Get(11,$file,$lineno); die($msg); } else { DEFINE('CACHE_DIR', $_SERVER['TEMP'] . '/'); } } else { DEFINE('CACHE_DIR','/tmp/jpgraph_cache/'); } } } elseif( !defined('CACHE_DIR') ) { DEFINE('CACHE_DIR', ''); } if (!defined('TTF_DIR')) { if (strstr( PHP_OS, 'WIN') ) { $sroot = getenv('SystemRoot'); if( empty($sroot) ) { $t = new ErrMsgText(); $msg = $t->Get(12,$file,$lineno); die($msg); } else { DEFINE('TTF_DIR', $sroot.'/fonts/'); } } else { DEFINE('TTF_DIR','/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/'); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constants which are used as parameters for the method calls //------------------------------------------------------------------ // TTF Font families // Note: First font must be FF_COURIER and the last font family must // be given to _LAST_FONT. This is used for error checking in the text // handling routines. DEFINE("FF_COURIER",10); DEFINE("FF_VERDANA",11); DEFINE("FF_TIMES",12); DEFINE("FF_COMIC",14); DEFINE("FF_ARIAL",15); DEFINE("FF_GEORGIA",16); DEFINE("FF_TREBUCHE",17); // Gnome Vera font // Available from DEFINE("FF_VERA",18); DEFINE("FF_VERAMONO",19); DEFINE("FF_VERASERIF",20); // Chinese font DEFINE("FF_SIMSUN",30); DEFINE("FF_CHINESE",31); DEFINE("FF_BIG5",31); // Japanese font DEFINE("FF_MINCHO",40); DEFINE("FF_PMINCHO",41); DEFINE("FF_GOTHIC",42); DEFINE("FF_PGOTHIC",43); // Limits for fonts DEFINE("_FIRST_FONT",10); DEFINE("_LAST_FONT",43); // TTF Font styles DEFINE("FS_NORMAL",9001); DEFINE("FS_BOLD",9002); DEFINE("FS_ITALIC",9003); DEFINE("FS_BOLDIT",9004); DEFINE("FS_BOLDITALIC",9004); //Definitions for internal font, new style DEFINE("FF_FONT0",1); DEFINE("FF_FONT1",2); DEFINE("FF_FONT2",4); // Tick density DEFINE("TICKD_DENSE",1); DEFINE("TICKD_NORMAL",2); DEFINE("TICKD_SPARSE",3); DEFINE("TICKD_VERYSPARSE",4); // Side for ticks and labels. DEFINE("SIDE_LEFT",-1); DEFINE("SIDE_RIGHT",1); DEFINE("SIDE_DOWN",-1); DEFINE("SIDE_BOTTOM",-1); DEFINE("SIDE_UP",1); DEFINE("SIDE_TOP",1); // Legend type stacked vertical or horizontal DEFINE("LEGEND_VERT",0); DEFINE("LEGEND_HOR",1); // Mark types for plot marks DEFINE("MARK_SQUARE",1); DEFINE("MARK_UTRIANGLE",2); DEFINE("MARK_DTRIANGLE",3); DEFINE("MARK_DIAMOND",4); DEFINE("MARK_CIRCLE",5); DEFINE("MARK_FILLEDCIRCLE",6); DEFINE("MARK_CROSS",7); DEFINE("MARK_STAR",8); DEFINE("MARK_X",9); DEFINE("MARK_LEFTTRIANGLE",10); DEFINE("MARK_RIGHTTRIANGLE",11); DEFINE("MARK_FLASH",12); DEFINE("MARK_IMG",13); DEFINE("MARK_FLAG1",14); DEFINE("MARK_FLAG2",15); DEFINE("MARK_FLAG3",16); DEFINE("MARK_FLAG4",17); // Builtin images DEFINE("MARK_IMG_PUSHPIN",50); DEFINE("MARK_IMG_SPUSHPIN",50); DEFINE("MARK_IMG_LPUSHPIN",51); DEFINE("MARK_IMG_DIAMOND",52); DEFINE("MARK_IMG_SQUARE",53); DEFINE("MARK_IMG_STAR",54); DEFINE("MARK_IMG_BALL",55); DEFINE("MARK_IMG_SBALL",55); DEFINE("MARK_IMG_MBALL",56); DEFINE("MARK_IMG_LBALL",57); DEFINE("MARK_IMG_BEVEL",58); // Inline defines DEFINE("INLINE_YES",1); DEFINE("INLINE_NO",0); // Format for background images DEFINE("BGIMG_FILLPLOT",1); DEFINE("BGIMG_FILLFRAME",2); DEFINE("BGIMG_COPY",3); DEFINE("BGIMG_CENTER",4); // Depth of objects DEFINE("DEPTH_BACK",0); DEFINE("DEPTH_FRONT",1); // Direction DEFINE("VERTICAL",1); DEFINE("HORIZONTAL",0); // Axis styles for scientific style axis DEFINE('AXSTYLE_SIMPLE',1); DEFINE('AXSTYLE_BOXIN',2); DEFINE('AXSTYLE_BOXOUT',3); DEFINE('AXSTYLE_YBOXIN',4); DEFINE('AXSTYLE_YBOXOUT',5); // Style for title backgrounds DEFINE('TITLEBKG_STYLE1',1); DEFINE('TITLEBKG_STYLE2',2); DEFINE('TITLEBKG_STYLE3',3); DEFINE('TITLEBKG_FRAME_NONE',0); DEFINE('TITLEBKG_FRAME_FULL',1); DEFINE('TITLEBKG_FRAME_BOTTOM',2); DEFINE('TITLEBKG_FRAME_BEVEL',3); DEFINE('TITLEBKG_FILLSTYLE_HSTRIPED',1); DEFINE('TITLEBKG_FILLSTYLE_VSTRIPED',2); DEFINE('TITLEBKG_FILLSTYLE_SOLID',3); // Style for background gradient fills DEFINE('BGRAD_FRAME',1); DEFINE('BGRAD_MARGIN',2); DEFINE('BGRAD_PLOT',3); // Width of tab titles DEFINE('TABTITLE_WIDTHFIT',0); DEFINE('TABTITLE_WIDTHFULL',-1); // Defines for 3D skew directions DEFINE('SKEW3D_UP',0); DEFINE('SKEW3D_DOWN',1); DEFINE('SKEW3D_LEFT',2); DEFINE('SKEW3D_RIGHT',3); // Line styles DEFINE('LINESTYLE_DOTTED',1); DEFINE('LINESTYLE_DASHED',2); DEFINE('LINESTYLE_LONGDASH',3); DEFINE('LINESTYLE_SOLID',4); // // Get hold of gradient class (In Version 2.x) // require_once 'jpgraph_gradient.php'; GLOBAL $__jpg_err_locale ; $__jpg_err_locale = DEFAULT_ERR_LOCALE; class ErrMsgText { private $lt=NULL; function ErrMsgText() { GLOBAL $__jpg_err_locale; $file = 'lang/'.$__jpg_err_locale.'.inc.php'; // If the chosen locale doesn't exist try english if( !file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$file) ) { $__jpg_err_locale = 'en'; } $file = 'lang/'.$__jpg_err_locale.'.inc.php'; if( !file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$file) ) { die('Internal error: Chosen locale file for error messages does not exist.'); } require_once($file); $this->lt = $_jpg_messages; } function Get($errnbr,$a1=null,$a2=null,$a3=null,$a4=null,$a5=null) { GLOBAL $__jpg_err_locale; if( !isset($this->lt[$errnbr]) ) { return 'Internal error: The specified error message ('.$errnbr.') does not exist in the chosen locale ('.$__jpg_err_locale.')'; } $ea = $this->lt[$errnbr]; $j=0; if( $a1 !== null ) { $argv[$j++] = $a1; if( $a2 !== null ) { $argv[$j++] = $a2; if( $a3 !== null ) { $argv[$j++] = $a3; if( $a4 !== null ) { $argv[$j++] = $a4; if( $a5 !== null ) { $argv[$j++] = $a5; } } } } } $numargs = $j; if( $ea[1] != $numargs ) { // Error message argument count do not match. // Just return the error message without arguments. return $ea[0]; } switch( $numargs ) { case 1: $msg = sprintf($ea[0],$argv[0]); break; case 2: $msg = sprintf($ea[0],$argv[0],$argv[1]); break; case 3: $msg = sprintf($ea[0],$argv[0],$argv[1],$argv[2]); break; case 4: $msg = sprintf($ea[0],$argv[0],$argv[1],$argv[2],$argv[3]); break; case 5: $msg = sprintf($ea[0],$argv[0],$argv[1],$argv[2],$argv[3],$argv[4]); break; case 0: default: $msg = sprintf($ea[0]); break; } return $msg; } } // // A wrapper class that is used to access the specified error object // (to hide the global error parameter and avoid having a GLOBAL directive // in all methods. // class JpGraphError { private static $__jpg_err; public static function Install($aErrObject) { self::$__jpg_err = new $aErrObject; } public static function Raise($aMsg,$aHalt=true){ self::$__jpg_err->Raise($aMsg,$aHalt); } public static function SetErrLocale($aLoc) { GLOBAL $__jpg_err_locale ; $__jpg_err_locale = $aLoc; } public static function RaiseL($errnbr,$a1=null,$a2=null,$a3=null,$a4=null,$a5=null) { $t = new ErrMsgText(); $msg = $t->Get($errnbr,$a1,$a2,$a3,$a4,$a5); self::$__jpg_err->Raise($msg); } } // // ... and install the default error handler // if( USE_IMAGE_ERROR_HANDLER ) { JpGraphError::Install("JpGraphErrObjectImg"); } else { JpGraphError::Install("JpGraphErrObject"); } function CheckPHPVersion($aMinVersion) { list($majorC, $minorC, $editC) = split('[/.-]', PHP_VERSION); list($majorR, $minorR, $editR) = split('[/.-]', $aMinVersion); if ($majorC > $majorR) return true; if ($majorC < $majorR) return false; // same major - check ninor if ($minorC > $minorR) return true; if ($minorC < $minorR) return false; // and same minor if ($editC >= $editR) return true; return true; } // // Make GD sanity check // if( !function_exists("imagetypes") || !function_exists('imagecreatefromstring') ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25001); //("This PHP installation is not configured with the GD library. Please recompile PHP with GD support to run JpGraph. (Neither function imagetypes() nor imagecreatefromstring() does exist)"); } // // Make sure PHP version is high enough // if( !CheckPHPVersion(MIN_PHPVERSION) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(13,PHP_VERSION,MIN_PHPVERSION); } // // First of all set up a default error handler // //============================================================= // The default trivial text error handler. //============================================================= class JpGraphErrObject { protected $iTitle = "JpGraph Error"; protected $iDest = false; function JpGraphErrObject() { // Empty. Reserved for future use } function SetTitle($aTitle) { $this->iTitle = $aTitle; } function SetStrokeDest($aDest) { $this->iDest = $aDest; } // If aHalt is true then execution can't continue. Typical used for fatal errors function Raise($aMsg,$aHalt=true) { $aMsg = $this->iTitle.' '.$aMsg; if ($this->iDest) { $f = @fopen($this->iDest,'a'); if( $f ) { @fwrite($f,$aMsg); @fclose($f); } } else { echo $aMsg; } if( $aHalt ) die(); } } //============================================================== // An image based error handler //============================================================== class JpGraphErrObjectImg extends JpGraphErrObject { function Raise($aMsg,$aHalt=true) { $img_iconerror = 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACgAAAAoCAMAAAC7IEhfAAAAaV'. 'BMVEX//////2Xy8mLl5V/Z2VvMzFi/v1WyslKlpU+ZmUyMjEh/'. 'f0VyckJlZT9YWDxMTDjAwMDy8sLl5bnY2K/MzKW/v5yyspKlpY'. 'iYmH+MjHY/PzV/f2xycmJlZVlZWU9MTEXY2Ms/PzwyMjLFTjea'. 'AAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAAAFiS0dEAIgFHUgAAAAJcEhZcwAACx'. 'IAAAsSAdLdfvwAAAAHdElNRQfTBgISOCqusfs5AAABLUlEQVR4'. '2tWV3XKCMBBGWfkranCIVClKLd/7P2Q3QsgCxjDTq+6FE2cPH+'. 'xJ0Ogn2lQbsT+Wrs+buAZAV4W5T6Bs0YXBBwpKgEuIu+JERAX6'. 'wM2rHjmDdEITmsQEEmWADgZm6rAjhXsoMGY9B/NZBwJzBvn+e3'. 'wHntCAJdGu9SviwIwoZVDxPB9+Rc0TSEbQr0j3SA1gwdSn6Db0'. '6Tm1KfV6yzWGQO7zdpvyKLKBDmRFjzeB3LYgK7r6A/noDAfjtS'. 'IXaIzbJSv6WgUebTMV4EoRB8a2mQiQjgtF91HdKDKZ1gtFtQjk'. 'YcWaR5OKOhkYt+ZsTFdJRfPAApOpQYJTNHvCRSJR6SJngQadfc'. 'vd69OLMddVOPCGVnmrFD8bVYd3JXfxXPtLR/+mtv59/ALWiiMx'. 'qL72fwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==' ; if( function_exists("imagetypes") ) $supported = imagetypes(); else $supported = 0; if( !function_exists('imagecreatefromstring') ) $supported = 0; if( ob_get_length() || headers_sent() || !($supported & IMG_PNG) ) { // Special case for headers already sent or that the installation doesn't support // the PNG format (which the error icon is encoded in). // Dont return an image since it can't be displayed die($this->iTitle.' '.$aMsg); } $aMsg = wordwrap($aMsg,55); $lines = substr_count($aMsg,"\n"); // Create the error icon GD $erricon = Image::CreateFromString(base64_decode($img_iconerror)); // Create an image that contains the error text. $w=400; $h=100 + 15*max(0,$lines-3); $img = new Image($w,$h); // Drop shadow $img->SetColor("gray"); $img->FilledRectangle(5,5,$w-1,$h-1,10); $img->SetColor("gray:0.7"); $img->FilledRectangle(5,5,$w-3,$h-3,10); // Window background $img->SetColor("lightblue"); $img->FilledRectangle(1,1,$w-5,$h-5); $img->CopyCanvasH($img->img,$erricon,5,30,0,0,40,40); // Window border $img->SetColor("black"); $img->Rectangle(1,1,$w-5,$h-5); $img->Rectangle(0,0,$w-4,$h-4); // Window top row $img->SetColor("darkred"); for($y=3; $y < 18; $y += 2 ) $img->Line(1,$y,$w-6,$y); // "White shadow" $img->SetColor("white"); // Left window edge $img->Line(2,2,2,$h-5); $img->Line(2,2,$w-6,2); // "Gray button shadow" $img->SetColor("darkgray"); // Gray window shadow $img->Line(2,$h-6,$w-5,$h-6); $img->Line(3,$h-7,$w-5,$h-7); // Window title $m = floor($w/2-5); $l = 100; $img->SetColor("lightgray:1.3"); $img->FilledRectangle($m-$l,2,$m+$l,16); // Stroke text $img->SetColor("darkred"); $img->SetFont(FF_FONT2,FS_BOLD); $img->StrokeText($m-50,15,$this->iTitle); $img->SetColor("black"); $img->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_NORMAL); $txt = new Text($aMsg,52,25); $txt->Align("left","top"); $txt->Stroke($img); if ($this->iDest) { $img->Stream($this->iDest); } else { $img->Headers(); $img->Stream(); } if( $aHalt ) die(); } } // // Setup PHP error handler // function _phpErrorHandler($errno,$errmsg,$filename, $linenum, $vars) { // Respect current error level if( $errno & error_reporting() ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25003,basename($filename),$linenum,$errmsg); } } if( INSTALL_PHP_ERR_HANDLER ) { set_error_handler("_phpErrorHandler"); } // //Check if there were any warnings, perhaps some wrong includes by the //user // if( isset($GLOBALS['php_errormsg']) && CATCH_PHPERRMSG && !preg_match('|Deprecated|', $GLOBALS['php_errormsg']) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25004,$GLOBALS['php_errormsg']); } // Useful mathematical function function sign($a) {return $a >= 0 ? 1 : -1;} // Utility function to generate an image name based on the filename we // are running from and assuming we use auto detection of graphic format // (top level), i.e it is safe to call this function // from a script that uses JpGraph function GenImgName() { // Determine what format we should use when we save the images $supported = imagetypes(); if( $supported & IMG_PNG ) $img_format="png"; elseif( $supported & IMG_GIF ) $img_format="gif"; elseif( $supported & IMG_JPG ) $img_format="jpeg"; if( !isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25005); //(" Can't access PHP_SELF, PHP global variable. You can't run PHP from command line if you want to use the 'auto' naming of cache or image files."); $fname = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); if( !empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ) { $q = @$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $fname .= '?'.preg_replace("/\W/", "_", $q).'.'.$img_format; } else { $fname = substr($fname,0,strlen($fname)-4).'.'.$img_format; } return $fname; } class LanguageConv { private $g2312 = null ; function Convert($aTxt,$aFF) { if( LANGUAGE_GREEK ) { if( GREEK_FROM_WINDOWS ) { $unistring = LanguageConv::gr_win2uni($aTxt); } else { $unistring = LanguageConv::gr_iso2uni($aTxt); } return $unistring; } elseif( LANGUAGE_CYRILLIC ) { if( CYRILLIC_FROM_WINDOWS && (!defined('LANGUAGE_CHARSET') || stristr(LANGUAGE_CHARSET, 'windows-1251')) ) { $aTxt = convert_cyr_string($aTxt, "w", "k"); } if( !defined('LANGUAGE_CHARSET') || stristr(LANGUAGE_CHARSET, 'koi8-r') || stristr(LANGUAGE_CHARSET, 'windows-1251')) { $isostring = convert_cyr_string($aTxt, "k", "i"); $unistring = LanguageConv::iso2uni($isostring); } else { $unistring = $aTxt; } return $unistring; } elseif( $aFF === FF_SIMSUN ) { // Do Chinese conversion if( $this->g2312 == null ) { include_once 'jpgraph_gb2312.php' ; $this->g2312 = new GB2312toUTF8(); } return $this->g2312->gb2utf8($aTxt); } elseif( $aFF === FF_CHINESE ) { if( !function_exists('iconv') ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25006); //('Usage of FF_CHINESE (FF_BIG5) font family requires that your PHP setup has the iconv() function. By default this is not compiled into PHP (needs the "--width-iconv" when configured).'); } return iconv('BIG5','UTF-8',$aTxt); } elseif( ASSUME_EUCJP_ENCODING && ($aFF == FF_MINCHO || $aFF == FF_GOTHIC || $aFF == FF_PMINCHO || $aFF == FF_PGOTHIC) ) { if( !function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25127); } return mb_convert_encoding($aTxt, 'UTF-8','EUC-JP'); } else return $aTxt; } // Translate iso encoding to unicode public static function iso2uni ($isoline){ $uniline=''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($isoline); $i++){ $thischar=substr($isoline,$i,1); $charcode=ord($thischar); $uniline.=($charcode>175) ? "&#" . (1040+($charcode-176)). ";" : $thischar; } return $uniline; } // Translate greek iso encoding to unicode public static function gr_iso2uni ($isoline) { $uniline=''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($isoline); $i++) { $thischar=substr($isoline,$i,1); $charcode=ord($thischar); $uniline.=($charcode>179 && $charcode!=183 && $charcode!=187 && $charcode!=189) ? "&#" . (900+($charcode-180)). ";" : $thischar; } return $uniline; } // Translate greek win encoding to unicode public static function gr_win2uni ($winline) { $uniline=''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($winline); $i++) { $thischar=substr($winline,$i,1); $charcode=ord($thischar); if ($charcode==161 || $charcode==162) { $uniline.="&#" . (740+$charcode). ";"; } else { $uniline.=(($charcode>183 && $charcode!=187 && $charcode!=189) || $charcode==180) ? "&#" . (900+($charcode-180)). ";" : $thischar; } } return $uniline; } } //=================================================== // CLASS JpgTimer // Description: General timing utility class to handle // time measurement of generating graphs. Multiple // timers can be started. //=================================================== class JpgTimer { private $start, $idx; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function JpgTimer() { $this->idx=0; } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS // Push a new timer start on stack function Push() { list($ms,$s)=explode(" ",microtime()); $this->start[$this->idx++]=floor($ms*1000) + 1000*$s; } // Pop the latest timer start and return the diff with the // current time function Pop() { assert($this->idx>0); list($ms,$s)=explode(" ",microtime()); $etime=floor($ms*1000) + (1000*$s); $this->idx--; return $etime-$this->start[$this->idx]; } } // Class $gJpgBrandTiming = BRAND_TIMING; //=================================================== // CLASS DateLocale // Description: Hold localized text used in dates //=================================================== class DateLocale { public $iLocale = 'C'; // environmental locale be used by default private $iDayAbb = null, $iShortDay = null, $iShortMonth = null, $iMonthName = null; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function DateLocale() { settype($this->iDayAbb, 'array'); settype($this->iShortDay, 'array'); settype($this->iShortMonth, 'array'); settype($this->iMonthName, 'array'); $this->Set('C'); } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS function Set($aLocale) { if ( in_array($aLocale, array_keys($this->iDayAbb)) ){ $this->iLocale = $aLocale; return TRUE; // already cached nothing else to do! } $pLocale = setlocale(LC_TIME, 0); // get current locale for LC_TIME $res = @setlocale(LC_TIME, $aLocale); if ( ! $res ){ JpGraphError::RaiseL(25007,$aLocale); //("You are trying to use the locale ($aLocale) which your PHP installation does not support. Hint: Use '' to indicate the default locale for this geographic region."); return FALSE; } $this->iLocale = $aLocale; for ( $i = 0, $ofs = 0 - strftime('%w'); $i < 7; $i++, $ofs++ ){ $day = strftime('%a', strtotime("$ofs day")); $day[0] = strtoupper($day[0]); $this->iDayAbb[$aLocale][]= $day[0]; $this->iShortDay[$aLocale][]= $day; } for($i=1; $i<=12; ++$i) { list($short ,$full) = explode('|', strftime("%b|%B",strtotime("2001-$i-01"))); $this->iShortMonth[$aLocale][] = ucfirst($short); $this->iMonthName [$aLocale][] = ucfirst($full); } setlocale(LC_TIME, $pLocale); return TRUE; } function GetDayAbb() { return $this->iDayAbb[$this->iLocale]; } function GetShortDay() { return $this->iShortDay[$this->iLocale]; } function GetShortMonth() { return $this->iShortMonth[$this->iLocale]; } function GetShortMonthName($aNbr) { return $this->iShortMonth[$this->iLocale][$aNbr]; } function GetLongMonthName($aNbr) { return $this->iMonthName[$this->iLocale][$aNbr]; } function GetMonth() { return $this->iMonthName[$this->iLocale]; } } $gDateLocale = new DateLocale(); $gJpgDateLocale = new DateLocale(); //======================================================= // CLASS Footer // Description: Encapsulates the footer line in the Graph //======================================================= class Footer { public $iLeftMargin = 3, $iRightMargin = 3, $iBottomMargin = 3 ; public $left,$center,$right; function Footer() { $this->left = new Text(); $this->left->ParagraphAlign('left'); $this->center = new Text(); $this->center->ParagraphAlign('center'); $this->right = new Text(); $this->right->ParagraphAlign('right'); } function SetMargin($aLeft=3,$aRight=3,$aBottom=3) { $this->iLeftMargin = $aLeft; $this->iRightMargin = $aRight; $this->iBottomMargin = $aBottom; } function Stroke($aImg) { $y = $aImg->height - $this->iBottomMargin; $x = $this->iLeftMargin; $this->left->Align('left','bottom'); $this->left->Stroke($aImg,$x,$y); $x = ($aImg->width - $this->iLeftMargin - $this->iRightMargin)/2; $this->center->Align('center','bottom'); $this->center->Stroke($aImg,$x,$y); $x = $aImg->width - $this->iRightMargin; $this->right->Align('right','bottom'); $this->right->Stroke($aImg,$x,$y); } } //=================================================== // CLASS Graph // Description: Main class to handle graphs //=================================================== class Graph { public $cache=null; // Cache object (singleton) public $img=null; // Img object (singleton) public $plots=array(); // Array of all plot object in the graph (for Y 1 axis) public $y2plots=array();// Array of all plot object in the graph (for Y 2 axis) public $ynplots=array(); public $xscale=null; // X Scale object (could be instance of LinearScale or LogScale public $yscale=null,$y2scale=null, $ynscale=array(); public $iIcons = array(); // Array of Icons to add to public $cache_name; // File name to be used for the current graph in the cache directory public $xgrid=null; // X Grid object (linear or logarithmic) public $ygrid=null,$y2grid=null; //dito for Y public $doframe=true,$frame_color=array(0,0,0), $frame_weight=1; // Frame around graph public $boxed=false, $box_color=array(0,0,0), $box_weight=1; // Box around plot area public $doshadow=false,$shadow_width=4,$shadow_color=array(102,102,102); // Shadow for graph public $xaxis=null; // X-axis (instane of Axis class) public $yaxis=null, $y2axis=null, $ynaxis=array(); // Y axis (instance of Axis class) public $margin_color=array(200,200,200); // Margin color of graph public $plotarea_color=array(255,255,255); // Plot area color public $title,$subtitle,$subsubtitle; // Title and subtitle(s) text object public $axtype="linlin"; // Type of axis public $xtick_factor; // Factot to determine the maximum number of ticks depending on the plot with public $texts=null, $y2texts=null; // Text object to ge shown in the graph public $lines=null, $y2lines=null; public $bands=null, $y2bands=null; public $text_scale_off=0, $text_scale_abscenteroff=-1; // Text scale in fractions and for centering bars public $background_image="",$background_image_type=-1,$background_image_format="png"; public $background_image_bright=0,$background_image_contr=0,$background_image_sat=0; public $image_bright=0, $image_contr=0, $image_sat=0; public $inline; public $showcsim=0,$csimcolor="red"; //debug stuff, draw the csim boundaris on the image if <>0 public $grid_depth=DEPTH_BACK; // Draw grid under all plots as default public $iAxisStyle = AXSTYLE_SIMPLE; public $iCSIMdisplay=false,$iHasStroked = false; public $footer; public $csimcachename = '', $csimcachetimeout = 0; public $iDoClipping = false; public $y2orderback=true; public $tabtitle; public $bkg_gradtype=-1,$bkg_gradstyle=BGRAD_MARGIN; public $bkg_gradfrom='navy', $bkg_gradto='silver'; public $titlebackground = false; public $titlebackground_color = 'lightblue', $titlebackground_style = 1, $titlebackground_framecolor = 'blue', $titlebackground_framestyle = 2, $titlebackground_frameweight = 1, $titlebackground_bevelheight = 3 ; public $titlebkg_fillstyle=TITLEBKG_FILLSTYLE_SOLID; public $titlebkg_scolor1='black',$titlebkg_scolor2='white'; public $framebevel = false, $framebeveldepth = 2 ; public $framebevelborder = false, $framebevelbordercolor='black'; public $framebevelcolor1='white@0.4', $framebevelcolor2='black@0.4'; public $background_image_mix=100; public $background_cflag = ''; public $background_cflag_type = BGIMG_FILLPLOT; public $background_cflag_mix = 100; public $iImgTrans=false, $iImgTransHorizon = 100,$iImgTransSkewDist=150, $iImgTransDirection = 1, $iImgTransMinSize = true, $iImgTransFillColor='white',$iImgTransHighQ=false, $iImgTransBorder=false,$iImgTransHorizonPos=0.5; protected $iYAxisDeltaPos=50; protected $iIconDepth=DEPTH_BACK; protected $iAxisLblBgType = 0, $iXAxisLblBgFillColor = 'lightgray', $iXAxisLblBgColor = 'black', $iYAxisLblBgFillColor = 'lightgray', $iYAxisLblBgColor = 'black'; protected $iTables=NULL; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR // aWIdth Width in pixels of image // aHeight Height in pixels of image // aCachedName Name for image file in cache directory // aTimeOut Timeout in minutes for image in cache // aInline If true the image is streamed back in the call to Stroke() // If false the image is just created in the cache function Graph($aWidth=300,$aHeight=200,$aCachedName="",$aTimeOut=0,$aInline=true) { GLOBAL $gJpgBrandTiming; // If timing is used create a new timing object if( $gJpgBrandTiming ) { global $tim; $tim = new JpgTimer(); $tim->Push(); } if( !is_numeric($aWidth) || !is_numeric($aHeight) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25008);//('Image width/height argument in Graph::Graph() must be numeric'); } // Automatically generate the image file name based on the name of the script that // generates the graph if( $aCachedName=="auto" ) $aCachedName=GenImgName(); // Should the image be streamed back to the browser or only to the cache? $this->inline=$aInline; $this->img = new RotImage($aWidth,$aHeight); $this->cache = new ImgStreamCache($this->img); $this->cache->SetTimeOut($aTimeOut); $this->title = new Text(); $this->title->ParagraphAlign('center'); $this->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2,FS_BOLD); $this->title->SetMargin(3); $this->title->SetAlign('center'); $this->subtitle = new Text(); $this->subtitle->ParagraphAlign('center'); $this->subtitle->SetMargin(2); $this->subtitle->SetAlign('center'); $this->subsubtitle = new Text(); $this->subsubtitle->ParagraphAlign('center'); $this->subsubtitle->SetMargin(2); $this->subsubtitle->SetAlign('center'); $this->legend = new Legend(); $this->footer = new Footer(); // Window doesn't like '?' in the file name so replace it with an '_' $aCachedName = str_replace("?","_",$aCachedName); // If the cached version exist just read it directly from the // cache, stream it back to browser and exit if( $aCachedName!="" && READ_CACHE && $aInline ) if( $this->cache->GetAndStream($aCachedName) ) { exit(); } $this->cache_name = $aCachedName; $this->SetTickDensity(); // Normal density $this->tabtitle = new GraphTabTitle(); } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS // Enable final image perspective transformation function Set3DPerspective($aDir=1,$aHorizon=100,$aSkewDist=120,$aQuality=false,$aFillColor='#FFFFFF',$aBorder=false,$aMinSize=true,$aHorizonPos=0.5) { $this->iImgTrans = true; $this->iImgTransHorizon = $aHorizon; $this->iImgTransSkewDist= $aSkewDist; $this->iImgTransDirection = $aDir; $this->iImgTransMinSize = $aMinSize; $this->iImgTransFillColor=$aFillColor; $this->iImgTransHighQ=$aQuality; $this->iImgTransBorder=$aBorder; $this->iImgTransHorizonPos=$aHorizonPos; } // Set Image format and optional quality function SetImgFormat($aFormat,$aQuality=75) { $this->img->SetImgFormat($aFormat,$aQuality); } // Should the grid be in front or back of the plot? function SetGridDepth($aDepth) { $this->grid_depth=$aDepth; } function SetIconDepth($aDepth) { $this->iIconDepth=$aDepth; } // Specify graph angle 0-360 degrees. function SetAngle($aAngle) { $this->img->SetAngle($aAngle); } function SetAlphaBlending($aFlg=true) { $this->img->SetAlphaBlending($aFlg); } // Shortcut to image margin function SetMargin($lm,$rm,$tm,$bm) { $this->img->SetMargin($lm,$rm,$tm,$bm); } function SetY2OrderBack($aBack=true) { $this->y2orderback = $aBack; } // Rotate the graph 90 degrees and set the margin // when we have done a 90 degree rotation function Set90AndMargin($lm=0,$rm=0,$tm=0,$bm=0) { $lm = $lm ==0 ? floor(0.2 * $this->img->width) : $lm ; $rm = $rm ==0 ? floor(0.1 * $this->img->width) : $rm ; $tm = $tm ==0 ? floor(0.2 * $this->img->height) : $tm ; $bm = $bm ==0 ? floor(0.1 * $this->img->height) : $bm ; $adj = ($this->img->height - $this->img->width)/2; $this->img->SetMargin($tm-$adj,$bm-$adj,$rm+$adj,$lm+$adj); $this->img->SetCenter(floor($this->img->width/2),floor($this->img->height/2)); $this->SetAngle(90); if( empty($this->yaxis) || empty($this->xaxis) ) { JpgraphError::RaiseL(25009);//('You must specify what scale to use with a call to Graph::SetScale()'); } $this->xaxis->SetLabelAlign('right','center'); $this->yaxis->SetLabelAlign('center','bottom'); } function SetClipping($aFlg=true) { $this->iDoClipping = $aFlg ; } // Add a plot object to the graph function Add($aPlot) { if( $aPlot == null ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25010);//("Graph::Add() You tried to add a null plot to the graph."); if( is_array($aPlot) && count($aPlot) > 0 ) $cl = $aPlot[0]; else $cl = $aPlot; if( $cl instanceof Text ) $this->AddText($aPlot); elseif( $cl instanceof PlotLine ) $this->AddLine($aPlot); elseif( class_exists('PlotBand',false) && ($cl instanceof PlotBand) ) $this->AddBand($aPlot); elseif( class_exists('IconPlot',false) && ($cl instanceof IconPlot) ) $this->AddIcon($aPlot); elseif( class_exists('GTextTable',false) && ($cl instanceof GTextTable) ) $this->AddTable($aPlot); else $this->plots[] = $aPlot; } function AddTable($aTable) { if( is_array($aTable) ) { for($i=0; $i < count($aTable); ++$i ) $this->iTables[]=$aTable[$i]; } else { $this->iTables[] = $aTable ; } } function AddIcon($aIcon) { if( is_array($aIcon) ) { for($i=0; $i < count($aIcon); ++$i ) $this->iIcons[]=$aIcon[$i]; } else { $this->iIcons[] = $aIcon ; } } // Add plot to second Y-scale function AddY2($aPlot) { if( $aPlot == null ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25011);//("Graph::AddY2() You tried to add a null plot to the graph."); if( is_array($aPlot) && count($aPlot) > 0 ) $cl = $aPlot[0]; else $cl = $aPlot; if( $cl instanceof Text ) $this->AddText($aPlot,true); elseif( $cl instanceof PlotLine ) $this->AddLine($aPlot,true); elseif( class_exists('PlotBand',false) && ($cl instanceof PlotBand) ) $this->AddBand($aPlot,true); else $this->y2plots[] = $aPlot; } // Add plot to the extra Y-axises function AddY($aN,$aPlot) { if( $aPlot == null ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25012);//("Graph::AddYN() You tried to add a null plot to the graph."); if( is_array($aPlot) && count($aPlot) > 0 ) $cl = $aPlot[0]; else $cl = $aPlot; if( ($cl instanceof Text) || ($cl instanceof PlotLine) || (class_exists('PlotBand',false) && ($cl instanceof PlotBand)) ) JpGraph::RaiseL(25013);//('You can only add standard plots to multiple Y-axis'); else $this->ynplots[$aN][] = $aPlot; } // Add text object to the graph function AddText($aTxt,$aToY2=false) { if( $aTxt == null ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25014);//("Graph::AddText() You tried to add a null text to the graph."); if( $aToY2 ) { if( is_array($aTxt) ) { for($i=0; $i < count($aTxt); ++$i ) $this->y2texts[]=$aTxt[$i]; } else $this->y2texts[] = $aTxt; } else { if( is_array($aTxt) ) { for($i=0; $i < count($aTxt); ++$i ) $this->texts[]=$aTxt[$i]; } else $this->texts[] = $aTxt; } } // Add a line object (class PlotLine) to the graph function AddLine($aLine,$aToY2=false) { if( $aLine == null ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25015);//("Graph::AddLine() You tried to add a null line to the graph."); if( $aToY2 ) { if( is_array($aLine) ) { for($i=0; $i < count($aLine); ++$i ) $this->y2lines[]=$aLine[$i]; } else $this->y2lines[] = $aLine; } else { if( is_array($aLine) ) { for($i=0; $ilines[]=$aLine[$i]; } else $this->lines[] = $aLine; } } // Add vertical or horizontal band function AddBand($aBand,$aToY2=false) { if( $aBand == null ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25016);//(" Graph::AddBand() You tried to add a null band to the graph."); if( $aToY2 ) { if( is_array($aBand) ) { for($i=0; $i < count($aBand); ++$i ) $this->y2bands[] = $aBand[$i]; } else $this->y2bands[] = $aBand; } else { if( is_array($aBand) ) { for($i=0; $i < count($aBand); ++$i ) $this->bands[] = $aBand[$i]; } else $this->bands[] = $aBand; } } function SetBackgroundGradient($aFrom='navy',$aTo='silver',$aGradType=2,$aStyle=BGRAD_FRAME) { $this->bkg_gradtype=$aGradType; $this->bkg_gradstyle=$aStyle; $this->bkg_gradfrom = $aFrom; $this->bkg_gradto = $aTo; } // Set a country flag in the background function SetBackgroundCFlag($aName,$aBgType=BGIMG_FILLPLOT,$aMix=100) { $this->background_cflag = $aName; $this->background_cflag_type = $aBgType; $this->background_cflag_mix = $aMix; } // Alias for the above method function SetBackgroundCountryFlag($aName,$aBgType=BGIMG_FILLPLOT,$aMix=100) { $this->background_cflag = $aName; $this->background_cflag_type = $aBgType; $this->background_cflag_mix = $aMix; } // Specify a background image function SetBackgroundImage($aFileName,$aBgType=BGIMG_FILLPLOT,$aImgFormat="auto") { if( !USE_TRUECOLOR ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25017);//("You are using GD 2.x and are trying to use a background images on a non truecolor image. To use background images with GD 2.x you must enable truecolor by setting the USE_TRUECOLOR constant to TRUE. Due to a bug in GD 2.0.1 using any truetype fonts with truecolor images will result in very poor quality fonts."); } // Get extension to determine image type if( $aImgFormat == "auto" ) { $e = explode('.',$aFileName); if( !