package PandoraFMS::Config; ########################################################################## # Configuration Package # Pandora FMS. the Flexible Monitoring System. ########################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ########################################################################## use warnings; use POSIX qw(strftime); use Time::Local; # Default lib dir for RPM and DEB packages use lib '/usr/lib/perl5'; use PandoraFMS::Tools; use PandoraFMS::DB; use PandoraFMS::Core; require Exporter; our @ISA = ("Exporter"); our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( ) ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our @EXPORT = qw( pandora_help_screen pandora_init pandora_load_config pandora_start_log pandora_get_sharedconfig pandora_get_tconfig_token ); # version: Defines actual version of Pandora Server for this module only my $pandora_version = "7.0NG.707"; my $pandora_build = "170725"; our $VERSION = $pandora_version." ".$pandora_build; # Setup hash my %pa_config; # Public functions ########################################################################## # SUB pandora_help_screen() # Shows a help screen and exits ########################################################################## sub help_screen { print "\nSyntax: \n\n pandora_server [ options ] < fullpathname to configuration file (pandora_server.conf) > \n\n"; print "Following options are optional : \n"; print " -v : Verbose mode activated. Writes more information in the logfile \n"; print " -d : Debug mode activated. Writes extensive information in the logfile \n"; print " -D : Daemon mode (runs in background)\n"; print " -P : Store PID to file.\n"; print " -q : Quiet startup \n"; print " -S : Manage the win32 service.\n"; print " -h : This screen. Shows a little help screen \n"; print " \n"; exit; } ########################################################################## # SUB pandora_init ( %pandora_cfg ) # Makes the initial parameter parsing, initializing and error checking ########################################################################## sub pandora_init { my $pa_config = $_[0]; my $init_string = $_[1]; print "\n$init_string $pandora_version Build $pandora_build Copyright (c) 2004-2015 ArticaST\n"; print "This program is OpenSource, licensed under the terms of GPL License version 2.\n"; print "You can download latest versions and documentation at \n\n"; # Load config file from command line if ($#ARGV == -1 ){ print "I need at least one parameter: Complete path to Pandora FMS Server configuration file \n"; help_screen; exit; } $pa_config->{"verbosity"}=0; # Verbose 1 by default $pa_config->{"daemon"}=0; # Daemon 0 by default $pa_config->{'PID'}=""; # PID file not exist by default $pa_config->{"quiet"}=0; # Daemon 0 by default # If there are not valid parameters my $parametro; my $ltotal=$#ARGV; my $ax; for ($ax=0;$ax<=$ltotal;$ax++){ $parametro = $ARGV[$ax]; if (($parametro =~ m/-h\z/i ) || ($parametro =~ m/help\z/i )) { help_screen(); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/-v\z/i) { $pa_config->{"verbosity"}=5; } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^-P\z/i) { $pa_config->{'PID'}= clean_blank($ARGV[$ax+1]); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/-d\z/) { $pa_config->{"verbosity"}=10; } elsif ($parametro =~ m/-q\z/) { $pa_config->{"quiet"}=1; } elsif ($parametro =~ m/-D\z/) { $pa_config->{"daemon"}=1; } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^-S\z/i) { $pa_config->{'win32_service'}= clean_blank($ARGV[$ax+1]); } else { ($pa_config->{"pandora_path"} = $parametro); } } if ($pa_config->{"pandora_path"} eq ""){ print " [ERROR] I need at least one parameter: Complete path to Pandora FMS configuration file. \n"; print " For example: ./pandora_server /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf \n\n"; exit; } } ########################################################################## # Read some config tokens from database set by the console ########################################################################## sub pandora_get_sharedconfig ($$) { my ($pa_config, $dbh) = @_; # Agentaccess option $pa_config->{"agentaccess"} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'agentaccess', 1); # Realtimestats 0 disabled, 1 enabled. # Master servers will generate all the information (global tactical stats). # and each server will generate it's own server stats (lag, etc). $pa_config->{"realtimestats"} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'realtimestats', 0); # Stats_interval option $pa_config->{"stats_interval"} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'stats_interval', 300); # Netflow configuration options $pa_config->{"activate_netflow"} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'activate_netflow', 0); $pa_config->{"netflow_path"} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'netflow_path', '/var/spool/pandora/data_in/netflow'); $pa_config->{"netflow_interval"} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'netflow_interval', 300); $pa_config->{"netflow_daemon"} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'netflow_daemon', '/usr/bin/nfcapd'); # Log module configuration $pa_config->{"log_dir"} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'log_dir', '/var/spool/pandora/data_in/log'); $pa_config->{"log_interval"} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'log_interval', 3600); # Pandora FMS Console's attachment directory $pa_config->{"attachment_dir"} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'attachment_store', '/var/www/pandora_console/attachment'); #Limit of events replicate in metaconsole $pa_config->{'replication_limit'} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'replication_limit', 1000); $pa_config->{'include_agents'} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'include_agents', 0); #Public url $pa_config->{'public_url'} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'public_url', 'http://localhost/pandora_console'); # Node with a metaconsole license. # NOTE: This must be read when checking license limits! #$pa_config->{"node_metaconsole"} = pandora_get_tconfig_token ($dbh, 'node_metaconsole', 0); if ($pa_config->{'include_agents'} eq '') { $pa_config->{'include_agents'} = 0; } } ########################################################################## # Read external configuration file ########################################################################## sub pandora_load_config { my $pa_config = $_[0]; my $archivo_cfg = $pa_config->{'pandora_path'}; my $buffer_line; my @command_line; my $tbuf; # Default values $pa_config->{'version'} = $pandora_version; $pa_config->{'build'} = $pandora_build; $pa_config->{"dbengine"} = "mysql"; $pa_config->{"dbuser"} = "pandora"; $pa_config->{"dbpass"} = "pandora"; $pa_config->{"dbhost"} = "localhost"; $pa_config->{'dbport'} = undef; # set to standard port of "dbengine" later $pa_config->{"dbname"} = "pandora"; $pa_config->{"basepath"} = $pa_config->{'pandora_path'}; # Compatibility with Pandora 1.1 $pa_config->{"incomingdir"} = "/var/spool/pandora/data_in"; $pa_config->{"user"} = "pandora"; # environment settings default user owner for files generated $pa_config->{"group"} = "apache"; # environment settings default group owner for files generated $pa_config->{"umask"} = "0007"; # environment settings umask applied over chmod (A & (not B)) $pa_config->{"server_threshold"} = 30; $pa_config->{"alert_threshold"} = 60; $pa_config->{"graph_precision"} = 1; $pa_config->{"log_file"} = "/var/log/pandora_server.log"; $pa_config->{"errorlog_file"} = "/var/log/pandora_server.error"; $pa_config->{"networktimeout"} = 5; # By default, not in config file yet $pa_config->{"pandora_master"} = 1; # on by default $pa_config->{"pandora_check"} = 0; # Deprecated since 2.0 $pa_config->{"servername"} = `hostname`; $pa_config->{"servername"} =~ s/\s//g; # Replace ' ' chars $pa_config->{"dataserver"} = 1; # default $pa_config->{"networkserver"} = 1; # default $pa_config->{"snmpconsole"} = 1; # default $pa_config->{"reconserver"} = 1; # default $pa_config->{"wmiserver"} = 1; # default $pa_config->{"pluginserver"} = 1; # default $pa_config->{"predictionserver"} = 1; # default $pa_config->{"exportserver"} = 1; # default $pa_config->{"inventoryserver"} = 1; # default $pa_config->{"webserver"} = 1; # 3.0 $pa_config->{"web_timeout"} = 60; # 6.0SP5 $pa_config->{"transactionalserver"} = 0; # Default 0, introduced on 6.1 $pa_config->{"transactional_threads"} = 1; # Default 1, introduced on 6.1 $pa_config->{"transactional_threshold"} = 2; # Default 2, introduced on 6.1 $pa_config->{"transactional_pool"} = $pa_config->{"incomingdir"} . "/" . "trans"; # Default, introduced on 6.1 $pa_config->{'snmp_logfile'} = "/var/log/pandora_snmptrap.log"; $pa_config->{"network_threads"} = 3; # Fixed default $pa_config->{"keepalive"} = 60; # 60 Seconds initially for server keepalive $pa_config->{"keepalive_orig"} = $pa_config->{"keepalive"}; $pa_config->{"icmp_checks"} = 1; # Introduced on 1.3.1 $pa_config->{"icmp_packets"} = 1; # > 5.1SP2 $pa_config->{"alert_recovery"} = 0; # Introduced on 1.3.1 $pa_config->{"snmp_checks"} = 1; # Introduced on 1.3.1 $pa_config->{"snmp_timeout"} = 8; # Introduced on 1.3.1 $pa_config->{"snmp_trapd"} = '/usr/sbin/snmptrapd'; # 3.0 $pa_config->{"tcp_checks"} = 1; # Introduced on 1.3.1 $pa_config->{"tcp_timeout"} = 20; # Introduced on 1.3.1 $pa_config->{"snmp_proc_deadresponse"} = 1; # Introduced on 1.3.1 10 Feb08 $pa_config->{"plugin_threads"} = 2; # Introduced on 2.0 $pa_config->{"plugin_exec"} = '/usr/bin/timeout'; # 3.0 $pa_config->{"recon_threads"} = 2; # Introduced on 2.0 $pa_config->{"prediction_threads"} = 1; # Introduced on 2.0 $pa_config->{"plugin_timeout"} = 5; # Introduced on 2.0 $pa_config->{"wmi_threads"} = 2; # Introduced on 2.0 $pa_config->{"wmi_timeout"} = 5; # Introduced on 2.0 $pa_config->{"wmi_client"} = 'wmic'; # 3.0 $pa_config->{"dataserver_threads"} = 2; # Introduced on 2.0 $pa_config->{"inventory_threads"} = 2; # 2.1 $pa_config->{"export_threads"} = 1; # 3.0 $pa_config->{"web_threads"} = 1; # 3.0 $pa_config->{"web_engine"} = 'lwp'; # 5.1 $pa_config->{"activate_gis"} = 0; # 3.1 $pa_config->{"location_error"} = 50; # 3.1 $pa_config->{"recon_reverse_geolocation_mode"} = 'disabled'; # 3.1 $pa_config->{"recon_reverse_geolocation_file"} = '/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat'; # 3.1 $pa_config->{"recon_location_scatter_radius"} = 50; # 3.1 $pa_config->{"update_parent"} = 0; # 3.1 $pa_config->{"google_maps_description"} = 0; $pa_config->{'openstreetmaps_description'} = 0; $pa_config->{"eventserver"} = 1; # 4.0 $pa_config->{"event_window"} = 3600; # 4.0 $pa_config->{"icmpserver"} = 0; # 4.0 $pa_config->{"icmp_threads"} = 3; # 4.0 $pa_config->{"snmpserver"} = 0; # 4.0 $pa_config->{"snmp_threads"} = 3; # 4.0 $pa_config->{"block_size"} = 15; # 4.0 $pa_config->{"max_queue_files"} = 500; $pa_config->{"snmp_ignore_authfailure"} = 1; # 5.0 $pa_config->{"snmp_pdu_address"} = 0; # 5.0 $pa_config->{"snmp_storm_protection"} = 0; # 5.0 $pa_config->{"snmp_storm_timeout"} = 600; # 5.0 $pa_config->{"snmp_delay"} = 0; # > 6.0SP3 $pa_config->{"snmpconsole_threads"} = 1; # 5.1 $pa_config->{"translate_variable_bindings"} = 0; # 5.1 $pa_config->{"translate_enterprise_strings"} = 1; # 5.1 $pa_config->{"syncserver"} = 0; # 7.0 $pa_config->{"sync_address"} = ''; # 7.0 $pa_config->{"sync_block_size"} = 65535; # 7.0 $pa_config->{"sync_ca"} = ''; # 7.0 $pa_config->{"sync_cert"} = ''; # 7.0 $pa_config->{"sync_key"} = ''; # 7.0 $pa_config->{"sync_port"} = '41121'; # 7.0 $pa_config->{"sync_retries"} = 2; # 7.0 $pa_config->{"sync_timeout"} = 5; # 7.0 $pa_config->{"dynamic_updates"} = 5; # 7.0 $pa_config->{"dynamic_warning"} = 25; # 7.0 $pa_config->{"dynamic_constant"} = 10; # 7.0 # Internal MTA for alerts, each server need its own config. $pa_config->{"mta_address"} = ''; # Introduced on 2.0 $pa_config->{"mta_port"} = '25'; # Introduced on 2.0 $pa_config->{"mta_user"} = ''; # Introduced on 2.0 $pa_config->{"mta_pass"} = ''; # Introduced on 2.0 $pa_config->{"mta_auth"} = 'none'; # Introduced on 2.0 (Support LOGIN PLAIN CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD) $pa_config->{"mta_from"} = 'pandora@localhost'; # Introduced on 2.0 $pa_config->{"mail_in_separate"} = 1; # 1: eMail deliver alert mail in separate mails. # 0: eMail deliver 1 mail with all destination. # nmap for recon OS fingerprinting and tcpscan (optional) $pa_config->{"nmap"} = "/usr/bin/nmap"; $pa_config->{"nmap_timing_template"} = 2; # > 5.1 $pa_config->{"recon_timing_template"} = 3; # > 5.1 $pa_config->{"fping"} = "/usr/sbin/fping"; # > 5.1SP2 # braa for enterprise snmp server $pa_config->{"braa"} = "/usr/bin/braa"; # SNMP enterprise retries (for braa) $pa_config->{"braa_retries"} = 3; # 5.0 # Xprobe2 for recon OS fingerprinting and tcpscan (optional) $pa_config->{"xprobe2"} = "/usr/bin/xprobe2"; # Snmpget for snmpget system command (optional) $pa_config->{"snmpget"} = "/usr/bin/snmpget"; $pa_config->{'autocreate_group'} = -1; $pa_config->{'autocreate'} = 1; # max log size (bytes) $pa_config->{'max_log_size'} = 1048576; # max log generation $pa_config->{'max_log_generation'} = 1; # Ignore the timestamp in the XML and use the file timestamp instead $pa_config->{'use_xml_timestamp'} = 0; # Server restart delay in seconds $pa_config->{'restart_delay'} = 60; # Auto restart every x seconds $pa_config->{'auto_restart'} = 0; # Restart server on error $pa_config->{'restart'} = 0; # Self monitoring $pa_config->{'self_monitoring'} = 0; # Self monitoring interval $pa_config->{'self_monitoring_interval'} = 300; # 5.1SP1 # Process XML data files as a stack $pa_config->{"dataserver_lifo"} = 0; # 5.0 # Patrol process of policies queue $pa_config->{"policy_manager"} = 0; # 5.0 # Event replication process $pa_config->{"event_replication"} = 0; # 5.0 # Event auto-validation $pa_config->{"event_auto_validation"} = 1; # 5.0 # Export events to a text file $pa_config->{"event_file"} = ''; # 5.0 # Default event messages $pa_config->{"text_going_down_normal"} = "Module '_module_' is going to NORMAL (_data_)"; # 5.0 $pa_config->{"text_going_up_critical"} = "Module '_module_' is going to CRITICAL (_data_)"; # 5.0 $pa_config->{"text_going_up_warning"} = "Module '_module_' is going to WARNING (_data_)"; # 5.0 $pa_config->{"text_going_down_warning"} = "Module '_module_' is going to WARNING (_data_)"; # 5.0 $pa_config->{"text_going_unknown"} = "Module '_module_' is going to UNKNOWN"; # 5.0 # Event auto-expiry time $pa_config->{"event_expiry_time"} = 0; # 5.0 # Event auto-expiry time window $pa_config->{"event_expiry_window"} = 86400; # 5.0 # Event auto-expiry time window $pa_config->{"claim_back_snmp_modules"} = 1; # 5.1 # Auto-recovery of asynchronous modules. $pa_config->{"async_recovery"} = 1; # 5.1SP1 # Console API connection $pa_config->{"console_api_url"} = 'http://localhost/pandora_console/include/api.php'; # 6.0 $pa_config->{"console_api_pass"} = ''; # 6.0 $pa_config->{"console_user"} = 'admin'; # 6.0 $pa_config->{"console_pass"} = 'pandora'; # 6.0 # Database password encryption passphrase $pa_config->{"encryption_passphrase"} = ''; # 6.0 # Unknown interval (as a multiple of the module's interval) $pa_config->{"unknown_interval"} = 2; # > 5.1SP2 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This values are not stored in .conf files. # This values should be stored in database, not in .conf files! # Default values are set here because if they are not present in config DB # don't get an error later. $pa_config->{"realtimestats"} = 0; $pa_config->{"stats_interval"} = 300; $pa_config->{"agentaccess"} = 1; $pa_config->{"event_storm_protection"} = 0; $pa_config->{"node_metaconsole"} = 0; # > 7.0NG # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #SNMP Forwarding tokens $pa_config->{"snmp_forward_trap"}=0; $pa_config->{"snmp_forward_secName"}= ''; $pa_config->{"snmp_forward_engineid"}= ''; $pa_config->{"snmp_forward_authProtocol"}= ''; $pa_config->{"snmp_forward_authPassword"}= ''; $pa_config->{"snmp_forward_community"}= 'public'; $pa_config->{"snmp_forward_privProtocol"}= ''; $pa_config->{"snmp_forward_privPassword"}= ''; $pa_config->{"snmp_forward_secLevel"}= ''; $pa_config->{"snmp_forward_version"}= 2; $pa_config->{"snmp_forward_ip"}= ''; # Global Timeout for Custom Commands Alerts $pa_config->{"global_alert_timeout"}= 15; # 6.0 # Server Remote Config $pa_config->{"remote_config"}= 0; # 6.0 # Remote config server address $pa_config->{"remote_config_address"} = 'localhost'; # 6.0 # Remote config server port $pa_config->{"remote_config_port"} = 41121; # 6.0 # Remote config server options $pa_config->{"remote_config_opts"} = ''; # 6.0 # Temp path for file sendinn and receiving $pa_config->{"temporal"} = '/tmp'; # 6.0 # Warmup intervals. $pa_config->{"warmup_alert_interval"} = 0; # 6.1 $pa_config->{"warmup_alert_on"} = 0; # 6.1 $pa_config->{"warmup_event_interval"} = 0; # 6.1 $pa_config->{"warmup_event_on"} = 0; # 6.1 $pa_config->{"warmup_unknown_interval"} = 300; # 6.1 $pa_config->{"warmup_unknown_on"} = 1; # 6.1 #$pa_config->{'include_agents'} = 0; #6.1 # # External .enc files for XML::Parser. $pa_config->{"enc_dir"} = ""; # > 6.0SP4 # Enable (1) or disable (0) events related to the unknown status. $pa_config->{"unknown_events"} = 1; # > 6.0SP4 # Check for UID0 if ($pa_config->{"quiet"} != 0){ if ($> == 0){ printf " [W] Not all Pandora FMS components need to be executed as root\n"; printf " please consider starting it with a non-privileged user.