$file, 'data' => $parsed_ini_data, ]; } else { return; } } } if (enterprise_installed() === false) { unset($parsed_ini['services']); } $total_agents_to_create = (int) get_parameter('agents_num', 30); // $total_agents_to_create = 10;. $total_items_count = count($parsed_ini); if ($total_agents_to_create > 0) { $agents_to_create = 0; $agents_created_count = []; $agents_last_ip = []; // First loop over agents to get the total agents to be created and init agent created count for each agent. foreach ($parsed_ini['agents'] as $ini_agent_data) { if (isset($ini_agent_data['data']['agent_data']['agents_number']) === true && $ini_agent_data['data']['agent_data']['agents_number'] > 0 ) { $agents_to_create += (int) $ini_agent_data['data']['agent_data']['agents_number']; $agents_created_count[$ini_agent_data['data']['agent_data']['agent_alias']] = 0; $agents_last_ip[$ini_agent_data['data']['agent_data']['agent_alias']] = null; } } $agent_created_total = 0; $agent_data_values_buffer = []; // TRAPS HISTORY: Removed due to performance issues. if ($total_agents_to_create > 0 && $agents_to_create > 0) { while ($agent_created_total < ($total_agents_to_create - 1)) { if (count($parsed_ini['agents']) === 0) { register_error(DEMO_AGENT, __('No configuration files found or failed to parse files')); break; } // Get first server: general value for all created modules. . $server_name = db_get_value('name', 'tserver', 'id_server', 1); // Traverse agent ini files and create agents. foreach ($parsed_ini['agents'] as $ini_agent_data) { $filename = $ini_agent_data['filename']; $agent_data = $ini_agent_data['data']['agent_data']; if (isset($agent_data['agents_number']) === true && !((int) $agent_data['agents_number'] > 0) ) { // No agents are specified to be created for this agent. continue; } if (isset($agent_data['agent_name']) === false || is_string($agent_data['agent_name']) === false || isset($agent_data['agent_alias']) === false || is_string($agent_data['agent_alias']) === false ) { register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Error in %s: name and/or alias is not specified or does not have a valid format. Skipping agent creation', $filename), true ); continue; } $iter_agents_to_create = $agent_data['agents_number']; if (($agent_created_total + $iter_agents_to_create) >= $total_agents_to_create) { // Total agents limit specified by user has been reached. break; } else { // Calculate max number of agents that can be created in this iteration until max number specified by user is reached. $max_agents_to_limit = ($total_agents_to_create - ($agent_created_total + $iter_agents_to_create)); } $modules_data = $ini_agent_data['data']['modules']; $inventory = $ini_agent_data['data']['inventory']; $inventory_values = $ini_agent_data['data']['inventory_values']; $traps = $ini_agent_data['data']['traps']; $address_network = $agent_data['address_network']; if (isset($agent_data['mac']) === true && is_string($agent_data['mac']) === true) { $mac = $agent_data['mac']; if ($agent_data['mac'] === '__randomMAC__') { $mac = generateRandomMacAddress(); } } if (isset($address_network) === false || is_string($address_network) === false) { // Agent address is not specified or not valid. register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Error in %s: address is not specified or does not have a valid format. Skipping agent creation', $filename), true ); continue; } $os_versions = $agent_data['os_versions']; $os_name = $agent_data['os_name']; $group_name = $agent_data['group']; // Get OS id given OS name. $id_os = db_get_value_filter('id_os', 'tconfig_os', ['name' => $os_name]); if ($id_os === false) { // Create OS if does not exist. $values = ['name' => $os_name]; $id_os = db_process_sql_insert('tconfig_os', $values); if ($id_os === false) { // Could not create OS. Skip agent creation. register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Error in %s: failed to create the specified operating system. Skipping agent creation', $filename), true ); continue; } if ($id_os > 0) { // Register created OS in tdemo_data. $values = [ 'item_id' => json_encode(['id_os' => $id_os]), 'table_name' => 'tconfig_os', ]; $result = (bool) db_process_sql_insert('tdemo_data', $values); if ($result === false) { // Rollback OS creation if could not be registered in tdemo_data. db_process_sql_delete('tconfig_os', ['id_os' => $id_os]); continue; } } } $group_id = get_group_or_create_demo_group($group_name); $agent_interval = ($adv_options_is_enabled === true) ? $interval : 300; $iter_agents_created = 0; // Create agents (remaining number of agents to reach number specified by user). for ($i = 0; $i < min($iter_agents_to_create, $max_agents_to_limit); $i++) { $curr_ip_address = ($agents_last_ip[$agent_data['agent_alias']] !