'; if ($return) return $return; echo $output; } /** * Cleans a string by decoding from UTF-8 and replacing the HTML * entities. * * @param value String to be cleaned. * * @return The string cleaned. */ function safe_input ($value) { if (is_numeric ($value)) return $value; if (is_array ($value)) { array_walk ($value,'safe_input'); return $value; } return htmlentities (utf8_decode ($value), ENT_QUOTES); } /** * Pandora debug functions. * * It prints a variable value and a message. * * @param var Variable to be displayed * @param mesg Message to be displayed */ function pandora_debug ($var, $msg) { echo "[Pandora DEBUG (".$var."): (".$msg.")
"; } /** * Clean a string. * * @param string * * @return */ function salida_limpia ($string) { $quote_style = ENT_QUOTES; static $trans; if (! isset ($trans)) { $trans = get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES, $quote_style); foreach ($trans as $key => $value) $trans[$key] = '&#'.ord($key).';'; // dont translate the '&' in case it is part of &xxx; $trans[chr(38)] = '&'; } // after the initial translation, _do_ map standalone "&" into "&" return preg_replace("/&(?![A-Za-z]{0,4}\w{2,3};|#[0-9]{2,3};)/","&" , strtr($string, $trans)); } /** * Replace all \n characters with
to show line breaks in HTML code. * * @param string String to replace the characters * * @return The string with the characters replaced. */ function clean_output_breaks ($string){ $myoutput = salida_limpia ($string); return preg_replace ('/\n/',"
", $myoutput); } /** * Cleans a string to be shown in a graphic. * * @param string String to be cleaned * * @return String with special characters cleaned. */ function output_clean_strict ($string) { return preg_replace ('/[\|\@\$\%\/\(\)\=\?\*\&\#]/', '', $string); } /** * WARNING: Deprecated function, use safe_input. Keep from compatibility. */ function entrada_limpia ($string) { return safe_input ($string); } /** * Performs an extra clean to a string. * * It's useful on sec and sec2 index parameters, to avoid the use of * malicious parameters. The string is also stripped to 125 charactes. * * @param string String to clean * * @return */ function parameter_extra_clean ($string) { /* Clean "://" from the strings See: http://seclists.org/lists/incidents/2004/Jul/0034.html */ $pos = strpos ($string, "://"); if ($pos != 0) $string = substr_replace ($string, "", $pos, +3); /* Strip the string to 125 characters */ $string = substr_replace ($string, "", 125); return preg_replace ('/[^a-z0-9_\/]/i', '', $string); } /** * Get a human readable string with a time threshold in seconds, * minutes, days or weeks. * * @param int_seconds * * @return */ function give_human_time ($int_seconds) { $key_suffix = 's'; $periods = array('year' => 31556926, 'month' => 2629743, 'day' => 86400, 'hour' => 3600, 'minute' => 60, 'second' => 1); // used to hide 0's in higher periods $flag_hide_zero = true; // do the loop thang foreach( $periods as $key => $length ) { // calculate $temp = floor( $int_seconds / $length ); // determine if temp qualifies to be passed to output if( !$flag_hide_zero || $temp > 0 ) { // store in an array $build[] = $temp.' '.$key.($temp != 1 ? 's' : null); // set flag to false, to allow 0's in lower periods $flag_hide_zero = true; } // get the remainder of seconds $int_seconds = fmod ($int_seconds, $length); } // return output, if !empty, implode into string, else output $if_reached return (!empty ($build) ? implode (', ', $build) : $if_reached); } /** * Add a help link to show help in a popup window. * * @param help_id Help id to be shown when clicking. */ function popup_help ($help_id, $return = false) { $output = " [H]"; if ($return) return $output; echo $output; } /** * Prints a no permission generic error message. */ function no_permission () { require("config.php"); require ("include/languages/language_".$config["language"].".php"); echo "


"; echo "No access

"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo __('no_permission_text'); echo "
"; echo ""; include "general/footer.php"; exit; } /** * Prints a generic error message for some unhandled error. * * @param error Aditional error string to be shown. Blank by default */ function unmanaged_error ($error = "") { require("config.php"); require ("include/languages/language_".$config["language"].".php"); echo "

".__('Unmanaged error')."

