$id_agent, 'disabled' => !$show_disabled, ] ); if (!empty($agent)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Get agent id from a module id that it has. * * @param integer $id_module Id module is list modules this agent. * * @return integer Id from the agent of the given id module. */ function agents_get_agent_id_by_module_id($id_agente_modulo) { return (int) db_get_value( 'id_agente', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_agente_modulo ); } /** * Search for agent data anywhere. * * Note: This method matches with server (perl) locate_agent. * Do not change order! * * @param string $field Alias, name or IP address of searchable agent. * * @return array Agent of false if not found. */ function agents_locate_agent(string $field) { global $config; $table = 'tagente'; if (is_metaconsole()) { $table = 'tmetaconsole_agent'; } // Alias. $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE alias = "%s"', $table, $field ); $agent = db_get_row_sql($sql); if ($agent !== false) { return $agent; } // Addr. $agent = agents_get_agent_with_ip($field); if ($agent !== false) { return $agent; } // Name. $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE nombre = "%s"', $table, $field ); return db_get_row_sql($sql); } /** * Get agent id from an agent alias. * * @param string $alias Agent alias. * * @return integer Id from the agent. */ function agents_get_agent_id_by_alias($alias) { return db_get_all_rows_sql("SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE upper(alias) LIKE upper('%$alias%')"); } /** * Return seconds left to contact again with agent. * * @param integer $id_agente Target agent * * @return integer|null Seconds left. */ function agents_get_next_contact_time_left(int $id_agente) { $last_contact = false; if ($id_agente > 0) { $last_contact = db_get_value_sql( sprintf( 'SELECT format(intervalo,2) - (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(IF(ultimo_contacto > ultimo_contacto_remoto, ultimo_contacto, ultimo_contacto_remoto))) as "val" FROM `tagente` WHERE id_agente = %d ', $id_agente ) ); } return $last_contact; } /** * Creates an agent. * * @param string $name Agent name. * @param string $id_group Group to be included. * @param integer $interval Agent interval. * @param string $ip_address Agent IP. * @param mixed $values Other tagente fields. * @param boolean $alias_as_name True to not assign an alias as name. * * @return integer New agent id if created. False if it could not be created. */ function agents_create_agent( $name, $id_group, $interval, $ip_address, $values=false, $alias_as_name=false ) { if (empty($name)) { return false; } if (empty($id_group) && (int) $id_group != 0) { return false; } // Check interval greater than zero. if ($interval < 0) { $interval = false; } if (empty($interval)) { return false; } if (! is_array($values)) { $values = []; } $values['alias'] = $name; $values['nombre'] = ($alias_as_name === false) ? hash('sha256', $name.'|'.$ip_address.'|'.time().'|'.sprintf('%04d', rand(0, 10000))) : $name; $values['id_grupo'] = $id_group; $values['intervalo'] = $interval; if (!empty($ip_address)) { $values['direccion'] = $ip_address; } $id_agent = db_process_sql_insert('tagente', $values); if ($id_agent === false) { return false; } // Create address for this agent in taddress. if (!empty($ip_address)) { agents_add_address($id_agent, $ip_address); } db_pandora_audit('Agent management', 'New agent '.$name.' created'); return $id_agent; } /** * Get all the simple alerts of an agent. * * @param int Agent id * @param string Filter on "fired", "notfired" or "disabled". Any other value * will not do any filter. * @param array Extra filter options in an indexed array. See * db_format_array_where_clause_sql() * @param boolean $allModules * * @return array All simple alerts defined for an agent. Empty array if no * alerts found. */ function agents_get_alerts_simple($id_agent=false, $filter='', $options=false, $where='', $allModules=false, $orderby=false, $idGroup=false, $count=false, $strict_user=false, $tag=false) { global $config; if (is_array($filter)) { $disabled = $filter['disabled']; if (isset($filter['standby'])) { $filter = ' AND talert_template_modules.standby = "'.$filter['standby'].'"'; } else { $filter = ''; } } else { $filter = ''; $disabled = $filter; } switch ($disabled) { case 'notfired': $filter .= ' AND times_fired = 0 AND talert_template_modules.disabled = 0'; break; case 'fired': $filter .= ' AND times_fired > 0 AND talert_template_modules.disabled = 0'; break; case 'disabled': $filter .= ' AND talert_template_modules.disabled = 1'; break; case 'all_enabled': $filter .= ' AND talert_template_modules.disabled = 0'; break; default: $filter .= ''; break; } if ($tag) { $filter .= ' AND (id_agent_module IN (SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM ttag_module WHERE id_tag IN ('.$tag.')))'; } if (isset($options['offset'])) { $offset = $options['offset']; unset($options['offset']); } if (isset($options['limit'])) { $limit = $options['limit']; unset($options['limit']); } if (is_array($options)) { $filter .= db_format_array_where_clause_sql($options); } if (($id_agent !== false) && ($idGroup !== false)) { if ($idGroup != 0) { // All group $subQuery = 'SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE delete_pending = 0 AND id_agente IN (SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo = '.$idGroup.')'; } else { $subQuery = 'SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE delete_pending = 0'; } } else if ($id_agent === false || empty($id_agent)) { if ($allModules) { $disabled = ''; } else { $disabled = 'WHERE disabled = 0'; } $subQuery = 'SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo '.$disabled; } else { $id_agent = (array) $id_agent; $id_modules = array_keys(agents_get_modules($id_agent, false, ['delete_pending' => 0])); if (empty($id_modules)) { return []; } $subQuery = implode(',', $id_modules); } $orderbyText = ''; if ($orderby !== false) { if (is_array($orderby)) { $orderbyText = sprintf('ORDER BY %s', $orderby['field'], $orderby['order']); } else { $orderbyText = sprintf('ORDER BY %s', $orderby); } } $selectText = 'talert_template_modules.*, t2.nombre AS agent_module_name, t3.alias AS agent_name, t4.name AS template_name'; if ($count !== false) { $selectText = 'COUNT(talert_template_modules.id) AS count'; } $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT %s FROM talert_template_modules INNER JOIN tagente_modulo t2 ON talert_template_modules.id_agent_module = t2.id_agente_modulo INNER JOIN tagente t3 ON t2.id_agente = t3.id_agente INNER JOIN talert_templates t4 ON talert_template_modules.id_alert_template = t4.id WHERE id_agent_module in (%s) %s %s %s', $selectText, $subQuery, $where, $filter, $orderbyText ); switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': $limit_sql = ''; if (isset($offset) && isset($limit)) { $limit_sql = " LIMIT $offset, $limit "; } $sql = sprintf('%s %s', $sql, $limit_sql); $alerts = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); break; case 'postgresql': $limit_sql = ''; if (isset($offset) && isset($limit)) { $limit_sql = " OFFSET $offset LIMIT $limit "; } $sql = sprintf('%s %s', $sql, $limit_sql); $alerts = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); break; case 'oracle': $set = []; if (isset($offset) && isset($limit)) { $set['limit'] = $limit; $set['offset'] = $offset; } $alerts = oracle_recode_query($sql, $set, 'AND', false); break; } if ($alerts === false) { return []; } if ($count !== false) { return $alerts[0]['count']; } else { return $alerts; } } /** * Get a list of agents. * * By default, it will return all the agents where the user has reading access. * * @param array $filter Filter options in an indexed array. * See db_format_array_where_clause_sql(). * @param array $fields DB fields to get. * @param string $access ACL level needed in the agents groups. * @param array $order The order of agents, by default is upward * for field nombre. * @param boolean $return Whether to return array with agents or * the sql string statement. * @param boolean $disabled_agent Whether to return only the enabled agents * or not. * @param boolean $use_meta_table Whether to use the regular or the meta table * to retrieve the agents. * * @return mixed An array with all alerts defined for an agent * or false in case no allowed groups are specified. */ function agents_get_agents( $filter=false, $fields=false, $access='AR', $order=[ 'field' => 'nombre', 'order' => 'ASC', ], $return=false, $disabled_agent=0, $use_meta_table=false ) { global $config; if (! is_array($filter)) { $filter = []; } if (isset($filter['search'])) { $search = $filter['search']; unset($filter['search']); } else { $search = ''; } if (isset($filter['search_custom'])) { $search_custom = $filter['search_custom']; unset($filter['search_custom']); } else { $search_custom = ''; } if (isset($filter['offset'])) { $offset = $filter['offset']; unset($filter['offset']); } if (isset($filter['limit'])) { $limit = $filter['limit']; unset($filter['limit']); } $status_sql = ' 1 = 1'; if (isset($filter['status'])) { switch ($filter['status']) { case AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL: $status_sql = '( critical_count = 0 AND warning_count = 0 AND unknown_count = 0 AND normal_count > 0)'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_WARNING: $status_sql = '( critical_count = 0 AND warning_count > 0 AND total_count > 0)'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL: $status_sql = 'critical_count > 0'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: $status_sql = '( critical_count = 0 AND warning_count = 0 AND unknown_count > 0)'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL: $status_sql = '( normal_count <> total_count OR total_count = notinit_count)'; // The AGENT_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL filter must show all agents that are not in normal status /* "( normal_count <> total_count AND (normal_count + notinit_count) <> total_count)";*/ break; case AGENT_STATUS_NOT_INIT: $status_sql = '( total_count = 0 OR total_count = notinit_count)'; break; } unset($filter['status']); } unset($filter['order']); $filter_nogroup = $filter; // Get user groups $groups = array_keys(users_get_groups($config['id_user'], $access, false)); // If no group specified, get all user groups if (empty($filter['id_grupo'])) { $all_groups = true; $filter['id_grupo'] = $groups; } else if (! is_array($filter['id_grupo'])) { $all_groups = false; // If group is specified but not allowed, return false if (! in_array($filter['id_grupo'], $groups)) { return false; } $filter['id_grupo'] = (array) $filter['id_grupo']; // Make an array } else { $all_groups = true; // Check each group specified to the user groups, remove unwanted groups foreach ($filter['id_grupo'] as $key => $id_group) { if (! in_array($id_group, $groups)) { unset($filter['id_grupo'][$key]); } } // If no allowed groups are specified return false if (count($filter['id_grupo']) == 0) { return false; } } $filter['id_group'] = $filter['id_grupo']; if (in_array(0, $filter['id_grupo'])) { unset($filter['id_grupo']); unset($filter['id_group']); } if (!is_array($fields)) { $fields = []; $fields[0] = 'id_agente'; $fields[1] = 'nombre'; } if (isset($order['field'])) { if (!isset($order['order'])) { $order['order'] = 'ASC'; } if (!isset($order['field2'])) { $order = 'ORDER BY '.