== null) ? $agents_last_ip[$agent_data['agent_alias']] : $address_network; $next_ip_address = calculateNextHostAddress($curr_ip_address); $host_address = explode('/', $next_ip_address)[0]; $agents_last_ip[$agent_data['agent_alias']] = $next_ip_address; $os_version = current($os_versions); next($os_versions); if (current($os_versions) === false) { reset($os_versions); } $latitude = 0; $longitude = 0; $altitude = 0; if (isset($agent_data['latitude']) === true) { $gis_parsed = explode(';', $agent_data['latitude']); if ((string) $gis_parsed[0] === 'RANDOM') { $latitude = rand($gis_parsed[1], $gis_parsed[2]); } else { $latitude = $agent_data['latitude']; } } if (isset($agent_data['longitude']) === true) { $gis_parsed = explode(';', $agent_data['longitude']); if ((string) $gis_parsed[0] === 'RANDOM') { $longitude = rand($gis_parsed[1], $gis_parsed[2]); } else { $longitude = $agent_data['longitude']; } } if (isset($agent_data['altitude']) === true) { $gis_parsed = explode(';', $agent_data['altitude']); if ((string) $gis_parsed[0] === 'RANDOM') { $altitude = rand($gis_parsed[1], $gis_parsed[2]); } else { $altitude = $agent_data['altitude']; } } $date_time = new DateTime(); $current_date_time = $date_time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $values = [ 'server_name' => $server_name, 'id_os' => $id_os, 'os_version' => $os_version, 'ultimo_contacto' => $current_date_time, 'ultimo_contacto_remoto' => $current_date_time, ]; $create_alias = $agent_data['agent_alias'].'-'.($agents_created_count[$agent_data['agent_alias']] + 1); $created_agent_id = agents_create_agent( $create_alias, $group_id, $agent_interval, $host_address, $values, true ); if ($created_agent_id > 0) { // Register created demo item in tdemo_data. $values = [ 'item_id' => json_encode(['id_agente' => $created_agent_id]), 'table_name' => 'tagente', ]; $result = (bool) db_process_sql_insert('tdemo_data', $values); if ($result === false) { // Rollback agent creation if could not be registered in tdemo_data. db_process_sql_delete('tagente', ['id_agente' => $created_agent_id]); register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Uncaught error (source %s): could not create agent %s', $filename, $create_alias), true ); continue; } } else { // Could not create agent. Skip. register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Uncaught error (source %s): could not create agent %s', $filename, $create_alias), true ); continue; } // Register GIS data. $values = [ 'tagente_id_agente' => $created_agent_id, 'current_longitude' => $longitude, 'current_latitude' => $latitude, 'current_altitude' => $altitude, 'stored_longitude' => $longitude, 'stored_latitude' => $latitude, 'stored_altitude' => $altitude, 'number_of_packages' => 1, 'manual_placement' => 1, ]; $result = db_process_sql_insert('tgis_data_status', $values); if ($result !== false) { $values = [ 'item_id' => json_encode(['tagente_id_agente' => $created_agent_id]), 'table_name' => 'tgis_data_status', ]; $result = (bool) db_process_sql_insert('tdemo_data', $values); if ($result === false) { // Rollback GIS data creation if could not be registered in tdemo_data. db_process_sql_delete('tgis_data_status', ['tagente_id_agente' => $created_agent_id]); } } $agents_created_count[$agent_data['agent_alias']]++; $iter_agents_created++; // Create agent modules. $module_access_idx = 1; while (1) { $modules_array = []; foreach ($modules_data as $key => $value) { $modules_array[$key] = ($value[$module_access_idx] ?? null); } $module_access_idx++; $test_empty_array = array_filter($modules_array); if (empty($test_empty_array) === true) { break; } if (isset($modules_array['name']) === false || is_string($modules_array['name']) === false ) { register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Error in %s: all modules must have a name. Skipping creation of item with index %d', $filename, ($module_access_idx - 1)), true ); continue; } if (isset($modules_array['type']) === false || is_string($modules_array['type']) === false ) { // Module type not defined. register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Error in %s: module type is not specified or does not have a valid format (%s). Skipping creation of item with index %d', $filename, ($module_access_idx - 1)), true ); continue; } $id_tipo = db_get_value_filter('id_tipo', 'ttipo_modulo', ['nombre' => $modules_array['type']]); if (!($id_tipo > 0)) { register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Error in %s: the specified module type is not defined in the system (%s). Skipping creation of item with index %d', $filename, $modules_array['name'], ($module_access_idx - 1)), true ); continue; } $module_description = ''; if (isset($modules_array['description']) === true && is_string($modules_array['description']) === true) { if (isset($mac) === false) { $mac = ''; } $module_description = str_replace('_mac_', $mac, $modules_array['description']); } $values = [ 'unit' => (isset($modules_array['unit']) === true) ? $modules_array['unit'] : '', 'descripcion' => $module_description, 'id_tipo_modulo' => $id_tipo, 'id_module_group' => ($modules_array['group'] ?? 