<?php // Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com // ================================================== // Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas // Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. /** * Returns custom field all or 1. * * @param integer custom_field_id id. * @param bool Prepare for select or return all rows. * * @return array custom fields data. */ function get_custom_fields ($custom_field_id = false, $select = true, $display_on_front = false) { $fields = ($select) ? ' tcf.id_field, tcf.name ' : ' tcf.* '; $where = ($custom_field_id) ? ' WHERE tcf.id_field ='.$custom_field_id : ' WHERE 1=1'; $display = ($display_on_front) ? ' AND tcf.display_on_front = 1' : ''; $result_array=array(); if(!is_metaconsole()){ $sql = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM tagent_custom_fields tcf %s %s ", $fields, $where, $display ); $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if(isset($result) && is_array($result)){ foreach ($result as $key => $value) { if($select){ $result_array[$value['name']]= $value['name']; } else{ $result_array[$value['name']]= $value; } } } } else{ $metaconsole_connections = metaconsole_get_connection_names(); // For all nodes if(isset($metaconsole_connections) && is_array($metaconsole_connections)){ $result_meta = array(); foreach ($metaconsole_connections as $metaconsole) { // Get server connection data $server_data = metaconsole_get_connection($metaconsole); // Establishes connection if (metaconsole_load_external_db ($server_data) !== NOERR) continue; $sql = sprintf("SELECT %s FROM tagent_custom_fields tcf %s %s ", $fields, $where, $display ); $result[]= db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); // Restore connection to root node metaconsole_restore_db(); if(isset($result) && is_array($result)){ foreach ($result as $custom) { foreach ($custom as $key => $value) { if($select){ $result_array[$value['name']]= $value['name']; } else{ $result_array[$value['name']]= $value; } } } } } } else{ $result_array = false; } } return $result_array; } /** * Returns custom field data. * * @param integer custom_field_id id. * * @return array custom fields data. */ function get_custom_fields_data ($custom_field_name) { if(!isset($custom_field_name)){ return false; } if(!is_metaconsole()){ $sql = sprintf("SELECT tcf.id_field, tcf.name, tcd.description FROM tagent_custom_fields tcf INNER JOIN tagent_custom_data tcd ON tcf.id_field = tcd.id_field INNER JOIN tagente ta ON tcd.id_agent = ta.id_agente WHERE tcd.description <> '' AND tcf.name = '%s' GROUP BY tcf.id_field, tcd.description", $custom_field_name ); $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if(isset($result) && is_array($result)){ foreach ($result as $k => $v) { $array_result[$v['description']] = $v['description']; } } } else{ $metaconsole_connections = metaconsole_get_connection_names(); // For all nodes if(isset($metaconsole_connections) && is_array($metaconsole_connections)){ $result_meta = array(); foreach ($metaconsole_connections as $metaconsole) { // Get server connection data $server_data = metaconsole_get_connection($metaconsole); // Establishes connection if (metaconsole_load_external_db ($server_data) !== NOERR) continue; $sql = sprintf("SELECT tcf.id_field, tcf.name, tcd.description FROM tagent_custom_fields tcf INNER JOIN tagent_custom_data tcd ON tcf.id_field = tcd.id_field INNER JOIN tagente ta ON tcd.id_agent = ta.id_agente WHERE tcd.description <> '' AND tcf.name = '%s' GROUP BY tcf.id_field, tcd.description", $custom_field_name ); $result_meta[]= db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); // Restore connection to root node metaconsole_restore_db(); } $array_result = array(); if(isset($result_meta) && is_array($result_meta)){ foreach ($result_meta as $result) { foreach ($result as $k => $v) { $array_result[$v['description']] = $v['description']; } } } } else{ $array_result = false; } } return $array_result; } function agent_counters_custom_fields($filters){ //filter by status $and_status = ""; if(is_array($filters['id_status'])){ if(!in_array(-1, $filters['id_status'])){ if(!in_array(AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL, $filters['id_status'])){ if(count($filters['id_status']) > 0){ $and_status = " AND ( "; foreach ($filters['id_status'] as $key => $value) { $and_status .