#!/usr/bin/perl ################################################################################ # Pandora XML Stress tool. ################################################################################ # Copyright (c) 2009 Ramon Novoa, rnovoa@artica.es # Copyright (c) 2009 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ################################################################################ use strict; use warnings; use threads; use threads::shared; use Time::Local; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use POSIX qw (strftime ceil floor); use Data::Dumper; use Math::Trig; use File::Copy; # Global variables used for statistics my $Agents :shared = 0; my $Modules :shared = 0; my $XMLFiles :shared = 0; my $LogLock :shared; ################################################################################ # Load the configuration file. ################################################################################ sub load_config ($\%\@) { my ($conf_file, $conf, $modules) = @_; open (FILE, "<", $conf_file) || die ("[error] Could not open configuration file '$conf_file': $!.\n\n"); while (my $line = ) { # A module definition if ($line =~ m/module_begin/) { my %module; # A comment next if ($line =~ m/^#/); while (my $line = ) { # A comment next if ($line =~ m/^#/); last if ($line =~ m/module_end/); # Unknown line next if ($line !~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+(.+)$/); $module{$1} = $2; } push (@{$modules}, \%module); $Modules++; next; } # Unknown line next if ($line !~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+(.+)$/); $conf->{$1} = $2; } close (FILE); } ################################################################################ # Generate XML files. ################################################################################ sub generate_xml_files ($$$$$$) { my ($agents, $start, $step, $conf, $modules, $local_conf) = @_; # Read agent configuration my $interval = get_conf_token ($conf, 'agent_interval', '300'); my $xml_version = get_conf_token ($conf, 'xml_version', '1.0'); my $encoding = get_conf_token ($conf, 'encoding', 'ISO-8859-1'); my $os_name = get_conf_token ($conf, 'os_name', 'Linux'); my $os_version = get_conf_token ($conf, 'os_version', '2.6'); my $temporal = get_conf_token ($conf, 'temporal', '/tmp'); my $startup_delay = get_conf_token ($conf, 'startup_delay', '5'); my $ag_timezone_offset = get_conf_token ($conf, 'timezone_offset', '0'); my $ag_timezone_offset_range = get_conf_token ($conf, 'timezone_offset_range', '0'); my $latitude_base = get_conf_token ($conf, 'latitude_base', '40.42056'); my $longitude_base = get_conf_token ($conf, 'longitude_base', '-3.708187'); my $altitude_base = get_conf_token ($conf, 'altitude_base', '0'); my $position_radius = get_conf_token ($conf, 'position_radius', '10'); # Get time_from my $time_now = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime ()); my $time_from = get_conf_token ($conf, 'time_from', $time_now); die ("[error] Invalid time_from: $time_from\n\n") unless ($time_from =~ /(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+) +(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/); my $utimestamp_from = timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2 - 1, $1 - 1900); # Get time_to my $time_to = get_conf_token ($conf, 'time_to', $time_now); die ("[error] Invalid time_to: $time_to\n\n") unless ($time_to =~ /(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+) +(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/); my $utimestamp_to = timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2 - 1, $1 - 1900); # Generate data files my $utimestamp = $utimestamp_from; while ($utimestamp <= $utimestamp_to) { for (my $i = $start; $i < $start + $step; $i++) { # Get the name of the agent last unless defined ($agents->[$i]); my $agent_name = $agents->[$i]; # Use the modules of local conf of agent. if ($local_conf->{$agent_name}) { $modules = $local_conf->{$agent_name}; } # Agent random position my $ag_latitude = $latitude_base + (rand ($position_radius) - $position_radius/2)/100; my $ag_longitude = $longitude_base + (rand ($position_radius) - $position_radius/2)/100; my $ag_altitude = $altitude_base + (rand ($position_radius) - $position_radius/2)/100; # XML header my $timestamp = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime ($utimestamp)); my $xml_data = "\n"; my $sign = int rand(2); $ag_timezone_offset += ($sign*(-1)+(1-$sign)) * int rand($ag_timezone_offset_range); $xml_data .