0), 'id_modulo' => 1, ]; $created_mod_id = modules_create_agent_module( $created_agent_id, io_safe_input($modules_array['name']), $values ); if ($created_mod_id > 0) { // Register created demo item in tdemo_data. $values = [ 'item_id' => json_encode(['id_agente_modulo' => $created_mod_id]), 'table_name' => 'tagente_modulo', ]; $result = (bool) db_process_sql_insert('tdemo_data', $values); if ($result === false) { // Rollback agent module creation if could not be registered in tdemo_data. db_process_sql_delete('tagente_modulo', ['id_agente_modulo' => $created_mod_id]); register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Uncaught error (source %s): could not create module with index %d', $filename, ($module_access_idx - 1)), true ); continue; } // Insert module data. $parsed = explode(';', $modules_array['values']); $date_time = new DateTime(); $current_date_time = $date_time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $back_periods = 1; if ($adv_options_is_enabled === false || ($adv_options_is_enabled === true && $history_is_enabled === true) ) { $back_periods = round(($days_hist_data * SECONDS_1DAY) / $interval); } $utimestamp = time(); // Generate back_periods amounts of tagente_datos rows each period_mins minutes back in time. for ($p = 0; $p < $back_periods; $p++) { $new_status = 0; if ((string) $parsed[0] === 'RANDOM') { $data = rand($parsed[1], $parsed[2]); } else if ((string) $parsed[0] === 'PROC') { $probability = (int) $parsed[1]; $data = 1; if ($probability > 0) { $randomNumber = rand(1, 100); if ($randomNumber <= $probability) { // Set to 0 with a certain probability. $data = 0; // Set to critical status if 0. $new_status = 1; } } } $agent_data_values = [ 'id_agente_modulo' => $created_mod_id, 'datos' => $data, 'utimestamp' => $utimestamp, ]; if ($p === 0) { // Insert current module data right away so module status is initialized with such value. $created_data_res = db_process_sql_insert('tagente_datos', $agent_data_values); if ($created_data_res === false) { continue; } // Proceed to update module status. $status_values = [ 'datos' => $data, 'estado' => $new_status, 'known_status' => 0, 'timestamp' => $current_date_time, 'utimestamp' => $utimestamp, 'last_status' => 0, 'last_known_status' => 0, 'current_interval' => $agent_interval, ]; $status_id = db_get_value( 'id_agente_estado', 'tagente_estado', 'id_agente_modulo', $created_mod_id ); $update_status_res = db_process_sql_update( 'tagente_estado', $status_values, ['id_agente_estado' => $status_id] ); if ($update_status_res !== false) { // Register created demo item in tdemo_data. $values = [ 'item_id' => json_encode(['id_agente_estado' => $status_id]), 'table_name' => 'tagente_estado', ]; $result = db_process_sql_insert('tdemo_data', $values); if ($result === false) { // Rollback demo item creation if could not be registered in tdemo_data. db_process_sql_delete('tagente_estado', ['id_agente_estado' => $status_id]); } } } else { // Buffer history data for later bulk insertion (performance reasons). $agent_data_values_buffer[] = $agent_data_values; } if ($adv_options_is_enabled === false || ($adv_options_is_enabled === true && $history_is_enabled === true) ) { $utimestamp -= $interval; } } } else { // Could not create module. register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Uncaught error (source %s): could not create module with index %d', $filename, ($module_access_idx - 1)), true ); continue; } } // Create inventory modules. $module_access_idx = 1; $date_time = new DateTime(); $current_date_time = $date_time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); while (1) { // Insert in tmodule_inventory. $modules_array = []; if (isset($inventory) === true) { if ($inventory !