<?php // Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com // ================================================== // Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas // Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. global $config; require_once ($config["homedir"] . "/include/functions_ui.php"); $sort_field = get_parameter("sort_field", "timestamp"); $sort = get_parameter("sort", "down"); $table = new stdClass(); if(!isset($table->width)) { $table->width = '100%'; } $table->id = "eventtable"; $table->cellpadding = 4; $table->cellspacing = 4; if(!isset($table->class)) { $table->class = "databox data"; } $table->head = array (); $table->data = array (); $params = array ( // Pandora sections "sec" => "eventos", "sec2" => "operation/events/events", // Events query params "search" => io_safe_input($search), "event_type" => $event_type, "severity" => $severity, "status" => $status, "id_group" => $id_group, "recursion" => $recursion, "refr" => (int)get_parameter("refr", 0), "id_agent" => $id_agent, "id_agent_module" => $id_agent_module, "pagination" => $pagination, "group_rep" => $group_rep, "event_view_hr" => $event_view_hr, "id_user_ack" => $id_user_ack, "tag_with" => $tag_with_base64, "tag_without" => $tag_without_base64, "filter_only_alert" => $filter_only_alert, "offset" => $offset, "toogle_filter" => "no", "filter_id" => $filter_id, "id_name" => $id_name, "history" => (int)$history, "section" => $section, "open_filter" => $open_filter, "date_from" => $date_from, "date_to" => $date_to, "pure" => $config["pure"], // Display params "offset" => $offset, "disabled" => $disabled, "sort" => $sort, "sort_field" => $sort_field ); if ($group_rep == 2) { $table->class = "databox filters data"; $table->head[1] = __('Agent'); $table->head[5] = __('More detail'); $url = html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'status')), 'sort' ); foreach ($result as $key => $res) { if ($res['event_type'] == 'alert_fired') { $table->rowstyle[$key] = 'background: #FFA631;'; } elseif ($res['event_type'] == 'going_up_critical' || $res['event_type'] == 'going_down_critical'){ $table->rowstyle[$key] = 'background: #FC4444;'; } elseif ($res['event_type'] == 'going_up_warning' || $res['event_type'] == 'going_down_warning'){ $table->rowstyle[$key] = 'background: #FAD403;'; } elseif ($res['event_type'] == 'going_up_normal' || $res['event_type'] == 'going_down_normal'){ $table->rowstyle[$key] = 'background: #80BA27;'; } elseif ($res['event_type'] == 'going_unknown'){ $table->rowstyle[$key] = 'background: #B2B2B2;'; } if ($meta) $table->data[$key][1] = __('The Agent: ') . '"' . $res['id_agent'] . '", ' . __(' has ') . $res['total'] . __(' events.'); else $table->data[$key][1] = __('The Agent: ') . '"' . agents_get_alias($res['id_agent']) . '", ' . __(' has ') . $res['total'] . __(' events.'); $uniq = uniqid(); if ($meta) { $table->data[$key][2] = '<img id="open_agent_groups" src=images/zoom_mc.png data-id="'.$table->id.'-'.$uniq.'-0" data-open="false" onclick=\'show_events_group_agent("'.$table->id.'-'.$uniq.'-0","'.$res['id_agent'].'",'.$res['id_server'].');\' />'; } else { $table->data[$key][2] = '<img id="open_agent_groups" src="images/zoom_mc.png" data-id="'.$table->id.'-'.$uniq.'-0" data-open="false" onclick=\'show_events_group_agent("'.$table->id.'-'.$uniq.'-0",'.$res['id_agent'].',false);\'/>'; } $table->cellstyle[$uniq][0] = "display:none;"; $table->data[$uniq][0] = false; } if ($result) { if ($allow_pagination) { ui_pagination ($total_events, $url, $offset, $pagination); } html_print_table ($table); if ($allow_pagination) { ui_pagination ($total_events, $url, $offset, $pagination); } } else { echo '<div class="nf">' . __('No events') . '</div>'; } } else { //fields that the user has selected to show if ($meta) { $show_fields = events_meta_get_custom_fields_user(); } else { $show_fields = explode (',', $config['event_fields']); } //headers $i = 0; $table->head[$i] = __('ID') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'event_id')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; foreach ($show_fields as $k_s => $fields) { if ($fields == 'server_name') { $table->head[$i] = __('Server'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'estado') { $table->head[$i] = __('Status') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'status')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_evento') { $table->head[$i] = __('Event ID') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'event_id')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'evento') { $table->head[$i] = __('Event Name') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'event_name')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $table->style[$i] = 'min-width: 200px; max-width: 350px; word-break: break-all;'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_agente') { $table->head[$i] = __('Agent name') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'agent_id')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $table->style[$i] = 'max-width: 