connect(); $agent = new Agent((int) $array_id[1]); if ($agent->hasRemoteConf() === true) { $cont++; } $node->disconnect(); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Unexistent agent. $cont = 0; $node->disconnect(); } } else { try { $agent = new Agent((int) $array_id[1]); if ($agent->hasRemoteConf() === true) { $cont++; } } catch (\Exception $e) { // Unexistent agent. $cont = 0; } } } echo $cont; return; } if ($groups_secondary_selected === true) { $groups = get_parameter('groups', []); $groups_selected = get_parameter('groups_selected', []); $user_groups = users_get_groups($config['user'], 'AR', false); $ret = []; foreach ($user_groups as $id_gr => $name_group) { if (in_array($id_gr, $groups) === false) { $ret[$id_gr] = $name_group; } } echo json_encode($ret); return; } } $update_agents = get_parameter('update_agents', 0); $recursion = get_parameter('recursion'); if ($update_agents) { $values = []; if ((int) get_parameter('group', '') !== -1) { $values['id_grupo'] = get_parameter('group'); } if (!(get_parameter('interval_select') === -1 && empty(get_parameter('interval_text'))) ) { if (get_parameter('interval') != -2) { $values['intervalo'] = get_parameter('interval'); } } if (get_parameter('id_os', '') != -1) { $values['id_os'] = get_parameter('id_os'); } if (get_parameter('id_parent', '') != '') { $values['id_parent'] = get_parameter('id_agent_parent', 0); } if (get_parameter('server_name', '') != -1) { $values['server_name'] = get_parameter('server_name'); } if (get_parameter('description', '') != '') { $values['comentarios'] = get_parameter('description'); } if (get_parameter('mode', '') != -1) { $values['modo'] = get_parameter('mode'); } if (get_parameter('disabled', '') != -1) { $values['disabled'] = get_parameter('disabled'); } if (get_parameter('icon_path', '') != '') { $values['icon_path'] = get_parameter('icon_path'); } if (get_parameter('update_gis_data', -1) != -1) { $values['update_gis_data'] = get_parameter('update_gis_data'); } if (get_parameter('custom_id', '') != '') { $values['custom_id'] = get_parameter('custom_id'); } if (get_parameter('cascade_protection', -1) != -1) { $values['cascade_protection'] = get_parameter('cascade_protection'); } if (get_parameter('cascade_protection_module', -1) != -1) { $values['cascade_protection_module'] = get_parameter('cascade_protection_module'); } if (get_parameter('delete_conf', 0) != 0) { $values['delete_conf'] = get_parameter('delete_conf'); } if (get_parameter('quiet_select', -1) != -1) { $values['quiet'] = get_parameter('quiet_select'); } if (get_parameter('safe_mode_change', -1) == 1 && get_parameter('safe_mode_module', '') != '') { // Get the module name. $values['safe_mode_module'] = get_parameter('safe_mode_module'); } else if (get_parameter('safe_mode_change', -1) == 0) { // Disabled Safe Operation Mode. $values['safe_mode_module'] = '0'; } $secondary_groups_added = (array) get_parameter( 'secondary_groups_added', [] ); $secondary_groups_removed = (array) get_parameter( 'secondary_groups_removed', [] ); $fields = db_get_all_fields_in_table('tagent_custom_fields'); if ($fields === false) { $fields = []; } $id_agents = get_parameter('id_agents', false); if (!$id_agents) { ui_print_error_message(__('No agents selected')); $id_agents = []; } else { if (empty($values) && empty($fields)) { ui_print_error_message(__('No values changed')); $id_agents = []; } } $id_module_safe = []; if (is_metaconsole() === false) { // Get the id_agente_modulo to update the 'safe_operation_mode' field. if (isset($values['safe_mode_module']) === true && ($values['safe_mode_module'] != '0') ) { foreach ($id_agents as $id_agent) { $id_module_safe[$id_agent] = db_get_value_filter( 'id_agente_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', [ 'id_agente' => $id_agent, 'nombre' => $values['safe_mode_module'], ] ); } } } // CONF FILE DELETION. if (isset($values['delete_conf']) === true) { unset($values['delete_conf']); $n_deleted = 0; foreach ($id_agents as $id_agent) { $agent_md5 = md5(agents_get_name($id_agent)); @unlink( $config['remote_config'].'