false, 'text' => ''.html_print_image( 'images/edit_columns@svg.svg', true, [ 'title' => __('Custom fields'), 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', ] ).'', 'operation' => true, ]; $buttons['view'] = [ 'active' => false, 'text' => ''.html_print_image( 'images/logs@svg.svg', true, [ 'title' => __('View'), 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', ] ).'', 'operation' => true, ]; switch ($section) { case 'fields': $buttons['fields']['active'] = true; $subpage = ' » '.__('Custom fields'); break; default: $buttons['view']['active'] = true; break; } } if (is_metaconsole() === false) { if ($section == 'fields') { include_once $config['homedir'].'/godmode/agentes/status_monitor_custom_fields.php'; exit(); } } else { $section = (string) get_parameter('sec', 'estado'); } $recursion = get_parameter_switch('recursion', false); if ($recursion === false) { $recursion = get_parameter('recursion', false); } $ag_freestring = (string) get_parameter('ag_freestring'); $moduletype = (string) get_parameter('moduletype'); $datatype = (string) get_parameter('datatype'); $ag_modulename = (string) get_parameter('ag_modulename'); $refr = (int) get_parameter('refr', 0); $offset = (int) get_parameter('offset', 0); $status = (int) get_parameter('status', 4); $modulegroup = (int) get_parameter('modulegroup', -1); $tag_filter = get_parameter('tag_filter', [0]); $min_hours_status = (string) get_parameter('min_hours_status', ''); // Sort functionality. $sortField = get_parameter('sort_field'); $sort = get_parameter('sort', 'none'); // When the previous page was a visualmap and show only one module. $id_module = (int) get_parameter('id_module', 0); $ag_custom_fields = (array) get_parameter('ag_custom_fields', []); $module_option = (int) get_parameter('module_option', 1); $not_condition = (string) get_parameter('not_condition', ''); $is_none = 'All'; if ($not_condition !== '') { $is_none = 'None'; $not_condition = 'NOT'; } // If option not_condition is enabled, the conditions of the queries are reversed. $condition_query = '='; if ($not_condition !== '') { $condition_query = '!='; } $autosearch = false; // It is validated if it receives parameters different from those it has by default. if ($ag_freestring !== '' || $moduletype !== '' || $datatype !== '' || $ag_modulename !== '' || $refr !== 0 || $offset !== 0 || $status !== 4 || $modulegroup !== -1 || (bool) array_filter($tag_filter) !== false || $sortField !== '' || $sort !== 'none' || $id_module !== 0 || $module_option !== 1 || $min_hours_status !== '' ) { $autosearch = true; } // The execution has not been done manually. $userRequest = (bool) get_parameter('uptbutton'); if ($userRequest === false) { $autosearch = true; } if (is_metaconsole() === false) { $ag_group = (int) get_parameter('ag_group', 0); } else { $ag_group = get_parameter('ag_group', 0); $ag_group_metaconsole = $ag_group; } $ag_custom_fields_params = ''; if (!empty($ag_custom_fields)) { foreach ($ag_custom_fields as $id => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $ag_custom_fields_params .= '&ag_custom_fields['.$id.']='.$value; } } } if ($id_module) { $status = -1; $ag_modulename = modules_get_agentmodule_name($id_module); $ag_freestring = modules_get_agentmodule_agent_alias($id_module); } // Get Groups and profiles from user. $user_groups = implode(',', array_keys(users_get_groups(false, 'AR', false))); // Begin Build SQL sentences. $sql_from = ' FROM tagente_modulo INNER JOIN tagente ON tagente_modulo.id_agente = tagente.id_agente LEFT JOIN tagent_secondary_group tasg ON tagente.id_agente = tasg.id_agent INNER JOIN tagente_estado ON tagente_estado.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo INNER JOIN tmodule ON tmodule.id_module = tagente_modulo.id_modulo INNER JOIN ttipo_modulo ON tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo = ttipo_modulo.id_tipo LEFT JOIN ttag_module ON tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo = ttag_module.id_agente_modulo'; $sql_conditions = ' WHERE tagente.disabled = 0'; if (is_numeric($ag_group)) { $id_ag_group = 0; } else { $id_ag_group = db_get_value('id_grupo', 'tgrupo', 'nombre', $ag_group); } $load_filter_id = (int) get_parameter('filter_id', 0); if ($load_filter_id > 0) { $user_groups_fl = users_get_groups( $config['id_user'], 'AR', users_can_manage_group_all('AR'), true ); $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT id_filter, id_name FROM tmonitor_filter WHERE id_filter = %d AND id_group_filter IN (%s)', $load_filter_id, implode(',', array_keys($user_groups_fl)) ); $loaded_filter = db_get_row_sql($sql); } if ($loaded_filter['id_filter'] > 0) { $query_filter['id_filter'] = $load_filter_id; $filter = db_get_row_filter('tmonitor_filter', $query_filter, false); if ($filter !== false) { $ag_group = $filter['ag_group']; $recursion = $filter['recursion']; $status = $filter['status']; $modulegroup = $filter['modulegroup']; $ag_modulename = $filter['ag_modulename']; $ag_freestring = $filter['ag_freestring']; $tag_filter = $filter['tag_filter']; $moduletype = $filter['moduletype']; $module_option = $filter['module_option']; $min_hours_status = $filter['min_hours_status']; $datatype = $filter['datatype']; $not_condition = $filter['not_condition']; $ag_custom_fields = $filter['ag_custom_fields']; if ($not_condition === 'false') { $not_condition = ''; } if ($not_condition !== '') { $is_none = 'None'; $not_condition = 'NOT'; } if ($not_condition !== '') { $condition_query = '!='; } if (is_array($tag_filter) === false) { $tag_filter = json_decode($tag_filter, true); } if ($tag_filter === '') { $tag_filter = [0 => 0]; } if (is_array($ag_custom_fields) === false) { $ag_custom_fields = json_decode(io_safe_output($ag_custom_fields), true); } } // Fav menu. $fav_menu = [ 'id_element' => $loaded_filter['id_filter'], 'url' => 'operation/agentes/status_monitor&pure=&load_filter=1&filter_id='.$loaded_filter['id_filter'], 'label' => $loaded_filter['id_name'], 'section' => 'Modules', ]; } if (is_metaconsole() === false) { $section = (string) get_parameter('section', 'view'); $buttons['fields'] = [ 'active' => false, 'text' => ''.html_print_image( 'images/edit_columns@svg.svg', true, [ 'title' => __('Custom fields'), 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', ] ).'', 'operation' => true, ]; $buttons['view'] = [ 'active' => false, 'text' => ''.html_print_image( 'images/logs@svg.svg', true, [ 'title' => __('View'), 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', ] ).'', 'operation' => true, ]; switch ($section) { case 'fields': $buttons['fields']['active'] = true; $subpage = ' » '.__('Custom fields'); break; default: $buttons['view']['active'] = true; break; } } // Header. ui_print_standard_header( __('Monitor detail').