$e ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25018,$aFileName);//('Incorrect file name for Graph::SetBackgroundImage() : '.$aFileName.' Must have a valid image extension (jpg,gif,png) when using autodetection of image type'); } $valid_formats = array('png', 'jpg', 'gif'); $aImgFormat = strtolower($e[count($e)-1]); if ($aImgFormat == 'jpeg') { $aImgFormat = 'jpg'; } elseif (!in_array($aImgFormat, $valid_formats) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25019,$aImgFormat);//('Unknown file extension ($aImgFormat) in Graph::SetBackgroundImage() for filename: '.$aFileName); } } $this->background_image = $aFileName; $this->background_image_type=$aBgType; $this->background_image_format=$aImgFormat; } function SetBackgroundImageMix($aMix) { $this->background_image_mix = $aMix ; } // Adjust brightness and constrast for background image function AdjBackgroundImage($aBright,$aContr=0,$aSat=0) { $this->background_image_bright=$aBright; $this->background_image_contr=$aContr; $this->background_image_sat=$aSat; } // Adjust brightness and constrast for image function AdjImage($aBright,$aContr=0,$aSat=0) { $this->image_bright=$aBright; $this->image_contr=$aContr; $this->image_sat=$aSat; } // Specify axis style (boxed or single) function SetAxisStyle($aStyle) { $this->iAxisStyle = $aStyle ; } // Set a frame around the plot area function SetBox($aDrawPlotFrame=true,$aPlotFrameColor=array(0,0,0),$aPlotFrameWeight=1) { $this->boxed = $aDrawPlotFrame; $this->box_weight = $aPlotFrameWeight; $this->box_color = $aPlotFrameColor; } // Specify color for the plotarea (not the margins) function SetColor($aColor) { $this->plotarea_color=$aColor; } // Specify color for the margins (all areas outside the plotarea) function SetMarginColor($aColor) { $this->margin_color=$aColor; } // Set a frame around the entire image function SetFrame($aDrawImgFrame=true,$aImgFrameColor=array(0,0,0),$aImgFrameWeight=1) { $this->doframe = $aDrawImgFrame; $this->frame_color = $aImgFrameColor; $this->frame_weight = $aImgFrameWeight; } function SetFrameBevel($aDepth=3,$aBorder=false,$aBorderColor='black',$aColor1='white@0.4',$aColor2='darkgray@0.4',$aFlg=true) { $this->framebevel = $aFlg ; $this->framebeveldepth = $aDepth ; $this->framebevelborder = $aBorder ; $this->framebevelbordercolor = $aBorderColor ; $this->framebevelcolor1 = $aColor1 ; $this->framebevelcolor2 = $aColor2 ; $this->doshadow = false ; } // Set the shadow around the whole image function SetShadow($aShowShadow=true,$aShadowWidth=5,$aShadowColor=array(102,102,102)) { $this->doshadow = $aShowShadow; $this->shadow_color = $aShadowColor; $this->shadow_width = $aShadowWidth; $this->footer->iBottomMargin += $aShadowWidth; $this->footer->iRightMargin += $aShadowWidth; } // Specify x,y scale. Note that if you manually specify the scale // you must also specify the tick distance with a call to Ticks::Set() function SetScale($aAxisType,$aYMin=1,$aYMax=1,$aXMin=1,$aXMax=1) { $this->axtype = $aAxisType; if( $aYMax < $aYMin || $aXMax < $aXMin ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25020);//('Graph::SetScale(): Specified Max value must be larger than the specified Min value.'); $yt=substr($aAxisType,-3,3); if( $yt=="lin" ) $this->yscale = new LinearScale($aYMin,$aYMax); elseif( $yt == "int" ) { $this->yscale = new LinearScale($aYMin,$aYMax); $this->yscale->SetIntScale(); } elseif( $yt=="log" ) $this->yscale = new LogScale($aYMin,$aYMax); else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25021,$aAxisType);//("Unknown scale specification for Y-scale. ($aAxisType)"); $xt=substr($aAxisType,0,3); if( $xt == "lin" || $xt == "tex" ) { $this->xscale = new LinearScale($aXMin,$aXMax,"x"); $this->xscale->textscale = ($xt == "tex"); } elseif( $xt == "int" ) { $this->xscale = new LinearScale($aXMin,$aXMax,"x"); $this->xscale->SetIntScale(); } elseif( $xt == "dat" ) { $this->xscale = new DateScale($aXMin,$aXMax,"x"); } elseif( $xt == "log" ) $this->xscale = new LogScale($aXMin,$aXMax,"x"); else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25022,$aAxisType);//(" Unknown scale specification for X-scale. ($aAxisType)"); $this->xaxis = new Axis($this->img,$this->xscale); $this->yaxis = new Axis($this->img,$this->yscale); $this->xgrid = new Grid($this->xaxis); $this->ygrid = new Grid($this->yaxis); $this->ygrid->Show(); } // Specify secondary Y scale function SetY2Scale($aAxisType="lin",$aY2Min=1,$aY2Max=1) { if( $aAxisType=="lin" ) $this->y2scale = new LinearScale($aY2Min,$aY2Max); elseif( $aAxisType == "int" ) { $this->y2scale = new LinearScale($aY2Min,$aY2Max); $this->y2scale->SetIntScale(); } elseif( $aAxisType=="log" ) { $this->y2scale = new LogScale($aY2Min,$aY2Max); } else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25023,$aAxisType);//("JpGraph: Unsupported Y2 axis type: $aAxisType\nMust be one of (lin,log,int)"); $this->y2axis = new Axis($this->img,$this->y2scale); $this->y2axis->scale->ticks->SetDirection(SIDE_LEFT); $this->y2axis->SetLabelSide(SIDE_RIGHT); $this->y2axis->SetPos('max'); $this->y2axis->SetTitleSide(SIDE_RIGHT); // Deafult position is the max x-value $this->y2grid = new Grid($this->y2axis); } // Set the delta position (in pixels) between the multiple Y-axis function SetYDeltaDist($aDist) { $this->iYAxisDeltaPos = $aDist; } // Specify secondary Y scale function SetYScale($aN,$aAxisType="lin",$aYMin=1,$aYMax=1) { if( $aAxisType=="lin" ) $this->ynscale[$aN] = new LinearScale($aYMin,$aYMax); elseif( $aAxisType == "int" ) { $this->ynscale[$aN] = new LinearScale($aYMin,$aYMax); $this->ynscale[$aN]->SetIntScale(); } elseif( $aAxisType=="log" ) { $this->ynscale[$aN] = new LogScale($aYMin,$aYMax); } else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25024,$aAxisType);//("JpGraph: Unsupported Y axis type: $aAxisType\nMust be one of (lin,log,int)"); $this->ynaxis[$aN] = new Axis($this->img,$this->ynscale[$aN]); $this->ynaxis[$aN]->scale->ticks->SetDirection(SIDE_LEFT); $this->ynaxis[$aN]->SetLabelSide(SIDE_RIGHT); } // Specify density of ticks when autoscaling 'normal', 'dense', 'sparse', 'verysparse' // The dividing factor have been determined heuristically according to my aesthetic // sense (or lack off) y.m.m.v ! function SetTickDensity($aYDensity=TICKD_NORMAL,$aXDensity=TICKD_NORMAL) { $this->xtick_factor=30; $this->ytick_factor=25; switch( $aYDensity ) { case TICKD_DENSE: $this->ytick_factor=12; break; case TICKD_NORMAL: $this->ytick_factor=25; break; case TICKD_SPARSE: $this->ytick_factor=40; break; case TICKD_VERYSPARSE: $this->ytick_factor=100; break; default: JpGraphError::RaiseL(25025,$densy);//("JpGraph: Unsupported Tick density: $densy"); } switch( $aXDensity ) { case TICKD_DENSE: $this->xtick_factor=15; break; case TICKD_NORMAL: $this->xtick_factor=30; break; case TICKD_SPARSE: $this->xtick_factor=45; break; case TICKD_VERYSPARSE: $this->xtick_factor=60; break; default: JpGraphError::RaiseL(25025,$densx);//("JpGraph: Unsupported Tick density: $densx"); } } // Get a string of all image map areas function GetCSIMareas() { if( !$this->iHasStroked ) $this->Stroke(_CSIM_SPECIALFILE); $csim = $this->title->GetCSIMAreas(); $csim .= $this->subtitle->GetCSIMAreas(); $csim .= $this->subsubtitle->GetCSIMAreas(); $csim .= $this->legend->GetCSIMAreas(); if( $this->y2axis != NULL ) { $csim .= $this->y2axis->title->GetCSIMAreas(); } if( $this->texts != null ) { $n = count($this->texts); for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $csim .= $this->texts[$i]->GetCSIMAreas(); } } if( $this->y2texts != null && $this->y2scale != null ) { $n = count($this->y2texts); for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $csim .= $this->y2texts[$i]->GetCSIMAreas(); } } if( $this->yaxis != null && $this->xaxis != null ) { $csim .= $this->yaxis->title->GetCSIMAreas(); $csim .= $this->xaxis->title->GetCSIMAreas(); } $n = count($this->plots); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) $csim .= $this->plots[$i]->GetCSIMareas(); $n = count($this->y2plots); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) $csim .= $this->y2plots[$i]->GetCSIMareas(); $n = count($this->ynaxis); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $m = count($this->ynplots[$i]); for($j=0; $j < $m; ++$j ) { $csim .= $this->ynplots[$i][$j]->GetCSIMareas(); } } $n = count($this->iTables); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $csim .= $this->iTables[$i]->GetCSIMareas(); } return $csim; } // Get a complete .. tag for the final image map function GetHTMLImageMap($aMapName) { $im = "\n"; $im .= $this->GetCSIMareas(); $im .= ""; return $im; } function CheckCSIMCache($aCacheName,$aTimeOut=60) { global $_SERVER; if( $aCacheName=='auto' ) $aCacheName=basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $urlarg = $this->GetURLArguments(); $this->csimcachename = CSIMCACHE_DIR.$aCacheName.$urlarg; $this->csimcachetimeout = $aTimeOut; // First determine if we need to check for a cached version // This differs from the standard cache in the sense that the // image and CSIM map HTML file is written relative to the directory // the script executes in and not the specified cache directory. // The reason for this is that the cache directory is not necessarily // accessible from the HTTP server. if( $this->csimcachename != '' ) { $dir = dirname($this->csimcachename); $base = basename($this->csimcachename); $base = strtok($base,'.'); $suffix = strtok('.'); $basecsim = $dir.'/'.$base.'?'.$urlarg.'_csim_.html'; $baseimg = $dir.'/'.$base.'?'.$urlarg.'.'.$this->img->img_format; $timedout=false; // Does it exist at all ? if( file_exists($basecsim) && file_exists($baseimg) ) { // Check that it hasn't timed out $diff=time()-filemtime($basecsim); if( $this->csimcachetimeout>0 && ($diff > $this->csimcachetimeout*60) ) { $timedout=true; @unlink($basecsim); @unlink($baseimg); } else { if ($fh = @fopen($basecsim, "r")) { fpassthru($fh); return true; } else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25027,$basecsim);//(" Can't open cached CSIM \"$basecsim\" for reading."); } } } return false; } // Build the argument string to be used with the csim images function GetURLArguments() { // This is a JPGRAPH internal defined that prevents // us from recursively coming here again $urlarg = _CSIM_DISPLAY.'=1'; // Now reconstruct any user URL argument reset($_GET); while( list($key,$value) = each($_GET) ) { if( is_array($value) ) { $n = count($value); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $urlarg .= '&'.$key.'%5B%5D='.urlencode($value[$i]); } } else { $urlarg .= '&'.$key.'='.urlencode($value); } } // It's not ideal to convert POST argument to GET arguments // but there is little else we can do. One idea for the // future might be recreate the POST header in case. reset($_POST); while( list($key,$value) = each($_POST) ) { if( is_array($value) ) { $n = count($value); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $urlarg .= '&'.$key.'%5B%5D='.urlencode($value[$i]); } } else { $urlarg .= '&'.$key.'='.urlencode($value); } } return $urlarg; } function StrokeCSIM($aScriptName='auto',$aCSIMName='',$aBorder=0) { if( $aCSIMName=='' ) { // create a random map name srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000); $r = rand(0,100000); $aCSIMName='__mapname'.$r.'__'; } if( $aScriptName=='auto' ) $aScriptName=basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $urlarg = $this->GetURLArguments(); if( empty($_GET[_CSIM_DISPLAY]) ) { // First determine if we need to check for a cached version // This differs from the standard cache in the sense that the // image and CSIM map HTML file is written relative to the directory // the script executes in and not the specified cache directory. // The reason for this is that the cache directory is not necessarily // accessible from the HTTP server. if( $this->csimcachename != '' ) { $dir = dirname($this->csimcachename); $base = basename($this->csimcachename); $base = strtok($base,'.'); $suffix = strtok('.'); $basecsim = $dir.'/'.$base.'?'.$urlarg.'_csim_.html'; $baseimg = $base.'?'.$urlarg.'.'.$this->img->img_format; // Check that apache can write to directory specified if( file_exists($dir) && !is_writeable($dir) ) { JpgraphError::RaiseL(25028,$dir);//('Apache/PHP does not have permission to write to the CSIM cache directory ('.$dir.'). Check permissions.'); } // Make sure directory exists $this->cache->MakeDirs($dir); // Write the image file $this->Stroke(CSIMCACHE_DIR.$baseimg); // Construct wrapper HTML and write to file and send it back to browser // In the src URL we must replace the '?' with its encoding to prevent the arguments // to be converted to real arguments. $tmp = str_replace('?','%3f',$baseimg); $htmlwrap = $this->GetHTMLImageMap($aCSIMName)."\n". '\"\"\n"; if($fh = @fopen($basecsim,'w') ) { fwrite($fh,$htmlwrap); fclose($fh); echo $htmlwrap; } else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25029,$basecsim);//(" Can't write CSIM \"$basecsim\" for writing. Check free space and permissions."); } else { if( $aScriptName=='' ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25030);//('Missing script name in call to StrokeCSIM(). You must specify the name of the actual image script as the first parameter to StrokeCSIM().'); } echo $this->GetHTMLImageMap($aCSIMName); echo "\"\"\n"; } } else { $this->Stroke(); } } function GetTextsYMinMax($aY2=false) { if( $aY2 ) $txts = $this->y2texts; else $txts = $this->texts; $n = count($txts); $min=null; $max=null; for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { if( $txts[$i]->iScalePosY !== null && $txts[$i]->iScalePosX !== null ) { if( $min === null ) { $min = $max = $txts[$i]->iScalePosY ; } else { $min = min($min,$txts[$i]->iScalePosY); $max = max($max,$txts[$i]->iScalePosY); } } } if( $min !== null ) { return array($min,$max); } else return null; } function GetTextsXMinMax($aY2=false) { if( $aY2 ) $txts = $this->y2texts; else $txts = $this->texts; $n = count($txts); $min=null; $max=null; for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { if( $txts[$i]->iScalePosY !== null && $txts[$i]->iScalePosX !== null ) { if( $min === null ) { $min = $max = $txts[$i]->iScalePosX ; } else { $min = min($min,$txts[$i]->iScalePosX); $max = max($max,$txts[$i]->iScalePosX); } } } if( $min !== null ) { return array($min,$max); } else return null; } function GetXMinMax() { list($min,$ymin) = $this->plots[0]->Min(); list($max,$ymax) = $this->plots[0]->Max(); foreach( $this->plots as $p ) { list($xmin,$ymin) = $p->Min(); list($xmax,$ymax) = $p->Max(); $min = Min($xmin,$min); $max = Max($xmax,$max); } if( $this->y2axis != null ) { foreach( $this->y2plots as $p ) { list($xmin,$ymin) = $p->Min(); list($xmax,$ymax) = $p->Max(); $min = Min($xmin,$min); $max = Max($xmax,$max); } } $n = count($this->ynaxis); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { if( $this->ynaxis[$i] != null) { foreach( $this->ynplots[$i] as $p ) { list($xmin,$ymin) = $p->Min(); list($xmax,$ymax) = $p->Max(); $min = Min($xmin,$min); $max = Max($xmax,$max); } } } return array($min,$max); } function AdjustMarginsForTitles() { $totrequired = ($this->title->t != '' ? $this->title->GetTextHeight($this->img) + $this->title->margin + 5 : 0 ) + ($this->subtitle->t != '' ? $this->subtitle->GetTextHeight($this->img) + $this->subtitle->margin + 5 : 0 ) + ($this->subsubtitle->t != '' ? $this->subsubtitle->GetTextHeight($this->img) + $this->subsubtitle->margin + 5 : 0 ) ; $btotrequired = 0; if($this->xaxis != null && !$this->xaxis->hide && !$this->xaxis->hide_labels ) { // Minimum bottom margin if( $this->xaxis->title->t != '' ) { if( $this->img->a == 90 ) $btotrequired = $this->yaxis->title->GetTextHeight($this->img) + 5 ; else $btotrequired = $this->xaxis->title->GetTextHeight($this->img) + 5 ; } else $btotrequired = 0; if( $this->img->a == 90 ) { $this->img->SetFont($this->yaxis->font_family,$this->yaxis->font_style, $this->yaxis->font_size); $lh = $this->img->GetTextHeight('Mg',$this->yaxis->label_angle); } else { $this->img->SetFont($this->xaxis->font_family,$this->xaxis->font_style, $this->xaxis->font_size); $lh = $this->img->GetTextHeight('Mg',$this->xaxis->label_angle); } $btotrequired += $lh + 5; } if( $this->img->a == 90 ) { // DO Nothing. It gets too messy to do this properly for 90 deg... } else{ if( $this->img->top_margin < $totrequired ) { $this->SetMargin($this->img->left_margin,$this->img->right_margin, $totrequired,$this->img->bottom_margin); } if( $this->img->bottom_margin < $btotrequired ) { $this->SetMargin($this->img->left_margin,$this->img->right_margin, $this->img->top_margin,$btotrequired); } } } // Stroke the graph // $aStrokeFileName If != "" the image will be written to this file and NOT // streamed back to the browser function Stroke($aStrokeFileName="") { // Fist make a sanity check that user has specified a scale if( empty($this->yscale) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25031);//('You must specify what scale to use with a call to Graph::SetScale().'); } // Start by adjusting the margin so that potential titles will fit. $this->AdjustMarginsForTitles(); // Setup scale constants if( $this->yscale ) $this->yscale->InitConstants($this->img); if( $this->xscale ) $this->xscale->InitConstants($this->img); if( $this->y2scale ) $this->y2scale->InitConstants($this->img); $n=count($this->ynscale); for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) { if( $this->ynscale[$i] ) $this->ynscale[$i]->InitConstants($this->img); } // If the filename is the predefined value = '_csim_special_' // we assume that the call to stroke only needs to do enough // to correctly generate the CSIM maps. // We use this variable to skip things we don't strictly need // to do to generate the image map to improve performance // a best we can. Therefor you will see a lot of tests !$_csim in the // code below. $_csim = ($aStrokeFileName===_CSIM_SPECIALFILE); // We need to know if we have stroked the plot in the // GetCSIMareas. Otherwise the CSIM hasn't been generated // and in the case of GetCSIM called before stroke to generate // CSIM without storing an image to disk GetCSIM must call Stroke. $this->iHasStroked = true; // Do any pre-stroke adjustment that is needed by the different plot types // (i.e bar plots want's to add an offset to the x-labels etc) for($i=0; $i < count($this->plots) ; ++$i ) { $this->plots[$i]->PreStrokeAdjust($this); $this->plots[$i]->DoLegend($this); } // Any plots on the second Y scale? if( $this->y2scale != null ) { for($i=0; $iy2plots) ; ++$i ) { $this->y2plots[$i]->PreStrokeAdjust($this); $this->y2plots[$i]->DoLegend($this); } } // Any plots on the extra Y axises? $n = count($this->ynaxis); for($i=0; $i<$n ; ++$i ) { if( $this->ynplots == null || $this->ynplots[$i] == null) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25032,$i);//("No plots for Y-axis nbr:$i"); } $m = count($this->ynplots[$i]); for($j=0; $j < $m; ++$j ) { $this->ynplots[$i][$j]->PreStrokeAdjust($this); $this->ynplots[$i][$j]->DoLegend($this); } } // Bail out if any of the Y-axis not been specified and // has no plots. (This means it is impossible to do autoscaling and // no other scale was given so we can't possible draw anything). If you use manual // scaling you also have to supply the tick steps as well. if( (!$this->yscale->IsSpecified() && count($this->plots)==0) || ($this->y2scale!=null && !$this->y2scale->IsSpecified() && count($this->y2plots)==0) ) { //$e = "n=".count($this->y2plots)."\n"; // $e = "Can't draw unspecified Y-scale.
\nYou have either:
\n"; // $e .= "1. Specified an Y axis for autoscaling but have not supplied any plots
\n"; // $e .= "2. Specified a scale manually but have forgot to specify the tick steps"; JpGraphError::RaiseL(25026); } // Bail out if no plots and no specified X-scale if( (!$this->xscale->IsSpecified() && count($this->plots)==0 && count($this->y2plots)==0) ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25034);//("JpGraph: Can't draw unspecified X-scale.
No plots.
"); //Check if we should autoscale y-axis if( !$this->yscale->IsSpecified() && count($this->plots)>0 ) { list($min,$max) = $this->GetPlotsYMinMax($this->plots); $lres = $this->GetLinesYMinMax($this->lines); if( is_array($lres) ) { list($linmin,$linmax) = $lres ; $min = min($min,$linmin); $max = max($max,$linmax); } $tres = $this->GetTextsYMinMax(); if( is_array($tres) ) { list($tmin,$tmax) = $tres ; $min = min($min,$tmin); $max = max($max,$tmax); } $this->yscale->AutoScale($this->img,$min,$max, $this->img->plotheight/$this->ytick_factor); } elseif( $this->yscale->IsSpecified() && ( $this->yscale->auto_ticks || !$this->yscale->ticks->IsSpecified()) ) { // The tick calculation will use the user suplied min/max values to determine // the ticks. If auto_ticks is false the exact user specifed min and max // values will be used for the scale. // If auto_ticks is true then the scale might be slightly adjusted // so that the min and max values falls on an even major step. $min = $this->yscale->scale[0]; $max = $this->yscale->scale[1]; $this->yscale->AutoScale($this->img,$min,$max, $this->img->plotheight/$this->ytick_factor, $this->yscale->auto_ticks); } if( $this->y2scale != null) { if( !$this->y2scale->IsSpecified() && count($this->y2plots)>0 ) { list($min,$max) = $this->GetPlotsYMinMax($this->y2plots); $lres = $this->GetLinesYMinMax($this->y2lines); if( is_array($lres) ) { list($linmin,$linmax) = $lres ; $min = min($min,$linmin); $max = max($max,$linmax); } $tres = $this->GetTextsYMinMax(true); if( is_array($tres) ) { list($tmin,$tmax) = $tres ; $min = min($min,$tmin); $max = max($max,$tmax); } $this->y2scale->AutoScale($this->img,$min,$max,$this->img->plotheight/$this->ytick_factor); } elseif( $this->y2scale->IsSpecified() && ( $this->y2scale->auto_ticks || !$this->y2scale->ticks->IsSpecified()) ) { // The tick calculation will use the user suplied min/max values to determine // the ticks. If auto_ticks is false the exact user specifed min and max // values will be used for the scale. // If auto_ticks is true then the scale might be slightly adjusted // so that the min and max values falls on an even major step. $min = $this->y2scale->scale[0]; $max = $this->y2scale->scale[1]; $this->y2scale->AutoScale($this->img,$min,$max, $this->img->plotheight/$this->ytick_factor, $this->y2scale->auto_ticks); } } // // Autoscale the extra Y-axises // $n = count($this->ynaxis); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { if( $this->ynscale[$i] != null) { if( !$this->ynscale[$i]->IsSpecified() && count($this->ynplots[$i])>0 ) { list($min,$max) = $this->GetPlotsYMinMax($this->ynplots[$i]); $this->ynscale[$i]->AutoScale($this->img,$min,$max,$this->img->plotheight/$this->ytick_factor); } elseif( $this->ynscale[$i]->IsSpecified() && ( $this->ynscale[$i]->auto_ticks || !$this->ynscale[$i]->ticks->IsSpecified()) ) { // The tick calculation will use the user suplied min/max values to determine // the ticks. If auto_ticks is false the exact user specifed min and max // values will be used for the scale. // If auto_ticks is true then the scale might be slightly adjusted // so that the min and max values falls on an even major step. $min = $this->ynscale[$i]->scale[0]; $max = $this->ynscale[$i]->scale[1]; $this->ynscale[$i]->AutoScale($this->img,$min,$max, $this->img->plotheight/$this->ytick_factor, $this->ynscale[$i]->auto_ticks); } } } //Check if we should autoscale x-axis if( !$this->xscale->IsSpecified() ) { if( substr($this->axtype,0,4) == "text" ) { $max=0; $n = count($this->plots); for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $p = $this->plots[$i]; // We need some unfortunate sub class knowledge here in order // to increase number of data points in case it is a line plot // which has the barcenter set. If not it could mean that the // last point of the data is outside the scale since the barcenter // settings means that we will shift the entire plot half a tick step // to the right in oder to align with the center of the bars. if( class_exists('BarPlot',false) ) { $cl = strtolower(get_class($p)); if( (class_exists('BarPlot',false) && ($p instanceof BarPlot)) || empty($p->barcenter) ) $max=max($max,$p->numpoints-1); else { $max=max($max,$p->numpoints); } } else { if( empty($p->barcenter) ) { $max=max($max,$p->numpoints-1); } else { $max=max($max,$p->numpoints); } } } $min=0; if( $this->y2axis != null ) { foreach( $this->y2plots as $p ) { $max=max($max,$p->numpoints-1); } } $n = count($this->ynaxis); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { if( $this->ynaxis[$i] != null) { foreach( $this->ynplots[$i] as $p ) { $max=max($max,$p->numpoints-1); } } } $this->xscale->Update($this->img,$min,$max); $this->xscale->ticks->Set($this->xaxis->tick_step,1); $this->xscale->ticks->SupressMinorTickMarks(); } else { list($min,$max) = $this->GetXMinMax(); $lres = $this->GetLinesXMinMax($this->lines); if( $lres ) { list($linmin,$linmax) = $lres ; $min = min($min,$linmin); $max = max($max,$linmax); } $lres = $this->GetLinesXMinMax($this->y2lines); if( $lres ) { list($linmin,$linmax) = $lres ; $min = min($min,$linmin); $max = max($max,$linmax); } $tres = $this->GetTextsXMinMax(); if( $tres ) { list($tmin,$tmax) = $tres ; $min = min($min,$tmin); $max = max($max,$tmax); } $tres = $this->GetTextsXMinMax(true); if( $tres ) { list($tmin,$tmax) = $tres ; $min = min($min,$tmin); $max = max($max,$tmax); } $this->xscale->AutoScale($this->img,$min,$max,round($this->img->plotwidth/$this->xtick_factor)); } //Adjust position of y-axis and y2-axis to minimum/maximum of x-scale if( !is_numeric($this->yaxis->pos) && !is_string($this->yaxis->pos) ) $this->yaxis->SetPos($this->xscale->GetMinVal()); if( $this->y2axis != null ) { if( !is_numeric($this->y2axis->pos) && !is_string($this->y2axis->pos) ) $this->y2axis->SetPos($this->xscale->GetMaxVal()); $this->y2axis->SetTitleSide(SIDE_RIGHT); } $n = count($this->ynaxis); $nY2adj = $this->y2axis != null ? $this->iYAxisDeltaPos : 0; for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { if( $this->ynaxis[$i] != null ) { if( !is_numeric($this->ynaxis[$i]->pos) && !is_string($this->ynaxis[$i]->pos) ) { $this->ynaxis[$i]->SetPos($this->xscale->GetMaxVal()); $this->ynaxis[$i]->SetPosAbsDelta($i*$this->iYAxisDeltaPos + $nY2adj); } $this->ynaxis[$i]->SetTitleSide(SIDE_RIGHT); } } } elseif( $this->xscale->IsSpecified() && ( $this->xscale->auto_ticks || !$this->xscale->ticks->IsSpecified()) ) { // The tick calculation will use the user suplied min/max values to determine // the ticks. If auto_ticks is false the exact user specifed min and max // values will be used for the scale. // If auto_ticks is true then the scale might be slightly adjusted // so that the min and max values falls on an even major step. $min = $this->xscale->scale[0]; $max = $this->xscale->scale[1]; $this->xscale->AutoScale($this->img,$min,$max, round($this->img->plotwidth/$this->xtick_factor), false); if( $this->y2axis != null ) { if( !is_numeric($this->y2axis->pos) && !is_string($this->y2axis->pos) ) $this->y2axis->SetPos($this->xscale->GetMaxVal()); $this->y2axis->SetTitleSide(SIDE_RIGHT); } } // If we have a negative values and x-axis position is at 0 // we need to supress the first and possible the last tick since // they will be drawn on top of the y-axis (and possible y2 axis) // The test below might seem strange the reasone being that if // the user hasn't specified a value for position this will not // be set until we do the stroke for the axis so as of now it // is undefined. // For X-text scale we ignore all this since the tick are usually // much further in and not close to the Y-axis. Hence the test // for 'text' if( ($this->yaxis->pos==$this->xscale->GetMinVal() || (is_string($this->yaxis->pos) && $this->yaxis->pos=='min')) && !is_numeric($this->xaxis->pos) && $this->yscale->GetMinVal() < 0 && substr($this->axtype,0,4) != 'text' && $this->xaxis->pos!