/* */ function pandoraFlotPie(graph_id, values, labels, nseries, width, font_size, water_mark, separator, legend_position, height, colors, hide_labels) { var labels = labels.split(separator); var data = values.split(separator); if (colors != '') { colors = colors.split(separator); } var pieRadius = 0.9; var color = null; for (var i = 0; i < nseries; i++) { if (colors != '') { color = colors[i]; } data[i] = { label: labels[i], data: parseFloat(data[i]), color: color} } var label_conf; if (width < 400 || hide_labels) { label_conf = { show: false }; } else { label_conf = { show: true, radius: pieRadius, formatter: function(label, series) { return '
' + label + '
' + series.percent.toFixed(2) + '%
'; }, background: { opacity: 0.5, color: '' } }; } var show_legend = true; if (legend_position == 'hidden') { show_legend = false; } var conf_pie = { series: { pie: { show: true, radius: pieRadius, //offset: {top: -100}, label: label_conf, //$label_str } }, legend: { show: show_legend }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true } }; if (width < 400) { conf_pie.legend.labelFormatter = function(label, series) { return label + " (" + series.percent.toFixed(2) + "%)"; } } switch (legend_position) { case 'bottom': conf_pie.legend.position = "se"; break; case 'right': case 'inner': conf_pie.legend.container = $('#'+graph_id+"_legend"); default: //TODO FOR TOP OR LEFT OR RIGHT break; } var plot = $.plot($('#'+graph_id), data, conf_pie); var legends = $('#'+graph_id+' .legendLabel'); legends.css('font-size', font_size+'pt'); // Events $('#' + graph_id).bind('plothover', pieHover); $('#' + graph_id).bind('plotclick', pieClick); $('#' + graph_id).bind('mouseout',resetInteractivity); $('#' + graph_id).css('margin-left', 'auto'); $('#' + graph_id).css('margin-right', 'auto'); function pieHover(event, pos, obj) { if (!obj) return; index = obj.seriesIndex; legends.css('color', '#3F3F3D'); legends.eq(index).css('color', ''); } // Reset styles function resetInteractivity() { legends.css('color', '#3F3F3D'); } if (water_mark) { set_watermark(graph_id, plot, $('#watermark_image_' + graph_id).attr('src')); } } function pandoraFlotPieCustom(graph_id, values, labels, width, font_size, font, water_mark, separator, legend_position, height, colors,legend) { font = font.split("/").pop().split(".").shift(); var labels = labels.split(separator); var legend = legend.split(separator); var data = values.split(separator); var no_data = 0; if (colors != '') { colors = colors.split(separator); } var colors_data = ['#FC4444','#FFA631','#FAD403','#5BB6E5','#F2919D','#80BA27']; var color = null; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (colors != '') { color = colors[i]; } var datos = data[i]; data[i] = { label: labels[i], data: parseFloat(data[i]), color: color }; if (!datos) no_data++; } var label_conf; var show_legend = true; if((width <= 450)) { show_legend = false; label_conf = { show: false }; } else { label_conf = { show: true, radius: 0.75, formatter: function(label, series) { return '
' + series.percent.toFixed(2) + '%
'; }, background: { opacity: 0.5, color: '' } }; } var conf_pie = { series: { pie: { show: true, radius: 3/4, innerRadius: 0.4 //label: label_conf } }, legend: { show: show_legend, }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true } }; if(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { conf_pie.series.pie.label = {show: false}; } var plot = $.plot($('#'+graph_id), data, conf_pie); if (no_data == data.length) { $('#'+graph_id+' .overlay').remove(); $('#'+graph_id+' .base').remove(); $('#'+graph_id).prepend(""); } var legends = $('#'+graph_id+' .legendLabel'); var j = 0; legends.each(function () { //$(this).css('width', $(this).width()); $(this).css('font-size', font_size+'pt'); $(this).removeClass("legendLabel"); $(this).addClass(font); $(this).text(legend[j]); j++; }); if ($('input[name="custom_graph"]').val()) { $('.legend>div').css('right',($('.legend>div').height()*-1)); $('.legend>table').css('right',($('.legend>div').height()*-1)); } //$('.legend>table').css('border',"1px solid #E2E2E2"); $('.legend>table').css('background-color',"transparent"); var pielegends = $('#'+graph_id+' .pieLabelBackground'); pielegends.each(function () { $(this).css('transform', "rotate(-35deg)").css('color', 'black'); }); var labelpielegends = $('#'+graph_id+' .pieLabel'); labelpielegends.each(function () { $(this).css('transform', "rotate(-35deg)").css('color', 'black'); }); // Events $('#' + graph_id).bind('plothover', pieHover); $('#' + graph_id).bind('plotclick', Clickpie); $('#' + graph_id).bind('mouseout', resetInteractivity); $('#' + graph_id).css('margin-left', 'auto'); $('#' + graph_id).css('margin-right', 'auto'); function pieHover(event, pos, obj) { if (!obj) return; index = obj.seriesIndex; legends.css('color', '#3F3F3D'); legends.eq(index).css('color', ''); } function Clickpie(event, pos, obj) { if (!obj) return; percent = parseFloat(obj.series.percent).toFixed(2); valor = parseFloat(obj.series.data[0][1]); if (valor > 1000000){ value = Math.round((valor / 1000000)*100)/100; value = value + "M"; }else{ if (valor > 1000) { value = Math.round((valor / 1000)*100)/100; value = value + "K"; } else value = valor; } alert(''+obj.series.label+': '+ value +' ('+percent+'%)'); } // Reset styles function resetInteractivity() { legends.each(function () { // fix the widths so they don't jump around $(this).css('color', '#3F3F3D'); }); } if (water_mark) { set_watermark(graph_id, plot, $('#watermark_image_' + graph_id).attr('src')); } window.onresize = function(event) { $.plot($('#' + graph_id), data, conf_pie); if (no_data == data.length) { $('#'+graph_id+' .overlay').remove(); $('#'+graph_id+' .base').remove(); $('#'+graph_id).prepend(""); } var legends = $('#'+graph_id+' .legendLabel'); var j = 0; legends.each(function () { //$(this).css('width', $(this).width()); $(this).css('font-size', font_size+'pt'); $(this).removeClass("legendLabel"); $(this).addClass(font); $(this).text(legend[j]); j++; }); if ($('input[name="custom_graph"]').val()) { $('.legend>div').css('right',($('.legend>div').height()*-1)); $('.legend>table').css('right',($('.legend>div').height()*-1)); } //$('.legend>table').css('border',"1px solid #E2E2E2"); $('.legend>table').css('background-color',"transparent"); var pielegends = $('#'+graph_id+' .pieLabelBackground'); pielegends.each(function () { $(this).css('transform', "rotate(-35deg)").css('color', 'black'); }); var labelpielegends = $('#'+graph_id+' .pieLabel'); labelpielegends.each(function () { $(this).css('transform', "rotate(-35deg)").css('color', 'black'); }); } } function pandoraFlotHBars(graph_id, values, labels, water_mark, maxvalue, water_mark, separator, separator2, font, font_size) { var colors_data = ['#FC4444','#FFA631','#FAD403','#5BB6E5','#F2919D','#80BA27']; values = values.split(separator2); font = font.split("/").pop().split(".").shift(); var datas = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { var serie = values[i].split(separator); var aux = new Array(); for (j = 0; j < serie.length; j++) { var aux2 = parseFloat(serie[j]); aux.push([aux2, j]); datas.push( { data: [[aux2, j]], color: colors_data[j] }); }; } var labels_total=new Array(); labels = labels.split(separator); i = 0; for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { labels_total.push([i, labels[i]]); } var stack = 0, bars = true, lines = false, steps = false; var k=0; var options = { series: { bars: { show: true, barWidth: 0.75, align: "center", lineWidth: 1, fill: 1, horizontal: true, } }, grid: { hoverable: true, borderWidth: 1, backgroundColor: { colors: ["#FFF", "#FFF"] } }, xaxis: { axisLabelUseCanvas: true, axisLabelFontSizePixels: font_size, axisLabelFontFamily: font+'Font', tickFormatter: xFormatter, }, yaxis: { axisLabelUseCanvas: true, axisLabelFontSizePixels: font_size, axisLabelFontFamily: font+'Font', ticks: yFormatter, color: '', }, legend: { show: false } }; // Fixed to avoid the graphs with all 0 datas // the X axis show negative part instead to // show the axis only the positive part. if (maxvalue == 0) { options['yaxis']['min'] = 0; // Fixed the values with a lot of decimals in the situation // with all 0 values. options['yaxis']['tickDecimals'] = 0; } var plot = $.plot($('#' + graph_id), datas, options ); $('#' + graph_id).HUseTooltip(); $('#' + graph_id).css("margin-left","auto"); $('#' + graph_id).css("margin-right","auto"); //~ $('#' + graph_id).find('div.legend-tooltip').tooltip({ track: true }); function yFormatter(v, axis) { format = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < labels_total.length; i++) { var label = labels_total[i][1]; var shortLabel = reduceText(label, 25); var title = ''; if (label !== shortLabel) { title = label; label = shortLabel; } format.push([i,'
' + label + '
']); } return format; } function xFormatter(v, axis) { label = parseFloat(v); text = label.toLocaleString(); if ( label >= 1000000) text = text.substring(0,4) + "M"; else if (label >= 100000) text = text.substring(0,3) + "K"; else if (label >= 1000) text = text.substring(0,2) + "K"; return '
'; } if (water_mark) { set_watermark(graph_id, plot, $('#watermark_image_'+graph_id).attr('src')); } } var previousPoint = null, previousLabel = null; $.fn.HUseTooltip = function () { $(this).bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { if (item) { if ((previousLabel != item.series.label) || (previousPoint != item.seriesIndex)) { previousPoint = item.seriesIndex; previousLabel = item.series.label; $("#tooltip").remove(); var x = item.datapoint[0]; var y = item.datapoint[1]; var color = item.series.color; showTooltip(pos.pageX, pos.pageY, color, "" + x + ""); } } else { $("#tooltip").remove(); previousPoint = null; } }); }; $.fn.VUseTooltip = function () { $(this).bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { if (item) { if ((previousLabel != item.series.label) || (previousPoint != item.seriesIndex)) { previousPoint = item.seriesIndex; previousLabel = item.series.label; $("#tooltip").remove(); var x = item.datapoint[0]; var y = item.datapoint[1]; var color = item.series.color; showTooltip(pos.pageX, pos.pageY, color, "" + y + ""); } } else { $("#tooltip").remove(); previousPoint = null; } }); }; function showTooltip(x, y, color, contents) { $('
' + contents + '
').css({ position: 'absolute', display: 'none', top: y, left: x, border: '2px solid ' + color, padding: '3px', 'font-size': '9px', 'border-radius': '5px', 'background-color': '#fff', 'font-family': 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, sans-serif', opacity: 0.9 }).appendTo("body").fadeIn(200); } function pandoraFlotVBars(graph_id, values, labels, labels_long, legend, colors, water_mark, maxvalue, water_mark, separator, separator2, font, font_size , from_ux, from_wux) { values = values.split(separator2); legend = legend.split(separator); font = font.split("/").pop().split(".").shift(); labels_long = labels_long.length > 0 ? labels_long.split(separator) : 0; colors = colors.length > 0 ? colors.split(separator) : []; var colors_data = colors.length > 0 ? colors : ['#FFA631','#FC4444','#FAD403','#5BB6E5','#F2919D','#80BA27']; var datas = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { var serie = values[i].split(separator); var aux = new Array(); for (j = 0; j < serie.length; j++) { var aux2 = parseFloat(serie[j]); aux.push([aux2, j]); if (from_ux) { datas.push( { data: [[j, aux2]], color: colors_data[j] }); } else { datas.push( { data: [[j, aux2]], color: colors_data[0] }); } }; } var labels_total=new Array(); labels = labels.split(separator); i = 0; for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { labels_total.push([i, labels[i]]); } var stack = 0, bars = true, lines = false, steps = false; var options = { series: { bars: { show: true, lineWidth: 1, fill: 1, align: "center", barWidth: 1 } }, xaxis: { axisLabelUseCanvas: true, axisLabelFontSizePixels: font_size, axisLabelFontFamily: font+'Font', axisLabelPadding: 0, ticks: xFormatter, labelWidth: 130, labelHeight: 50, }, yaxis: { axisLabelUseCanvas: true, axisLabelFontSizePixels: font_size, axisLabelFontFamily: font+'Font', axisLabelPadding: 100, autoscaleMargin: 0.02, tickFormatter: function (v, axis) { label = parseFloat(v); text = label.toLocaleString(); if ( label >= 1000000) text = text.substring(0,4) + "M"; else if (label >= 100000) text = text.substring(0,3) + "K"; else if (label >= 1000) text = text.substring(0,2) + "K"; return '