== '') { foreach ($inventory as $key => $value) { $modules_array[$key] = ($value[$module_access_idx] ?? null); } } } $module_access_idx++; $test_empty_array = array_filter($modules_array); if (empty($test_empty_array) === true) { break; } if (isset($modules_array['name']) === false || is_string($modules_array['name']) === false ) { register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Error in %s: all inventory modules must have a name. Skipping creation of item with index %d', $filename, ($module_access_idx - 1)), true ); } if (isset($modules_array['format']) === false || is_string($modules_array['format']) === false || isset($modules_array['values']) === false || is_string($modules_array['values']) === false ) { register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Error in %s: one or more required fields (format, values) were not found for inventory module %s. Skipping creation of item with index %d', $filename, $modules_array['name'], ($module_access_idx - 1)), true ); continue; } $values = [ 'name' => $modules_array['name'], 'data_format' => $modules_array['format'], 'id_os' => $id_os, ]; $created_inventory_mod_id = inventory_create_inventory_module($values); if ($created_inventory_mod_id > 0) { // Register created demo item in tdemo_data. $values = [ 'item_id' => json_encode(['id_module_inventory' => $created_inventory_mod_id]), 'table_name' => 'tmodule_inventory', ]; $result = (bool) db_process_sql_insert('tdemo_data', $values); if ($result === false) { // Rollback inventory module if could not be registered in tdemo_data. db_process_sql_delete('tmodule_inventory', ['id_module_inventory' => $created_inventory_mod_id]); register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Uncaught error (source %s): could not create inventory module with index %d', $filename, ($module_access_idx - 1)), true ); continue; } } else { register_error( DEMO_AGENT, __('Uncaught error (source %s): could not create inventory module with index %d', $filename, ($module_access_idx - 1)), true ); continue; } // Insert in tagent_module_inventory and tagente_datos_inventory. $field_idx = 1; $values_array = explode(';', $modules_array['values']); $selected_inventory_values = array_filter( $inventory_values, function ($key) use ($values_array) { return in_array($key, $values_array); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY ); $data_lines = []; while (1) { $line_values = array_column($selected_inventory_values, $field_idx); if (empty(array_filter($line_values)) === true) { break; } $data_lines[] = implode(';', $line_values); $field_idx++; } $data_str = implode('\n', $data_lines); $values = [ 'id_agente' => $created_agent_id, 'id_module_inventory' => $created_inventory_mod_id, 'interval' => 300, 'utimestamp' => time(), 'timestamp' => $current_date_time, 'data' => $data_str, ]; $created_module_inventory_id = db_process_sql_insert('tagent_module_inventory', $values); if ($created_module_inventory_id > 0) { // Register created demo item in tdemo_data. $values = [ 'item_id' => json_encode(['id_agent_module_inventory' => $created_module_inventory_id]), 'table_name' => 'tagent_module_inventory', ]; $result = (bool) db_process_sql_insert('tdemo_data', $values); if ($result === false) { // Rollback inventory module if could not be registered in tdemo_data. db_process_sql_delete('tagent_module_inventory', ['id_agent_module_inventory' => $created_module_inventory_id]); continue; } } $inventory_data_values = [ 'id_agent_module_inventory' => $created_module_inventory_id, 'data' => $data_str, 'utimestamp' => time(), 'timestamp' => $current_date_time, ]; db_process_sql_insert('tagente_datos_inventory', $inventory_data_values); } // Create traps. $date_time = new DateTime(); $current_date_time = $date_time->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $back_periods = 1; if ($adv_options_is_enabled === false || ($adv_options_is_enabled === true && $history_is_enabled === true) ) { $back_periods = round(($days_hist_data * SECONDS_1DAY) / $interval); } $utimestamp = time(); } update_progress($total_items_count, $total_agents_to_create, $iter_agents_created); } $agent_created_total = array_sum($agents_created_count); if ($agent_created_total === 0) { // Stop traversing agent files if no agent could be created after first round. break; } } $agent_data_values_buffer_chunks = array_chunk($agent_data_values_buffer, 100000); // TRAPS HISTORY: Removed due to performance issues. foreach ($agent_data_values_buffer_chunks as $chunk) { // Bulk inserts (insert batches of up to 100,000 as a performance limit). mysql_db_process_sql_insert_multiple( 'tagente_datos', $chunk, false ); } // Get last trap in database. /* $id_trap_begin = db_get_value( 'MAX(id_trap)', 'ttrap', 1, 1, false, false ); if ($id_trap_begin === false) { $id_trap_begin = 0; } // TRAPS HISTORY: Removed due to performance issues /* foreach ($agent_traps_values_buffer_chunks as $chunk) { // Bulk inserts (insert batches of up to 100,000 as a performance limit). mysql_db_process_sql_insert_multiple( 'ttrap', $chunk, false ); } // Get last trap in database after insertion. $id_trap_end = db_get_value( 'MAX(id_trap)', 'ttrap', 1, 1, false, false ); if ($id_trap_end === false) { $id_trap_end = 0; } $agent_traps_demo_registry_buffer = []; for ($i = ($id_trap_begin + 1); $i <= $id_trap_end; $i++) { // Get batches to be stored in tdemo_data. $agent_traps_demo_registry_buffer[] = [ 'item_id' => $i, 'table_name' => 