<?php // Pandora FMS - http://pandorafms.com // ================================================== // Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas // Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // Load global vars $working_dir = str_replace('\\', '/', getcwd()); // Windows compatibility if (file_exists($working_dir.'/include/config.php')) { include_once 'include/config.php'; } else { include_once '../../include/config.php'; } $hash = (string) get_parameter('hash', ''); if (!empty($hash)) { // It is a ajax call from PUBLIC_CONSOLE $idMap = (int) get_parameter('map_id'); $id_user = get_parameter('id_user', ''); $myhash = md5($config['dbpass'].$idMap.$id_user); // Check input hash if ($myhash == $hash) { $config['id_user'] = $id_user; } } else { check_login(); } global $config; require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_gis.php'; require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_ui.php'; require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_agents.php'; require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_groups.php'; require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_events.php'; require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_alerts.php'; $opt = get_parameter('opt'); switch ($opt) { case 'get_data_conexion': $returnJSON['correct'] = 1; $idConection = get_parameter('id_conection'); $row = db_get_row_filter( 'tgis_map_connection', ['id_tmap_connection' => $idConection] ); $returnJSON['content'] = $row; echo json_encode($returnJSON); break; case 'get_new_positions': $id_features = get_parameter('id_features', ''); $last_time_of_data = get_parameter('last_time_of_data'); $layerId = get_parameter('layer_id'); $agentView = get_parameter('agent_view'); $returnJSON = []; $returnJSON['correct'] = 1; $idAgentsWithGIS = []; if ($agentView == 0) { $flagGroupAll = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT tgrupo_id_grupo FROM tgis_map_layer WHERE id_tmap_layer = '.$layerId.' AND tgrupo_id_grupo = 0;' ); // group 0 = all groups $defaultCoords = db_get_row_sql( 'SELECT default_longitude, default_latitude FROM tgis_map WHERE id_tgis_map IN (SELECT tgis_map_id_tgis_map FROM tgis_map_layer WHERE id_tmap_layer = '.$layerId.')' ); if ($flagGroupAll === false) { $idAgentsWithGISTemp = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT id_agente FROM tagente WHERE id_grupo IN (SELECT tgrupo_id_grupo FROM tgis_map_layer WHERE id_tmap_layer = '.$layerId.') OR id_agente IN (SELECT tagente_id_agente FROM tgis_map_layer_has_tagente WHERE tgis_map_layer_id_tmap_layer = '.$layerId.');' ); } else { // All groups, all agents $idAgentsWithGISTemp = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT tagente_id_agente AS id_agente FROM tgis_data_status WHERE tagente_id_agente' ); } if (empty($idAgentsWithGISTemp)) { $idAgentsWithGISTemp = []; } foreach ($idAgentsWithGISTemp as $idAgent) { $idAgentsWithGIS[] = $idAgent['id_agente']; } } else { // Extract the agent GIS status for one agent. $idAgentsWithGIS[] = $id_features; } switch ($config['dbtype']) { case 'mysql': if (empty($idAgentsWithGIS)) { $agentsGISStatus = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT t1.alias, id_parent, t1.id_agente AS tagente_id_agente, IFNULL(t2.stored_longitude, '.$defaultCoords['default_longitude'].') AS stored_longitude, IFNULL(t2.stored_latitude, '.$defaultCoords['default_latitude'].') AS stored_latitude FROM tagente t1 LEFT JOIN tgis_data_status t2 ON t1.id_agente = t2.tagente_id_agente WHERE 1 = 0' ); } else { $agentsGISStatus = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT t1.alias, id_parent, t1.id_agente AS tagente_id_agente, IFNULL(t2.stored_longitude, '.$defaultCoords['default_longitude'].') AS stored_longitude, IFNULL(t2.stored_latitude, '.