#!/usr/bin/perl ########################################################################## # Pandora FMS Mail Transfer # This is a tool for transfering Pandora FMS data files by mail (SMTP/POP) ########################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2011-2021 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ########################################################################## use strict; use warnings; use Net::SMTP; use Mail::POP3Client; use MIME::Parser; $| = 1; # GLOBAL VARIABLES my $boundary='frontier'; ####### FUNCTIONS ####### ######################################################################## ## SUB check_args ## Checks the command line arguments given at the function call. ######################################################################## sub check_args(){ my $num_args = $#ARGV + 1; my $action = $ARGV[0]; my $conf_file = $ARGV[1]; my $filename = $ARGV[2]; my $error = "Usage: mail_transfer.pl {send|receive conf_file [FILE]}\n"; my $error_conf_file = "conf_file does not exist or is not readable\n"; my $error_filename = "File to send does not exist or is not readable\n"; if (($num_args < 2) || (($action ne "send") && ($action ne "receive"))) { die $error; } elsif ((!(-e $conf_file)) || (!(-r $conf_file))) { die $error_conf_file; } elsif (($action eq "send") && ((!(-e $filename)) || (!(-r $filename)))) { die $error_filename; } } ######################################################################## ## SUB parse_conf ## Reads the entire conf file and stores all the information given ######################################################################## sub parse_conf ($$) { my $conf_file = $_[0]; my $conf_hash = $_[1]; open (CONF, $conf_file); my $line; while (<CONF>) { $line = $_; # Get the smtp user if ($line =~ /^smtp_user\s([a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-\@]+)/) { $conf_hash -> {smtp_user} = $1; } # Get the smtp pass elsif ($line =~ /^smtp_pass\s(.+)/) { $conf_hash -> {smtp_pass} = $1; } # Get the smtp hostname elsif ($line =~ /^smtp_hostname\s([a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-\@]+)/) { $conf_hash -> {smtp_hostname} = $1; } # Get the pop3 user elsif ($line =~ /^pop3_user\s([a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-\@]+)/) { $conf_hash -> {pop3_user} = $1; } # Get the pop3 pass elsif ($line =~ /^pop3_pass\s(.+)/) { $conf_hash -> {pop3_pass} = $1; } # Get the pop3 hostname elsif ($line =~ /^pop3_hostname\s([a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-\@]+)/) { $conf_hash -> {pop3_hostname} = $1; } # Get the pop3 ssl flag to know if it's enabled or not elsif ($line =~ /^pop3_ssl\s(0|1)/) { $conf_hash -> {pop3_ssl} = $1; } # Get the pop3 ssl port elsif ($line =~ /^pop3_ssl_port\s([0-9]{1,5})/) { $conf_hash -> {pop3_ssl_port} = $1; } # Get the path where to save the attached file elsif ($line =~ /^pathtosave\s(.+)/) { $conf_hash -> {pathtosave} = $1; } # Get the receiver's email where to send the attached file elsif ($line =~ /^receiver_email\s([a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-\@]+)/) { $conf_hash -> {receiver_email} = $1; } } close CONF; } ######################################################################## ## SUB send_mail ## Sends an attachement file via email using smtp ######################################################################## sub send_mail($) { my $conf_hash = $_[0]; my $smtp; my $attachment = $conf_hash -> {filename}; # Get the filename in case the full path was given # Split the full path with '/', the last item will be the filename my @file_path = split ('/', $attachment); # Get the array's last position with '-1' index my $attach_file = $file_path[-1]; my $host = $conf_hash -> {smtp_hostname}; my $from = $conf_hash -> {smtp_user}; my $password = $conf_hash -> {smtp_pass}; my $to = $conf_hash -> {receiver_email}; open(DATA, $attachment) || die("mail_transfer.pl: ERROR: Could not open the file $attach_file"); my @xml = <DATA>; close(DATA); $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($host, Hello => $host, Timeout => 30, Debug => 0, ) || die("mail_trasfer.pl: ERROR: Could not connect to $host"); $smtp->auth($from, $password); $smtp->mail($from); $smtp->to($to); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend("To: $to\n"); $smtp->datasend("From: $from\n"); $smtp->datasend("Subject: Pandora mail transfer\n"); $smtp->datasend("MIME-Version: 1.0\n"); $smtp->datasend("Content-Type: application/text; name=" . $attach_file . "\n"); $smtp->datasend("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $attach_file . "\n"); $smtp->datasend("Content-type: multipart/mixed boundary=" . $boundary . "\n"); $smtp->datasend("\n"); $smtp->datasend("@xml\n"); $smtp->dataend() || print "mail_transfer.pl: ERROR: Data end failed: $!"; $smtp->quit; } ######################################################################## ## SUB receive_mail ## Fetch the last email with 'Pandora mail transfer' as subject and ## download the attached file into the specified folder ######################################################################## sub receive_mail ($) { my $conf_hash = $_[0]; my $user = $conf_hash -> {pop3_user}; my $password = $conf_hash -> {pop3_pass}; my $host = $conf_hash -> {pop3_hostname}; my $ssl = $conf_hash -> {pop3_ssl}; my $ssl_port = $conf_hash -> {pop3_ssl_port}; my $pathtosave = $conf_hash -> {pathtosave}; my $pop3; if ($ssl == 1){ $pop3 = new Mail::POP3Client( USER => $user, PASSWORD => $password, HOST => $host, USESSL => 1, PORT => $ssl_port, DEBUG => 0 ) or die "mail_transfer.pl: Connection failed\n"; } else { $pop3 = new Mail::POP3Client( USER => $user, PASSWORD => $password, HOST => $host, USESSL => 0, PORT => 110, DEBUG => 0 ) or die "mail_transfer.pl: Connection failed\n"; } my $tot_msg = $pop3->Count(); if ($tot_msg == 0){ print "No more emails avalaible\n"; return (0); # End program } elsif ($tot_msg eq '0E0'){ print "No new emails available\n"; return (0); } else{ printf "There are $tot_msg messages \n\n"; } # the list of valid file extensions. we do extensions, not # mime-types, because they're easier to understand from # an end-user perspective (no research is required). my $valid_exts = "txt xml data"; my %msg_ids; # used to keep track of seen emails. # create a subdirectory if does not exist #print "Using directory '$pathtosave' for newly downloaded files.\n"; if (!(-d $pathtosave)) { mkdir($pathtosave, 0777) or die "mail_transfer.pl: Error creating output directory\n"; } # get the message to feed to MIME::Parser. my $msg = $pop3->HeadAndBody($tot_msg); my $header = $pop3->Head($tot_msg); if (($header !~ /Subject:\sPandora\smail\stransfer/) || ($header !~ /boundary=$boundary/)) { print "Deleting message not valid\n"; # delete current email $pop3->Delete($tot_msg); # clean up and close the connection. $pop3->Close; return -1; } # create a MIME::Parser object to # extract any attachments found within. my $parser = new MIME::Parser; $parser->output_dir($pathtosave); my $entity = $parser->parse_data($msg); # extract our mime parts and go through each one. my @parts = $entity->parts; foreach my $part (@parts) { # determine the path to the file in question. my $path = ($part->bodyhandle) ? $part->bodyhandle->path : undef; # move on if it's not defined, # else figure out the extension. next unless $path; $path =~ /\w+\.([^.]+)$/; my $ext = $1; next unless $ext; # we continue only if our extension is correct. my $continue; $continue++ if $valid_exts =~ /$ext/i; # delete the blasted thing. unless ($valid_exts =~ /$ext/) { print " Removing unwanted filetype ($ext): $path\n"; unlink $path or print " > Error removing file at $path: $!."; next; # move on to the next attachment or message. } # a valid file type. yummy! print " Keeping valid file: $path.\n"; } # delete current email $pop3->Delete($tot_msg); # clean up and close the connection. $pop3->Close; } ####### MAIN ####### # Check the given command line arguments check_args(); # Once checked store them my $action = $ARGV[0]; my $conf_file = $ARGV[1]; my $filename = $ARGV[2]; # If the action is 'send', store the 'file_to_send' my %conf_hash; if ($action eq "send") { $conf_hash {filename} = $filename; } # Parse the config file parse_conf($conf_file, \%conf_hash); # Call 'send_mail' function in its case if ($action eq "send") { send_mail(\%conf_hash); } # Or call the 'receive_mail' function. my $returncode = 1; if ($action eq "receive") { while ($returncode != 0) { $returncode = receive_mail(\%conf_hash); } }