"; echo "error

"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo __('Unmanaged error_text'); echo "
"; echo $error; echo "
"; echo ""; include "general/footer.php"; exit; } /** * List files in a directory in the local path. * * @param directory Local path. * @param stringSearch String to match the values. * @param searchHandler Pattern of files to match. * @param return Flag to print or return the list. * * @return The list if $return parameter is true. */ function list_files ($directory, $stringSearch, $searchHandler, $return) { $errorHandler = false; $result = array (); if (! $directoryHandler = @opendir ($directory)) { echo ("
\nerror: directory \"$directory\" doesn't exist!\n
\n"); return $errorHandler = true; } if ($searchHandler == 0) { while (false !== ($fileName = @readdir ($directoryHandler))) { $result[$fileName] = $fileName; } } if ($searchHandler == 1) { while(false !== ($fileName = @readdir ($directoryHandler))) { if(@substr_count ($fileName, $stringSearch) > 0) { $result[$fileName] = $fileName; } } } if (($errorHandler == true) && (@count ($result) === 0)) { echo ("
\nerror: no filetype \"$fileExtension\" found!\n
\n"); } else { asort ($result); if ($return == 0) { return $result; } echo ("
		print_r ($result);
		echo ("
\n"); } } /** * Prints a pagination menu to browse into a collection of data. * * @param count Number of elements in the collection. * @param url URL of the pagination links. It must include all form values as GET form. * @param offset Current offset for the pagination * * @return It returns nothing, it prints the pagination. */ function pagination ($count, $url, $offset) { global $config; require ("include/languages/language_".$config["language"].".php"); /* URL passed render links with some parameter &offset - Offset records passed to next page &counter - Number of items to be blocked Pagination needs $url to build the base URL to render links, its a base url, like " http://pandora/index.php?sec=godmode&sec2=godmode/admin_access_logs " */ $block_limit = 15; // Visualize only $block_limit blocks if ($count <= $config["block_size"]) { return; } // If exists more registers than I can put in a page, calculate index markers $index_counter = ceil($count/$config["block_size"]); // Number of blocks of block_size with data $index_page = ceil($offset/$config["block_size"])-(ceil($block_limit/2)); // block to begin to show data; if ($index_page < 0) $index_page = 0; // This calculate index_limit, block limit for this search. if (($index_page + $block_limit) > $index_counter) $index_limit = $index_counter; else $index_limit = $index_page + $block_limit; // This calculate if there are more blocks than visible (more than $block_limit blocks) if ($index_counter > $block_limit ) $paginacion_maxima = 1; // If maximum blocks ($block_limit), show only 10 and "...." else $paginacion_maxima = 0; // This setup first block of query if ( $paginacion_maxima == 1) if ($index_page == 0) $inicio_pag = 0; else $inicio_pag = $index_page; else $inicio_pag = 0; echo "
"; // Show GOTO FIRST button echo ''; echo ""; echo ""; echo " "; // Show PREVIOUS button if ($index_page > 0){ $index_page_prev= ($index_page-(floor($block_limit/2)))*$config["block_size"]; if ($index_page_prev < 0) $index_page_prev = 0; echo ''; } echo " ";echo " "; // Draw blocks markers // $i stores number of page for ($i = $inicio_pag; $i < $index_limit; $i++) { $inicio_bloque = ($i * $config["block_size"]); $final_bloque = $inicio_bloque + $config["block_size"]; if ($final_bloque > $count){ // if upper limit is beyond max, this shouldnt be possible ! $final_bloque = ($i-1)*$config["block_size"] + $count-(($i-1) * $config["block_size"]); } echo ""; $inicio_bloque_fake = $inicio_bloque + 1; // To Calculate last block (doesnt end with round data, // it must be shown if not round to block limit) echo ''; if ($inicio_bloque == $offset) echo "[ $i ]"; else echo "[ $i ]"; echo ' '; echo ""; } echo " ";echo " "; // Show NEXT PAGE (fast forward) // Index_counter stores max of blocks if (($paginacion_maxima == 1) AND (($index_counter - $i) > 0)) { $prox_bloque = ($i+ceil($block_limit/2))*$config["block_size"]; if ($prox_bloque > $count) $prox_bloque = ($count -1) - $config["block_size"]; echo ''; echo " "; $i = $index_counter; } // if exists more registers than i can put in a page (defined by $block_size config parameter) // get offset for index calculation // Draw "last" block link, ajust for last block will be the same // as painted in last block (last integer block). if (($count - $config["block_size"]) > 0){ $myoffset = floor(($count-1)/ $config["block_size"])* $config["block_size"]; echo ''; echo ""; echo ""; } // End div and layout echo "