$order['field'].' '.$order['order']; } else { $order = 'ORDER BY '.$order['field'].' '.$order['order'].', '.$order['field2']; } } // Fix for postgresql if (empty($filter['id_agente'])) { unset($filter['id_agente']); } // Group filter with secondary groups $where_secondary = ''; if (isset($filter['id_group']) && isset($filter['id_grupo'])) { $where_secondary .= db_format_array_where_clause_sql( [ 'tagent_secondary_group.id_group' => $filter['id_group'], 'id_grupo' => $filter['id_grupo'], ], 'OR', '' ); unset($filter['id_group']); unset($filter['id_grupo']); unset($filter_nogroup['id_grupo']); unset($filter_nogroup['id_group']); } // Add the group filter to $where = db_format_array_where_clause_sql($filter, 'AND', '('.$where_secondary.') AND '); if ($where == '' && $where_secondary != '') { $where = $where_secondary; } $where_nogroup = db_format_array_where_clause_sql( $filter_nogroup, 'AND', '' ); if ($where_nogroup == '') { $where_nogroup = '1 = 1'; } if ($disabled_agent == 1) { $disabled = 'disabled = 0'; } else { $disabled = '1 = 1'; } $extra = false; // TODO: CLEAN extra_sql $sql_extra = ''; if ($all_groups) { $where_nogroup = '1 = 1'; } if ($extra) { $where = sprintf( '(%s OR (%s)) AND (%s) AND (%s) %s AND %s', $sql_extra, $where, $where_nogroup, $status_sql, $search, $disabled ); } else { $where = sprintf( '%s AND %s AND (%s) %s AND %s %s', $where, $where_nogroup, $status_sql, $search, $disabled, $search_custom ); } $table_name = ($use_meta_table === true) ? 'tmetaconsole_agent' : 'tagente'; $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT DISTINCT %s FROM `%s` tagente LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group ON tagent_secondary_group.id_agent=tagente.id_agente WHERE %s %s', implode(',', $fields), $table_name, $where, $order ); $limit_sql = ''; if (isset($offset) && isset($limit)) { $limit_sql = " LIMIT $offset, $limit "; } $sql = sprintf('%s %s', $sql, $limit_sql); if ($return) { return $sql; } else { $agents = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); } return $agents; } /** * Get all the alerts of an agent, simple and combined. * * @param integer $id_agent Agent id * @param string Special filter. Can be: "notfired", "fired" or "disabled". * @param array Extra filter options in an indexed array. See * db_format_array_where_clause_sql() * * @return array An array with all alerts defined for an agent. */ function agents_get_alerts($id_agent=false, $filter=false, $options=false) { $simple_alerts = agents_get_alerts_simple($id_agent, $filter, $options); return ['simple' => $simple_alerts]; } /** * Copy the agents config from one agent to the other * * @param int Agent id * @param mixed Agent id or id's (array) to copy to * @param bool Whether to copy modules as well (defaults to $_REQUEST['copy_modules']) * @param bool Whether to copy alerts as well * @param array Which modules to copy. * @param array Which alerts to copy. Only will be used if target_modules is empty. * * @return boolean True in case of good, false in case of bad */ function agents_process_manage_config($source_id_agent, $destiny_id_agents, $copy_modules=false, $copy_alerts=false, $target_modules=false, $target_alerts=false) { global $config; if (empty($source_id_agent)) { ui_print_error_message(__('No source agent to copy')); return false; } if (empty($destiny_id_agents)) { ui_print_error_message(__('No destiny agent(s) to copy')); return false; } if ($copy_modules == false) { $copy_modules = (bool) get_parameter('copy_modules', $copy_modules); } if ($copy_alerts == false) { $copy_alerts = (bool) get_parameter('copy_alerts', $copy_alerts); } if (! $copy_modules && ! $copy_alerts) { return false; } if (empty($target_modules)) { $target_modules = (array) get_parameter('target_modules', []); } if (empty($target_alerts)) { $target_alerts = (array) get_parameter('target_alerts', []); } if (empty($target_modules)) { if (! $copy_alerts) { ui_print_error_message(__('No modules have been selected')); return false; } $target_modules = []; foreach ($target_alerts as $id_alert) { $alert = alerts_get_alert_agent_module($id_alert); if ($alert === false) { continue; } // Check if some alerts which doesn't belong to the agent was given if (modules_get_agentmodule_agent($alert['id_agent_module']) != $source_id_agent) { continue; } array_push($target_modules, $alert['id_agent_module']); } } switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': case 'postgresql': db_process_sql('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0'); db_process_sql('START TRANSACTION'); break; case 'oracle': db_process_sql_begin(); break; } $error = false; $repeated_modules = []; foreach ($destiny_id_agents as $id_destiny_agent) { foreach ($target_modules as $id_agent_module) { // Check the module name exists in target $module = modules_get_agentmodule($id_agent_module); if ($module === false) { return false; } $modules = agents_get_modules( $id_destiny_agent, false, [ 'nombre' => $module['nombre'], 'disabled' => false, ] ); // Keep all modules repeated if (! empty($modules)) { $modules_repeated = array_pop(array_keys($modules)); $result = $modules_repeated; $repeated_modules[] = $modules_repeated; } else { $result = modules_copy_agent_module_to_agent( $id_agent_module, $id_destiny_agent ); if ($result === false) { $error = true; break; } } // Check if all modules are repeated and no alerts are copied, if YES then error if (empty($target_alerts) and count($repeated_modules) == count($target_modules)) { $error = true; break; } $id_destiny_module = $result; if (! $copy_alerts) { continue; } /* If the alerts were given, copy afterwards. Otherwise, all the alerts for the module will be copied */ if (! empty($target_alerts)) { foreach ($target_alerts as $id_alert) { $alert = alerts_get_alert_agent_module($id_alert); if ($alert === false) { continue; } if ($alert['id_agent_module'] != $id_agent_module) { continue; } $result = alerts_copy_alert_module_to_module( $alert['id'], $id_destiny_module ); if ($result === false) { $error = true; break; } } continue; } $alerts = alerts_get_alerts_agent_module($id_agent_module, true); if ($alerts === false) { continue; } foreach ($alerts as $alert) { $result = alerts_copy_alert_module_to_module( $alert['id'], $id_destiny_module ); if ($result === false) { $error = true; break; } } } if ($error) { break; } } if ($error) { ui_print_error_message( __('There was an error copying the agent configuration, the copy has been cancelled') ); switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': case 'postgresql': db_process_sql('ROLLBACK'); break; case 'oracle': db_process_sql_rollback(); break; } } else { ui_print_success_message(__('Successfully copied')); switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': case 'postgresql': db_process_sql('COMMIT'); break; case 'oracle': db_process_sql_commit(); break; } } switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': case 'postgresql': db_process_sql('SET AUTOCOMMIT = 1'); break; } if ($error) { return false; } else { return true; } } function agents_get_next_contact($idAgent, $maxModules=false) { $agent = db_get_row('tagente', 'id_agente', $idAgent); $last_contact = time_w_fixed_tz($agent['ultimo_contacto']); $difference = (time() - $last_contact); return ($agent['intervalo'] > 0 && $last_contact > 0) ? round($difference / ($agent['intervalo'] / 100)) : 0; } /** * Get all the modules common in various agents. If an empty list is passed it will select all * * @param mixed Agent id to get modules. It can also be an array of agent id's. * @param mixed Array, comma delimited list or singular value of rows to * select. If nothing is specified, nombre will be selected. A special * character "*" will select all the values. * @param mixed Aditional filters to the modules. It can be an indexed array * (keys would be the field name and value the expected value, and would be * joined with an AND operator) or a string, including any SQL clause (without * the WHERE keyword). * @param bool Wheter to return the modules indexed by the id_agente_modulo or * not. Default is indexed. * Example: Both are similars: $modules = agents_get_modules ($id_agent, false, array ('disabled' => 0)); $modules = agents_get_modules ($id_agent, false, 'disabled = 0'); Both are similars: $modules = agents_get_modules ($id_agent, '*', array ('disabled' => 0, 'history_data' => 0)); $modules = agents_get_modules ($id_agent, '*', 'disabled = 0 AND history_data = 0'); * * @return array An array with all modules in the agent. * If multiple rows are selected, they will be in an array */ function agents_common_modules($id_agent, $filter=false, $indexed=true, $get_not_init_modules=true) { $id_agent = safe_int($id_agent, 1); $where = ''; if (! empty($id_agent)) { $where = sprintf( ' WHERE delete_pending = 0 AND id_agente IN (%s) AND ( SELECT count(nombre) FROM tagente_modulo t2 WHERE delete_pending = 0 AND t1.nombre = t2.nombre AND id_agente IN (%s)) = (%s)', implode(',', (array) $id_agent), implode(',', (array) $id_agent), count($id_agent) ); } if (! empty($filter)) { $where .