$subpage, 'images/agent.png', false, '', true, $buttons, [ [ 'link' => '', 'label' => __('Monitoring'), ], [ 'link' => '', 'label' => __('Views'), ], ], (empty($fav_menu) === true) ? [] : $fav_menu ); $all_groups = []; // Agent group selector. if (is_metaconsole() === false) { if ($ag_group > 0 && check_acl($config['id_user'], $ag_group, 'AR')) { if ($recursion) { $all_groups = groups_get_children_ids($ag_group, true); // User has explicit permission on group 1 ? $sql_conditions_group = sprintf( ' AND (tagente.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tasg.id_group IN (%s)) ', implode(',', $all_groups), implode(',', $all_groups) ); } else { $sql_conditions_group = sprintf( ' AND (tagente.id_grupo '.$condition_query.' %d OR tasg.id_group '.$condition_query.' %d)', $ag_group, $ag_group ); } } else if ($user_groups != '') { // User has explicit permission on group 1 ? $sql_conditions_group = ' AND ( tagente.id_grupo IN ('.$user_groups.') OR tasg.id_group IN ('.$user_groups.') )'; } } else { if (((int) $ag_group !== 0) && (check_acl($config['id_user'], $id_ag_group, 'AR'))) { if ($recursion) { $all_groups = groups_get_children_ids($ag_group, true); // User has explicit permission on group 1 ? $sql_conditions_group = sprintf( ' AND (tagente.id_grupo IN (%s) OR tasg.id_group IN (%s)) ', implode(',', $all_groups), implode(',', $all_groups) ); } else { $sql_conditions_group = sprintf( ' AND (tagente.id_grupo '.$not_condition.' IN (%s) OR tasg.id_group '.$not_condition.' IN (%s))', $ag_group, $ag_group ); } } else if ($user_groups != '') { // User has explicit permission on group 1 ? $sql_conditions_group = ' AND ( tagente.id_grupo IN ('.$user_groups.') OR tasg.id_group IN ('.$user_groups.') )'; } } // Module group. if (is_metaconsole() === true) { if ($modulegroup != '-1') { $sql_conditions .= sprintf(' AND tagente_modulo.id_module_group '.$not_condition.' IN (%s)', $modulegroup); } } else if ($modulegroup > -1) { $sql_conditions .= sprintf(' AND tagente_modulo.id_module_group '.$condition_query.' \'%d\'', $modulegroup); } // Module name selector. if ($ag_modulename != '') { $sql_conditions .= " AND tagente_modulo.nombre $not_condition LIKE '%".$ag_modulename."%'"; } if ($id_module) { $sql_conditions .= sprintf(' AND tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo = \'%d\'', $id_module); } if ($module_option !== 0) { if ($module_option == 1) { // Only enabled. $sql_conditions .= sprintf(' AND tagente_modulo.disabled '.$condition_query.' 0'); } else if ($module_option == 2) { // Only disabled. $sql_conditions .= sprintf(' AND tagente_modulo.disabled '.$condition_query.' 1'); } } if (empty($datatype) === false) { $sql_conditions .= sprintf(' AND ttipo_modulo.id_tipo '.$condition_query.' '.$datatype); } if ($moduletype != '') { $sql_conditions .= sprintf(' AND tagente_modulo.id_modulo '.$condition_query.' '.$moduletype.''); } // Freestring selector. if ($ag_freestring != '') { $sql_conditions .= ' AND (tagente.nombre '.$not_condition.' LIKE \'%%'.$ag_freestring.'%%\' OR tagente.alias '.$not_condition.' LIKE \'%%'.$ag_freestring.'%%\' OR tagente_modulo.nombre '.$not_condition.' LIKE \'%%'.$ag_freestring.'%%\' OR tagente_modulo.descripcion '.$not_condition.' LIKE \'%%'.$ag_freestring.'%%\')'; } // Status selector. if ($status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL) { // Normal. $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_estado.estado '.$condition_query.' 0 AND (utimestamp > 0 OR (tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo IN(21,22,23,100))) '; } else if ($status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD) { // Critical. $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_estado.estado '.$condition_query.' 1 AND utimestamp > 0'; } else if ($status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING) { // Warning. $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_estado.estado '.$condition_query.' 2 AND utimestamp > 0'; } else if ($status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL) { // Not normal. $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_estado.estado <> 0'; } else if ($status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN) { // Unknown. $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_estado.estado '.$condition_query.' 3 AND tagente_estado.utimestamp <> 0'; } else if ($status == AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT) { // Not init. $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_estado.utimestamp '.$condition_query.' 0 AND tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo NOT IN (21,22,23,100)'; } $min_hours_condition = '<'; if ($not_condition !== '') { $min_hours_condition = '>'; } if (!empty($min_hours_status)) { $date = new DateTime(null, new DateTimeZone($config['timezone'])); $current_timestamp = $date->getTimestamp(); $max_time = ($current_timestamp - ((int) $min_hours_status * 3600)); $sql_conditions .= sprintf(' AND tagente_estado.last_status_change '.$min_hours_condition.' %d', $max_time); } // Filter by agent custom fields. $sql_conditions_custom_fields = ''; if (!empty($ag_custom_fields)) { $cf_filter = []; foreach ($ag_custom_fields as $field_id => $value) { if (!empty($value)) { $cf_filter[] = '(tagent_custom_data.id_field '.$condition_query.' '.$field_id.' AND tagent_custom_data.description '.$not_condition.' LIKE \'%'.$value.'%\')'; } } if (!empty($cf_filter)) { $sql_conditions_custom_fields = ' AND tagente.id_agente '.$not_condition.' IN ( SELECT tagent_custom_data.id_agent FROM tagent_custom_data WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $cf_filter).')'; } } $all_tags = in_array(0, $tag_filter); // Filter by tag. if ($all_tags === false) { $sql_conditions .= ' AND tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo IN ( SELECT ttag_module.id_agente_modulo FROM ttag_module WHERE 1=1'; if ($all_tags === false) { $sql_conditions .= ' AND ttag_module.id_tag '.$not_condition.' IN ('.implode(',', $tag_filter).'))'; } } else if ($not_condition === 'NOT') { // Match nothing if not condition has been selected along with all tags selected (none). $sql_conditions .= ' AND 0=0'; } // Apply the module ACL with tags. $sql_conditions_tags = ''; if (!users_is_admin()) { $sql_conditions_tags = tags_get_acl_tags( $config['id_user'], ($recursion) ? array_flip($all_groups) : $ag_group, 'AR', 'module_condition', 'AND', 'tagente_modulo', true, [], false ); if (is_numeric($sql_conditions_tags)) { $sql_conditions_tags = ' AND 1 = 0'; } } // Two modes of filter. All the filters and only ACLs filter. $sql_conditions_all = $sql_conditions.$sql_conditions_group.$sql_conditions_tags.$sql_conditions_custom_fields; // Get count to paginate. if (!defined('METACONSOLE')) { $count = db_get_sql('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo)'.$sql_from.