= "\n"; foreach my $module (@{$modules}) { # Skip unnamed modules my $module_name = get_conf_token ($module, 'module_name', ''); next if ($module_name eq ''); # Read module configuration my $module_type = get_conf_token ($module, 'module_type', 'generic_data'); my $module_description = get_conf_token ($module, 'module_description', ''); #my $module_min = get_conf_token ($module, 'module_min', '0'); #my $module_max = get_conf_token ($module, 'module_max', '255'); #my $module_variation = get_conf_token ($module, 'module_variation', '100'); #my $module_data = get_conf_token ($module, 'module_data', ''); # Extract the data config for the generator. my $generation_type = get_generation_parameter($module, 'type', 'RANDOM'); my $module_variation = get_generation_parameter($module, 'variation', '100'); my $module_min = get_generation_parameter($module, 'min', '0'); my $module_max = get_generation_parameter($module, 'max', '255'); my $module_data = get_generation_parameter($module, 'data', ''); my $module_prob = get_generation_parameter($module, 'prob', '50'); my $module_avg = get_generation_parameter($module, 'avg', '127'); my $module_time_wave_length = get_generation_parameter($module, 'time_wave_length', '0'); my $module_time_offset = get_generation_parameter($module, 'time_offset', '0'); # Generate module data $xml_data .= "\t\n"; $xml_data .= "\t\t$module_name\n"; $xml_data .= "\t\t$module_description\n"; $xml_data .= "\t\t$module_type\n"; # Generate data my $rnd_data = $module->{'module_data'}; if ($generation_type eq 'RANDOM') { $rnd_data = generate_random_data ($module_type, $module_data, $module_min, $module_max, $module_variation); } elsif ($generation_type eq 'SCATTER') { if (($module_type eq 'generic_data_string') || ($module_type eq 'async_string')) { printf "\n"; log_message ($conf, "\tERROR:\tTry to generate scatter data in string module '$module_name' in agent '$agent_name'\n"); $rnd_data = $module_data; } else { $rnd_data = generate_scatter_data ($module_type, $module_data, $module_min, $module_max, $module_prob, $module_avg); } } elsif ($generation_type eq 'CURVE') { if (($module_type eq 'generic_data_string') || ($module_type eq 'async_string')) { printf "\n"; log_message ($conf, "\tERROR:\tTry to generate curve data in string module '$module_name' in agent '$agent_name'\n"); $rnd_data = $module_data; } else { $rnd_data = generate_curve_data ($utimestamp, $module_min, $module_max, $module_time_wave_length, $module_time_offset); } } # Save previous data $module->{'module_data'} = $rnd_data; $xml_data .= "\t\t$rnd_data\n"; $xml_data .= "\t\n"; } $xml_data .= "\n"; # Fix the temporal path my $last_char = chop ($temporal); $temporal .= $last_char if ($last_char ne '/'); # Save the XML data file # The temporal dir is normaly the /var/spool/pandora/data_in my $xml_file = $temporal . '/' . $agent_name . '_' . $utimestamp . '.data'; open (FILE, ">", $xml_file) || die ("[error] Could not write to '$xml_file': $!.\n\n"); print FILE $xml_data; close (FILE); copy_xml_file ($conf, $xml_file); $XMLFiles++; } # First run, let the server create the new agent before sending more data if ($utimestamp == $utimestamp_from) { threads->yield (); sleep ($startup_delay); } $utimestamp += $interval; } } ################################################################################ # Generates random data according to the module type. ################################################################################ sub generate_random_data ($$$$$) { my ($module_type, $current_data, $min, $max, $variation) = @_; my $change_rnd = int rand (100); return $current_data unless ($variation > $change_rnd) or $current_data eq ''; # String if ($module_type =~ m/string/) { my @chars = ("A" .. "Z","a" .. "z", 0..9); return join ("", @chars[map {rand @chars} (1..