$defaultCoords['default_latitude'].') AS stored_latitude FROM tagente t1 LEFT JOIN tgis_data_status t2 ON t1.id_agente = t2.tagente_id_agente WHERE id_agente IN ('.implode(',', $idAgentsWithGIS).')' ); } break; case 'postgresql': if (empty($idAgentsWithGIS)) { $agentsGISStatus = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT t1.alias, id_parent, t1.id_agente AS tagente_id_agente, COALESCE(t2.stored_longitude, '.$defaultCoords['default_longitude'].') AS stored_longitude, COALESCE(t2.stored_latitude, '.$defaultCoords['default_latitude'].') AS stored_latitude FROM tagente t1 LEFT JOIN tgis_data_status t2 ON t1.id_agente = t2.tagente_id_agente WHERE 1 = 0' ); } else { $agentsGISStatus = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT t1.alias, id_parent, t1.id_agente AS tagente_id_agente, COALESCE(t2.stored_longitude, '.$defaultCoords['default_longitude'].') AS stored_longitude, COALESCE(t2.stored_latitude, '.$defaultCoords['default_latitude'].') AS stored_latitude FROM tagente t1 LEFT JOIN tgis_data_status t2 ON t1.id_agente = t2.tagente_id_agente WHERE id_agente IN ('.implode(',', $idAgentsWithGIS).')' ); } break; case 'oracle': if (empty($idAgentsWithGIS)) { $agentsGISStatus = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT t1.alias, id_parent, t1.id_agente AS tagente_id_agente, COALESCE(t2.stored_longitude, '.$defaultCoords['default_longitude'].') AS stored_longitude, COALESCE(t2.stored_latitude, '.$defaultCoords['default_latitude'].') AS stored_latitude FROM tagente t1 LEFT JOIN tgis_data_status t2 ON t1.id_agente = t2.tagente_id_agente WHERE 1 = 0' ); } else { $agentsGISStatus = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT t1.alias, id_parent, t1.id_agente AS tagente_id_agente, COALESCE(t2.stored_longitude, '.$defaultCoords['default_longitude'].') AS stored_longitude, COALESCE(t2.stored_latitude, '.$defaultCoords['default_latitude'].') AS stored_latitude FROM tagente t1 LEFT JOIN tgis_data_status t2 ON t1.id_agente = t2.tagente_id_agente WHERE id_agente IN ('.implode(',', $idAgentsWithGIS).')' ); } break; } if ($agentsGISStatus === false) { $agentsGISStatus = []; } $agents = null; foreach ($agentsGISStatus as $row) { $status = agents_get_status($row['tagente_id_agente']); if (!$config['gis_label']) { $row['alias'] = ''; } $icon = gis_get_agent_icon_map($row['tagente_id_agente'], true, $status); if ($icon[0] !== '/') { $icon_size = getimagesize($config['homedir'].'/'.$icon); } else { $icon_size = getimagesize($config['homedir'].$icon); } $icon_width = $icon_size[0]; $icon_height = $icon_size[1]; $agents[$row['tagente_id_agente']] = [ 'icon_path' => $config['homeurl'].'/'.$icon, 'icon_width' => $icon_width, 'icon_height' => $icon_height, 'name' => io_safe_output($row['alias']), 'status' => $status, 'stored_longitude' => $row['stored_longitude'], 'stored_latitude' => $row['stored_latitude'], 'id_parent' => $row['id_parent'], ]; } $returnJSON['content'] = json_encode($agents); echo json_encode($returnJSON); break; case 'point_path_info': $id = get_parameter('id'); $row = db_get_row_sql('SELECT * FROM tgis_data_history WHERE id_tgis_data = '.$id); $returnJSON = []; $returnJSON['correct'] = 1; $returnJSON['content'] = __('Agent').': <a class="bolder" href="?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$row['tagente_id_agente'].'">'.agents_get_alias($row['tagente_id_agente']).'</a><br />'; $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Position (Lat, Long, Alt)').': ('.$row['latitude'].', '.$row['longitude'].', '.$row['altitude'].') <br />'; $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Start contact').': '.$row['start_timestamp'].'<br />'; $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Last contact').': '.$row['end_timestamp'].'<br />'; $returnJSON['content'] .= __('Num reports').': '.$row['number_of_packages'].'<br />'; if ($row['manual_placemen']) { $returnJSON['content'] .= '<br />'.__('Manual placement').'