'; } }, legend: { noColumns: 100, labelBoxBorderColor: "", margin: 100, container: true, sorted: false }, grid: { hoverable: true, borderWidth: 1, backgroundColor: { colors: ["#FFF", "#FFF"] } } }; if(from_wux){ options.series.bars.barWidth = 0.5; options.grid.aboveData = true; options.grid.borderWidth = 0; options.grid.markings = [ { xaxis: { from: -0.25, to: -0.25 }, color: "#000" }, { yaxis: { from: 0, to: 0 }, color: "#000" }]; options.grid.markingsLineWidth = 0.3; options.xaxis.tickLength = 0; options.yaxis.tickLength = 0; } if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) options.xaxis.labelWidth = 100; var plot = $.plot($('#'+graph_id),datas, options ); $('#' + graph_id).VUseTooltip(); $('#' + graph_id).css("margin-left","auto"); $('#' + graph_id).css("margin-right","auto"); //~ $('#' + graph_id).find('div.legend-tooltip').tooltip({ track: true }); /* $('#'+graph_id+' .xAxis .tickLabel') .css('transform', 'rotate(-45deg)') .css('max-width','100px') .find('div') .css('position', 'relative') .css('top', '+10px') .css('left', '-30px'); */ if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) $('#'+graph_id+' .xAxis .tickLabel') .find('div') .css('top', '+0px') .css('left', '-20px'); // Format functions function xFormatter(v, axis) { var format = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < labels_total.length; i++) { var label = labels_total[i][1]; var shortLabel = reduceText(label, 28); if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) shortLabel = reduceText(label, 18); var title = ''; if (label !== shortLabel) { title = label; label = shortLabel; } format.push([i, '
' + label + '
']); } return format; } function yFormatter(v, axis) { return '
'; } function lFormatter(v, axis) { return '
'; } if (water_mark) { set_watermark(graph_id, plot, $('#watermark_image_'+graph_id).attr('src')); } } function pandoraFlotSlicebar(graph_id, values, datacolor, labels, legend, acumulate_data, intervaltick, water_mark, maxvalue, separator, separator2, graph_javascript, id_agent, full_legend) { values = values.split(separator2); labels = labels.split(separator); legend = legend.split(separator); acumulate_data = acumulate_data.split(separator); datacolor = datacolor.split(separator); if (full_legend != false) { full_legend = full_legend.split(separator); } // Check possible adapt_keys on classes check_adaptions(graph_id); var datas = new Array(); for (i=0;i' + legend[i] + ''; } } return ''; } } function pandoraFlotArea(graph_id, values, labels, labels_long, legend, colors, type, serie_types, water_mark, width, max_x, homeurl, unit, font_size, font, menu, events, event_ids, legend_events, alerts, alert_ids, legend_alerts, yellow_threshold, red_threshold, force_integer, separator, separator2, yellow_up, red_up, yellow_inverse, red_inverse, series_suffix_str, dashboard, vconsole, xaxisname,background_color,legend_color, short_data) { var threshold = true; var thresholded = false; font = font.split("/").pop().split(".").shift(); values = values.split(separator2); serie_types = serie_types.split(separator); labels_long = labels_long.split(separator); labels = labels.split(separator); legend = legend.split(separator); events = events.split(separator); event_ids = event_ids.split(separator); if (alerts.length != 0) alerts = alerts.split(separator); else alerts = []; alert_ids = alert_ids.split(separator); colors = colors.split(separator); var eventsz = new Array(); $.each(events,function(i,v) { eventsz[event_ids[i]] = v; }); var alertsz = new Array(); $.each(alerts,function(i,v) { alertsz[alert_ids[i]] = v; }); switch (type) { case 'line_simple': stacked = null; filled = false; break; case 'line_stacked': stacked = 'stack'; filled = false; break; case 'area_simple': stacked = null; filled = true; break; case 'area_stacked': stacked = 'stack'; filled = true; break; } var datas = new Array(); var data_base = new Array(); // Prepared to turn series with a checkbox // var showed = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { var serie = values[i].split(separator); var aux = new Array(); $.each(serie, function(i, v) { aux.push([i, v]); }); switch (serie_types[i]) { case 'area': line_show = true; points_show = false; filled = true; steps_chart = false; break; case 'line': default: line_show = true; points_show = false; filled = false; steps_chart = false; break; case 'points': line_show = false; points_show = true; filled = false; steps_chart = false break; case 'boolean': line_show = true; points_show = false; filled = true; steps_chart = true; break; } var serie_color; if (colors[i] != '') { serie_color = colors[i]; } else { serie_color = '#8c2'; } var normalw = '#efe'; var warningw = '#ffe'; var criticalw = '#fee'; var normal = '#0f0'; var warning = '#ff0'; var critical = '#f00'; // setup background areas //vnormal_max = vwarning_min - 1; var markings = null; // Fill the grid background with weak threshold colors //~ markings = [ //~ { color: normalw, yaxis: { from: -1,to: vnormal_max } }, //~ { color: warningw, yaxis: { from: vwarning_min, to: vwarning_max } }, //~ { color: criticalw, yaxis: { from: vcritical_min } }, //~ { color: criticalw, yaxis: { to: -1 } } //~ ]; var lineWidth = $('#hidden-line_width_graph').val() || 1; // Data data_base.push({ id: 'serie_' + i, data: aux, label: legend[i], color: serie_color, //threshold: [{ below: 80, color: "rgb(200, 20, 30)" } , { below: 65, color: "rgb(30, 200, 30)" }, { below: 50, color: "rgb(30, 200, 30)" }], lines: { show: line_show, fill: filled, fillColor: { colors: [ { opacity: 0.5 }, { opacity: 1 } ] }, lineWidth: lineWidth, steps: steps_chart }, points: { show: points_show } }); // Prepared to turn series with a checkbox // showed[i] = true; } // If threshold and up are the same, that critical or warning is disabled if (yellow_threshold == yellow_up) yellow_inverse = false; if (red_threshold == red_up) red_inverse = false; //Array with points to be painted var threshold_data = new Array(); //Array with some interesting points var extremes = new Array (); yellow_threshold = parseFloat (yellow_threshold); yellow_up = parseFloat (yellow_up); red_threshold = parseFloat (red_threshold); red_up = parseFloat (red_up); var yellow_only_min = ((yellow_up == 0) && (yellow_threshold != 0)); red_only_min = ((red_up == 0) && (red_threshold != 0)); if (threshold) { // Warning interval. Change extremes depends on critical interval if (yellow_inverse && red_inverse) { if (red_only_min && yellow_only_min) { // C: |-------- | // W: |········==== | if (yellow_threshold > red_threshold) { threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal_fdown', data: [[max_x, red_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: yellow_threshold - red_threshold, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_fdown_1'] = red_threshold; extremes['warning_normal_fdown_2'] = yellow_threshold; } } else if (!red_only_min && yellow_only_min) { // C: |-------- ------| // W: |········===· | if (yellow_threshold > red_up) { yellow_threshold = red_up; } if (yellow_threshold > red_threshold) { threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal_fdown', data: [[max_x, red_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: yellow_threshold - red_threshold, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_fdown_1'] = red_threshold; extremes['warning_normal_fdown_2'] = yellow_threshold; } } else if (red_only_min && !yellow_only_min) { // C: |------- | // W: |·······==== ===| if (red_threshold < yellow_threshold) { threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal_fdown', data: [[max_x, red_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: yellow_threshold - red_threshold, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_fdown_1'] = red_threshold; extremes['warning_normal_fdown_2'] = yellow_threshold; } if (yellow_up < red_threshold) { yellow_up = red_threshold; } threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_up', data: [[max_x, yellow_up]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_up'] = yellow_up; } else { if (yellow_threshold > red_threshold) { // C: |-------- ------| // W: |········===· ···| if (yellow_threshold > red_up) { yellow_threshold = red_up; } threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal_fdown', data: [[max_x, red_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: yellow_threshold - red_threshold, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_fdown_1'] = red_threshold; extremes['warning_normal_fdown_2'] = yellow_threshold; } if (yellow_up < red_up) { // C: |-------- ---| // W: |····· ·======···| if (yellow_up < red_threshold) { yellow_up = red_up; } threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal_fup', data: [[max_x, yellow_up]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: red_up - yellow_up, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_fup_1'] = red_up; extremes['warning_normal_fup_2'] = yellow_up; } // If warning is under critical completely do not paint anything yellow // C: |-------- -----| // W: |···· ···| } } else if (yellow_inverse && !red_inverse) { if (red_only_min && yellow_only_min) { // C: | -----| // W: |============··· | if (yellow_threshold > red_threshold) { yellow_threshold = red_threshold; } threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_down', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_down'] = yellow_threshold; } else if (!red_only_min && yellow_only_min) { // C: | ---- | // W: |======····=== | if (yellow_threshold > red_up) { threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal_fdown', data: [[max_x, red_up]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: yellow_threshold - red_up, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_fdown_1'] = red_up; extremes['warning_normal_fdown_2'] = yellow_threshold; } if (yellow_threshold > red_threshold) { yellow_threshold = red_threshold; } threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_down', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_down'] = yellow_threshold; } else if (red_only_min && !yellow_only_min) { if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) { // C: | -----| // W: |======= ===·····| threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_down', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_down'] = yellow_threshold; if (red_threshold > yellow_up) { threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal_fup', data: [[max_x, yellow_up]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: red_threshold - yellow_up, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_fup_1'] = yellow_up; extremes['warning_normal_fup_2'] = red_threshold; } } else { // C: | ------------| // W: |=====·· ········| threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_down', data: [[max_x, red_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_down'] = red_threshold; } } else { if (yellow_threshold > red_up) { // C: | ----- | // W: |====·····=== ===| threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_down', data: [[max_x, red_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_down'] = red_threshold; threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal_fdown', data: [[max_x, red_up]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: yellow_threshold - red_up, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_fdown_1'] = red_up; extremes['warning_normal_fdown_2'] = yellow_threshold; threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_up', data: [[max_x, yellow_up]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_up'] = yellow_up; } else if (red_threshold > yellow_up){ // C: | ----- | // W: |=== ===·····==| threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_down', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_down'] = yellow_threshold; threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal_fup', data: [[max_x, yellow_up]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: red_threshold - yellow_up, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_fup_1'] = yellow_up; extremes['warning_normal_fup_2'] = red_threshold; threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_up', data: [[max_x, red_up]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_up'] = red_up; } else { // C: | -------- | // W: |==· ···=======| if (yellow_threshold > red_threshold) { yellow_threshold = red_threshold; } if (yellow_up < red_up) { yellow_up = red_up; } threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_down', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_down'] = yellow_threshold; threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_up', data: [[max_x, yellow_up]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_up'] = yellow_up; } } } else if (!yellow_inverse && red_inverse) { if (yellow_only_min && red_only_min) { // C: |----- | // W: | ··============| if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) { yellow_threshold = red_threshold; } threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_up', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_up'] = yellow_threshold; } else if (!yellow_only_min && red_only_min) { // C: |----- | // W: | ··======== | if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) { yellow_threshold = red_threshold; } if (yellow_up > red_threshold) { threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: (yellow_up - yellow_threshold), lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_1'] = yellow_threshold; extremes['warning_normal_2'] = yellow_up; } } else if (yellow_only_min && !red_only_min) { // C: |----- ------| // W: | ··======······| if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) { yellow_threshold = red_threshold; } if (yellow_threshold < red_up) { threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: (red_up - yellow_threshold), lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_1'] = yellow_threshold; extremes['warning_normal_2'] = red_up; } // If warning is under critical completely do not paint anything yellow // C: |-------- -----| // W: | ···| } else { if (red_up > yellow_threshold && red_threshold < yellow_up) { // C: |----- ------| // W: | ··======· | if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) { yellow_threshold = red_threshold; } if (yellow_up > red_up) { yellow_up = red_up; } threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: (yellow_up - yellow_threshold), lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_1'] = yellow_threshold; extremes['warning_normal_2'] = yellow_up; } } } // If warning is under critical completely do not paint anything yellow // C: |-------- -----| or // C: |-------- -----| // W: | ···· | // W: | ·· | else { if (red_only_min && yellow_only_min) { if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) { // C: | ---------| // W: | =====·········| threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: (red_threshold - yellow_threshold), lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_1'] = yellow_threshold; extremes['warning_normal_2'] = red_threshold; } } else if (red_only_min && !yellow_only_min) { // C: | ---------| // W: | =====··· | if (yellow_up > red_threshold) { yellow_up = red_threshold; } if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) { threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: (yellow_up - yellow_threshold), lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_1'] = yellow_threshold; extremes['warning_normal_2'] = yellow_up; } } else if (!red_only_min && yellow_only_min) { // C: | ------- | // W: | ==·······=====| if (yellow_threshold < red_threshold) { threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal_fdown', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: red_threshold - yellow_threshold, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_fdown_1'] = yellow_threshold; extremes['warning_normal_fdown_2'] = red_threshold; } if (yellow_threshold < red_up) { yellow_threshold = red_up; } threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'warning_up', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_up'] = yellow_threshold; } else { if (red_threshold > yellow_threshold && red_up < yellow_up ) { // C: | ------ | // W: | ==······==== | threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal_fdown', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: red_threshold - yellow_threshold, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_fdown_1'] = yellow_threshold; extremes['warning_normal_fdown_2'] = red_threshold; threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal_fup', data: [[max_x, red_up]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: yellow_up - red_up, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_fup_1'] = red_up; extremes['warning_normal_fup_2'] = yellow_up; } else if (red_threshold < yellow_threshold && red_up > yellow_up) { // If warning is under critical completely do not paint anything yellow // C: | -------- | // W: | ···· | } else { // C: | -------- | or // C: | ------ | // W: | ==·· | // W: | ···==== | if ((yellow_up > red_threshold) && (yellow_up < red_up)) { yellow_up = red_threshold; } if ((yellow_threshold < red_up) && (yellow_threshold > red_threshold)) { yellow_threshold = red_up; } threshold_data.push({ id: 'warning_normal', data: [[max_x, yellow_threshold]], label: null, color: warning, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: (yellow_up - yellow_threshold), lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); extremes['warning_normal_1'] = yellow_threshold; extremes['warning_normal_2'] = yellow_up; } } } // Critical interval if (red_inverse) { if (!red_only_min) { threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'critical_up', data: [[max_x, red_up]], label: null, color: critical, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); } threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'critical_down', data: [[max_x, red_threshold]], label: null, color: critical, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); } else { if (red_up == 0 && red_threshold != 0) { threshold_data.push({ // barWidth will be correct on draw time id: 'critical_up', data: [[max_x, red_threshold]], label: null, color: critical, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: 1, lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); } else { threshold_data.push({ id: 'critical_normal', data: [[max_x, red_threshold]], label: null, color: critical, bars: {show: true, align: "left", barWidth: (red_up - red_threshold), lineWidth: 0, horizontal: true} }); } } } // The first execution, the graph data is the base data datas = data_base; // minTickSize var count_data = datas[0].data.length; var min_tick_pixels = 80; if (unit != "") { xaxisname = xaxisname + " (" + unit + ")" } var options = { series: { stack: stacked, shadowSize: 0.1 }, crosshair: { mode: 'xy' }, selection: { mode: 'x', color: '#777' }, export: { export_data: true, labels_long: labels_long, homeurl: homeurl }, grid: { hoverable: true, clickable: true, borderWidth:1, borderColor: '#C1C1C1', tickColor: background_color, markings: markings, color: legend_color }, xaxes: [{ axisLabelFontSizePixels: font_size, axisLabelUseCanvas: false, tickFormatter: xFormatter, labelHeight: 50, color: '', font: font }], yaxes: [{ tickFormatter: yFormatter, color: '', alignTicksWithAxis: 1, labelWidth: 30, position: 'left', font: font, reserveSpace: true, }], legend: { position: 'se', container: $('#legend_' + graph_id), labelFormatter: lFormatter } }; if (vconsole) { options.grid['hoverable'] = false; options.grid['clickable'] = false; options.crosshair = false; options.selection = false; } var stack = 0, bars = true, lines = false, steps = false; var plot = $.plot($('#' + graph_id), datas, options); // Re-calculate the graph height with the legend height if (dashboard || vconsole) { var hDiff = $('#'+graph_id).height() - $('#legend_'+graph_id).height(); if(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ){ } else { $('#'+graph_id).css('height', hDiff); } } if (vconsole) { var myCanvas = plot.getCanvas(); plot.setupGrid(); // redraw plot to new size plot.draw(); var image = myCanvas.toDataURL("image/png"); return; } // Adjust the overview plot to the width and position of the main plot adjust_left_width_canvas(graph_id, 'overview_'+graph_id); // Adjust linked graph to the width and position of the main plot // Miniplot if (!vconsole) { var overview = $.plot($('#overview_'+graph_id),datas, { series: { stack: stacked, lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 1 }, shadowSize: 0 }, grid: { borderWidth: 1, hoverable: true, autoHighlight: false}, xaxis: { }, xaxes: [ { tickFormatter: xFormatter, minTickSize: steps, color: '' } ], yaxis: {ticks: [], autoscaleMargin: 0.1 }, selection: {mode: 'x', color: '#777' }, legend: {show: false}, crosshair: {mode: 'x'} }); } // Connection between plot and miniplot $('#' + graph_id).bind('plotselected', function (event, ranges) { // do the zooming if exist menu to undo it if (menu == 0) { return; } dataInSelection = ranges.xaxis.to - ranges.xaxis.from; dataInPlot = plot.getData()[0].data.length; factor = dataInSelection / dataInPlot; new_steps = parseInt(factor * steps); plot = $.plot($('#' + graph_id), data_base, $.extend(true, {}, options, { xaxis: { min: ranges.xaxis.from, max: ranges.xaxis.to}, xaxes: [ { tickFormatter: xFormatter, minTickSize: new_steps, color: '' } ], legend: { show: false } })); if (thresholded) { var zoom_data_threshold = new Array (); var y_recal = axis_thresholded(threshold_data, plot.getAxes().yaxis.min, plot.getAxes().yaxis.max, red_threshold, extremes, red_up); plot = $.plot($('#' + graph_id), data_base, $.extend(true, {}, options, { yaxis: { max: y_recal.max, min: y_recal.min }, xaxis: { min: plot.getAxes().xaxis.min, max: plot.getAxes().xaxis.max } })); zoom_data_threshold = add_threshold (data_base, threshold_data, plot.getAxes().yaxis.min, plot.getAxes().yaxis.max, red_threshold, extremes, red_up); plot.setData(zoom_data_threshold); plot.draw(); } $('#menu_cancelzoom_' + graph_id) .attr('src', homeurl + '/images/zoom_cross_grey.png'); currentRanges = ranges; // don't fire event on the overview to prevent eternal loop overview.setSelection(ranges, true); }); $('#overview_' + graph_id) .bind('plotselected', function (event, ranges) { plot.setSelection(ranges); }); var legends = $('#legend_' + graph_id + ' .legendLabel'); var updateLegendTimeout = null; var latestPosition = null; var currentPlot = null; var currentRanges = null; // Update legend with the data of the plot in the mouse position function updateLegend() { updateLegendTimeout = null; var pos = latestPosition; var axes = currentPlot.getAxes(); if (pos.x < axes.xaxis.min || pos.x > axes.xaxis.max || pos.y < axes.yaxis.min || pos.y > axes.yaxis.max) { return; } var j, dataset = currentPlot.getData(); var i = 0; for (k = 0; k < dataset.length; k++) { // k is the real series counter // i is the series counter without thresholds var series = dataset[k]; if (series.label == null) { continue; } // find the nearest points, x-wise for (j = 0; j < series.data.length; ++j) if (series.data[j][0] > pos.x) { break; } var y = series.data[j][1]; var how_bigger = ""; if (y > 1000000) { how_bigger = "M"; y = y / 1000000; } else if (y > 1000) { how_bigger = "K"; y = y / 1000; } else if(y < -1000000) { how_bigger = "M"; y = y / 1000000; } else if (y < -1000) { how_bigger = "K"; y = y / 1000; } if (currentRanges == null || (currentRanges.xaxis.from < j && j < currentRanges.xaxis.to)) { $('#timestamp_'+graph_id).show(); // If no legend, the timestamp labels are short and with value if (legend.length == 0) { $('#timestamp_'+graph_id).text(labels[j] + ' (' + parseFloat(y).toFixed(2) + ')'); } else { $('#timestamp_'+graph_id).text(labels_long[j]); } //$('#timestamp_'+graph_id).css('top', plot.offset().top-$('#timestamp_'+graph_id).height()*1.5); var timesize = $('#timestamp_'+graph_id).width(); if (currentRanges != null) { dataset = plot.getData(); } var timenewpos = dataset[0].xaxis.p2c(pos.x)+$('.yAxis>div').eq(0).width(); var canvaslimit = plot.width(); if (timesize+timenewpos > canvaslimit) { $('#timestamp_'+graph_id).css('left', timenewpos - timesize); } else { $('#timestamp_'+graph_id).css('left', timenewpos); } } else { $('#timestamp_'+graph_id).hide(); } var label_aux = series.label; // The graphs of points type and unknown graphs will dont be updated if (serie_types[i] != 'points' && series.label != $('#hidden-unknown_text').val()) { $('#legend_' + graph_id + ' .legendLabel') .eq(i).html(label_aux + '= ' + parseFloat(y).toFixed(precision_graph) + how_bigger + ' ' + unit); } $('#legend_' + graph_id + ' .legendLabel') .eq(i).css('font-size',font_size+'pt'); $('#legend_' + graph_id + ' .legendLabel') .eq(i).css('color',''); $('#legend_' + graph_id + ' .legendLabel') .eq(i).css('font-family',font+'Font'); i++; } } // Events $('#' + graph_id).bind('plothover', function (event, pos, item) { overview.setCrosshair({ x: pos.x, y: 