$sql_conditions_all); } // Get limit_sql depend of the metaconsole or standard mode. if (is_metaconsole() === true) { // Offset will be used to get the subset of modules. $inferior_limit = $offset; $superior_limit = ($config['block_size'] + $offset); // Offset reset to get all elements. $offset = 0; if (!isset($config['meta_num_elements'])) { $config['meta_num_elements'] = 100; } $limit_sql = $config['meta_num_elements']; } else { $limit_sql = $config['block_size']; } $fields = []; $fields[AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL] = __('Normal'); $fields[AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING] = __('Warning'); $fields[AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD] = __('Critical'); $fields[AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN] = __('Unknown'); $fields[AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_NORMAL] = __('Not normal'); // Default. $fields[AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NOT_INIT] = __('Not init'); $rows_select = []; $rows_select[0] = __('Not assigned'); if (is_metaconsole() === false) { $rows = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT * FROM tmodule_group ORDER BY name' ); $rows = io_safe_output($rows); if (empty($rows) === false) { foreach ($rows as $module_group) { $rows_select[$module_group['id_mg']] = $module_group['name']; } } } else { $rows_select = modules_get_modulegroups(); } $tags = []; $tags = tags_get_user_tags(); if (empty($tags) === true) { $tagsElement = __('No tags'); } else { $tagsElement = html_print_select( $tags, 'tag_filter[]', $tag_filter, '', __('All'), 0, true, true, true, '', false, 'width: 100%;' ); $tagsElement .= ui_print_input_placeholder( __('Only it is show tags in use.'), true ); } $network_available = db_get_sql( 'SELECT count(*) FROM tserver WHERE server_type = 1' ); // POSTGRESQL AND ORACLE COMPATIBLE. $wmi_available = db_get_sql( 'SELECT count(*) FROM tserver WHERE server_type = 6' ); // POSTGRESQL AND ORACLE COMPATIBLE. $plugin_available = db_get_sql( 'SELECT count(*) FROM tserver WHERE server_type = 4' ); // POSTGRESQL AND ORACLE COMPATIBLE. $prediction_available = db_get_sql( 'SELECT count(*) FROM tserver WHERE server_type = 5' ); // POSTGRESQL AND ORACLE COMPATIBLE. $wux_available = db_get_sql( 'SELECT count(*) FROM tserver WHERE server_type = 17' ); // POSTGRESQL AND ORACLE COMPATIBLE. // Development mode to use all servers. if ($develop_bypass) { $network_available = 1; $wmi_available = 1; $plugin_available = 1; $prediction_available = 1; } $typemodules = []; $typemodules[1] = __('Data server module'); if ($network_available || is_metaconsole() === true) { $typemodules[2] = __('Network server module'); } if ($plugin_available || is_metaconsole() === true) { $typemodules[4] = __('Plugin server module'); } if ($wmi_available || is_metaconsole() === true) { $typemodules[6] = __('WMI server module'); } if ($prediction_available || is_metaconsole() === true) { $typemodules[5] = __('Prediction server module'); } if (enterprise_installed()) { $typemodules[7] = __('Web server module'); if ($wux_available || is_metaconsole() === true) { $typemodules[8] = __('Wux server module'); } } $monitor_options = [ 0 => __('All'), 1 => __('Only enabled'), 2 => __('Only disabled'), ]; $min_hours_val = empty($min_hours_status) ? '' : (int) $min_hours_status; switch ($moduletype) { case 1: $sqlModuleType = sprintf( 'SELECT id_tipo, descripcion FROM ttipo_modulo WHERE categoria '.$not_condition.' IN (6,7,8,0,1,2,-1) order by descripcion ' ); break; case 2: $sqlModuleType = sprintf( 'SELECT id_tipo, descripcion FROM ttipo_modulo WHERE categoria '.$not_condition.' between 3 and 5 ' ); break; case 4: $sqlModuleType = sprintf( 'SELECT id_tipo, descripcion FROM ttipo_modulo WHERE categoria '.$not_condition.' between 0 and 2 ' ); break; case 6: $sqlModuleType = sprintf( 'SELECT id_tipo, descripcion FROM ttipo_modulo WHERE categoria '.$not_condition.' between 0 and 2 ' ); break; case 7: $sqlModuleType = sprintf( 'SELECT id_tipo, descripcion FROM ttipo_modulo WHERE categoria '.$condition_query.' 9' ); break; case 5: $sqlModuleType = sprintf( 'SELECT id_tipo, descripcion FROM ttipo_modulo WHERE categoria '.$condition_query.' 0' ); break; case 8: $sqlModuleType = sprintf( 'SELECT id_tipo, descripcion FROM ttipo_modulo WHERE nombre '.$condition_query.' \'web_analysis\'' ); break; case '': default: $sqlModuleType = sprintf( 'SELECT id_tipo, descripcion FROM ttipo_modulo' ); break; } if ($not_condition !== '') { $check_not_condition = true; } else { $check_not_condition = ''; } $custom_fields = db_get_all_fields_in_table('tagent_custom_fields'); if ($custom_fields === false) { $custom_fields = []; } $div_custom_fields = '
'; foreach ($custom_fields as $custom_field) { $custom_field_value = ''; if (empty($ag_custom_fields) === false) { $custom_field_value = $ag_custom_fields[$custom_field['id_field']]; if (empty($custom_field_value) === true) { $custom_field_value = ''; } } $div_custom_fields .= '
'; $div_custom_fields .= '
'; $div_custom_fields .= ''.$custom_field['name'].''; $div_custom_fields .= '
'; $div_custom_fields .= '
'; $div_custom_fields .= html_print_input_text( 'ag_custom_fields['.$custom_field['id_field'].']', $custom_field_value, '', 0, 300, true, false, false, '', 'div-input' ); $div_custom_fields .= '
'; $div_custom_fields .= '
'; } $div_custom_fields .= '
'; // End Build SQL sentences. // // Start Build Search Form. // $table = new stdClass(); $tableFilter = new StdClass(); $tableFilter->width = '100%'; $tableFilter->size = []; $tableFilter->size[0] = '33%'; $tableFilter->size[1] = '33%'; $tableFilter->size[2] = '33%'; $tableFilter->id = 'main_status_monitor_filter'; $tableFilter->class = 'filter-table-adv'; // Captions for first line. $tableFilter->data['first_line'][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Group'), html_print_select_groups( $config['id_user'], 'AR', true, 'ag_group', $ag_group, '', '', '0', true, false, false, '', false, '', false, false, 'id_grupo', false, false, false, false, false, false, $not_condition ) ); $tableFilter->data['first_line'][0] .= html_print_label_input_block( __('Recursion'), html_print_checkbox_switch( 'recursion', 1, ($recursion === true || $recursion === 'true' || $recursion === '1') ? 