350px; word-break: break-all;'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'timestamp') { $table->head[$i] = __('Timestamp') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'timestamp')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_usuario') { $table->head[$i] = __('User') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'user_id')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'owner_user') { $table->head[$i] = __('Owner') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'owner')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_grupo') { $table->head[$i] = __('Group') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'group_id')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'event_type') { $table->head[$i] = __('Event Type') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'event_type')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $table->style[$i] = 'min-width: 85px;'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_agentmodule') { $table->head[$i] = __('Module Name') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'module_name')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_alert_am') { $table->head[$i] = __('Alert') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'alert_id')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'criticity') { $table->head[$i] = __('Severity') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'criticity')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'user_comment') { $table->head[$i] = __('Comment') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'comment')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'tags') { $table->head[$i] = __('Tags') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'tags')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'source') { $table->head[$i] = __('Source') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'source')), 'sort' );$table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_extra') { $table->head[$i] = __('Extra ID') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'extra_id')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'ack_utimestamp') { $table->head[$i] = __('ACK Timestamp') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'ack_utimestamp')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'instructions') { $table->head[$i] = __('Instructions'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'data') { $table->head[$i] = __('Data') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'data')), 'sort' ); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'module_status') { $table->head[$i] = __('Module Status') . html_print_sort_arrows( array_merge($params, array('sort_field' => 'module_status')), 'sort' );$table->align[$i] = 'left'; $i++; } } if ($i != 0 && $allow_action) { $table->head[$i] = __('Action'); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; $table->size[$i] = '90px'; $i++; if (check_acl ($config["id_user"], 0, "EW") == 1 && !$readonly) { $table->head[$i] = html_print_checkbox ("all_validate_box", "1", false, true); $table->align[$i] = 'left'; } else { $table->head[$i] = ''; } } if ($meta) { // Get info of the all servers to use it on hash auth $servers_url_hash = metaconsole_get_servers_url_hash(); $servers = metaconsole_get_servers(); } $show_delete_button = false; $show_validate_button = false; $idx = 0; if($meta){ $alias_array = array(); } //Arrange data. We already did ACL's in the query foreach ($result as $event) { $data = array (); if ($meta) { $event['server_url_hash'] = $servers_url_hash[$event['server_id']]; $event['server_url'] = $servers[$event['server_id']]['server_url']; $event['server_name'] = $servers[$event['server_id']]['server_name']; } // Clean url from events and store in array $event['clean_tags'] = events_clean_tags($event['tags']); //First pass along the class of this row $myclass = get_priority_class ($event["criticity"]); //print status $estado = $event["estado"]; // Colored box switch($estado) { case EVENT_NEW: $img_st = "images/star.png"; $title_st = __('New event'); break; case EVENT_VALIDATE: $img_st = "images/tick.png"; $title_st = __('Event validated'); break; case EVENT_PROCESS: $img_st = "images/hourglass.png"; $title_st = __('Event in process'); break; } $i = 0; $data[$i] = "#".$event["id_evento"]; $table->cellstyle[count($table->data)][$i] = 'background: #F3F3F3; color: #111 !important;'; // Pass grouped values in hidden fields to use it from modal window if ($group_rep) { $similar_ids = $event['similar_ids']; $timestamp_first = $event['timestamp_rep_min']; $timestamp_last = $event['timestamp_rep']; } else { $similar_ids = $event["id_evento"]; $timestamp_first = $event['utimestamp']; $timestamp_last = $event['utimestamp']; } // Store group data to show in extended view $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('similar_ids_' . $event["id_evento"], $similar_ids, true); $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('timestamp_first_' . $event["id_evento"], $timestamp_first, true); $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('timestamp_last_' . $event["id_evento"], $timestamp_last, true); $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('childrens_ids', json_encode($childrens_ids), true); // Store server id if is metaconsole. 