/* Pandora agents service for Win32. Copyright (C) 2006 Artica ST. Written by Esteban Sanchez, Ramon Novoa. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "pandora_windows_service.h" #include "pandora.h" #include "pandora_strutils.h" #include "windows_service.h" #include "modules/pandora_module_factory.h" #include "ssh/pandora_ssh_client.h" #include "ftp/pandora_ftp_client.h" #include "misc/pandora_file.h" #include "windows/pandora_windows_info.h" #include "udp_server/udp_server.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Pandora; using namespace Pandora_Modules; using namespace Pandora_Strutils; Pandora_Windows_Service::Pandora_Windows_Service () : Windows_Service (NULL, NULL, NULL) { this->setInitFunction ((void (Windows_Service::*) ()) &Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_init); this->setRunFunction ((void (Windows_Service::*) ()) &Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run); this->started = false; } /** * Set Pandora service Windows properties. * * @param svc_name Internal service name * @param svc_display_name Service name that will appear in the * Windows service administration tool. * @param svc_description Long description of the service. */ void Pandora_Windows_Service::setValues (const char * svc_name, const char * svc_display_name, const char * svc_description) { this->service_name = (char *) svc_name; this->service_display_name = (char *) svc_display_name; this->service_description = (char *) svc_description; execution_number = 0; this->modules = NULL; this->conf = NULL; this->interval = 60000; this->transfer_interval = this->interval; this->elapsed_transfer_time = 0; this->udp_server = NULL; } /** * Destroys a Pandora_Windows_Service object. */ Pandora_Windows_Service::~Pandora_Windows_Service () { if (this->conf != NULL) { if(conf->getValue("proxy_mode") != "") { killTentacleProxy(); } delete this->conf; } if (this->udp_server != NULL) { ((UDP_Server *)udp_server)->stop (); delete (UDP_Server *)udp_server; } if (this->modules != NULL) { delete this->modules; } pandoraLog ("Pandora agent stopped"); } Pandora_Windows_Service * Pandora_Windows_Service::getInstance () { static Pandora_Windows_Service *service = NULL; if (service != NULL) return service; service = new Pandora_Windows_Service (); return service; } void Pandora_Windows_Service::start () { this->started = true; } void Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_init_broker (string file_conf) { string interval, debug, transfer_interval, util_dir, path, env, name_agent; string udp_server_enabled, udp_server_port, udp_server_addr, udp_server_auth_addr; int pos; /*setPandoraDebug (true);*/ // Add the util subdirectory to the PATH util_dir = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir (); util_dir += "util"; path = getenv ("PATH"); env = "PATH=" + path + ";" + util_dir; putenv (env.c_str ()); name_agent = "PANDORA_AGENT=" + checkAgentName(file_conf); putenv(name_agent.c_str()); this->conf = Pandora::Pandora_Agent_Conf::getInstance (); this->conf->setFile (file_conf); this->modules = new Pandora_Module_List (file_conf); pandoraLog ("Pandora agent started"); } int Pandora_Windows_Service::count_broker_agents(){ string buffer; string filename; unsigned int pos; int num = 0; filename = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir (); filename += "pandora_agent.conf"; ifstream file (filename.c_str ()); /* Read and set the file */ while (!file.eof ()) { /* Set the value from each line */ getline (file, buffer); /* Ignore blank or commented lines */ if (buffer[0] != '#' && buffer[0] != '\n' && buffer[0] != '\0') { /*Check if is a broker_agent*/ pos = buffer.find("broker_agent"); if (pos != string::npos){ num += 1; } } } file.close (); return num; } void Pandora_Windows_Service::check_broker_agents(string *all_conf){ string buffer, filename; unsigned int pos; int pos_file = 0; filename = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir (); filename += "pandora_agent.conf"; ifstream file (filename.c_str ()); while (!file.eof ()) { /* Set the value from each line */ getline (file, buffer); /* Ignore blank or commented lines */ if (buffer[0] != '#' && buffer[0] != '\n' && buffer[0] != '\0') { /*Check if is a broker_agent*/ pos = buffer.find("broker_agent"); if (pos != string::npos){ string name_broker, path_broker; name_broker = buffer.substr(pos+13); path_broker = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir () + name_broker + ".conf"; all_conf[pos_file] = path_broker; pos_file += 