= ' AND '; if (is_array($filter)) { $fields = []; foreach ($filter as $field => $value) { array_push($fields, $field.'="'.$value.'"'); } $where .= implode(' AND ', $fields); } else { $where .= $filter; } } $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT DISTINCT(t1.id_agente_modulo) as id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo t1, talert_template_modules t2 %s ORDER BY nombre', $where ); $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if (empty($result)) { return []; } if (! $indexed) { return $result; } $modules = []; foreach ($result as $module) { if ($get_not_init_modules || modules_get_agentmodule_is_init($module['id_agente_modulo'])) { $modules[$module['id_agente_modulo']] = $module['id_agente_modulo']; } } return $modules; } /** * Get all the agents within a group(s). * * @param mixed $id_group Group id or an array of ID's. If nothing is selected, it will select all * @param mixed $search to add Default: False. If True will return disabled agents as well. If searching array (disabled => (bool), string => (string)) * @param string $case Which case to return the agentname as (lower, upper, none) * @param boolean $noACL jump the ACL test. * @param boolean $childGroups The flag to get agents in the child group of group parent passed. By default false. * @param boolean $serialized Only in metaconsole. Return the key as . By default false. * @param string $separator Only in metaconsole. Separator for the serialized data. By default |. * @param boolean $add_alert_bulk_op //TODO documentation * @param boolean $force_serialized. If the agent has not id_server (typically in node) put 0 as . * * @return array An array with all agents in the group or an empty array */ function agents_get_group_agents( $id_group=0, $search=false, $case='lower', $noACL=false, $childGroups=false, $serialized=false, $separator='|', $add_alert_bulk_op=false, $force_serialized=false ) { global $config; $filter = []; // Check available groups for target user only if asking for 'All' group. if (!$noACL && $id_group == 0) { $id_group = ($id_group == 0) ? array_keys(users_get_groups(false, 'AR', false)) : groups_safe_acl($config['id_user'], $id_group, 'AR'); if (empty($id_group)) { // An empty array means the user doesn't have access. return []; } } if ($childGroups) { if (is_array($id_group)) { foreach ($id_group as $parent) { $id_group = array_merge( $id_group, groups_get_id_recursive($parent, true) ); } } else { $id_group = groups_get_id_recursive($id_group, true); } // Check available groups for target user only if asking for 'All' group. if (!$noACL && $id_group == 0) { $id_group = array_keys( users_get_groups(false, 'AR', true, false, (array) $id_group) ); } } // Search for primary and secondary groups. if (!empty($id_group)) { $filter[] = '('.db_format_array_where_clause_sql( [ 'id_group' => $id_group, 'id_grupo' => $id_group, ], 'OR' ).')'; } if ($search === true) { // No added search. Show both disabled and non-disabled. } else if (is_array($search)) { if (!$search['all_agents']) { $filter['disabled'] = 0; if (isset($search['disabled'])) { $filter['disabled'] = (int) $search['disabled']; unset($search['disabled']); } } if (isset($search['string'])) { $string = io_safe_input($search['string']); switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': case 'postgresql': $filter[] = "(nombre COLLATE utf8_general_ci LIKE '%$string%' OR direccion LIKE '%$string%')"; break; case 'oracle': $filter[] = "(UPPER(nombre) LIKE UPPER('%$string%') OR direccion LIKE upper('%$string%'))"; break; } unset($search['string']); } if (isset($search['name'])) { $name = io_safe_input($search['name']); switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': case 'postgresql': $filter[] = "nombre COLLATE utf8_general_ci LIKE '$name'"; break; case 'oracle': $filter[] = "UPPER(nombre) LIKE UPPER('$name')"; break; } unset($search['name']); } if (isset($search['alias'])) { $name = io_safe_input($search['alias']); switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': case 'postgresql': $filter[] = "alias COLLATE utf8_general_ci LIKE '$name'"; break; case 'oracle': $filter[] = "UPPER(alias) LIKE UPPER('$name')"; break; } unset($search['alias']); } if (isset($search['id_os'])) { $filter['id_os'] = $search['id_os']; } if (isset($search['status'])) { switch ($search['status']) { case AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL: $filter[] = '( critical_count = 0 AND warning_count = 0 AND unknown_count = 0 AND normal_count > 0)'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_WARNING: $filter[] = '( critical_count = 0 AND warning_count > 0 AND total_count > 0)'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL: $filter[] = 'critical_count > 0'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: $filter[] = '( critical_count = 0 AND warning_count = 0 AND unknown_count > 0)'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL: $filter[] = '( critical_count > 0 OR warning_count > 0 OR unknown_count > 0 OR total_count = 0 OR total_count = notinit_count)'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_NOT_INIT: $filter[] = '( total_count = 0 OR total_count = notinit_count)'; break; } unset($search['status']); } if ($add_alert_bulk_op) { if (isset($search['id_agente'])) { $filter['id_agente'] = $search['id_agente']; } } if (is_metaconsole() && isset($search['id_server'])) { $filter['id_tmetaconsole_setup'] = $search['id_server']; if ($filter['id_tmetaconsole_setup'] == 0) { // All nodes unset($filter['id_tmetaconsole_setup']); } unset($search['id_server']); } if (!$add_alert_bulk_op) { // Add the rest of the filter from the search array foreach ($search as $key => $value) { $filter[] = $value; } } } else { $filter['disabled'] = 0; } $filter['order'] = 'alias'; if (is_metaconsole()) { $table_name = 'tmetaconsole_agent ta LEFT JOIN tmetaconsole_agent_secondary_group tasg ON ta.id_agente = tasg.id_agent'; $fields = [ 'ta.id_tagente AS id_agente', 'alias', 'ta.id_tmetaconsole_setup AS id_server', ]; } else { $table_name = 'tagente LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group ON id_agente=id_agent'; $fields = [ 'id_agente', 'alias', ]; } $result = db_get_all_rows_filter($table_name, $filter, $fields); if ($result === false) { return []; // Return an empty array } $agents = []; foreach ($result as $row) { if (!isset($row['id_agente']) || !isset($row['alias'])) { continue; } if ($serialized && isset($row['id_server'])) { $key = $row['id_server'].$separator.$row['id_agente']; } else if ($force_serialized) { $key = '0'.$separator.$row['id_agente']; } else { $key = $row['id_agente']; } switch ($case) { case 'lower': $value = mb_strtolower($row['alias'], 'UTF-8'); break; case 'upper': $value = mb_strtoupper($row['alias'], 'UTF-8'); break; default: $value = $row['alias']; break; } $agents[$key] = $value; } return ($agents); } /** * Get all the modules in an agent. If an empty list is passed it will select all * * @param mixed Agent id to get modules. It can also be an array of agent id's, by default is null and this mean that use the ids of agents in user's groups. * @param mixed Array, comma delimited list or singular value of rows to * select. If nothing is specified, nombre will be selected. A special * character "*" will select all the values. * @param mixed Aditional filters to the modules. It can be an indexed array * (keys would be the field name and value the expected value, and would be * joined with an AND operator) or a string, including any SQL clause (without * the WHERE keyword). * @param bool Wheter to return the modules indexed by the id_agente_modulo or * not. Default is indexed. * Example: Both are similars: $modules = agents_get_modules ($id_agent, false, array ('disabled' => 0)); $modules = agents_get_modules ($id_agent, false, 'disabled = 0'); Both are similars: $modules = agents_get_modules ($id_agent, '*', array ('disabled' => 0, 'history_data' => 0)); $modules = agents_get_modules ($id_agent, '*', 'disabled = 0 AND history_data = 0'); * * @return array An array with all modules in the agent. * If multiple rows are selected, they will be in an array */ function agents_get_modules( $id_agent=null, $details=false, $filter=false, $indexed=true, $get_not_init_modules=true, $force_tags=false ) { global $config; $userGroups = users_get_groups($config['id_user'], 'AR', false); if (empty($userGroups)) { return []; } $id_groups = array_keys($userGroups); $id_groups_sql = implode(',', $id_groups); // ================================================================= // When there is not a agent id. Get a agents of groups that the // user can read the agents. // ================================================================= if ($id_agent === null) { $sql = 'SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo IN ('.implode(',', $id_groups).')'; $id_agent = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($id_agent == false) { $id_agent = []; } $temp = []; foreach ($id_agent as $item) { $temp[] = $item['id_agente']; } $id_agent = $temp; } // ================================================================= // Fixed strange values. Only array of ids or id as int // ================================================================= if (!is_array($id_agent)) { $id_agent = safe_int($id_agent, 1); } $where = '1 = 1 '; // Groups ACL only when user is not empty if (!users_can_manage_group_all('AR')) { $where = "( tagente.id_grupo IN ($id_groups_sql) OR tasg.id_group IN ($id_groups_sql) )"; } if (! empty($id_agent)) { $id_agent_sql = implode(',', (array) $id_agent); $where .= " AND tagente.id_agente IN ($id_agent_sql) "; } if (! empty($filter)) { $where .