'; /* CUSTOM BRANDING STARTS HERE */ /* TODO: Put the branding in it's own file, variables or database Yes, put here your corporate logo instead pandora_logo_head.png The style specifies width and height so that oversized images get resized. Optimally your logo would be this size. */ echo 'logo'; /* CUSTOM BRANDING ENDS HERE */ // Margin to logo echo ' '; // First column (identifier) echo ' '.''.__('You are').' ['.$_SESSION["id_usuario"].']'; //First column, second row (logout button) echo '

'; echo ' '. __('Logout').''; // Second column (link to main page) echo ''; echo ' '.__('General information').''; //Second column, second row (System up/down) echo '

'; echo ''; $servers["all"] = (int) get_db_value ('COUNT(id_server)','tserver'); $servers["up"] = (int) check_server_status (); $servers["down"] = $servers["all"] - $servers["up"]; if ($servers["up"] == 0) { //All Servers down or no servers at all echo ' '.__('All systems').': '.__('Down'); } elseif ($servers["down"] != 0) { //Some servers down echo ' '.$servers["down"].' '.__('servers down'); } else { //All servers up echo ' '.__('All systems').': '.__('Ready'); } unset ($servers); // Since this is the header, we don't like to trickle down variables. echo ""; // Third column // Autorefresh echo ''; $refr = (int) get_parameter ("refr"); if ($refr) { echo ' '. __('Autorefresh'); echo ' ('.date ("i:s", $refr).')'; echo ''; } else { echo ' '.__('Autorefresh').''; $values = array ('5' => '5 '.__('seconds'), '10' => '10 '.__('seconds'), '15' => '15 '.__('seconds'), '30' => '30 '.__('seconds'), '60' => '1 '.__('minute'), '120' => '2 '.__('minutes'), '300' => '5 '.__('minutes'), '900' => '15 '.__('minutes'), '1800' => '30 '.__('minutes'), '3600' => '1 '.__('hour')); echo ''; } //Events echo '

'; echo ' '.__('Events').''; // Styled text echo '
Pandora FMS
'; ?>