" . __("Zero results found") . "
else {
$table->cellpadding = 4;
$table->cellspacing = 4;
$table->width = "98%";
$table->class = "databox";
$table->head = array ();
$table->head[0] = __('Module') . ' ' .
''. html_print_image("images/sort_up.png", true, array("style" => $selectModuleNameUp)) . '' .
'' . html_print_image("images/sort_down.png", true, array("style" => $selectModuleNameDown)) . '';
$table->head[1] = __('Agent') . ' ' .
'' . html_print_image("images/sort_up.png", true, array("style" => $selectAgentNameUp)) . '' .
'' . html_print_image("images/sort_down.png", true, array("style" => $selectAgentNameDown)) .'';
$table->head[2] = __('Type');
$table->head[3] = __('Interval');
$table->head[4] = __('Status');
$table->head[5] = __('Graph');
$table->head[6] = __('Data');
$table->head[7] = __('Timestamp');
$table->head[8] = "";
$table->align = array ();
$table->align[0] = "left";
$table->align[1] = "left";
$table->align[2] = "left";
$table->align[3] = "left";
$table->align[4] = "left";
$table->align[5] = "left";
$table->align[6] = "left";
$table->align[7] = "left";
$table->align[8] = "left";
$table->data = array ();
$id_type_web_content_string = db_get_value('id_tipo', 'ttipo_modulo',
'nombre', 'web_content_string');
foreach ($modules as $module) {
//To search the monitor status
$status_sql = sprintf('SELECT estado from tagente_estado where id_agente_modulo =' . $module['id_agente_modulo']);
$status_sql = db_process_sql($status_sql);
$status_sql = $status_sql[0];
//To search the monitor utimestamp
$utimestamp_sql = sprintf('SELECT utimestamp from tagente_estado where id_agente_modulo =' . $module['id_agente_modulo']);
$utimestamp_sql = db_process_sql($utimestamp_sql);
$utimestamp_sql = $utimestamp_sql[0];
//Fixed the goliat sends the strings from web
//without HTML entities
if ($module['id_tipo_modulo'] == $id_type_web_content_string) {
$module['datos'] = io_safe_input($module['datos']);
//Fixed the data from Selenium Plugin
if ($module['datos'] != strip_tags($module['datos'])) {
$module['datos'] = io_safe_input($module['datos']);
$agentCell = '' .
$module['agent_name'] . '';
$typeCell = ui_print_moduletype_icon($module["id_tipo_modulo"], true);
$intervalCell = modules_get_interval ($module['id_agente_modulo']);
if ($utimestamp_sql['utimestamp'] == 0 &&
($module['id_tipo_modulo'] < 21 || $module['id_tipo_modulo'] > 23) &&
$module['id_tipo_modulo'] != 100)
) {
$statusCell = ui_print_status_image(STATUS_MODULE_NO_DATA,
__('NOT INIT'), true);
elseif ($status_sql['estado'] == 0) {
$statusCell = ui_print_status_image(STATUS_MODULE_OK,
__('NORMAL') . ": " . modules_get_last_value($module["id_agente_modulo"]), true);
elseif ($status_sql['estado'] == 1) {
$statusCell = ui_print_status_image(STATUS_MODULE_CRITICAL,
__('CRITICAL') . ": " . modules_get_last_value($module["id_agente_modulo"]), true);
elseif ($status_sql['estado'] == 2) {
$statusCell = ui_print_status_image(STATUS_MODULE_WARNING,
__('WARNING') . ": " . modules_get_last_value($module["id_agente_modulo"]), true);
else {
$last_status = modules_get_agentmodule_last_status($module['id_agente_modulo']);
switch($last_status) {
case 0:
$statusCell = ui_print_status_image(
__('UNKNOWN') . " - " . __('Last status') .
" " . __('NORMAL') .": " . modules_get_last_value($module["id_agente_modulo"]),
case 1:
$statusCell = ui_print_status_image(
__('UNKNOWN') . " - " . __('Last status') .
" " . __('CRITICAL') . ": " . modules_get_last_value($module["id_agente_modulo"]),
case 2:
$statusCell = ui_print_status_image(
__('UNKNOWN') . " - " . __('Last status') .
" " . __('WARNING') . ": " . modules_get_last_value($module["id_agente_modulo"]),
$graphCell = "";
if ($module['history_data'] == 1) {
$graph_type = return_graphtype ($module["id_tipo_modulo"]);
$name_module_type = modules_get_moduletype_name ($module["id_tipo_modulo"]);
$handle = "stat" . $name_module_type . "_" . $module["id_agente_modulo"];
$url = 'include/procesos.php?agente=' . $module["id_agente_modulo"];
$win_handle = dechex(crc32($module["id_agente_modulo"] . $module["module_name"]));
$link ="winopeng('" .
"operation/agentes/stat_win.php?" .
"type=$graph_type&" .
"period=" . SECONDS_1DAY . "&" .
"id=" . $module["id_agente_modulo"] . "&" .
"label=" . rawurlencode(
base64_encode($module["module_name"]))) . "&" .
"refresh=" . SECONDS_10MINUTES . "', " .
"'day_" . $win_handle . "')";
$graphCell = '' . html_print_image("images/chart_curve.png", true, array("border" => 0, "alt" => "")) . '';
$graphCell .= " " .
"" .
html_print_image('images/binary.png', true,
array("border" => "0", "alt" => "")) . "";
if (is_numeric(modules_get_last_value($module["id_agente_modulo"]))) {
$dataCell = format_numeric(modules_get_last_value($module["id_agente_modulo"]));
else {
//Fixed the goliat sends the strings from web
//without HTML entities
if ($module['id_tipo_modulo'] == $id_type_web_content_string) {
$module_value = $module["datos"];
else {
$module_value = io_safe_output($module["datos"]);
// There are carriage returns here ?
// If carriage returns present... then is a "Snapshot" data (full command output)
if (($config['command_snapshot']) && (preg_match ("/[\n]+/i", io_safe_output($module["datos"])))) {
$handle = "snapshot"."_".$module["id_agente_modulo"];
$url = 'include/procesos.php?agente='.$module["id_agente_modulo"];
$link ="winopeng_var('operation/agentes/snapshot_view.php?id=".$module["id_agente_modulo"]."&refr=".$module["current_interval"]."&label=".rawurlencode(urlencode(io_safe_output($module["module_name"])))."','".$win_handle."', 700,480)";
$dataCell = '' . html_print_image("images/default_list.png", true, array("border" => '0', "alt" => "", "title" => __("Snapshot view"))) . ' ';
else {
//Fixed the goliat sends the strings from web
//without HTML entities
if ($module['id_tipo_modulo'] == $id_type_web_content_string) {
$sub_string = substr($module_value, 0, 12);
else {
//Fixed the data from Selenium Plugin
if ($module_value != strip_tags($module_value)) {
$module_value = io_safe_input($module_value);
$sub_string = substr($module_value, 0, 12);
else {
$sub_string = substr(io_safe_output($module_value),0, 12);
if ($module_value == $sub_string) {
$dataCell = $module_value;
else {
$dataCell = "" .
$module_value .
"" .
"" .
'' .
$sub_string . ' ' .
"" .
html_print_image("images/rosette.png", true) . "" . "";
if ($module['estado'] == 3) {
$option = array ("html_attr" => 'class="redb"');
else {
$option = array ();
$timestampCell = ui_print_timestamp ($utimestamp_sql["utimestamp"], true, $option);
$group_agent = agents_get_agent_group($module['id_agente']);
if (check_acl ($config['id_user'], $group_agent, "AW")) {
$edit_module = 'aaa';
$url_edit = "index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&id_agente="
. $module['id_agente'] . "&tab=module&id_agent_module=" .
$module["id_agente_modulo"] . "&edit_module=1";
$edit_module = '' .
html_print_image("images/config.png", true) . '';
else {
$edit_module = '';
array_push($table->data, array(
echo "
ui_pagination ($totalModules);
html_print_table ($table);
ui_pagination ($totalModules);