0 }); currentPlot = plot; latestPosition = pos; if (!updateLegendTimeout) { updateLegendTimeout = setTimeout(updateLegend, 50); } }); $('#' + graph_id).bind("plotclick", function (event, pos, item) { plot.unhighlight(); if (item && item.series.label != '' && (item.series.label == legend_events || item.series.label == legend_events+series_suffix_str || item.series.label == legend_alerts || item.series.label == legend_alerts+series_suffix_str)) { plot.unhighlight(); var canvaslimit = parseInt(plot.offset().left + plot.width()); var dataset = plot.getData(); var timenewpos = parseInt(dataset[0].xaxis.p2c(pos.x)+plot.offset().left); var extrasize = parseInt($('#extra_'+graph_id).css('width').split('px')[0]); var left_pos; if (extrasize+timenewpos > canvaslimit) { left_pos = timenewpos - extrasize - 20; } else { left_pos = timenewpos - (extrasize / 2); } var extra_info = 'No info to show'; var extra_show = false; $('#extra_'+graph_id).css('left',left_pos); $('#extra_'+graph_id).css('top',plot.offset().top + 25); switch(item.series.label) { case legend_alerts+series_suffix_str: case legend_alerts: extra_info = ''+legend_alerts+':
From: '+labels_long[item.dataIndex]; if (labels_long[item.dataIndex+1] != undefined) { extra_info += '
To: '+labels_long[item.dataIndex+1]; } extra_info += '
'+get_event_details(alertsz[item.dataIndex]); extra_show = true; break; case legend_events+series_suffix_str: case legend_events: extra_info = ''+legend_events+':
From: '+labels_long[item.dataIndex]; if (labels_long[item.dataIndex+1] != undefined) { extra_info += '
To: '+labels_long[item.dataIndex+1]; } extra_info += '
'+get_event_details(eventsz[item.dataIndex]); extra_show = true; break; default: return; break; } if (extra_show) { $('#extra_'+graph_id).html(extra_info); $('#extra_'+graph_id).css('display',''); } plot.highlight(item.series, item.datapoint); } else { $('#extra_'+graph_id).html(''); $('#extra_'+graph_id).css('display','none'); } }); $('#overview_'+graph_id).bind('plothover', function (event, pos, item) { plot.setCrosshair({ x: pos.x, y: 0 }); currentPlot = overview; latestPosition = pos; if (!updateLegendTimeout) { updateLegendTimeout = setTimeout(updateLegend, 50); } }); $('#'+graph_id).bind('mouseout',resetInteractivity); $('#overview_'+graph_id).bind('mouseout',resetInteractivity); //~ // Reset interactivity styles function resetInteractivity() { $('#timestamp_'+graph_id).hide(); dataset = plot.getData(); for (i = 0; i < dataset.length; ++i) { var series = dataset[i]; var label_aux = series.label; $('#legend_' + graph_id + ' .legendLabel') .eq(i).html(label_aux); } plot.clearCrosshair(); overview.clearCrosshair(); } // Format functions function xFormatter(v, axis) { if (labels[v] == undefined) { return ''; } extra_css = ''; return '
'; } function yFormatter(v, axis) { axis.datamin = 0; if (short_data) { var formatted = number_format(v, force_integer, ""); } else { var formatted = v; } return '
'; } function lFormatter(v, item) { return '
'; // Prepared to turn series with a checkbox //return '
'; } if (menu) { var parent_height; $('#menu_overview_' + graph_id).click(function() { $('#overview_' + graph_id).toggle(); }); //~ $('#menu_export_csv_' + graph_id).click(function() { //~ exportData({ type: 'csv' }); //~ }); $("#menu_export_csv_"+graph_id) .click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); plot.exportDataCSV(); }); //Not a correct call //~ $('#menu_export_json_' + graph_id).click(function() { //~ exportData({ type: 'json' }); //~ }); //This is a correct call to export data in json //~ $("#menu_export_json_"+graph_id) //~ .click(function (event) { //~ event.preventDefault(); //~ plot.exportDataJSON(); //~ }); $('#menu_threshold_' + graph_id).click(function() { datas = new Array(); if (thresholded) { $.each(data_base, function() { // Prepared to turning series //if(showed[this.id.split('_')[1]]) { datas.push(this); //} }); plot = $.plot($('#' + graph_id), data_base, $.extend(true, {}, options, { yaxis: {max: max_draw}, xaxis: { min: plot.getAxes().xaxis.min, max: plot.getAxes().xaxis.max } })); thresholded = false; } else { var max_draw = plot.getAxes().yaxis.datamax; // Recalculate the y axis var y_recal = axis_thresholded(threshold_data, plot.getAxes().yaxis.min, plot.getAxes().yaxis.max, red_threshold, extremes, red_up); plot = $.plot($('#' + graph_id), data_base, $.extend(true, {}, options, { yaxis: { max: y_recal.max, min: y_recal.min }, xaxis: { min: plot.getAxes().xaxis.min, max: plot.getAxes().xaxis.max } })); datas = add_threshold (data_base, threshold_data, plot.getAxes().yaxis.min, plot.getAxes().yaxis.max, red_threshold, extremes, red_up); thresholded = true; } plot.setData(datas); plot.draw(); //~ plot.setSelection(currentRanges); }); $('#menu_cancelzoom_' + graph_id).click(function() { // cancel the zooming plot = $.plot($('#' + graph_id), data_base, $.extend(true, {}, options, { xaxis: {max: max_x }, legend: { show: false } })); $('#menu_cancelzoom_' + graph_id) .attr('src', homeurl + '/images/zoom_cross.disabled.png'); overview.clearSelection(); currentRanges = null; thresholded = false; }); // Adjust the menu image on top of the plot // If there is no legend we increase top-padding to make space to the menu if (legend.length == 0) { $('#menu_' + graph_id).parent().css('padding-top', $('#menu_' + graph_id).css('height')); } // Add bottom margin in the legend // Estimated height of 24 (works fine with this data in all browsers) menu_height = 24; var legend_margin_bottom = parseInt( $('#legend_'+graph_id).css('margin-bottom').split('px')[0]); $('#legend_'+graph_id).css('margin-bottom', '10px'); parent_height = parseInt( $('#menu_'+graph_id).parent().css('height').split('px')[0]); adjust_menu(graph_id, plot, parent_height, width); } if (!dashboard) { if (water_mark) set_watermark(graph_id, plot, $('#watermark_image_'+graph_id).attr('src')); adjust_menu(graph_id, plot, parent_height, width); } } function adjust_menu(graph_id, plot, parent_height, width) { if ($('#'+graph_id+' .xAxis .tickLabel').eq(0).css('width') != undefined) { left_ticks_width = $('#'+graph_id+' .xAxis .tickLabel').eq(0).css('width').split('px')[0]; } else { left_ticks_width = 0; } var parent_height_new = 0; var legend_height = parseInt($('#legend_'+graph_id).css('height').split('px')[0]) + parseInt($('#legend_'+graph_id).css('margin-top').split('px')[0]); if ($('#overview_'+graph_id).css('display') == 'none') { overview_height = 0; } else { overview_height = parseInt($('#overview_'+graph_id).css('height').split('px')[0]) + parseInt($('#overview_'+graph_id).css('margin-top').split('px')[0]); } var menu_height = '25'; if ($('#menu_'+graph_id).height() != undefined && $('#menu_'+graph_id).height() > 20) { menu_height = $('#menu_'+graph_id).height(); } offset = $('#' + graph_id)[0].offsetTop; $('#menu_' + graph_id).css('top', ((offset) + 'px')); //$('#legend_' + graph_id).css('width',plot.width()); //~ $('#menu_' + graph_id).css('left', $('#'+graph_id)[0].offsetWidth); $('#menu_' + graph_id).show(); } function set_watermark(graph_id, plot, watermark_src) { var img = new Image(); img.src = watermark_src; var context = plot.getCanvas().getContext('2d'); // Once it's loaded draw the image on the canvas. img.addEventListener('load', function () { //~ // Now resize the image: x, y, w, h. var down_ticks_height = 0; if ($('#'+graph_id+' .yAxis .tickLabel').eq(0).css('height') != undefined) { down_ticks_height = $('#'+graph_id+' .yAxis .tickLabel').eq(0).css('height').split('px')[0]; } var left_pos = parseInt(context.canvas.width - 3) - $('#watermark_image_'+graph_id)[0].width; var top_pos = 6; //var top_pos = parseInt(context.canvas.height - down_ticks_height - 10) - $('#watermark_image_'+graph_id)[0].height; //var left_pos = 380; context.drawImage(this, left_pos, top_pos); }, false); } function get_event_details (event_ids) { table = ''; if (typeof(event_ids) != "undefined") { var inputs = []; var table; inputs.push ("get_events_details=1"); inputs.push ("event_ids="+event_ids); inputs.push ("page=include/ajax/events"); // Autologin if ($('#hidden-loginhash').val() != undefined) { inputs.push ("loginhash=" + $('#hidden-loginhash').val()); inputs.push ("loginhash_data=" + $('#hidden-loginhash_data').val()); inputs.push ("loginhash_user=" + $('#hidden-loginhash_user').val()); } jQuery.ajax ({ data: inputs.join ("&"), type: 'GET', url: action="../../ajax.php", timeout: 10000, dataType: 'html', async: false, success: function (data) { table = data; //forced_title_callback(); } }); } return table; } function adjust_left_width_canvas(adapter_id, adapted_id) { var adapter_left_margin = $('#'+adapter_id+' .yAxis .tickLabel').width(); var adapted_pix = $('#'+adapted_id).width(); var new_adapted_width = adapted_pix - adapter_left_margin; $('#'+adapted_id).width(new_adapted_width); $('#'+adapted_id).css('margin-left', adapter_left_margin); } function check_adaptions(graph_id) { var classes = $('#'+graph_id).attr('class').split(' '); $.each(classes, function(i,v) { // If has a class starting with adapted, we adapt it if (v.split('_')[0] == 'adapted') { var adapter_id = $('.adapter_'+v.split('_')[1]).attr('id'); adjust_left_width_canvas(adapter_id, graph_id); } }); } function number_format(number, force_integer, unit) { if (force_integer) { if (Math.round(number) != number) { return ''; } } else { var decimals = 2; var factor = 10 * decimals; number = Math.round(number*factor)/factor; } var shorts = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"]; var pos = 0; while (1) { if (number >= 1000) { //as long as the number can be divided by 1000 pos++; //Position in array starting with 0 number = number / 1000; } else if (number <= -1000) { pos++; number = number / 1000; } else { break; } } return number + ' ' + shorts[pos] + unit; } // Recalculate the threshold data depends on warning and critical function axis_thresholded (threshold_data, y_min, y_max, red_threshold, extremes, red_up) { var y = { min: 0, max: 0 }; // Default values var yaxis_resize = { up: null, normal_up: 0, normal_down: 0, down: null }; // Resize the y axis to display all intervals $.each(threshold_data, function() { if (/_up/.test(this.id)){ yaxis_resize['up'] = this.data[0][1]; } if (/_down/.test(this.id)){ if (/critical/.test(this.id)) { yaxis_resize['down'] = red_threshold; } else { yaxis_resize['down'] = extremes[this.id]; } } if (/_normal/.test(this.id)){ var end; if (/critical/.test(this.id)) { end = red_up; } else { end = extremes[this.id + '_2']; } if (yaxis_resize['normal_up'] < end) yaxis_resize['normal_up'] = end; if (yaxis_resize['normal_down'] > this.data[0][1]) yaxis_resize['normal_down'] = this.data[0][1]; } }); // If you need to display a up or a down bar, display 10% of data height var margin_up_or_down = (y_max - y_min)*0.10; // Calculate the new axis y['max'] = yaxis_resize['normal_up'] > y_max ? yaxis_resize['normal_up'] : y_max; y['min'] = yaxis_resize['normal_down'] > y_min ? yaxis_resize['normal_down'] : y_min; if (yaxis_resize['up'] !== null) { y['max'] = (yaxis_resize['up'] + margin_up_or_down) < y_max ? y_max : yaxis_resize['up'] + margin_up_or_down; } if (yaxis_resize['down'] !== null) { y['min'] = (yaxis_resize['down'] - margin_up_or_down) < y_min ? yaxis_resize['up'] + margin_up_or_down : y_min; } return y; } function add_threshold (data_base, threshold_data, y_min, y_max, red_threshold, extremes, red_up) { var datas = new Array (); $.each(data_base, function() { // Prepared to turning series //if(showed[this.id.split('_')[1]]) { datas.push(this); //} }); // Resize the threshold data $.each(threshold_data, function() { if (/_up/.test(this.id)){ this.bars.barWidth = y_max - this.data[0][1]; } if (/_down/.test(this.id)){ var end; if (/critical/.test(this.id)) { end = red_threshold; } else { end = extremes[this.id]; } this.bars.barWidth = end - y_min; this.data[0][1] = y_min; } if (/_normal/.test(this.id)){ var end; if (/critical/.test(this.id)) { end = red_up; } else { end = extremes[this.id + '_2']; } if (this.data[0][1] < y_min) { this.bars.barWidth = end - y_min; this.data[0][1] = y_min; end = this.bars.barWidth + this.data[0][1]; } if (end > y_max) { this.bars.barWidth = y_max - this.data[0][1]; } } datas.push(this); }); return datas; } function reduceText (text, maxLength) { if (text.length <= maxLength) return text var firstSlideEnd = parseInt((maxLength - 3) / 2); var str_cut = text.substr(0, firstSlideEnd); return str_cut + '...' + text.substr(-firstSlideEnd - 3); }