(rand ($max - $min + 1) + $min))]); } # Proc if ($module_type =~ m/proc/) { return int (rand ($max - $min + 1) + $min); } # Generic data return int (rand ($max - $min + 1) + $min); } ################################################################################ # Generates curve data. ################################################################################ sub generate_curve_data ($$$$$$) { my ($utimestamp, $module_min, $module_max, $module_time_wave_length, $module_time_offset) = @_; #f(x) = (max - min) * Sin( (t * pi) / (wave_length) + (pi * (offset / wave_length))) + min ###################################################### # GRAPHICAL EXPLAIN # # offset # | # (max - min) -> |----- . . . . # |V V. . . . # ---------------|--------------------------------- # | . . . ^ ^ # min -> | . . . | | # ------- # | # wave_length # ###################################################### my $return = ($module_max - $module_min)/2 * sin( ($utimestamp * pi) / $module_time_wave_length + (pi * ($module_time_offset / $module_time_wave_length))) + ($module_min + $module_max) / 2; return $return; } ################################################################################ # Generates scatter data. ################################################################################ sub generate_scatter_data ($$$$$$) { my ($module_type, $current_data, $min, $max, $prob, $avg) = @_; # And check the probability now my $other_rnd = int rand(100); if ( $prob >= $other_rnd) { return int (rand ($max - $min + 1) + $min); } else { return $avg; } } ################################################################################ # Returns the value of a configuration token. ################################################################################ sub copy_xml_file ($$) { my ($conf, $file) = @_; my $server_ip = get_conf_token ($conf, 'server_ip', ''); return if ($server_ip eq ''); my $server_port = get_conf_token ($conf, 'server_port', '41121'); my $tentacle_opts = get_conf_token ($conf, 'tentacle_opts', ''); # Send the file and delete it `tentacle_client -a $server_ip -p $server_port $tentacle_opts "$file" > /dev/null 2>&1`; unlink ($file); } ################################################################################ # Returns the value of a configuration token. ################################################################################ sub get_conf_token ($$$) { my ($hash_ref, $token, $def_value) = @_; return $def_value unless ref ($hash_ref) and defined ($hash_ref->{$token}); return $hash_ref->{$token}; } ################################################################################ # Returns the parameter of a generator configuration of module. ################################################################################ sub get_generation_parameter($$$) { my ($hash_ref, $token, $def_value) = @_; return $def_value unless ref ($hash_ref) and defined ($hash_ref->{'module_exec'}); my $configuration = $hash_ref->{'module_exec'}; my $value = $def_value; $value = $1 if ($configuration =~ /$token=([^;]+)/); return $value; } ################################################################################ # Prints a message to the logfile. ################################################################################ sub log_message ($$) { my ($conf, $message) = @_; my $utimestamp = time (); my $log_file = get_conf_token ($conf, 'log_file', ''); # Log to stdout if ($log_file eq '') { print "[$utimestamp] $message\n"; return; } # Log to file { lock $LogLock; open (LOG_FILE, '>>', $log_file) || die ("[error] Could not open log file '$log_file': $!.\n\n"); print LOG_FILE "[$utimestamp] $message\n"; close (LOG_FILE); } } ################################################################################ # INI MD5 FUNCTIONS ################################################################################ # Used to calculate the MD5 checksum of a string use constant MOD232 => 2**32; ############################################################################### # MD5 leftrotate function. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5#Pseudocode. ############################################################################### sub leftrotate ($$) { my ($x, $c) = @_; return (0xFFFFFFFF & ($x << $c)) | ($x >> (32 - $c)); } ############################################################################### # Initialize some variables needed by the MD5 algorithm. # See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5#Pseudocode. ############################################################################### my (@R, @K); sub md5_init () { # R specifies the per-round shift amounts @R = (7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21); # Use binary integer part of the sines of integers (radians) as constants for (my $i = 0; $i < 64; $i++) { $K[$i] = floor(abs(sin($i + 1)) * MOD232); } } ############################################################################### # Return the MD5 checksum of the given string. # Pseudocode from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5#Pseudocode. ############################################################################### sub md5 ($) { my $str = shift; # Note: All variables are unsigned 32 bits and wrap modulo 2^32 when calculating # Initialize variables my $h0 = 0x67452301; my $h1 = 0xEFCDAB89; my $h2 = 0x98BADCFE; my $h3 = 0x10325476; # Pre-processing my $msg = unpack ("B*", pack ("A*", $str)); my $bit_len = length ($msg); # Append "1" bit to message $msg .= '1'; # Append "0" bits until message length in bits ≡ 448 (mod 512) $msg .= '0' while ((length ($msg) % 512) != 448); # Append bit /* bit, not byte */ length of unpadded message as 64-bit little-endian integer to message $msg .= unpack ("B64", pack ("VV", $bit_len)); # Process the message in successive 512-bit chunks for (my $i = 0; $i < length ($msg); $i += 512) { my @w; my $chunk = substr ($msg, $i, 512); # Break chunk into sixteen 32-bit little-endian words w[i], 0 <= i <= 15 for (my $j = 0; $j < length ($chunk); $j += 32) { push (@w, unpack ("V", pack ("B32", substr ($chunk, $j, 32)))); } # Initialize hash value for this chunk my $a = $h0; my $b = $h1; my $c = $h2; my $d = $h3; my $f; my $g; # Main loop for (my $y = 0; $y < 64; $y++) { if ($y <= 15) { $f = $d ^ ($b & ($c ^ $d)); $g = $y; } elsif ($y <= 31) { $f = $c ^ ($d & ($b ^ $c)); $g = (5 * $y + 1) % 16; } elsif ($y <= 47) { $f = $b ^ $c ^ $d; $g = (3 * $y + 5) % 16; } else { $f = $c ^ ($b | (0xFFFFFFFF & (~ $d))); $g = (7 * $y) % 16; } my $temp = $d; $d = $c; $c = $b; $b = ($b + leftrotate (($a + $f + $K[$y] + $w[$g]) % MOD232, $R[$y])) % MOD232; $a = $temp; } # Add this chunk's hash to result so far $h0 = ($h0 + $a) % MOD232; $h1 = ($h1 + $b) % MOD232; $h2 = ($h2 + $c) % MOD232; $h3 = ($h3 + $d) % MOD232; } # Digest := h0 append h1 append h2 append h3 #(expressed as little-endian) return unpack ("H*", pack ("V", $h0)) . unpack ("H*", pack ("V", $h1)) . unpack ("H*", pack ("V", $h2)) . unpack ("H*", pack ("V", $h3)); } ################################################################################ # END MD5 FUNCTIONS ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Sends a file to the server. ################################################################################ sub send_file($$) { my $file = shift; my $conf = shift;printf($file . "\n"); my $output; my $server_ip = get_conf_token($conf, 'server_ip', ''); my $server_port = get_conf_token($conf, 'server_port', '41121'); my $tentacle_options = get_conf_token($conf, 'tentacle_options', ''); # Shell command separator my $CmdSep = ';'; # $DevNull my $DevNull = '/dev/null'; $output = `tentacle_client -v -a $server_ip -p $server_port $tentacle_options $file 2>&1 >$DevNull`; # Get the errorlevel my $rc = $? >> 8; if ($rc != 0) { log_message($conf, "\tERROR:\tError sending file '$file': $output"); } return $rc; } ################################################################################ # Receive a file from the server. ################################################################################ sub recv_file ($$) { my $file = shift; my $conf = shift; my $output; my $directory_temp = get_conf_token($conf, 'directory_temp', '/tmp/'); my $server_ip = get_conf_token($conf, 'server_ip', ''); my $server_port = get_conf_token($conf, 'server_port', '41121'); my $tentacle_options = get_conf_token($conf, 'tentacle_options', ''); # Shell command separator my $CmdSep = ';'; # $DevNull my $DevNull = '/dev/null'; $output = `cd "$directory_temp"$CmdSep tentacle_client -v -g -a $server_ip -p $server_port $tentacle_options $file 2>&1 >$DevNull`; # Get the errorlevel my $rc; $rc = $? >> 8; if ($rc != 0) { log_message ($conf, "\tERROR:\tGetting the remote $file.'