0 otherwise if ($meta) { $server_id = $event['server_id']; // If meta activated, propagate the id of the event on node (source id) $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('source_id_' . $event["id_evento"], $event['id_source_event'], true); $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; } else { $server_id = 0; } $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('server_id_' . $event["id_evento"], $server_id, true); if (empty($event['event_rep'])) { $event['event_rep'] = 0; } $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('event_rep_'.$event["id_evento"], $event['event_rep'], true); // Store concat comments to show in extended view $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('user_comment_'.$event["id_evento"], base64_encode($event['user_comment']), true); $i++; switch ($event["criticity"]) { default: case 0: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_maintenance.png"; break; case 1: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_informational.png"; break; case 2: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_normal.png"; break; case 3: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_warning.png"; break; case 4: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_critical.png"; break; case 5: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_minor.png"; break; case 6: $img_sev = "images/status_sets/default/severity_major.png"; break; } foreach ($show_fields as $k_s => $fields) { if ($fields == 'server_name') { if ($meta) { if (can_user_access_node ()) { $data[$i] = "<a href='" . $event["server_url"] . "/index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/group_view" . $event['server_url_hash'] . "'>" . $event["server_name"] . "</a>"; } else { $data[$i] = $event["server_name"]; } } else { $data[$i] = db_get_value('name','tserver'); } $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'estado') { $data[$i] = html_print_image ($img_st, true, array ("class" => "image_status", "title" => $title_st, "id" => 'status_img_'.$event["id_evento"])); $table->cellstyle[count($table->data)][$i] = 'background: #F3F3F3;'; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_evento') { $data[$i] = $event["id_evento"]; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'evento') { // Event description $data[$i] = '<span title="' . strip_tags(io_safe_output($event["evento"])) . '" class="f9">'; if($allow_action) { $data[$i] .= '<a href="javascript:" onclick="show_event_dialog(' . $event["id_evento"] . ', '.$group_rep.');">'; } $data[$i] .= '<span class="' . $myclass . '" style="font-size: 7.5pt;">' . ui_print_truncate_text (strip_tags(io_safe_output($event["evento"])), 160) . '</span>'; if($allow_action) { $data[$i] .= '</a>'; } $data[$i] .= '</span>'; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_agente') { $data[$i] = '<span class="'.$myclass.'">'; if ($event["id_agente"] > 0) { // Agent name if ($meta) { if(!empty($event["agent_name"])){ if(!array_key_exists($event["agent_name"],$alias_array)){ $alias_array [$event["agent_name"]] = db_get_value("alias","tmetaconsole_agent","nombre",$event["agent_name"]); } } $agent_link = '<a href="'.$event["server_url"].'/index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=' . $event["id_agente"] . $event["server_url_hash"] . '">'; if (can_user_access_node ()) { $data[$i] = '<b>' . $agent_link . $alias_array [$event["agent_name"]] . '</a></b>'; } else { $data[$i] = $alias_array [$event["agent_name"]] ; } } else { $agent = db_get_row ("tagente","id_agente",$event["id_agente"]); $data[$i] .= '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=' . $event["id_agente"] . '" title='.$agent['nombre']. '>'; $data[$i] .= '<b>' . $agent['alias'] . '</a></b>'; } } else { $data[$i] .= ''; } $data[$i] .= '</span>'; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'timestamp') { //Time $data[$i] = '<span class="'.$myclass.'">'; if ($group_rep == 1) { $data[$i] .= ui_print_timestamp ($event['timestamp_rep'], true); } else { $data[$i] .= ui_print_timestamp ($event["timestamp"], true); } $data[$i] .= '</span>'; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_usuario') { $user_name = db_get_value('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event['id_usuario']); if(empty($user_name)) { $user_name = $event['id_usuario']; } $data[$i] = $user_name; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'owner_user') { $owner_name = db_get_value('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event['owner_user']); if(empty($owner_name)) { $owner_name = $event['owner_user']; } $data[$i] = $owner_name; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_grupo') { if ($meta) { $data[$i] = $event['group_name']; } else { $id_group = $event["id_grupo"]; $group_name = db_get_value('nombre', 'tgrupo', 'id_grupo', $id_group); if ($id_group == 0) { $group_name = __('All'); } $data[$i] = $group_name; } $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'event_type') { $data[$i] = events_print_type_description($event["event_type"], true); $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_agentmodule') { if ($meta) { $module_link = '<a href="'.