1; } } } file.close(); } void Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_init () { string conf_file, interval, debug, transfer_interval, util_dir, path, env; string udp_server_enabled, udp_server_port, udp_server_addr, udp_server_auth_addr; string name_agent, name; string proxy_mode, server_ip; int pos, num; setPandoraDebug (true); // Add the util subdirectory to the PATH util_dir = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir (); util_dir += "util"; path = getenv ("PATH"); env = "PATH=" + path + ";" + util_dir; putenv (env.c_str ()); conf_file = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir (); conf_file += "pandora_agent.conf"; num = count_broker_agents(); string all_conf[num]; this->conf = Pandora::Pandora_Agent_Conf::getInstance (); this->conf->setFile (all_conf); this->modules = new Pandora_Module_List (conf_file); name = checkAgentName(conf_file); if (name.empty ()) { name = Pandora_Windows_Info::getSystemName (); } name_agent = "PANDORA_AGENT=" + name; putenv(name_agent.c_str()); /* Get the interval value (in seconds) and set it to the service */ interval = conf->getValue ("interval"); transfer_interval = conf->getValue ("transfer_interval"); debug = conf->getValue ("debug"); setPandoraDebug (is_enabled (debug)); if (interval != "") { try { /* miliseconds */ this->interval = strtoint (interval) * 1000; } catch (Invalid_Conversion e) { } } if (transfer_interval == "") { this->transfer_interval = this->interval; } else { try { /* miliseconds */ this->transfer_interval = strtoint (transfer_interval) * 1000; } catch (Invalid_Conversion e) { this->transfer_interval = this->interval; } } srand ((unsigned) time (0)); this->setSleepTime (this->interval); /*Check if proxy mode is set*/ proxy_mode = conf->getValue ("proxy_mode"); if (proxy_mode != "") { lauchTentacleProxy(); } pandoraLog ("Pandora agent started"); /* Launch UDP Server */ udp_server_enabled = conf->getValue ("udp_server"); if (udp_server_enabled.compare ("1") == 0 && this->udp_server == NULL) { udp_server_port = conf->getValue ("udp_server_port"); udp_server_addr = conf->getValue ("udp_server_address"); udp_server_auth_addr = conf->getValue ("udp_server_auth_address"); this->udp_server = new UDP_Server (this, udp_server_addr, udp_server_auth_addr, atoi (udp_server_port.c_str ())); ((UDP_Server *)this->udp_server)->start (); } } int Pandora_Windows_Service::killTentacleProxy() { PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si; string kill_cmd; kill_cmd = "taskkill.exe /F /IM tentacle_server.exe"; ZeroMemory (&si, sizeof (si)); ZeroMemory (&pi, sizeof (pi)); if (CreateProcess (NULL , (CHAR *)kill_cmd.c_str (), NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi) == 0) { return -1; } } int Pandora_Windows_Service::lauchTentacleProxy() { string server_ip, server_port, proxy_max_connections, proxy_timeout; string proxy_cmd; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si; /*Check if server proxy is localhost*/ server_ip = conf->getValue("server_ip"); if (server_ip != "localhost") { proxy_max_connections = conf->getValue("proxy_max_connection"); if (proxy_max_connections == "") { proxy_max_connections = "10"; } proxy_timeout = conf->getValue("proxy_timeout"); if (proxy_timeout == "") { proxy_timeout = "1"; } server_port = conf->getValue("server_port"); if (server_port == "") { server_port = "41121"; } proxy_cmd = "tentacle_server.exe -b " + server_ip + " -g " + server_port + " -c " + proxy_max_connections + " -t " + proxy_timeout; ZeroMemory (&si, sizeof (si)); ZeroMemory (&pi, sizeof (pi)); if (CreateProcess (NULL , (CHAR *)proxy_cmd.c_str (), NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi) == 0) { pandoraLog("There was a problem lauching Tentacle Proxy"); return -1; } pandoraLog("Proxy mode enabled"); } else { pandoraLog ("[error] You can not proxy to localhost"); } } string Pandora_Windows_Service::getXmlHeader () { char timestamp[20]; string agent_name, os_name, os_version, encoding, value, xml, address, parent_agent_name; time_t ctime; struct tm *ctime_tm = NULL; // Get agent name agent_name = conf->getValue ("agent_name"); if (agent_name == "") { agent_name = Pandora_Windows_Info::getSystemName (); } // Get parent agent name parent_agent_name = conf->getValue ("parent_agent_name"); // Get timestamp ctime = time(0); ctime_tm = localtime(&ctime); value = conf->getValue ("autotime"); timestamp[0] = '\0'; if (value != "1") { sprintf (timestamp, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", ctime_tm->tm_year + 1900, ctime_tm->tm_mon + 1, ctime_tm->tm_mday, ctime_tm->tm_hour, ctime_tm->tm_min, ctime_tm->tm_sec); } // Get OS name and version os_name = Pandora_Windows_Info::getOSName (); os_version = os_name + Pandora_Windows_Info::getOSVersion (); // Get encoding encoding = conf->getValue ("encoding"); if (encoding == "") { encoding = "ISO-8859-1"; } xml = "\n" + "getValue ("description") + "\" version=\"" + getPandoraAgentVersion (); /* Skip the timestamp if autotime was enabled */ if (timestamp[0] != '\0') { xml += "\" timestamp=\""; xml += timestamp; } // Get agent address address = conf->getValue ("address"); if (address != "") { if(address == "auto") { address = Pandora_Windows_Info::getSystemAddress (); } if(address != "") { xml += "\" address=\""; xml += address; } } xml += "\" interval=\"" + conf->getValue ("interval") + "\" os_name=\"" + os_name + "\" os_version=\"" + os_version + "\" group=\"" + conf->getValue ("group") + "\" parent_agent_name=\"" + conf->getValue ("parent_agent_name") + "\">\n"; return xml; } int Pandora_Windows_Service::copyTentacleDataFile (string host, string filename, string port, string ssl, string pass, string opts) { DWORD rc; string var, filepath; string tentacle_cmd, working_dir; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si; var = conf->getValue ("temporal"); if (var[var.length () - 1] != '\\') { var += "\\"; } filepath = var + filename; /* Build the command to launch the Tentacle client */ tentacle_cmd = "tentacle_client.exe -a " + host; if (port != "") { tentacle_cmd += " -p " + port; } if (ssl == "1") { tentacle_cmd += " -c"; } if (pass != "") { tentacle_cmd += " -x " + pass; } if (opts != "") { tentacle_cmd += " " + opts; } tentacle_cmd += " \"" + filepath + "\""; /* Copy the file */ pandoraDebug ("Remote copying XML %s on server %s", filepath.c_str (), host.c_str ()); pandoraDebug ("Command %s", tentacle_cmd.c_str()); ZeroMemory (&si, sizeof (si)); ZeroMemory (&pi, sizeof (pi)); if (CreateProcess (NULL , (CHAR *)tentacle_cmd.c_str (), NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi) == 0) { return -1; } /* Get the return code of the tentacle client*/ WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess (pi.hProcess, &rc); if (rc != 0) { CloseHandle (pi.hProcess); return -1; } CloseHandle (pi.hProcess); return 0; } int Pandora_Windows_Service::copyScpDataFile (string host, string remote_path, string filename) { int rc = 0; SSH::Pandora_Ssh_Client ssh_client; string tmp_dir, filepath,port_str; string pubkey_file, privkey_file; int port; tmp_dir = conf->getValue ("temporal"); if (tmp_dir[tmp_dir.length () - 1] != '\\') { tmp_dir += "\\"; } filepath = tmp_dir + filename; pandoraDebug ("Connecting with %s", host.c_str ()); pubkey_file = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir (); pubkey_file += "key\\id_dsa.pub"; privkey_file = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir (); privkey_file += "key\\id_dsa"; port_str = conf->getValue ("server_port"); if (port_str.length () == 0) { port = SSH_DEFAULT_PORT; } else { port = strtoint(port_str); } rc = ssh_client.connectWithPublicKey (host.c_str (), port, "pandora", pubkey_file, privkey_file, ""); if (rc == AUTHENTICATION_FAILED) { pandoraLog ("Pandora Agent: Authentication Failed " "when connecting to %s", host.c_str ()); return rc; } else if (rc == PANDORA_EXCEPTION) { pandoraLog ("Pandora Agent: Failed when copying to %s", host.c_str ()); return rc; } pandoraDebug ("Remote copying XML %s on server %s at %s%s", filepath.c_str (), host.c_str (), remote_path.c_str (), filename.c_str ()); rc = ssh_client.scpFileFilename (remote_path + filename, filepath); if (rc == PANDORA_EXCEPTION) { pandoraLog ("Unable to copy at %s%s", remote_path.c_str (), filename.c_str ()); ssh_client.disconnect(); return rc; } ssh_client.disconnect(); return rc; } int Pandora_Windows_Service::copyFtpDataFile (string host, string remote_path, string filename, string password) { int rc = 0; FTP::Pandora_Ftp_Client ftp_client; string filepath, port_str; int port; filepath = conf->getValue ("temporal"); if (filepath[filepath.length () - 1] != '\\') { filepath += "\\"; } filepath += filename; port_str = conf->getValue ("server_port"); if (port_str.length () == 0) { port = FTP_DEFAULT_PORT; } else { port = strtoint(port_str); } ftp_client.connect (host, port, "pandora", password); rc = ftp_client.ftpFileFilename (remote_path + filename, filepath); if (rc == UNKNOWN_HOST) { pandoraLog ("Pandora Agent: Failed when copying to %s (%s)", host.c_str (), ftp_client.getError ().c_str ()); ftp_client.disconnect (); return rc; } else if (rc == AUTHENTICATION_FAILED) { pandoraLog ("Pandora Agent: Authentication Failed " "when connecting to %s (%s)", host.c_str (), ftp_client.getError ().c_str ()); ftp_client.disconnect (); return rc; } else if (rc == FTP_EXCEPTION) { pandoraLog ("Pandora Agent: Failed when copying to %s (%s)", host.c_str (), ftp_client.getError ().c_str ()); ftp_client.disconnect (); return rc; } ftp_client.disconnect (); return rc; } int Pandora_Windows_Service::copyDataFile (string filename) { int rc = 0; unsigned char copy_to_secondary = 0; string mode, host, remote_path; mode = conf->getValue ("transfer_mode"); host = conf->getValue ("server_ip"); remote_path = conf->getValue ("server_path"); // Fix remote path if (mode != "local" && remote_path[remote_path.length () - 1] != '/') { remote_path += "/"; } else if (mode == "local" && remote_path[remote_path.length () - 1] != '\\') { remote_path += "\\"; } if (mode == "ftp") { rc = copyFtpDataFile (host, remote_path, filename, conf->getValue ("server_pwd")); } else if (mode == "tentacle" || mode == "") { rc = copyTentacleDataFile (host, filename, conf->getValue ("server_port"), conf->getValue ("server_ssl"), conf->getValue ("server_pwd"), conf->getValue ("server_opts")); } else if (mode == "ssh") { rc =copyScpDataFile (host, remote_path, filename); } else if (mode == "local") { rc = copyLocalDataFile (remote_path, filename); } else { rc = PANDORA_EXCEPTION; pandoraLog ("Invalid transfer mode: %s." "Please recheck transfer_mode option " "in configuration file."); } if (rc == 0) { pandoraDebug ("Successfuly copied XML file to server."); } else if (conf->getValue ("secondary_mode") == "on_error") { copy_to_secondary = 1; } if (conf->getValue ("secondary_mode") == "always") { copy_to_secondary = 1; } // Exit unless we have to send the file to a secondary server if (copy_to_secondary == 0) { return rc; } // Read secondary server configuration mode = conf->getValue ("secondary_transfer_mode"); host = conf->getValue ("secondary_server_ip"); remote_path = conf->getValue ("secondary_server_path"); // Fix remote path if (mode != "local" && remote_path[remote_path.length () - 1] != '/') { remote_path += "/"; } else if (mode == "local" && remote_path[remote_path.length () - 1] != '\\') { remote_path += "\\"; } // Send the file to the secondary server if (mode == "ftp") { rc = copyFtpDataFile (host, remote_path, filename, conf->getValue ("secondary_server_pwd")); } else if (mode == "tentacle" || mode == "") { rc = copyTentacleDataFile (host, filename, conf->getValue ("secondary_server_port"), conf->getValue ("secondary_server_ssl"), conf->getValue ("secondary_server_pwd"), conf->getValue ("secondary_server_opts")); } else if (mode == "ssh") { rc = copyScpDataFile (host, remote_path, filename); } else { rc = PANDORA_EXCEPTION; pandoraLog ("Invalid transfer mode: %s." "Please recheck transfer_mode option " "in configuration file."); } if (rc == 0) { pandoraDebug ("Successfuly copied XML file to secondary server."); } return rc; } void Pandora_Windows_Service::recvTentacleDataFile (string host, string filename) { int rc; string var; string tentacle_cmd; /* Change directory to "temporal" */ var = conf->getValue ("temporal"); if (_chdir(var.c_str()) != 0) { pandoraDebug ("Error changing directory to %s", var.c_str()); throw Pandora_Exception (); } /* Build the command to launch the Tentacle client */ tentacle_cmd = "tentacle_client.exe -g -a " + host; var = conf->getValue ("server_port"); if (var != "") { tentacle_cmd += " -p " + var; } var = conf->getValue ("server_ssl"); if (var == "1") { tentacle_cmd += " -c"; } var = conf->getValue ("server_pwd"); if (var != "") { tentacle_cmd += " -x " + var; } var = conf->getValue ("server_opts"); if (var != "") { tentacle_cmd += " " + var; } tentacle_cmd += " " + filename; /* Copy the file */ pandoraDebug ("Requesting file %s from server %s", filename.c_str (), host.c_str ()); pandoraDebug ("Command %s", tentacle_cmd.c_str()); rc = system (tentacle_cmd.c_str()); switch (rc) { /* system() error */ case -1: pandoraLog ("Unable to receive file %s", filename.c_str ()); throw Pandora_Exception (); /* tentacle_client.exe returned OK */ case 0: break; /* tentacle_client.exe error */ default: pandoraDebug ("Tentacle client was unable to receive file %s", filename.c_str ()); throw Pandora_Exception (); } return; } void Pandora_Windows_Service::recvDataFile (string filename) { string