\n"); log_message ($conf, "\tERROR:\t$output'\n"); } return $rc; } ################################################################################ ################################################################################ # Get the send agent conf and generate modules. ################################################################################ sub get_and_send_agent_conf(\@\%\@\%) { my ($agents, $conf, $modules, $local_conf) = @_; my $get_and_send_agent_conf = get_conf_token($conf, 'get_and_send_agent_conf', '0'); my $directory_confs = get_conf_token($conf, 'directory_confs', '.'); my $directory_temp = get_conf_token($conf, 'directory_temp', '/tmp/'); my $md5_agent_name = ''; if ($get_and_send_agent_conf == 1) { foreach my $agent (@{$agents}) { $md5_agent_name = md5($agent); if (open (CONF_FILE, "$directory_confs/$agent.conf")) { binmode(CONF_FILE); my $conf_md5 = md5 (join ('', )); close (CONF_FILE); # Get the remote MD5 file if (recv_file("$md5_agent_name.md5", $conf) != 0) { #The remote agent don't recive, then it send the agent conf and md5. open (MD5_FILE, ">$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.md5") || log_message ($conf, "\tERROR:\tCould not open file '$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.md5' for writing: $!."); print MD5_FILE $conf_md5; close (MD5_FILE); copy ("$directory_confs/$agent.conf", "$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.conf"); send_file("$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.conf", $conf); send_file("$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.md5", $conf); log_message ($conf, "\tINFO:\tUploading configuration for the first time."); unlink ("$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.conf"); unlink ("$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.md5"); } else { #There is a remote agent. open (MD5_FILE, "< $directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.md5") || log_message ($conf, "Could not open file '$directory_confs/$md5_agent_name.md5' for writing: $!."); #Get the first version of md5 file. my $remote_conf_md5 = ; close (MD5_FILE); if ($remote_conf_md5 ne $conf_md5) { if (recv_file ("$md5_agent_name.conf", $conf) != 0) { log_message ($conf, "\tERROR:\t Get the remote '$agent.conf'."); } else { move("$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.conf", "$directory_confs/$agent.conf"); } } } } else { log_message ($conf, "\tWARNING:\tThere is not the $agent.conf .'\n"); my $interval = get_conf_token($conf, 'agent_interval', '300'); my $timezone_offset = get_conf_token($conf, 'timezone_offset', '0'); my $module_txt = ''; my $temp = ""; # Create the block of modules. foreach my $module (@{$modules}) { $temp .= " module_begin module_name " . $module->{'module_name'} . " module_type " . $module->{'module_type'} . " module_exec " . $module->{'module_exec'} . " module_min " . $module->{'module_min'} . " module_max " . $module->{'module_max'} . " module_end "; } my $default_conf = "# General Parameters # ================== server_ip " . get_conf_token ($conf, 'server_ip', 'localhost') . " server_path /var/spool/pandora/data_in temporal /tmp logfile /var/log/pandora/pandora_agent.log # Interval in seconds, 300 by default interval $interval # Debug mode only generate XML, and stop after first execution, # and does not copy XML to server. debug 0 # By default, agent takes machine name agent_name $agent # Agent description description This conf is generated with pandora_xml_stress. # Timezone offset: Difference with the server timezone #timezone_offset $timezone_offset # Listening TCP port for remote server. By default is 41121 (for tentacle) # if you want to use SSH use 22, and FTP uses 21. server_port 41121 # Transfer mode: tentacle, ftp, ssh or local transfer_mode