requires_js[] = "include/javascript/map/NetworkmapController.js"; } public function processDBValues($dbValues) { $filter = json_decode($dbValues['filter'], true); $this->filter = $filter; if (!isset($this->filter['only_snmp_modules'])) $this->filter['only_snmp_modules'] = false; switch ($dbValues['source_data']) { case MAP_SOURCE_GROUP: $this->source_group = $dbValues['source']; $this->source_ip_mask = ""; break; case MAP_SOURCE_IP_MASK: $this->source_group = $dbValues['source']; $this->source_ip_mask = ""; break; } parent::processDBValues($dbValues); } protected function generateDot($graph, $positions) { $graph = preg_replace('/^graph .*/', '', $graph); $nodes_and_edges = explode("];", $graph); $nodes = array(); $edges = array(); foreach ($nodes_and_edges as $node_or_edge) { $node_or_edge = trim($node_or_edge); $chunks = explode("[", $node_or_edge); if (strstr($chunks[0], "--") !== false) { // EDGE $graphviz_ids = explode("--", $chunks[0]); $edges[] = array( 'to' => trim($graphviz_ids[0]), 'from' => trim($graphviz_ids[1])); } else { // NODE $graphviz_id = trim($chunks[0]); // Avoid the weird nodes. if (!is_numeric($graphviz_id)) continue; $chunks = explode("ajax.php?", $chunks[1]); if (strstr($chunks[1], "&id_module=") !== false) { // MODULE preg_match("/id_module=([0-9]*)/", $chunks[1], $matches); $id = $matches[1]; $type = ITEM_TYPE_MODULE_NETWORKMAP; } else { // AGENT preg_match("/id_agent=([0-9]*)/", $chunks[1], $matches); $id = $matches[1]; $type = ITEM_TYPE_AGENT_NETWORKMAP; } $nodes[$graphviz_id] = array('id' => $id, 'type' => $type); } } foreach ($positions as $line) { //clean line a long spaces for one space caracter $line = preg_replace('/[ ]+/', ' ', $line); if (preg_match('/^node.*$/', $line) != 0) { $items = explode(' ', $line); $graphviz_id = $items[1]; $nodes[$graphviz_id]['x'] = $items[2] * 100; //200 is for show more big $nodes[$graphviz_id]['y'] = $items[3] * 100; } } foreach ($nodes as $graphviz_id => $node) { $this->nodes[$graphviz_id] = $node; } foreach ($edges as $edge) { $this->nodes[] = array('type' => ITEM_TYPE_EDGE_NETWORKMAP); $edge['id_item'] = key(end($graph->nodes[])); $this->edges[] = $edge; } } protected function temp_parseParameters_generateDot() { $return = array(); $return['id_group'] = $this->source_group; $return['simple'] = 0; // HARD CODED $return['font_size'] = null; $return['layout'] = null; $return['nooverlap'] = false; // HARD CODED $return['zoom'] = 1; // HARD CODED $return['ranksep'] = 2.5; // HARD CODED $return['center'] = 0; // HARD CODED $return['regen'] = 0; // HARD CODED $return['pure'] = 0; // HARD CODED $return['id'] = $this->id; $return['show_snmp_modules'] = $this->filter['only_snmp_modules']; $return['l2_network_interfaces'] = true; // HARD CODED $return['ip_mask'] = $this->source_ip_mask; $return['dont_show_subgroups'] = false; $return['old_mode'] = false; $return['filter'] = $this->filter['text']; return $return; } protected function getNodes() { if (empty($this->nodes)) { // ----- INI DEPRECATED CODE-------------------------------- // I hope this code to change for any some better and // rewrote the old function. $parameters = $this->temp_parseParameters_generateDot(); // Generate dot file $graph = networkmap_generate_dot (__('Pandora FMS'), $parameters['id_group'], $parameters['simple'], $parameters['font_size'], $parameters['layout'], $parameters['nooverlap'], $parameters['zoom'], $parameters['ranksep'], $parameters['center'], $parameters['regen'], $parameters['pure'], $parameters['id'], $parameters['show_snmp_modules'], false, //cut_names true, // relative '', $parameters['l2_network_interfaces'], $parameters['ip_mask'], $parameters['dont_show_subgroups'], false, null, $parameters['old_mode']); $filename_dot = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/networkmap" . uniqid() . ".dot"; file_put_contents($filename_dot, $graph); $filename_plain = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/plain.txt"; switch ($this->generation_method) { case MAP_GENERATION_CIRCULAR: $graphviz_command = "circo"; break; case MAP_GENERATION_PLANO: $graphviz_command = "dot"; break; case MAP_GENERATION_RADIAL: $graphviz_command = "twopi"; break; case MAP_GENERATION_SPRING1: $graphviz_command = "spring1"; break; case MAP_GENERATION_SPRING2: $graphviz_command = "spring2"; break; } $cmd = "$graphviz_command " . "-Tpng -o /tmp/caca.png -Tplain -o " . $filename_plain . " " . $filename_dot; system ($cmd); $this->generateDot($graph, file($filename_plain)); unlink($filename_dot); unlink($filename_plain); // ----- END DEPRECATED CODE-------------------------------- switch (get_class($this)) { case 'NetworkmapEnterprise': NetworkmapEnterprise::dbSaveNodes(); break; } } } public function show() { $this->getNodes(); parent::show(); } public function printJSInit() { echo "


"; ?>