/md5/'.$agent_md5.'.md5' ); $result = @unlink( $config['remote_config'].'/conf/'.$agent_md5.'.conf' ); $n_deleted += (int) $result; } if ($n_deleted > 0) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MASSIVE_MANAGEMENT, 'Delete conf file '.$id_agent ); } else { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MASSIVE_MANAGEMENT, 'Try to delete conf file '.$id_agent ); } ui_print_result_message( $n_deleted > 0, __('Configuration files deleted successfully').'('.$n_deleted.')', __('Configuration files cannot be deleted') ); } if (empty($values) === true && empty($fields) === true ) { $id_agents = []; } $result = []; foreach ($id_agents as $id_agent) { if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $array_id = explode('|', $id_agent); try { $node = new Node((int) $array_id[0]); $node->connect(); $id_agent = (int) $array_id[1]; // Get the id_agente_modulo to update the 'safe_operation_mode' field. if (isset($values['safe_mode_module']) === true && ($values['safe_mode_module'] != '0') ) { $id_module_safe[$id_agent] = db_get_value_filter( 'id_agente_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', [ 'id_agente' => $id_agent, 'nombre' => $values['safe_mode_module'], ] ); } $result[$id_agent] = edit_massive_agent( (int) $array_id[1], $values, $id_module_safe, $fields, $secondary_groups_added, $secondary_groups_removed ); $agents_values = agents_get_agent((int) $array_id[1]); $node->disconnect(); if (empty($values) === false) { update_agents_in_metaconsole( (int) $array_id[1], $values, $agents_values ); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // Unexistent agent. $result = []; $node->disconnect(); } } else { try { $result[$id_agent] = edit_massive_agent( $id_agent, $values, $id_module_safe, $fields, $secondary_groups_added, $secondary_groups_removed ); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Unexistent agent. $result = []; } } } $ret = []; foreach ($result as $id_agent => $item) { if ($item['db'] !== false) { $ret['db']['edited'] += 1; $ret['db']['edited_agent'][] = $id_agent; } else { $ret['db']['failed'] += 1; $ret['db']['failed_agent'][] = $id_agent; } if (isset($item['fields']) === true && empty($item['fields']) === false ) { foreach ($item['fields'] as $kfield => $vfield) { if ($vfield !== false) { $ret['fields'][$id_agent]['edited'] += 1; $ret['fields'][$id_agent]['edited_field'][] = $kfield; } else { $ret['fields'][$id_agent]['failed'] += 1; $ret['fields'][$id_agent]['failed_field'][] = $kfield; } } } if (isset($item['secondary']) === true && empty($item['secondary']) === false ) { foreach ($item['secondary'] as $type_action => $values_secondary) { foreach ($values_secondary as $kgr => $vgr) { if ($vgr !== false) { $ret['secondary'][$type_action][$id_agent]['edited'] += 1; $ret['secondary'][$type_action][$id_agent]['edited_gr'][] = $kgr; } else { $ret['secondary'][$type_action][$id_agent]['failed'] += 1; $ret['secondary'][$type_action][$id_agent]['failed_gr'][] = $kgr; } } } } } foreach ($ret as $type => $ret_val) { switch ($type) { case 'db': if (isset($ret_val['edited']) === true && $ret_val['edited'] > 0 ) { ui_print_success_message( __( 'Agents updated successfully (%d)', $ret_val['edited'], implode( ',', $ret_val['edited_agent'] ) ) ); } if (isset($ret_val['failed']) === true && $ret_val['failed'] > 0 ) { ui_print_error_message( __( 'Agents cannot be updated (%d), ids (%s)', $ret_val['failed'], implode(',', $ret_val['failed_agent']) ) ); } break; case 'fields': $str = ''; foreach ($ret_val as $kag => $vag) { if (isset($vag['failed']) === true && $vag['failed'] > 0 ) { $str .= __( 'Agent ID: %s cannot be updated custom fields (%s)', $kag, implode(',', $vag['failed_field']) ).'