="min" ) { //$this->yscale->ticks->SupressZeroLabel(false); $this->xscale->ticks->SupressFirst(); if( $this->y2axis != null ) { $this->xscale->ticks->SupressLast(); } } elseif( !is_numeric($this->yaxis->pos) && $this->yaxis->pos=='max' ) { $this->xscale->ticks->SupressLast(); } if( !$_csim ) { $this->StrokePlotArea(); if( $this->iIconDepth == DEPTH_BACK ) { $this->StrokeIcons(); } } $this->StrokeAxis(false); // Stroke bands if( $this->bands != null && !$_csim) for($i=0; $i < count($this->bands); ++$i) { // Stroke all bands that asks to be in the background if( $this->bands[$i]->depth == DEPTH_BACK ) $this->bands[$i]->Stroke($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->yscale); } if( $this->y2bands != null && $this->y2scale != null && !$_csim ) for($i=0; $i < count($this->y2bands); ++$i) { // Stroke all bands that asks to be in the foreground if( $this->y2bands[$i]->depth == DEPTH_BACK ) $this->y2bands[$i]->Stroke($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->y2scale); } if( $this->grid_depth == DEPTH_BACK && !$_csim) { $this->ygrid->Stroke(); $this->xgrid->Stroke(); } // Stroke Y2-axis if( $this->y2axis != null && !$_csim) { $this->y2axis->Stroke($this->xscale); $this->y2grid->Stroke(); } // Stroke yn-axis $n = count($this->ynaxis); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $this->ynaxis[$i]->Stroke($this->xscale); } $oldoff=$this->xscale->off; if(substr($this->axtype,0,4)=="text") { if( $this->text_scale_abscenteroff > -1 ) { // For a text scale the scale factor is the number of pixel per step. // Hence we can use the scale factor as a substitute for number of pixels // per major scale step and use that in order to adjust the offset so that // an object of width "abscenteroff" becomes centered. $this->xscale->off += round($this->xscale->scale_factor/2)-round($this->text_scale_abscenteroff/2); } else { $this->xscale->off += ceil($this->xscale->scale_factor*$this->text_scale_off*$this->xscale->ticks->minor_step); } } if( $this->iDoClipping ) { $oldimage = $this->img->CloneCanvasH(); } if( ! $this->y2orderback ) { // Stroke all plots for Y1 axis for($i=0; $i < count($this->plots); ++$i) { $this->plots[$i]->Stroke($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->yscale); $this->plots[$i]->StrokeMargin($this->img); } } // Stroke all plots for Y2 axis if( $this->y2scale != null ) for($i=0; $i< count($this->y2plots); ++$i ) { $this->y2plots[$i]->Stroke($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->y2scale); } if( $this->y2orderback ) { // Stroke all plots for Y1 axis for($i=0; $i < count($this->plots); ++$i) { $this->plots[$i]->Stroke($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->yscale); $this->plots[$i]->StrokeMargin($this->img); } } $n = count($this->ynaxis); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $m = count($this->ynplots[$i]); for( $j=0; $j < $m; ++$j ) { $this->ynplots[$i][$j]->Stroke($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->ynscale[$i]); $this->ynplots[$i][$j]->StrokeMargin($this->img); } } if( $this->iIconDepth == DEPTH_FRONT) { $this->StrokeIcons(); } if( $this->iDoClipping ) { // Clipping only supports graphs at 0 and 90 degrees if( $this->img->a == 0 ) { $this->img->CopyCanvasH($oldimage,$this->img->img, $this->img->left_margin,$this->img->top_margin, $this->img->left_margin,$this->img->top_margin, $this->img->plotwidth+1,$this->img->plotheight); } elseif( $this->img->a == 90 ) { $adj = ($this->img->height - $this->img->width)/2; $this->img->CopyCanvasH($oldimage,$this->img->img, $this->img->bottom_margin-$adj,$this->img->left_margin+$adj, $this->img->bottom_margin-$adj,$this->img->left_margin+$adj, $this->img->plotheight+1,$this->img->plotwidth); } else { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25035,$this->img->a);//('You have enabled clipping. Cliping is only supported for graphs at 0 or 90 degrees rotation. Please adjust you current angle (='.$this->img->a.' degrees) or disable clipping.'); } $this->img->Destroy(); $this->img->SetCanvasH($oldimage); } $this->xscale->off=$oldoff; if( $this->grid_depth == DEPTH_FRONT && !$_csim ) { $this->ygrid->Stroke(); $this->xgrid->Stroke(); } // Stroke bands if( $this->bands!= null ) for($i=0; $i < count($this->bands); ++$i) { // Stroke all bands that asks to be in the foreground if( $this->bands[$i]->depth == DEPTH_FRONT ) $this->bands[$i]->Stroke($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->yscale); } if( $this->y2bands!= null && $this->y2scale != null ) for($i=0; $i < count($this->y2bands); ++$i) { // Stroke all bands that asks to be in the foreground if( $this->y2bands[$i]->depth == DEPTH_FRONT ) $this->y2bands[$i]->Stroke($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->y2scale); } // Stroke any lines added if( $this->lines != null ) { for($i=0; $i < count($this->lines); ++$i) { $this->lines[$i]->Stroke($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->yscale); } } if( $this->y2lines != null && $this->y2scale != null ) { for($i=0; $i < count($this->y2lines); ++$i) { $this->y2lines[$i]->Stroke($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->y2scale); } } // Finally draw the axis again since some plots may have nagged // the axis in the edges. if( !$_csim ) { $this->StrokeAxis(); } if( $this->y2scale != null && !$_csim ) $this->y2axis->Stroke($this->xscale,false); if( !$_csim ) { $this->StrokePlotBox(); } // The titles and legends never gets rotated so make sure // that the angle is 0 before stroking them $aa = $this->img->SetAngle(0); $this->StrokeTitles(); $this->footer->Stroke($this->img); $this->legend->Stroke($this->img); $this->img->SetAngle($aa); $this->StrokeTexts(); $this->StrokeTables(); if( !$_csim ) { $this->img->SetAngle($aa); // Draw an outline around the image map if(_JPG_DEBUG) { $this->DisplayClientSideaImageMapAreas(); } // Adjust the appearance of the image $this->AdjustSaturationBrightnessContrast(); // Should we do any final image transformation if( $this->iImgTrans ) { if( !class_exists('ImgTrans',false) ) { require_once('jpgraph_imgtrans.php'); //JpGraphError::Raise('In order to use image transformation you must include the file jpgraph_imgtrans.php in your script.'); } $tform = new ImgTrans($this->img->img); $this->img->img = $tform->Skew3D($this->iImgTransHorizon,$this->iImgTransSkewDist, $this->iImgTransDirection,$this->iImgTransHighQ, $this->iImgTransMinSize,$this->iImgTransFillColor, $this->iImgTransBorder); } // If the filename is given as the special "__handle" // then the image handler is returned and the image is NOT // streamed back if( $aStrokeFileName == _IMG_HANDLER ) { return $this->img->img; } else { // Finally stream the generated picture $this->cache->PutAndStream($this->img,$this->cache_name,$this->inline,$aStrokeFileName); } } } function SetAxisLabelBackground($aType,$aXFColor='lightgray',$aXColor='black',$aYFColor='lightgray',$aYColor='black') { $this->iAxisLblBgType = $aType; $this->iXAxisLblBgFillColor = $aXFColor; $this->iXAxisLblBgColor = $aXColor; $this->iYAxisLblBgFillColor = $aYFColor; $this->iYAxisLblBgColor = $aYColor; } //--------------- // PRIVATE METHODS function StrokeAxisLabelBackground() { // Types // 0 = No background // 1 = Only X-labels, length of axis // 2 = Only Y-labels, length of axis // 3 = As 1 but extends to width of graph // 4 = As 2 but extends to height of graph // 5 = Combination of 3 & 4 // 6 = Combination of 1 & 2 $t = $this->iAxisLblBgType ; if( $t < 1 ) return; // Stroke optional X-axis label background color if( $t == 1 || $t == 3 || $t == 5 || $t == 6 ) { $this->img->PushColor($this->iXAxisLblBgFillColor); if( $t == 1 || $t == 6 ) { $xl = $this->img->left_margin; $yu = $this->img->height - $this->img->bottom_margin + 1; $xr = $this->img->width - $this->img->right_margin ; $yl = $this->img->height-1-$this->frame_weight; } else { // t==3 || t==5 $xl = $this->frame_weight; $yu = $this->img->height - $this->img->bottom_margin + 1; $xr = $this->img->width - 1 - $this->frame_weight; $yl = $this->img->height-1-$this->frame_weight; } $this->img->FilledRectangle($xl,$yu,$xr,$yl); $this->img->PopColor(); // Check if we should add the vertical lines at left and right edge if( $this->iXAxisLblBgColor !== '' ) { $this->img->PushColor($this->iXAxisLblBgColor); if( $t == 1 || $t == 6 ) { $this->img->Line($xl,$yu,$xl,$yl); $this->img->Line($xr,$yu,$xr,$yl); } else { $xl = $this->img->width - $this->img->right_margin ; $this->img->Line($xl,$yu-1,$xr,$yu-1); } $this->img->PopColor(); } } if( $t == 2 || $t == 4 || $t == 5 || $t == 6 ) { $this->img->PushColor($this->iYAxisLblBgFillColor); if( $t == 2 || $t == 6 ) { $xl = $this->frame_weight; $yu = $this->frame_weight+$this->img->top_margin; $xr = $this->img->left_margin - 1; $yl = $this->img->height - $this->img->bottom_margin + 1; } else { $xl = $this->frame_weight; $yu = $this->frame_weight; $xr = $this->img->left_margin - 1; $yl = $this->img->height-1-$this->frame_weight; } $this->img->FilledRectangle($xl,$yu,$xr,$yl); $this->img->PopColor(); // Check if we should add the vertical lines at left and right edge if( $this->iXAxisLblBgColor !== '' ) { $this->img->PushColor($this->iXAxisLblBgColor); if( $t == 2 || $t == 6 ) { $this->img->Line($xl,$yu-1,$xr,$yu-1); $this->img->Line($xl,$yl-1,$xr,$yl-1); } else { $this->img->Line($xr+1,$yu,$xr+1,$this->img->top_margin); } $this->img->PopColor(); } } } function StrokeAxis($aStrokeLabels=true) { if( $aStrokeLabels ) { $this->StrokeAxisLabelBackground(); } // Stroke axis if( $this->iAxisStyle != AXSTYLE_SIMPLE ) { switch( $this->iAxisStyle ) { case AXSTYLE_BOXIN : $toppos = SIDE_DOWN; $bottompos = SIDE_UP; $leftpos = SIDE_RIGHT; $rightpos = SIDE_LEFT; break; case AXSTYLE_BOXOUT : $toppos = SIDE_UP; $bottompos = SIDE_DOWN; $leftpos = SIDE_LEFT; $rightpos = SIDE_RIGHT; break; case AXSTYLE_YBOXIN: $toppos = FALSE; $bottompos = SIDE_UP; $leftpos = SIDE_RIGHT; $rightpos = SIDE_LEFT; break; case AXSTYLE_YBOXOUT: $toppos = FALSE; $bottompos = SIDE_DOWN; $leftpos = SIDE_LEFT; $rightpos = SIDE_RIGHT; break; default: JpGRaphError::RaiseL(25036,$this->iAxisStyle); //('Unknown AxisStyle() : '.$this->iAxisStyle); break; } // By default we hide the first label so it doesn't cross the // Y-axis in case the positon hasn't been set by the user. // However, if we use a box we always want the first value // displayed so we make sure it will be displayed. $this->xscale->ticks->SupressFirst(false); // Now draw the bottom X-axis $this->xaxis->SetPos('min'); $this->xaxis->SetLabelSide(SIDE_DOWN); $this->xaxis->scale->ticks->SetSide($bottompos); $this->xaxis->Stroke($this->yscale,$aStrokeLabels); if( $toppos !== FALSE ) { // We also want a top X-axis $this->xaxis = $this->xaxis; $this->xaxis->SetPos('max'); $this->xaxis->SetLabelSide(SIDE_UP); // No title for the top X-axis $this->title->Set(''); $this->xaxis->scale->ticks->SetSide($toppos); $this->xaxis->Stroke($this->yscale,$aStrokeLabels); } // Stroke the left Y-axis $this->yaxis->SetPos('min'); $this->yaxis->SetLabelSide(SIDE_LEFT); $this->yaxis->scale->ticks->SetSide($leftpos); $this->yaxis->Stroke($this->xscale,$aStrokeLabels); // Stroke the right Y-axis $this->yaxis->SetPos('max'); // No title for the right side $this->title->Set(''); $this->yaxis->SetLabelSide(SIDE_RIGHT); $this->yaxis->scale->ticks->SetSide($rightpos); $this->yaxis->Stroke($this->xscale,$aStrokeLabels); } else { $this->xaxis->Stroke($this->yscale,$aStrokeLabels); $this->yaxis->Stroke($this->xscale,$aStrokeLabels); } } // Private helper function for backgound image function LoadBkgImage($aImgFormat='',$aFile='',$aImgStr='') { if( $aImgStr != '' ) { return Image::CreateFromString($aImgStr); } if( $aFile == '' ) $aFile = $this->background_image; // Remove case sensitivity and setup appropriate function to create image // Get file extension. This should be the LAST '.' separated part of the filename $e = explode('.',$aFile); $ext = strtolower($e[count($e)-1]); if ($ext == "jpeg") { $ext = "jpg"; } if( trim($ext) == '' ) $ext = 'png'; // Assume PNG if no extension specified if( $aImgFormat == '' ) $imgtag = $ext; else $imgtag = $aImgFormat; $supported = imagetypes(); if( ( $ext == 'jpg' && !($supported & IMG_JPG) ) || ( $ext == 'gif' && !($supported & IMG_GIF) ) || ( $ext == 'png' && !($supported & IMG_PNG) ) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25037,$aFile);//('The image format of your background image ('.$aFile.') is not supported in your system configuration. '); } if( $imgtag == "jpg" || $imgtag == "jpeg") { $f = "imagecreatefromjpeg"; $imgtag = "jpg"; } else { $f = "imagecreatefrom".$imgtag; } // Compare specified image type and file extension if( $imgtag != $ext ) { //$t = "Background image seems to be of different type (has different file extension) than specified imagetype. Specified: '".$aImgFormat."'File: '".$aFile."'"; JpGraphError::RaiseL(25038, $aImgFormat, $aFile); } $img = @$f($aFile); if( !$img ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25039,$aFile);//(" Can't read background image: '".$aFile."'"); } return $img; } function StrokeBackgroundGrad() { if( $this->bkg_gradtype < 0 ) return; $grad = new Gradient($this->img); if( $this->bkg_gradstyle == BGRAD_PLOT ) { $xl = $this->img->left_margin; $yt = $this->img->top_margin; $xr = $xl + $this->img->plotwidth+1 ; $yb = $yt + $this->img->plotheight ; $grad->FilledRectangle($xl,$yt,$xr,$yb,$this->bkg_gradfrom,$this->bkg_gradto,$this->bkg_gradtype); } else { $xl = 0; $yt = 0; $xr = $xl + $this->img->width - 1; $yb = $yt + $this->img->height ; if( $this->doshadow ) { $xr -= $this->shadow_width; $yb -= $this->shadow_width; } if( $this->doframe ) { $yt += $this->frame_weight; $yb -= $this->frame_weight; $xl += $this->frame_weight; $xr -= $this->frame_weight; } $aa = $this->img->SetAngle(0); $grad->FilledRectangle($xl,$yt,$xr,$yb,$this->bkg_gradfrom,$this->bkg_gradto,$this->bkg_gradtype); $aa = $this->img->SetAngle($aa); } } function StrokeFrameBackground() { if( $this->background_image != "" && $this->background_cflag != "" ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25040);//('It is not possible to specify both a background image and a background country flag.'); } if( $this->background_image != "" ) { $bkgimg = $this->LoadBkgImage($this->background_image_format); $this->img->_AdjBrightContrast($bkgimg,$this->background_image_bright, $this->background_image_contr); $this->img->_AdjSat($bkgimg,$this->background_image_sat); } elseif( $this->background_cflag != "" ) { if( ! class_exists('FlagImages',false) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25041);//('In order to use Country flags as backgrounds you must include the "jpgraph_flags.php" file.'); } $fobj = new FlagImages(FLAGSIZE4); $dummy=''; $bkgimg = $fobj->GetImgByName($this->background_cflag,$dummy); $this->background_image_mix = $this->background_cflag_mix; $this->background_image_type = $this->background_cflag_type; } else { return ; } $bw = ImageSX($bkgimg); $bh = ImageSY($bkgimg); // No matter what the angle is we always stroke the image and frame // assuming it is 0 degree $aa = $this->img->SetAngle(0); switch( $this->background_image_type ) { case BGIMG_FILLPLOT: // Resize to just fill the plotarea $this->FillMarginArea(); $this->StrokeFrame(); $this->FillPlotArea(); $this->img->CopyMerge($bkgimg, $this->img->left_margin,$this->img->top_margin, 0,0,$this->img->plotwidth+1,$this->img->plotheight, $bw,$bh,$this->background_image_mix); break; case BGIMG_FILLFRAME: // Fill the whole area from upper left corner, resize to just fit $hadj=0; $vadj=0; if( $this->doshadow ) { $hadj = $this->shadow_width; $vadj = $this->shadow_width; } $this->FillMarginArea(); $this->FillPlotArea(); $this->img->CopyMerge($bkgimg,0,0,0,0,$this->img->width-$hadj,$this->img->height-$vadj, $bw,$bh,$this->background_image_mix); $this->StrokeFrame(); break; case BGIMG_COPY: // Just copy the image from left corner, no resizing $this->FillMarginArea(); $this->FillPlotArea(); $this->img->CopyMerge($bkgimg,0,0,0,0,$bw,$bh, $bw,$bh,$this->background_image_mix); $this->StrokeFrame(); break; case BGIMG_CENTER: // Center original image in the plot area $this->FillMarginArea(); $this->FillPlotArea(); $centerx = round($this->img->plotwidth/2+$this->img->left_margin-$bw/2); $centery = round($this->img->plotheight/2+$this->img->top_margin-$bh/2); $this->img->CopyMerge($bkgimg,$centerx,$centery,0,0,$bw,$bh, $bw,$bh,$this->background_image_mix); $this->StrokeFrame(); break; default: JpGraphError::RaiseL(25042);//(" Unknown background image layout"); } $this->img->SetAngle($aa); } // Private // Draw a frame around the image function StrokeFrame() { if( !$this->doframe ) return; if( $this->background_image_type <= 1 && ($this->bkg_gradtype < 0 || ($this->bkg_gradtype > 0 && $this->bkg_gradstyle==BGRAD_PLOT)) ) { $c = $this->margin_color; } else { $c = false; } if( $this->doshadow ) { $this->img->SetColor($this->frame_color); $this->img->ShadowRectangle(0,0,$this->img->width,$this->img->height, $c,$this->shadow_width,$this->shadow_color); } elseif( $this->framebevel ) { if( $c ) { $this->img->SetColor($this->margin_color); $this->img->FilledRectangle(0,0,$this->img->width-1,$this->img->height-1); } $this->img->Bevel(1,1,$this->img->width-2,$this->img->height-2, $this->framebeveldepth, $this->framebevelcolor1,$this->framebevelcolor2); if( $this->framebevelborder ) { $this->img->SetColor($this->framebevelbordercolor); $this->img->Rectangle(0,0,$this->img->width-1,$this->img->height-1); } } else { $this->img->SetLineWeight($this->frame_weight); if( $c ) { $this->img->SetColor($this->margin_color); $this->img->FilledRectangle(0,0,$this->img->width-1,$this->img->height-1); } $this->img->SetColor($this->frame_color); $this->img->Rectangle(0,0,$this->img->width-1,$this->img->height-1); } } function FillMarginArea() { $hadj=0; $vadj=0; if( $this->doshadow ) { $hadj = $this->shadow_width; $vadj = $this->shadow_width; } $this->img->SetColor($this->margin_color); // $this->img->FilledRectangle(0,0,$this->img->width-1-$hadj,$this->img->height-1-$vadj); $this->img->FilledRectangle(0,0,$this->img->width-1-$hadj,$this->img->top_margin); $this->img->FilledRectangle(0,$this->img->top_margin,$this->img->left_margin,$this->img->height-1-$hadj); $this->img->FilledRectangle($this->img->left_margin+1, $this->img->height-$this->img->bottom_margin, $this->img->width-1-$hadj, $this->img->height-1-$hadj); $this->img->FilledRectangle($this->img->width-$this->img->right_margin, $this->img->top_margin+1, $this->img->width-1-$hadj, $this->img->height-$this->img->bottom_margin-1); } function FillPlotArea() { $this->img->PushColor($this->plotarea_color); $this->img->FilledRectangle($this->img->left_margin, $this->img->top_margin, $this->img->width-$this->img->right_margin, $this->img->height-$this->img->bottom_margin); $this->img->PopColor(); } // Stroke the plot area with either a solid color or a background image function StrokePlotArea() { // Note: To be consistent we really should take a possible shadow // into account. However, that causes some problem for the LinearScale class // since in the current design it does not have any links to class Graph which // means it has no way of compensating for the adjusted plotarea in case of a // shadow. So, until I redesign LinearScale we can't compensate for this. // So just set the two adjustment parameters to zero for now. $boxadj = 0; //$this->doframe ? $this->frame_weight : 0 ; $adj = 0; //$this->doshadow ? $this->shadow_width : 0 ; if( $this->background_image != "" || $this->background_cflag != "" ) { $this->StrokeFrameBackground(); } else { $aa = $this->img->SetAngle(0); $this->StrokeFrame(); $aa = $this->img->SetAngle($aa); $this->StrokeBackgroundGrad(); if( $this->bkg_gradtype < 0 || ($this->bkg_gradtype > 0 && $this->bkg_gradstyle==BGRAD_MARGIN) ) { $this->FillPlotArea(); } } } function StrokeIcons() { $n = count($this->iIcons); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $this->iIcons[$i]->StrokeWithScale($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->yscale); } } function StrokePlotBox() { // Should we draw a box around the plot area? if( $this->boxed ) { $this->img->SetLineWeight(1); $this->img->SetLineStyle('solid'); $this->img->SetColor($this->box_color); for($i=0; $i < $this->box_weight; ++$i ) { $this->img->Rectangle( $this->img->left_margin-$i,$this->img->top_margin-$i, $this->img->width-$this->img->right_margin+$i, $this->img->height-$this->img->bottom_margin+$i); } } } function SetTitleBackgroundFillStyle($aStyle,$aColor1='black',$aColor2='white') { $this->titlebkg_fillstyle = $aStyle; $this->titlebkg_scolor1 = $aColor1; $this->titlebkg_scolor2 = $aColor2; } function SetTitleBackground($aBackColor='gray', $aStyle=TITLEBKG_STYLE1, $aFrameStyle=TITLEBKG_FRAME_NONE, $aFrameColor='black', $aFrameWeight=1, $aBevelHeight=3, $aEnable=true) { $this->titlebackground = $aEnable; $this->titlebackground_color = $aBackColor; $this->titlebackground_style = $aStyle; $this->titlebackground_framecolor = $aFrameColor; $this->titlebackground_framestyle = $aFrameStyle; $this->titlebackground_frameweight = $aFrameWeight; $this->titlebackground_bevelheight = $aBevelHeight ; } function StrokeTitles() { $margin=3; if( $this->titlebackground ) { // Find out height $this->title->margin += 2 ; $h = $this->title->GetTextHeight($this->img)+$this->title->margin+$margin; if( $this->subtitle->t != "" && !$this->subtitle->hide ) { $h += $this->subtitle->GetTextHeight($this->img)+$margin+ $this->subtitle->margin; $h += 2; } if( $this->subsubtitle->t != "" && !$this->subsubtitle->hide ) { $h += $this->subsubtitle->GetTextHeight($this->img)+$margin+ $this->subsubtitle->margin; $h += 2; } $this->img->PushColor($this->titlebackground_color); if( $this->titlebackground_style === TITLEBKG_STYLE1 ) { // Inside the frame if( $this->framebevel ) { $x1 = $y1 = $this->framebeveldepth + 1 ; $x2 = $this->img->width - $this->framebeveldepth - 2 ; $this->title->margin += $this->framebeveldepth + 1 ; $h += $y1 ; $h += 2; } else { $x1 = $y1 = $this->frame_weight; $x2 = $this->img->width - 2*$x1; } } elseif( $this->titlebackground_style === TITLEBKG_STYLE2 ) { // Cover the frame as well $x1 = $y1 = 0; $x2 = $this->img->width - 1 ; } elseif( $this->titlebackground_style === TITLEBKG_STYLE3 ) { // Cover the frame as well (the difference is that // for style==3 a bevel frame border is on top // of the title background) $x1 = $y1 = 0; $x2 = $this->img->width - 1 ; $h += $this->framebeveldepth ; $this->title->margin += $this->framebeveldepth ; } else { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25043);//('Unknown title background style.'); } if( $this->titlebackground_framestyle === 3 ) { $h += $this->titlebackground_bevelheight*2 + 1 ; $this->title->margin += $this->titlebackground_bevelheight ; } if( $this->doshadow ) { $x2 -= $this->shadow_width ; } $indent=0; if( $this->titlebackground_framestyle == TITLEBKG_FRAME_BEVEL ) { $ind = $this->titlebackground_bevelheight; } if( $this->titlebkg_fillstyle==TITLEBKG_FILLSTYLE_HSTRIPED ) { $this->img->FilledRectangle2($x1+$ind,$y1+$ind,$x2-$ind,$h-$ind, $this->titlebkg_scolor1, $this->titlebkg_scolor2); } elseif( $this->titlebkg_fillstyle==TITLEBKG_FILLSTYLE_VSTRIPED ) { $this->img->FilledRectangle2($x1+$ind,$y1+$ind,$x2-$ind,$h-$ind, $this->titlebkg_scolor1, $this->titlebkg_scolor2,2); } else { // Solid fill $this->img->FilledRectangle($x1,$y1,$x2,$h); } $this->img->PopColor(); $this->img->PushColor($this->titlebackground_framecolor); $this->img->SetLineWeight($this->titlebackground_frameweight); if( $this->titlebackground_framestyle == TITLEBKG_FRAME_FULL ) { // Frame background $this->img->Rectangle($x1,$y1,$x2,$h); } elseif( $this->titlebackground_framestyle == TITLEBKG_FRAME_BOTTOM ) { // Bottom line only $this->img->Line($x1,$h,$x2,$h); } elseif( $this->titlebackground_framestyle == TITLEBKG_FRAME_BEVEL ) { $this->img->Bevel($x1,$y1,$x2,$h,$this->titlebackground_bevelheight); } $this->img->PopColor(); // This is clumsy. But we neeed to stroke the whole graph frame if it is // set to bevel to get the bevel shading on top of the text background if( $this->framebevel && $this->doframe && $this->titlebackground_style === 3 ) { $this->img->Bevel(1,1,$this->img->width-2,$this->img->height-2, $this->framebeveldepth, $this->framebevelcolor1,$this->framebevelcolor2); if( $this->framebevelborder ) { $this->img->SetColor($this->framebevelbordercolor); $this->img->Rectangle(0,0,$this->img->width-1,$this->img->height-1); } } } // Stroke title $y = $this->title->margin; if( $this->title->halign == 'center' ) $this->title->Center(0,$this->img->width,$y); elseif( $this->title->halign == 'left' ) { $this->title->SetPos($this->title->margin+2,$y); } elseif( $this->title->halign == 'right' ) { $indent = 0; if( $this->doshadow ) $indent = $this->shadow_width+2; $this->title->SetPos($this->img->width-$this->title->margin-$indent,$y,'right'); } $this->title->Stroke($this->img); // ... and subtitle $y += $this->title->GetTextHeight($this->img) + $margin + $this->subtitle->margin; if( $this->subtitle->halign == 'center' ) $this->subtitle->Center(0,$this->img->width,$y); elseif( $this->subtitle->halign == 'left' ) { $this->subtitle->SetPos($this->subtitle->margin+2,$y); } elseif( $this->subtitle->halign == 'right' ) { $indent = 0; if( $this->doshadow ) $indent = $this->shadow_width+2; $this->subtitle->SetPos($this->img->width-$this->subtitle->margin-$indent,$y,'right'); } $this->subtitle->Stroke($this->img); // ... and subsubtitle $y += $this->subtitle->GetTextHeight($this->img) + $margin + $this->subsubtitle->margin; if( $this->subsubtitle->halign == 'center' ) $this->subsubtitle->Center(0,$this->img->width,$y); elseif( $this->subsubtitle->halign == 'left' ) { $this->subsubtitle->SetPos($this->subsubtitle->margin+2,$y); } elseif( $this->subsubtitle->halign == 'right' ) { $indent = 0; if( $this->doshadow ) $indent = $this->shadow_width+2; $this->subsubtitle->SetPos($this->img->width-$this->subsubtitle->margin-$indent,$y,'right'); } $this->subsubtitle->Stroke($this->img); // ... and fancy title $this->tabtitle->Stroke($this->img); } function StrokeTexts() { // Stroke any user added text objects if( $this->texts != null ) { for($i=0; $i < count($this->texts); ++$i) { $this->texts[$i]->StrokeWithScale($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->yscale); } } if( $this->y2texts != null && $this->y2scale != null ) { for($i=0; $i < count($this->y2texts); ++$i) { $this->y2texts[$i]->StrokeWithScale($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->y2scale); } } } function StrokeTables() { if( $this->iTables != null ) { $n = count($this->iTables); for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $this->iTables[$i]->StrokeWithScale($this->img,$this->xscale,$this->yscale); } } } function DisplayClientSideaImageMapAreas() { // Debug stuff - display the outline of the image map areas $csim=''; foreach ($this->plots as $p) { $csim.= $p->GetCSIMareas(); } $csim .= $this->legend->GetCSIMareas(); if (preg_match_all("/area shape=\"(\w+)\" coords=\"([0-9\, ]+)\"/", $csim, $coords)) { $this->img->SetColor($this->csimcolor); $n = count($coords[0]); for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) { if ($coords[1][$i]=="poly") { preg_match_all('/\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,*/',$coords[2][$i],$pts); $this->img->SetStartPoint($pts[1][count($pts[0])-1],$pts[2][count($pts[0])-1]); $m = count($pts[0]); for ($j=0; $j < $m; $j++) { $this->img->LineTo($pts[1][$j],$pts[2][$j]); } } else if ($coords[1][$i]=="rect") { $pts = preg_split('/,/', $coords[2][$i]); $this->img->SetStartPoint($pts[0],$pts[1]); $this->img->LineTo($pts[2],$pts[1]); $this->img->LineTo($pts[2],$pts[3]); $this->img->LineTo($pts[0],$pts[3]); $this->img->LineTo($pts[0],$pts[1]); } } } } function AdjustSaturationBrightnessContrast() { // Adjust the brightness and contrast of the image if( $this->image_contr || $this->image_bright ) $this->img->AdjBrightContrast($this->image_bright,$this->image_contr); if( $this->image_sat ) $this->img->AdjSat($this->image_sat); } // Text scale offset in world coordinates function SetTextScaleOff($aOff) { $this->text_scale_off = $aOff; $this->xscale->text_scale_off = $aOff; } // Text width of bar to be centered in absolute pixels function SetTextScaleAbsCenterOff($aOff) { $this->text_scale_abscenteroff = $aOff; } // Get Y min and max values for added lines function GetLinesYMinMax( $aLines ) { $n = count($aLines); if( $n == 0 ) return false; $min = $aLines[0]->scaleposition ; $max = $min ; $flg = false; for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { if( $aLines[$i]->direction == HORIZONTAL ) { $flg = true ; $v = $aLines[$i]->scaleposition ; if( $min > $v ) $min = $v ; if( $max < $v ) $max = $v ; } } return $flg ? array($min,$max) : false ; } // Get X min and max values for added lines function GetLinesXMinMax( $aLines ) { $n = count($aLines); if( $n == 0 ) return false ; $min = $aLines[0]->scaleposition ; $max = $min ; $flg = false; for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { if( $aLines[$i]->direction == VERTICAL ) { $flg = true ; $v = $aLines[$i]->scaleposition ; if( $min > $v ) $min = $v ; if( $max < $v ) $max = $v ; } } return $flg ? array($min,$max) : false ; } // Get min and max values for all included plots function GetPlotsYMinMax($aPlots) { $n = count($aPlots); $i=0; do { list($xmax,$max) = $aPlots[$i]->Max(); } while( ++$i < $n && !is_numeric($max) ); $i=0; do { list($xmin,$min) = $aPlots[$i]->Min(); } while( ++$i < $n && !is_numeric($min) ); if( !is_numeric($min) || !is_numeric($max) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25044);//('Cannot use autoscaling since it is impossible to determine a valid min/max value of the Y-axis (only null values).'); } for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { list($xmax,$ymax)=$aPlots[$i]->Max(); list($xmin,$ymin)=$aPlots[$i]->Min(); if (is_numeric($ymax)) $max=max($max,$ymax); if (is_numeric($ymin)) $min=min($min,$ymin); } if( $min == '' ) $min = 0; if( $max == '' ) $max = 0; if( $min == 0 && $max == 0 ) { // Special case if all values are 0 $min=0;$max=1; } return array($min,$max); } } // Class //=================================================== // CLASS TTF // Description: Handle TTF font names //=================================================== class TTF { private $font_files,$style_names; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function TTF() { $this->style_names=array(FS_NORMAL=>'normal',FS_BOLD=>'bold',FS_ITALIC=>'italic',FS_BOLDITALIC=>'bolditalic'); // File names for available fonts $this->font_files=array( FF_COURIER => array(FS_NORMAL=>'cour.ttf', FS_BOLD=>'courbd.ttf', FS_ITALIC=>'couri.