'checked' : false, true ), [ 'div_class' => 'add-input-reverse', 'label_class' => 'label-thin', ] ); $tableFilter->data['first_line'][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Module group'), html_print_select( $rows_select, 'modulegroup', $modulegroup, '', __($is_none), -1, true, false, true, '', false, 'width: 100%;' ) ); $tableFilter->rowspan['first_line'][2] = 3; $tableFilter->data['first_line'][2] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Tags'), $tagsElement ); // Inputs for second line. $tableFilter->data['second_line'][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Monitor status'), html_print_select( $fields, 'status', $status, '', __($is_none), -1, true, false, true, '', false, 'width: 100%' ) ); $tableFilter->data['second_line'][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Module name'), html_print_autocomplete_modules( 'ag_modulename', $ag_modulename, false, true, '', [], true, 0, '30', true ) ); $tableFilter->data['third_line'][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Search'), html_print_input_text( 'ag_freestring', $ag_freestring, '', 40, 30, true ) ); // Advanced filter. $tableAdvancedFilter = new StdClass(); $tableAdvancedFilter->width = '100%'; $tableAdvancedFilter->class = 'filters'; $tableAdvancedFilter->size = []; $tableAdvancedFilter->size[0] = '33%'; $tableAdvancedFilter->size[1] = '33%'; $tableAdvancedFilter->size[2] = '33%'; $tableAdvancedFilter->data['advancedField_1'][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Server type'), html_print_select( $typemodules, 'moduletype', $moduletype, '', __($is_none), '', true, false, true, '', false, 'width: 100%;' ) ); $tableAdvancedFilter->data['advancedField_1'][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Show monitors...'), html_print_select( $monitor_options, 'module_option', $module_option, '', '', '', true, false, true, '', false, 'width: 100%;' ) ); $tableAdvancedFilter->data['advancedField_1'][2] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Min. hours in current status'), html_print_input_text('min_hours_status', $min_hours_val, '', 12, 20, true) ); $tableAdvancedFilter->data['advancedField_2'][0] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Data type'), html_print_select_from_sql($sqlModuleType, 'datatype', $datatype, '', __('All'), 0, true) ); $tableAdvancedFilter->data['advancedField_2'][1] = html_print_label_input_block( __('Not condition'), html_print_div( [ 'class' => 'mrgn_5px mrgn_lft_0px mrgn_right_0px flex wrap', 'content' => html_print_input( [ 'type' => 'switch', 'name' => 'not_condition', 'return' => false, 'checked' => ($check_not_condition === true || $check_not_condition === 'true' || $check_not_condition === '1') ? 'checked' : false, 'value' => 'NOT', 'id' => 'not_condition_switch', 'onclick' => 'changeNotConditionStatus(this)', ] ).ui_print_input_placeholder( __('If you check this option, those elements that do NOT meet any of the requirements will be shown'), true ), ], true ) ); $tableAdvancedFilter->colspan[2][0] = 3; $tableAdvancedFilter->data[2][0] = ui_toggle( $div_custom_fields, __('Agent custom fields'), '', '', true, true, '', 'white-box-content' ); $tableFilter->colspan[3][0] = 3; $tableFilter->data[3][0] = ui_toggle( html_print_table( $tableAdvancedFilter, true ), ''.__('Advanced options').'', '', '', true, true, '', 'white-box-content' ); $filters = '
'; $filters .= html_print_table($tableFilter, true); $buttons = html_print_submit_button( __('Filter'), 'uptbutton', false, [ 'icon' => 'search', 'mode' => 'mini', ], true ); $buttons .= html_print_button( __('Load filter'), 'load-filter', false, '', [ 'icon' => 'wand', 'mode' => 'mini secondary', 'class' => 'float-left margin-right-2 sub config', ], true ); $buttons .= html_print_button( __('Manage filter'), 'save-filter', false, '', [ 'icon' => 'wand', 'mode' => 'mini secondary', 'class' => 'float-left margin-right-2 sub wand', ], true ); $filters .= html_print_div( [ 'class' => 'action-buttons', 'content' => $buttons, ], true ); $filters .= '
'; ui_toggle( $filters, ''.__('Filters').'', 'filter_form', '', true, false, '', 'white-box-content', 'box-flat white_table_graph fixed_filter_bar' ); unset($table); // End Build Search Form. // // Sort functionality. $selected = true; $selectAgentNameUp = false; $selectAgentNameDown = false; $selectDataTypeUp = false; $selectDataTypeDown = false; $selectTypeUp = false; $selectTypeDown = false; $selectModuleNameUp = false; $selectModuleNameDown = false; $selectIntervalUp = false; $selectIntervalDown = false; $selectStatusUp = false; $selectStatusDown = false; $selectStatusChangeUp = false; $selectStatusChangeDown = false; $selectDataUp = false; $selectDataDown = false; $selectTimestampUp = false; $selectTimestampDown = false; $order = null; switch ($sortField) { case 'agent_alias': $fieldForSorting = 'agent_alias'; switch ($sort) { case 'up': $selectAgentNameUp = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente.alias', 'order' => 'ASC', ]; break; case 'down': $selectAgentNameDown = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente.alias', 'order' => 'DESC', ]; break; } break; case 'type': $fieldForSorting = 'module_type'; switch ($sort) { case 'up': $selectDataTypeUp = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo', 'order' => 'ASC', ]; break; case 'down': $selectDataTypeDown = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo', 'order' => 'DESC', ]; break; } break; case 'moduletype': $fieldForSorting = 'module_type'; switch ($sort) { case 'up': $selectTypeUp = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_modulo.id_modulo', 'order' => 'ASC', ]; break; case 'down': $selectTypeDown = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_modulo.id_modulo', 'order' => 'DESC', ]; break; } break; case 'module_name': $fieldForSorting = 'module_name'; switch ($sort) { case 'up': $selectModuleNameUp = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_modulo.nombre', 'order' => 'ASC', ]; break; case 'down': $selectModuleNameDown = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_modulo.nombre', 'order' => 'DESC', ]; break; } break; case 'interval': $fieldForSorting = 'module_interval'; switch ($sort) { case 'up': $selectIntervalUp = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_modulo.module_interval', 'order' => 'ASC', ]; break; case 'down': $selectIntervalDown = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_modulo.module_interval', 'order' => 'DESC', ]; break; } break; case 'status': $fieldForSorting = 'estado'; switch ($sort) { case 'up': $selectStatusUp = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_estado.estado', 'order' => 'ASC', ]; break; case 'down': $selectStatusDown = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_estado.estado', 'order' => 'DESC', ]; break; } break; case 'last_status_change': $fieldForSorting = 'last_status_change'; switch ($sort) { case 'up': $selectStatusChangeUp = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_estado.last_status_change', 'order' => 'ASC', ]; break; case 'down': $selectStatusChangeDown = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_estado.last_status_change', 'order' => 'DESC', ]; break; } break; case 'timestamp': $fieldForSorting = 'utimestamp'; switch ($sort) { case 'up': $selectTimestampUp = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_estado.utimestamp', 'order' => 'ASC', ]; break; case 'down': $selectTimestampDown = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_estado.utimestamp', 'order' => 'DESC', ]; break; } break; case 'data': $fieldForSorting = 'datos'; switch ($sort) { case 'up': $selectDataUp = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_estado.datos', 