'ttrap', ]; } $agent_traps_demo_registry_buffer_chunks = array_chunk($agent_traps_demo_registry_buffer, 100000); foreach ($agent_traps_demo_registry_buffer_chunks as $chunk) { // Bulk inserts (insert batches of up to 100,000 as a performance limit). mysql_db_process_sql_insert_multiple( 'tdemo_data', $chunk, false ); } */ update_item_checked(DEMO_AGENT); } } $services_count = count(($parsed_ini['services'] ?? [])); if ($services_count > 0) { // Create services. import_demo_prds(DEMO_SERVICE, $parsed_ini['services'], $prd); update_progress($total_items_count, $services_count, $services_count); update_item_checked(DEMO_SERVICE); } else { register_error(DEMO_SERVICE, __('No configuration files found or failed to parse files')); } $nm_count = count(($parsed_ini['network_maps'] ?? [])); if ($nm_count > 0) { // Create network maps. import_demo_prds(DEMO_NETWORK_MAP, $parsed_ini['network_maps'], $prd); update_progress($total_items_count, $nm_count, $nm_count); update_item_checked(DEMO_NETWORK_MAP); } else { register_error(DEMO_NETWORK_MAP, __('No configuration files found or failed to parse files')); } $gis_count = count(($parsed_ini['gis_maps'] ?? [])); if ($gis_count > 0) { // Enable GIS features. $token = 'activate_gis'; $activate_gis = db_get_value_filter('value', 'tconfig', ['token' => $token]); if ($activate_gis === false) { config_create_value($token, 1); } else { config_update_value($token, 1); } // Create GIS maps. import_demo_prds(DEMO_GIS_MAP, $parsed_ini['gis_maps'], $prd); update_progress($total_items_count, $gis_count, $gis_count); update_item_checked(DEMO_GIS_MAP); } else { register_error(DEMO_GIS_MAP, __('No configuration files found or failed to parse files')); } $cg_count = count(($parsed_ini['graphs'] ?? [])); if ($cg_count > 0) { // Create custom graphs. import_demo_prds(DEMO_CUSTOM_GRAPH, $parsed_ini['graphs'], $prd); update_progress($total_items_count, $cg_count, $cg_count); update_item_checked(DEMO_CUSTOM_GRAPH); } else { register_error(DEMO_CUSTOM_GRAPH, __('No configuration files found or failed to parse files')); } $rep_count = count(($parsed_ini['reports'] ?? [])); if ($rep_count > 0) { // Create reports. import_demo_prds(DEMO_REPORT, $parsed_ini['reports'], $prd); update_progress($total_items_count, $rep_count, $rep_count); update_item_checked(DEMO_REPORT); } else { register_error(DEMO_REPORT, __('No configuration files found or failed to parse files')); } $vc_count = count(($parsed_ini['visual_consoles'] ?? [])); if ($vc_count > 0) { // Create visual consoles. import_demo_prds(DEMO_VISUAL_CONSOLE, $parsed_ini['visual_consoles'], $prd); update_progress($total_items_count, $vc_count, $vc_count); update_item_checked(DEMO_VISUAL_CONSOLE); } else { register_error(DEMO_VISUAL_CONSOLE, __('No configuration files found or failed to parse files')); } $dashboards_count = count(($parsed_ini['dashboards'] ?? [])); if ($dashboards_count > 0) { // Create dashboards. import_demo_prds(DEMO_DASHBOARD, $parsed_ini['dashboards'], $prd); update_progress($total_items_count, $dashboards_count, $dashboards_count); update_item_checked(DEMO_DASHBOARD); } else { register_error(DEMO_DASHBOARD, __('No configuration files found or failed to parse files')); } // Register plugin. $quit = false; // Check whether plugin agent exists in the system. Try to get default agent if not. $matched_agents = agents_get_agents( ['nombre' => $plugin_agent_name], ['id_agente'], 'AR', [ 'field' => 'nombre', 'order' => 'ASC', ], false, 0, false, false, false ); $matched_agent = $matched_agents[0]['id_agente']; if (isset($matched_agent) === true && $matched_agent > 0) { $plugin_agent_id = $matched_agent; } else { // Skip element creation if agent does not exist. register_error( DEMO_PLUGIN, __('Error in plugin creation: the specified agent for the plugin does not exist in the system: %s. Skipping plugin creation', $filename, $plugin_agent_name) ); $quit = true; } if ($quit === false) { $values = [ 'name' => io_safe_input('Pandora demo agents'), 'description' => io_safe_input('Generate XML and traps for demo agents based on agents definition files.'), 'max_timeout' => 300, 'max_retries' => 0, 'execute' => io_safe_input('perl /usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/pandora_demo_agents.pl'), 'net_dst_opt' => '', 'net_port_opt' => '', 'user_opt' => '', 'pass_opt' => '', 'plugin_type' => 0, 'macros' => '{\"1\":{\"macro\":\"_field1_\",\"desc\":\"Agents files folder path\",\"help\":\"\",\"value\":\"/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/demodata_agents\",\"hide\":\"\"},\"2\":{\"macro\":\"_field2_\",\"desc\":\"Number of agents\",\"help\":\"\",\"value\":\"10\",\"hide\":\"\"},\"3\":{\"macro\":\"_field3_\",\"desc\":\"Traps target IP\",\"help\":\"\",\"value\":\"\",\"hide\":\"\"},\"4\":{\"macro\":\"_field4_\",\"desc\":\"Traps