$event["server_url"].'/index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente=' . $event["id_agente"] . $event["server_url_hash"] . '">'; if (can_user_access_node ()) { $data[$i] = '<b>' . $module_link . $event["module_name"] . '</a></b>'; } else { $data[$i] = $event["module_name"]; } } else { $module_name = db_get_value('nombre', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $event["id_agentmodule"]); $data[$i] = '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$event["id_agente"].'&status_text_monitor=' . io_safe_output($module_name) . '#monitors">' . $module_name . '</a>'; } $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_alert_am') { if($meta) { $data[$i] = $event["alert_template_name"]; } else { if ($event["id_alert_am"] != 0) { $sql = 'SELECT name FROM talert_templates WHERE id IN (SELECT id_alert_template FROM talert_template_modules WHERE id = ' . $event["id_alert_am"] . ');'; $templateName = db_get_sql($sql); $data[$i] = '<a href="index.php?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$event["id_agente"].'&tab=alert">'.$templateName.'</a>'; } else { $data[$i] = ''; } } $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'criticity') { $data[$i] = get_priority_name ($event["criticity"]); $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'user_comment') { $safe_event_user_comment = strip_tags(io_safe_output($event["user_comment"])); $line_breaks = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"); $safe_event_user_comment = str_replace($line_breaks, '<br>', $safe_event_user_comment); $event_user_comments = json_decode($safe_event_user_comment, true); $event_user_comment_str = ""; if (!empty($event_user_comments)) { $last_key = key(array_slice($event_user_comments, -1, 1, true)); $date_format = $config['date_format']; foreach ($event_user_comments as $key => $event_user_comment) { $event_user_comment_str .= sprintf('%s: %s<br>%s: %s<br>%s: %s<br>', __('Date'), date($date_format, $event_user_comment['utimestamp']), __('User'), $event_user_comment['id_user'], __('Comment'), $event_user_comment['comment']); if ($key != $last_key) { $event_user_comment_str .= '<br>'; } } } $comments_help_tip = ""; if (!empty($event_user_comment_str)) { if($myclass == 'datos_yellow'){ $comments_help_tip = ui_print_help_tip_border($event_user_comment_str, true); } else{ $comments_help_tip = ui_print_help_tip($event_user_comment_str, true); } } $data[$i] = '<span id="comment_header_' . $event['id_evento'] . '">' . $comments_help_tip . '</span>'; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'tags') { $data[$i] = tags_get_tags_formatted($event['tags']); $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'source') { $data[$i] = $event["source"]; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'id_extra') { $data[$i] = $event["id_extra"]; $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'ack_utimestamp') { if ($event["ack_utimestamp"] == 0) { $data[$i] = ''; } else { $data[$i] = date ($config["date_format"], $event['ack_utimestamp']); } $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'instructions') { switch($event['event_type']) { case 'going_unknown': if(!empty($event["unknown_instructions"])) { $data[$i] = html_print_image('images/page_white_text.png', true, array('title' => str_replace("\n","<br>", io_safe_output($event["unknown_instructions"])))); } break; case 'going_up_critical': case 'going_down_critical': if(!empty($event["critical_instructions"])) { $data[$i] = html_print_image('images/page_white_text.png', true, array('title' => str_replace("\n","<br>", io_safe_output($event["critical_instructions"])))); } break; case 'going_down_warning': if(!empty($event["warning_instructions"])) { $data[$i] = html_print_image('images/page_white_text.png', true, array('title' => str_replace("\n","<br>", io_safe_output($event["warning_instructions"])))); } break; case 'system': if(!empty($event["critical_instructions"])) { $data[$i] = html_print_image('images/page_white_text.png', true, array('title' => str_replace("\n","<br>", io_safe_output($event["critical_instructions"])))); } elseif(!empty($event["warning_instructions"])) { $data[$i] = html_print_image('images/page_white_text.png', true, array('title' => str_replace("\n","<br>", io_safe_output($event["warning_instructions"])))); } elseif(!empty($event["unknown_instructions"])) { $data[$i] = html_print_image('images/page_white_text.png', true, array('title' => str_replace("\n","<br>", io_safe_output($event["unknown_instructions"])))); } break; } if (!isset($data[$i])) { $data[$i] = ''; } $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'data') { $data[$i] = $event["data"]; if($data[$i] %1 == 0) $data[$i]= number_format($data[$i], 0); else $data[$i]= number_format($data[$i], 2); $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } if ($fields == 'module_status') { $data[$i] = modules_get_modules_status ($event["module_status"]); $table->cellclass[count($table->data)][$i] = $myclass; $i++; } } if ($i != 0 && $allow_action) { //Actions $data[$i] = '<a href="javascript:" onclick="show_event_dialog(' . $event["id_evento"] . ', '.