'; } } if (empty($str) === false) { ui_print_error_message($str); } break; case 'secondary': $str = ''; foreach ($ret_val as $type => $values_secondary) { foreach ($values_secondary as $kag => $vag) { if (isset($vag['failed']) === true && $vag['failed'] > 0 ) { $str .= __( 'Agent ID: %s cannot be updated %s secondary groups (%s)', $kag, $type, implode(',', $vag['failed_gr']) ).'
'; } } } if (empty($str) === false) { ui_print_error_message($str); } break; default: // Not posible. break; } } } /** * Edit massive agent. * * @param integer $id_agent * @param array $values * @param array $id_module_safe * @param array $fields * @param array $secondary_groups_added * @param array $secondary_groups_removed * @return void */ function edit_massive_agent( int $id_agent, array $values, array $id_module_safe, array $fields, array $secondary_groups_added, array $secondary_groups_removed ) { global $config; $result = false; if (empty($values) === false) { $agent = new Agent($id_agent); $disabled_old = $agent->disabled(); if (empty($id_module_safe) === false) { // Get the id_agent_module for this agent to update the 'safe_operation_mode' field. if (isset($values['safe_mode_module']) === true && ($values['safe_mode_module'] != '0') ) { $values['safe_mode_module'] = $id_module_safe[$id_agent]; } } foreach ($values as $key => $value) { $agent->{$key}($value); } $result['db'] = $agent->save(); if (is_metaconsole() === false) { if ($result['db'] !== false && (bool) $config['metaconsole_agent_cache'] === true ) { // Force an update of the agent cache. $agent->updateFromCache(); } } if ($disabled_old !== $values['disabled']) { // Validate alerts for disabled agents. if ($values['disabled'] == 1) { alerts_validate_alert_agent($id_agent); } } } $info = []; // Update Custom Fields. if (isset($fields) === true && empty($fields) === false ) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $info[$field['id_field']] = $field['name']; $value = get_parameter('customvalue_'.$field['id_field']); if (empty($value) === false) { $key = $field['id_field']; $old_value = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagent_custom_data', [ 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'id_field' => $key, ] ); if ($old_value === false) { // Create custom field if not exist. $result['fields'][$field['id_field']] = db_process_sql_insert( 'tagent_custom_data', [ 'id_field' => $key, 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'description' => $value, ] ); } else { if ($old_value[0]['description'] !== $value) { $result['fields'][$field['id_field']] = db_process_sql_update( 'tagent_custom_data', ['description' => $value], [ 'id_field' => $key, 'id_agent' => $id_agent, ] ); } } } } } // Create or Remove the secondary groups. if (empty($secondary_groups_added) === false || empty($secondary_groups_removed) === false ) { $result['secondary'] = enterprise_hook( 'agents_update_secondary_groups', [ $id_agent, $secondary_groups_added, $secondary_groups_removed, true, ] ); } if ($result['db'] !== false) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MASSIVE_MANAGEMENT, 'Update agent '.$id_agent, false, false, json_encode($info) ); } else { if (isset($id_agent) === true) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_MASSIVE_MANAGEMENT, 'Try to update agent '.$id_agent, false, false, json_encode($info) ); } } return $result; } $url = 'index.php?sec=gmassive&sec2=godmode/massive/massive_operations&option=edit_agents'; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $url = 'index.php?sec=advanced&sec2=advanced/massive_operations&tab=massive_agents&pure=0&option=edit_agents'; } echo '
'; echo html_print_avoid_autocomplete(); $params = [ 'id_group' => $id_group, 'recursion' => $recursion, ]; echo get_table_inputs_masive_agents($params); $nombre_agente = ''; $direccion_agente = ''; $id_agente = 0; $id_parent = 0; $cascade_protection = 0; $group = 0; $interval = ''; $id_os = 0; $server_name = 0; $description = ''; echo ''; attachActionButton('update_agents', 'update', $table->width, false, $SelectAction); echo '
'; // Shown and hide div. ui_require_jquery_file('form'); ui_require_jquery_file('pandora.controls'); ui_require_jquery_file('ajaxqueue'); ui_require_jquery_file('bgiframe'); ?>