\n"; } } # Check for file if ( ! -f $archivo_cfg ) { printf "\n [ERROR] Cannot open configuration file at $archivo_cfg. \n"; printf " Please specify a valid Pandora FMS configuration file in command line. \n"; print " Standard configuration file is at /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf \n"; exit 1; } # Collect items from config file and put in an array if (! open (CFG, "< $archivo_cfg")) { print "[ERROR] Error opening configuration file $archivo_cfg: $!.\n"; exit 1; } while (){ $buffer_line = $_; if ($buffer_line =~ /^[a-zA-Z]/){ # begins with letters if ($buffer_line =~ m/([\w\-\_\.]+)\s([0-9\w\-\_\.\/\?\&\=\)\(\_\-\!\*\@\#\%\$\~\"\']+)/){ push @command_line, $buffer_line; } } } close (CFG); # Process this array with commandline like options # Process input parameters my @args = @command_line; my $parametro; my $ltotal=$#args; my $ax; # Has read setup file ok ? if ( $ltotal == 0 ) { print "[ERROR] No valid setup tokens readed in $archivo_cfg "; exit; } for ($ax=0;$ax<=$ltotal;$ax++){ $parametro = $args[$ax]; if ($parametro =~ m/^incomingdir\s(.*)/i) { $tbuf= clean_blank($1); if ($tbuf =~ m/^\.(.*)/){ $pa_config->{"incomingdir"} =$pa_config->{"basepath"}.$1; } else { $pa_config->{"incomingdir"} = $tbuf; } } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^log_file\s(.*)/i) { $tbuf= clean_blank($1); if ($tbuf =~ m/^\.(.*)/){ $pa_config->{"log_file"} = $pa_config->{"basepath"}.$1; } else { $pa_config->{"log_file"} = $tbuf; } } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^errorlog_file\s(.*)/i) { $tbuf= clean_blank($1); if ($tbuf =~ m/^\.(.*)/){ $pa_config->{"errorlog_file"} = $pa_config->{"basepath"}.$1; } else { $pa_config->{"errorlog_file"} = $tbuf; } } # MTA setup (2.0) elsif ($parametro =~ m/^mta_user\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'mta_user'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^mta_pass\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'mta_pass'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^mta_address\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'mta_address'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^mta_port\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'mta_port'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^mta_auth\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'mta_auth'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^mta_from\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'mta_from'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^mail_in_separate\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'mail_in_separate'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_logfile\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_logfile'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_ignore_authfailure\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_ignore_authfailure'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_pdu_address\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_pdu_address'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_storm_protection\s+(\d+)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_storm_protection'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_storm_timeout\s+(\d+)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_storm_timeout'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_delay\s+(\d+)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_delay'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmpconsole_threads\s+(\d+)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmpconsole_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^translate_variable_bindings\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'translate_variable_bindings'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^translate_enterprise_strings\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'translate_enterprise_strings'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^user\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'user'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^group\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'group'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^umask\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'umask'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dbengine\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'dbengine'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dbname\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'dbname'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dbuser\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'dbuser'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dbpass\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'dbpass'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dbhost\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'dbhost'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dbport\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'dbport'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^daemon\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'daemon'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dataserver\s+([0-9]*)/i){ $pa_config->{'dataserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^networkserver\s+([0-9]*)/i){ $pa_config->{'networkserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^pluginserver\s+([0-9]*)/i){ $pa_config->{'pluginserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^predictionserver\s+([0-9]*)/i){ $pa_config->{'predictionserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^reconserver\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'reconserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^reconserver\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'reconserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^wmiserver\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'wmiserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^exportserver\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'exportserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^inventoryserver\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'inventoryserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^webserver\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'webserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^web_timeout\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'web_timeout'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^transactionalserver\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'transactionalserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^transactional_threads\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'transactional_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^transactional_threshold\s+([0-9]*\.{0,1}[0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'transactional_threshold'}= clean_blank($1); } if ($parametro =~ m/^transactional_pool\s(.*)/i) { $tbuf= clean_blank($1); if ($tbuf =~ m/^\.(.*)/){ $pa_config->{"transactional_pool"} = $pa_config->{"incomingdir"} . "/" . $1; } else { $pa_config->{"transactional_pool"} = $pa_config->{"incomingdir"} . "/" . $tbuf; } } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^eventserver\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'eventserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^icmpserver\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'icmpserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^icmp_threads\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'icmp_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^servername\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'servername'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^checksum\s+([0-9])/i) { $pa_config->{"pandora_check"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^master\s+([0-9])/i) { $pa_config->{"pandora_master"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^icmp_checks\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"icmp_checks"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^icmp_packets\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"icmp_packets"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmpconsole\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"snmpconsole"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmpserver\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"snmpserver"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^alert_recovery\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"alert_recovery"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_checks\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"snmp_checks"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_timeout\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"snmp_timeout"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^tcp_checks\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"tcp_checks"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^tcp_timeout\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"tcp_timeout"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_proc_deadresponse\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"snmp_proc_deadresponse"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^verbosity\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"verbosity"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^server_threshold\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"server_threshold"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^alert_threshold\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"alert_threshold"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^graph_precision\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"graph_precision"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^network_timeout\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'networktimeout'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^network_threads\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'network_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^plugin_threads\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'plugin_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^prediction_threads\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'prediction_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^plugin_timeout\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'plugin_timeout'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dataserver_threads\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'dataserver_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^server_keepalive\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"keepalive"} = clean_blank($1); $pa_config->{"keepalive_orig"