'order' => 'ASC', ]; break; case 'down': $selectDataDown = $selected; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente_estado.datos', 'order' => 'DESC', ]; break; } break; default: $fieldForSorting = 'agent_alias'; $selectAgentNameUp = $selected; $selectAgentNameDown = false; $selectDataTypeUp = false; $selectDataTypeDown = false; $selectTypeUp = false; $selectTypeDown = false; $selectModuleNameUp = false; $selectModuleNameDown = false; $selectIntervalUp = false; $selectIntervalDown = false; $selectStatusUp = false; $selectStatusDown = false; $selectStatusChangeUp = false; $selectStatusChangeDown = false; $selectDataUp = false; $selectDataDown = false; $selectTimestampUp = false; $selectTimestampDown = false; $order = [ 'field' => 'tagente.alias', 'order' => 'ASC', ]; break; } $sql = 'SELECT (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ttag.name SEPARATOR \',\') FROM ttag WHERE ttag.id_tag IN ( SELECT ttag_module.id_tag FROM ttag_module WHERE ttag_module.id_agente_modulo = tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo ) ) AS tags, tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo, tagente_modulo.id_modulo, tagente.intervalo AS agent_interval, tagente.alias AS agent_alias, tagente.nombre AS agent_name, tagente_modulo.nombre AS module_name, tagente_modulo.history_data, tagente_modulo.flag AS flag, tagente.id_grupo AS id_group, tagente.id_agente AS id_agent, tagente_modulo.id_tipo_modulo AS module_type, tagente_modulo.module_interval, tagente_modulo.tcp_send, tagente_modulo.ip_target, tagente_modulo.snmp_community, tagente_modulo.snmp_oid, tagente_estado.datos, tagente_estado.estado, tagente_estado.last_status_change, tagente_modulo.min_warning, tagente_modulo.max_warning, tagente_modulo.str_warning, tagente_modulo.unit, tagente_modulo.min_critical, tagente_modulo.max_critical, tagente_modulo.str_critical, tagente_modulo.extended_info, tagente_modulo.critical_inverse, tagente_modulo.warning_inverse, tagente_modulo.critical_instructions, tagente_modulo.warning_instructions, tagente_modulo.unknown_instructions, tagente_estado.utimestamp AS utimestamp'.$sql_from.$sql_conditions_all.' GROUP BY tagente_modulo.id_agente_modulo ORDER BY '.$order['field'].' '.$order['order'].' LIMIT '.$offset.','.$limit_sql; // We do not show the modules until the user searches with the filter. if ($autosearch) { if (is_metaconsole() === false) { $result = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($result === false) { $result = []; } else { $tablePagination = ui_pagination($count, false, $offset, 0, true, 'offset', false); } } else { // For each server defined and not disabled. $servers = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT * FROM tmetaconsole_setup WHERE disabled = 0' ); if ($servers === false) { $servers = []; } $result = []; $count_modules = 0; foreach ($servers as $server) { // If connection was good then retrieve all data server. if (metaconsole_connect($server) === NOERR) { $connection = true; } else { $connection = false; } $result_server = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if (empty($result_server) === false) { // Create HASH login info. $pwd = $server['auth_token']; $auth_serialized = json_decode($pwd, true); if (is_array($auth_serialized)) { $pwd = $auth_serialized['auth_token']; $api_password = $auth_serialized['api_password']; $console_user = $auth_serialized['console_user']; $console_password = $auth_serialized['console_password']; } $user = $config['id_user']; $user_rot13 = str_rot13($config['id_user']); $hashdata = $user.$pwd; $hashdata = md5($hashdata); $url_hash = '&'.'loginhash=auto&'.'loginhash_data='.$hashdata.'&'.'loginhash_user='.$user_rot13; foreach ($result_server as $result_element_key => $result_element_value) { $result_server[$result_element_key]['server_id'] = $server['id']; $result_server[$result_element_key]['server_name'] = $server['server_name']; $result_server[$result_element_key]['server_url'] = $server['server_url'].'/'; $result_server[$result_element_key]['hashdata'] = $hashdata; $result_server[$result_element_key]['user'] = $config['id_user']; $result_server[$result_element_key]['groups_in_server'] = agents_get_all_groups_agent( $result_element_value['id_agent'], $result_element_value['id_group'] ); $count_modules++; } $result = array_merge($result, $result_server); } usort($result, arrayOutputSorting($sort, $fieldForSorting)); metaconsole_restore_db(); } if ($count_modules > $config['block_size']) { $tablePagination = ui_pagination($count_modules, false, $offset, 0, true, 'offset', false); } // Get number of elements of the pagination. $result = ui_meta_get_subset_array($result, $inferior_limit, $superior_limit); } } // Urls to sort the table. $url_agent_name = 'index.php?sec='.$section.'&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor'; $url_type = 'index.php?sec='.$section.'&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor'; $url_module_name = 'index.php?sec='.$section.'&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor'; $url_server_type = 'index.php?sec='.$section.'&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor'; $url_interval = 'index.php?sec='.$section.'&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor'; $url_status = 'index.php?sec='.$section.'&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor'; $url_status_change = 'index.php?sec='.$section.'&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor'; $url_data = 'index.php?sec='.$section.'&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor'; $url_timestamp_up = 'index.php?sec='.$section.'&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor'; $url_timestamp_down = 'index.php?sec='.$section.'&sec2=operation/agentes/status_monitor'; $url_agent_name .= '&refr='.$refr.'&datatype='.$datatype.'&moduletype='.$moduletype.'&modulegroup='.$modulegroup.'&offset='.$offset.'&ag_group='.$ag_group.'&ag_freestring='.$ag_freestring.'&ag_modulename='.$ag_modulename.'&status='.$status.$ag_custom_fields_params; $url_type .= '&datatype='.$datatype.'&moduletype='.$moduletype.'&refr='.$refr.'&modulegroup='.$modulegroup.'&offset='.$offset.'&ag_group='.$ag_group.'&ag_freestring='.$ag_freestring.'&ag_modulename='.$ag_modulename.'&status='.$status.$ag_custom_fields_params; $url_module_name .= '&datatype='.$datatype.'&moduletype='.$moduletype.'&refr='.$refr.'&modulegroup='.$modulegroup.'&offset='.$offset.'&ag_group='.$ag_group.'&ag_freestring='.$ag_freestring.'&ag_modulename='.$ag_modulename.'&status='.$status.$ag_custom_fields_params; $url_server_type .= '&datatype='.$datatype.'&moduletype='.$moduletype.'&refr='.$refr.'&modulegroup='.$modulegroup.'&offset='.$offset.'&ag_group='.$ag_group.'&ag_freestring='.$ag_freestring.'&ag_modulename='.$ag_modulename.'&status='.$status.$ag_custom_fields_params; $url_interval .= '&datatype='.$datatype.'&moduletype='.$moduletype.'&refr='.