2013-11-14 Miguel de Dios * res/drawable-ldpi/config.png, res/drawable-ldpi/help.png, res/drawable-ldpi/exit.png, res/drawable-ldpi/refresh.png: updated the icons of app to new Pandora style, thanks Carla. 2013-10-28 Miguel de Dios * src/pandorafms/pandorafmsandroidconsole/Options.java, src/pandorafms/pandorafmsandroidconsole/PandoraWebView.java: setted the default values the Pandora public demo. 2013-10-28 Miguel de Dios * .classpath: some changes that eclipse makes "automagicaly". * src/pandorafms/pandorafmsandroidconsole/PandoraWebView.java: fixed java-android warnings. * res/layout/activity_web_view.xml: improved the source code style. * AndroidManifest.xml: fixed with ugly fix the lost "option button" in the phones/tables with android version over that honeycomb and have not a fisical option menu. Fixes the warnings of android. 2013-05-30 Miguel de Dios * AndroidManifest.xml: added icon for application. * src/pandorafms/pandorafmsandroidconsole/Help.java, src/pandorafms/pandorafmsandroidconsole/Options.java, src/pandorafms/pandorafmsandroidconsole/PandoraWebView.java: fixed java warnings. * res/values-ja/strings.xml, res/values/strings.xml, res/values-es/strings.xml: translate strings to english and spanish. * res/drawable-ldpi/icon_logo_pandorafms.png: added icon. * res/layout/help.xml, res/layout/options.xml: change layout. * bin/*, gen/*: erased the binary temp files from eclipse. 2013-02-22 Miguel de Dios * PandoraFMS_android_console/*: added first version of PandoraFMS android console (it is a custom browser standaralone for the Pandora Web Console Mobile).