community\",\"help\":\"\",\"value\":\"public\",\"hide\":\"\"},\"5\":{\"macro\":\"_field5_\",\"desc\":\"Tentacle target IP\",\"help\":\"\",\"value\":\"\",\"hide\":\"\"},\"6\":{\"macro\":\"_field6_\",\"desc\":\"Tentacle port\",\"help\":\"\",\"value\":\"41121\",\"hide\":\"\"},\"7\":{\"macro\":\"_field7_\",\"desc\":\"Tentacle extra options\",\"help\":\"\",\"value\":\"\",\"hide\":\"\"}}', 'parameters' => ''_field1_' '_field2_' '_interval_' '_field3_' '_field4_' '_field5_' '_field6_' '_field7_'', 'no_delete' => 1, ]; $created_plugin_id = db_process_sql_insert('tplugin', $values); if ($created_plugin_id > 0) { // Register created item in tdemo_data. $values = [ 'item_id' => json_encode(['id' => $created_plugin_id]), 'table_name' => 'tplugin', ]; $result = (bool) db_process_sql_insert('tdemo_data', $values); if ($result === false) { // Rollback demo item creation if could not be registered in tdemo_data. db_process_sql_delete('tplugin', ['id' => $created_plugin_id]); register_error( DEMO_PLUGIN, __('Error in plugin creation: the plugin could not be registered. Skipping creation of plugin module') ); } else { // Create plugin module. $module_values = []; $module_values['id_tipo_modulo'] = db_get_value('id_tipo', 'ttipo_modulo', 'nombre', 'generic_proc'); if ($module_values['id_tipo_modulo'] === false) { register_error( DEMO_PLUGIN, __('Error in plugin creation: module type "generic_proc" does not exist in the system. Skipping creation of plugin module') ); } else { $module_values['module_interval'] = $interval; $module_values['id_modulo'] = 4; $module_values['id_plugin'] = $created_plugin_id; $module_values['macros'] = '{"1":{"macro":"_field1_","desc":"Agents files folder path","help":"","value":"/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/demodata_agents","hide":""},"2":{"macro":"_field2_","desc":"Number of agents","help":"","value":"'.$total_agents_to_create.'","hide":""},"3":{"macro":"_field3_","desc":"Traps target IP","help":"","value":"'.$traps_target_ip.'","hide":""},"4":{"macro":"_field4_","desc":"Traps community","help":"","value":"'.$traps_community.'","hide":""},"5":{"macro":"_field5_","desc":"Tentacle target IP","help":"","value":"'.$tentacle_target_ip.'","hide":""},"6":{"macro":"_field6_","desc":"Tentacle port","help":"","value":"'.$tentacle_port.'","hide":""},"7":{"macro":"_field7_","desc":"Tentacle extra options","help":"","value":"'.$tentacle_extra_options.'","hide":""}}'; $id_plugin_module = modules_create_agent_module( $plugin_agent_id, io_safe_input('Pandora demo data'), $module_values ); if ($id_plugin_module > 0) { // Register created item in tdemo_data. $values = [ 'item_id' => json_encode(['id_agente_modulo' => $id_plugin_module]), 'table_name' => 'tagente_modulo', ]; $result = (bool) db_process_sql_insert('tdemo_data', $values); if ($result === false) { // Rollback demo item creation if could not be registered in tdemo_data. db_process_sql_delete('tagente_modulo', ['id_agente_modulo' => $id_plugin_module]); } } } } } else { register_error( DEMO_PLUGIN, __('Error in plugin creation: the plugin could not be registered. Skipping creation of plugin module') ); } } update_item_checked(DEMO_PLUGIN); $demo_agents_count = db_get_value('count(*)', 'tdemo_data', 'table_name', 'tagente'); echo json_encode(['agents_count' => $demo_agents_count]); return; } if ($action === 'cleanup_demo_data') { config_update_value('demo_data_load_progress', 0); $demo_items = db_get_all_rows_in_table('tdemo_data'); $module_items = array_map( function ($item) { $json_data = json_decode($item['item_id'], true); return $json_data['id_agente_modulo']; }, array_filter( $demo_items, function ($item) { return ($item['table_name'] === 'tagente_modulo'); } ) ); $inventory_module_items = array_map( function ($item) { $json_data = json_decode($item['item_id'], true); return $json_data['id_agent_module_inventory']; }, array_filter( $demo_items, function ($item) { return ($item['table_name'] === 'tagent_module_inventory'); } ) ); $in_clause = implode(',', $inventory_module_items); // Delete data from tagente_datos_inventory given inventory module id. db_process_sql('DELETE FROM tagente_datos_inventory where id_agent_module_inventory IN ('.$in_clause.')'); $in_clause = implode(',', $module_items); // Delete data from tagente_datos give agent module id. db_process_sql('DELETE FROM tagente_datos where id_agente_modulo IN ('.$in_clause.')'); $items_delete_id_bfr = []; $demo_items_delete_ids_bfr = []; foreach ($demo_items as $item) { $item_value_array = json_decode((string) $item['item_id'], true); if (is_array($item_value_array) === true) { // Database items to delete per table. $items_delete_id_bfr[$item['table_name']][] = $item_value_array; $demo_items_delete_ids_bfr[$item['table_name']][] = $item['id']; } } foreach ($items_delete_id_bfr as $table_name => $ids_per_table) { $all_success = true; $where_array = []; foreach ($ids_per_table as $ids_array) { foreach ($ids_array as $field_name => $item_id) { if (isset($where_array[$field_name]) === false) { $where_array[$field_name] = []; } $where_array[$field_name][] = '"'.