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^nmap\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'nmap'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^fping\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'fping'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^nmap_timing_template\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'nmap_timing_template'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^recon_timing_template\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'recon_timing_template'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^braa\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'braa'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^braa_retries\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{"braa_retries"} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^xprobe2\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'xprobe2'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmpget\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmpget'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^autocreate\s+([0-9*]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'autocreate'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^autocreate_group\s+([0-9*]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'autocreate_group'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^recon_threads\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'recon_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^max_log_size\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'max_log_size'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^max_log_generation\s+([1-9])/i) { $pa_config->{'max_log_generation'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^wmi_threads\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'wmi_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^wmi_client\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'wmi_client'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^web_threads\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'web_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^web_engine\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'web_engine'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_trapd\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_trapd'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^plugin_exec\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'plugin_exec'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^inventory_threads\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'inventory_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^export_threads\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'export_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^max_queue_files\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'max_queue_files'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^use_xml_timestamp\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'use_xml_timestamp'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^restart_delay\s+(\d+)/i) { $pa_config->{'restart_delay'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^auto_restart\s+(\d+)/i) { $pa_config->{'auto_restart'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^restart\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'restart'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^google_maps_description\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'google_maps_description'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^openstreetmaps_description\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'openstreetmaps_description'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^activate_gis\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'activate_gis'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^location_error\s+(\d+)/i) { $pa_config->{'location_error'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^recon_reverse_geolocation_mode\s+(\w+)/i) { $pa_config->{'recon_reverse_geolocation_mode'} = clean_blank($1); } #FIXME: Find a better regexp to validate the path elsif ($parametro =~ m/^recon_reverse_geolocation_file\s+(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'recon_reverse_geolocation_file'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^recon_location_scatter_radius\s+(\d+)/i) { $pa_config->{'recon_location_scatter_radius'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^self_monitoring\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'self_monitoring'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^self_monitoring_interval\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'self_monitoring_interval'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^update_parent\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'update_parent'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^event_window\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'event_window'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_threads\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_threads'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^block_size\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'block_size'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dataserver_lifo\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'dataserver_lifo'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^policy_manager\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'policy_manager'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^event_replication\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'event_replication'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^event_auto_validation\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'event_auto_validation'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^event_file\s+(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'event_file'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^text_going_down_normal\s+(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'text_going_down_normal'} = safe_input ($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^text_going_up_critical\s+(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'text_going_up_critical'} = safe_input ($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^text_going_up_warning\s+(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'text_going_up_warning'} = safe_input ($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^text_going_down_warning\s+(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'text_going_down_warning'} = safe_input ($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^text_going_unknown\s+(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'text_going_unknown'} = safe_input ($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^event_expiry_time\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'event_expiry_time'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^event_expiry_window\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'event_expiry_window'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_forward_trap\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_forward_trap'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_forward_secName\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_forward_secName'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_forward_engineid\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_forward_engineid'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_forward_authProtocol\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_forward_authProtocol'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_forward_authPassword\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_forward_authPassword'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_forward_community\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_forward_community'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_forward_privProtocol\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_forward_privProtocol'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_forward_privPassword\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_forward_privPassword'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_forward_secLevel\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_forward_secLevel'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_forward_version\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_forward_version'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^snmp_forward_ip\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'snmp_forward_ip'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); if ($pa_config->{'snmp_forward_trap'}==1 && ($pa_config->{'snmp_forward_ip'} eq '' || $pa_config->{'snmp_forward_ip'} eq 'localhost')) { printf "\n [ERROR] Cannot set snmp_forward_ip to localhost or \n"; exit 1; } } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^claim_back_snmp_modules\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'claim_back_snmp_modules'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^async_recovery\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'async_recovery'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^console_api_url\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'console_api_url'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^console_api_pass\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'console_api_pass'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^console_user\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'console_user'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^console_pass\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'console_pass'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^encryption_passphrase\s(.*)/i) { # 6.0 $pa_config->{'encryption_passphrase'}= safe_input(clean_blank($1)); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^unknown_interval\s+([0-9]*)/i) { # > 5.1SP2 $pa_config->{'unknown_interval'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^global_alert_timeout\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'global_alert_timeout'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^remote_config\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'remote_config'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^remote_config_address\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'remote_config_address'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^remote_config_port\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'remote_config_port'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^remote_config_opts\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'remote_config_opts'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^temporal\s(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'temporal'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^warmup_event_interval\s+([0-9]*)/i || $parametro =~ m/^warmup_alert_interval\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'warmup_event_interval'}= clean_blank($1); $pa_config->{'warmup_event_on'} = 1 if ($pa_config->{'warmup_event_interval'} > 0); # Off by default. # The same interval is used for alerts and events. $pa_config->{'warmup_alert_interval'}= clean_blank($1); $pa_config->{'warmup_alert_on'} = 