mode, host, remote_path; mode = conf->getValue ("transfer_mode"); host = conf->getValue ("server_ip"); remote_path = conf->getValue ("server_path"); if (remote_path[remote_path.length () - 1] != '/') { remote_path += "/"; } try { if (mode == "tentacle") { recvTentacleDataFile (host, filename); } else { pandoraLog ("Transfer mode %s does not support file retrieval.", mode.c_str () ); throw Pandora_Exception (); } } catch (Pandora_Exception e) { throw e; } } int Pandora_Windows_Service::copyLocalDataFile (string remote_path, string filename) { string local_path, local_file, remote_file; local_path = conf->getValue ("temporal"); if (local_path[local_path.length () - 1] != '\\') { local_path += "\\"; } local_file = local_path + filename; remote_file = remote_path + filename; if (!CopyFile (local_file.c_str (), remote_file.c_str (), TRUE)) { return PANDORA_EXCEPTION; } } int Pandora_Windows_Service::unzipCollection(string zip_path, string dest_dir) { string unzip_cmd, dest_cmd; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFO si; mode_t mode; DWORD rc; /*Delete dest directory*/ Pandora_File::removeDir(dest_dir); /* Build the command to create destination diectory*/ rc = mkdir (dest_dir.c_str()); if (rc != 0) { pandoraLog ("Pandora_Windows_Service::unzipCollection: Can not create dir %s", dest_dir.c_str()); return -1; } /* Build the command to launch the Tentacle client */ unzip_cmd = "unzip.exe \"" + zip_path + "\" -d \"" + dest_dir + "\""; ZeroMemory (&si, sizeof (si)); ZeroMemory (&pi, sizeof (pi)); if (CreateProcess (NULL , (CHAR *)unzip_cmd.c_str (), NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi) == 0) { return -1; } /* Get the return code of the tentacle client*/ WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess (pi.hProcess, &rc); if (rc != 0) { CloseHandle (pi.hProcess); pandoraLog ("Pandora_Windows_Service::unzipCollection: Can not unzip file %s", zip_path.c_str()); return -1; } CloseHandle (pi.hProcess); return 0; } /* * Check the disk for collections installed */ void Pandora_Windows_Service::purgeDiskCollections () { DIR *dir; struct dirent *dir_content; struct stat file; string tmp, filepath; filepath = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir() +"collections\\"; /*Open the directory*/ dir = opendir (filepath.c_str ()); /*Read the directory looking for files and folders*/ dir_content = readdir(dir); while (dir_content != NULL) { stat(tmp.c_str(),&file); /*If is a folder, check for . and .. */ if ( (strcmp(dir_content->d_name,".") != 0) && (strcmp(dir_content->d_name,"..") != 0) ) { /*If the file is not in collection list, delete the file*/ if(! conf->isInCollectionList(dir_content->d_name) ) { tmp = filepath+dir_content->d_name; Pandora_File::removeDir(tmp); } } /*Next item*/ dir_content = readdir(dir); } /*Close dir oppened*/ closedir(dir); } /* * Check collections to sync it between server and agent */ void Pandora_Windows_Service::checkCollections () { int flag, i; char *coll_md5 = NULL, *server_coll_md5 = NULL; string collection_name, collections_dir, collection_md5, tmp; string collection_zip, install_dir, temp_dir, dest_dir, path, env; /*Get collections directory*/ install_dir = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir (); collections_dir = install_dir+"collections\\"; /* Get temporal directory */ temp_dir = conf->getValue ("temporal"); if (temp_dir[temp_dir.length () - 1] != '\\') { temp_dir += "\\"; } /*Set iterator in the firs collection*/ conf->goFirstCollection(); while (! conf->isLastCollection()) { collection_name = conf->getCurrentCollectionName(); if(! conf->getCurrentCollectionVerify() ) { /*Add the collection directory to the path*/ tmp = collections_dir + collection_name; path = getenv ("PATH"); env = "PATH=" + path + ";" + tmp; putenv (env.c_str ()); conf->setCurrentCollectionVerify(); } collection_zip = collection_name+".zip"; collection_md5 = collection_name + ".md5"; tmp = collections_dir+collection_md5; /*Reading local collection md5*/ try { if (Pandora_File::readBinFile (tmp, &coll_md5) < 32) { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkCollection: Invalid local md5", tmp.c_str()); if (coll_md5 != NULL) { delete[] coll_md5; } /*Go to next collection*/ conf->goNextCollection(); continue; } } catch (...) { /*Getting new md5*/ try { /*Downloading md5 file*/ recvDataFile (collection_md5); /*Reading new md5 file*/ tmp = temp_dir + collection_md5; if (Pandora_File::readBinFile (tmp, &coll_md5) < 32) { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkCollection: Invalid remote md5", tmp.c_str()); if (coll_md5 != NULL) { delete[] coll_md5; } Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp); /*Go to next collection*/ conf->goNextCollection(); continue; } Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp); /* Save new md5 file */ tmp = collections_dir + collection_md5; Pandora_File::writeBinFile (tmp, coll_md5, 32); } catch(...) { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkCollection: Can not download %s", collection_md5.c_str()); /*Go to next collection*/ conf->goNextCollection(); continue; } /*Getting new zipped collection*/ try { /*Downloading zipped collection*/ recvDataFile (collection_zip); /*Uncompress zipped collection*/ tmp = temp_dir + collection_zip; dest_dir = collections_dir + collection_name; try { unzipCollection(tmp,dest_dir); } catch (...) { Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp); /*Go to next collection*/ conf->goNextCollection(); continue; } Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp); } catch (...) { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkCollection: Can not download %s", collection_zip.c_str()); /*Go to next collection*/ conf->goNextCollection(); continue; } conf->goNextCollection(); continue; } /*Reading server collection md5*/ try { recvDataFile(collection_md5); tmp = temp_dir+collection_md5; if (Pandora_File::readBinFile (tmp, &server_coll_md5) < 32) { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkCollection: Invalid remote md5", tmp.c_str()); if (server_coll_md5 != NULL) { delete[] server_coll_md5; } Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp); /*Go to next collection*/ conf->goNextCollection(); continue; } Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp); } catch (...) { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkCollection: Can not download %s", collection_md5.c_str()); /*Go to next collection*/ conf->goNextCollection(); continue; } /*Check both md5*/ flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (coll_md5[i] != server_coll_md5[i]) { flag = 1; break; } } /*If the two md5 are equals, exit*/ if (flag == 0) { /*Go to next collection*/ conf->goNextCollection(); continue; } pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkCollections: Collection %s has changed", collection_md5.c_str ()); /*Getting new zipped collection*/ try { /*Downloading zipped collection*/ recvDataFile (collection_zip); /*Uncompress zipped collection*/ tmp = temp_dir + collection_zip; dest_dir = collections_dir + collection_name; try { unzipCollection(tmp,dest_dir); } catch (...) { Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp); /*Go to next collection*/ conf->goNextCollection(); continue; } Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp); } catch (...) { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkCollection: Can not download %s", collection_zip.c_str()); /*Go to next collection*/ conf->goNextCollection(); continue; } /* Save new md5 file */ tmp = collections_dir + collection_md5; Pandora_File::writeBinFile (tmp, server_coll_md5, 32); /*Free coll_md5*/ if (coll_md5 != NULL) { delete[] coll_md5; } /*Free server_coll_md5*/ if (server_coll_md5 != NULL) { delete[] server_coll_md5; } /*Go to next collection*/ conf->goNextCollection(); } purgeDiskCollections (); } string Pandora_Windows_Service::checkAgentName(string filename){ string name_agent = ""; string buffer; unsigned int pos; ifstream file (filename.c_str ()); while (!file.eof ()) { getline (file, buffer); /* Ignore blank or commented lines */ if (buffer[0] != '#' && buffer[0] != '\n' && buffer[0] != '\0') { /*Check agent_name*/ pos = buffer.find("agent_name"); if (pos != string::npos){ name_agent = buffer.substr(pos+11); return name_agent; } } } file.close(); return name_agent; } void Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig (string file) { int i, conf_size; char *conf_str = NULL, *remote_conf_str = NULL, *remote_conf_md5 = NULL; char agent_md5[33], conf_md5[33], flag; string agent_name, conf_tmp_file, md5_tmp_file, temp_dir, tmp; tmp = conf->getValue ("remote_config"); if (tmp != "1") { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig: Remote configuration disabled"); return; } /* Get temporal directory */ temp_dir = conf->getValue ("temporal"); if (temp_dir[temp_dir.length () - 1] != '\\') { temp_dir += "\\"; } /* Get agent name */ tmp = checkAgentName(file); if (tmp.empty ()) { tmp = Pandora_Windows_Info::getSystemName (); } agent_name = tmp; /* Error getting agent name */ if (tmp.empty ()) { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig: Error getting agent name"); return; } Pandora_File::md5 (tmp.c_str(), tmp.size(), agent_md5); /* Calculate md5 hashes */ try { conf_size = Pandora_File::readBinFile (file, &conf_str); Pandora_File::md5 (conf_str, conf_size, conf_md5); } catch (...) { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig: Error calculating configuration md5"); if (conf_str != NULL) { delete[] conf_str; } return; } /* Compose file names from the agent name hash */ conf_tmp_file = agent_md5; conf_tmp_file += ".conf"; md5_tmp_file = agent_md5; md5_tmp_file += ".md5"; /* Get md5 file from server */ try { recvDataFile (md5_tmp_file); } catch (...) { /* Not found, upload the configuration */ try { tmp = temp_dir; tmp += conf_tmp_file; Pandora_File::writeBinFile (tmp, conf_str, conf_size); copyDataFile (conf_tmp_file); Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp); tmp = temp_dir; tmp += md5_tmp_file; Pandora_File::writeBinFile (tmp, conf_md5, 32); copyDataFile (md5_tmp_file); Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp); } catch (...) { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig: Error uploading configuration to server"); } delete[] conf_str; return; } delete[] conf_str; conf_str = NULL; /* Read remote configuration file md5 */ try { tmp = temp_dir; tmp += md5_tmp_file; if (Pandora_File::readBinFile (tmp, &remote_conf_md5) < 32) { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig: Invalid remote md5", tmp.c_str()); if (remote_conf_md5 != NULL) { delete[] remote_conf_md5; } return; } Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp); } catch (...) { pandoraDebug ("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig: Error checking remote configuration md5", tmp.c_str()); return; } /* Check for configuration changes */ flag = 0; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (remote_conf_md5[i] != conf_md5[i]) { flag = 1; break; } } delete[] remote_conf_md5; /* Configuration has not changed */ if (flag == 0) { return; } pandoraLog("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig: Configuration for agent %s has changed", agent_name.c_str ()); /* Get configuration file from server */ try { recvDataFile (conf_tmp_file); tmp = temp_dir; tmp += conf_tmp_file; conf_size = Pandora_File::readBinFile (tmp, &conf_str); Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp); /* Save new configuration */ Pandora_File::writeBinFile (file, conf_str, conf_size); } catch (...) { pandoraDebug("Pandora_Windows_Service::checkConfig: Error retrieving configuration file from server"); if (conf_str != NULL) { delete[] conf_str; } return; } delete[] conf_str; /* Reload configuration */ this->pandora_init (); } int Pandora_Windows_Service::sendXml (Pandora_Module_List *modules) { int rc = 0, xml_buffer; string data_xml; string xml_filename, random_integer; string tmp_filename, tmp_filepath; string encoding; static HANDLE mutex = 0; ULARGE_INTEGER free_bytes; double min_free_bytes = 0; Pandora_Agent_Conf *conf = NULL; FILE *conf_fh = NULL; conf = this->getConf (); min_free_bytes = 1024 * atoi (conf->getValue ("temporal_min_size").c_str ()); xml_buffer = atoi (conf->getValue ("xml_buffer").c_str ()); if (mutex == 0) { mutex = CreateMutex (NULL, FALSE, NULL); } /* Wait for the mutex to be opened */ WaitForSingleObject (mutex, INFINITE); data_xml = getXmlHeader (); /* Write module data */ if (modules != NULL) { modules->goFirst (); while (! modules->isLast ()) { Pandora_Module *module; module = modules->getCurrentValue (); data_xml += module->getXml (); modules->goNext (); } } /* Close the XML header */ data_xml += ""; /* Generate temporal filename */ random_integer = inttostr (rand()); tmp_filename = conf->getValue ("agent_name"); if (tmp_filename == "") { tmp_filename = Pandora_Windows_Info::getSystemName (); } tmp_filename += "." + random_integer + ".data"; xml_filename = conf->getValue ("temporal"); if (xml_filename[xml_filename.length () - 1] != '\\') { xml_filename += "\\"; } tmp_filepath = xml_filename + tmp_filename; /* Copy the XML to temporal file */ pandoraDebug ("Copying XML on %s", tmp_filepath.c_str ()); conf_fh = fopen (tmp_filepath.c_str (), "w"); if (conf_fh == NULL) { pandoraLog ("Error when saving the XML in %s", tmp_filepath.c_str ()); ReleaseMutex (mutex); return PANDORA_EXCEPTION; } fprintf (conf_fh, "%s", data_xml.c_str ()); fclose (conf_fh); /* Only send if debug is not activated */ if (getPandoraDebug () == false) { rc = this->copyDataFile (tmp_filename); /* Delete the file if successfully copied, buffer disabled or not enough space available */ if (rc == 0 || xml_buffer == 0 || (GetDiskFreeSpaceEx (tmp_filepath.c_str (), &free_bytes, NULL, NULL) != 0 && free_bytes.QuadPart < min_free_bytes)) { Pandora_File::removeFile (tmp_filepath); } /* Send any buffered data files */ if (xml_buffer == 1) { this->sendBufferedXml (conf->getValue ("temporal")); } } ReleaseMutex (mutex); } void Pandora_Windows_Service::sendBufferedXml (string path) { string base_path = path, file_path; WIN32_FIND_DATA file_data; HANDLE find; if (base_path[base_path.length () - 1] != '\\') { base_path += "\\"; } file_path = base_path + "*.data"; /* Search for buffered data files */ find = FindFirstFile(file_path.c_str (), &file_data); if (find == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return; } /* Send data files as long as there are no errors */ if (this->copyDataFile (file_data.cFileName) != 0) { FindClose(find); return; } Pandora_File::removeFile (base_path + file_data.cFileName); while (FindNextFile(find, &file_data) != 0) { if (this->copyDataFile (file_data.cFileName) != 0) { FindClose(find); return; } Pandora_File::removeFile (base_path + file_data.cFileName); } FindClose(find); } void Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run_broker (string config) { Pandora_Agent_Conf *conf = NULL; string server_addr; int startup_delay = 0; static unsigned char delayed = 0; int exe = 1; int i; pandoraDebug ("Run begin"); conf = this->getConf (); /* Sleep if a startup delay was specified */ startup_delay = atoi (conf->getValue ("startup_delay").c_str ()) * 1000; if (startup_delay > 0 && delayed == 0) { delayed = 1; pandoraLog ("Delaying startup %d miliseconds", startup_delay); Sleep (startup_delay); } /* Check for configuration changes */ if (getPandoraDebug () == false) { this->checkConfig (config); this->checkCollections (); } server_addr = conf->getValue ("server_ip"); execution_number++; if (this->modules != NULL) { this->modules->goFirst (); while (! this->modules->isLast ()) { Pandora_Module *module; module = this->modules->getCurrentValue (); exe = module->evaluatePreconditions (); if (exe == 0) return; pandoraDebug ("Run %s", module->getName ().c_str ()); if (module->checkCron () == 1) { module->run (); Sleep(10); } /* Save module data to an environment variable */ if (!module->getSave().empty ()) { module->exportDataOutput (); } /* Evaluate module conditions */ module->evaluateConditions (); this->modules->goNext (); } } this->elapsed_transfer_time += this->interval; if (this->elapsed_transfer_time >= this->transfer_interval) { this->elapsed_transfer_time = 0; if (!server_addr.empty ()) { this->sendXml (this->modules); } } return; } void Pandora_Windows_Service::pandora_run () { Pandora_Agent_Conf *conf = NULL; string server_addr, conf_file; int startup_delay = 0; static unsigned char delayed = 0; int exe = 1; int i, num; pandoraDebug ("Run begin"); pandora_init(); conf = this->getConf (); /* Sleep if a startup delay was specified */ startup_delay = atoi (conf->getValue ("startup_delay").c_str ()) * 1000; if (startup_delay > 0 && delayed == 0) { delayed = 1; pandoraLog ("Delaying startup %d miliseconds", startup_delay); Sleep (startup_delay); } /* Check for configuration changes */ if (getPandoraDebug () == false) { conf_file = Pandora::getPandoraInstallDir (); conf_file += "pandora_agent.conf"; this->checkConfig (conf_file); this->checkCollections (); } server_addr = conf->getValue ("server_ip"); execution_number++; if (this->modules != NULL) { this->modules->goFirst (); while (! this->modules->isLast ()) { Pandora_Module *module; module = this->modules->getCurrentValue (); exe = module->evaluatePreconditions (); if (exe == 0) return; pandoraDebug ("Run %s", module->getName ().c_str ()); if (module->checkCron () == 1) { module->run (); Sleep(5); } /* Save module data to an environment variable */ if (!module->getSave().empty ()) { module->exportDataOutput (); } /* Evaluate module conditions */ module->evaluateConditions (); this->modules->goNext (); } } this->elapsed_transfer_time += this->interval; if (this->elapsed_transfer_time >= this->transfer_interval) { this->elapsed_transfer_time = 0; if (!server_addr.empty ()) { this->sendXml (this->modules); } } /* Get the interval value (in minutes) */ pandoraDebug ("Next execution on %d seconds", this->interval / 1000); num = count_broker_agents(); string all_conf[num]; check_broker_agents(all_conf); for (i=0;iconf; }