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'courbi.ttf' ), FF_GEORGIA => array(FS_NORMAL=>'georgia.ttf', FS_BOLD=>'georgiab.ttf', FS_ITALIC=>'georgiai.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'' ), FF_TREBUCHE =>array(FS_NORMAL=>'trebuc.ttf', FS_BOLD=>'trebucbd.ttf', FS_ITALIC=>'trebucit.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'trebucbi.ttf' ), FF_VERDANA => array(FS_NORMAL=>'verdana.ttf', FS_BOLD=>'verdanab.ttf', FS_ITALIC=>'verdanai.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'' ), FF_TIMES => array(FS_NORMAL=>'times.ttf', FS_BOLD=>'timesbd.ttf', FS_ITALIC=>'timesi.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'timesbi.ttf' ), FF_COMIC => array(FS_NORMAL=>'comic.ttf', FS_BOLD=>'comicbd.ttf', FS_ITALIC=>'', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'' ), FF_ARIAL => array(FS_NORMAL=>'arial.ttf', FS_BOLD=>'arialbd.ttf', FS_ITALIC=>'ariali.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'arialbi.ttf' ) , FF_VERA => array(FS_NORMAL=>'Vera.ttf', FS_BOLD=>'VeraBd.ttf', FS_ITALIC=>'VeraIt.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'VeraBI.ttf' ), FF_VERAMONO => array(FS_NORMAL=>'VeraMono.ttf', FS_BOLD=>'VeraMoBd.ttf', FS_ITALIC=>'VeraMoIt.ttf', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'VeraMoBI.ttf' ), FF_VERASERIF => array(FS_NORMAL=>'VeraSe.ttf', FS_BOLD=>'VeraSeBd.ttf', FS_ITALIC=>'', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'' ) , FF_SIMSUN => array(FS_NORMAL=>'simsun.ttc', FS_BOLD=>'simhei.ttf', FS_ITALIC=>'', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'' ), FF_CHINESE => array(FS_NORMAL=>CHINESE_TTF_FONT, FS_BOLD=>'', FS_ITALIC=>'', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'' ), FF_MINCHO => array(FS_NORMAL=>MINCHO_TTF_FONT, FS_BOLD=>'', FS_ITALIC=>'', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'' ), FF_PMINCHO => array(FS_NORMAL=>PMINCHO_TTF_FONT, FS_BOLD=>'', FS_ITALIC=>'', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'' ), FF_GOTHIC => array(FS_NORMAL=>GOTHIC_TTF_FONT, FS_BOLD=>'', FS_ITALIC=>'', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'' ), FF_PGOTHIC => array(FS_NORMAL=>PGOTHIC_TTF_FONT, FS_BOLD=>'', FS_ITALIC=>'', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'' ), FF_MINCHO => array(FS_NORMAL=>PMINCHO_TTF_FONT, FS_BOLD=>'', FS_ITALIC=>'', FS_BOLDITALIC=>'' ) ); } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS // Create the TTF file from the font specification function File($family,$style=FS_NORMAL) { $fam = @$this->font_files[$family]; if( !$fam ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25046,$family);//("Specified TTF font family (id=$family) is unknown or does not exist. Please note that TTF fonts are not distributed with JpGraph for copyright reasons. You can find the MS TTF WEB-fonts (arial, courier etc) for download at"); } $f = @$fam[$style]; if( $f==='' ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25047,$this->style_names[$style],$this->font_files[$family][FS_NORMAL]);//('Style "'.$this->style_names[$style].'" is not available for font family '.$this->font_files[$family][FS_NORMAL].'.'); if( !$f ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25048,$fam);//("Unknown font style specification [$fam]."); } if ($family >= FF_MINCHO && $family <= FF_PGOTHIC) { $f = MBTTF_DIR.$f; } else { $f = TTF_DIR.$f; } if( file_exists($f) === false || is_readable($f) === false ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25049,$f);//("Font file \"$f\" is not readable or does not exist."); } return $f; } } // Class //=================================================== // CLASS LineProperty // Description: Holds properties for a line //=================================================== class LineProperty { public $iWeight=1, $iColor="black",$iStyle="solid",$iShow=true; //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS function SetColor($aColor) { $this->iColor = $aColor; } function SetWeight($aWeight) { $this->iWeight = $aWeight; } function SetStyle($aStyle) { $this->iStyle = $aStyle; } function Show($aShow=true) { $this->iShow=$aShow; } function Stroke($aImg,$aX1,$aY1,$aX2,$aY2) { if( $this->iShow ) { $aImg->PushColor($this->iColor); $oldls = $aImg->line_style; $oldlw = $aImg->line_weight; $aImg->SetLineWeight($this->iWeight); $aImg->SetLineStyle($this->iStyle); $aImg->StyleLine($aX1,$aY1,$aX2,$aY2); $aImg->PopColor($this->iColor); $aImg->line_style = $oldls; $aImg->line_weight = $oldlw; } } } //=================================================== // CLASS Text // Description: Arbitrary text object that can be added to the graph //=================================================== class Text { public $t,$margin=0; public $x=0,$y=0,$halign="left",$valign="top",$color=array(0,0,0); public $hide=false, $dir=0; public $iScalePosY=null,$iScalePosX=null; public $iWordwrap=0; protected $font_family=FF_FONT1,$font_style=FS_NORMAL,$font_size=12; protected $boxed=false; // Should the text be boxed protected $paragraph_align="left"; protected $icornerradius=0,$ishadowwidth=3; protected $fcolor='white',$bcolor='black',$shadow=false; protected $iCSIMarea='',$iCSIMalt='',$iCSIMtarget=''; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR // Create new text at absolute pixel coordinates function Text($aTxt="",$aXAbsPos=0,$aYAbsPos=0) { if( ! is_string($aTxt) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25050);//('First argument to Text::Text() must be s atring.'); } $this->t = $aTxt; $this->x = round($aXAbsPos); $this->y = round($aYAbsPos); $this->margin = 0; } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS // Set the string in the text object function Set($aTxt) { $this->t = $aTxt; } // Alias for Pos() function SetPos($aXAbsPos=0,$aYAbsPos=0,$aHAlign="left",$aVAlign="top") { //$this->Pos($aXAbsPos,$aYAbsPos,$aHAlign,$aVAlign); $this->x = $aXAbsPos; $this->y = $aYAbsPos; $this->halign = $aHAlign; $this->valign = $aVAlign; } function SetScalePos($aX,$aY) { $this->iScalePosX = $aX; $this->iScalePosY = $aY; } // Specify alignment for the text function Align($aHAlign,$aVAlign="top",$aParagraphAlign="") { $this->halign = $aHAlign; $this->valign = $aVAlign; if( $aParagraphAlign != "" ) $this->paragraph_align = $aParagraphAlign; } // Alias function SetAlign($aHAlign,$aVAlign="top",$aParagraphAlign="") { $this->Align($aHAlign,$aVAlign,$aParagraphAlign); } // Specifies the alignment for a multi line text function ParagraphAlign($aAlign) { $this->paragraph_align = $aAlign; } // Specifies the alignment for a multi line text function SetParagraphAlign($aAlign) { $this->paragraph_align = $aAlign; } function SetShadow($aShadowColor='gray',$aShadowWidth=3) { $this->ishadowwidth=$aShadowWidth; $this->shadow=$aShadowColor; $this->boxed=true; } function SetWordWrap($aCol) { $this->iWordwrap = $aCol ; } // Specify that the text should be boxed. fcolor=frame color, bcolor=border color, // $shadow=drop shadow should be added around the text. function SetBox($aFrameColor=array(255,255,255),$aBorderColor=array(0,0,0),$aShadowColor=false,$aCornerRadius=4,$aShadowWidth=3) { if( $aFrameColor==false ) $this->boxed=false; else $this->boxed=true; $this->fcolor=$aFrameColor; $this->bcolor=$aBorderColor; // For backwards compatibility when shadow was just true or false if( $aShadowColor === true ) $aShadowColor = 'gray'; $this->shadow=$aShadowColor; $this->icornerradius=$aCornerRadius; $this->ishadowwidth=$aShadowWidth; } // Hide the text function Hide($aHide=true) { $this->hide=$aHide; } // This looks ugly since it's not a very orthogonal design // but I added this "inverse" of Hide() to harmonize // with some classes which I designed more recently (especially) // jpgraph_gantt function Show($aShow=true) { $this->hide=!$aShow; } // Specify font function SetFont($aFamily,$aStyle=FS_NORMAL,$aSize=10) { $this->font_family=$aFamily; $this->font_style=$aStyle; $this->font_size=$aSize; } // Center the text between $left and $right coordinates function Center($aLeft,$aRight,$aYAbsPos=false) { $this->x = $aLeft + ($aRight-$aLeft )/2; $this->halign = "center"; if( is_numeric($aYAbsPos) ) $this->y = $aYAbsPos; } // Set text color function SetColor($aColor) { $this->color = $aColor; } function SetAngle($aAngle) { $this->SetOrientation($aAngle); } // Orientation of text. Note only TTF fonts can have an arbitrary angle function SetOrientation($aDirection=0) { if( is_numeric($aDirection) ) $this->dir=$aDirection; elseif( $aDirection=="h" ) $this->dir = 0; elseif( $aDirection=="v" ) $this->dir = 90; else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25051);//(" Invalid direction specified for text."); } // Total width of text function GetWidth($aImg) { $aImg->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); $w = $aImg->GetTextWidth($this->t,$this->dir); return $w; } // Hight of font function GetFontHeight($aImg) { $aImg->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); $h = $aImg->GetFontHeight(); return $h; } function GetTextHeight($aImg) { $aImg->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); $h = $aImg->GetTextHeight($this->t,$this->dir); return $h; } function GetHeight($aImg) { // Synonym for GetTextHeight() $aImg->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); $h = $aImg->GetTextHeight($this->t,$this->dir); return $h; } // Set the margin which will be interpretated differently depending // on the context. function SetMargin($aMarg) { $this->margin = $aMarg; } function StrokeWithScale($aImg,$axscale,$ayscale) { if( $this->iScalePosX === null || $this->iScalePosY === null ) { $this->Stroke($aImg); } else { $this->Stroke($aImg, round($axscale->Translate($this->iScalePosX)), round($ayscale->Translate($this->iScalePosY))); } } function SetCSIMTarget($aTarget,$aAlt=null) { $this->iCSIMtarget = $aTarget; $this->iCSIMalt = $aAlt; } function GetCSIMareas() { if( $this->iCSIMtarget !== '' ) return $this->iCSIMarea; else return ''; } // Display text in image function Stroke($aImg,$x=null,$y=null) { if( !empty($x) ) $this->x = round($x); if( !empty($y) ) $this->y = round($y); // Insert newlines if( $this->iWordwrap > 0 ) { $this->t = wordwrap($this->t,$this->iWordwrap,"\n"); } // If position been given as a fraction of the image size // calculate the absolute position if( $this->x < 1 && $this->x > 0 ) $this->x *= $aImg->width; if( $this->y < 1 && $this->y > 0 ) $this->y *= $aImg->height; $aImg->PushColor($this->color); $aImg->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); $aImg->SetTextAlign($this->halign,$this->valign); if( $this->boxed ) { if( $this->fcolor=="nofill" ) $this->fcolor=false; $aImg->SetLineWeight(1); $bbox = $aImg->StrokeBoxedText($this->x,$this->y,$this->t, $this->dir,$this->fcolor,$this->bcolor,$this->shadow, $this->paragraph_align,5,5,$this->icornerradius, $this->ishadowwidth); } else { $bbox = $aImg->StrokeText($this->x,$this->y,$this->t,$this->dir,$this->paragraph_align); } // Create CSIM targets $coords = $bbox[0].','.$bbox[1].','.$bbox[2].','.$bbox[3].','.$bbox[4].','.$bbox[5].','.$bbox[6].','.$bbox[7]; $this->iCSIMarea = "iCSIMtarget)."\""; $this->iCSIMarea .= " alt=\"".$this->iCSIMalt."\" title=\"".$this->iCSIMalt."\" />\n"; $aImg->PopColor($this->color); } } // Class class GraphTabTitle extends Text{ private $corner = 6 , $posx = 7, $posy = 4; private $fillcolor='lightyellow',$bordercolor='black'; private $align = 'left', $width=TABTITLE_WIDTHFIT; function GraphTabTitle() { $this->t = ''; $this->font_style = FS_BOLD; $this->hide = true; $this->color = 'darkred'; } function SetColor($aTxtColor,$aFillColor='lightyellow',$aBorderColor='black') { $this->color = $aTxtColor; $this->fillcolor = $aFillColor; $this->bordercolor = $aBorderColor; } function SetFillColor($aFillColor) { $this->fillcolor = $aFillColor; } function SetTabAlign($aAlign) { $this->align = $aAlign; } function SetWidth($aWidth) { $this->width = $aWidth ; } function Set($t) { $this->t = $t; $this->hide = false; } function SetCorner($aD) { $this->corner = $aD ; } function Stroke($aImg,$aDummy1=null,$aDummy2=null) { if( $this->hide ) return; $this->boxed = false; $w = $this->GetWidth($aImg) + 2*$this->posx; $h = $this->GetTextHeight($aImg) + 2*$this->posy; $x = $aImg->left_margin; $y = $aImg->top_margin; if( $this->width === TABTITLE_WIDTHFIT ) { if( $this->align == 'left' ) { $p = array($x, $y, $x, $y-$h+$this->corner, $x + $this->corner,$y-$h, $x + $w - $this->corner, $y-$h, $x + $w, $y-$h+$this->corner, $x + $w, $y); } elseif( $this->align == 'center' ) { $x += round($aImg->plotwidth/2) - round($w/2); $p = array($x, $y, $x, $y-$h+$this->corner, $x + $this->corner, $y-$h, $x + $w - $this->corner, $y-$h, $x + $w, $y-$h+$this->corner, $x + $w, $y); } else { $x += $aImg->plotwidth -$w; $p = array($x, $y, $x, $y-$h+$this->corner, $x + $this->corner,$y-$h, $x + $w - $this->corner, $y-$h, $x + $w, $y-$h+$this->corner, $x + $w, $y); } } else { if( $this->width === TABTITLE_WIDTHFULL ) $w = $aImg->plotwidth ; else $w = $this->width ; // Make the tab fit the width of the plot area $p = array($x, $y, $x, $y-$h+$this->corner, $x + $this->corner,$y-$h, $x + $w - $this->corner, $y-$h, $x + $w, $y-$h+$this->corner, $x + $w, $y); } if( $this->halign == 'left' ) { $aImg->SetTextAlign('left','bottom'); $x += $this->posx; $y -= $this->posy; } elseif( $this->halign == 'center' ) { $aImg->SetTextAlign('center','bottom'); $x += $w/2; $y -= $this->posy; } else { $aImg->SetTextAlign('right','bottom'); $x += $w - $this->posx; $y -= $this->posy; } $aImg->SetColor($this->fillcolor); $aImg->FilledPolygon($p); $aImg->SetColor($this->bordercolor); $aImg->Polygon($p,true); $aImg->SetColor($this->color); $aImg->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); $aImg->StrokeText($x,$y,$this->t,0,'center'); } } //=================================================== // CLASS SuperScriptText // Description: Format a superscript text //=================================================== class SuperScriptText extends Text { private $iSuper=""; private $sfont_family="",$sfont_style="",$sfont_size=8; private $iSuperMargin=2,$iVertOverlap=4,$iSuperScale=0.65; private $iSDir=0; private $iSimple=false; function SuperScriptText($aTxt="",$aSuper="",$aXAbsPos=0,$aYAbsPos=0) { parent::Text($aTxt,$aXAbsPos,$aYAbsPos); $this->iSuper = $aSuper; } function FromReal($aVal,$aPrecision=2) { // Convert a floating point number to scientific notation $neg=1.0; if( $aVal < 0 ) { $neg = -1.0; $aVal = -$aVal; } $l = floor(log10($aVal)); $a = sprintf("%0.".$aPrecision."f",round($aVal / pow(10,$l),$aPrecision)); $a *= $neg; if( $this->iSimple && ($a == 1 || $a==-1) ) $a = ''; if( $a != '' ) $this->t = $a.' * 10'; else { if( $neg == 1 ) $this->t = '10'; else $this->t = '-10'; } $this->iSuper = $l; } function Set($aTxt,$aSuper="") { $this->t = $aTxt; $this->iSuper = $aSuper; } function SetSuperFont($aFontFam,$aFontStyle=FS_NORMAL,$aFontSize=8) { $this->sfont_family = $aFontFam; $this->sfont_style = $aFontStyle; $this->sfont_size = $aFontSize; } // Total width of text function GetWidth($aImg) { $aImg->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); $w = $aImg->GetTextWidth($this->t); $aImg->SetFont($this->sfont_family,$this->sfont_style,$this->sfont_size); $w += $aImg->GetTextWidth($this->iSuper); $w += $this->iSuperMargin; return $w; } // Hight of font (approximate the height of the text) function GetFontHeight($aImg) { $aImg->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); $h = $aImg->GetFontHeight(); $aImg->SetFont($this->sfont_family,$this->sfont_style,$this->sfont_size); $h += $aImg->GetFontHeight(); return $h; } // Hight of text function GetTextHeight($aImg) { $aImg->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); $h = $aImg->GetTextHeight($this->t); $aImg->SetFont($this->sfont_family,$this->sfont_style,$this->sfont_size); $h += $aImg->GetTextHeight($this->iSuper); return $h; } function Stroke($aImg,$ax=-1,$ay=-1) { // To position the super script correctly we need different // cases to handle the alignmewnt specified since that will // determine how we can interpret the x,y coordinates $w = parent::GetWidth($aImg); $h = parent::GetTextHeight($aImg); switch( $this->valign ) { case 'top': $sy = $this->y; break; case 'center': $sy = $this->y - $h/2; break; case 'bottom': $sy = $this->y - $h; break; default: JpGraphError::RaiseL(25052);//('PANIC: Internal error in SuperScript::Stroke(). Unknown vertical alignment for text'); break; } switch( $this->halign ) { case 'left': $sx = $this->x + $w; break; case 'center': $sx = $this->x + $w/2; break; case 'right': $sx = $this->x; break; default: JpGraphError::RaiseL(25053);//('PANIC: Internal error in SuperScript::Stroke(). Unknown horizontal alignment for text'); break; } $sx += $this->iSuperMargin; $sy += $this->iVertOverlap; // Should we automatically determine the font or // has the user specified it explicetly? if( $this->sfont_family == "" ) { if( $this->font_family <= FF_FONT2 ) { if( $this->font_family == FF_FONT0 ) { $sff = FF_FONT0; } elseif( $this->font_family == FF_FONT1 ) { if( $this->font_style == FS_NORMAL ) $sff = FF_FONT0; else $sff = FF_FONT1; } else { $sff = FF_FONT1; } $sfs = $this->font_style; $sfz = $this->font_size; } else { // TTF fonts $sff = $this->font_family; $sfs = $this->font_style; $sfz = floor($this->font_size*$this->iSuperScale); if( $sfz < 8 ) $sfz = 8; } $this->sfont_family = $sff; $this->sfont_style = $sfs; $this->sfont_size = $sfz; } else { $sff = $this->sfont_family; $sfs = $this->sfont_style; $sfz = $this->sfont_size; } parent::Stroke($aImg,$ax,$ay); // For the builtin fonts we need to reduce the margins // since the bounding bx reported for the builtin fonts // are much larger than for the TTF fonts. if( $sff <= FF_FONT2 ) { $sx -= 2; $sy += 3; } $aImg->SetTextAlign('left','bottom'); $aImg->SetFont($sff,$sfs,$sfz); $aImg->PushColor($this->color); $aImg->StrokeText($sx,$sy,$this->iSuper,$this->iSDir,'left'); $aImg->PopColor(); } } //=================================================== // CLASS Grid // Description: responsible for drawing grid lines in graph //=================================================== class Grid { protected $img; protected $scale; protected $grid_color='#DDDDDD',$grid_mincolor='#DDDDDD'; protected $type="solid"; protected $show=false, $showMinor=false,$weight=1; protected $fill=false,$fillcolor=array('#EFEFEF','#BBCCFF'); //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function Grid($aAxis) { $this->scale = $aAxis->scale; $this->img = $aAxis->img; } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS function SetColor($aMajColor,$aMinColor=false) { $this->grid_color=$aMajColor; if( $aMinColor === false ) $aMinColor = $aMajColor ; $this->grid_mincolor = $aMinColor; } function SetWeight($aWeight) { $this->weight=$aWeight; } // Specify if grid should be dashed, dotted or solid function SetLineStyle($aType) { $this->type = $aType; } // Decide if both major and minor grid should be displayed function Show($aShowMajor=true,$aShowMinor=false) { $this->show=$aShowMajor; $this->showMinor=$aShowMinor; } function SetFill($aFlg=true,$aColor1='lightgray',$aColor2='lightblue') { $this->fill = $aFlg; $this->fillcolor = array( $aColor1, $aColor2 ); } // Display the grid function Stroke() { if( $this->showMinor ) { $tmp = $this->grid_color; $this->grid_color = $this->grid_mincolor; $this->DoStroke($this->scale->ticks->ticks_pos); $this->grid_color = $tmp; $this->DoStroke($this->scale->ticks->maj_ticks_pos); } else { $this->DoStroke($this->scale->ticks->maj_ticks_pos); } } //-------------- // Private methods // Draw the grid function DoStroke($aTicksPos) { if( !$this->show ) return; $nbrgrids = count($aTicksPos); if( $this->scale->type=="y" ) { $xl=$this->img->left_margin; $xr=$this->img->width-$this->img->right_margin; if( $this->fill ) { // Draw filled areas $y2 = $aTicksPos[0]; $i=1; while( $i < $nbrgrids ) { $y1 = $y2; $y2 = $aTicksPos[$i++]; $this->img->SetColor($this->fillcolor[$i & 1]); $this->img->FilledRectangle($xl,$y1,$xr,$y2); } } $this->img->SetColor($this->grid_color); $this->img->SetLineWeight($this->weight); // Draw grid lines for($i=0; $i<$nbrgrids; ++$i) { $y=$aTicksPos[$i]; if( $this->type == "solid" ) $this->img->Line($xl,$y,$xr,$y); elseif( $this->type == "dotted" ) $this->img->DashedLine($xl,$y,$xr,$y,1,6); elseif( $this->type == "dashed" ) $this->img->DashedLine($xl,$y,$xr,$y,2,4); elseif( $this->type == "longdashed" ) $this->img->DashedLine($xl,$y,$xr,$y,8,6); } } elseif( $this->scale->type=="x" ) { $yu=$this->img->top_margin; $yl=$this->img->height-$this->img->bottom_margin; $limit=$this->img->width-$this->img->right_margin; if( $this->fill ) { // Draw filled areas $x2 = $aTicksPos[0]; $i=1; while( $i < $nbrgrids ) { $x1 = $x2; $x2 = min($aTicksPos[$i++],$limit) ; $this->img->SetColor($this->fillcolor[$i & 1]); $this->img->FilledRectangle($x1,$yu,$x2,$yl); } } $this->img->SetColor($this->grid_color); $this->img->SetLineWeight($this->weight); // We must also test for limit since we might have // an offset and the number of ticks is calculated with // assumption offset==0 so we might end up drawing one // to many gridlines $i=0; $x=$aTicksPos[$i]; while( $itype == "solid" ) $this->img->Line($x,$yl,$x,$yu); elseif( $this->type == "dotted" ) $this->img->DashedLine($x,$yl,$x,$yu,1,6); elseif( $this->type == "dashed" ) $this->img->DashedLine($x,$yl,$x,$yu,2,4); elseif( $this->type == "longdashed" ) $this->img->DashedLine($x,$yl,$x,$yu,8,6); ++$i; } } else { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25054,$this->scale->type);//('Internal error: Unknown grid axis ['.$this->scale->type.']'); } return true; } } // Class //=================================================== // CLASS Axis // Description: Defines X and Y axis. Notes that at the // moment the code is not really good since the axis on // several occasion must know wheter it's an X or Y axis. // This was a design decision to make the code easier to // follow. //=================================================== class AxisPrototype { public $scale=null; public $img=null; public $hide=false,$hide_labels=false; public $title=null; public $font_family=FF_FONT1,$font_style=FS_NORMAL,$font_size=12,$label_angle=0; public $tick_step=1; public $pos = false; protected $weight=1; protected $color=array(0,0,0),$label_color=array(0,0,0); protected $ticks_label=false, $ticks_label_colors=null; protected $show_first_label=true,$show_last_label=true; protected $label_step=1; // Used by a text axis to specify what multiple of major steps // should be labeled. protected $labelPos=0; // Which side of the axis should the labels be? protected $title_adjust,$title_margin,$title_side=SIDE_LEFT; protected $tick_label_margin=7; protected $label_halign = '',$label_valign = '', $label_para_align='left'; protected $hide_line=false; protected $iDeltaAbsPos=0; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function Axis($img,$aScale,$color=array(0,0,0)) { $this->img = $img; $this->scale = $aScale; $this->color = $color; $this->title=new Text(""); if( $aScale->type=="y" ) { $this->title_margin = 25; $this->title_adjust="middle"; $this->title->SetOrientation(90); $this->tick_label_margin=7; $this->labelPos=SIDE_LEFT; } else { $this->title_margin = 5; $this->title_adjust="high"; $this->title->SetOrientation(0); $this->tick_label_margin=7; $this->labelPos=SIDE_DOWN; $this->title_side=SIDE_DOWN; } } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS function SetLabelFormat($aFormStr) { $this->scale->ticks->SetLabelFormat($aFormStr); } function SetLabelFormatString($aFormStr,$aDate=false) { $this->scale->ticks->SetLabelFormat($aFormStr,$aDate); } function SetLabelFormatCallback($aFuncName) { $this->scale->ticks->SetFormatCallback($aFuncName); } function SetLabelAlign($aHAlign,$aVAlign="top",$aParagraphAlign='left') { $this->label_halign = $aHAlign; $this->label_valign = $aVAlign; $this->label_para_align = $aParagraphAlign; } // Don't display the first label function HideFirstTickLabel($aShow=false) { $this->show_first_label=$aShow; } function HideLastTickLabel($aShow=false) { $this->show_last_label=$aShow; } // Manually specify the major and (optional) minor tick position and labels function SetTickPositions($aMajPos,$aMinPos=NULL,$aLabels=NULL) { $this->scale->ticks->SetTickPositions($aMajPos,$aMinPos,$aLabels); } // Manually specify major tick positions and optional labels function SetMajTickPositions($aMajPos,$aLabels=NULL) { $this->scale->ticks->SetTickPositions($aMajPos,NULL,$aLabels); } // Hide minor or major tick marks function HideTicks($aHideMinor=true,$aHideMajor=true) { $this->scale->ticks->SupressMinorTickMarks($aHideMinor); $this->scale->ticks->SupressTickMarks($aHideMajor); } // Hide zero label function HideZeroLabel($aFlag=true) { $this->scale->ticks->SupressZeroLabel(); } function HideFirstLastLabel() { // The two first calls to ticks method will supress // automatically generated scale values. However, that // will not affect manually specified value, e.g text-scales. // therefor we also make a kludge here to supress manually // specified scale labels. $this->scale->ticks->SupressLast(); $this->scale->ticks->SupressFirst(); $this->show_first_label = false; $this->show_last_label = false; } // Hide the axis function Hide($aHide=true) { $this->hide=$aHide; } // Hide the actual axis-line, but still print the labels function HideLine($aHide=true) { $this->hide_line = $aHide; } function HideLabels($aHide=true) { $this->hide_labels = $aHide; } // Weight of axis function SetWeight($aWeight) { $this->weight = $aWeight; } // Axis color function SetColor($aColor,$aLabelColor=false) { $this->color = $aColor; if( !$aLabelColor ) $this->label_color = $aColor; else $this->label_color = $aLabelColor; } // Title on axis function SetTitle($aTitle,$aAdjustAlign="high") { $this->title->Set($aTitle); $this->title_adjust=$aAdjustAlign; } // Specify distance from the axis function SetTitleMargin($aMargin) { $this->title_margin=$aMargin; } // Which side of the axis should the axis title be? function SetTitleSide($aSideOfAxis) { $this->title_side = $aSideOfAxis; } // Utility function to set the direction for tick marks function SetTickDirection($aDir) { // Will be deprecated from 1.7 if( ERR_DEPRECATED ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25055);//('Axis::SetTickDirection() is deprecated. Use Axis::SetTickSide() instead'); $this->scale->ticks->SetSide($aDir); } function SetTickSide($aDir) { $this->scale->ticks->SetSide($aDir); } // Specify text labels for the ticks. One label for each data point function SetTickLabels($aLabelArray,$aLabelColorArray=null) { $this->ticks_label = $aLabelArray; $this->ticks_label_colors = $aLabelColorArray; } // How far from the axis should the labels be drawn function SetTickLabelMargin($aMargin) { if( ERR_DEPRECATED ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25056);//('SetTickLabelMargin() is deprecated. Use Axis::SetLabelMargin() instead.'); $this->tick_label_margin=$aMargin; } function SetLabelMargin($aMargin) { $this->tick_label_margin=$aMargin; } // Specify that every $step of the ticks should be displayed starting // at $start // DEPRECATED FUNCTION: USE SetTextTickInterval() INSTEAD function SetTextTicks($step,$start=0) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25057);//(" SetTextTicks() is deprecated. Use SetTextTickInterval() instead."); } // Specify that every $step of the ticks should be displayed starting // at $start function SetTextTickInterval($aStep,$aStart=0) { $this->scale->ticks->SetTextLabelStart($aStart); $this->tick_step=$aStep; } // Specify that every $step tick mark should have a label // should be displayed starting function SetTextLabelInterval($aStep) { if( $aStep < 1 ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25058);//(" Text label interval must be specified >= 1."); $this->label_step=$aStep; } // Which side of the axis should the labels be on? function SetLabelPos($aSidePos) { // This will be deprecated from 1.7 if( ERR_DEPRECATED ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25059);//('SetLabelPos() is deprecated. Use Axis::SetLabelSide() instead.'); $this->labelPos=$aSidePos; } function SetLabelSide($aSidePos) { $this->labelPos=$aSidePos; } // Set the font function SetFont($aFamily,$aStyle=FS_NORMAL,$aSize=10) { $this->font_family = $aFamily; $this->font_style = $aStyle; $this->font_size = $aSize; } // Position for axis line on the "other" scale function SetPos($aPosOnOtherScale) { $this->pos=$aPosOnOtherScale; } // Set the position of the axis to be X-pixels delta to the right // of the max X-position (used to position the multiple Y-axis) function SetPosAbsDelta($aDelta) { $this->iDeltaAbsPos=$aDelta; } // Specify the angle for the tick labels function SetLabelAngle($aAngle) { $this->label_angle = $aAngle; } } // Class //=================================================== // CLASS Axis // Description: Defines X and Y axis. Notes that at the // moment the code is not really good since the axis on // several occasion must know wheter it's an X or Y axis. // This was a design decision to make the code easier to // follow. //=================================================== class Axis extends AxisPrototype { function Axis($img,$aScale,$color=array(0,0,0)) { parent::Axis($img,$aScale,$color); } // Stroke the axis. function Stroke($aOtherAxisScale,$aStrokeLabels=true) { if( $this->hide ) return; if( is_numeric($this->pos) ) { $pos=$aOtherAxisScale->Translate($this->pos); } else { // Default to minimum of other scale if pos not set if( ($aOtherAxisScale->GetMinVal() >= 0 && $this->pos==false) || $this->pos=="min" ) { $pos = $aOtherAxisScale->scale_abs[0]; } elseif($this->pos == "max") { $pos = $aOtherAxisScale->scale_abs[1]; } else { // If negative set x-axis at 0 $this->pos=0; $pos=$aOtherAxisScale->Translate(0); } } $pos += $this->iDeltaAbsPos; $this->img->SetLineWeight($this->weight); $this->img->SetColor($this->color); $this->img->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); if( $this->scale->type == "x" ) { if( !