$idConection)); $returnJSON['content'] = $row; echo json_encode($returnJSON); break; case 'get_new_positions': $id_features = get_parameter('id_features', ''); $last_time_of_data = get_parameter('last_time_of_data'); $layerId = get_parameter('layer_id'); $agentView = get_parameter('agent_view'); $returnJSON = array(); $returnJSON['correct'] = 1; if ($agentView == 0) { $flagGroupAll = get_db_all_rows_sql('SELECT tgrupo_id_grupo FROM tgis_map_layer WHERE id_tmap_layer = ' . $layerId . ' AND tgrupo_id_grupo = 1;'); //group 1 = all groups $defaultCoords = get_db_row_sql('SELECT default_longitude, default_latitude FROM tgis_map WHERE id_tgis_map IN (SELECT tgis_map_id_tgis_map FROM tgis_map_layer WHERE id_tmap_layer = ' . $layerId . ')'); if ($flagGroupAll === false) { $idAgentsWithGISTemp = get_db_all_rows_sql('SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo IN (SELECT tgrupo_id_grupo FROM tgis_map_layer WHERE id_tmap_layer = ' . $layerId . ') OR id_agente IN (SELECT tagente_id_agente FROM tgis_map_layer_has_tagente WHERE tgis_map_layer_id_tmap_layer = ' . $layerId . ');'); } else { //All groups, all agents $idAgentsWithGISTemp = get_db_all_rows_sql('SELECT tagente_id_agente AS id_agente FROM tgis_data_status WHERE tagente_id_agente'); } foreach ($idAgentsWithGISTemp as $idAgent) { $idAgentsWithGIS[] = $idAgent['id_agente']; } } else { //Extract the agent GIS status for one agent. $idAgentsWithGIS[] = $id_features; } $agentsGISStatus = get_db_all_rows_sql('SELECT t1.nombre, id_parent, t1.id_agente AS tagente_id_agente, IFNULL(t2.stored_longitude, ' . $defaultCoords['default_longitude'] . ') AS stored_longitude, IFNULL(t2.stored_latitude, ' . $defaultCoords['default_latitude'] . ') AS stored_latitude FROM tagente AS t1 LEFT JOIN tgis_data_status AS t2 ON t1.id_agente = t2.tagente_id_agente WHERE id_agente IN (' . implode(',', $idAgentsWithGIS) . ')'); if ($agentsGISStatus === false) { $agentsGISStatus = array(); } $agents = null; foreach ($agentsGISStatus as $row) { $status = get_agent_status($row['tagente_id_agente']); $agents[$row['tagente_id_agente']] = array( 'icon_path' => get_agent_icon_map($row['tagente_id_agente'], true, $status), 'name' => $row['nombre'], 'status' => $status, 'stored_longitude' => $row['stored_longitude'], 'stored_latitude' => $row['stored_latitude'], 'id_parent' => $row['id_parent'] ); } $returnJSON['content'] = json_encode($agents); echo json_encode($returnJSON); break; case 'point_path_info': $id = get_parameter('id'); $row = get_db_row_sql('SELECT * FROM tgis_data_history WHERE id_tgis_data = ' . $id); $returnJSON = array(); $returnJSON['correct'] = 1; $returnJSON['content'] = __('Agent') . ': '.get_agent_name($row['tagente_id_agente']).'
'; $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Position (Long, Lat, Alt)') . ': (' . $row['longitude'] . ', ' . $row['latitude'] . ', ' . $row['altitude'] . ')
'; $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Start contact') . ': ' . $row['start_timestamp'] . '
'; $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Last contact') . ': ' . $row['end_timestamp'] . '
'; $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Num reports') . ': '.$row['number_of_packages'].'
'; if ($row['manual_placemen']) $returnJSON['content'] .= '
' . __('Manual placement') . '
'; echo json_encode($returnJSON); break; case 'point_agent_info': $id = get_parameter('id'); $row = get_db_row_sql('SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = ' . $id); $agentDataGIS = getDataLastPositionAgent($row['id_agente']); $returnJSON = array(); $returnJSON['correct'] = 1; $returnJSON['content'] = __('Agent') . ': '.$row['nombre'].'
'; //it's positioned in default position of map. if ($agentDataGIS === false) { $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Position (Long, Lat, Alt)') . ': ' . __("Default position of map.") . '
'; } else { $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Position (Long, Lat, Alt)') . ': (' . $agentDataGIS['stored_longitude'] . ', ' . $agentDataGIS['stored_latitude'] . ', ' . $agentDataGIS['stored_altitude'] . ')
'; } $agent_ip_address = get_agent_address ($id_agente); if ($agent_ip_address || $agent_ip_address != '') { $returnJSON['content'] .= __('IP Address').': '.get_agent_address ($id_agente).'
'; } $returnJSON['content'] .= __('OS').': '.print_os_icon($row['id_os'], true, true); $osversion_offset = strlen($row["os_version"]); if ($osversion_offset > 15) { $osversion_offset = $osversion_offset - 15; } else { $osversion_offset = 0; } $returnJSON['content'] .= ' ( '.substr($row["os_version"],$osversion_offset,15).')
'; $agent_description = $row['comentarios']; if ($agent_description || $agent_description != '') { $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Description').': '.$agent_description.'
'; } $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Group').': '.print_group_icon ($row["id_grupo"], true).' ('.get_group_name ($row["id_grupo"]).')
'; $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Agent Version').': '.$row["agent_version"].'
'; $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Last contact') . ": "; if ($row["ultimo_contacto_remoto"] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { $returnJSON['content'] .=__('Never') ."
"; } else { $returnJSON['content'] .= $row["ultimo_contacto_remoto"] ."
"; } $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Remote').': '. $row["ultimo_contacto"]; echo json_encode($returnJSON); break; case 'get_map_connection_data': $idConnection = get_parameter('id_connection'); $returnJSON = array(); $returnJSON['correct'] = 1; $returnJSON['content'] = get_db_row_sql('SELECT * FROM tgis_map_connection WHERE id_tmap_connection = ' . $idConnection); echo json_encode($returnJSON); break; } ?>