$refr.'&modulegroup='.$modulegroup.'&offset='.$offset.'&ag_group='.$ag_group.'&ag_freestring='.$ag_freestring.'&ag_modulename='.$ag_modulename.'&status='.$status.$ag_custom_fields_params; $url_status .= '&datatype='.$datatype.'&moduletype='.$moduletype.'&refr='.$refr.'&modulegroup='.$modulegroup.'&offset='.$offset.'&ag_group='.$ag_group.'&ag_freestring='.$ag_freestring.'&ag_modulename='.$ag_modulename.'&status='.$status.$ag_custom_fields_params; $url_status_change .= '&datatype='.$datatype.'&moduletype='.$moduletype.'&refr='.$refr.'&modulegroup='.$modulegroup.'&offset='.$offset.'&ag_group='.$ag_group.'&ag_freestring='.$ag_freestring.'&ag_modulename='.$ag_modulename.'&status='.$status.$ag_custom_fields_params; $url_data .= '&datatype='.$datatype.'&moduletype='.$moduletype.'&refr='.$refr.'&modulegroup='.$modulegroup.'&offset='.$offset.'&ag_group='.$ag_group.'&ag_freestring='.$ag_freestring.'&ag_modulename='.$ag_modulename.'&status='.$status.$ag_custom_fields_params; $url_timestamp_up .= '&datatype='.$datatype.'&moduletype='.$moduletype.'&refr='.$refr.'&offset='.$offset.'&ag_group='.$ag_group.'&ag_freestring='.$ag_freestring.'&ag_modulename='.$ag_modulename.'&status='.$status.$ag_custom_fields_params; $url_timestamp_down .= '&datatype='.$datatype.'&moduletype='.$moduletype.'&refr='.$refr.'&modulegroup='.$modulegroup.'&offset='.$offset.'&ag_group='.$ag_group.'&ag_freestring='.$ag_freestring.'&ag_modulename='.$ag_modulename.'&status='.$status.$ag_custom_fields_params; // Holy god... $url_agent_name .= '&recursion='.$recursion; $url_type .= '&recursion='.$recursion; $url_module_name .= '&recursion='.$recursion; $url_server_type .= '&recursion='.$recursion; $url_interval .= '&recursion='.$recursion; $url_status .= '&recursion='.$recursion; $url_status_change .= '&recursion='.$recursion; $url_data .= '&recursion='.$recursion; $url_timestamp_up .= '&recursion='.$recursion; $url_timestamp_down .= '&recursion='.$recursion; $url_agent_name .= '&sort_field=agent_alias&sort='; $url_type .= '&sort_field=type&sort='; $url_module_name .= '&sort_field=module_name&sort='; $url_server_type .= '&sort_field=moduletype&sort='; $url_interval .= '&sort_field=interval&sort='; $url_status .= '&sort_field=status&sort='; $url_status_change .= '&sort_field=last_status_change&sort='; $url_data .= '&sort_field=data&sort='; $url_timestamp_up .= '&sort_field=timestamp&sort=up'; $url_timestamp_down .= '&sort_field=timestamp&sort=down'; // Start Build List Result. if (empty($result) === false) { if (is_metaconsole() === true) { html_print_action_buttons( '', [ 'type' => 'form_action', 'right_content' => $tablePagination, ] ); } $table = new StdClass(); $table->cellpadding = 0; $table->cellspacing = 0; $table->styleTable = 'margin: 0 10px; width: -webkit-fill-available; width: -moz-available'; $table->class = 'info_table tactical_table'; $table->id = 'monitors_view'; $table->head = []; $table->data = []; $table->size = []; $table->align = []; $show_fields = explode(',', $config['status_monitor_fields']); if (in_array('policy', $show_fields)) { if ($isFunctionPolicies !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { $table->head[0] = ''.__('P.').''; } } if (in_array('agent', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $table->head[1] = ''.__('Agent').''; $table->head[1] .= ui_get_sorting_arrows($url_agent_name.'up', $url_agent_name.'down', $selectAgentNameUp, $selectAgentNameDown); } if (in_array('data_type', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $table->head[2] = ''.__('Data Type').''; $table->head[2] .= ui_get_sorting_arrows($url_type.'up', $url_type.'down', $selectDataTypeUp, $selectDataTypeDown); $table->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: center'; $table->align[2] = 'center'; } if (in_array('module_name', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $table->head[3] = ''.__('Module name').''; $table->head[3] .= ui_get_sorting_arrows($url_module_name.'up', $url_module_name.'down', $selectModuleNameUp, $selectModuleNameDown); } if (in_array('server_type', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $table->head[4] = ''.__('Server type').''; $table->head[4] .= ui_get_sorting_arrows($url_server_type.'up', $url_server_type.'down', $selectTypeUp, $selectTypeDown); $table->headstyle[4] = 'text-align: center'; $table->align[4] = 'center'; } if (in_array('interval', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $table->head[5] = ''.__('Interval').''; $table->head[5] .= ui_get_sorting_arrows($url_interval.'up', $url_interval.'down', $selectIntervalUp, $selectIntervalDown); $table->align[5] = 'left'; } if (in_array('status', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $table->head[6] = ''.__('Status').''; $table->head[6] .= ui_get_sorting_arrows($url_status.'up', $url_status.'down', $selectStatusUp, $selectStatusDown); $table->align[6] = 'left'; } if (in_array('last_status_change', $show_fields)) { $table->head[7] = ''.__('Last status change').''; $table->head[7] .= ui_get_sorting_arrows($url_status_change.'up', $url_status_change.'down', $selectStatusChangeUp, $selectStatusChangeDown); $table->headstyle[7] = 'text-align: center'; $table->align[7] = 'center'; } if (in_array('graph', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $table->head[8] = ''.__('Graph').''; $table->headstyle[8] = 'text-align: center'; $table->align[8] = 'center'; } if (in_array('warn', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $table->head[9] = ''.__('W/C').''; $table->align[9] = 'left'; } if (in_array('data', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $table->head[10] = ''.__('Data').''; $table->align[10] = 'left'; if (is_metaconsole()) { $table->head[10] .= ui_get_sorting_arrows($url_data.'up', $url_data.'down', $selectDataUp, $selectDataDown); } } if (in_array('timestamp', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $table->head[11] = ''.__('Timestamp').''; $table->head[11] .= ui_get_sorting_arrows($url_timestamp_up, $url_timestamp_down, $selectTimestampUp, $selectTimestampDown); $table->align[11] = 'left'; } if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'AR')) { $actions_list = true; $table->head[12] = __('Actions'); $table->align[12] = 'left'; } $id_type_web_content_string = db_get_value( 'id_tipo', 'ttipo_modulo', 'nombre', 'web_content_string' ); $inc_id = 0; foreach ($result as $row) { // Avoid unset, null and false value. if (empty($row['server_name']) === true) { $row['server_name'] = ''; } $is_web_content_string = (bool) db_get_value_filter( 'id_agente_modulo', 'tagente_modulo', [ 'id_agente_modulo' => $row['id_agente_modulo'], 'id_tipo_modulo' => $id_type_web_content_string, ] ); // Fixed the goliat sends the strings from web. // Without HTML entities. if ($is_web_content_string) { $row['datos'] = io_safe_input($row['datos']); } // Fixed the data from Selenium Plugin. if ($row['datos'] != strip_tags($row['datos'])) { $row['datos'] = io_safe_input($row['datos']); } $data = []; if (in_array('policy', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { if ($isFunctionPolicies !