= ' AND '; if (is_array($filter)) { $fields = []; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Code for filters as array of arrays // for example: // $filter = array( // 'id_modulo' => 2, // networkmap type // 'id_tipo_modulo' => array( // '<>2', // != generic_proc // '<>6', // != remote_icmp_proc // '<>9')); // ---------------------------------------------------------- $list_filter = []; foreach ($filter as $field => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $v) { $list_filter[] = [ 'field' => $field, 'value' => $v, ]; } } else { $list_filter[] = [ 'field' => $field, 'value' => $value, ]; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- foreach ($list_filter as $item) { $field = $item['field']; $value = $item['value']; // Check <> operator $operatorDistin = false; if (strlen($value) > 2) { if ($value[0].$value[1] == '<>') { $operatorDistin = true; } } if ($value[0] == '%') { array_push( $fields, $field.' LIKE "'.$value.'"' ); } else if ($operatorDistin) { array_push($fields, $field.' <> '.substr($value, 2)); } else if (substr($value, -1) == '%') { array_push($fields, $field.' LIKE "'.$value.'"'); } else if (strncmp($value, '666=666', 7) == 0) { array_push($fields, ' '.$value); } else if (preg_match('/\bin\b/i', $field)) { array_push($fields, $field.' '.$value); } else { array_push($fields, 'tagente_modulo.'.$field.' = "'.$value.'"'); } } $where .= implode(' AND ', $fields); } else { $where .= $filter; } } $stored_details = $details; if (empty($details)) { $details = 'tagente_modulo.nombre'; $stored_details = 'nombre'; } else { $details = (array) $details; $details = io_safe_input($details); $details = array_map( function ($a) { return preg_match('/tagente_modulo./i', $a) ? $a : 'tagente_modulo.'.$a; }, $details ); } $sql_tags_join = ''; if (tags_has_user_acl_tags($config['id_user']) || $force_tags) { $where_tags = tags_get_acl_tags( $config['id_user'], $id_groups, 'AR', 'module_condition', 'AND', 'tagente_modulo', false, [], true ); $where .= "\n\n".$where_tags; $sql_tags_join = 'INNER JOIN ttag_module ON ttag_module.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo'; } $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT %s%s FROM tagente_modulo %s INNER JOIN tagente ON tagente.id_agente = tagente_modulo.id_agente LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg ON tagente.id_agente = tasg.id_agent WHERE tagente_modulo.delete_pending = 0 AND %s GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1', ($details != 'tagente_modulo.*' && $indexed) ? 'tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo,' : '', io_safe_output(implode(',', (array) $details)), $sql_tags_join, $where ); $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if (empty($result)) { return []; } if (! $indexed) { return $result; } $modules = []; foreach ($result as $module) { if ($get_not_init_modules || modules_get_agentmodule_is_init($module['id_agente_modulo'])) { if (is_array($stored_details) || $stored_details == '*') { // Just stack the information in array by ID $modules[$module['id_agente_modulo']] = $module; } else { $modules[$module['id_agente_modulo']] = $module[$stored_details]; } } } return $modules; } /** * Get agent id from a module id that it has. * * @param integer $id_module Id module is list modules this agent. * * @return integer Id from the agent of the given id module. */ function agents_get_module_id($id_agente_modulo) { return (int) db_get_value('id_agente', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_agente_modulo); } /** * Get agent id from an agent name. * * @param string $agent_name Agent name to get its id. * @param boolean $io_safe_input If it is true transform to safe string, by default false. * * @return integer Id from the agent of the given name. */ function agents_get_agent_id($agent_name, $io_safe_input=false) { if ($io_safe_input) { $agent_name = io_safe_input($agent_name); } return (int) db_get_value('id_agente', 'tagente', 'nombre', $agent_name); } /** * Get name of an agent. * * @param integer $id_agent Agent id. * @param string $case Case (upper, lower, none) * * @return string Name of the given agent. */ function agents_get_name($id_agent, $case='none') { $agent = (string) db_get_value( 'nombre', 'tagente', 'id_agente', (int) $id_agent ); // Version 3.0 has enforced case sensitive agent names // so we always should show real case names. switch ($case) { case 'upper': return mb_strtoupper($agent, 'UTF-8'); break; case 'lower': return mb_strtolower($agent, 'UTF-8'); break; case 'none': default: return ($agent); break; } } /** * Get alias of an agent (cached function). * * @param integer $id_agent Agent id. * @param string $case Case (upper, lower, none). * * @return string Alias of the given agent. */ function agents_get_alias($id_agent, $case='none') { global $config; // Prepare cache. static $cache = []; if (empty($case)) { $case = 'none'; } // Check cache. if (isset($cache[$case][$id_agent])) { return $cache[$case][$id_agent]; } $alias = (string) db_get_value( 'alias', 'tagente', 'id_agente', (int) $id_agent ); switch ($case) { case 'upper': $alias = mb_strtoupper($alias, 'UTF-8'); break; case 'lower': $alias = mb_strtolower($alias, 'UTF-8'); break; default: // Not posible. break; } $cache[$case][$id_agent] = $alias; return $alias; } function agents_get_alias_by_name($name, $case='none') { if (is_metaconsole()) { $table = 'tmetaconsole_agent'; } else { $table = 'tagente'; } $alias = (string) db_get_value('alias', $table, 'nombre', $name); switch ($case) { case 'upper': return mb_strtoupper($alias, 'UTF-8'); case 'lower': return mb_strtolower($alias, 'UTF-8'); case 'none': default: return ($alias); } } /** * Check if an agent has alerts fired. * * @param int Agent id. * * @return boolean True if the agent has fired alerts. */ function agents_check_alert_fired($id_agent) { $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM talert_template_modules, tagente_modulo WHERE talert_template_modules.id_agent_module = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo AND times_fired > 0 AND id_agente = %d', $id_agent ); $value = db_get_sql($sql); if ($value > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get the interval of an agent. * * @param int Agent id. * * @return integer The interval value of a given agent */ function agents_get_interval($id_agent) { return (int) db_get_value('intervalo', 'tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agent); } /** * Get all data of agent. * * @param Agent object. * * @return The interval value and status of last contact or True /False */ function agents_get_interval_status($agent, $return_html=true) { $return = ''; $last_time = time_w_fixed_tz($agent['ultimo_contacto']); $now = time(); $diferencia = ($now - $last_time); $time = ui_print_timestamp($last_time, true, ['style' => 'font-size:6.5pt']); $min_interval = modules_get_agentmodule_mininterval_no_async($agent['id_agente']); if ($return_html) { $return = $time; } else { $return = true; } if ($diferencia > ($min_interval['min_interval'] * 2) && $min_interval['num_interval'] > 0) { if ($return_html) { $return = ''.$time.''; } else { $return = false; } } return $return; } /** * Get the operating system of an agent. * * @param int Agent id. * * @return integer The interval value of a given agent */ function agents_get_os($id_agent) { return (int) db_get_value('id_os', 'tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agent); } /** * Get the flag value of an agent module. * * @param int Agent module id. * * @return boolean The flag value of an agent module. */ function agents_give_agentmodule_flag($id_agent_module) { return db_get_value('flag', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $id_agent_module); } /** * Assign an IP address to an agent. * * @param int Agent id * @param string IP address to assign */ function agents_add_address($id_agent, $ip_address) { global $config; // Check if already is attached to agent switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': $sql = sprintf( "SELECT COUNT(`ip`) FROM taddress_agent, taddress WHERE taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a AND ip = '%s' AND id_agent = %d", $ip_address, $id_agent ); break; case 'postgresql': case 'oracle': $sql = sprintf( "SELECT COUNT(ip) FROM taddress_agent, taddress WHERE taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a AND ip = '%s' AND id_agent = %d", $ip_address, $id_agent ); break; } $current_address = db_get_sql($sql); if ($current_address > 0) { return; } // Look for a record with this IP Address $id_address = (int) db_get_value('id_a', 'taddress', 'ip', $ip_address); if ($id_address === 0) { // Create IP address in tadress table $id_address = db_process_sql_insert('taddress', ['ip' => $ip_address]); } // Add address to agent $values = [ 'id_a' => $id_address, 'id_agent' => $id_agent, ]; db_process_sql_insert('taddress_agent', $values); } /** * Unassign an IP address from an agent. * * @param int Agent id * @param string IP address to unassign */ function agents_delete_address($id_agent, $ip_address) { global $config; $sql = sprintf( "SELECT id_ag FROM taddress_agent, taddress WHERE taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a AND ip = '%s' AND id_agent = %d", $ip_address, $id_agent ); $id_ag = db_get_sql($sql); if ($id_ag !== false) { db_process_sql_delete('taddress_agent', ['id_ag' => $id_ag]); } $agent_name = agents_get_name($id_agent, ''); db_pandora_audit( 'Agent management', "Deleted IP $ip_address from agent '$agent_name'" ); // Need to change main address? if (agents_get_address($id_agent) == $ip_address) { $new_ips = agents_get_addresses($id_agent); if (empty($new_ips)) { $new_ip = ''; } else { $new_ip = reset($new_ips); } // Change main address in agent to first one in the list db_process_sql_update( 'tagente', ['direccion' => $new_ip], ['id_agente' => $id_agent] ); return $new_ip; } } /** * Get address of an agent. * * @param int Agent id * * @return string The address of the given agent */ function agents_get_address($id_agent) { return (string) db_get_value('direccion', 'tagente', 'id_agente', (int) $id_agent); } /** * Get description of an agent. * * @param int Agent id * * @return string The address of the given agent */ function agents_get_description($id_agent) { return (string) db_get_value('comentarios', 'tagente', 'id_agente', (int) $id_agent); } /** * Get the agent that matches an IP address * * @param string IP address to get the agents. * * @return mixed The agent that has the IP address given. False if none were found. */ function agents_get_agent_with_ip($ip_address) { global $config; switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT tagente.