$item_id.'"'; } } $where_str = ''; $in_fields = implode(',', array_keys($where_array)); if (count($where_array) > 1) { $pairs_array = createPairsFromArrays(array_values($where_array)); $in_ftd_pairs = array_map( function ($inner_array) { return '('.implode(',', $inner_array).')'; }, $pairs_array ); $where_str = '('.$in_fields.') IN ('.implode(',', $in_ftd_pairs).')'; } else { $where_str = '`'.$in_fields.'` IN ('.implode(',', reset($where_array)).')'; } $all_success = db_process_sql('DELETE FROM '.$table_name.' WHERE '.$where_str); if ($all_success !== false) { $demo_items_delete_in_values = implode(',', $demo_items_delete_ids_bfr[$table_name]); // Delete tdemo_data registers belonging to current table. db_process_sql('DELETE FROM tdemo_data WHERE table_name="'.$table_name.'" AND id IN ('.$demo_items_delete_in_values.')'); } } echo 1; return; } if ($action === 'get_progress') { $operation = (string) get_parameter('operation'); if ($operation === 'create') { $current_progress_val = db_get_value_filter('value', 'tconfig', ['token' => 'demo_data_load_progress']); if ($current_progress_val === false) { $current_progress_val = 0; } $ret = ceil($current_progress_val); } else if ($operation === 'cleanup') { $demo_items_to_cleanup = (int) get_parameter('demo_items_to_cleanup'); $count_current_demo_items = db_get_value('count(*)', 'tdemo_data'); $current_progress_val = ((($demo_items_to_cleanup - $count_current_demo_items) * 100) / $demo_items_to_cleanup); config_update_value('demo_data_delete_progress', $current_progress_val); $ret = ceil($current_progress_val); } echo json_encode($ret); return; } if ($action === 'get_load_status') { $operation = (string) get_parameter('operation'); if ($operation === 'create') { $current_progress_val = db_get_value_filter('value', 'tconfig', ['token' => 'demo_data_load_progress']); $demo_data_load_status = db_get_value_filter('value', 'tconfig', ['token' => 'demo_data_load_status']); if ($current_progress_val === false) { $current_progress_val = 0; } $ret = [ 'current_progress_val' => $current_progress_val, 'demo_data_load_status' => json_decode(io_safe_output($demo_data_load_status), true), ]; } else if ($operation === 'cleanup') { $demo_items_to_cleanup = (int) get_parameter('demo_items_to_cleanup'); $count_current_demo_items = db_get_value('count(*)', 'tdemo_data'); $current_progress_val = ((($demo_items_to_cleanup - $count_current_demo_items) * 100) / $demo_items_to_cleanup); config_update_value('demo_data_delete_progress', $current_progress_val); $ret = ['current_progress_val' => $current_progress_val]; } echo json_encode($ret); return; } /** * AUXILIARY FUNCTION: Calculate and return next host address within subnet given a CIDR-formatted address. * * @param string $ip CIDR IP address. * * @return string Next host address. */ function calculateNextHostAddress($ip) { list($network, $subnet) = explode('/', $ip); // Convert the network address to an array of octets. $octets = explode('.', $network); // Convert the last octet to an integer. $lastOctet = (int) $octets[3]; // Increment the last octet, and wrap around if it exceeds 255. $lastOctet = (($lastOctet + 1) % 256); // Assemble the next host address. $nextHost = implode('.', [$octets[0], $octets[1], $octets[2], $lastOctet]); return $nextHost.'/'.$subnet; } /** * AUXILIARY FUNCTION: Try to return the group ID of a group given its name or create * and return its ID if it does not exist. * * @param string $name Group name. * * @return mixed group ID or false if group not found and could not be created. */ function get_group_or_create_demo_group($name) { if (is_string($name) === false) { return false; } $id_group = db_get_value('id_grupo', 'tgrupo', 'nombre', io_safe_input($name)); if ($id_group > 0) { return $id_group; } else { $id_group = groups_create_group( io_safe_input($name), [ 'icon' => 'applications.png', 'description' => '', 'contact' => '', 'other' => '', ] ); if ($id_group > 0) { // Register created group in tdemo_data. $values = [ 'item_id' => json_encode(['id_grupo' => $id_group]), 'table_name' => 'tgrupo', ]; $result = (bool) db_process_sql_insert('tdemo_data', $values); if ($result === false) { // Rollback demo group creation if could not be registered in tdemo_data. db_process_sql_delete('tgrupo', ['id_grupo' => $id_group]); return false; } return $id_group; } else { // Network map group could not be created. Skip creation of map. return false; } } } /** * AUXILIARY