$this->hide_line ) $this->img->FilledRectangle($this->img->left_margin,$pos, $this->img->width-$this->img->right_margin,$pos+$this->weight-1); if( $this->title_side == SIDE_DOWN ) { $y = $pos + $this->img->GetFontHeight() + $this->title_margin + $this->title->margin; $yalign = 'top'; } else { $y = $pos - $this->img->GetFontHeight() - $this->title_margin - $this->title->margin; $yalign = 'bottom'; } if( $this->title_adjust=='high' ) $this->title->SetPos($this->img->width-$this->img->right_margin,$y,'right',$yalign); elseif( $this->title_adjust=='middle' || $this->title_adjust=='center' ) $this->title->SetPos(($this->img->width-$this->img->left_margin-$this->img->right_margin)/2+$this->img->left_margin,$y,'center',$yalign); elseif($this->title_adjust=='low') $this->title->SetPos($this->img->left_margin,$y,'left',$yalign); else { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25060,$this->title_adjust);//('Unknown alignment specified for X-axis title. ('.$this->title_adjust.')'); } } elseif( $this->scale->type == "y" ) { // Add line weight to the height of the axis since // the x-axis could have a width>1 and we want the axis to fit nicely together. if( !$this->hide_line ) $this->img->FilledRectangle($pos-$this->weight+1,$this->img->top_margin, $pos,$this->img->height-$this->img->bottom_margin+$this->weight-1); $x=$pos ; if( $this->title_side == SIDE_LEFT ) { $x -= $this->title_margin; $x -= $this->title->margin; $halign="right"; } else { $x += $this->title_margin; $x += $this->title->margin; $halign="left"; } // If the user has manually specified an hor. align // then we override the automatic settings with this // specifed setting. Since default is 'left' we compare // with that. (This means a manually set 'left' align // will have no effect.) if( $this->title->halign != 'left' ) $halign = $this->title->halign; if( $this->title_adjust=="high" ) $this->title->SetPos($x,$this->img->top_margin,$halign,"top"); elseif($this->title_adjust=="middle" || $this->title_adjust=="center") $this->title->SetPos($x,($this->img->height-$this->img->top_margin-$this->img->bottom_margin)/2+$this->img->top_margin,$halign,"center"); elseif($this->title_adjust=="low") $this->title->SetPos($x,$this->img->height-$this->img->bottom_margin,$halign,"bottom"); else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25061,$this->title_adjust);//('Unknown alignment specified for Y-axis title. ('.$this->title_adjust.')'); } $this->scale->ticks->Stroke($this->img,$this->scale,$pos); if( $aStrokeLabels ) { if( !$this->hide_labels ) $this->StrokeLabels($pos); $this->title->Stroke($this->img); } } //--------------- // PRIVATE METHODS // Draw all the tick labels on major tick marks function StrokeLabels($aPos,$aMinor=false,$aAbsLabel=false) { $this->img->SetColor($this->label_color); $this->img->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); $yoff=$this->img->GetFontHeight()/2; // Only draw labels at major tick marks $nbr = count($this->scale->ticks->maj_ticks_label); // We have the option to not-display the very first mark // (Usefull when the first label might interfere with another // axis.) $i = $this->show_first_label ? 0 : 1 ; if( !$this->show_last_label ) --$nbr; // Now run through all labels making sure we don't overshoot the end // of the scale. $ncolor=0; if( isset($this->ticks_label_colors) ) $ncolor=count($this->ticks_label_colors); while( $i<$nbr ) { // $tpos holds the absolute text position for the label $tpos=$this->scale->ticks->maj_ticklabels_pos[$i]; // Note. the $limit is only used for the x axis since we // might otherwise overshoot if the scale has been centered // This is due to us "loosing" the last tick mark if we center. if( $this->scale->type=="x" && $tpos > $this->img->width-$this->img->right_margin+1 ) { return; } // we only draw every $label_step label if( ($i % $this->label_step)==0 ) { // Set specific label color if specified if( $ncolor > 0 ) $this->img->SetColor($this->ticks_label_colors[$i % $ncolor]); // If the label has been specified use that and in other case // just label the mark with the actual scale value $m=$this->scale->ticks->GetMajor(); // ticks_label has an entry for each data point and is the array // that holds the labels set by the user. If the user hasn't // specified any values we use whats in the automatically asigned // labels in the maj_ticks_label if( isset($this->ticks_label[$i*$m]) ) $label=$this->ticks_label[$i*$m]; else { if( $aAbsLabel ) $label=abs($this->scale->ticks->maj_ticks_label[$i]); else $label=$this->scale->ticks->maj_ticks_label[$i]; if( $this->scale->textscale && $this->scale->ticks->label_formfunc == '' ) { ++$label; } } if( $this->scale->type == "x" ) { if( $this->labelPos == SIDE_DOWN ) { if( $this->label_angle==0 || $this->label_angle==90 ) { if( $this->label_halign=='' && $this->label_valign=='') $this->img->SetTextAlign('center','top'); else $this->img->SetTextAlign($this->label_halign,$this->label_valign); } else { if( $this->label_halign=='' && $this->label_valign=='') $this->img->SetTextAlign("right","top"); else $this->img->SetTextAlign($this->label_halign,$this->label_valign); } $this->img->StrokeText($tpos,$aPos+$this->tick_label_margin+1,$label, $this->label_angle,$this->label_para_align); } else { if( $this->label_angle==0 || $this->label_angle==90 ) { if( $this->label_halign=='' && $this->label_valign=='') $this->img->SetTextAlign("center","bottom"); else $this->img->SetTextAlign($this->label_halign,$this->label_valign); } else { if( $this->label_halign=='' && $this->label_valign=='') $this->img->SetTextAlign("right","bottom"); else $this->img->SetTextAlign($this->label_halign,$this->label_valign); } $this->img->StrokeText($tpos,$aPos-$this->tick_label_margin-1,$label, $this->label_angle,$this->label_para_align); } } else { // scale->type == "y" //if( $this->label_angle!=0 ) //JpGraphError::Raise(" Labels at an angle are not supported on Y-axis"); if( $this->labelPos == SIDE_LEFT ) { // To the left of y-axis if( $this->label_halign=='' && $this->label_valign=='') $this->img->SetTextAlign("right","center"); else $this->img->SetTextAlign($this->label_halign,$this->label_valign); $this->img->StrokeText($aPos-$this->tick_label_margin,$tpos,$label,$this->label_angle,$this->label_para_align); } else { // To the right of the y-axis if( $this->label_halign=='' && $this->label_valign=='') $this->img->SetTextAlign("left","center"); else $this->img->SetTextAlign($this->label_halign,$this->label_valign); $this->img->StrokeText($aPos+$this->tick_label_margin,$tpos,$label,$this->label_angle,$this->label_para_align); } } } ++$i; } } } //=================================================== // CLASS Ticks // Description: Abstract base class for drawing linear and logarithmic // tick marks on axis //=================================================== class Ticks { public $label_formatstr=''; // C-style format string to use for labels public $label_formfunc=''; public $direction=1; // Should ticks be in(=1) the plot area or outside (=-1) public $supress_last=false,$supress_tickmarks=false,$supress_minor_tickmarks=false; protected $minor_abs_size=3, $major_abs_size=5; protected $scale; protected $is_set=false; protected $precision; protected $supress_zerolabel=false,$supress_first=false; protected $mincolor="",$majcolor=""; protected $weight=1; protected $label_dateformatstr=''; protected $label_usedateformat=FALSE; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function Ticks($aScale) { $this->scale=$aScale; $this->precision = -1; } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS // Set format string for automatic labels function SetLabelFormat($aFormatString,$aDate=FALSE) { $this->label_formatstr=$aFormatString; $this->label_usedateformat=$aDate; } function SetLabelDateFormat($aFormatString) { $this->label_dateformatstr=$aFormatString; } function SetFormatCallback($aCallbackFuncName) { $this->label_formfunc = $aCallbackFuncName; } // Don't display the first zero label function SupressZeroLabel($aFlag=true) { $this->supress_zerolabel=$aFlag; } // Don't display minor tick marks function SupressMinorTickMarks($aHide=true) { $this->supress_minor_tickmarks=$aHide; } // Don't display major tick marks function SupressTickMarks($aHide=true) { $this->supress_tickmarks=$aHide; } // Hide the first tick mark function SupressFirst($aHide=true) { $this->supress_first=$aHide; } // Hide the last tick mark function SupressLast($aHide=true) { $this->supress_last=$aHide; } // Size (in pixels) of minor tick marks function GetMinTickAbsSize() { return $this->minor_abs_size; } // Size (in pixels) of major tick marks function GetMajTickAbsSize() { return $this->major_abs_size; } function SetSize($aMajSize,$aMinSize=3) { $this->major_abs_size = $aMajSize; $this->minor_abs_size = $aMinSize; } // Have the ticks been specified function IsSpecified() { return $this->is_set; } // Specify number of decimals in automatic labels // Deprecated from 1.4. Use SetFormatString() instead function SetPrecision($aPrecision) { if( ERR_DEPRECATED ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25063);//('Ticks::SetPrecision() is deprecated. Use Ticks::SetLabelFormat() (or Ticks::SetFormatCallback()) instead'); $this->precision=$aPrecision; } function SetSide($aSide) { $this->direction=$aSide; } // Which side of the axis should the ticks be on function SetDirection($aSide=SIDE_RIGHT) { $this->direction=$aSide; } // Set colors for major and minor tick marks function SetMarkColor($aMajorColor,$aMinorColor="") { $this->SetColor($aMajorColor,$aMinorColor); } function SetColor($aMajorColor,$aMinorColor="") { $this->majcolor=$aMajorColor; // If not specified use same as major if( $aMinorColor=="" ) $this->mincolor=$aMajorColor; else $this->mincolor=$aMinorColor; } function SetWeight($aWeight) { $this->weight=$aWeight; } } // Class //=================================================== // CLASS LinearTicks // Description: Draw linear ticks on axis //=================================================== class LinearTicks extends Ticks { public $minor_step=1, $major_step=2; public $xlabel_offset=0,$xtick_offset=0; public $maj_ticks_pos = array(), $maj_ticklabels_pos = array(), $ticks_pos = array(), $maj_ticks_label = array(); private $label_offset=0; // What offset should the displayed label have // i.e should we display 0,1,2 or 1,2,3,4 or 2,3,4 etc private $text_label_start=0; private $iManualTickPos = NULL, $iManualMinTickPos = NULL, $iManualTickLabels = NULL; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function LinearTicks() { $this->precision = -1; } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS // Return major step size in world coordinates function GetMajor() { return $this->major_step; } // Return minor step size in world coordinates function GetMinor() { return $this->minor_step; } // Set Minor and Major ticks (in world coordinates) function Set($aMajStep,$aMinStep=false) { if( $aMinStep==false ) $aMinStep=$aMajStep; if( $aMajStep <= 0 || $aMinStep <= 0 ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25064); //(" Minor or major step size is 0. Check that you haven't got an accidental SetTextTicks(0) in your code. If this is not the case you might have stumbled upon a bug in JpGraph. Please report this and if possible include the data that caused the problem."); } $this->major_step=$aMajStep; $this->minor_step=$aMinStep; $this->is_set = true; } function SetMajTickPositions($aMajPos,$aLabels=NULL) { $this->SetTickPositions($aMajPos,NULL,$aLabels); } function SetTickPositions($aMajPos,$aMinPos=NULL,$aLabels=NULL) { if( !is_array($aMajPos) || ($aMinPos!==NULL && !is_array($aMinPos)) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25065);//('Tick positions must be specifued as an array()'); return; } $n=count($aMajPos); if( is_array($aLabels) && (count($aLabels) != $n) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25066);//('When manually specifying tick positions and labels the number of labels must be the same as the number of specified ticks.'); return; } $this->iManualTickPos = $aMajPos; $this->iManualMinTickPos = $aMinPos; $this->iManualTickLabels = $aLabels; } // Specify all the tick positions manually and possible also the exact labels function _doManualTickPos($aScale) { $n=count($this->iManualTickPos); $m=count($this->iManualMinTickPos); $doLbl=count($this->iManualTickLabels) > 0; $this->use_manualtickpos=true; $this->maj_ticks_pos = array(); $this->maj_ticklabels_pos = array(); $this->ticks_pos = array(); // Now loop through the supplied positions and translate them to screen coordinates // and store them in the maj_label_positions $minScale = $aScale->scale[0]; $maxScale = $aScale->scale[1]; $j=0; for($i=0; $i < $n ; ++$i ) { // First make sure that the first tick is not lower than the lower scale value if( !isset($this->iManualTickPos[$i]) || $this->iManualTickPos[$i] < $minScale || $this->iManualTickPos[$i] > $maxScale) { continue; } $this->maj_ticks_pos[$j] = $aScale->Translate($this->iManualTickPos[$i]); $this->maj_ticklabels_pos[$j] = $this->maj_ticks_pos[$j]; // Set the minor tick marks the same as major if not specified if( $m <= 0 ) { $this->ticks_pos[$j] = $this->maj_ticks_pos[$j]; } if( $doLbl ) { $this->maj_ticks_label[$j] = $this->iManualTickLabels[$i]; } else { $this->maj_ticks_label[$j]=$this->_doLabelFormat($this->iManualTickPos[$i],$i,$n); } ++$j; } // Some sanity check if( count($this->maj_ticks_pos) < 2 ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25067);//('Your manually specified scale and ticks is not correct. The scale seems to be too small to hold any of the specified tickl marks.'); } // Setup the minor tick marks $j=0; for($i=0; $i < $m; ++$i ) { if( empty($this->iManualMinTickPos[$i]) || $this->iManualMinTickPos[$i] < $minScale || $this->iManualMinTickPos[$i] > $maxScale) continue; $this->ticks_pos[$j] = $aScale->Translate($this->iManualMinTickPos[$i]); ++$j; } } function _doAutoTickPos($aScale) { $maj_step_abs = $aScale->scale_factor*$this->major_step; $min_step_abs = $aScale->scale_factor*$this->minor_step; if( $min_step_abs==0 || $maj_step_abs==0 ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25068);//("A plot has an illegal scale. This could for example be that you are trying to use text autoscaling to draw a line plot with only one point or that the plot area is too small. It could also be that no input data value is numeric (perhaps only '-' or 'x')"); } // We need to make this an int since comparing it below // with the result from round() can give wrong result, such that // (40 < 40) == TRUE !!! $limit = (int)$aScale->scale_abs[1]; if( $aScale->textscale ) { // This can only be true for a X-scale (horizontal) // Define ticks for a text scale. This is slightly different from a // normal linear type of scale since the position might be adjusted // and the labels start at on $label = (float)$aScale->GetMinVal()+$this->text_label_start+$this->label_offset; $start_abs=$aScale->scale_factor*$this->text_label_start; $nbrmajticks=ceil(($aScale->GetMaxVal()-$aScale->GetMinVal()-$this->text_label_start )/$this->major_step)+1; $x = $aScale->scale_abs[0]+$start_abs+$this->xlabel_offset*$min_step_abs; for( $i=0; $label <= $aScale->GetMaxVal()+$this->label_offset; ++$i ) { // Apply format to label $this->maj_ticks_label[$i]=$this->_doLabelFormat($label,$i,$nbrmajticks); $label+=$this->major_step; // The x-position of the tick marks can be different from the labels. // Note that we record the tick position (not the label) so that the grid // happen upon tick marks and not labels. $xtick=$aScale->scale_abs[0]+$start_abs+$this->xtick_offset*$min_step_abs+$i*$maj_step_abs; $this->maj_ticks_pos[$i]=$xtick; $this->maj_ticklabels_pos[$i] = round($x); $x += $maj_step_abs; } } else { $label = $aScale->GetMinVal(); $abs_pos = $aScale->scale_abs[0]; $j=0; $i=0; $step = round($maj_step_abs/$min_step_abs); if( $aScale->type == "x" ) { // For a normal linear type of scale the major ticks will always be multiples // of the minor ticks. In order to avoid any rounding issues the major ticks are // defined as every "step" minor ticks and not calculated separately $nbrmajticks=ceil(($aScale->GetMaxVal()-$aScale->GetMinVal()-$this->text_label_start )/$this->major_step)+1; while( round($abs_pos) <= $limit ) { $this->ticks_pos[] = round($abs_pos); $this->ticks_label[] = $label; if( $i % $step == 0 && $j < $nbrmajticks ) { $this->maj_ticks_pos[$j] = round($abs_pos); $this->maj_ticklabels_pos[$j] = round($abs_pos); $this->maj_ticks_label[$j]=$this->_doLabelFormat($label,$j,$nbrmajticks); ++$j; } ++$i; $abs_pos += $min_step_abs; $label+=$this->minor_step; } } elseif( $aScale->type == "y" ) { $nbrmajticks=floor(($aScale->GetMaxVal()-$aScale->GetMinVal())/$this->major_step)+1; while( round($abs_pos) >= $limit ) { $this->ticks_pos[$i] = round($abs_pos); $this->ticks_label[$i]=$label; if( $i % $step == 0 && $j < $nbrmajticks) { $this->maj_ticks_pos[$j] = round($abs_pos); $this->maj_ticklabels_pos[$j] = round($abs_pos); $this->maj_ticks_label[$j]=$this->_doLabelFormat($label,$j,$nbrmajticks); ++$j; } ++$i; $abs_pos += $min_step_abs; $label += $this->minor_step; } } } } function _doLabelFormat($aVal,$aIdx,$aNbrTicks) { // If precision hasn't been specified set it to a sensible value if( $this->precision==-1 ) { $t = log10($this->minor_step); if( $t > 0 ) $precision = 0; else $precision = -floor($t); } else $precision = $this->precision; if( $this->label_formfunc != '' ) { $f=$this->label_formfunc; $l = call_user_func($f,$aVal); } elseif( $this->label_formatstr != '' || $this->label_dateformatstr != '' ) { if( $this->label_usedateformat ) { // Adjust the value to take daylight savings into account if (date("I",$aVal)==1) // DST $aVal+=3600; $l = date($this->label_formatstr,$aVal); if( $this->label_formatstr == 'W' ) { // If we use week formatting then add a single 'w' in front of the // week number to differentiate it from dates $l = 'w'.$l; } } else { if( $this->label_dateformatstr !== '' ) { // Adjust the value to take daylight savings into account if (date("I",$aVal)==1) // DST $aVal+=3600; $l = date($this->label_dateformatstr,$aVal); if( $this->label_formatstr == 'W' ) { // If we use week formatting then add a single 'w' in front of the // week number to differentiate it from dates $l = 'w'.$l; } } else $l = sprintf($this->label_formatstr,$aVal); } } else { $l = sprintf('%01.'.$precision.'f',round($aVal,$precision)); } if( ($this->supress_zerolabel && $l==0) || ($this->supress_first && $aIdx==0) || ($this->supress_last && $aIdx==$aNbrTicks-1) ) { $l=''; } return $l; } // Stroke ticks on either X or Y axis function _StrokeTicks($aImg,$aScale,$aPos) { $hor = $aScale->type == 'x'; $aImg->SetLineWeight($this->weight); // We need to make this an int since comparing it below // with the result from round() can give wrong result, such that // (40 < 40) == TRUE !!! $limit = (int)$aScale->scale_abs[1]; // A text scale doesn't have any minor ticks if( !$aScale->textscale ) { // Stroke minor ticks $yu = $aPos - $this->direction*$this->GetMinTickAbsSize(); $xr = $aPos + $this->direction*$this->GetMinTickAbsSize(); $n = count($this->ticks_pos); for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { if( !$this->supress_tickmarks && !$this->supress_minor_tickmarks) { if( $this->mincolor!="" ) $aImg->PushColor($this->mincolor); if( $hor ) { //if( $this->ticks_pos[$i] <= $limit ) $aImg->Line($this->ticks_pos[$i],$aPos,$this->ticks_pos[$i],$yu); } else { //if( $this->ticks_pos[$i] >= $limit ) $aImg->Line($aPos,$this->ticks_pos[$i],$xr,$this->ticks_pos[$i]); } if( $this->mincolor!="" ) $aImg->PopColor(); } } } // Stroke major ticks $yu = $aPos - $this->direction*$this->GetMajTickAbsSize(); $xr = $aPos + $this->direction*$this->GetMajTickAbsSize(); $nbrmajticks=ceil(($aScale->GetMaxVal()-$aScale->GetMinVal()-$this->text_label_start )/$this->major_step)+1; $n = count($this->maj_ticks_pos); for($i=0; $i < $n ; ++$i ) { if(!($this->xtick_offset > 0 && $i==$nbrmajticks-1) && !$this->supress_tickmarks) { if( $this->majcolor!="" ) $aImg->PushColor($this->majcolor); if( $hor ) { //if( $this->maj_ticks_pos[$i] <= $limit ) $aImg->Line($this->maj_ticks_pos[$i],$aPos,$this->maj_ticks_pos[$i],$yu); } else { //if( $this->maj_ticks_pos[$i] >= $limit ) $aImg->Line($aPos,$this->maj_ticks_pos[$i],$xr,$this->maj_ticks_pos[$i]); } if( $this->majcolor!="" ) $aImg->PopColor(); } } } // Draw linear ticks function Stroke($aImg,$aScale,$aPos) { if( $this->iManualTickPos != NULL ) $this->_doManualTickPos($aScale); else $this->_doAutoTickPos($aScale); $this->_StrokeTicks($aImg,$aScale,$aPos, $aScale->type == 'x' ); } //--------------- // PRIVATE METHODS // Spoecify the offset of the displayed tick mark with the tick "space" // Legal values for $o is [0,1] used to adjust where the tick marks and label // should be positioned within the major tick-size // $lo specifies the label offset and $to specifies the tick offset // this comes in handy for example in bar graphs where we wont no offset for the // tick but have the labels displayed halfway under the bars. function SetXLabelOffset($aLabelOff,$aTickOff=-1) { $this->xlabel_offset=$aLabelOff; if( $aTickOff==-1 ) // Same as label offset $this->xtick_offset=$aLabelOff; else $this->xtick_offset=$aTickOff; if( $aLabelOff>0 ) $this->SupressLast(); // The last tick wont fit } // Which tick label should we start with? function SetTextLabelStart($aTextLabelOff) { $this->text_label_start=$aTextLabelOff; } } // Class //=================================================== // CLASS LinearScale // Description: Handle linear scaling between screen and world //=================================================== class LinearScale { public $textscale=false; // Just a flag to let the Plot class find out if // we are a textscale or not. This is a cludge since // this ionformatyion is availabale in Graph::axtype but // we don't have access to the graph object in the Plots // stroke method. So we let graph store the status here // when the linear scale is created. A real cludge... public $type; // is this x or y scale ? public $ticks=null; // Store ticks public $text_scale_off = 0; public $scale_abs=array(0,0); public $scale_factor; // Scale factor between world and screen public $off; // Offset between image edge and plot area public $scale=array(0,0); public $name = 'lin'; public $auto_ticks=false; // When using manual scale should the ticks be automatically set? public $world_abs_size; // Plot area size in pixels (Needed public in jpgraph_radar.php) private $world_size; // Plot area size in world coordinates private $autoscale_min=false; // Forced minimum value, auto determine max private $autoscale_max=false; // Forced maximum value, auto determine min private $gracetop=0,$gracebottom=0; private $intscale=false; // Restrict autoscale to integers //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function LinearScale($aMin=0,$aMax=0,$aType="y") { assert($aType=="x" || $aType=="y" ); assert($aMin<=$aMax); $this->type=$aType; $this->scale=array($aMin,$aMax); $this->world_size=$aMax-$aMin; $this->ticks = new LinearTicks(); } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS // Check if scale is set or if we should autoscale // We should do this is either scale or ticks has not been set function IsSpecified() { if( $this->GetMinVal()==$this->GetMaxVal() ) { // Scale not set return false; } return true; } // Set the minimum data value when the autoscaling is used. // Usefull if you want a fix minimum (like 0) but have an // automatic maximum function SetAutoMin($aMin) { $this->autoscale_min=$aMin; } // Set the minimum data value when the autoscaling is used. // Usefull if you want a fix minimum (like 0) but have an // automatic maximum function SetAutoMax($aMax) { $this->autoscale_max=$aMax; } // If the user manually specifies a scale should the ticks // still be set automatically? function SetAutoTicks($aFlag=true) { $this->auto_ticks = $aFlag; } // Specify scale "grace" value (top and bottom) function SetGrace($aGraceTop,$aGraceBottom=0) { if( $aGraceTop<0 || $aGraceBottom < 0 ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25069);//(" Grace must be larger then 0"); $this->gracetop=$aGraceTop; $this->gracebottom=$aGraceBottom; } // Get the minimum value in the scale function GetMinVal() { return $this->scale[0]; } // get maximum value for scale function GetMaxVal() { return $this->scale[1]; } // Specify a new min/max value for sclae function Update($aImg,$aMin,$aMax) { $this->scale=array($aMin,$aMax); $this->world_size=$aMax-$aMin; $this->InitConstants($aImg); } // Translate between world and screen function Translate($aCoord) { if( !is_numeric($aCoord) ) { if( $aCoord != '' && $aCoord != '-' && $aCoord != 'x' ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25070);//('Your data contains non-numeric values.'); return 0; } else { return $this->off+($aCoord - $this->scale[0]) * $this->scale_factor; } } // Relative translate (don't include offset) usefull when we just want // to know the relative position (in pixels) on the axis function RelTranslate($aCoord) { if( !is_numeric($aCoord) ) { if( $aCoord != '' && $aCoord != '-' && $aCoord != 'x' ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25070);//('Your data contains non-numeric values.'); return 0; } else { return ($aCoord - $this->scale[0]) * $this->scale_factor; } } // Restrict autoscaling to only use integers function SetIntScale($aIntScale=true) { $this->intscale=$aIntScale; } // Calculate an integer autoscale function IntAutoScale($img,$min,$max,$maxsteps,$majend=true) { // Make sure limits are integers $min=floor($min); $max=ceil($max); if( abs($min-$max)==0 ) { --$min; ++$max; } $maxsteps = floor($maxsteps); $gracetop=round(($this->gracetop/100.0)*abs($max-$min)); $gracebottom=round(($this->gracebottom/100.0)*abs($max-$min)); if( is_numeric($this->autoscale_min) ) { $min = ceil($this->autoscale_min); if( $min >= $max ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25071);//('You have specified a min value with SetAutoMin() which is larger than the maximum value used for the scale. This is not possible.'); } } if( is_numeric($this->autoscale_max) ) { $max = ceil($this->autoscale_max); if( $min >= $max ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25072);//('You have specified a max value with SetAutoMax() which is smaller than the miminum value used for the scale. This is not possible.'); } } if( abs($min-$max ) == 0 ) { ++$max; --$min; } $min -= $gracebottom; $max += $gracetop; // First get tickmarks as multiples of 1, 10, ... if( $majend ) { list($num1steps,$adj1min,$adj1max,$maj1step) = $this->IntCalcTicks($maxsteps,$min,$max,1); } else { $adj1min = $min; $adj1max = $max; list($num1steps,$maj1step) = $this->IntCalcTicksFreeze($maxsteps,$min,$max,1); } if( abs($min-$max) > 2 ) { // Then get tick marks as 2:s 2, 20, ... if( $majend ) { list($num2steps,$adj2min,$adj2max,$maj2step) = $this->IntCalcTicks($maxsteps,$min,$max,5); } else { $adj2min = $min; $adj2max = $max; list($num2steps,$maj2step) = $this->IntCalcTicksFreeze($maxsteps,$min,$max,5); } } else { $num2steps = 10000; // Dummy high value so we don't choose this } if( abs($min-$max) > 5 ) { // Then get tickmarks as 5:s 5, 50, 500, ... if( $majend ) { list($num5steps,$adj5min,$adj5max,$maj5step) = $this->IntCalcTicks($maxsteps,$min,$max,2); } else { $adj5min = $min; $adj5max = $max; list($num5steps,$maj5step) = $this->IntCalcTicksFreeze($maxsteps,$min,$max,2); } } else { $num5steps = 10000; // Dummy high value so we don't choose this } // Check to see whichof 1:s, 2:s or 5:s fit better with // the requested number of major ticks $match1=abs($num1steps-$maxsteps); $match2=abs($num2steps-$maxsteps); if( !empty($maj5step) && $maj5step > 1 ) $match5=abs($num5steps-$maxsteps); else $match5=10000; // Dummy high value // Compare these three values and see which is the closest match // We use a 0.6 weight to gravitate towards multiple of 5:s if( $match1 < $match2 ) { if( $match1 < $match5 ) $r=1; else $r=3; } else { if( $match2 < $match5 ) $r=2; else $r=3; } // Minsteps are always the same as maxsteps for integer scale switch( $r ) { case 1: $this->ticks->Set($maj1step,$maj1step); $this->Update($img,$adj1min,$adj1max); break; case 2: $this->ticks->Set($maj2step,$maj2step); $this->Update($img,$adj2min,$adj2max); break; case 3: $this->ticks->Set($maj5step,$maj5step); $this->Update($img,$adj5min,$adj5max); break; default: JpGraphError::RaiseL(25073,$r);//('Internal error. Integer scale algorithm comparison out of bound (r=$r)'); } } // Calculate autoscale. Used if user hasn't given a scale and ticks // $maxsteps is the maximum number of major tickmarks allowed. function AutoScale($img,$min,$max,$maxsteps,$majend=true) { if( $this->intscale ) { $this->IntAutoScale($img,$min,$max,$maxsteps,$majend); return; } if( abs($min-$max) < 0.00001 ) { // We need some difference to be able to autoscale // make it 5% above and 5% below value if( $min==0 && $max==0 ) { // Special case $min=-1; $max=1; } else { $delta = (abs($max)+abs($min))*0.005; $min -= $delta; $max += $delta; } } $gracetop=($this->gracetop/100.0)*abs($max-$min); $gracebottom=($this->gracebottom/100.0)*abs($max-$min); if( is_numeric($this->autoscale_min) ) { $min = $this->autoscale_min; if( $min >= $max ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25071);//('You have specified a min value with SetAutoMin() which is larger than the maximum value used for the scale. This is not possible.'); } if( abs($min-$max ) < 0.00001 ) $max *= 1.2; } if( is_numeric($this->autoscale_max) ) { $max = $this->autoscale_max; if( $min >= $max ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25072);//('You have specified a max value with SetAutoMax() which is smaller than the miminum value used for the scale. This is not possible.'); } if( abs($min-$max ) < 0.00001 ) $min *= 0.8; } $min -= $gracebottom; $max += $gracetop; // First get tickmarks as multiples of 0.1, 1, 10, ... if( $majend ) { list($num1steps,$adj1min,$adj1max,$min1step,$maj1step) = $this->CalcTicks($maxsteps,$min,$max,1,2); } else { $adj1min=$min; $adj1max=$max; list($num1steps,$min1step,$maj1step) = $this->CalcTicksFreeze($maxsteps,$min,$max,1,2,false); } // Then get tick marks as 2:s 0.2, 2, 20, ... if( $majend ) { list($num2steps,$adj2min,$adj2max,$min2step,$maj2step) = $this->CalcTicks($maxsteps,$min,$max,5,2); } else { $adj2min=$min; $adj2max=$max; list($num2steps,$min2step,$maj2step) = $this->CalcTicksFreeze($maxsteps,$min,$max,5,2,false); } // Then get tickmarks as 5:s 0.05, 0.5, 5, 50, ... if( $majend ) { list($num5steps,$adj5min,$adj5max,$min5step,$maj5step) = $this->CalcTicks($maxsteps,$min,$max,2,5); } else { $adj5min=$min; $adj5max=$max; list($num5steps,$min5step,$maj5step) = $this->CalcTicksFreeze($maxsteps,$min,$max,2,5,false); } // Check to see whichof 1:s, 2:s or 5:s fit better with // the requested number of major ticks $match1=abs($num1steps-$maxsteps); $match2=abs($num2steps-$maxsteps); $match5=abs($num5steps-$maxsteps); // Compare these three values and see which is the closest match // We use a 0.8 weight to gravitate towards multiple of 5:s $r=$this->MatchMin3($match1,$match2,$match5,0.8); switch( $r ) { case 1: $this->Update($img,$adj1min,$adj1max); $this->ticks->Set($maj1step,$min1step); break; case 2: $this->Update($img,$adj2min,$adj2max); $this->ticks->Set($maj2step,$min2step); break; case 3: $this->Update($img,$adj5min,$adj5max); $this->ticks->Set($maj5step,$min5step); break; } } //--------------- // PRIVATE METHODS // This method recalculates all constants that are depending on the // margins in the image. If the margins in the image are changed // this method should be called for every scale that is registred with // that image. Should really be installed as an observer of that image. function InitConstants($img) { if( $this->type=="x" ) { $this->world_abs_size=$img->width - $img->left_margin - $img->right_margin; $this->off=$img->left_margin; $this->scale_factor = 0; if( $this->world_size > 0 ) $this->scale_factor=$this->world_abs_size/($this->world_size*1.0); } else { // y scale $this->world_abs_size=$img->height - $img->top_margin - $img->bottom_margin; $this->off=$img->top_margin+$this->world_abs_size; $this->scale_factor = 0; if( $this->world_size > 0 ) $this->scale_factor=-$this->world_abs_size/($this->world_size*1.0); } $size = $this->world_size * $this->scale_factor; $this->scale_abs=array($this->off,$this->off + $size); } // Initialize the conversion constants for this scale // This tries to pre-calculate as much as possible to speed up the // actual conversion (with Translate()) later on // $start =scale start in absolute pixels (for x-scale this is an y-position // and for an y-scale this is an x-position // $len =absolute length in pixels of scale function SetConstants($aStart,$aLen) { $this->world_abs_size=$aLen; $this->off=$aStart; if( $this->world_size<=0 ) { // This should never ever happen !! JpGraphError::RaiseL(25074); //("You have unfortunately stumbled upon a bug in JpGraph. It seems like the scale range is ".$this->world_size." [for ".$this->type." scale]