* FROM tagente, taddress, taddress_agent WHERE tagente.id_agente = taddress_agent.id_agent AND taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a AND ip = "%s"', $ip_address ); break; case 'postgresql': case 'oracle': $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT tagente.* FROM tagente, taddress, taddress_agent WHERE tagente.id_agente = taddress_agent.id_agent AND taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a AND ip = \'%s\'', $ip_address ); break; } return db_get_row_sql($sql); } /** * Get all IP addresses of an agent * * @param int Agent id * * @return array Array with the IP address of the given agent or an empty array. */ function agents_get_addresses($id_agent) { if (is_array($id_agent)) { $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT ip FROM taddress_agent, taddress WHERE taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a AND id_agent IN (%s)', implode(',', $id_agent) ); } else { $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT ip FROM taddress_agent, taddress WHERE taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a AND id_agent = %d', $id_agent ); } $ips = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($ips === false) { $ips = []; } $ret_arr = []; foreach ($ips as $row) { $ret_arr[$row['ip']] = $row['ip']; } return $ret_arr; } /** * Get the worst status of all modules of a given agent from the counts. * * @param array agent to check. * * @return integer Worst status of an agent for all of its modules. * return -1 if the data are wrong */ function agents_get_status_from_counts($agent) { // Check if in the data there are all the necessary values if (!isset($agent['normal_count']) && !isset($agent['warning_count']) && !isset($agent['critical_count']) && !isset($agent['unknown_count']) && !isset($agent['notinit_count']) && !isset($agent['total_count']) ) { return -1; } // Juanma (05/05/2014) Fix: This status is not init! 0 modules or all not init if ($agent['notinit_count'] == $agent['total_count']) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT; } if ($agent['critical_count'] > 0) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD; } else if ($agent['warning_count'] > 0) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING; } else if ($agent['unknown_count'] > 0) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } else if ($agent['normal_count'] == $agent['total_count']) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL; } else if (($agent['normal_count'] + $agent['notinit_count']) == $agent['total_count']) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL; } // ~ else if($agent['notinit_count'] == $agent['total_count']) { // ~ return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL; // ~ } return -1; } /** * Get the worst status of all modules of a given agent. * * @param int Id agent to check. * @param bool Whether the call check ACLs or not * * @return integer Worst status of an agent for all of its modules. * The value -1 is returned in case the agent has exceed its interval. */ function agents_get_status($id_agent=0, $noACLs=false) { global $config; if (!$noACLs) { $modules = agents_get_modules( $id_agent, 'id_agente_modulo', ['disabled' => 0], true, false ); } else { $filter_modules['id_agente'] = $id_agent; $filter_modules['disabled'] = 0; $filter_modules['delete_pending'] = 0; // Get all non disabled modules of the agent $all_modules = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'tagente_modulo', $filter_modules, 'id_agente_modulo' ); if ($all_modules === false) { $all_modules = []; } $result_modules = []; // Skip non init modules foreach ($all_modules as $module) { if (modules_get_agentmodule_is_init($module['id_agente_modulo'])) { $modules[] = $module['id_agente_modulo']; } } } if (!isset($modules) || empty($modules) || count($modules) == 0) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT; } $modules_status = []; $modules_async = 0; foreach ($modules as $module) { $modules_status[] = modules_get_agentmodule_status($module); $module_type = modules_get_agentmodule_type($module); if (($module_type >= 21 && $module_type <= 23) || $module_type == 100 ) { $modules_async++; } } // If all the modules are asynchronous or keep alive, the group cannot be unknown if ($modules_async < count($modules)) { $time = get_system_time(); switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': $status = db_get_value_filter( 'COUNT(*)', 'tagente', [ 'id_agente' => (int) $id_agent, 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ultimo_contacto) + intervalo * 2 > '.$time ] ); break; case 'postgresql': $status = db_get_value_filter( 'COUNT(*)', 'tagente', [ 'id_agente' => (int) $id_agent, 'ceil(date_part(\'epoch\', ultimo_contacto)) + intervalo * 2 > '.$time ] ); break; case 'oracle': $status = db_get_value_filter( 'count(*)', 'tagente', [ 'id_agente' => (int) $id_agent, 'ceil((to_date(ultimo_contacto, \'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\') - to_date(\'19700101000000\',\'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS\')) * ('.SECONDS_1DAY.')) > '.$time ] ); break; } if (! $status) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } } // Checking if any module has alert fired if (is_int(array_search(AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_ALERT, $modules_status))) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_ALERT; } // Checking if any module has alert fired else if (is_int(array_search(AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING_ALERT, $modules_status))) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING_ALERT; } // Checking if any module has critical status else if (is_int(array_search(AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD, $modules_status))) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD; } // Checking if any module has critical status else if (is_int(array_search(AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL_ALERT, $modules_status))) { return AGENT_STATUS_ALERT_FIRED; } // Checking if any module has warning status else if (is_int(array_search(AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING, $modules_status))) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING; } // Checking if any module has unknown status else if (is_int(array_search(AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN, $modules_status))) { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } else { return AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL; } } /** * Delete an agent from the database. * * @param mixed An array of agents ids or a single integer id to be erased * @param bool Disable the ACL checking, for default false. * * @return boolean False if error, true if success. */ function agents_delete_agent($id_agents, $disableACL=false) { global $config; $error = false; // Convert single values to an array if (! is_array($id_agents)) { $id_agents = (array) $id_agents; } foreach ($id_agents as $id_agent) { $id_agent = (int) $id_agent; // Cast as integer if ($id_agent < 1) { continue; } $agent_name = agents_get_name($id_agent, ''); $agent_alias = io_safe_output(agents_get_alias($id_agent)); // Check for deletion permissions $all_groups = agents_get_all_groups_agent($id_agent); if ((! check_acl_one_of_groups($config['id_user'], $all_groups, 'AW')) && !$disableACL) { return false; } // A variable where we store that long subquery thing for // modules $where_modules = 'ANY(SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = '.$id_agent.')'; // IP address $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT id_ag FROM taddress_agent, taddress WHERE taddress_agent.id_a = taddress.id_a AND id_agent = %d', $id_agent ); $addresses = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($addresses === false) { $addresses = []; } foreach ($addresses as $address) { db_process_delete_temp( 'taddress_agent', 'id_ag', $address['id_ag'] ); } // We cannot delete tagente_datos and tagente_datos_string here // because it's a huge ammount of time. tagente_module has a special // field to mark for delete each module of agent deleted and in // daily maintance process, all data for that modules are deleted // Alert db_process_delete_temp( 'talert_template_modules', 'id_agent_module', $where_modules, true ); // Events (up/down monitors) // Dont delete here, could be very time-exausting, let the daily script // delete them after XXX days // db_process_delete_temp ("tevento", "id_agente", $id_agent); // Graphs, layouts, reports & networkmapenterprise db_process_delete_temp( 'tgraph_source', 'id_agent_module', $where_modules, true ); db_process_delete_temp( 'tlayout_data', 'id_agente_modulo', $where_modules, true ); db_process_delete_temp( 'treport_content', 'id_agent_module', $where_modules, true ); if (enterprise_installed()) { $nodes = db_get_all_rows_filter( 'titem', [ 'source_data' => $id_agent, 'type' => 0, ] ); if (empty($nodes)) { $nodes = []; } foreach ($nodes as $node) { db_process_delete_temp( 'tnetworkmap_ent_rel_nodes', 'parent', $node['id'] ); db_process_delete_temp( 'tnetworkmap_ent_rel_nodes', 'child', $node['id'] ); } db_process_delete_temp( 'titem', 'source_data', $id_agent ); } // Planned Downtime db_process_delete_temp( 'tplanned_downtime_agents', 'id_agent', $id_agent ); // The status of the module db_process_delete_temp('tagente_estado', 'id_agente', $id_agent); // The actual modules, don't put anything based on // DONT Delete this, just mark for deletion // db_process_delete_temp ("tagente_modulo", "id_agente", $id_agent); db_process_sql_update( 'tagente_modulo', [ 'delete_pending' => 1, 'disabled' => 1, 'nombre' => 'pendingdelete', ], 'id_agente = '.