<br />'; } echo json_encode($returnJSON); break; case 'point_agent_info': $id = get_parameter('id'); $agent = db_get_row_sql('SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = '.$id); $agentDataGIS = gis_get_data_last_position_agent($agent['id_agente']); $returnJSON = []; $returnJSON['correct'] = 1; $returnJSON['content'] = ''; $content = ''; $table = new StdClass(); $table->class = 'blank'; $table->style = []; $table->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold'; $table->rowstyle = []; $table->data = []; // Agent name $row = []; $row[] = __('Agent'); $row[] = '<a class="bolder" href="?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/ver_agente&id_agente='.$agent['id_agente'].'">'.$agent['alias'].'</a>'; $table->data[] = $row; // Position $row = []; $row[] = __('Position (Lat, Long, Alt)'); // it's positioned in default position of map. if ($agentDataGIS === false) { $row[] = __('Default position of map.'); } else { $row[] = '('.$agentDataGIS['stored_latitude'].', '.$agentDataGIS['stored_longitude'].', '.$agentDataGIS['stored_altitude'].')'; } $table->data[] = $row; // IP $agent_ip_address = agents_get_address($id); if ($agent_ip_address || $agent_ip_address != '') { $row = []; $row[] = __('IP Address'); $row[] = agents_get_address($id); $table->data[] = $row; } // OS $row = []; $row[] = __('OS'); $osversion_offset = strlen($agent['os_version']); if ($osversion_offset > 15) { $osversion_offset = ($osversion_offset - 15); } else { $osversion_offset = 0; } if ($agent['os_version'] != '') { $agent_os_version = ' (<i><span title="'.$agent['os_version'].'">'.substr($agent['os_version'], $osversion_offset, 15).'</span></i>)'; } $row[] = ui_print_os_icon($agent['id_os'], true, true).$agent_os_version; $table->data[] = $row; // URL $agent_url = $agent['url_address']; if (!empty($agent_url)) { $row = []; $row[] = __('URL'); $row[] = "<a href=\"$agent_url\">".ui_print_truncate_text($agent_url, 20).'</a>'; $table->data[] = $row; } // Description $agent_description = $agent['comentarios']; if ($agent_description || $agent_description != '') { $row = []; $row[] = __('Description'); $row[] = $agent_description; $table->data[] = $row; } // Group $row = []; $row[] = __('Group'); $row[] = groups_get_name($agent['id_grupo']); $table->data[] = $row; // Agent version $row = []; if (strtolower(get_os_name($agent['id_os'])) == 'satellite') { $row[] = __('Satellite Version'); } else { $row[] = __('Agent Version'); } $row[] = $agent['agent_version']; $table->data[] = $row; // Last contact $row = []; $row[] = __('Last contact'); if ($agent['ultimo_contacto'] == '1970-01-01 00:00:00') { $row[] = __('Never'); } else { $row[] = date_w_fixed_tz($agent['ultimo_contacto']); } $table->data[] = $row; // Last remote contact $row = []; $row[] = __('Remote'); if ($agent['ultimo_contacto_remoto'] == '1970-01-01 00:00:00') { $row[] = __('Never'); } else { $row[] = date_w_fixed_tz($agent['ultimo_contacto_remoto']); } $table->data[] = $row; // Critical && not validated events $filter = [ 'id_agente' => (int) $agent['id_agente'], 'criticity' => EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL, 'estado' => [ EVENT_STATUS_NEW, EVENT_STATUS_INPROCESS, ], ]; $result = events_get_events($filter, 'COUNT(*) as num'); if (!empty($result)) { $number = (int) $result[0]['num']; if ($number > 0) { $row = []; $row[] = __('Number of non-validated critical events'); $row[] = '<a href="?sec=estado&sec2=operation/events/events&status=3&severity='.EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL.'&id_agent='.$agent['id_agente'].'">'.$number.'</a>'; $table->data[] = $row; } } // Alerts fired $alerts_fired = alerts_get_alerts(0, '', 'fired', -1, $true, false, $agent['id_agente']); if (!empty($alerts_fired)) { $row = []; $row[] = __('Alert(s) fired'); $alerts_detail = ''; foreach ($alerts_fired as $alert) { $alerts_detail .