== ENTERPRISE_NOT_HOOK) { if (is_metaconsole()) { $node = metaconsole_get_connection_by_id($row['server_id']); if (metaconsole_load_external_db($node) !== NOERR) { // Restore the default connection. metaconsole_restore_db(); $errors++; break; } } $policyInfo = policies_info_module_policy($row['id_agente_modulo']); if ($policyInfo === false) { $data[0] = ''; } else { $linked = policies_is_module_linked($row['id_agente_modulo']); $adopt = false; if (policies_is_module_adopt($row['id_agente_modulo'])) { $adopt = true; } if ($linked) { if ($adopt) { $img = 'images/policies_brick.png'; $title = __('(Adopt) ').$policyInfo['name_policy']; } else { $img = 'images/policies_mc.png'; $title = $policyInfo['name_policy']; } } else { if ($adopt) { $img = 'images/policies_not_brick.png'; $title = __('(Unlinked) (Adopt) ').$policyInfo['name_policy']; } else { $img = 'images/unlinkpolicy.png'; $title = __('(Unlinked) ').$policyInfo['name_policy']; } } if (is_metaconsole()) { $data[0] = ''.html_print_image($img, true, ['title' => $title]).''; } else { $data[0] = ''.html_print_image($img, true, ['title' => $title]).''; } } if (is_metaconsole()) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } } } if (in_array('agent', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $agent_alias = !empty($row['agent_alias']) ? $row['agent_alias'] : $row['agent_name']; // TODO: Calculate hash access before to use it more simply like other sections. I.E. Events view if (is_metaconsole() === true) { echo "
"; html_print_input_hidden( 'loginhash', 'auto', false ); html_print_input_hidden( 'loginhash_data', $row['hashdata'], false ); html_print_input_hidden( 'loginhash_user', str_rot13($row['user']), false ); echo '
'; $agent_link = ""; $agent_alias = ui_print_truncate_text( $agent_alias, 'agent_small', false, true, true, '[…]', 'font-size:7.5pt;' ); if (can_user_access_node()) { $data[1] = $agent_link.''.$agent_alias.''; } else { $data[1] = $agent_alias; } } else { $data[1] = ''; $data[1] .= ui_print_truncate_text($agent_alias, 'agent_medium', false, true, false, '[…]', 'font-size:7.5pt;'); $data[1] .= ''; } } if (in_array('data_type', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $data[2] = html_print_image('images/'.modules_show_icon_type($row['module_type']), true, ['class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon']); $agent_groups = is_metaconsole() ? $row['groups_in_server'] : agents_get_all_groups_agent($row['id_agent'], $row['id_group']); if (check_acl_one_of_groups($config['id_user'], $agent_groups, 'AW')) { $show_edit_icon = true; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { if (!can_user_access_node()) { $show_edit_icon = false; } $url_edit_module = $row['server_url'].'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&id_agente='.$row['id_agent'].'&'.'tab=module&'.'id_agent_module='.$row['id_agente_modulo'].'&'.'edit_module=1'.'&loginhash=auto&loginhash_data='.$row['hashdata'].'&loginhash_user='.str_rot13($row['user']); } else { $url_edit_module = 'index.php?'.'sec=gagente&'.'sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&'.'id_agente='.$row['id_agent'].'&'.'tab=module&'.'id_agent_module='.$row['id_agente_modulo'].'&'.'edit_module=1'; } } } if (in_array('module_name', $show_fields) === true || is_metaconsole() === true) { $data[3] = html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => ($url_edit_module ?? '#'), 'content' => ui_print_truncate_text($row['module_name'], 'module_small', false, true, true), ], true ); if (empty($row['extended_info']) === false) { $data[3] .= ui_print_help_tip($row['extended_info'], true, '/images/default_list.png'); } if (empty($row['tags']) === false) { $data[3] .= html_print_image( '/images/tag@svg.svg', true, [ 'title' => $row['tags'], 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', ] ); } } if (in_array('server_type', $show_fields) === true || is_metaconsole() === true) { $data[4] = ui_print_servertype_icon((int) $row['id_modulo']); } if (in_array('interval', $show_fields) === true || is_metaconsole() === true) { $data[5] = ((int) $row['module_interval'] === 0) ? human_time_description_raw($row['agent_interval']) : human_time_description_raw($row['module_interval']); } if (in_array('status', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $data[6] = '
'; if ($row['utimestamp'] === 0 && (($row['module_type'] < 21 || $row['module_type'] > 23) && $row['module_type'] != 100) ) { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_NO_DATA, __('NOT INIT'), true ); } else if ($row['estado'] == 0) { if (is_numeric($row['datos'])) { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_OK, __('NORMAL').': '.remove_right_zeros(number_format($row['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'])), true ); } else { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_OK, __('NORMAL').': '.htmlspecialchars($row['datos']), true ); } } else if ($row['estado'] == 1) { if (is_numeric($row['datos'])) { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_CRITICAL, __('CRITICAL').': '.remove_right_zeros( number_format( $row['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'] ) ), true ); } else { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_CRITICAL, __('CRITICAL').': '.htmlspecialchars($row['datos']), true ); } } else if ($row['estado'] == 2) { if (is_numeric($row['datos'])) { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_WARNING, __('WARNING').': '.remove_right_zeros( number_format( $row['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'] ) ), true ); } else { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_WARNING, __('WARNING').': '.htmlspecialchars($row['datos']), true ); } } else if ($row['estado'] == 3) { if (is_numeric($row['datos'])) { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').': '.remove_right_zeros( number_format( $row['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'] ) ), true ); } else { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').': '.htmlspecialchars($row['datos']), true ); } } else if ($row['estado'] == 4) { if (is_numeric($row['datos'])) { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_NO_DATA, __('NO DATA').': '.remove_right_zeros( number_format( $row['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'] ) ), true ); } else { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_NO_DATA, __('NO DATA').': '.htmlspecialchars($row['datos']), true ); } } else { $last_status = modules_get_agentmodule_last_status( $row['id_agente_modulo'] ); switch ($last_status) { case 0: if (is_numeric($row['datos'])) { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').' - '.__('Last status').' '.