$group_rep.');">'; $data[$i] .= html_print_input_hidden('event_title_'.$event["id_evento"], "#".$event["id_evento"]." - " . strip_tags(io_safe_output($event["evento"])), true); $data[$i] .= html_print_image ("images/eye.png", true, array ("title" => __('Show more'))); $data[$i] .= '</a>'; if(!$readonly) { // Validate event if (($event["estado"] != 1) && (tags_checks_event_acl ($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EW", $event['clean_tags'], $childrens_ids))) { $show_validate_button = true; $data[$i] .= '<a href="javascript:validate_event_advanced('.$event["id_evento"].', 1)" id="validate-'.$event["id_evento"].'">'; $data[$i] .= html_print_image ("images/ok.png", true, array ("title" => __('Validate event'))); $data[$i] .= '</a>'; // Display the go to in progress status button if ($event["estado"] != 2) { $data[$i] .= '<a href="javascript:validate_event_advanced('.$event["id_evento"].', 2)" id="in-progress-'.$event["id_evento"].'">'; $data[$i] .= html_print_image ("images/hourglass.png", true, array ("title" => __('Change to in progress status'))); $data[$i] .= '</a>'; } } // Delete event if ((tags_checks_event_acl($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EM", $event['clean_tags'],$childrens_ids) == 1)) { if($event['estado'] != 2) { $show_delete_button = true; $data[$i] .= '<a class="delete_event" href="javascript:" id="delete-'.$event['id_evento'].'">'; $data[$i] .= html_print_image ("images/cross.png", true, array ("title" => __('Delete event'), "id" => 'delete_cross_' . $event['id_evento'])); $data[$i] .= '</a>'; } else { $data[$i] .= html_print_image ( "images/cross.disabled.png", true, array ( "title" => __('Is not allowed delete events in process'), "id" => "delete-" . $event['id_evento'] ) ); $data[$i] .= ' '; } } } $table->cellstyle[count($table->data)][$i] = 'background: #F3F3F3;'; $i++; if(!$readonly) { if (tags_checks_event_acl ($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EM", $event['clean_tags'], $childrens_ids) == 1) { //Checkbox // Class 'candeleted' must be the fist class to be parsed from javascript. Dont change $data[$i] = html_print_checkbox_extended ("validate_ids[]", $event['id_evento'], false, false, false, 'class="candeleted chk_val"', true); } else if (tags_checks_event_acl ($config["id_user"], $event["id_grupo"], "EW", $event['clean_tags'], $childrens_ids) == 1) { //Checkbox $data[$i] = html_print_checkbox_extended ("validate_ids[]", $event['id_evento'], false, false, false, 'class="chk_val"', true); } else if (isset($table->header[$i]) || true) { $data[$i] = ''; } } $table->cellstyle[count($table->data)][$i] = 'background: #F3F3F3;'; } array_push ($table->data, $data); $idx++; } echo '<div id="events_list">'; if (!empty ($table->data)) { if ($allow_pagination) { $params_to_paginate = $params; unset($params_to_paginate['offset']); $url_paginate = "index.php?" . http_build_query($params_to_paginate, '', '&'); ui_pagination ($total_events, $url_paginate, $offset, $pagination); } if ($allow_action) { echo '<form method="post" id="form_events" action="'.$url.'">'; echo "<input type='hidden' name='delete' id='hidden_delete_events' value='0' />"; } if (defined("METACONSOLE")) echo '<div style="width: ' . $table->width . ';">'; else echo '<div style="width: ' . $table->width . '; overflow-x: auto;">'; html_print_table ($table); echo '</div>'; if ($allow_action) { echo '<div style="width:' . $table->width . ';" class="action-buttons">'; if (!$readonly && $show_validate_button) { html_print_button(__('In progress selected'), 'validate_button', false, 'validate_selected(2);', 'class="sub ok"'); echo " "; html_print_button(__('Validate selected'), 'validate_button', false, 'validate_selected(1);', 'class="sub ok"'); // Fix: validated_selected JS function has to be included with the proper user ACLs ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function validate_selected(new_status) { $(".chk_val").each(function() { if($(this).is(":checked")) { validate_event_advanced($(this).val(), new_status); } }); } </script> <?php } if (!$readonly && ($show_delete_button)) { html_print_button(__('Delete selected'), 'delete_button', false, 'delete_selected();', 'class="sub delete"'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function delete_selected() { if(confirm('<?php echo __('Are you sure?'); ?>')) { $("#hidden_delete_events").val(1); $("#form_events").submit(); } } </script> <?php } echo '</div>'; echo '</form>'; } } else { echo '<div class="nf">' . __('No events') . '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; } ?>