$id_agent ); // Access entries // Dont delete here, this records are deleted in daily script // db_process_delete_temp ("tagent_access", "id_agent", $id_agent); // Delete agent policies enterprise_include_once('include/functions_policies.php'); enterprise_hook('policies_delete_agent', [$id_agent]); // Delete agent in networkmap enterprise if (enterprise_installed()) { enterprise_include_once('include/functions_networkmap.php'); networkmap_delete_nodes_by_agent([$id_agent]); } // tagente_datos_inc // Dont delete here, this records are deleted later, in database script // db_process_delete_temp ("tagente_datos_inc", "id_agente_modulo", $where_modules, true); // Delete remote configuration if (enterprise_installed()) { if (isset($config['remote_config'])) { enterprise_include_once('include/functions_config_agents.php'); if (enterprise_hook('config_agents_has_remote_configuration', [$id_agent])) { $agent_name = agents_get_name($id_agent); $agent_name = io_safe_output($agent_name); $agent_alias = io_safe_output(agents_get_alias($id_agent)); $agent_md5 = md5($agent_name, false); // Agent remote configuration editor $file_name = $config['remote_config'].'/conf/'.$agent_md5.'.conf'; $error = !@unlink($file_name); if (!$error) { $file_name = $config['remote_config'].'/md5/'.$agent_md5.'.md5'; $error = !@unlink($file_name); } if ($error) { db_pandora_audit( 'Agent management', "Error: Deleted agent $agent_alias, the error is in the delete conf or md5." ); } } } } // And at long last, the agent db_process_delete_temp('tagente', 'id_agente', $id_agent); db_process_sql('delete from ttag_module where id_agente_modulo in (select id_agente_modulo from tagente_modulo where id_agente = '.$id_agent.')'); db_pandora_audit( 'Agent management', "Deleted agent $agent_alias" ); // Delete the agent from the metaconsole cache enterprise_include_once('include/functions_agents.php'); enterprise_hook('agent_delete_from_cache', [$id_agent]); // Break the loop on error if ($error) { break; } } if ($error) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * This function gets the agent group for a given agent module * * @param int The agent module id * * @return integer The group id */ function agents_get_agentmodule_group($id_module) { $agent = (int) modules_get_agentmodule_agent((int) $id_module); return (int) agents_get_agent_group($agent); } /** * This function gets the group for a given agent * * @param int The agent id * @param bool True to use the metaconsole tables * * @return integer The group id */ function agents_get_agent_group($id_agent, $force_meta=false) { return (int) db_get_value( 'id_grupo', $force_meta ? 'tmetaconsole_agent' : 'tagente', 'id_agente', (int) $id_agent ); } /** * This function gets the count of incidents attached to the agent * * @param int The agent id * * @return mixed The incidents attached or false */ function agents_get_count_incidents($id_agent) { if (empty($id_agent)) { return false; } return db_get_value( 'count(*)', 'tincidencia', 'id_agent', $id_agent ); } /** * Get critical monitors by using the status code in modules. * * @param int The agent id * @param string Additional filters * * @return mixed The incidents attached or false */ function agents_monitor_critical($id_agent, $filter='') { if ($filter) { $filter = ' AND '.$filter; } return db_get_sql( "SELECT critical_count FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = $id_agent".$filter ); } // Get warning monitors by using the status code in modules. function agents_monitor_warning($id_agent, $filter='') { if ($filter) { $filter = ' AND '.$filter; } return db_get_sql( "SELECT warning_count FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = $id_agent".$filter ); } // Get unknown monitors by using the status code in modules. function agents_monitor_unknown($id_agent, $filter='') { if ($filter) { $filter = ' AND '.$filter; } return db_get_sql( "SELECT unknown_count FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = $id_agent".$filter ); } // Get ok monitors by using the status code in modules. function agents_monitor_ok($id_agent, $filter='') { if ($filter) { $filter = ' AND '.$filter; } return db_get_sql( "SELECT normal_count FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = $id_agent".$filter ); } /** * Get all monitors disabled of an specific agent. * * @param int The agent id * @param string Additional filters * * @return mixed Total module count or false */ function agents_monitor_disabled($id_agent, $filter='') { if ($filter) { $filter = ' AND '.$filter; } return db_get_sql( " SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo) FROM tagente, tagente_modulo WHERE tagente_modulo.id_agente = tagente.id_agente AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 1 AND tagente.id_agente = $id_agent".$filter ); } /** * Get all monitors notinit of an specific agent. * * @param int The agent id * @param string Additional filters * * @return mixed Total module count or false */ function agents_monitor_notinit($id_agent, $filter='') { if (!empty($filter)) { $filter = ' AND '.$filter; } return db_get_sql( "SELECT notinit_count FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = $id_agent".$filter ); } /** * Get all monitors of an specific agent. * * @param int The agent id * @param string Additional filters * @param bool Whether to retrieve disabled modules or not * * @return mixed Total module count or false */ function agents_monitor_total($id_agent, $filter='', $disabled=false) { if ($filter) { $filter = ' AND '.$filter; } $sql = "SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo) FROM tagente_estado, tagente, tagente_modulo WHERE tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo = tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo AND tagente_estado.id_agente = tagente.id_agente AND tagente.id_agente = $id_agent".$filter; if (!$disabled) { $sql .= ' AND tagente.disabled = 0 AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0'; } return db_get_sql($sql); } // Returns the alert image to display tree view function agents_tree_view_alert_img($alert_fired) { if ($alert_fired) { return ui_print_status_image(STATUS_ALERT_FIRED, __('Alert fired'), true); } else { return ui_print_status_image(STATUS_ALERT_NOT_FIRED, __('Alert not fired'), true); } } // Returns the alert ball image to display tree view function agents_tree_view_alert_img_ball($alert_fired) { if ($alert_fired) { return ui_print_status_image(STATUS_ALERT_FIRED_BALL, __('Alert fired'), true); } else { return ui_print_status_image(STATUS_ALERT_NOT_FIRED_BALL, __('Alert not fired'), true); } } // Returns the status image to display tree view function agents_tree_view_status_img($critical, $warning, $unknown, $total, $notinit) { if ($total == 0 || $total == $notinit) { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_NO_MONITORS, __('No Monitors'), true ); } if ($critical > 0) { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_CRITICAL, __('At least one module in CRITICAL status'), true ); } else if ($warning > 0) { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_WARNING, __('At least one module in WARNING status'), true ); } else if ($unknown > 0) { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_DOWN, __('At least one module is in UKNOWN status'), true ); } else { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_OK, __('All Monitors OK'), true ); } } // Returns the status ball image to display tree view function agents_tree_view_status_img_ball($critical, $warning, $unknown, $total, $notinit) { if ($total == 0 || $total == $notinit) { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_NO_MONITORS_BALL, __('No Monitors'), true ); } if ($critical > 0) { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_CRITICAL_BALL, __('At least one module in CRITICAL status'), true ); } else if ($warning > 0) { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_WARNING_BALL, __('At least one module in WARNING status'), true ); } else if ($unknown > 0) { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_DOWN_BALL, __('At least one module is in UKNOWN status'), true ); } else { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_OK_BALL, __('All Monitors OK'), true ); } } // Returns the status image to display agent detail view function agents_detail_view_status_img($critical, $warning, $unknown, $total, $notinit) { if ($total == 0 || $total == $notinit) { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_NOT_INIT, __('No Monitors'), true, false, 'images' ); } else if ($critical > 0) { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_CRITICAL, __('At least one module in CRITICAL status'), true, false, 'images' ); } else if ($warning > 0) { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_WARNING, __('At least one module in WARNING status'), true, false, 'images' ); } else if ($unknown > 0) { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_UNKNOWN, __('At least one module is in UKNOWN status'), true, false, 'images' ); } else { return ui_print_status_image( STATUS_AGENT_OK, __('All Monitors OK'), true, false, 'images' ); } } function agents_update_gis( $idAgente, $latitude, $longitude, $altitude, $ignore_new_gis_data, $manual_placement, $start_timestamp, $end_timestamp, $number_of_packages, $description_save_history, $description_update_gis, $description_first_insert ) { $previusAgentGISData = db_get_row_sql( ' SELECT * FROM tgis_data_status WHERE tagente_id_agente = '.$idAgente ); db_process_sql_update( 'tagente', ['update_gis_data' => $updateGisData], ['id_agente' => $idAgente] ); $return = false; if ($previusAgentGISData !