1 if ($pa_config->{'warmup_event_interval'} > 0); # Off by default. } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^warmup_unknown_interval\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'warmup_unknown_interval'}= clean_blank($1); $pa_config->{'warmup_unknown_on'} = 0 if ($pa_config->{'warmup_unknown_interval'} == 0); # On by default. } #elsif ($parametro =~ m/^include_agents\s+([0-1])/i) { # $pa_config->{'include_agents'}= clean_blank($1); #} elsif ($parametro =~ m/^enc_dir\s+(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'enc_dir'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^unknown_events\s+([0-1])/i) { $pa_config->{'unknown_events'} = clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^syncserver\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'syncserver'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^sync_address\s+(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'sync_address'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^sync_block_size\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'sync_block_size'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^sync_ca\s+(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'sync_ca'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^sync_cert\s+(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'sync_cert'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^sync_key\s+(.*)/i) { $pa_config->{'sync_key'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^sync_port\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'sync_port'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^sync_timeout\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'sync_timeout'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^sync_retries\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'sync_retries'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dynamic_updates\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'dynamic_updates'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dynamic_warning\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'dynamic_warning'}= clean_blank($1); } elsif ($parametro =~ m/^dynamic_constant\s+([0-9]*)/i) { $pa_config->{'dynamic_constant'}= clean_blank($1); } } # end of loop for parameter # # Set to RDBMS' standard port if (!defined($pa_config->{'dbport'})) { if ($pa_config->{'dbengine'} eq "mysql") { $pa_config->{'dbport'} = 3306; } elsif ($pa_config->{'dbengine'} eq "postgresql") { $pa_config->{'dbport'} = 5432; } elsif ($pa_config->{'dbengine'} eq "oracle") { $pa_config->{'dbport'} = 1521; } } if (($pa_config->{"verbosity"} > 4) && ($pa_config->{"quiet"} == 0)){ if ($pa_config->{"PID"} ne ""){ print " [*] PID File is written at ".$pa_config->{'PID'}."\n"; } print " [*] Server basepath is ".$pa_config->{'basepath'}."\n"; print " [*] Server logfile at ".$pa_config->{"log_file"}."\n"; print " [*] Server errorlogfile at ".$pa_config->{"errorlog_file"}."\n"; print " [*] Server incoming directory at ".$pa_config->{"incomingdir"}."\n"; print " [*] Server keepalive ".$pa_config->{"keepalive"}."\n"; print " [*] Server threshold ".$pa_config->{"server_threshold"}."\n"; } # Check for valid token token values if (( $pa_config->{"dbuser"} eq "" ) || ( $pa_config->{"basepath"} eq "" ) || ( $pa_config->{"incomingdir"} eq "" ) || ( $pa_config->{"log_file"} eq "" ) || ( $pa_config->{"dbhost"} eq "") || ( $pa_config->{"pandora_master"} eq "") || ( $pa_config->{"dbpass"} eq "" ) ) { print " [ERROR] Bad Config values. Be sure that $archivo_cfg is a valid setup file. \n\n"; exit; } if (($pa_config->{"quiet"} == 0) && ($pa_config->{"verbosity"} > 4)) { if ($pa_config->{"pandora_check"} == 1) { print " [*] MD5 Security enabled.\n"; } if ($pa_config->{"pandora_master"} != 0) { print " [*] This server is running with MASTER priority " . $pa_config->{"pandora_master"} . "\n"; } } logger ($pa_config, "Launching $pa_config->{'version'} $pa_config->{'build'}", 1); my $config_options = "Logfile at ".$pa_config->{"log_file"}.", Basepath is ".$pa_config->{"basepath"}.", Checksum is ".$pa_config->{"pandora_check"}.", Master is ".$pa_config->{"pandora_master"}.", SNMP Console is ".$pa_config->{"snmpconsole"}.", Server Threshold at ".$pa_config->{"server_threshold"}." sec, verbosity at ".$pa_config->{"verbosity"}.", Alert Threshold at $pa_config->{'alert_threshold'}, ServerName is '".$pa_config->{'servername'}."'"; logger ($pa_config, "Config options: $config_options", 1); } ########################################################################## # Open the log file and start logging. ########################################################################## sub pandora_start_log ($){ my $pa_config = shift; # Dump all errors to errorlog open (STDERR, ">> " . $pa_config->{'errorlog_file'}) or die " [ERROR] Pandora FMS can't write to Errorlog. Aborting : \n $! \n"; my $mode = 0664; chmod $mode, $pa_config->{'errorlog_file'}; print STDERR strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime()) . ' - ' . $pa_config->{'servername'} . " Starting Pandora FMS Server. Error logging activated.\n"; } ########################################################################## # Read the given token from the tconfig table. ########################################################################## sub pandora_get_tconfig_token ($$$) { my ($dbh, $token, $default_value) = @_; my $token_value = get_db_value ($dbh, "SELECT value FROM tconfig WHERE token = ?", $token); if (defined ($token_value)) { return safe_output ($token_value); } return $default_value; } # End of function declaration # End of defined Code 1; __END__