= '<p>'.$alert['module_name'].' - '.$alert['template_name'].' - '.date($config['date_format'], $alert['last_fired']).'</p>'; } $row[] = $alerts_detail; $table->data[] = $row; } // To remove the grey background color of the classes datos and datos2 for ($i = 0; $i < count($table->data); $i++) { $table->rowstyle[] = 'background-color: inherit;'; } // Save table $returnJSON['content'] = html_print_table($table, true); echo json_encode($returnJSON); break; case 'point_group_info': $agent_id = (int) get_parameter('id'); $group_id = (int) get_parameter('id_parent'); $group = db_get_row_sql('SELECT * FROM tgrupo WHERE id_grupo = '.$group_id); $agent = db_get_row_sql('SELECT * FROM tagente WHERE id_agente = '.$agent_id); $agentDataGIS = gis_get_data_last_position_agent($agent['id_agente']); $returnJSON = []; $returnJSON['correct'] = 1; $returnJSON['content'] = ''; $content = ''; $table = new StdClass(); $table->class = 'blank'; $table->style = []; $table->style[0] = 'font-weight: bold'; $table->rowstyle = []; $table->data = []; // Group name $row = []; $row[] = __('Group'); $row[] = '<a class="bolder" href="?sec=estado&sec2=operation/agentes/estado_agente&group_id='.$group_id.'">'.$group['nombre'].'</a>'; $table->data[] = $row; // Position $row = []; $row[] = __('Position (Lat, Long, Alt)'); // it's positioned in default position of map. if ($agentDataGIS === false) { $row[] = __('Default position of map.'); } else { $row[] = '('.$agentDataGIS['stored_latitude'].', '.$agentDataGIS['stored_longitude'].', '.$agentDataGIS['stored_altitude'].')'; } $table->data[] = $row; // Description $group_description = $group['description']; if ($group_description || $group_description != '') { $row = []; $row[] = __('Description'); $row[] = $group_description; $table->data[] = $row; } // Last contact $row = []; $row[] = __('Last contact'); if ($agent['ultimo_contacto'] == '01-01-1970 00:00:00') { $row[] = __('Never'); } else { $row[] = date_w_fixed_tz($agent['ultimo_contacto']); } $table->data[] = $row; // Last remote contact $row = []; $row[] = __('Remote'); if ($agent['ultimo_contacto_remoto'] == '01-01-1970 00:00:00') { $row[] = __('Never'); } else { $row[] = date_w_fixed_tz($agent['ultimo_contacto_remoto']); } $table->data[] = $row; // Critical && not validated events $filter = [ 'id_grupo' => $group_id, 'criticity' => EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL, 'estado' => [ EVENT_STATUS_NEW, EVENT_STATUS_INPROCESS, ], ]; $result = events_get_events($filter, 'COUNT(*) as num'); if (!empty($result)) { $number = (int) $result[0]['num']; if ($number > 0) { $row = []; $row[] = __('Number of non-validated critical events'); $row[] = '<a href="?sec=estado&sec2=operation/events/events&status=3&severity='.EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL.'&id_group='.$group_id.'">'.$number.'</a>'; $table->data[] = $row; } } // Alerts fired $alerts_fired = alerts_get_alerts($group_id, '', 'fired', -1, $true); if (!empty($alerts_fired)) { $row = []; $row[] = __('Alert(s) fired'); $alerts_detail = ''; foreach ($alerts_fired as $alert) { $alerts_detail .= '<p>'.$alert['agent_alias'].' - '.$alert['module_name'].' - '.$alert['template_name'].' - '.date($config['date_format'], $alert['last_fired']).'</p>'; } $row[] = $alerts_detail; $table->data[] = $row; } // To remove the grey background color of the classes datos and datos2 for ($i = 0; $i < count($table->data); $i++) { $table->rowstyle[] = 'background-color: inherit;'; } // Save table $returnJSON['content'] = html_print_table($table, true); echo json_encode($returnJSON); break; case 'get_map_connection_data': $idConnection = get_parameter('id_connection'); $returnJSON = []; $returnJSON['correct'] = 1; $returnJSON['content'] = db_get_row_sql('SELECT * FROM tgis_map_connection WHERE id_tmap_connection = '.$idConnection); echo json_encode($returnJSON); break; }