== false) { $return = db_process_sql_insert( 'tgis_data_history', [ 'longitude' => $previusAgentGISData['stored_longitude'], 'latitude' => $previusAgentGISData['stored_latitude'], 'altitude' => $previusAgentGISData['stored_altitude'], 'start_timestamp' => $previusAgentGISData['start_timestamp'], 'end_timestamp' => $end_timestamp, 'description' => $description_save_history, 'manual_placement' => $previusAgentGISData['manual_placement'], 'number_of_packages' => $previusAgentGISData['number_of_packages'], 'tagente_id_agente' => $previusAgentGISData['tagente_id_agente'], ] ); $return = db_process_sql_update( 'tgis_data_status', [ 'tagente_id_agente' => $idAgente, 'current_longitude' => $longitude, 'current_latitude' => $latitude, 'current_altitude' => $altitude, 'stored_longitude' => $longitude, 'stored_latitude' => $latitude, 'stored_altitude' => $altitude, 'start_timestamp' => $start_timestamp, 'manual_placement' => $manual_placement, 'description' => $description_update_gis, 'number_of_packages' => $number_of_packages, ], ['tagente_id_agente' => $idAgente] ); } else { // The table "tgis_data_status" have not a autonumeric // then the mysql_insert_id function return 0 $prev_count = db_get_num_rows('SELECT * FROM tgis_data_status'); $return = db_process_sql_insert( 'tgis_data_status', [ 'tagente_id_agente' => $idAgente, 'current_longitude' => $longitude, 'current_latitude' => $latitude, 'current_altitude' => $altitude, 'stored_longitude' => $longitude, 'stored_latitude' => $latitude, 'stored_altitude' => $altitude, 'start_timestamp' => $start_timestamp, 'manual_placement' => $manual_placement, 'description' => $description_first_insert, 'number_of_packages' => $number_of_packages, ] ); $count = db_get_num_rows('SELECT * FROM tgis_data_status'); if ($return === 0) { if ($prev_count < $count) { $return = true; } } } return (bool) $return; } /** * Returns a list with network interfaces data by agent * * @param array Agents with the columns 'id_agente', 'nombre' and 'id_grupo'. * @param mixed A filter to search the agents if the first parameter is false. * * @return array A list of network interfaces information by agents. */ function agents_get_network_interfaces($agents=false, $agents_filter=false) { global $config; if ($agents === false) { $filter = false; if ($agents_filter !== false) { $filter = $agents_filter; } $fields = [ 'id_agente', 'alias', 'id_grupo', ]; $agents = agents_get_agents($filter, $fields); } $ni_by_agents = []; foreach ($agents as $agent) { $agent_id = $agent['id_agente']; $agent_group_id = $agent['id_grupo']; $agent_name = $agent['alias']; $agent_interfaces = []; $accepted_module_types = []; $remote_snmp_proc = (int) db_get_value('id_tipo', 'ttipo_modulo', 'nombre', 'remote_snmp_proc'); if ($remote_snmp_proc) { $accepted_module_types[] = $remote_snmp_proc; } $remote_icmp_proc = (int) db_get_value('id_tipo', 'ttipo_modulo', 'nombre', 'remote_icmp_proc'); if ($remote_icmp_proc) { $accepted_module_types[] = $remote_icmp_proc; } $remote_tcp_proc = (int) db_get_value('id_tipo', 'ttipo_modulo', 'nombre', 'remote_tcp_proc'); if ($remote_tcp_proc) { $accepted_module_types[] = $remote_tcp_proc; } $generic_proc = (int) db_get_value('id_tipo', 'ttipo_modulo', 'nombre', 'generic_proc'); if ($generic_proc) { $accepted_module_types[] = $generic_proc; } if (empty($accepted_module_types)) { $accepted_module_types[] = 0; // No modules will be returned } $columns = [ 'id_agente_modulo', 'nombre', 'ip_target', ]; if ($config['dbtype'] == 'oracle') { $columns[] = 'TO_CHAR(descripcion) AS descripcion'; } else { $columns[] = 'descripcion'; } $filter = " tagente_modulo.id_agente = $agent_id AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0 AND tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo IN (".implode(',', $accepted_module_types).") AND (tagente_modulo.nombre LIKE '%_ifOperStatus' OR tagente_modulo.nombre LIKE 'ifOperStatus_%')"; $modules = agents_get_modules($agent_id, $columns, $filter, true, false); if (!empty($modules)) { $interfaces = []; foreach ($modules as $module) { $module_name = (string) $module['nombre']; // Trying to get the interface name from the module name if (preg_match('/^(.+)_if.+/', $module_name, $matches)) { if ($matches[1]) { $interface_name = $matches[1]; $interface_name_escaped = str_replace('/', '\/', $interface_name); $interfaces[$interface_name] = $module; $type_interface = 1; } } else if (preg_match('/^if.+_(.+)$/', $module_name, $matches)) { if ($matches[1]) { $interface_name = $matches[1]; $interface_name_escaped = str_replace('/', '\/', $interface_name); $interfaces[$interface_name] = $module; $type_interface = 0; } } } unset($modules); foreach ($interfaces as $interface_name => $module) { $interface_name_escaped = str_replace('/', '\/', $interface_name); $module_id = $module['id_agente_modulo']; $module_name = $module['nombre']; $module_description = $module['descripcion']; $db_status = modules_get_agentmodule_status($module_id); $module_value = modules_get_last_value($module_id); modules_get_status($module_id, $db_status, $module_value, $status, $title); $status_image = ui_print_status_image($status, $title, true); $ip_target = '--'; // Trying to get something like an IP from the description if (preg_match('/(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/', $module_description, $matches) || preg_match( "/(((?=(?>.*?(::))(?!.+\3)))\3?|([\dA-F]{1,4}(\3|:?)|\2))(?4){5}((?4){2}|(25[0-5]| (2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9])?\d)(\.(?7)){3})/i", $module_description, $matches ) && $matches[0] ) { $ip_target = $matches[0]; } // else if (isset($module['ip_target']) && !empty($module['ip_target'])) { // $ip_target = $module['ip_target']; // } $mac = '--'; // Trying to get something like a mac from the description if (preg_match('/([0-9a-f]{1,2}[\.:-]){5}([0-9a-f]{1,2})/i', $module_description, $matches)) { if ($matches[0]) { $mac = $matches[0]; } } // Get the ifInOctets and ifOutOctets modules of the interface $columns = [ 'id_agente_modulo', 'nombre', ]; if ($type_interface) { $interface_traffic_modules = agents_get_modules($agent_id, $columns, "tagente_modulo.nombre LIKE '".$interface_name."_if%Octets'"); } else { $interface_traffic_modules = agents_get_modules($agent_id, $columns, "tagente_modulo.nombre LIKE 'if%Octets_$interface_name'"); } if (!empty($interface_traffic_modules) && count($interface_traffic_modules) >= 2) { $interface_traffic_modules_aux = [ 'in' => '', 'out' => '', ]; foreach ($interface_traffic_modules as $interface_traffic_module) { $interface_name_escaped = str_replace('/', '\/', $interface_name); if ($type_interface) { if (preg_match('/^'.$interface_name_escaped.'_if(.+)Octets$/i', $interface_traffic_module['nombre'], $matches)) { if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'in' || strtolower($matches[1]) == 'hcin') { $interface_traffic_modules_aux['in'] = $interface_traffic_module['id_agente_modulo']; } else if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'out' || strtolower($matches[1]) == 'hcout') { $interface_traffic_modules_aux['out'] = $interface_traffic_module['id_agente_modulo']; } } } else { if (preg_match("/^if(.+)Octets_$interface_name_escaped$/i", $interface_traffic_module['nombre'], $matches)) { if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'in' || strtolower($matches[1]) == 'hcin') { $interface_traffic_modules_aux['in'] = $interface_traffic_module['id_agente_modulo']; } else if (strtolower($matches[1]) == 'out' || strtolower($matches[1]) == 'hcout') { $interface_traffic_modules_aux['out'] = $interface_traffic_module['id_agente_modulo']; } } } } if (!empty($interface_traffic_modules_aux['in']) && !empty($interface_traffic_modules_aux['out'])) { $interface_traffic_modules = $interface_traffic_modules_aux; } else { $interface_traffic_modules = false; } } else { $interface_traffic_modules = false; } $agent_interfaces[$interface_name] = []; $agent_interfaces[$interface_name]['status_image'] = $status_image; $agent_interfaces[$interface_name]['status_module_id'] = $module_id; $agent_interfaces[$interface_name]['status_module_name'] = $module_name; $agent_interfaces[$interface_name]['ip'] = $ip_target; $agent_interfaces[$interface_name]['mac'] = $mac; if ($interface_traffic_modules !== false) { $agent_interfaces[$interface_name]['traffic'] = []; $agent_interfaces[$interface_name]['traffic']['in'] = $interface_traffic_modules['in']; $agent_interfaces[$interface_name]['traffic']['out'] = $interface_traffic_modules['out']; } } } if (!empty($agent_interfaces)) { $ni_by_agents[$agent_id] = []; $ni_by_agents[$agent_id]['name'] = $agent_name; $ni_by_agents[$agent_id]['group'] = $agent_group_id; $ni_by_agents[$agent_id]['interfaces'] = $agent_interfaces; } } return $ni_by_agents; } /** * Returns the value of the custom field for the selected agent. * * @param integer Agent id. * @param string Name of the custom field. * * @return mixed The custom field value or false on error. */ function agents_get_agent_custom_field($agent_id, $custom_field_name) { if (empty($agent_id) && empty($custom_field_name)) { return false; } $sql = sprintf( "SELECT tacd.description AS value FROM tagent_custom_data tacd INNER JOIN tagent_custom_fields tacf ON tacd.id_field = tacf.id_field AND tacf.name LIKE '%s' WHERE tacd.id_agent = %d", $custom_field_name, $agent_id ); return db_get_value_sql($sql); } function select_modules_for_agent_group( $id_group, $id_agents, $selection, $return=true, $index_by_name=false ) { global $config; $agents = (empty($id_agents)) ? [] : implode(',', $id_agents); $filter_agent_group = ''; $filter_group = ''; $filter_agent = ''; $selection_filter = ''; $sql_conditions_tags = ''; $sql_tags_inner = ''; $groups = array_keys(users_get_groups(false, 'AR', false)); if ($id_group != 0) { $filter_group = ' AND tagente_modulo.id_module_group = '.$id_group; } if ($agents != null) { $filter_agent = ' AND tagente.id_agente IN ('.$agents.')'; } if (!users_can_manage_group_all('AR')) { $group_string = implode(',', $groups); $filter_agent_group = " AND ( tagente.id_grupo IN ($group_string) OR tasg.id_group IN ($group_string) )"; } if (!$selection && $agents != null) { $number_agents = count($id_agents); $selection_filter = "HAVING COUNT(id_agente_modulo) = $number_agents"; } if (tags_has_user_acl_tags(false)) { $sql_conditions_tags = tags_get_acl_tags( $config['id_user'], $groups, 'AR', 'module_condition', 'AND', 'tagente_modulo', true, [], false ); $sql_tags_inner = 'INNER JOIN ttag_module ON ttag_module.