= ($key != 0) ? " OR (" : " ("; switch ($value) { default: case AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL: $and_status .= " ta.critical_count = 0 AND ta.warning_count = 0 AND ta.unknown_count = 0 AND ta.total_count <> ta.notinit_count ) "; break; case AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL: $and_status .= " ta.critical_count > 0 ) "; break; case AGENT_STATUS_WARNING: $and_status .= " ta.critical_count = 0 AND ta.warning_count > 0 ) "; break; case AGENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: $and_status .= " ta.critical_count = 0 AND ta.warning_count = 0 AND ta.unknown_count > 0 ) "; break; case AGENT_STATUS_NOT_INIT: $and_status .= " ta.total_count = ta.notinit_count ) "; break; } } $and_status .= " ) "; } } else{ $and_status = " AND ( ( ta.critical_count > 0 ) OR ( ta.critical_count = 0 AND ta.warning_count > 0 ) OR ( ta.critical_count = 0 AND ta.warning_count = 0 AND ta.unknown_count > 0 ) OR ( ta.total_count = ta.notinit_count ) ) "; } } } //filter group and check ACL groups $groups_and = ""; if (!users_can_manage_group_all("AR")) { if(!$filters['group']){ $id_groups = explode(", ", array_keys(users_get_groups())); $groups_and = " AND (ta.id_grupo IN ($id_groups) OR tasg.id_group IN($id_groups))"; } } if($filters['group']){ $groups_and = " AND (ta.id_grupo =". $filters['group']." OR tasg.id_group =". $filters['group'].")"; } //filter custom data $custom_data_and = ''; if(!in_array(-1, $filters['id_custom_fields_data'])){ $custom_data_array = implode("', '", $filters['id_custom_fields_data']); $custom_data_and = "AND tcd.description IN ('" . $custom_data_array . "')"; } //filter custom name $custom_field_name = $filters['id_custom_fields']; //filters module $module_filter = ""; if($filters['module_search']){ $module_filter = ' AND ( SELECT count(*) AS n FROM tagente_modulo WHERE nombre LIKE "%' . $filters['module_search'] . '%" AND id_agente=ta.id_agente ) > 0 '; } if(is_metaconsole()){ $metaconsole_connections = metaconsole_get_connection_names(); // For all nodes if(isset($metaconsole_connections) && is_array($metaconsole_connections)){ $result_meta = array(); $data = array(); foreach ($metaconsole_connections as $metaconsole) { // Get server connection data $server_data = metaconsole_get_connection($metaconsole); // Establishes connection if (metaconsole_load_external_db ($server_data) !== NOERR) continue; $query = sprintf("SELECT tcd.description as name_data, SUM(ta.normal_count) AS m_normal, SUM(ta.critical_count) AS m_critical, SUM(ta.warning_count) AS m_warning, SUM(ta.unknown_count) AS m_unknown, SUM(ta.notinit_count) AS m_not_init, SUM(ta.fired_count) AS m_alerts, SUM(ta.total_count) AS m_total, SUM(IF(ta.critical_count > 0, 1, 0)) AS a_critical, SUM(IF(ta.critical_count = 0 AND ta.warning_count > 0, 1, 0)) AS a_warning, SUM(IF(ta.critical_count = 0 AND ta.warning_count = 0 AND ta.unknown_count > 0, 1, 0)) AS a_unknown, SUM(IF(ta.critical_count = 0 AND ta.warning_count = 0 AND ta.unknown_count = 0 AND ta.notinit_count <> ta.total_count, 1, 0)) AS a_normal, SUM(IF(ta.total_count = ta.notinit_count, 1, 0)) AS a_not_init, COUNT(ta.id_agente) AS a_agents, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(ta.id_agente) SEPARATOR ',') as ids FROM tagente ta INNER JOIN tagent_custom_data tcd ON tcd.id_agent = ta.id_agente INNER JOIN tagent_custom_fields tcf ON tcd.id_field = tcf.id_field LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg ON ta.id_agente = tasg.id_agent WHERE ta.disabled = 0 AND tcf.name = '%s' AND tcd.description <> '' %s %s %s %s GROUP BY