// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// array_in
// Search "item" in a given array, return 1 if exists, 0 if not
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
function array_in($exampleArray, $item){
$result = 0;
foreach ($exampleArray as $key => $value){
if ($value == $item){
$result = 1;
return $result;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// parse and clear string
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
function salida_limpia ($string){
static $trans;
if (!isset($trans)) {
$trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, $quote_style);
foreach ($trans as $key => $value)
$trans[$key] = ''.ord($key).';';
// dont translate the '&' in case it is part of &xxx;
$trans[chr(38)] = '&';
// after the initial translation, _do_ map standalone '&' into '&'
return preg_replace("/&(?![A-Za-z]{0,4}\w{2,3};|#[0-9]{2,3};)/","&" , strtr($string, $trans));
function clean_output_breaks ($string){
$myoutput = salida_limpia($string);
return preg_replace ('/\n/',"
", $myoutput);
function output_clean_strict ($string){
$string = preg_replace('/[\|\@\$\%\/\(\)\=\?\*\&\#]/','',$string);
return $string;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// This function reads a string and returns it "clean"
// for use in DB, againts string XSS and so on
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
function entrada_limpia ($texto){
$filtro0 = utf8_decode($texto);
$filtro1 = htmlentities($filtro0, ENT_QUOTES);
return $filtro1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Esta funcion lee una cadena y la da "limpia", para su uso con
// parametros pasados a funcion de abrir fichero. Usados en sec y sec2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
function parametro_limpio($texto){
// Metemos comprobaciones de seguridad para los includes de paginas pasados por parametro
// Gracias Raul (http://seclists.org/lists/incidents/2004/Jul/0034.html)
// Consiste en purgar los http:// de las cadenas
$pos = strpos($texto,"://"); // quitamos la parte "fea" de http:// o ftp:// o telnet:// :-)))
if ($pos <> 0)
$texto = substr_replace($texto,"",$pos,+3);
// limitamos la entrada de datos por parametros a 125 caracteres
$texto = substr_replace($texto,"",125);
$safe = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_\/]/i','',$texto);
return $safe;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Esta funcion se supone que cierra todos los tags HTML abiertos y no cerrados
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// string closeOpenTags(string string [, string beginChar [, stringEndChar [, string CloseChar]]]);
function closeOpenTags($str, $open = "<", $close = ">", $end = "/", $tokens = "_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
{ $chars = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($tokens); $i++)
{ $chars[] = substr($tokens, $i, 1); }
$openedTags = array();
$closedTags = array();
$tag = FALSE;
$closeTag = FALSE;
$tagName = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++)
{ $char = substr($str, $i, 1);
if ($char == $open)
{ $tag = TRUE; continue; }
if ($char == $end)
{ $closeTag = TRUE; continue; }
if ($tag && in_array($char, $chars))
{ $tagName .= $char; }
{if ($closeTag)
{if (isset($closedTags[$tagName]))
{ $closedTags[$tagName]++; }
{ $closedTags[$tagName] = 1; } }
elseif ($tag)
{if (isset($openedTags[$tagName]))
{ $openedTags[$tagName]++; }
{ $openedTags[$tagName] = 1; } }
$tag = FALSE; $closeTag = FALSE; $tagName = ""; }
while(list($tag, $count) = each($openedTags))
$closedTags[$tag] = isset($closedTags[$tag]) ? $closedTags[$tag] : 0;
$count -= $closedTags[$tag];
if ($count < 1) continue;
$str .= str_repeat($open.$end.$tag.$close, $count);
return $str;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Return string with time-threshold in secs, mins, days or weeks
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
function give_human_time ($int_seconds){
$key_suffix = 's';
$periods = array(
'year' => 31556926,
'month' => 2629743,
'day' => 86400,
'hour' => 3600,
'minute' => 60,
'second' => 1
// used to hide 0's in higher periods
$flag_hide_zero = true;
// do the loop thang
foreach( $periods as $key => $length )
// calculate
$temp = floor( $int_seconds / $length );
// determine if temp qualifies to be passed to output
if( !$flag_hide_zero || $temp > 0 )
// store in an array
$build[] = $temp.' '.$key.($temp!=1?'s':null);
// set flag to false, to allow 0's in lower periods
$flag_hide_zero = false;
// get the remainder of seconds
$int_seconds = fmod($int_seconds, $length);
// return output, if !empty, implode into string, else output $if_reached
return ( !empty($build)?implode(', ', $build):$if_reached );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// This function show a popup window using a help_id (unused)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
function popup_help ($help_id){
echo "[H]";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// no_permission () - Display no perm. access
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
function no_permission () {
require ("include/languages/language_".$language_code.".php");
echo "
"; echo $lang_label["no_permission_text"]; echo " |
\nerror: directory \"$directory\" doesn't exist!\n\n"); return $errorHandler = true; } if ($searchHandler == 0) { while (false !== ($fileName = @readdir ($directoryHandler))) { @array_push ($result, $fileName); } } if ($searchHandler == 1) { while(false !== ($fileName = @readdir ($directoryHandler))) { if(@substr_count ($fileName, $stringSearch) > 0) { @array_push ($result, $fileName); } } } if (($errorHandler == true) && (@count ($result) === 0)) { echo ("
\nerror: no filetype \"$fileExtension\" found!\n\n"); } else { sort ($result); if ($outputHandler == 0) { return $result; } if ($outputHandler == 1) { echo ("
\n"); print_r ($result); echo ("\n"); } } } function pagination ($count, $url, $offset ) { require ("config.php"); require ("include/languages/language_".$language_code.".php"); /* URL passed render links with some parameter &offset - Offset records passed to next page &counter - Number of items to be blocked Pagination needs $url to build the base URL to render links, its a base url, like " http://pandora/index.php?sec=godmode&sec2=godmode/admin_access_logs " */ $block_limit = 15; // Visualize only $block_limit blocks if ($count > $block_size){ // If exists more registers than I can put in a page, calculate index markers $index_counter = ceil($count/$block_size); // Number of blocks of block_size with data $index_page = ceil($offset/$block_size)-(ceil($block_limit/2)); // block to begin to show data; if ($index_page < 0) $index_page = 0; // This calculate index_limit, block limit for this search. if (($index_page + $block_limit) > $index_counter) $index_limit = $index_counter; else $index_limit = $index_page + $block_limit; // This calculate if there are more blocks than visible (more than $block_limit blocks) if ($index_counter > $block_limit ) $paginacion_maxima = 1; // If maximum blocks ($block_limit), show only 10 and "...." else $paginacion_maxima = 0; // This setup first block of query if ( $paginacion_maxima == 1) if ($index_page == 0) $inicio_pag = 0; else $inicio_pag = $index_page; else $inicio_pag = 0; echo "