tentacle # If set to 1 allows the agent to be configured via the web console (Only Enterprise version) remote_config 1" . $temp; if (open (CONF_FILE, ">$directory_confs/$agent.conf")) { print CONF_FILE $default_conf; close (CONF_FILE); open (CONF_FILE, "$directory_confs/$agent.conf"); binmode(CONF_FILE); my $conf_md5 = md5 (join ('', )); close (CONF_FILE); #Send files. open (MD5_FILE, "> $directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.md5") || log_message ($conf, "\tERROR:\tCould not open file '$directory_temp/$agent.conf' for writing: $!."); print MD5_FILE $conf_md5; close (MD5_FILE); copy ("$directory_confs/$agent.conf", "$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.conf"); send_file ("$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.conf", $conf); send_file ("$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.md5", $conf); log_message ($conf, "\tINFO:\tUploading configuration for the first time."); unlink ("$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.conf"); unlink ("$directory_temp/$md5_agent_name.md5"); } else { log_message ($conf, "\ERROR:\tThe $agent.conf is not create.'\n"); } } # Fill the local conf for generate data my $conf = parse_local_conf($agent, $conf); $local_conf->{$agent} = $conf; } } } ################################################################################ # Parse local conf. ################################################################################ sub parse_local_conf($$) { my ($agent_name, $conf) = @_; my $directory_confs = get_conf_token($conf, 'directory_confs', '.'); my @return; if (open (CONF_FILE, "$directory_confs/$agent_name.conf")) { my $line = ''; while () { $line = $_; # A module definition if ($line =~ m/module_begin/) { my %module; # A comment next if ($line =~ m/^#/); while (my $line = ) { # A comment next if ($line =~ m/^#/); last if ($line =~ m/module_end/); # Unknown line next if ($line !~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+(.+)$/); $module{$1} = $2; } push(@return, \%module); } } close (CONF_FILE); } else { log_message ($conf, "\ERROR:\tOpen to parse the $agent_name.conf.'\n"); } return \@return; } ################################################################################ # Main ################################################################################ my (%conf, @modules); # Check command line parameters if ($#ARGV != 0) { print "Usage:\n\t$0 \n\n"; exit 1; } # Load configuration file load_config ($ARGV[0], %conf, @modules); die ("[error] No agent file specified in configuration file.\n\n") unless defined ($conf{'agent_file'}); open (FILE, "<", $conf{'agent_file'}) || die ("[error] Could not open agent configuration file '" . $conf{'agent_file'} . "': $!.\n\n"); # Read agent names my @agents; while (my $agent_name = ) { chomp ($agent_name); push (@agents, $agent_name); $Agents++; } close (FILE); # Init MD5 md5_init(); # Get the agent conf, instead use the conf in the pandora_xml_stress.conf my %local_conf; get_and_send_agent_conf(@agents, %conf, @modules, %local_conf); # Get the maximum number of threads and the number of agents per thread my $max_threads = 0 + get_conf_token (\%conf, 'max_threads', '10'); my $step = ceil ($Agents / $max_threads); my $t0 = gettimeofday (); for (my $i = 0; $i < $Agents; $i += $step) { threads->create (\&generate_xml_files, \@agents, $i, $step, \%conf, \@modules, \%local_conf); } # Log some information for the user my $time_now = strftime ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime ()); my $time_from = get_conf_token (\%conf, 'time_from', $time_now); my $time_to = get_conf_token (\%conf, 'time_to', $time_now); my $interval = get_conf_token (\%conf, 'agent_interval', '300'); log_message (\%conf, "Generating XML data files for $Agents agents from $time_from to $time_to interval $interval."); # Wait for all threads to finish foreach my $thr (threads->list()) { $thr->join (); } my $t1 = gettimeofday (); # Log statistics log_message (\%conf, "\tTotal agents:\t$Agents\n\t\tTotal modules:\t" . ($Agents * $Modules) . "\t($Modules per agent)\n\t\tTotal XML:\t$XMLFiles\t(" . int ($XMLFiles / ($t1 - $t0)) . " per second)");