tcd.description", $custom_field_name, $custom_data_and, $groups_and, $and_status, $module_filter ); $result_meta[$server_data['id']] = db_get_all_rows_sql($query); $query_data = sprintf("SELECT tcd.description, ta.id_agente, %d AS id_server FROM tagente ta LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg ON ta.id_agente = tasg.id_agent INNER JOIN tagent_custom_data tcd ON tcd.id_agent = ta.id_agente INNER JOIN tagent_custom_fields tcf ON tcd.id_field = tcf.id_field WHERE ta.disabled = 0 AND tcf.name = '%s' AND tcd.description <> '' %s %s %s %s ", $server_data['id'], $custom_field_name, $custom_data_and, $groups_and, $and_status, $module_filter ); $node_result = db_get_all_rows_sql($query_data); if (empty($node_result)) $node_result = array(); $data = array_merge($data, $node_result); // Restore connection to root node metaconsole_restore_db(); } } $final_result = array(); $array_data = array(); if(isset($result_meta) && is_array($result_meta)){ //initialize counters $final_result['counters_total'] = array( 't_m_normal' => 0, 't_m_critical' => 0, 't_m_warning' => 0, 't_m_unknown' => 0, 't_m_not_init' => 0, 't_m_alerts' => 0, 't_m_total' => 0, 't_a_critical' => 0, 't_a_warning' => 0, 't_a_unknown' => 0, 't_a_normal' => 0, 't_a_not_init' => 0, 't_a_agents' => 0 ); foreach ($result_meta as $k => $nodo) { foreach ($nodo as $key => $value) { //Sum counters total $final_result['counters_total']['t_m_normal'] += $value['m_normal']; $final_result['counters_total']['t_m_critical'] += $value['m_critical']; $final_result['counters_total']['t_m_warning'] += $value['m_warning']; $final_result['counters_total']['t_m_unknown'] += $value['m_unknown']; $final_result['counters_total']['t_m_not_init'] += $value['m_not_init']; $final_result['counters_total']['t_m_alerts'] += $value['m_alerts']; $final_result['counters_total']['t_m_total'] += $value['m_total']; $final_result['counters_total']['t_a_critical'] += $value['a_critical']; $final_result['counters_total']['t_a_warning'] += $value['a_warning']; $final_result['counters_total']['t_a_unknown'] += $value['a_unknown']; $final_result['counters_total']['t_a_normal'] += $value['a_normal']; $final_result['counters_total']['t_a_not_init'] += $value['a_not_init']; $final_result['counters_total']['t_a_agents'] += $value['a_agents']; //Sum counters for data $array_data[$value['name_data']]['m_normal'] += $value['m_normal']; $array_data[$value['name_data']]['m_critical'] += $value['m_critical']; $array_data[$value['name_data']]['m_warning'] += $value['m_warning']; $array_data[$value['name_data']]['m_unknown'] += $value['m_unknown']; $array_data[$value['name_data']]['m_not_init'] += $value['m_not_init']; $array_data[$value['name_data']]['m_alerts'] += $value['m_alerts']; $array_data[$value['name_data']]['m_total'] += $value['m_total']; $array_data[$value['name_data']]['a_critical'] += $value['a_critical']; $array_data[$value['name_data']]['a_warning'] += $value['a_warning']; $array_data[$value['name_data']]['a_unknown'] += $value['a_unknown']; $array_data[$value['name_data']]['a_normal'] += $value['a_normal']; $array_data[$value['name_data']]['a_not_init'] += $value['a_not_init']; $array_data[$value['name_data']]['a_agents'] += $value['a_agents']; } } $final_result['counters_name'] = $array_data; } $final_result['indexed_descriptions'] = $data; } else{ //TODO $final_result = false; } return $final_result; } function get_filters_custom_fields_view($id = 0, $for_select = false, $name = ""){ if($for_select){ $query = "SELECT id, `name` FROM tagent_custom_fields_filter"; $rs = db_get_all_rows_sql($query); if(isset($rs) && is_array($rs)){ foreach ($rs as $key => $value) { $result[$value['id']] = $value['name']; } } else{ $result = false; } } else{ $query = "SELECT * FROM tagent_custom_fields_filter WHERE 1=1"; if($id){ $query .= " AND id = " . $id; } if($name){ $query .= " AND `name` = '" . $name . "'"; } $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($query); } return $result; } ?>