"; } /** * Format a number with decimals and thousands separator. * * If the number is zero or it's integer value, no decimals are * shown. Otherwise, the number of decimals are given in the call. * * @param number Number to be rendered * @param decimals Number of decimals to be shown. Default value: 1 * @param dec_point Decimal separator string. Default value: . * @param thousands_sep Thousands separator string. Default value: , * * @return */ function format_numeric ($number, $decimals = 1, $dec_point = ".", $thousands_sep = ",") { if ($number == 0) return 0; /* If has decimals */ if (fmod ($number , 1) > 0) return number_format ($number, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep); return number_format ($number, 0, $dec_point, $thousands_sep); } /** * Render numeric data for a graph. * * It adds magnitude suffix to the number (M for millions, K for thousands...) * * @param number Number to be rendered * @param decimals Number of decimals to display. Default value: 1 * @param dec_point Decimal separator character. Default value: . * @param thousands_sep Thousands separator character. Default value: , * * @return A number rendered to be displayed gently on a graph. */ function format_for_graph ($number , $decimals = 1, $dec_point = ".", $thousands_sep = ",") { if ($number > 1000000000) { if (fmod ($number, 1000000000) > 0){ return number_format ($number / 1000000000, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep)." G"; } } if ($number > 1000000) { if (fmod ($number, 1000000) > 0) return number_format ($number / 1000000, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep)." M"; return number_format ($number / 1000000, 0, $dec_point, $thousands_sep)." M"; } if ($number > 1000) { if (fmod ($number, 1000) > 0) return number_format ($number / 1000, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep )." K"; return number_format ($number / 1000, 0, $dec_point, $thousands_sep )." K"; } /* If it has decimals */ if (fmod ($number, 1)) return number_format ($number, $decimals, $dec_point, $thousands_sep); return number_format ($number, 0, $dec_point, $thousands_sep); } /** * Get a human readable string of the difference between current time * and given timestamp. * * @param timestamp Timestamp to compare with current time. * * @return A human readable string of the diference between current * time and given timestamp. */ function human_time_comparation ($timestamp) { if ($timestamp == "") { return "0 ".__('minutes'); } $ahora = date ("Y/m/d H:i:s"); $seconds = strtotime ($ahora) - strtotime ($timestamp); if ($seconds < 3600) return format_numeric ($seconds / 60, 1)." ".__('minutes'); if ($seconds >= 3600 && $seconds < 86400) return format_numeric ($seconds / 3600, 1)." ".__('hours'); if ($seconds >= 86400 && $seconds < 2592000) return format_numeric ($seconds / 86400, 1)." ".__('days'); if ($seconds >= 2592000 && $seconds < 15552000) return format_numeric ($seconds / 2592000, 1)." ".__('months'); return " +6 ".__('months'); } /** * Transform an amount of time in seconds into a human readable * strings of minutes, hours or days. * * @param seconds Seconds elapsed time * * @return A human readable translation of minutes. */ function human_time_description_raw ($seconds) { global $lang_label; if ($seconds < 3600) return format_numeric($seconds/60,2)." ".__('minutes'); if ($seconds >= 3600 && $seconds < 86400) return format_numeric ($seconds/3600,2)." ".__('hours'); return format_numeric ($seconds/86400,2)." ".__('days'); } /** * Get a human readable label for a period of time. * * It only works with rounded period of times (one hour, two hours, six hours...) * * @param period Period of time in seconds * * @return A human readable label for a period of time. */ function human_time_description ($period) { global $lang_label; switch ($period) { case 3600: return __('hour'); break; case 7200: return __('2_hours'); break; case 21600: return __('6_hours'); break; case 43200: return __('12_hours'); break; case 86400: return __('last_day'); break; case 172800: return __('two_days'); break; case 432000: return __('five_days'); break; case 604800: return __('last_week'); break; case 1296000: return __('15_days'); break; case 2592000: return __('last_month'); break; case 5184000: return __('two_month'); break; case 15552000: return __('six_months'); break; default: return human_time_description_raw ($period); } return $period_label; } /** * Get current time minus some seconds. * * @param seconds Seconds to substract from current time. * * @return The current time minus the seconds given. */ function human_date_relative ($seconds) { $ahora=date("Y/m/d H:i:s"); $ahora_s = date("U"); $ayer = date ("Y/m/d H:i:s", $ahora_s - $seconds); return $ayer; } /** * * * @param lapse * * @return */ function render_time ($lapse) { $myhour = intval (($lapse*30) / 60); if ($myhour == 0) $output = "00"; else $output = $myhour; $output .