Please report Bug #01 to and include the script that gave this error. This problem could potentially be caused by trying to use \"illegal\" values in the input data arrays (like trying to send in strings or only NULL values) which causes the autoscaling to fail."); } // scale_factor = number of pixels per world unit $this->scale_factor=$this->world_abs_size/($this->world_size*1.0); // scale_abs = start and end points of scale in absolute pixels $this->scale_abs=array($this->off,$this->off+$this->world_size*$this->scale_factor); } // Calculate number of ticks steps with a specific division // $a is the divisor of 10**x to generate the first maj tick intervall // $a=1, $b=2 give major ticks with multiple of 10, ...,0.1,1,10,... // $a=5, $b=2 give major ticks with multiple of 2:s ...,0.2,2,20,... // $a=2, $b=5 give major ticks with multiple of 5:s ...,0.5,5,50,... // We return a vector of // [$numsteps,$adjmin,$adjmax,$minstep,$majstep] // If $majend==true then the first and last marks on the axis will be major // labeled tick marks otherwise it will be adjusted to the closest min tick mark function CalcTicks($maxsteps,$min,$max,$a,$b,$majend=true) { $diff=$max-$min; if( $diff==0 ) $ld=0; else $ld=floor(log10($diff)); // Gravitate min towards zero if we are close if( $min>0 && $min < pow(10,$ld) ) $min=0; //$majstep=pow(10,$ld-1)/$a; $majstep=pow(10,$ld)/$a; $minstep=$majstep/$b; $adjmax=ceil($max/$minstep)*$minstep; $adjmin=floor($min/$minstep)*$minstep; $adjdiff = $adjmax-$adjmin; $numsteps=$adjdiff/$majstep; while( $numsteps>$maxsteps ) { $majstep=pow(10,$ld)/$a; $numsteps=$adjdiff/$majstep; ++$ld; } $minstep=$majstep/$b; $adjmin=floor($min/$minstep)*$minstep; $adjdiff = $adjmax-$adjmin; if( $majend ) { $adjmin = floor($min/$majstep)*$majstep; $adjdiff = $adjmax-$adjmin; $adjmax = ceil($adjdiff/$majstep)*$majstep+$adjmin; } else $adjmax=ceil($max/$minstep)*$minstep; return array($numsteps,$adjmin,$adjmax,$minstep,$majstep); } function CalcTicksFreeze($maxsteps,$min,$max,$a,$b) { // Same as CalcTicks but don't adjust min/max values $diff=$max-$min; if( $diff==0 ) $ld=0; else $ld=floor(log10($diff)); //$majstep=pow(10,$ld-1)/$a; $majstep=pow(10,$ld)/$a; $minstep=$majstep/$b; $numsteps=floor($diff/$majstep); while( $numsteps > $maxsteps ) { $majstep=pow(10,$ld)/$a; $numsteps=floor($diff/$majstep); ++$ld; } $minstep=$majstep/$b; return array($numsteps,$minstep,$majstep); } function IntCalcTicks($maxsteps,$min,$max,$a,$majend=true) { $diff=$max-$min; if( $diff==0 ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25075);//('Can\'t automatically determine ticks since min==max.'); else $ld=floor(log10($diff)); // Gravitate min towards zero if we are close if( $min>0 && $min < pow(10,$ld) ) $min=0; if( $ld == 0 ) $ld=1; if( $a == 1 ) $majstep = 1; else $majstep=pow(10,$ld)/$a; $adjmax=ceil($max/$majstep)*$majstep; $adjmin=floor($min/$majstep)*$majstep; $adjdiff = $adjmax-$adjmin; $numsteps=$adjdiff/$majstep; while( $numsteps>$maxsteps ) { $majstep=pow(10,$ld)/$a; $numsteps=$adjdiff/$majstep; ++$ld; } $adjmin=floor($min/$majstep)*$majstep; $adjdiff = $adjmax-$adjmin; if( $majend ) { $adjmin = floor($min/$majstep)*$majstep; $adjdiff = $adjmax-$adjmin; $adjmax = ceil($adjdiff/$majstep)*$majstep+$adjmin; } else $adjmax=ceil($max/$majstep)*$majstep; return array($numsteps,$adjmin,$adjmax,$majstep); } function IntCalcTicksFreeze($maxsteps,$min,$max,$a) { // Same as IntCalcTick but don't change min/max values $diff=$max-$min; if( $diff==0 ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25075);//('Can\'t automatically determine ticks since min==max.'); else $ld=floor(log10($diff)); if( $ld == 0 ) $ld=1; if( $a == 1 ) $majstep = 1; else $majstep=pow(10,$ld)/$a; $numsteps=floor($diff/$majstep); while( $numsteps > $maxsteps ) { $majstep=pow(10,$ld)/$a; $numsteps=floor($diff/$majstep); ++$ld; } return array($numsteps,$majstep); } // Determine the minimum of three values witha weight for last value function MatchMin3($a,$b,$c,$weight) { if( $a < $b ) { if( $a < ($c*$weight) ) return 1; // $a smallest else return 3; // $c smallest } elseif( $b < ($c*$weight) ) return 2; // $b smallest return 3; // $c smallest } } // Class //=================================================== // CLASS RGB // Description: Color definitions as RGB triples //=================================================== class RGB { public $rgb_table; public $img; function RGB($aImg=null) { $this->img = $aImg; // Conversion array between color names and RGB $this->rgb_table = array( "aqua"=> array(0,255,255), "lime"=> array(0,255,0), "teal"=> array(0,128,128), "whitesmoke"=>array(245,245,245), "gainsboro"=>array(220,220,220), "oldlace"=>array(253,245,230), "linen"=>array(250,240,230), "antiquewhite"=>array(250,235,215), "papayawhip"=>array(255,239,213), "blanchedalmond"=>array(255,235,205), "bisque"=>array(255,228,196), "peachpuff"=>array(255,218,185), "navajowhite"=>array(255,222,173), "moccasin"=>array(255,228,181), "cornsilk"=>array(255,248,220), "ivory"=>array(255,255,240), "lemonchiffon"=>array(255,250,205), "seashell"=>array(255,245,238), "mintcream"=>array(245,255,250), "azure"=>array(240,255,255), "aliceblue"=>array(240,248,255), "lavender"=>array(230,230,250), "lavenderblush"=>array(255,240,245), "mistyrose"=>array(255,228,225), "white"=>array(255,255,255), "black"=>array(0,0,0), "darkslategray"=>array(47,79,79), "dimgray"=>array(105,105,105), "slategray"=>array(112,128,144), "lightslategray"=>array(119,136,153), "gray"=>array(190,190,190), "lightgray"=>array(211,211,211), "midnightblue"=>array(25,25,112), "navy"=>array(0,0,128), "cornflowerblue"=>array(100,149,237), "darkslateblue"=>array(72,61,139), "slateblue"=>array(106,90,205), "mediumslateblue"=>array(123,104,238), "lightslateblue"=>array(132,112,255), "mediumblue"=>array(0,0,205), "royalblue"=>array(65,105,225), "blue"=>array(0,0,255), "dodgerblue"=>array(30,144,255), "deepskyblue"=>array(0,191,255), "skyblue"=>array(135,206,235), "lightskyblue"=>array(135,206,250), "steelblue"=>array(70,130,180), "lightred"=>array(211,167,168), "lightsteelblue"=>array(176,196,222), "lightblue"=>array(173,216,230), "powderblue"=>array(176,224,230), "paleturquoise"=>array(175,238,238), "darkturquoise"=>array(0,206,209), "mediumturquoise"=>array(72,209,204), "turquoise"=>array(64,224,208), "cyan"=>array(0,255,255), "lightcyan"=>array(224,255,255), "cadetblue"=>array(95,158,160), "mediumaquamarine"=>array(102,205,170), "aquamarine"=>array(127,255,212), "darkgreen"=>array(0,100,0), "darkolivegreen"=>array(85,107,47), "darkseagreen"=>array(143,188,143), "seagreen"=>array(46,139,87), "mediumseagreen"=>array(60,179,113), "lightseagreen"=>array(32,178,170), "palegreen"=>array(152,251,152), "springgreen"=>array(0,255,127), "lawngreen"=>array(124,252,0), "green"=>array(0,255,0), "chartreuse"=>array(127,255,0), "mediumspringgreen"=>array(0,250,154), "greenyellow"=>array(173,255,47), "limegreen"=>array(50,205,50), "yellowgreen"=>array(154,205,50), "forestgreen"=>array(34,139,34), "olivedrab"=>array(107,142,35), "darkkhaki"=>array(189,183,107), "khaki"=>array(240,230,140), "palegoldenrod"=>array(238,232,170), "lightgoldenrodyellow"=>array(250,250,210), "lightyellow"=>array(255,255,200), "yellow"=>array(255,255,0), "gold"=>array(255,215,0), "lightgoldenrod"=>array(238,221,130), "goldenrod"=>array(218,165,32), "darkgoldenrod"=>array(184,134,11), "rosybrown"=>array(188,143,143), "indianred"=>array(205,92,92), "saddlebrown"=>array(139,69,19), "sienna"=>array(160,82,45), "peru"=>array(205,133,63), "burlywood"=>array(222,184,135), "beige"=>array(245,245,220), "wheat"=>array(245,222,179), "sandybrown"=>array(244,164,96), "tan"=>array(210,180,140), "chocolate"=>array(210,105,30), "firebrick"=>array(178,34,34), "brown"=>array(165,42,42), "darksalmon"=>array(233,150,122), "salmon"=>array(250,128,114), "lightsalmon"=>array(255,160,122), "orange"=>array(255,165,0), "darkorange"=>array(255,140,0), "coral"=>array(255,127,80), "lightcoral"=>array(240,128,128), "tomato"=>array(255,99,71), "orangered"=>array(255,69,0), "red"=>array(255,0,0), "hotpink"=>array(255,105,180), "deeppink"=>array(255,20,147), "pink"=>array(255,192,203), "lightpink"=>array(255,182,193), "palevioletred"=>array(219,112,147), "maroon"=>array(176,48,96), "mediumvioletred"=>array(199,21,133), "violetred"=>array(208,32,144), "magenta"=>array(255,0,255), "violet"=>array(238,130,238), "plum"=>array(221,160,221), "orchid"=>array(218,112,214), "mediumorchid"=>array(186,85,211), "darkorchid"=>array(153,50,204), "darkviolet"=>array(148,0,211), "blueviolet"=>array(138,43,226), "purple"=>array(160,32,240), "mediumpurple"=>array(147,112,219), "thistle"=>array(216,191,216), "snow1"=>array(255,250,250), "snow2"=>array(238,233,233), "snow3"=>array(205,201,201), "snow4"=>array(139,137,137), "seashell1"=>array(255,245,238), "seashell2"=>array(238,229,222), "seashell3"=>array(205,197,191), "seashell4"=>array(139,134,130), "AntiqueWhite1"=>array(255,239,219), "AntiqueWhite2"=>array(238,223,204), "AntiqueWhite3"=>array(205,192,176), "AntiqueWhite4"=>array(139,131,120), "bisque1"=>array(255,228,196), "bisque2"=>array(238,213,183), "bisque3"=>array(205,183,158), "bisque4"=>array(139,125,107), "peachPuff1"=>array(255,218,185), "peachpuff2"=>array(238,203,173), "peachpuff3"=>array(205,175,149), "peachpuff4"=>array(139,119,101), "navajowhite1"=>array(255,222,173), "navajowhite2"=>array(238,207,161), "navajowhite3"=>array(205,179,139), "navajowhite4"=>array(139,121,94), "lemonchiffon1"=>array(255,250,205), "lemonchiffon2"=>array(238,233,191), "lemonchiffon3"=>array(205,201,165), "lemonchiffon4"=>array(139,137,112), "ivory1"=>array(255,255,240), "ivory2"=>array(238,238,224), "ivory3"=>array(205,205,193), "ivory4"=>array(139,139,131), "honeydew"=>array(193,205,193), "lavenderblush1"=>array(255,240,245), "lavenderblush2"=>array(238,224,229), "lavenderblush3"=>array(205,193,197), "lavenderblush4"=>array(139,131,134), "mistyrose1"=>array(255,228,225), "mistyrose2"=>array(238,213,210), "mistyrose3"=>array(205,183,181), "mistyrose4"=>array(139,125,123), "azure1"=>array(240,255,255), "azure2"=>array(224,238,238), "azure3"=>array(193,205,205), "azure4"=>array(131,139,139), "slateblue1"=>array(131,111,255), "slateblue2"=>array(122,103,238), "slateblue3"=>array(105,89,205), "slateblue4"=>array(71,60,139), "royalblue1"=>array(72,118,255), "royalblue2"=>array(67,110,238), "royalblue3"=>array(58,95,205), "royalblue4"=>array(39,64,139), "dodgerblue1"=>array(30,144,255), "dodgerblue2"=>array(28,134,238), "dodgerblue3"=>array(24,116,205), "dodgerblue4"=>array(16,78,139), "steelblue1"=>array(99,184,255), "steelblue2"=>array(92,172,238), "steelblue3"=>array(79,148,205), "steelblue4"=>array(54,100,139), "deepskyblue1"=>array(0,191,255), "deepskyblue2"=>array(0,178,238), "deepskyblue3"=>array(0,154,205), "deepskyblue4"=>array(0,104,139), "skyblue1"=>array(135,206,255), "skyblue2"=>array(126,192,238), "skyblue3"=>array(108,166,205), "skyblue4"=>array(74,112,139), "lightskyblue1"=>array(176,226,255), "lightskyblue2"=>array(164,211,238), "lightskyblue3"=>array(141,182,205), "lightskyblue4"=>array(96,123,139), "slategray1"=>array(198,226,255), "slategray2"=>array(185,211,238), "slategray3"=>array(159,182,205), "slategray4"=>array(108,123,139), "lightsteelblue1"=>array(202,225,255), "lightsteelblue2"=>array(188,210,238), "lightsteelblue3"=>array(162,181,205), "lightsteelblue4"=>array(110,123,139), "lightblue1"=>array(191,239,255), "lightblue2"=>array(178,223,238), "lightblue3"=>array(154,192,205), "lightblue4"=>array(104,131,139), "lightcyan1"=>array(224,255,255), "lightcyan2"=>array(209,238,238), "lightcyan3"=>array(180,205,205), "lightcyan4"=>array(122,139,139), "paleturquoise1"=>array(187,255,255), "paleturquoise2"=>array(174,238,238), "paleturquoise3"=>array(150,205,205), "paleturquoise4"=>array(102,139,139), "cadetblue1"=>array(152,245,255), "cadetblue2"=>array(142,229,238), "cadetblue3"=>array(122,197,205), "cadetblue4"=>array(83,134,139), "turquoise1"=>array(0,245,255), "turquoise2"=>array(0,229,238), "turquoise3"=>array(0,197,205), "turquoise4"=>array(0,134,139), "cyan1"=>array(0,255,255), "cyan2"=>array(0,238,238), "cyan3"=>array(0,205,205), "cyan4"=>array(0,139,139), "darkslategray1"=>array(151,255,255), "darkslategray2"=>array(141,238,238), "darkslategray3"=>array(121,205,205), "darkslategray4"=>array(82,139,139), "aquamarine1"=>array(127,255,212), "aquamarine2"=>array(118,238,198), "aquamarine3"=>array(102,205,170), "aquamarine4"=>array(69,139,116), "darkseagreen1"=>array(193,255,193), "darkseagreen2"=>array(180,238,180), "darkseagreen3"=>array(155,205,155), "darkseagreen4"=>array(105,139,105), "seagreen1"=>array(84,255,159), "seagreen2"=>array(78,238,148), "seagreen3"=>array(67,205,128), "seagreen4"=>array(46,139,87), "palegreen1"=>array(154,255,154), "palegreen2"=>array(144,238,144), "palegreen3"=>array(124,205,124), "palegreen4"=>array(84,139,84), "springgreen1"=>array(0,255,127), "springgreen2"=>array(0,238,118), "springgreen3"=>array(0,205,102), "springgreen4"=>array(0,139,69), "chartreuse1"=>array(127,255,0), "chartreuse2"=>array(118,238,0), "chartreuse3"=>array(102,205,0), "chartreuse4"=>array(69,139,0), "olivedrab1"=>array(192,255,62), "olivedrab2"=>array(179,238,58), "olivedrab3"=>array(154,205,50), "olivedrab4"=>array(105,139,34), "darkolivegreen1"=>array(202,255,112), "darkolivegreen2"=>array(188,238,104), "darkolivegreen3"=>array(162,205,90), "darkolivegreen4"=>array(110,139,61), "khaki1"=>array(255,246,143), "khaki2"=>array(238,230,133), "khaki3"=>array(205,198,115), "khaki4"=>array(139,134,78), "lightgoldenrod1"=>array(255,236,139), "lightgoldenrod2"=>array(238,220,130), "lightgoldenrod3"=>array(205,190,112), "lightgoldenrod4"=>array(139,129,76), "yellow1"=>array(255,255,0), "yellow2"=>array(238,238,0), "yellow3"=>array(205,205,0), "yellow4"=>array(139,139,0), "gold1"=>array(255,215,0), "gold2"=>array(238,201,0), "gold3"=>array(205,173,0), "gold4"=>array(139,117,0), "goldenrod1"=>array(255,193,37), "goldenrod2"=>array(238,180,34), "goldenrod3"=>array(205,155,29), "goldenrod4"=>array(139,105,20), "darkgoldenrod1"=>array(255,185,15), "darkgoldenrod2"=>array(238,173,14), "darkgoldenrod3"=>array(205,149,12), "darkgoldenrod4"=>array(139,101,8), "rosybrown1"=>array(255,193,193), "rosybrown2"=>array(238,180,180), "rosybrown3"=>array(205,155,155), "rosybrown4"=>array(139,105,105), "indianred1"=>array(255,106,106), "indianred2"=>array(238,99,99), "indianred3"=>array(205,85,85), "indianred4"=>array(139,58,58), "sienna1"=>array(255,130,71), "sienna2"=>array(238,121,66), "sienna3"=>array(205,104,57), "sienna4"=>array(139,71,38), "burlywood1"=>array(255,211,155), "burlywood2"=>array(238,197,145), "burlywood3"=>array(205,170,125), "burlywood4"=>array(139,115,85), "wheat1"=>array(255,231,186), "wheat2"=>array(238,216,174), "wheat3"=>array(205,186,150), "wheat4"=>array(139,126,102), "tan1"=>array(255,165,79), "tan2"=>array(238,154,73), "tan3"=>array(205,133,63), "tan4"=>array(139,90,43), "chocolate1"=>array(255,127,36), "chocolate2"=>array(238,118,33), "chocolate3"=>array(205,102,29), "chocolate4"=>array(139,69,19), "firebrick1"=>array(255,48,48), "firebrick2"=>array(238,44,44), "firebrick3"=>array(205,38,38), "firebrick4"=>array(139,26,26), "brown1"=>array(255,64,64), "brown2"=>array(238,59,59), "brown3"=>array(205,51,51), "brown4"=>array(139,35,35), "salmon1"=>array(255,140,105), "salmon2"=>array(238,130,98), "salmon3"=>array(205,112,84), "salmon4"=>array(139,76,57), "lightsalmon1"=>array(255,160,122), "lightsalmon2"=>array(238,149,114), "lightsalmon3"=>array(205,129,98), "lightsalmon4"=>array(139,87,66), "orange1"=>array(255,165,0), "orange2"=>array(238,154,0), "orange3"=>array(205,133,0), "orange4"=>array(139,90,0), "darkorange1"=>array(255,127,0), "darkorange2"=>array(238,118,0), "darkorange3"=>array(205,102,0), "darkorange4"=>array(139,69,0), "coral1"=>array(255,114,86), "coral2"=>array(238,106,80), "coral3"=>array(205,91,69), "coral4"=>array(139,62,47), "tomato1"=>array(255,99,71), "tomato2"=>array(238,92,66), "tomato3"=>array(205,79,57), "tomato4"=>array(139,54,38), "orangered1"=>array(255,69,0), "orangered2"=>array(238,64,0), "orangered3"=>array(205,55,0), "orangered4"=>array(139,37,0), "deeppink1"=>array(255,20,147), "deeppink2"=>array(238,18,137), "deeppink3"=>array(205,16,118), "deeppink4"=>array(139,10,80), "hotpink1"=>array(255,110,180), "hotpink2"=>array(238,106,167), "hotpink3"=>array(205,96,144), "hotpink4"=>array(139,58,98), "pink1"=>array(255,181,197), "pink2"=>array(238,169,184), "pink3"=>array(205,145,158), "pink4"=>array(139,99,108), "lightpink1"=>array(255,174,185), "lightpink2"=>array(238,162,173), "lightpink3"=>array(205,140,149), "lightpink4"=>array(139,95,101), "palevioletred1"=>array(255,130,171), "palevioletred2"=>array(238,121,159), "palevioletred3"=>array(205,104,137), "palevioletred4"=>array(139,71,93), "maroon1"=>array(255,52,179), "maroon2"=>array(238,48,167), "maroon3"=>array(205,41,144), "maroon4"=>array(139,28,98), "violetred1"=>array(255,62,150), "violetred2"=>array(238,58,140), "violetred3"=>array(205,50,120), "violetred4"=>array(139,34,82), "magenta1"=>array(255,0,255), "magenta2"=>array(238,0,238), "magenta3"=>array(205,0,205), "magenta4"=>array(139,0,139), "mediumred"=>array(140,34,34), "orchid1"=>array(255,131,250), "orchid2"=>array(238,122,233), "orchid3"=>array(205,105,201), "orchid4"=>array(139,71,137), "plum1"=>array(255,187,255), "plum2"=>array(238,174,238), "plum3"=>array(205,150,205), "plum4"=>array(139,102,139), "mediumorchid1"=>array(224,102,255), "mediumorchid2"=>array(209,95,238), "mediumorchid3"=>array(180,82,205), "mediumorchid4"=>array(122,55,139), "darkorchid1"=>array(191,62,255), "darkorchid2"=>array(178,58,238), "darkorchid3"=>array(154,50,205), "darkorchid4"=>array(104,34,139), "purple1"=>array(155,48,255), "purple2"=>array(145,44,238), "purple3"=>array(125,38,205), "purple4"=>array(85,26,139), "mediumpurple1"=>array(171,130,255), "mediumpurple2"=>array(159,121,238), "mediumpurple3"=>array(137,104,205), "mediumpurple4"=>array(93,71,139), "thistle1"=>array(255,225,255), "thistle2"=>array(238,210,238), "thistle3"=>array(205,181,205), "thistle4"=>array(139,123,139), "gray1"=>array(10,10,10), "gray2"=>array(40,40,30), "gray3"=>array(70,70,70), "gray4"=>array(100,100,100), "gray5"=>array(130,130,130), "gray6"=>array(160,160,160), "gray7"=>array(190,190,190), "gray8"=>array(210,210,210), "gray9"=>array(240,240,240), "darkgray"=>array(100,100,100), "darkblue"=>array(0,0,139), "darkcyan"=>array(0,139,139), "darkmagenta"=>array(139,0,139), "darkred"=>array(139,0,0), "silver"=>array(192, 192, 192), "eggplant"=>array(144,176,168), "lightgreen"=>array(144,238,144)); } //---------------- // PUBLIC METHODS // Colors can be specified as either // 1. #xxxxxx HTML style // 2. "colorname" as a named color // 3. array(r,g,b) RGB triple // This function translates this to a native RGB format and returns an // RGB triple. function Color($aColor) { if (is_string($aColor)) { // Strip of any alpha factor $pos = strpos($aColor,'@'); if( $pos === false ) { $alpha = 0; } else { $pos2 = strpos($aColor,':'); if( $pos2===false ) $pos2 = $pos-1; // Sentinel if( $pos > $pos2 ) { $alpha = substr($aColor,$pos+1); $aColor = substr($aColor,0,$pos); } else { $alpha = substr($aColor,$pos+1,$pos2-$pos-1); $aColor = substr($aColor,0,$pos).substr($aColor,$pos2); } } // Extract potential adjustment figure at end of color // specification $pos = strpos($aColor,":"); if( $pos === false ) { $adj = 1.0; } else { $adj = 0.0 + substr($aColor,$pos+1); $aColor = substr($aColor,0,$pos); } if( $adj < 0 ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25077);//('Adjustment factor for color must be > 0'); if (substr($aColor, 0, 1) == "#") { $r = hexdec(substr($aColor, 1, 2)); $g = hexdec(substr($aColor, 3, 2)); $b = hexdec(substr($aColor, 5, 2)); } else { if(!isset($this->rgb_table[$aColor]) ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25078,$aColor);//(" Unknown color: $aColor"); $tmp=$this->rgb_table[$aColor]; $r = $tmp[0]; $g = $tmp[1]; $b = $tmp[2]; } // Scale adj so that an adj=2 always // makes the color 100% white (i.e. 255,255,255. // and adj=1 neutral and adj=0 black. if( $adj > 1 ) { $m = ($adj-1.0)*(255-min(255,min($r,min($g,$b)))); return array(min(255,$r+$m), min(255,$g+$m), min(255,$b+$m),$alpha); } elseif( $adj < 1 ) { $m = ($adj-1.0)*max(255,max($r,max($g,$b))); return array(max(0,$r+$m), max(0,$g+$m), max(0,$b+$m),$alpha); } else { return array($r,$g,$b,$alpha); } } elseif( is_array($aColor) ) { if( count($aColor)==3 ) { $aColor[3]=0; return $aColor; } else return $aColor; } else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25079,$aColor,count($aColor));//(" Unknown color specification: $aColor , size=".count($aColor)); } // Compare two colors // return true if equal function Equal($aCol1,$aCol2) { $c1 = $this->Color($aCol1); $c2 = $this->Color($aCol2); if( $c1[0]==$c2[0] && $c1[1]==$c2[1] && $c1[2]==$c2[2] ) return true; else return false; } // Allocate a new color in the current image // Return new color index, -1 if no more colors could be allocated function Allocate($aColor,$aAlpha=0.0) { list ($r, $g, $b, $a) = $this->color($aColor); // If alpha is specified in the color string then this // takes precedence over the second argument if( $a > 0 ) $aAlpha = $a; if( $aAlpha < 0 || $aAlpha > 1 ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25080);//('Alpha parameter for color must be between 0.0 and 1.0'); } return imagecolorresolvealpha($this->img, $r, $g, $b, round($aAlpha * 127)); } } // Class //=================================================== // CLASS Image // Description: Wrapper class with some goodies to form the // Interface to low level image drawing routines. //=================================================== class Image { public $left_margin=30,$right_margin=30,$top_margin=20,$bottom_margin=30; public $img=null; public $plotwidth=0,$plotheight=0; public $width=0, $height=0; public $rgb=null; public $current_color,$current_color_name; public $line_weight=1, $line_style=1; // Default line style is solid public $img_format; protected $expired=true; protected $lastx=0, $lasty=0; protected $obs_list=array(); protected $font_size=12,$font_family=FF_FONT1, $font_style=FS_NORMAL; protected $font_file=''; protected $text_halign="left",$text_valign="bottom"; protected $ttf=null; protected $use_anti_aliasing=false; protected $quality=null; protected $colorstack=array(),$colorstackidx=0; protected $canvascolor = 'white' ; protected $langconv = null ; protected $iInterlace=false; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function Image($aWidth,$aHeight,$aFormat=DEFAULT_GFORMAT) { $this->CreateImgCanvas($aWidth,$aHeight); $this->SetAutoMargin(); if( !$this->SetImgFormat($aFormat) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25081,$aFormat);//("JpGraph: Selected graphic format is either not supported or unknown [$aFormat]"); } $this->ttf = new TTF(); $this->langconv = new LanguageConv(); } // Enable interlacing in images function SetInterlace($aFlg=true) { $this->iInterlace=$aFlg; } // Should we use anti-aliasing. Note: This really slows down graphics! function SetAntiAliasing($aFlg=true) { $this->use_anti_aliasing = $aFlg; imageantialias($this->img,$aFlg); } function CreateRawCanvas($aWidth=0,$aHeight=0) { if( $aWidth <= 1 || $aHeight <= 1 ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25082,$aWidth,$aHeight);//("Illegal sizes specified for width or height when creating an image, (width=$aWidth, height=$aHeight)"); } if( USE_TRUECOLOR ) { $this->img = @imagecreatetruecolor($aWidth, $aHeight); if( $this->img < 1 ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25126); //die("Can't create truecolor image. Check that you really have GD2 library installed."); } $this->SetAlphaBlending(); } else { $this->img = @imagecreate($aWidth, $aHeight); if( $this->img < 1 ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25126); //die("JpGraph Error: Can't create image. Check that you really have the GD library installed."); } } if( $this->iInterlace ) { imageinterlace($this->img,1); } if( $this->rgb != null ) $this->rgb->img = $this->img ; else $this->rgb = new RGB($this->img); } function CloneCanvasH() { $oldimage = $this->img; $this->CreateRawCanvas($this->width,$this->height); imagecopy($this->img,$oldimage,0,0,0,0,$this->width,$this->height); return $oldimage; } function CreateImgCanvas($aWidth=0,$aHeight=0) { $old = array($this->img,$this->width,$this->height); $aWidth = round($aWidth); $aHeight = round($aHeight); $this->width=$aWidth; $this->height=$aHeight; if( $aWidth==0 || $aHeight==0 ) { // We will set the final size later. // Note: The size must be specified before any other // img routines that stroke anything are called. $this->img = null; $this->rgb = null; return $old; } $this->CreateRawCanvas($aWidth,$aHeight); // Set canvas color (will also be the background color for a // a pallett image $this->SetColor($this->canvascolor); $this->FilledRectangle(0,0,$aWidth,$aHeight); return $old ; } function CopyCanvasH($aToHdl,$aFromHdl,$aToX,$aToY,$aFromX,$aFromY,$aWidth,$aHeight,$aw=-1,$ah=-1) { if( $aw === -1 ) { $aw = $aWidth; $ah = $aHeight; $f = 'imagecopyresized'; } else { $f = 'imagecopyresampled'; } $f($aToHdl,$aFromHdl,$aToX,$aToY,$aFromX,$aFromY, $aWidth,$aHeight,$aw,$ah); } function Copy($fromImg,$toX,$toY,$fromX,$fromY,$toWidth,$toHeight,$fromWidth=-1,$fromHeight=-1) { $this->CopyCanvasH($this->img,$fromImg,$toX,$toY,$fromX,$fromY, $toWidth,$toHeight,$fromWidth,$fromHeight); } function CopyMerge($fromImg,$toX,$toY,$fromX,$fromY,$toWidth,$toHeight,$fromWidth=-1,$fromHeight=-1,$aMix=100) { if( $aMix == 100 ) { $this->CopyCanvasH($this->img,$fromImg, $toX,$toY,$fromX,$fromY,$toWidth,$toHeight,$fromWidth,$fromHeight); } else { if( ($fromWidth != -1 && ($fromWidth != $toWidth)) || ($fromHeight != -1 && ($fromHeight != $fromHeight)) ) { // Create a new canvas that will hold the re-scaled original from image if( $toWidth <= 1 || $toHeight <= 1 ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25083);//('Illegal image size when copying image. Size for copied to image is 1 pixel or less.'); } if( USE_TRUECOLOR ) { $tmpimg = @imagecreatetruecolor($toWidth, $toHeight); } else { $tmpimg = @imagecreate($toWidth, $toHeight); } if( $tmpimg < 1 ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25084);//('Failed to create temporary GD canvas. Out of memory ?'); } $this->CopyCanvasH($tmpimg,$fromImg,0,0,0,0, $toWidth,$toHeight,$fromWidth,$fromHeight); $fromImg = $tmpimg; } imagecopymerge($this->img,$fromImg,$toX,$toY,$fromX,$fromY,$toWidth,$toHeight,$aMix); } } function GetWidth($aImg=null) { if( $aImg === null ) $aImg = $this->img; return imagesx($aImg); } function GetHeight($aImg=null) { if( $aImg === null ) $aImg = $this->img; return imagesy($aImg); } function CreateFromString($aStr) { $img = imagecreatefromstring($aStr); if( $img === false ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25085);//('An image can not be created from the supplied string. It is either in a format not supported or the string is representing an corrupt image.'); } return $img; } function SetCanvasH($aHdl) { $this->img = $aHdl; $this->rgb->img = $aHdl; } function SetCanvasColor($aColor) { $this->canvascolor = $aColor ; } function SetAlphaBlending($aFlg=true) { ImageAlphaBlending($this->img,$aFlg); } function SetAutoMargin() { GLOBAL $gJpgBrandTiming; $min_bm=10; /* if( $gJpgBrandTiming ) $min_bm=15; */ $lm = min(40,$this->width/7); $rm = min(20,$this->width/10); $tm = max(20,$this->height/7); $bm = max($min_bm,$this->height/7); $this->SetMargin($lm,$rm,$tm,$bm); } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS function SetFont($family,$style=FS_NORMAL,$size=10) { $this->font_family=$family; $this->font_style=$style; $this->font_size=$size; $this->font_file=''; if( ($this->font_family==FF_FONT1 || $this->font_family==FF_FONT2) && $this->font_style==FS_BOLD ){ ++$this->font_family; } if( $this->font_family > FF_FONT2+1 ) { // A TTF font so get the font file // Check that this PHP has support for TTF fonts if( !function_exists('imagettfbbox') ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25087);//('This PHP build has not been configured with TTF support. You need to recompile your PHP installation with FreeType support.'); } $this->font_file = $this->ttf->File($this->font_family,$this->font_style); } } // Get the specific height for a text string function GetTextHeight($txt="",$angle=0) { $tmp = split("\n",$txt); $n = count($tmp); $m=0; for($i=0; $i< $n; ++$i) $m = max($m,strlen($tmp[$i])); if( $this->font_family <= FF_FONT2+1 ) { if( $angle==0 ) { $h = imagefontheight($this->font_family); if( $h === false ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25088);//('You have a misconfigured GD font support. The call to imagefontwidth() fails.'); } return $n*$h; } else { $w = @imagefontwidth($this->font_family); if( $w === false ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25088);//('You have a misconfigured GD font support. The call to imagefontwidth() fails.'); } return $m*$w; } } else { $bbox = $this->GetTTFBBox($txt,$angle); return $bbox[1]-$bbox[5]; } } // Estimate font height function GetFontHeight($angle=0) { $txt = "XOMg"; return $this->GetTextHeight($txt,$angle); } // Approximate font width with width of letter "O" function GetFontWidth($angle=0) { $txt = 'O'; return $this->GetTextWidth($txt,$angle); } // Get actual width of text in absolute pixels function GetTextWidth($txt,$angle=0) { $tmp = split("\n",$txt); $n = count($tmp); if( $this->font_family <= FF_FONT2+1 ) { $m=0; for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) { $l=strlen($tmp[$i]); if( $l > $m ) { $m = $l; } } if( $angle==0 ) { $w = @imagefontwidth($this->font_family); if( $w === false ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25088);//('You have a misconfigured GD font support. The call to imagefontwidth() fails.'); } return $m*$w; } else { // 90 degrees internal so height becomes width $h = @imagefontheight($this->font_family); if( $h === false ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25089);//('You have a misconfigured GD font support. The call to imagefontheight() fails.'); } return $n*$h; } } else { // For TTF fonts we must walk through a lines and find the // widest one which we use as the width of the multi-line // paragraph $m=0; for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $bbox = $this->GetTTFBBox($tmp[$i],$angle); $mm = $bbox[2] - $bbox[0]; if( $mm > $m ) $m = $mm; } return $m; } } // Draw text with a box around it function StrokeBoxedText($x,$y,$txt,$dir=0,$fcolor="white",$bcolor="black", $shadowcolor=false,$paragraph_align="left", $xmarg=6,$ymarg=4,$cornerradius=0,$dropwidth=3) { if( !is_numeric($dir) ) { if( $dir=="h" ) $dir=0; elseif( $dir=="v" ) $dir=90; else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25090,$dir);//(" Unknown direction specified in call to StrokeBoxedText() [$dir]"); } if( $this->font_family >= FF_FONT0 && $this->font_family <= FF_FONT2+1) { $width=$this->GetTextWidth($txt,$dir) ; $height=$this->GetTextHeight($txt,$dir) ; } else { $width=$this->GetBBoxWidth($txt,$dir) ; $height=$this->GetBBoxHeight($txt,$dir) ; } $height += 2*$ymarg; $width += 2*$xmarg; if( $this->text_halign=="right" ) $x -= $width; elseif( $this->text_halign=="center" ) $x -= $width/2; if( $this->text_valign=="bottom" ) $y -= $height; elseif( $this->text_valign=="center" ) $y -= $height/2; if( $shadowcolor ) { $this->PushColor($shadowcolor); $this->FilledRoundedRectangle($x-$xmarg+$dropwidth,$y-$ymarg+$dropwidth, $x+$width+$dropwidth,$y+$height-$ymarg+$dropwidth, $cornerradius); $this->PopColor(); $this->PushColor($fcolor); $this->FilledRoundedRectangle($x-$xmarg,$y-$ymarg, $x+$width,$y+$height-$ymarg, $cornerradius); $this->PopColor(); $this->PushColor($bcolor); $this->RoundedRectangle($x-$xmarg,$y-$ymarg, $x+$width,$y+$height-$ymarg,$cornerradius); $this->PopColor(); } else { if( $fcolor ) { $oc=$this->current_color; $this->SetColor($fcolor); $this->FilledRoundedRectangle($x-$xmarg,$y-$ymarg,$x+$width,$y+$height-$ymarg,$cornerradius); $this->current_color=$oc; } if( $bcolor ) { $oc=$this->current_color; $this->SetColor($bcolor); $this->RoundedRectangle($x-$xmarg,$y-$ymarg,$x+$width,$y+$height-$ymarg,$cornerradius); $this->current_color=$oc; } } $h=$this->text_halign; $v=$this->text_valign; $this->SetTextAlign("left","top"); $this->StrokeText($x, $y, $txt, $dir, $paragraph_align); $bb = array($x-$xmarg,$y+$height-$ymarg,$x+$width,$y+$height-$ymarg, $x+$width,$y-$ymarg,$x-$xmarg,$y-$ymarg); $this->SetTextAlign($h,$v); return $bb; } // Set text alignment function SetTextAlign($halign,$valign="bottom") { $this->text_halign=$halign; $this->text_valign=$valign; } function _StrokeBuiltinFont($x,$y,$txt,$dir=0,$paragraph_align="left",&$aBoundingBox,$aDebug=false) { if( is_numeric($dir) && $dir!=90 && $dir!=0) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25091);//(" Internal font does not support drawing text at arbitrary angle. Use TTF fonts instead."); $h=$this->GetTextHeight($txt); $fh=$this->GetFontHeight(); $w=$this->GetTextWidth($txt); if( $this->text_halign=="right") $x -= $dir==0 ? $w : $h; elseif( $this->text_halign=="center" ) { // For center we subtract 1 pixel since this makes the middle // be prefectly in the middle $x -= $dir==0 ? $w/2-1 : $h/2; } if( $this->text_valign=="top" ) $y += $dir==0 ? $h : $w; elseif( $this->text_valign=="center" ) $y += $dir==0 ? $h/2 : $w/2; if( $dir==90 ) { imagestringup($this->img,$this->font_family,$x,$y,$txt,$this->current_color); $aBoundingBox = array(round($x),round($y),round($x),round($y-$w),round($x+$h),round($y-$w),round($x+$h),round($y)); if( $aDebug ) { // Draw bounding box $this->PushColor('green'); $this->Polygon($aBoundingBox,true); $this->PopColor(); } } else { if( ereg("\n",$txt) ) { $tmp = split("\n",$txt); for($i=0; $i < count($tmp); ++$i) { $w1 = $this->GetTextWidth($tmp[$i]); if( $paragraph_align=="left" ) { imagestring($this->img,$this->font_family,$x,$y-$h+1+$i*$fh,$tmp[$i],$this->current_color); } elseif( $paragraph_align=="right" ) { imagestring($this->img,$this->font_family,$x+($w-$w1), $y-$h+1+$i*$fh,$tmp[$i],$this->current_color); } else { imagestring($this->img,$this->font_family,$x+$w/2-$w1/2, $y-$h+1+$i*$fh,$tmp[$i],$this->current_color); } } } else { //Put the text imagestring($this->img,$this->font_family,$x,$y-$h+1,$txt,$this->current_color); } if( $aDebug ) { // Draw the bounding rectangle and the bounding box $p1 = array(round($x),round($y),round($x),round($y-$h),round($x+$w),round($y-$h),round($x+$w),round($y)); // Draw bounding box $this->PushColor('green'); $this->Polygon($p1,true); $this->PopColor(); } $aBoundingBox=array(round($x),round($y),round($x),round($y-$h),round($x+$w),round($y-$h),round($x+$w),round($y)); } } function AddTxtCR($aTxt) { // If the user has just specified a '\n' // instead of '\n\t' we have to add '\r' since // the width will be too muchy otherwise since when // we print we stroke the individually lines by hand. $e = explode("\n",$aTxt); $n = count($e); for($i=0; $i<$n; ++$i) { $e[$i]=str_replace("\r","",$e[$i]); } return implode("\n\r",$e); } function GetTTFBBox($aTxt,$aAngle=0) { $bbox = @ImageTTFBBox($this->font_size,$aAngle,$this->font_file,$aTxt); if( $bbox === false ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25092,$this->font_file); //("There is either a configuration problem with TrueType or a problem reading font file (".$this->font_file."). Make sure file exists and is in a readable place for the HTTP process. (If 'basedir' restriction is enabled in PHP then the font file must be located in the document root.). It might also be a wrongly installed FreeType library. Try uppgrading to at least FreeType 2.1.13 and recompile GD with the correct setup so it can find the new FT library."); } return $bbox; } function GetBBoxTTF($aTxt,$aAngle=0) { // Normalize the bounding box to become a minimum // enscribing rectangle $aTxt = $this->AddTxtCR($aTxt); if( !is_readable($this->font_file) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25093,$this->font_file); //('Can not read font file ('.$this->font_file.') in call to Image::GetBBoxTTF. Please make sure that you have set a font before calling this method and that the font is installed in the TTF directory.'); } $bbox = $this->GetTTFBBox($aTxt,$aAngle); if( $aAngle==0 ) return $bbox; if( $aAngle >= 0 ) { if( $aAngle <= 90 ) { //<=0 $bbox = array($bbox[6],$bbox[1],$bbox[2],$bbox[1], $bbox[2],$bbox[5],$bbox[6],$bbox[5]); } elseif( $aAngle <= 180 ) { //<= 2 $bbox = array($bbox[4],$bbox[7],$bbox[0],$bbox[7], $bbox[0],$bbox[3],$bbox[4],$bbox[3]); } elseif( $aAngle <= 270 ) { //<= 3 $bbox = array($bbox[2],$bbox[5],$bbox[6],$bbox[5], $bbox[6],$bbox[1],$bbox[2],$bbox[1]); } else { $bbox = array($bbox[0],$bbox[3],$bbox[4],$bbox[3], $bbox[4],$bbox[7],$bbox[0],$bbox[7]); } } elseif( $aAngle < 0 ) { if( $aAngle <= -270 ) { // <= -3 $bbox = array($bbox[6],$bbox[1],$bbox[2],$bbox[1], $bbox[2],$bbox[5],$bbox[6],$bbox[5]); } elseif( $aAngle <= -180 ) { // <= -2 $bbox = array($bbox[0],$bbox[3],$bbox[4],$bbox[3], $bbox[4],$bbox[7],$bbox[0],$bbox[7]); } elseif( $aAngle <= -90 ) { // <= -1 $bbox = array($bbox[2],$bbox[5],$bbox[6],$bbox[5], $bbox[6],$bbox[1],$bbox[2],$bbox[1]); } else { $bbox = array($bbox[0],$bbox[3],$bbox[4],$bbox[3], $bbox[4],$bbox[7],$bbox[0],$bbox[7]); } } return $bbox; } function GetBBoxHeight($aTxt,$aAngle=0) { $box = $this->GetBBoxTTF($aTxt,$aAngle); return $box[1]-$box[7]+1; } function GetBBoxWidth($aTxt,$aAngle=0) { $box = $this->GetBBoxTTF($aTxt,$aAngle); return $box[2]-$box[0]+1; } function _StrokeTTF($x,$y,$txt,$dir=0,$paragraph_align="left",&$aBoundingBox,$debug=false) { // Setupo default inter line margin for paragraphs to // 25% of the font height. $ConstLineSpacing = 0.25 ; // Remember the anchor point before adjustment if( $debug ) { $ox=$x; $oy=$y; } if( !ereg("\n",$txt) || ($dir>0 && ereg("\n",$txt)) ) { // Format a single line $txt = $this->AddTxtCR($txt); $bbox=$this->GetBBoxTTF($txt,$dir); // Align x,y ot lower left corner of bbox $x -= $bbox[0]; $y -= $bbox[1]; // Note to self: "topanchor" is deprecated after we changed the // bopunding box stuff. if( $this->text_halign=="right" || $this->text_halign=="topanchor" ) $x -= $bbox[2]-$bbox[0]; elseif( $this->text_halign=="center" ) $x -= ($bbox[2]-$bbox[0])/2; if( $this->text_valign=="top" ) $y += abs($bbox[5])+$bbox[1]; elseif( $this->text_valign=="center" ) $y -= ($bbox[5]-$bbox[1])/2; ImageTTFText ($this->img, $this->font_size, $dir, $x, $y, $this->current_color,$this->font_file,$txt); // Calculate and return the co-ordinates for the bounding box $box=@ImageTTFBBox($this->font_size,$dir,$this->font_file,$txt); $p1 = array(); for($i=0; $i < 4; ++$i) { $p1[] = round($box[$i*2]+$x); $p1[] = round($box[$i*2+1]+$y); } $aBoundingBox = $p1; // Debugging code to highlight the bonding box and bounding rectangle // For text at 0 degrees the bounding box and bounding rectangle are the // same if( $debug ) { // Draw the bounding rectangle and the bounding box $box=@ImageTTFBBox($this->font_size,$dir,$this->font_file,$txt); $p = array(); $p1 = array(); for($i=0; $i < 4; ++$i) { $p[] = $bbox[$i*2]+$x; $p[] = $bbox[$i*2+1]+$y; $p1[] = $box[$i*2]+$x; $p1[] = $box[$i*2+1]+$y; } // Draw bounding box $this->PushColor('green'); $this->Polygon($p1,true); $this->PopColor(); // Draw bounding rectangle $this->PushColor('darkgreen'); $this->Polygon($p,true); $this->PopColor(); // Draw a cross at the anchor point $this->PushColor('red'); $this->Line($ox-15,$oy,$ox+15,$oy); $this->Line($ox,$oy-15,$ox,$oy+15); $this->PopColor(); } } else { // Format a text paragraph $fh=$this->GetFontHeight(); // Line margin is 25% of font height $linemargin=round($fh*$ConstLineSpacing); $fh += $linemargin; $w=$this->GetTextWidth($txt); $y -= $linemargin/2; $tmp = split("\n",$txt); $nl = count($tmp); $h = $nl * $fh; if( $this->text_halign=="right") $x -= $dir==0 ? $w : $h; elseif( $this->text_halign=="center" ) { $x -= $dir==0 ? $w/2 : $h/2; } if( $this->text_valign=="top" ) $y += $dir==0 ? $h : $w; elseif( $this->text_valign=="center" ) $y += $dir==0 ? $h/2 : $w/2; // Here comes a tricky bit. // Since we have to give the position for the string at the // baseline this means thaht text will move slightly up // and down depending on any of it's character descend below // the baseline, for example a 'g'. To adjust the Y-position // we therefore adjust the text with the baseline Y-offset // as used for the current font and size. This will keep the // baseline at a fixed positoned disregarding the actual // characters in the string. $standardbox = $this->GetTTFBBox('Gg',$dir); $yadj = $standardbox[1]; $xadj = $standardbox[0]; $aBoundingBox = array(); for($i=0; $i < $nl; ++$i) { $wl = $this->GetTextWidth($tmp[$i]); $bbox = $this->GetTTFBBox($tmp[$i],$dir); if( $paragraph_align=="left" ) { $xl = $x; } elseif( $paragraph_align=="right" ) { $xl = $x + ($w-$wl); } else { // Center $xl = $x + $w/2 - $wl/2 ; } $xl -= $bbox[0]; $yl = $y - $yadj; $xl = $xl - $xadj; ImageTTFText ($this->img, $this->font_size, $dir, $xl, $yl-($h-$fh)+$fh*$i, $this->current_color,$this->font_file,$tmp[$i]); if( $debug ) { // Draw the bounding rectangle around each line $box=@ImageTTFBBox($this->font_size,$dir,$this->font_file,$tmp[$i]); $p = array(); for($j=0; $j < 4; ++$j) { $p[] = $bbox[$j*2]+$xl; $p[] = $bbox[$j*2+1]+$yl-($h-$fh)+$fh*$i; } // Draw bounding rectangle $this->PushColor('darkgreen'); $this->Polygon($p,true); $this->PopColor(); } } // Get the bounding box $bbox = $this->GetBBoxTTF($txt,$dir); for($j=0; $j < 4; ++$j) { $bbox[$j*2]+= round($x); $bbox[$j*2+1]+= round($y - ($h-$fh) - $yadj); } $aBoundingBox = $bbox; if( $debug ) { // Draw a cross at the anchor point $this->PushColor('red'); $this->Line($ox-25,$oy,$ox+25,$oy); $this->Line($ox,$oy-25,$ox,$oy+25); $this->PopColor(); } } } function StrokeText($x,$y,$txt,$dir=0,$paragraph_align="left",$debug=false) { $x = round($x); $y = round($y); // Do special language encoding $txt = $this->langconv->Convert($txt,$this->font_family); if( !is_numeric($dir) ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25094);//(" Direction for text most be given as an angle between 0 and 90."); if( $this->font_family >= FF_FONT0 && $this->font_family <= FF_FONT2+1) { $this->_StrokeBuiltinFont($x,$y,$txt,$dir,$paragraph_align,$boundingbox,$debug); } elseif($this->font_family >= _FIRST_FONT && $this->font_family <= _LAST_FONT) { $this->_StrokeTTF($x,$y,$txt,$dir,$paragraph_align,$boundingbox,$debug); } else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25095);//(" Unknown font font family specification. "); return $boundingbox; } function SetMargin($lm,$rm,$tm,$bm) { $this->left_margin=$lm; $this->right_margin=$rm; $this->top_margin=$tm; $this->bottom_margin=$bm; $this->plotwidth=$this->width - $this->left_margin-$this->right_margin ; $this->plotheight=$this->height - $this->top_margin-$this->bottom_margin ; if( $this->width > 0 && $this->height > 0 ) { if( $this->plotwidth < 0 || $this->plotheight < 0 ) JpGraphError::raise("To small plot area. ($lm,$rm,$tm,$bm : $this->plotwidth x $this->plotheight). With the given image size and margins there is to little space left for the plot. Increase the plot size or reduce the margins."); } } function SetTransparent($color) { imagecolortransparent ($this->img,$this->rgb->allocate($color)); } function SetColor($color,$aAlpha=0) { $this->current_color_name = $color; $this->current_color=$this->rgb->allocate($color,$aAlpha); if( $this->current_color == -1 ) { $tc=imagecolorstotal($this->img); JpGraphError::RaiseL(25096); //("Can't allocate any more colors. Image has already allocated maximum of $tc colors. This might happen if you have anti-aliasing turned on together with a background image or perhaps gradient fill since this requires many, many colors. Try to turn off anti-aliasing. If there is still a problem try downgrading the quality of the background image to use a smaller pallete to leave some entries for your graphs. You should try to limit the number of colors in your background image to 64. If there is still problem set the constant DEFINE(\"USE_APPROX_COLORS\",true); in jpgraph.php This will use approximative colors when the palette is full. Unfortunately there is not much JpGraph can do about this since the palette size is a limitation of current graphic format and what the underlying GD library suppports."); } return $this->current_color; } function PushColor($color) { if( $color != "" ) { $this->colorstack[$this->colorstackidx]=$this->current_color_name; $this->colorstack[$this->colorstackidx+1]=$this->current_color; $this->colorstackidx+=2; $this->SetColor($color); } else { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25097);//("Color specified as empty string in PushColor()."); } } function PopColor() { if($this->colorstackidx<1) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25098);//(" Negative Color stack index. Unmatched call to PopColor()"); $this->current_color=$this->colorstack[--$this->colorstackidx]; $this->current_color_name=$this->colorstack[--$this->colorstackidx]; } // Why this duplication? Because this way we can call this method // for any image and not only the current objsct function AdjSat($sat) { if( USE_TRUECOLOR ) return; $this->_AdjSat($this->img,$sat); } function _AdjSat($img,$sat) { $nbr = imagecolorstotal ($img); for( $i=0; $i<$nbr; ++$i ) { $colarr = imagecolorsforindex ($img,$i); $rgb[0]=$colarr["red"]; $rgb[1]=$colarr["green"]; $rgb[2]=$colarr["blue"]; $rgb = $this->AdjRGBSat($rgb,$sat); imagecolorset ($img, $i, $rgb[0], $rgb[1], $rgb[2]); } } function AdjBrightContrast($bright,$contr=0) { if( USE_TRUECOLOR ) return; $this->_AdjBrightContrast($this->img,$bright,$contr); } function _AdjBrightContrast($img,$bright,$contr=0) { if( $bright < -1 || $bright > 1 || $contr < -1 || $contr > 1 ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25099);//(" Parameters for brightness and Contrast out of range [-1,1]"); $nbr = imagecolorstotal ($img); for( $i=0; $i<$nbr; ++$i ) { $colarr = imagecolorsforindex ($img,$i); $r = $this->AdjRGBBrightContrast($colarr["red"],$bright,$contr); $g = $this->AdjRGBBrightContrast($colarr["green"],$bright,$contr); $b = $this->AdjRGBBrightContrast($colarr["blue"],$bright,$contr); imagecolorset ($img, $i, $r, $g, $b); } } // Private helper function for adj sat // Adjust saturation for RGB array $u. $sat is a value between -1 and 1 // Note: Due to GD inability to handle true color the RGB values are only between // 8 bit. This makes saturation quite sensitive for small increases in parameter sat. // // Tip: To get a grayscale picture set sat=-100, values <-100 changes the colors // to it's complement. // // Implementation note: The saturation is implemented directly in the RGB space // by adjusting the perpendicular distance between the RGB point and the "grey" // line (1,1,1). Setting $sat>0 moves the point away from the line along the perp. // distance and a negative value moves the point closer to the line. // The values are truncated when the color point hits the bounding box along the // RGB axis. // DISCLAIMER: I'm not 100% sure this is he correct way to implement a color // saturation function in RGB space. However, it looks ok and has the expected effect. function AdjRGBSat($rgb,$sat) { // TODO: Should be moved to the RGB class // Grey vector $v=array(1,1,1); // Dot product $dot = $rgb[0]*$v[0]+$rgb[1]*$v[1]+$rgb[2]*$v[2]; // Normalize dot product $normdot = $dot/3; // dot/|v|^2 // Direction vector between $u and its projection onto $v for($i=0; $i<3; ++$i) $r[$i] = $rgb[$i] - $normdot*$v[$i]; // Adjustment factor so that sat==1 sets the highest RGB value to 255 if( $sat > 0 ) { $m=0; for( $i=0; $i<3; ++$i) { if( sign($r[$i]) == 1 && $r[$i]>0) $m=max($m,(255-$rgb[$i])/$r[$i]); } $tadj=$m; } else $tadj=1; $tadj = $tadj*$sat; for($i=0; $i<3; ++$i) { $un[$i] = round($rgb[$i] + $tadj*$r[$i]); if( $un[$i]<0 ) $un[$i]=0; // Truncate color when they reach 0 if( $un[$i]>255 ) $un[$i]=255;// Avoid potential rounding error } return $un; } // Private helper function for AdjBrightContrast function AdjRGBBrightContrast($rgb,$bright,$contr) { // TODO: Should be moved to the RGB class // First handle contrast, i.e change the dynamic range around grey if( $contr <= 0 ) { // Decrease contrast $adj = abs($rgb-128) * (-$contr); if( $rgb < 128 ) $rgb += $adj; else $rgb -= $adj; } else { // $contr > 0 // Increase contrast if( $rgb < 128 ) $rgb = $rgb - ($rgb * $contr); else $rgb = $rgb + ((255-$rgb) * $contr); } // Add (or remove) various amount of white $rgb += $bright*255; $rgb=min($rgb,255); $rgb=max($rgb,0); return $rgb; } function SetLineWeight($weight) { imagesetthickness($this->img,$weight); $this->line_weight = $weight; } function SetStartPoint($x,$y) { $this->lastx=round($x); $this->lasty=round($y); } function Arc($cx,$cy,$w,$h,$s,$e) { // GD Arc doesn't like negative angles while( $s < 0) $s += 360; while( $e < 0) $e += 360; imagearc($this->img,round($cx),round($cy),round($w),round($h), $s,$e,$this->current_color); } function FilledArc($xc,$yc,$w,$h,$s,$e,$style='') { while( $s < 0 ) $s += 360; while( $e < 0 ) $e += 360; if( $style=='' ) $style=IMG_ARC_PIE; imagefilledarc($this->img,round($xc),round($yc),round($w),round($h), round($s),round($e),$this->current_color,$style); } function FilledCakeSlice($cx,$cy,$w,$h,$s,$e) { $this->CakeSlice($cx,$cy,$w,$h,$s,$e,$this->current_color_name); } function CakeSlice($xc,$yc,$w,$h,$s,$e,$fillcolor="",$arccolor="") { $s = round($s); $e = round($e); $w = round($w); $h = round($h); $xc = round($xc); $yc = round($yc); $this->PushColor($fillcolor); $this->FilledArc($xc,$yc,2*$w,2*$h,$s,$e); $this->PopColor(); if( $arccolor != "" ) { $this->PushColor($arccolor); // We add 2 pixels to make the Arc() better aligned with // the filled arc. imagefilledarc($this->img,$xc,$yc,2*$w,2*$h,$s,$e,$this->current_color,IMG_ARC_NOFILL | IMG_ARC_EDGED ) ; $this->PopColor(); } } function Ellipse($xc,$yc,$w,$h) { $this->Arc($xc,$yc,$w,$h,0,360); } function Circle($xc,$yc,$r) { imageellipse($this->img,round($xc),round($yc),$r*2,$r*2,$this->current_color); } function FilledCircle($xc,$yc,$r) { imagefilledellipse($this->img,round($xc),round($yc),2*$r,2*$r,$this->current_color); } // Linear Color InterPolation function lip($f,$t,$p) { $p = round($p,1); $r = $f[0] + ($t[0]-$f[0])*$p; $g = $f[1] + ($t[1]-$f[1])*$p; $b = $f[2] + ($t[2]-$f[2])*$p; return array($r,$g,$b); } // Set line style dashed, dotted etc function SetLineStyle($s) { if( is_numeric($s) ) { if( $s<1 || $s>4 ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25101,$s);//(" Illegal numeric argument to SetLineStyle(): ($s)"); } elseif( is_string($s) ) { if( $s == "solid" ) $s=1; elseif( $s == "dotted" ) $s=2; elseif( $s == "dashed" ) $s=3; elseif( $s == "longdashed" ) $s=4; else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25102,$s);//(" Illegal string argument to SetLineStyle(): $s"); } else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25103,$s);//(" Illegal argument to SetLineStyle $s"); $this->line_style=$s; } // Same as Line but take the line_style into account function StyleLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) { switch( $this->line_style ) { case 1:// Solid $this->Line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2); break; case 2: // Dotted $this->DashedLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,1,3); break; case 3: // Dashed $this->DashedLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,2,4); break; case 4: // Longdashes $this->DashedLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,8,6); break; default: JpGraphError::RaiseL(25104,$this->line_style);//(" Unknown line style: $this->line_style "); break; } } function DashedLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$dash_length=1,$dash_space=4) { $x1 = round($x1); $x2 = round($x2); $y1 = round($y1); $y2 = round($y2); $style = array_fill(0,$dash_length,$this->current_color); $style = array_pad($style,$dash_length+$dash_space,IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT); imagesetstyle($this->img, $style); imageline($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); $this->lastx=$x2; $this->lasty=$y2; } function Line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) { $x1 = round($x1); $x2 = round($x2); $y1 = round($y1); $y2 = round($y2); imageline($this->img,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$this->current_color); $this->lastx=$x2; $this->lasty=$y2; } function Polygon($p,$closed=FALSE,$fast=FALSE) { if( $this->line_weight==0 ) return; $n=count($p); $oldx = $p[0]; $oldy = $p[1]; if( $fast ) { for( $i=2; $i < $n; $i+=2 ) { imageline($this->img,$oldx,$oldy,$p[$i],$p[$i+1],$this->current_color); $oldx = $p[$i]; $oldy = $p[$i+1]; } if( $closed ) { imageline($this->img,$p[$n*2-2],$p[$n*2-1],$p[0],$p[1],$this->current_color); } } else { for( $i=2; $i < $n; $i+=2 ) { $this->StyleLine($oldx,$oldy,$p[$i],$p[$i+1]); $oldx = $p[$i]; $oldy = $p[$i+1]; } if( $closed ) $this->StyleLine($oldx,$oldy,$p[0],$p[1]); } } function FilledPolygon($pts) { $n=count($pts); if( $n == 0 ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25105);//('NULL data specified for a filled polygon. Check that your data is not NULL.'); } for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i) $pts[$i] = round($pts[$i]); imagefilledpolygon($this->img,$pts,count($pts)/2,$this->current_color); } function Rectangle($xl,$yu,$xr,$yl) { $this->Polygon(array($xl,$yu,$xr,$yu,$xr,$yl,$xl,$yl,$xl,$yu)); } function FilledRectangle($xl,$yu,$xr,$yl) { $this->FilledPolygon(array($xl,$yu,$xr,$yu,$xr,$yl,$xl,$yl)); } function FilledRectangle2($xl,$yu,$xr,$yl,$color1,$color2,$style=1) { // Fill a rectangle with lines of two colors if( $style===1 ) { // Horizontal stripe if( $yl < $yu ) { $t = $yl; $yl=$yu; $yu=$t; } for( $y=$yu; $y <= $yl; ++$y) { $this->SetColor($color1); $this->Line($xl,$y,$xr,$y); ++$y; $this->SetColor($color2); $this->Line($xl,$y,$xr,$y); } } else { if( $xl < $xl ) { $t = $xl; $xl=$xr; $xr=$t; } for( $x=$xl; $x <= $xr; ++$x) { $this->SetColor($color1); $this->Line($x,$yu,$x,$yl); ++$x; $this->SetColor($color2); $this->Line($x,$yu,$x,$yl); } } } function ShadowRectangle($xl,$yu,$xr,$yl,$fcolor=false,$shadow_width=3,$shadow_color=array(102,102,102)) { // This is complicated by the fact that we must also handle the case where // the reactangle has no fill color $this->PushColor($shadow_color); $this->FilledRectangle($xr-$shadow_width,$yu+$shadow_width,$xr,$yl-$shadow_width-1); $this->FilledRectangle($xl+$shadow_width,$yl-$shadow_width,$xr,$yl); //$this->FilledRectangle($xl+$shadow_width,$yu+$shadow_width,$xr,$yl); $this->PopColor(); if( $fcolor==false ) $this->Rectangle($xl,$yu,$xr-$shadow_width-1,$yl-$shadow_width-1); else { $this->PushColor($fcolor); $this->FilledRectangle($xl,$yu,$xr-$shadow_width-1,$yl-$shadow_width-1); $this->PopColor(); $this->Rectangle($xl,$yu,$xr-$shadow_width-1,$yl-$shadow_width-1); } } function FilledRoundedRectangle($xt,$yt,$xr,$yl,$r=5) { if( $r==0 ) { $this->FilledRectangle($xt,$yt,$xr,$yl); return; } // To avoid overlapping fillings (which will look strange // when alphablending is enabled) we have no choice but // to fill the five distinct areas one by one. // Center square $this->FilledRectangle($xt+$r,$yt+$r,$xr-$r,$yl-$r); // Top band $this->FilledRectangle($xt+$r,$yt,$xr-$r,$yt+$r-1); // Bottom band $this->FilledRectangle($xt+$r,$yl-$r+1,$xr-$r,$yl); // Left band $this->FilledRectangle($xt,$yt+$r+1,$xt+$r-1,$yl-$r); // Right band $this->FilledRectangle($xr-$r+1,$yt+$r,$xr,$yl-$r); // Topleft & Topright arc $this->FilledArc($xt+$r,$yt+$r,$r*2,$r*2,180,270); $this->FilledArc($xr-$r,$yt+$r,$r*2,$r*2,270,360); // Bottomleft & Bottom right arc $this->FilledArc($xt+$r,$yl-$r,$r*2,$r*2,90,180); $this->FilledArc($xr-$r,$yl-$r,$r*2,$r*2,0,90); } function RoundedRectangle($xt,$yt,$xr,$yl,$r=5) { if( $r==0 ) { $this->Rectangle($xt,$yt,$xr,$yl); return; } // Top & Bottom line $this->Line($xt+$r,$yt,$xr-$r,$yt); $this->Line($xt+$r,$yl,$xr-$r,$yl); // Left & Right line $this->Line($xt,$yt+$r,$xt,$yl-$r); $this->Line($xr,$yt+$r,$xr,$yl-$r); // Topleft & Topright arc $this->Arc($xt+$r,$yt+$r,$r*2,$r*2,180,270); $this->Arc($xr-$r,$yt+$r,$r*2,$r*2,270,360); // Bottomleft & Bottomright arc $this->Arc($xt+$r,$yl-$r,$r*2,$r*2,90,180); $this->Arc($xr-$r,$yl-$r,$r*2,$r*2,0,90); } function FilledBevel($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$depth=2,$color1='white@0.4',$color2='darkgray@0.4') { $this->FilledRectangle($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2); $this->Bevel($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$depth,$color1,$color2); } function Bevel($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$depth=2,$color1='white@0.4',$color2='black@0.5') { $this->PushColor($color1); for( $i=0; $i < $depth; ++$i ) { $this->Line($x1+$i,$y1+$i,$x1+$i,$y2-$i); $this->Line($x1+$i,$y1+$i,$x2-$i,$y1+$i); } $this->PopColor(); $this->PushColor($color2); for( $i=0; $i < $depth; ++$i ) { $this->Line($x1+$i,$y2-$i,$x2-$i,$y2-$i); $this->Line($x2-$i,$y1+$i,$x2-$i,$y2-$i-1); } $this->PopColor(); } function StyleLineTo($x,$y) { $this->StyleLine($this->lastx,$this->lasty,$x,$y); $this->lastx=$x; $this->lasty=$y; } function LineTo($x,$y) { $this->Line($this->lastx,$this->lasty,$x,$y); $this->lastx=$x; $this->lasty=$y; } function Point($x,$y) { imagesetpixel($this->img,round($x),round($y),$this->current_color); } function Fill($x,$y) { imagefill($this->img,round($x),round($y),$this->current_color); } function FillToBorder($x,$y,$aBordColor) { $bc = $this->rgb->allocate($aBordColor); if( $bc == -1 ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25106);//('Image::FillToBorder : Can not allocate more colors'); } imagefilltoborder($this->img,round($x),round($y),$bc,$this->current_color); } function SetExpired($aFlg=true) { $this->expired = $aFlg; } // Generate image header function Headers() { // In case we are running from the command line with the client version of // PHP we can't send any headers. $sapi = php_sapi_name(); if( $sapi == 'cli' ) return; if( headers_sent($file,$lineno) ) { $file=basename($file); $t = new ErrMsgText(); $msg = $t->Get(10,$file,$lineno); die($msg); } if ($this->expired) { header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); } header("Content-type: image/$this->img_format"); } // Adjust image quality for formats that allow this function SetQuality($q) { $this->quality = $q; } // Stream image to browser or to file function Stream($aFile="") { $func="image".