'.__('There was a problem loading agent').''; return; } if (! give_acl ($config["id_user"], $agent["id_grupo"], "AR")) { pandora_audit("ACL Violation", "Trying to access Agent General Information"); require_once ("general/noaccess.php"); return; } // Blank space below title, DONT remove this, this // Breaks the layout when Flash charts are enabled :-o echo '
'; //Floating div echo '
'; echo ''.__('Agent access rate (24h)').'
'; if ($config['flash_charts']) { echo graphic_agentaccess ($id_agente, 280, 110, 86400); } else { echo ''; } echo '
'; echo ''.__('Events generated -by module-').'
'; if ($config['flash_charts']) { echo graphic_agentevents ($id_agente, 290, 60, 86400); echo graph_event_module (290, 120, $id_agente); } else { echo ''; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo ''; //Agent name echo ''; if ($agent['disabled']) { $cellName = "" . print_agent_name ($agent["id_agente"], true, "upper") .print_help_tip(__('Disabled'), true) . ""; } else { $cellName = print_agent_name ($agent["id_agente"], true, "upper"); } echo ''; echo ''; //Addresses echo ''; echo ''; //OS echo ''; echo ''; // Parent echo ''; echo ''; // Agent Interval echo ''; echo ''; // Comments echo ''; echo ''; // Group echo ''; echo ''; // Agent version echo ''; echo ''; // Position Information if ($config['activate_gis']) { $dataPositionAgent = getDataLastPositionAgent($agent['id_agente']); echo ''; echo ''; } // Last contact echo ''; // Timezone Offset if ($agent['timezone_offset'] != 0) { echo ''; echo ''; } // Next contact (agent) $progress = getNextAgentContact($id_agente); echo ''; echo ''; // Custom fields $fields = get_db_all_rows_filter('tagent_custom_fields', array('display_on_front' => 1)); if ($fields === false) { $fields = array (); } if ($fields) foreach($fields as $field) { echo ''; $custom_value = get_db_value_filter('description', 'tagent_custom_data', array('id_field' => $field['id_field'], 'id_agent' => $id_agente)); if($custom_value === false || $custom_value == '') { $custom_value = '-'.__('empty').'-'; } echo ''; } //End of table echo '
'.__('Agent name').''.$cellName.' '; echo '
'.__('IP Address').''; print_select (get_agent_addresses ($id_agente), "not_used", get_agent_address ($id_agente)); echo '
'.__('OS').''.print_os_icon ($agent["id_os"], true, true); // Want to print last 15 characters of OS version, or start from 0 if smaller $osversion_offset = strlen($agent["os_version"]); if ($osversion_offset > 15) $osversion_offset = $osversion_offset - 15; else $osversion_offset = 0; echo ' '.substr($agent["os_version"],$osversion_offset,15).'
'.__('Parent').''.get_agent_name ($agent["id_parent"]).'
'.__('Interval').''.human_time_description_raw ($agent["intervalo"]).'
'.__('Group').''; echo print_group_icon ($agent["id_grupo"], true); echo ' ('; echo get_group_name ($agent["id_grupo"]); echo ')
'.__('Agent Version'). ''.$agent["agent_version"].'
'.__('Position (Long, Lat)'). ''; if ($dataPositionAgent === false) { echo __('There is no GIS data.'); } else { echo ''.$dataPositionAgent['stored_longitude'].', '.$dataPositionAgent['stored_latitude'].''; } echo '
'.__('Last contact')." / ".__('Remote').''; print_timestamp ($agent["ultimo_contacto"]); echo " / "; if ($agent["ultimo_contacto_remoto"] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { echo __('Never'); } else { echo $agent["ultimo_contacto_remoto"]; } echo '
'.__('Timezone Offset'). ''.$agent["timezone_offset"].'
'.__('Next agent contact').'
'.$field['name'].print_help_tip (__('Custom field'), true).''.$custom_value.'
'; ?>