= ":"; $mymin = fmod ($lapse * 30, 60); if ($mymin == 0) $output .= "00"; else $output .= $mymin; return $output; } /** * Get a paramter from a request. * * It checks first on post request, if there were nothing defined, it * would return get request * * @param name * @param default * * @return */ function get_parameter ($name, $default = '') { // POST has precedence if (isset($_POST[$name])) return get_parameter_post ($name, $default); if (isset($_GET[$name])) return get_parameter_get ($name, $default); return $default; } /** * Get a parameter from get request array. * * @param name Name of the parameter * @param default Value returned if there were no parameter. * * @return Parameter value. */ function get_parameter_get ($name, $default = "") { if ((isset ($_GET[$name])) && ($_GET[$name] != "")) return safe_input ($_GET[$name]); return $default; } /** * Get a parameter from post request array. * * @param name Name of the parameter * @param default Value returned if there were no parameter. * * @return Parameter value. */ function get_parameter_post ($name, $default = "") { if ((isset ($_POST[$name])) && ($_POST[$name] != "")) return safe_input ($_POST[$name]); return $default; } /** * Get name of a priority value. * * @param priority Priority value * * @return Name of given priority */ function get_alert_priority ($priority = 0) { global $config; switch ($priority) { case 0: return __('Maintenance'); break; case 1: return __('Informational'); break; case 2: return __('Normal'); break; case 3: return __('Warning'); break; case 4: return __('Critical'); break; } return ''; } /** * * * @param row * * @return */ function get_alert_days ($row) { global $config; $days_output = ""; $check = $row["monday"] + $row["tuesday"] + $row["wednesday"] + $row["thursday"] + $row["friday"] + $row["saturday"] + $row["sunday"]; if ($check == 7) { return __('all'); } elseif ($check == 0) { return __('none'); } if ($row["monday"] != 0) $days_output .= "Mo "; if ($row["tuesday"] != 0) $days_output .= "Tu "; if ($row["wednesday"] != 0) $days_output .= "We "; if ($row["thursday"] != 0) $days_output .= "Th "; if ($row["friday"] != 0) $days_output .= "Fr "; if ($row["saturday"] != 0) $days_output .= "Sa "; if ($row["sunday"] != 0) $days_output .= "Su "; if ($check > 1) { return str_replace (" ",", ",$days_output); } return rtrim ($days_output); } /** * * * @param row2 * * @return */ function get_alert_times ($row2) { if ($row2["time_from"]){ $time_from_table = $row2["time_from"]; } else { $time_from_table = __('N/A'); } if ($row2["time_to"]){ $time_to_table = $row2["time_to"]; } else { $time_to_table = __('N/A'); } if ($time_to_table == $time_from_table) return __('N/A'); return substr ($time_from_table, 0, 5)." - ".substr ($time_to_table, 0, 5); } /** * * * @param row2 * @param tdcolor * @param id_tipo_modulo * @param combined * * @return */ function show_alert_row_edit ($row2, $tdcolor = "datos", $id_tipo_modulo = 1, $combined = 0){ global $config; global $lang_label; $string = ""; if ($row2["disable"] == 1){ $string .= "".__('disabled').""; } elseif ($id_tipo_modulo != 0) { $string .= ""; } else { $string .= "--"; } if (isset($row2["operation"])){ $string = $string."".$row2["operation"]; } else { $string = $string."".get_db_sql("SELECT nombre FROM talerta WHERE id_alerta = ".$row2["id_alerta"]); } $string = $string."".human_time_description($row2["time_threshold"]); if ($row2["dis_min"]) { $mytempdata = fmod($row2["dis_min"], 1); if ($mytempdata == 0) $mymin = intval($row2["dis_min"]); else $mymin = $row2["dis_min"]; $mymin = format_for_graph($mymin ); } else { $mymin = 0; } if ($row2["dis_max"]!=0){ $mytempdata = fmod($row2["dis_max"], 1); if ($mytempdata == 0) $mymax = intval($row2["dis_max"]); else $mymax = $row2["dis_max"]; $mymax = format_for_graph($mymax ); } else { $mymax = 0; } // We have alert text ? if ($row2["alert_text"]!= "") { $string = $string."".__('text').""; } else { $string = $string."".$mymin.""; $string = $string."".$mymax.""; } // Alert times $string = $string.""; $string .= get_alert_times ($row2); // Description $string = $string."".salida_limpia ($row2["descripcion"]); // Has recovery notify activated ? if ($row2["recovery_notify"] > 0) $recovery_notify = __('Yes'); else $recovery_notify = __('No'); // calculate priority $priority = get_alert_priority ($row2["priority"]); // calculare firing conditions if ($row2["alert_text"] != "") { $firing_cond = __('text')."(".substr($row2["alert_text"],0,8).")"; } else { $firing_cond = $row2["min_alerts"]." / ".$row2["max_alerts"]; } // calculate days $firing_days = get_alert_days ( $row2 ); // More details EYE tooltip $string = $string.""; $string.= ""; // Add float info table $string.= "
". __('Recovery')."