$this->img_format; if( $this->img_format=="jpeg" && $this->quality != null ) { $res = @$func($this->img,$aFile,$this->quality); } else { if( $aFile != "" ) { $res = @$func($this->img,$aFile); if( !$res ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25107,$aFile);//("Can't write to file '$aFile'. Check that the process running PHP has enough permission."); } else { $res = @$func($this->img); if( !$res ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25108);//("Can't stream image. This is most likely due to a faulty PHP/GD setup. Try to recompile PHP and use the built-in GD library that comes with PHP."); } } } // Clear resource tide up by image function Destroy() { imagedestroy($this->img); } // Specify image format. Note depending on your installation // of PHP not all formats may be supported. function SetImgFormat($aFormat,$aQuality=75) { $this->quality = $aQuality; $aFormat = strtolower($aFormat); $tst = true; $supported = imagetypes(); if( $aFormat=="auto" ) { if( $supported & IMG_PNG ) $this->img_format="png"; elseif( $supported & IMG_JPG ) $this->img_format="jpeg"; elseif( $supported & IMG_GIF ) $this->img_format="gif"; else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25109);//("Your PHP (and GD-lib) installation does not appear to support any known graphic formats. You need to first make sure GD is compiled as a module to PHP. If you also want to use JPEG images you must get the JPEG library. Please see the PHP docs for details."); return true; } else { if( $aFormat=="jpeg" || $aFormat=="png" || $aFormat=="gif" ) { if( $aFormat=="jpeg" && !($supported & IMG_JPG) ) $tst=false; elseif( $aFormat=="png" && !($supported & IMG_PNG) ) $tst=false; elseif( $aFormat=="gif" && !($supported & IMG_GIF) ) $tst=false; else { $this->img_format=$aFormat; return true; } } else $tst=false; if( !$tst ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25110,$aFormat);//(" Your PHP installation does not support the chosen graphic format: $aFormat"); } } } // CLASS //=================================================== // CLASS RotImage // Description: Exactly as Image but draws the image at // a specified angle around a specified rotation point. //=================================================== class RotImage extends Image { public $a=0; public $dx=0,$dy=0,$transx=0,$transy=0; private $m=array(); function RotImage($aWidth,$aHeight,$a=0,$aFormat=DEFAULT_GFORMAT) { $this->Image($aWidth,$aHeight,$aFormat); $this->dx=$this->left_margin+$this->plotwidth/2; $this->dy=$this->top_margin+$this->plotheight/2; $this->SetAngle($a); } function SetCenter($dx,$dy) { $old_dx = $this->dx; $old_dy = $this->dy; $this->dx=$dx; $this->dy=$dy; $this->SetAngle($this->a); return array($old_dx,$old_dy); } function SetTranslation($dx,$dy) { $old = array($this->transx,$this->transy); $this->transx = $dx; $this->transy = $dy; return $old; } function UpdateRotMatrice() { $a = $this->a; $a *= M_PI/180; $sa=sin($a); $ca=cos($a); // Create the rotation matrix $this->m[0][0] = $ca; $this->m[0][1] = -$sa; $this->m[0][2] = $this->dx*(1-$ca) + $sa*$this->dy ; $this->m[1][0] = $sa; $this->m[1][1] = $ca; $this->m[1][2] = $this->dy*(1-$ca) - $sa*$this->dx ; } function SetAngle($a) { $tmp = $this->a; $this->a = $a; $this->UpdateRotMatrice(); return $tmp; } function Circle($xc,$yc,$r) { list($xc,$yc) = $this->Rotate($xc,$yc); parent::Circle($xc,$yc,$r); } function FilledCircle($xc,$yc,$r) { list($xc,$yc) = $this->Rotate($xc,$yc); parent::FilledCircle($xc,$yc,$r); } function Arc($xc,$yc,$w,$h,$s,$e) { list($xc,$yc) = $this->Rotate($xc,$yc); $s += $this->a; $e += $this->a; parent::Arc($xc,$yc,$w,$h,$s,$e); } function FilledArc($xc,$yc,$w,$h,$s,$e,$style='') { list($xc,$yc) = $this->Rotate($xc,$yc); $s += $this->a; $e += $this->a; parent::FilledArc($xc,$yc,$w,$h,$s,$e); } function SetMargin($lm,$rm,$tm,$bm) { parent::SetMargin($lm,$rm,$tm,$bm); $this->dx=$this->left_margin+$this->plotwidth/2; $this->dy=$this->top_margin+$this->plotheight/2; $this->UpdateRotMatrice(); } function Rotate($x,$y) { // Optimization. Ignore rotation if Angle==0 || Angle==360 if( $this->a == 0 || $this->a == 360 ) { return array($x + $this->transx, $y + $this->transy ); } else { $x1=round($this->m[0][0]*$x + $this->m[0][1]*$y,1) + $this->m[0][2] + $this->transx; $y1=round($this->m[1][0]*$x + $this->m[1][1]*$y,1) + $this->m[1][2] + $this->transy; return array($x1,$y1); } } function CopyMerge($fromImg,$toX,$toY,$fromX,$fromY,$toWidth,$toHeight,$fromWidth=-1,$fromHeight=-1,$aMix=100) { list($toX,$toY) = $this->Rotate($toX,$toY); parent::CopyMerge($fromImg,$toX,$toY,$fromX,$fromY,$toWidth,$toHeight,$fromWidth,$fromHeight,$aMix); } function ArrRotate($pnts) { $n = count($pnts)-1; for($i=0; $i < $n; $i+=2) { list ($x,$y) = $this->Rotate($pnts[$i],$pnts[$i+1]); $pnts[$i] = $x; $pnts[$i+1] = $y; } return $pnts; } function DashedLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$dash_length=1,$dash_space=4) { list($x1,$y1) = $this->Rotate($x1,$y1); list($x2,$y2) = $this->Rotate($x2,$y2); parent::DashedLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$dash_length,$dash_space); } function Line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) { list($x1,$y1) = $this->Rotate($x1,$y1); list($x2,$y2) = $this->Rotate($x2,$y2); parent::Line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2); } function Rectangle($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) { // Rectangle uses Line() so it will be rotated through that call parent::Rectangle($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2); } function FilledRectangle($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) { if( $y1==$y2 || $x1==$x2 ) $this->Line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2); else $this->FilledPolygon(array($x1,$y1,$x2,$y1,$x2,$y2,$x1,$y2)); } function Polygon($pnts,$closed=FALSE,$fast=FALSE) { //Polygon uses Line() so it will be rotated through that call parent::Polygon($pnts,$closed,$fast); } function FilledPolygon($pnts) { parent::FilledPolygon($this->ArrRotate($pnts)); } function Point($x,$y) { list($xp,$yp) = $this->Rotate($x,$y); parent::Point($xp,$yp); } function StrokeText($x,$y,$txt,$dir=0,$paragraph_align="left",$debug=false) { list($xp,$yp) = $this->Rotate($x,$y); return parent::StrokeText($xp,$yp,$txt,$dir,$paragraph_align,$debug); } } //=================================================== // CLASS ImgStreamCache // Description: Handle caching of graphs to files //=================================================== class ImgStreamCache { private $cache_dir, $img=null, $timeout=0; // Infinite timeout //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function ImgStreamCache($aImg, $aCacheDir=CACHE_DIR) { $this->img = $aImg; $this->cache_dir = $aCacheDir; } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS // Specify a timeout (in minutes) for the file. If the file is older then the // timeout value it will be overwritten with a newer version. // If timeout is set to 0 this is the same as infinite large timeout and if // timeout is set to -1 this is the same as infinite small timeout function SetTimeout($aTimeout) { $this->timeout=$aTimeout; } // Output image to browser and also write it to the cache function PutAndStream($aImage,$aCacheFileName,$aInline,$aStrokeFileName) { // Some debugging code to brand the image with numbe of colors // used GLOBAL $gJpgBrandTiming; if( $gJpgBrandTiming ) { global $tim; $t=$tim->Pop()/1000.0; $c=$aImage->SetColor("black"); $t=sprintf(BRAND_TIME_FORMAT,round($t,3)); imagestring($this->img->img,2,5,$this->img->height-20,$t,$c); } // Check if we should stroke the image to an arbitrary file if( _FORCE_IMGTOFILE ) { $aStrokeFileName = _FORCE_IMGDIR.GenImgName(); } if( $aStrokeFileName!="" ) { if( $aStrokeFileName == "auto" ) $aStrokeFileName = GenImgName(); if( file_exists($aStrokeFileName) ) { // Delete the old file if( !@unlink($aStrokeFileName) ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25111,$aStrokeFileName);//(" Can't delete cached image $aStrokeFileName. Permission problem?"); } $aImage->Stream($aStrokeFileName); return; } if( $aCacheFileName != "" && USE_CACHE) { $aCacheFileName = $this->cache_dir . $aCacheFileName; if( file_exists($aCacheFileName) ) { if( !$aInline ) { // If we are generating image off-line (just writing to the cache) // and the file exists and is still valid (no timeout) // then do nothing, just return. $diff=time()-filemtime($aCacheFileName); if( $diff < 0 ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25112,$aCacheFileName);//(" Cached imagefile ($aCacheFileName) has file date in the future!!"); if( $this->timeout>0 && ($diff <= $this->timeout*60) ) return; } if( !@unlink($aCacheFileName) ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25113,$aStrokeFileName);//(" Can't delete cached image $aStrokeFileName. Permission problem?"); $aImage->Stream($aCacheFileName); } else { $this->MakeDirs(dirname($aCacheFileName)); if( !is_writeable(dirname($aCacheFileName)) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25114,$aCacheFileName);//('PHP has not enough permissions to write to the cache file '.$aCacheFileName.'. Please make sure that the user running PHP has write permission for this file if you wan to use the cache system with JpGraph.'); } $aImage->Stream($aCacheFileName); } $res=true; // Set group to specified if( CACHE_FILE_GROUP != "" ) $res = @chgrp($aCacheFileName,CACHE_FILE_GROUP); if( CACHE_FILE_MOD != "" ) $res = @chmod($aCacheFileName,CACHE_FILE_MOD); if( !$res ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25115,$aStrokeFileName);//(" Can't set permission for cached image $aStrokeFileName. Permission problem?"); $aImage->Destroy(); if( $aInline ) { if ($fh = @fopen($aCacheFileName, "rb") ) { $this->img->Headers(); fpassthru($fh); return; } else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25116,$aFile);//(" Cant open file from cache [$aFile]"); } } elseif( $aInline ) { $this->img->Headers(); $aImage->Stream(); return; } } // Check if a given image is in cache and in that case // pass it directly on to web browser. Return false if the // image file doesn't exist or exists but is to old function GetAndStream($aCacheFileName) { $aCacheFileName = $this->cache_dir.$aCacheFileName; if ( USE_CACHE && file_exists($aCacheFileName) && $this->timeout>=0 ) { $diff=time()-filemtime($aCacheFileName); if( $this->timeout>0 && ($diff > $this->timeout*60) ) { return false; } else { if ($fh = @fopen($aCacheFileName, "rb")) { $this->img->Headers(); fpassthru($fh); return true; } else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25117,$aCacheFileName);//(" Can't open cached image \"$aCacheFileName\" for reading."); } } return false; } //--------------- // PRIVATE METHODS // Create all necessary directories in a path function MakeDirs($aFile) { $dirs = array(); while ( !(file_exists($aFile)) ) { $dirs[] = $aFile; $aFile = dirname($aFile); } for ($i = sizeof($dirs)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { if(! @mkdir($dirs[$i],0777) ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25118,$aFile);//(" Can't create directory $aFile. Make sure PHP has write permission to this directory."); // We also specify mode here after we have changed group. // This is necessary if Apache user doesn't belong the // default group and hence can't specify group permission // in the previous mkdir() call if( CACHE_FILE_GROUP != "" ) { $res=true; $res =@chgrp($dirs[$i],CACHE_FILE_GROUP); $res = @chmod($dirs[$i],0777); if( !$res ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25119,$aFile);//(" Can't set permissions for $aFile. Permission problems?"); } } return true; } } // CLASS Cache //=================================================== // CLASS Legend // Description: Responsible for drawing the box containing // all the legend text for the graph //=================================================== DEFINE('_DEFAULT_LPM_SIZE',8); class Legend { public $txtcol=array(); private $color=array(0,0,0); // Default fram color private $fill_color=array(235,235,235); // Default fill color private $shadow=true; // Shadow around legend "box" private $shadow_color='darkgray@0.5'; private $mark_abs_hsize=_DEFAULT_LPM_SIZE,$mark_abs_vsize=_DEFAULT_LPM_SIZE; private $xmargin=10,$ymargin=3,$shadow_width=2; private $xlmargin=2, $ylmargin=''; private $xpos=0.05, $ypos=0.15, $xabspos=-1, $yabspos=-1; private $halign="right", $valign="top"; private $font_family=FF_FONT1,$font_style=FS_NORMAL,$font_size=12; private $font_color='black'; private $hide=false,$layout_n=1; private $weight=1,$frameweight=1; private $csimareas=''; private $reverse = false ; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function Legend() { // Empty } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS function Hide($aHide=true) { $this->hide=$aHide; } function SetHColMargin($aXMarg) { $this->xmargin = $aXMarg; } function SetVColMargin($aSpacing) { $this->ymargin = $aSpacing ; } function SetLeftMargin($aXMarg) { $this->xlmargin = $aXMarg; } // Synonym function SetLineSpacing($aSpacing) { $this->ymargin = $aSpacing ; } function SetShadow($aShow='gray',$aWidth=2) { if( is_string($aShow) ) { $this->shadow_color = $aShow; $this->shadow=true; } else $this->shadow=$aShow; $this->shadow_width=$aWidth; } function SetMarkAbsSize($aSize) { $this->mark_abs_vsize = $aSize ; $this->mark_abs_hsize = $aSize ; } function SetMarkAbsVSize($aSize) { $this->mark_abs_vsize = $aSize ; } function SetMarkAbsHSize($aSize) { $this->mark_abs_hsize = $aSize ; } function SetLineWeight($aWeight) { $this->weight = $aWeight; } function SetFrameWeight($aWeight) { $this->frameweight = $aWeight; } function SetLayout($aDirection=LEGEND_VERT) { $this->layout_n = $aDirection==LEGEND_VERT ? 1 : 99 ; } function SetColumns($aCols) { $this->layout_n = $aCols ; } function SetReverse($f=true) { $this->reverse = $f ; } // Set color on frame around box function SetColor($aFontColor,$aColor='black') { $this->font_color=$aFontColor; $this->color=$aColor; } function SetFont($aFamily,$aStyle=FS_NORMAL,$aSize=10) { $this->font_family = $aFamily; $this->font_style = $aStyle; $this->font_size = $aSize; } function SetPos($aX,$aY,$aHAlign="right",$aVAlign="top") { $this->Pos($aX,$aY,$aHAlign,$aVAlign); } function SetAbsPos($aX,$aY,$aHAlign="right",$aVAlign="top") { $this->xabspos=$aX; $this->yabspos=$aY; $this->halign=$aHAlign; $this->valign=$aVAlign; } function Pos($aX,$aY,$aHAlign="right",$aVAlign="top") { if( !($aX<1 && $aY<1) ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25120);//(" Position for legend must be given as percentage in range 0-1"); $this->xpos=$aX; $this->ypos=$aY; $this->halign=$aHAlign; $this->valign=$aVAlign; } function SetFillColor($aColor) { $this->fill_color=$aColor; } function Add($aTxt,$aColor,$aPlotmark='',$aLinestyle=0,$csimtarget='',$csimalt='') { $this->txtcol[]=array($aTxt,$aColor,$aPlotmark,$aLinestyle,$csimtarget,$csimalt); } function GetCSIMAreas() { return $this->csimareas; } function Stroke(&$aImg) { // Constant $fillBoxFrameWeight=1; if( $this->hide ) return; $aImg->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); if( $this->reverse ) { $this->txtcol = array_reverse($this->txtcol); } $n=count($this->txtcol); if( $n == 0 ) return; // Find out the max width and height of each column to be able // to size the legend box. $numcolumns = ($n > $this->layout_n ? $this->layout_n : $n); for( $i=0; $i < $numcolumns; ++$i ) { $colwidth[$i] = $aImg->GetTextWidth($this->txtcol[$i][0]) + 2*$this->xmargin + 2*$this->mark_abs_hsize; $colheight[$i] = 0; } // Find our maximum height in each row $rows = 0 ; $rowheight[0] = 0; for( $i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $h = max($this->mark_abs_vsize,$aImg->GetTextHeight($this->txtcol[$i][0]))+$this->ymargin; if( $i % $numcolumns == 0 ) { $rows++; $rowheight[$rows-1] = 0; } $rowheight[$rows-1] = max($rowheight[$rows-1],$h); } $abs_height = 0; for( $i=0; $i < $rows; ++$i ) { $abs_height += $rowheight[$i] ; } // Make sure that the height is at least as high as mark size + ymargin $abs_height = max($abs_height,$this->mark_abs_vsize); // We add 3 extra pixels height to compensate for the difficult in // calculating font height $abs_height += $this->ymargin+3; // Find out the maximum width in each column for( $i=$numcolumns; $i < $n; ++$i ) { $colwidth[$i % $numcolumns] = max( $aImg->GetTextWidth($this->txtcol[$i][0])+2*$this->xmargin+2*$this->mark_abs_hsize,$colwidth[$i % $numcolumns]); } // Get the total width $mtw = 0; for( $i=0; $i < $numcolumns; ++$i ) { $mtw += $colwidth[$i] ; } // Find out maximum width we need for legend box $abs_width = $mtw+$this->xlmargin; if( $this->xabspos === -1 && $this->yabspos === -1 ) { $this->xabspos = $this->xpos*$aImg->width ; $this->yabspos = $this->ypos*$aImg->height ; } // Positioning of the legend box if( $this->halign == 'left' ) $xp = $this->xabspos; elseif( $this->halign == 'center' ) $xp = $this->xabspos - $abs_width/2; else $xp = $aImg->width - $this->xabspos - $abs_width; $yp=$this->yabspos; if( $this->valign == 'center' ) $yp-=$abs_height/2; elseif( $this->valign == 'bottom' ) $yp-=$abs_height; // Stroke legend box $aImg->SetColor($this->color); $aImg->SetLineWeight($this->frameweight); $aImg->SetLineStyle('solid'); if( $this->shadow ) $aImg->ShadowRectangle($xp,$yp,$xp+$abs_width+$this->shadow_width, $yp+$abs_height+$this->shadow_width, $this->fill_color,$this->shadow_width,$this->shadow_color); else { $aImg->SetColor($this->fill_color); $aImg->FilledRectangle($xp,$yp,$xp+$abs_width,$yp+$abs_height); $aImg->SetColor($this->color); $aImg->Rectangle($xp,$yp,$xp+$abs_width,$yp+$abs_height); } // x1,y1 is the position for the legend mark $x1=$xp+$this->mark_abs_hsize+$this->xlmargin; $y1=$yp + $this->ymargin; $f2 = round($aImg->GetTextHeight('X')/2); $grad = new Gradient($aImg); $patternFactory = null; // Now stroke each legend in turn // Each plot has added the following information to the legend // p[0] = Legend text // p[1] = Color, // p[2] = For markers a reference to the PlotMark object // p[3] = For lines the line style, for gradient the negative gradient style // p[4] = CSIM target // p[5] = CSIM Alt text $i = 1 ; $row = 0; foreach($this->txtcol as $p) { // STROKE DEBUG BOX if( _JPG_DEBUG ) { $aImg->SetLineWeight(1); $aImg->SetColor('red'); $aImg->SetLineStyle('solid'); $aImg->Rectangle($xp,$y1,$xp+$abs_width,$y1+$rowheight[$row]); } $aImg->SetLineWeight($this->weight); $x1 = round($x1); $y1=round($y1); if ( !empty($p[2]) && $p[2]->GetType() > -1 ) { // Make a plot mark legend $aImg->SetColor($p[1]); if( is_string($p[3]) || $p[3]>0 ) { $aImg->SetLineStyle($p[3]); $aImg->StyleLine($x1-$this->mark_abs_hsize,$y1+$f2,$x1+$this->mark_abs_hsize,$y1+$f2); } // Stroke a mark with the standard size // (As long as it is not an image mark ) if( $p[2]->GetType() != MARK_IMG ) { $p[2]->iFormatCallback = ''; // Since size for circles is specified as the radius // this means that we must half the size to make the total // width behave as the other marks if( $p[2]->GetType() == MARK_FILLEDCIRCLE || $p[2]->GetType() == MARK_CIRCLE ) { $p[2]->SetSize(min($this->mark_abs_vsize,$this->mark_abs_hsize)/2); $p[2]->Stroke($aImg,$x1,$y1+$f2); } else { $p[2]->SetSize(min($this->mark_abs_vsize,$this->mark_abs_hsize)); $p[2]->Stroke($aImg,$x1,$y1+$f2); } } } elseif ( !empty($p[2]) && (is_string($p[3]) || $p[3]>0 ) ) { // Draw a styled line $aImg->SetColor($p[1]); $aImg->SetLineStyle($p[3]); $aImg->StyleLine($x1-1,$y1+$f2,$x1+$this->mark_abs_hsize,$y1+$f2); $aImg->StyleLine($x1-1,$y1+$f2+1,$x1+$this->mark_abs_hsize,$y1+$f2+1); } else { // Draw a colored box $color = $p[1] ; // We make boxes slightly larger to better show $boxsize = min($this->mark_abs_vsize,$this->mark_abs_hsize) + 2 ; $ym = round($y1 + $f2 - $boxsize/2); // We either need to plot a gradient or a // pattern. To differentiate we use a kludge. // Patterns have a p[3] value of < -100 if( $p[3] < -100 ) { // p[1][0] == iPattern, p[1][1] == iPatternColor, p[1][2] == iPatternDensity if( $patternFactory == null ) { $patternFactory = new RectPatternFactory(); } $prect = $patternFactory->Create($p[1][0],$p[1][1],1); $prect->SetBackground($p[1][3]); $prect->SetDensity($p[1][2]+1); $prect->SetPos(new Rectangle($x1,$ym,$boxsize,$boxsize)); $prect->Stroke($aImg); $prect=null; } else { if( is_array($color) && count($color)==2 ) { // The client want a gradient color $grad->FilledRectangle($x1,$ym, $x1+$boxsize,$ym+$boxsize, $color[0],$color[1],-$p[3]); } else { $aImg->SetColor($p[1]); $aImg->FilledRectangle($x1,$ym,$x1+$boxsize,$ym+$boxsize); } $aImg->SetColor($this->color); $aImg->SetLineWeight($fillBoxFrameWeight); $aImg->Rectangle($x1,$ym,$x1+$boxsize,$ym+$boxsize); } } $aImg->SetColor($this->font_color); $aImg->SetFont($this->font_family,$this->font_style,$this->font_size); $aImg->SetTextAlign("left","top"); $aImg->StrokeText(round($x1+$this->mark_abs_hsize+$this->xmargin),$y1,$p[0]); // Add CSIM for Legend if defined if( !empty($p[4]) ) { $xe = $x1 + $this->xmargin+$this->mark_abs_hsize+$aImg->GetTextWidth($p[0]); $ye = $y1 + max($this->mark_abs_vsize,$aImg->GetTextHeight($p[0])); $coords = "$x1,$y1,$xe,$y1,$xe,$ye,$x1,$ye"; if( ! empty($p[4]) ) { $this->csimareas .= "csimareas .= " title=\"$tmp\""; } $this->csimareas .= " alt=\"\" />\n"; } } if( $i >= $this->layout_n ) { $x1 = $xp+$this->mark_abs_hsize+$this->xlmargin; $y1 += $rowheight[$row++]; $i = 1; } else { $x1 += $colwidth[($i-1) % $numcolumns] ; ++$i; } } } } // Class //=================================================== // CLASS DisplayValue // Description: Used to print data values at data points //=================================================== class DisplayValue { public $margin=5; public $show=false; public $valign="",$halign="center"; public $format="%.1f",$negformat=""; private $ff=FF_FONT1,$fs=FS_NORMAL,$fsize=10; private $iFormCallback=''; private $angle=0; private $color="navy",$negcolor=""; private $iHideZero=false; function Show($aFlag=true) { $this->show=$aFlag; } function SetColor($aColor,$aNegcolor="") { $this->color = $aColor; $this->negcolor = $aNegcolor; } function SetFont($aFontFamily,$aFontStyle=FS_NORMAL,$aFontSize=10) { $this->ff=$aFontFamily; $this->fs=$aFontStyle; $this->fsize=$aFontSize; } function ApplyFont($aImg) { $aImg->SetFont($this->ff,$this->fs,$this->fsize); } function SetMargin($aMargin) { $this->margin = $aMargin; } function SetAngle($aAngle) { $this->angle = $aAngle; } function SetAlign($aHAlign,$aVAlign='') { $this->halign = $aHAlign; $this->valign = $aVAlign; } function SetFormat($aFormat,$aNegFormat="") { $this->format= $aFormat; $this->negformat= $aNegFormat; } function SetFormatCallback($aFunc) { $this->iFormCallback = $aFunc; } function HideZero($aFlag=true) { $this->iHideZero=$aFlag; } function Stroke($img,$aVal,$x,$y) { if( $this->show ) { if( $this->negformat=="" ) $this->negformat=$this->format; if( $this->negcolor=="" ) $this->negcolor=$this->color; if( $aVal===NULL || (is_string($aVal) && ($aVal=="" || $aVal=="-" || $aVal=="x" ) ) ) return; if( is_numeric($aVal) && $aVal==0 && $this->iHideZero ) { return; } // Since the value is used in different cirumstances we need to check what // kind of formatting we shall use. For example, to display values in a line // graph we simply display the formatted value, but in the case where the user // has already specified a text string we don't fo anything. if( $this->iFormCallback != '' ) { $f = $this->iFormCallback; $sval = call_user_func($f,$aVal); } elseif( is_numeric($aVal) ) { if( $aVal >= 0 ) $sval=sprintf($this->format,$aVal); else $sval=sprintf($this->negformat,$aVal); } else $sval=$aVal; $y = $y-sign($aVal)*$this->margin; $txt = new Text($sval,$x,$y); $txt->SetFont($this->ff,$this->fs,$this->fsize); if( $this->valign == "" ) { if( $aVal >= 0 ) $valign = "bottom"; else $valign = "top"; } else $valign = $this->valign; $txt->Align($this->halign,$valign); $txt->SetOrientation($this->angle); if( $aVal > 0 ) $txt->SetColor($this->color); else $txt->SetColor($this->negcolor); $txt->Stroke($img); } } } //=================================================== // CLASS Plot // Description: Abstract base class for all concrete plot classes //=================================================== class Plot { public $numpoints=0; public $value; public $legend=''; public $coords=array(); public $color="black"; public $hidelegend=false; public $line_weight=1; public $csimtargets=array(); // Array of targets for CSIM public $csimareas=""; // Resultant CSIM area tags public $csimalts=null; // ALT:s for corresponding target public $legendcsimtarget=''; public $legendcsimalt=''; protected $weight=1; protected $center=false; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function Plot($aDatay,$aDatax=false) { $this->numpoints = count($aDatay); if( $this->numpoints==0 ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25121);//("Empty input data array specified for plot. Must have at least one data point."); $this->coords[0]=$aDatay; if( is_array($aDatax) ) { $this->coords[1]=$aDatax; $n = count($aDatax); for($i=0; $i < $n; ++$i ) { if( is_string($aDatax[$i]) ) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25070); } } } $this->value = new DisplayValue(); } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS // Stroke the plot // "virtual" function which must be implemented by // the subclasses function Stroke($aImg,$aXScale,$aYScale) { JpGraphError::RaiseL(25122);//("JpGraph: Stroke() must be implemented by concrete subclass to class Plot"); } function HideLegend($f=true) { $this->hidelegend = $f; } function DoLegend($graph) { if( !$this->hidelegend ) $this->Legend($graph); } function StrokeDataValue($img,$aVal,$x,$y) { $this->value->Stroke($img,$aVal,$x,$y); } // Set href targets for CSIM function SetCSIMTargets($aTargets,$aAlts=null) { $this->csimtargets=$aTargets; $this->csimalts=$aAlts; } // Get all created areas function GetCSIMareas() { return $this->csimareas; } // "Virtual" function which gets called before any scale // or axis are stroked used to do any plot specific adjustment function PreStrokeAdjust($aGraph) { if( substr($aGraph->axtype,0,4) == "text" && (isset($this->coords[1])) ) JpGraphError::RaiseL(25123);//("JpGraph: You can't use a text X-scale with specified X-coords. Use a \"int\" or \"lin\" scale instead."); return true; } // Get minimum values in plot function Min() { if( isset($this->coords[1]) ) $x=$this->coords[1]; else $x=""; if( $x != "" && count($x) > 0 ) { $xm=min($x); } else $xm=0; $y=$this->coords[0]; $cnt = count($y); if( $cnt > 0 ) { /* if( ! isset($y[0]) ) { JpGraphError('The input data array must have consecutive values from position 0 and forward. The given y-array starts with empty values (NULL)'); } $ym = $y[0]; */ $i=0; while( $i<$cnt && !is_numeric($ym=$y[$i]) ) $i++; while( $i < $cnt) { if( is_numeric($y[$i]) ) $ym=min($ym,$y[$i]); ++$i; } } else $ym=""; return array($xm,$ym); } // Get maximum value in plot function Max() { if( isset($this->coords[1]) ) $x=$this->coords[1]; else $x=""; if( $x!="" && count($x) > 0 ) $xm=max($x); else { $xm = $this->numpoints-1; } $y=$this->coords[0]; if( count($y) > 0 ) { /* if( !isset($y[0]) ) { JpGraphError::Raise('The input data array must have consecutive values from position 0 and forward. The given y-array starts with empty values (NULL)'); // $y[0] = 0; // Change in 1.5.1 Don't treat this as an error any more. Just silently convert to 0 // Change in 1.17 Treat his as an error again !! This is the right way to do !! } */ $cnt = count($y); $i=0; while( $i<$cnt && !is_numeric($ym=$y[$i]) ) $i++; while( $i < $cnt ) { if( is_numeric($y[$i]) ) $ym=max($ym,$y[$i]); ++$i; } } else $ym=""; return array($xm,$ym); } function SetColor($aColor) { $this->color=$aColor; } function SetLegend($aLegend,$aCSIM="",$aCSIMAlt="") { $this->legend = $aLegend; $this->legendcsimtarget = $aCSIM; $this->legendcsimalt = $aCSIMAlt; } function SetWeight($aWeight) { $this->weight=$aWeight; } function SetLineWeight($aWeight=1) { $this->line_weight=$aWeight; } function SetCenter($aCenter=true) { $this->center = $aCenter; } // This method gets called by Graph class to plot anything that should go // into the margin after the margin color has been set. function StrokeMargin($aImg) { return true; } // Framework function the chance for each plot class to set a legend function Legend($aGraph) { if( $this->legend != "" ) $aGraph->legend->Add($this->legend,$this->color,"",0,$this->legendcsimtarget,$this->legendcsimalt); } } // Class //=================================================== // CLASS PlotLine // Description: // Data container class to hold properties for a static // line that is drawn directly in the plot area. // Usefull to add static borders inside a plot to show // for example set-values //=================================================== class PlotLine { public $scaleposition, $direction=-1; protected $weight=1; protected $color="black"; //--------------- // CONSTRUCTOR function PlotLine($aDir=HORIZONTAL,$aPos=0,$aColor="black",$aWeight=1) { $this->direction = $aDir; $this->color=$aColor; $this->weight=$aWeight; $this->scaleposition=$aPos; } //--------------- // PUBLIC METHODS function SetPosition($aScalePosition) { $this->scaleposition=$aScalePosition; } function SetDirection($aDir) { $this->direction = $aDir; } function SetColor($aColor) { $this->color=$aColor; } function SetWeight($aWeight) { $this->weight=$aWeight; } function PreStrokeAdjust($aGraph) { // Nothing to do } function Stroke($aImg,$aXScale,$aYScale) { $aImg->SetColor($this->color); $aImg->SetLineWeight($this->weight); if( $this->direction == VERTICAL ) { $ymin_abs=$aYScale->Translate($aYScale->GetMinVal()); $ymax_abs=$aYScale->Translate($aYScale->GetMaxVal()); $xpos_abs=$aXScale->Translate($this->scaleposition); $aImg->Line($xpos_abs, $ymin_abs, $xpos_abs, $ymax_abs); } elseif( $this->direction == HORIZONTAL ) { $xmin_abs=$aXScale->Translate($aXScale->GetMinVal()); $xmax_abs=$aXScale->Translate($aXScale->GetMaxVal()); $ypos_abs=$aYScale->Translate($this->scaleposition); $aImg->Line($xmin_abs, $ypos_abs, $xmax_abs, $ypos_abs); } else JpGraphError::RaiseL(25125);//(" Illegal direction for static line"); } } // ?>