FUNCTION: Generate and return a randomly generated MAC address. * * @return string Random MAC address string. */ function generateRandomMacAddress() { $macAddress = []; // Generate the remaining five octets. for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { $macAddress[] = str_pad(dechex(mt_rand(0, 255)), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } // Join the octets with colons to form the MAC address. $randomMacAddress = implode(':', $macAddress); return $randomMacAddress; } /** * AUXILIARY FUNCTION: Update percentage progress. * * @param integer $total_items_count Global number of items to be created. * @param integer $total_type_items_count Number of items of a specific type to be created. * @param integer $created_num Number of items added to progress computation. * * @return void */ function update_progress($total_items_count, $total_type_items_count, $created_num=1) { // Calculate progress. $percentage_inc = (($created_num * 100) / ($total_type_items_count * $total_items_count)); $current_progress_val = db_get_value_filter( 'value', 'tconfig', ['token' => 'demo_data_load_progress'], 'AND', false, false ); if ($current_progress_val === false) { $current_progress_val = 0; } $new_val = ($current_progress_val + $percentage_inc); if ((int) round($new_val) === 100) { $new_val = 100; } config_update_value('demo_data_load_progress', $new_val); } /** * AUXILIARY FUNCTION: Mark item as checked in the load process. * * @param integer $item_id Item id. * * @return void */ function update_item_checked($item_id) { $current_load_status_data = db_get_value_filter( 'value', 'tconfig', ['token' => 'demo_data_load_status'], 'AND', false, false ); if ($current_load_status_data === false || $current_load_status_data === '{}') { $current_load_data_arr = []; } else { $current_load_data_arr = json_decode(io_safe_output($current_load_status_data), true); } $current_load_data_arr['checked_items'][] = $item_id; config_update_value('demo_data_load_status', json_encode($current_load_data_arr)); } /** * AUXILIARY FUNCTION: Register error in database config info. * * @param integer $item_id Item id. * @param string $error_msg Error text. * @param boolean $search_for_repeated_msgs Increases the count of messages already stored if true. * * @return void */ function register_error( $item_id, $error_msg, $search_for_repeated_msgs=false ) { $current_load_status_data = db_get_value_filter( 'value', 'tconfig', ['token' => 'demo_data_load_status'], 'AND', false, false ); if ($current_load_status_data === false || $current_load_status_data === '{}') { $current_load_data_arr = []; } else { $current_load_data_arr = json_decode(io_safe_output($current_load_status_data), true); } if ($search_for_repeated_msgs === true && isset($current_load_data_arr['errors'][$item_id]) === true) { $matching_string = null; $msg_key = array_search($error_msg, $current_load_data_arr['errors'][$item_id]); if ($msg_key === false) { foreach ($current_load_data_arr['errors'][$item_id] as $key => $string) { // Use regular expression to check if the part after "(...) " matches the error string. if (preg_match('/\s*\((.*?)\)\s*(.*)/', $string, $matches)) { $rest_of_string = $matches[2]; if ($rest_of_string === $error_msg) { $matching_string = $string; $msg_key = $key; break; } } } if ($matching_string === null) { // String not found. $current_load_data_arr['errors'][$item_id][] = $error_msg; } else { // Count parentheses string was found, then replace number. $new_error_msg = preg_replace_callback( '/\((\d+)\)/', function ($matches) { $currentNumber = $matches[1]; $newNumber = ($currentNumber + 1); return "($newNumber)"; }, $matching_string ); $current_load_data_arr['errors'][$item_id][$msg_key] = $new_error_msg; } } else { // String without count found. $new_error_msg = '(2) '.$error_msg; $current_load_data_arr['errors'][$item_id][$msg_key] = $new_error_msg; } } else { $current_load_data_arr['errors'][$item_id][] = $error_msg; } config_update_value('demo_data_load_status', json_encode($current_load_data_arr)); } /** * AUXILIARY FUNCTION: Import PRD files. * * @param integer $item_id Item id. * @param array $parsed_ini Parsed PRD files. * @param object $prd Prd object. * * @return void */ function import_demo_prds($item_id, $parsed_ini, $prd) { foreach ($parsed_ini as $ini_data) { $filename = $ini_data['filename']; $data = $ini_data['data']; $result = $prd->importPrd($data); if ($result['status'] === true) { foreach ($result['items'] as $item) { // Register created items in tdemo_data. $values = [ 'item_id' => json_encode($item[1]), 'table_name' => $item[0], ]; db_process_sql_insert('tdemo_data', $values); } } else { foreach ($result['errors'] as $error) { register_error($item_id, '['.$filename.'] '.$error); } } } }