". __('Priority')."
". __('Alert Ctrl.')."
". __('Firing days')."
"; return $string; } /** * * * @param data * @param tdcolor * @param combined * * @return */ function show_alert_show_view ($data, $tdcolor = "datos", $combined = 0) { global $config; global $lang_label; if ($combined == 0) { $sql = sprintf ("SELECT tagente.nombre AS agent_name, tagente_modulo.nombre AS module_name, tagente_modulo.id_agente FROM `tagente_modulo`, `tagente` WHERE `tagente_modulo`.`id_agente` = `tagente`.`id_agente` AND `tagente_modulo`.`id_agente_modulo` = '%d'",$data["id_agente_modulo"]); $result = get_db_all_rows_sql ($sql); $agent_name = $result[0]["agent_name"]; $id_agente = $result[0]["id_agente"]; $module_name = $result[0]["module_name"]; } else { $sql = sprintf ("SELECT `nombre` FROM `tagente` WHERE `id_agente` = '%d'",$data["id_agent"]); $agent_name = get_db_sql ($sql); $id_agente = $data["id_agent"]; } $alert_name = get_db_sql ("SELECT nombre FROM talerta WHERE id_alerta = ".$data["id_alerta"]); echo "".substr($alert_name,0,15).""; if ($combined == 0) { echo "".substr($module_name,0,12).""; } else { echo ""; // More details EYE tooltip (combined) echo " "; echo show_alert_row_mini ($data["id_aam"]); echo " "; echo substr($agent_name,0,16).""; } // Description echo "".$data["descripcion"].""; // Extended info echo ""; // Has recovery notify activated ? if ($data["recovery_notify"] > 0) $recovery_notify = __('Yes'); else $recovery_notify = __('No'); // calculate priority $priority = get_alert_priority ($data["priority"]); // calculare firing conditions if ($data["alert_text"] != ""){ $firing_cond = __('text')."(".substr($data["alert_text"],0,8).")"; } else { $firing_cond = $data["min_alerts"]." / ".$data["max_alerts"]; } // calculate days $firing_days = get_alert_days ($data); // More details EYE tooltip echo ""; // Add float info table echo "
". __('Recovery')."
". __('Priority')."
". __('Alert Ctrl.')."
". __('Firing days')."