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo'; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT(tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo), tagente_modulo.nombre FROM tagente_modulo $sql_tags_inner INNER JOIN tagente ON tagente.id_agente = tagente_modulo.id_agente LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg ON tagente.id_agente = tasg.id_agent WHERE tagente.disabled = 0 AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0 $filter_agent_group $filter_group $filter_agent $sql_conditions_tags ) x GROUP BY nombre $selection_filter"; $modules = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($modules === false) { $modules = []; } if ($return) { echo json_encode($modules); return; } $modules_array = []; foreach ($modules as $value) { if ($index_by_name) { $modules_array[io_safe_output($value['nombre'])] = ui_print_truncate_text( io_safe_output($value['nombre']), 'module_medium', false, true ); } else { $modules_array[$value['id_agente_modulo']] = $value['nombre']; } } return $modules_array; } function select_agents_for_module_group( $module_names, $selection, $filter, $access='AR' ) { global $config; $default_filter = ['status' => null]; $filter = array_merge($default_filter, $filter); $module_names_condition = ''; $filter_agent_group = ''; $selection_filter = ''; $sql_conditions_tags = ''; $sql_tags_inner = ''; $status_filter = ''; $module_type_filter = ''; $groups = array_keys(users_get_groups(false, $access, false)); // Name if (!users_can_manage_group_all($access)) { $group_string = implode(',', $groups); $filter_agent_group = " AND ( tagente.id_grupo IN ($group_string) OR tasg.id_group IN ($group_string) )"; } // Name filter if ($module_names) { $module_names_sql = implode("','", $module_names); $module_names_condition = " AND tagente_modulo.nombre IN ('$module_names_sql') "; } // Common or all modules filter if (!$selection) { $number_modules = count($module_names); $selection_filter = "HAVING COUNT(id_agente) = $number_modules"; } // Status filter if ($filter['status'] != null) { $status_filter = ' AND '.modules_get_state_condition( $filter['status'], 'tagente_estado' ); } // Tags input and ACL conditions if (tags_has_user_acl_tags(false) || $filter['tags'] != null) { $sql_conditions_tags = tags_get_acl_tags( $config['id_user'], $groups, $access, 'module_condition', 'AND', 'tagente_modulo', true, $filter['tags'], false ); $sql_tags_inner = 'INNER JOIN ttag_module ON ttag_module.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo'; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT tagente.id_agente, tagente.alias FROM tagente LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg ON tagente.id_agente = tasg.id_agent INNER JOIN tagente_modulo ON tagente.id_agente = tagente_modulo.id_agente $sql_tags_inner LEFT JOIN tagente_estado ON tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo WHERE tagente.disabled = 0 AND tagente_modulo.disabled = 0 $module_names_condition $filter_agent_group $sql_conditions_tags $status_filter $module_type_filter GROUP BY tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo ) x GROUP BY id_agente $selection_filter"; $modules = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($modules === false) { return []; } return index_array(db_get_all_rows_sql($sql), 'id_agente', 'alias'); } /** * Returns a random name identifier for an agent. * * @param string Descriptive name of the agent. * @param string Address of the agent. * * @return string Random identifier name. */ function agents_generate_name($alias, $address='') { return hash('sha256', $alias.'|'.$address.'|'.time().'|'.sprintf('%04d', rand(0, 10000))); } /** * Returns all the groups related to an agent. It includes all secondary groups. * * @param integer $id_agent * @param integer $id_group. By default it will search for it in dtabase * @param bool True to use the metaconsole tables * * @return array with the main and secondary groups */ function agents_get_all_groups_agent($id_agent, $group=false, $force_meta=false) { // Cache the agent id groups static $cache = []; if (isset($cache[$id_agent])) { return $cache[$id_agent]; } // Get the group if is not defined if ($group === false) { $group = agents_get_agent_group($id_agent, $force_meta); } // If cannot retrieve the group, it means that agent does not exist if (!$group) { return []; } enterprise_include_once('include/functions_agents.php'); $secondary_groups = enterprise_hook('agents_get_secondary_groups', [$id_agent, $force_meta]); // Return only an array with the group in open version if ($secondary_groups == ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { return [$group]; } // Add a list of groups $secondary_groups['plain'][] = $group; $cache[$id_agent] = $secondary_groups['plain']; return $secondary_groups['plain']; } /** * @brief Get the total agents with a filter and an access bit * * @param Array filter agentes array. It is the same that agents_get_agents function * @param string ACL bit * * @return integer Total agents retrieved with the filter */ function agents_count_agents_filter($filter=[], $access='AR') { $total_agents = agents_get_agents( $filter, ['COUNT(DISTINCT id_agente) as total'], $access ); return ($total_agents !== false) ? $total_agents[0]['total'] : 0; } /** * @brief Check if an agent is accessible by the user * * @param int Id agent * @param string ACL access bit * @param boolean $force_meta * * @return True if user has access, false if user has not permissions and * null if id agent does not exist */ function agents_check_access_agent($id_agent, $access='AR', $force_meta=false) { global $config; if (users_access_to_agent($id_agent, $access, false, $force_meta)) { return true; } // If agent exist return false if (agents_check_agent_exists($id_agent, true, $force_meta)) { return false; } // Return null otherwise return null; } function agents_get_status_clause($state, $show_not_init=true) { switch ($state) { case AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL: return '(ta.critical_count > 0)'; case AGENT_STATUS_WARNING: return '(ta.warning_count > 0 AND ta.critical_count = 0)'; case AGENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: return '( ta.critical_count = 0 AND ta.warning_count = 0 AND ta.unknown_count > 0 )'; case AGENT_STATUS_NOT_INIT: return $show_not_init ? '(ta.total_count = ta.notinit_count OR ta.total_count = 0)' : '1=0'; case AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL: return '( ta.critical_count = 0 AND ta.warning_count = 0 AND ta.unknown_count = 0 AND ta.normal_count > 0 )'; case AGENT_STATUS_ALL: default: return $show_not_init ? '1=1' : '(ta.total_count <> ta.notinit_count)'; } // If the state is not an expected state, return no condition return '1=1'; } function agents_get_image_status($status) { switch ($status) { case AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL: $image_status = html_print_image( 'images/status_sets/default/agent_ok.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Agents ok'), ] ); break; case AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL: $image_status = html_print_image( 'images/status_sets/default/agent_critical.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Agents critical'), ] ); break; case AGENT_STATUS_WARNING: $image_status = html_print_image( 'images/status_sets/default/agent_warning.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Agents warning'), ] ); break; case AGENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: $image_status = html_print_image( 'images/status_sets/default/agent_down.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Agents unknown'), ] ); break; case AGENT_STATUS_ALERT_FIRED: $image_status = 'alert'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_NOT_INIT: $image_status = html_print_image( 'images/status_sets/default/agent_no_data.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Agents not init'), ] ); break; default: $image_status = html_print_image( 'images/status_sets/default/agent_ok.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Agents ok'), ] ); break; } return $image_status; } /** * Animation GIF to show agent's status. * * @return string HTML code with heartbeat image. */ function agents_get_status_animation($up=true) { global $config; // Gif with black background or white background if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black') { $heartbeat_green = 'images/heartbeat_green_black.gif'; $heartbeat_red = 'images/heartbeat_red_black.gif'; } else { $heartbeat_green = 'images/heartbeat_green.gif'; $heartbeat_red = 'images/heartbeat_red.gif'; } switch ($up) { case true: default: return html_print_image( $heartbeat_green, true, [ 'width' => '170', 'height' => '40', ] ); case false: return html_print_image( $heartbeat_red, true, [ 'width' => '170', 'height' => '40', ] ); } } /** * Return if an agent is SAP or or an a agent SAP list. * If function receive false, you will return all SAP agents, * but if you receive an id agent, check if it is a sap agent * and return true or false. * * @param integer $id_agent * @return boolean */ function agents_get_sap_agents($id_agent) { // Available modules. // If you add more modules, please update SAP.pm. $sap_modules = [ 160 => __('SAP Login OK'), 109 => __('SAP Dumps'), 111 => __('SAP List lock'), 113 => __('SAP Cancel Jobs'), 121 => __('SAP Batch input erroneus'), 104 => __('SAP Idoc erroneus'), 105 => __('SAP IDOC OK'), 150 => __('SAP WP without active restart'), 151 => __('SAP WP stopped'), 102 => __('Average time of SAPGUI response '), 180 => __('Dialog response time'), 103 => __('Dialog Logged users '), 192 => __('SYSFAIL, delivery attempts tRFC wrong entries number'), 195 => __('SYSFAIL, queue qRFC INPUT, wrong entries number '), 116 => __('Number of Update WPs in error'), ]; $array_agents = []; foreach ($sap_modules as $module => $key) { $array_agents = array_merge( $array_agents, db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT ta.id_agente,ta.alias FROM tagente ta INNER JOIN tagente_modulo tam ON tam.id_agente = ta.id_agente WHERE tam.nombre LIKE "%SAP%" GROUP BY ta.id_agente' ) ); } $indexed_agents = index_array($array_agents, 'id_agente', false); if ($id_agent === false) { return $indexed_agents; } foreach ($indexed_agents as $agent => $key) { if ($agent === $id_agent) { return true; } } return false; }