/** * File: fixed-bottom-box.js * Name: fixedBottomBox * Dependencies: jQuery */ // This module has an Universal Module Definition pattern and its scope is private (function (name, factory) { // AMD if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery'], factory); } // Node (CommonJS) else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } // Assign to the jQuery namespace else { (this.jQuery || this.$)[name] = factory(this.jQuery || this.$); } } ('fixedBottomBox', function ($) { // jQuery required if (typeof $ === 'undefined') return; // Module definition return fixedBottomBox = function (params) { var self = new Object(); self._rendered = false; self.isRendered = function (state) { if (typeof state === 'boolean') self._rendered = state; return self._rendered; } params = params || {}; self._debug = params.debug || false; self._target = params.target || 'body'; self._opened = params.opened || false; self._head = params.head || ''; self._content = params.content || ''; self._animationDuration = params.animationDuration || 200; self._width = params.width || 300; self._height = params.height || 400; self.setWidth = function (width) { if (typeof width !== 'number' || width <= 0) throw new TypeError('Invalid width'); self._width = width; if (typeof self._box !== 'undefined') { self._box.head.css('width', width + 'px'); self._box.content.css('width', width + 'px'); } return self; } self.getWidth = function (width) { return self._width; } self.setHeight = function (height) { if (typeof height !== 'number' || height <= 0) throw new TypeError('Invalid height'); self._heigth = height; var headHeight = self._box.head.height() || 30; if (typeof self._box !== 'undefined') { self._box.content.css('max-height', (height - headHeight) + 'px'); } return self; } self.getHeight = function (height) { return self._height; } self.resize = function (width, height) { try { self.setWidth(width); self.setHeight(height); self.emit('resized', { width: width, height: height }); } catch (error) { if (self._debug) console.error(error); } return self; } self.render = function (head, content) { self._createBox(head, content); return self; } self._renderHead = function (head) { head = head || self._head; var headBody = $('
'); headBody .addClass('fixed-bottom-box-head-body') .click(function(event) { self.toggle(); }); var headClose = $(''); headClose .addClass('fixed-bottom-box-head-close') .click(function(event) { self.close(); }); self._box.head = $(''); self._box.head .addClass('fixed-bottom-box-head') .append(headClose, headBody); self._box.append(self._box.head); self.emit('head-rendered', { headRef: self._box.head, headContent: head }); } self._renderContent = function (content) { content = content || self._content; self._box.content = $(''); self._box.content .addClass('fixed-bottom-box-content') .append(content); self._box.append(self._box.content); self.emit('content-rendered', { contentRef: self._box.content, content: content }); } self._createBox = function (head, content) { head = head || self._head; content = content || self._content; if (self.isRendered()) self._destroyBox(); try { self._box = $(''); self._box .addClass('fixed-bottom-box') .css('position', 'fixed') .css('bottom', '0px') .css('right', '20px'); self._renderHead(head); self._renderContent(content); self.resize(self._width, self._height); if (!self.isOpen()) self._box.content.hide(); $(self._target).append(self._box); self.isRendered(true); self.emit('rendered', { boxRef: self._box, headContent: head, content: content }); } catch (error) { if (self._debug) console.error(error); } } self._destroyBox = function () { try { if (self.isRendered()) { self._box.hide(); self._box.content.remove(); delete self._box.content; self._box.head.remove(); delete self._box.head; self._box.remove(); delete self._box; self.isRendered(false); } } catch (error) { if (self._debug) console.error(error); } } self.isOpen = function (state) { if (typeof state === 'boolean') self._opened = state; return self._opened; } self.setHead = function (head) { if (typeof head === 'undefined' || head.length <= 0) throw new TypeError('Invalid head'); self._head = head; return self; } self.setContent = function (content) { if (typeof content === 'undefined' || content.length <= 0) throw new TypeError('Invalid content'); self._content = content; return self; } self.open = function () { try { if (!self.isOpen()) { self._box.content.slideDown(self._animationDuration, function() { self.isOpen(true); $(this) .removeClass('fixed-bottom-box-hided') .addClass('fixed-bottom-box-opened'); self.emit('open', { ref: self }); }); } } catch (error) { if (self._debug) console.error(error); } } self.hide = function () { try { if (self.isOpen()) { self._box.content.slideUp(self._animationDuration, function() { self.isOpen(false); $(this) .removeClass('fixed-bottom-box-opened') .addClass('fixed-bottom-box-hided'); self.emit('hide', { ref: self }); }); } } catch (error) { if (self._debug) console.error(error); } } self.toggle = function () { if (self.isOpen()) self.hide(); else self.open(); } self.close = function () { try { self._head = ''; self._content = ''; self.isOpen(false); self._destroyBox(); self.emit('close', {}); } catch (error) { if (self._debug) console.error(error); } } //-- Event handlers --// // Populate the observers var eventsList = ['open', 'hide', 'close', 'rendered', 'head-rendered', 'content-rendered', 'resized']; self._observers = {} eventsList.forEach(function(eventName) { self._observers[eventName] = []; }); self.emit = function (eventName, payload) { if (typeof eventName === 'undefined' || eventName.length <= 0) throw new TypeError('Invalid event name'); if (typeof self._observers[eventName] === 'undefined') throw new TypeError('The introduced event does not exists'); payload = payload || {}; var observers = self._observers[eventName]; observers.forEach(function(callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(payload); }); } self.on = function (eventName, callback) { if (typeof eventName === 'undefined' || eventName.length <= 0) throw new TypeError('Invalid event name'); if (typeof callback === 'function') throw new TypeError('The callback should be a function'); var res = false; if (typeof self._observers[eventName] !== 'undefined') { var length = self._observers[eventName].push(callback); res = length - 1; } return res; } // Should receive self.onOpen = function (callback) { self.on('open', callback); } // Should receive self.onHide = function (callback) { self.on('hide', callback); } // Should receive self.onClose = function (callback) { self.on('close', callback); } // Should receive self.onHeadRender = function (callback) { self.on('head-rendered', callback); } // Should receive self.onContentRender = function (callback) { self.on('content-rendered', callback); } // Should receive self.onResize = function (callback) { self.on('resized', callback); } return self; } }));