".__('Agent configuration')." » ";
if ($id_agente) {
echo __('Update agent');
} else {
echo __('Create agent');
echo "";
echo '
// Agent remote configuration editor
$agent_md5 = md5 ($nombre_agente, false);
$filename['md5'] = $config["remote_config"]."/md5/".$agent_md5.".md5";
$filename['conf'] = $config["remote_config"]."/conf/".$agent_md5.".conf";
$disk_conf = (bool) get_parameter ('disk_conf');
if ($disk_conf) {
require ("agent_disk_conf_editor.php");
$disk_conf_delete = (bool) get_parameter ('disk_conf_delete');
// Agent remote configuration DELETE
if ($disk_conf_delete) {
//TODO: Get this working on computers where the Pandora server(s) are not on the webserver
//TODO: Get a remote_config editor working in the open version
@unlink ($filename['md5']);
@unlink ($filename['conf']);
echo '';
require_jquery_file ('pandora.controls');
require_jquery_file ('ajaxqueue');
require_jquery_file ('bgiframe');
require_jquery_file ('autocomplete');