"; $mytempdata = fmod($data["dis_min"], 1); if ($mytempdata == 0) $mymin = intval($data["dis_min"]); else $mymin = $data["dis_min"]; $mymin = format_for_graph($mymin ); $mytempdata = fmod($data["dis_max"], 1); if ($mytempdata == 0) $mymax = intval($data["dis_max"]); else $mymax = $data["dis_max"]; $mymax = format_for_graph($mymax ); // Text alert ? if ($data["alert_text"] != "") echo "".__('text').""; else { echo "".$mymin.""; echo "".$mymax.""; } echo "".human_time_description($data["time_threshold"]); if ($data["last_fired"] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { echo "".__('never').""; } else { echo "".human_time_comparation ($data["last_fired"]).""; } echo "".$data["times_fired"].""; if ($data["times_fired"] <> 0){ echo ""; echo ""; $id_grupo_alerta = get_db_value ("id_grupo", "tagente", "id_agente", $id_agente); if (give_acl($config["id_user"], $id_grupo_alerta, "AW") == 1) { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } } else { echo " "; } } /** * Get report types in an array. * * @return An array with all the possible reports in Pandora where the array index is the report id. */ function get_report_types () { $types = array (); $types['simple_graph'] = __('simple_graph'); $types['custom_graph'] = __('custom_graph'); $types['SLA'] = __('SLA'); $types['event_report'] = __('event_report'); $types['alert_report'] = __('alert_report'); $types['monitor_report'] = __('monitor_report'); $types['avg_value'] = __('avg_value'); $types['max_value'] = __('max_value'); $types['min_value'] = __('min_value'); $types['sumatory'] = __('sumatory'); $types['general_group_report'] = __('general_group_report'); $types['monitor_health'] = __('monitor_health'); $types['agents_detailed'] = __('agents_detailed'); return $types; } /** * Get report type name from type id. * * @param type Type id of the report. * * @return Report type name. */ function get_report_name ($type) { $types = get_report_types (); if (! isset ($types[$type])) return __('unknown'); return $types[$type]; } /** * Get report type name from type id. * * @param type Type id of the report. * * @return Report type name. */ function get_report_type_data_source ($type) { switch ($type) { case 1: case 'simple_graph': case 7: case 'avg_value': case 8: case 'max_value': case 9: case 'min_value': case 10: case 'sumatory': return 'module'; case 2: case 'custom_graph': return 'custom-graph'; case 3: case 'SLA': case 4: case 'event_report': case 5: case 'alert_report': case 6: case 'monitor_report': case 11: case 'general_group_report': case 12: case 'monitor_health': case 13: case 'agents_detailed': return 'agent-group'; } return 'unknown'; } /** * Checks if a module is of type "data" * * @param module_name Module name to check. * * @return true if the module is of type "data" */ function is_module_data ($module_name) { $result = ereg ("^(.*_data)$", $module_name); if ($result === false) return false; return true; } /** * Checks if a module is of type "proc" * * @param module_name Module name to check. * * @return true if the module is of type "proc" */ function is_module_proc ($module_name) { $result = ereg ('^(.*_proc)$', $module_name); if ($result === false) return false; return true; } /** * Checks if a module is of type "inc" * * @param module_name Module name to check. * * @return true if the module is of type "inc" */ function is_module_inc ($module_name) { $result = ereg ('^(.*_inc)$', $module_name); if ($result === false) return false; return true; } /** * Checks if a module is of type "string" * * @param module_name Module name to check. * * @return true if the module is of type "string" */ function is_module_data_string ($module_name) { $result = ereg ('^(.*string)$', $module_name); if ($result === false) return false; return true; } /** * Checks if a module is of type "string" * * @return module_name Module name to check. */ function get_event_types () { $types = array (); $types['unknown'] = __('unknown'); $types['monitor_up'] = __('monitor_up'); $types['monitor_down'] = __('monitor_down'); $types['alert_fired'] = __('alert_fired'); $types['alert_recovered'] = __('alert_recovered'); $types['alert_ceased'] = __('alert_ceased'); $types['alert_manual_validation'] = __('alert_manual_validation'); $types['recon_host_detected'] = __('recon_host_detected'); $types['system'] = __('sytem'); $types['error'] = __('error'); return $types; } /** * Get an array with all the priorities. * * @return An array with all the priorities. */ function get_priorities () { $priorities = array (); $priorities[0] = __('Maintenance'); $priorities[1] = __('Informational'); $priorities[2] = __('Normal'); $priorities[3] = __('Warning'); $priorities[4] = __('Critical'); return $priorities; } /** * Get priority value from priority name. * * @param priority Priority name. */ function return_priority ($priority) { global $config; switch ($priority) { case 0: return __('Maintenance'); case 1: return __('Informational'); case 2: return __('Normal'); case 3: return __('Warning'); case 4: return __('Critical'); case -1: return __('All'); } } /** * Avoid magic_quotes protection * * @param string Text string to be stripped of magic_quotes protection */ function unsafe_string ($string) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc () == 1) $string = stripslashes ($string); return $string; } ?>