $data[0] = html_print_anchor(
                                'href'    => sprintf(
                                'content' => html_print_image(
                                        'title' => __('Force run'),
                                        'class' => 'invert_filter',
                    } else {
                        $data[0] = '';

                    $data[1] = $task['id_usuario'];
                    $data[2] = db_get_value(
                    $args = unserialize($task['args']);

                case 'cron_task_generate_csv_log':
                    if ((bool) $task['enabled'] === true && $manage_pandora === true) {
                        $data[0] = html_print_anchor(
                                'href'    => sprintf(
                                'content' => html_print_image(
                                        'title' => __('Force run'),
                                        'class' => 'invert_filter',
                    } else {
                        $data[0] = '';

                    $data[1] = $task['id_usuario'];
                    $data[2] = db_get_value(
                    $args = unserialize($task['args']);

                    // Ignore.

            $data[3] = cron_get_scheduled_string($task['scheduled']);
            $data[4] = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $args['first_execution']);
            $data[5] = empty($task['last_run']) ? __('Never') : date('Y/m/d H:i:s', $task['last_run']);

            $data[6] = ui_print_group_icon($task['id_grupo'], true);

            if ($function_name == 'cron_task_do_backup' || $function_name == 'cron_task_execute_custom_script') {
                if ($manage_pandora) {
                    $data[7]  = '<a href="'.$url;
                    $data[7] .= 'edit_task=1&id='.$task['id'].'">';
                    $data[7] .= html_print_image(
                            'title' => __('Edit'),
                            'class' => 'invert_filter',
                    $data[7] .= '</a>';

                if ($manage_pandora) {
                    $data[7] .= '<a href="'.$url;
                    $data[7] .= 'delete_task=1&id_user_task='.$task['id'].'">';
                    $data[7] .= html_print_image(
                            'title' => __('Delete'),
                            'class' => 'invert_filter',
                    $data[7] .= '</a>';
            } else {
                if ($write_perms || $manage_pandora) {
                    $data[7] = '<a href="'.$url;
                    $data[7] .= 'edit_task=1&id='.$task['id'].'">';
                    $data[7] .= html_print_image(
                            'title' => __('Edit'),
                            'class' => 'invert_filter',
                    $data[7] .= '</a>';

                if ($manage_perms || $manage_pandora) {
                    $data[7] .= '<a href="'.$url;
                    $data[7] .= 'delete_task=1&id_user_task='.$task['id'].'">';
                    $data[7] .= html_print_image(
                            'title' => __('Delete'),
                            'class' => 'invert_filter',
                    $data[7] .= '</a>';

            if ($manage_perms || $manage_pandora) {
                $data[7] .= html_print_anchor(
                        'href'    => sprintf(
                            ((bool) $task['enabled'] === true) ? '0' : '1',
                        'content' => html_print_image(
                            ((bool) $task['enabled'] === true) ? 'images/lightbulb.png' : 'images/lightbulb_off.png',
                                'title' => ((bool) $task['enabled'] === true) ? __('Disable task') : __('Enable task'),
                                'class' => 'invert_filter',

            array_push($table->data, $data);