__('NORMAL').': '.remove_right_zeros(number_format($row['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'])), true ); } else { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').' - '.__('Last status').' '.__('NORMAL').': '.htmlspecialchars($row['datos']), true ); } break; case 1: if (is_numeric($row['datos'])) { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').' - '.__('Last status').' '.__('CRITICAL').': '.remove_right_zeros(number_format($row['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'])), true ); } else { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').' - '.__('Last status').' '.__('CRITICAL').': '.htmlspecialchars($row['datos']), true ); } break; case 2: if (is_numeric($row['datos'])) { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').' - '.__('Last status').' '.__('WARNING').': '.remove_right_zeros(number_format($row['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'])), true ); } else { $data[6] .= ui_print_status_image( STATUS_MODULE_UNKNOWN, __('UNKNOWN').' - '.__('Last status').' '.__('WARNING').': '.htmlspecialchars($row['datos']), true ); } break; } } $data[6] .= '
'; } if (in_array('last_status_change', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $data[7] = ($row['last_status_change'] > 0) ? human_time_comparation($row['last_status_change']) : __('N/A'); } if (in_array('graph', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $data[8] = ''; $acl_graphs = false; // Avoid the check on the metaconsole. Too slow to show/hide an icon depending on the permissions. if (!is_metaconsole()) { $agent_groups = agents_get_all_groups_agent($row['id_agent'], $row['id_group']); $acl_graphs = check_acl_one_of_groups($config['id_user'], $agent_groups, 'RR'); } else { $acl_graphs = true; } if ($row['history_data'] == 1 && $acl_graphs) { $tresholds = true; if (empty((float) $module['min_warning']) === true && empty((float) $module['max_warning']) === true && empty($module['warning_inverse']) === true && empty((float) $module['min_critical']) === true && empty((float) $module['max_critical']) === true && empty($module['critical_inverse']) === true ) { $tresholds = false; } $graph_type = return_graphtype($row['module_type']); $url = ui_get_full_url('operation/agentes/stat_win.php', false, false, false); $handle = dechex(crc32($row['id_agente_modulo'].$row['module_name'])); $win_handle = 'day_'.$handle; $graph_params = [ 'type' => $graph_type, 'period' => SECONDS_1DAY, 'id' => $row['id_agente_modulo'], 'refresh' => SECONDS_10MINUTES, ]; if ($tresholds === true || $graph_type === 'boolean') { $graph_params['histogram'] = 1; } if (is_metaconsole() === true && isset($row['server_id']) === true) { // Set the server id. $graph_params['server'] = $row['server_id']; } $graph_params_str = http_build_query($graph_params); $link = 'winopeng_var(\''.$url.'?'.$graph_params_str.'\',\''.$win_handle.'\', 800, 480)'; $graphIconsContent = []; $graphIconsContent[] = get_module_realtime_link_graph($row); if ($tresholds === true || $graph_type === 'boolean') { $graphIconsContent[] = html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'javascript:'.$link, 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/event-history.svg', true, [ 'border' => '0', 'alt' => '', 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', ] ), ], true ); } if (is_snapshot_data($row['datos']) === false) { if ($tresholds === true || $graph_type === 'boolean') { unset($graph_params['histogram']); } $graph_params_str = http_build_query($graph_params); $link = 'winopeng_var(\''.$url.'?'.$graph_params_str.'\',\''.$win_handle.'\', 800, 480)'; $graphIconsContent[] = html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'javascript:'.$link, 'content' => html_print_image('images/module-graph.svg', true, ['border' => '0', 'alt' => '', 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon']), ], true ); } $graphIconsContent[] = html_print_anchor( [ 'href' => 'javascript: show_module_detail_dialog('.$row['id_agente_modulo'].', '.$row['id_agent'].', \''.$row['server_name'].'\', 0, '.SECONDS_1DAY.', \''.$row['module_name'].'\')', 'content' => html_print_image( 'images/simple-value.svg', true, [ 'border' => '0', 'alt' => '', 'class' => 'invert_filter main_menu_icon', ] ), ], true ); $graphIconsContent[] = ''.$row['module_name'].''; $data[8] = html_print_div( [ 'class' => 'table_action_buttons', 'content' => implode('', $graphIconsContent), ], true ); } } if (in_array('warn', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $data[9] = ui_print_module_warn_value( $row['max_warning'], $row['min_warning'], $row['str_warning'], $row['max_critical'], $row['min_critical'], $row['str_critical'], $row['warning_inverse'], $row['critical_inverse'] ); if (is_numeric($row['datos']) && !modules_is_string_type($row['module_type'])) { if ($config['render_proc']) { switch ($row['module_type']) { case 2: case 6: case 9: case 18: case 21: case 31: if ($row['datos'] >= 1) { $salida = $config['render_proc_ok']; } else { $salida = $config['render_proc_fail']; } break; default: switch ($row['module_type']) { case 15: $value = db_get_value('snmp_oid', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $row['id_agente_modulo']); if ($value == '.' || $value == '.') { $salida = human_milliseconds_to_string($row['datos']); } else { $salida = remove_right_zeros(number_format($row['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'])); } break; default: $salida = remove_right_zeros(number_format($row['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'])); break; } break; } } else { switch ($row['module_type']) { case 15: $value = db_get_value('snmp_oid', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $row['id_agente_modulo']); if ($value == '.' || $value == '.') { $salida = human_milliseconds_to_string($row['datos']); } else { $salida = remove_right_zeros(number_format($row['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'])); } break; default: $salida = remove_right_zeros(number_format($row['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'])); break; } } // Show units ONLY in numeric data types. if (isset($row['unit'])) { $data_macro = modules_get_unit_macro($row['datos'], $row['unit']); if ($data_macro) { $salida = $data_macro; } else { $salida .= ' '.''.io_safe_output($row['unit']).''; if (strlen($salida) > $config['agent_size_text_small']) { $salida = ui_print_truncate_text($salida, 'agent_small', true, true, false, '[…]', 'font-size:7.5pt;'); // Clean tag . $text_aux = explode(' $row['id_agente_modulo'], 'interval' => $row['current_interval'], 'module_name' => $row['module_name'], 'id_node' => $row['server_id'], ] ); $salida = ui_get_snapshot_image($link, $is_snapshot).'  '; } else { $sub_string = substr(io_safe_output($row['datos']), 0, 12); if ($module_value == $sub_string) { if ((empty($module_value) === true || $module_value == 0) && !$sub_string) { $salida = 0; } else { $data_macro = modules_get_unit_macro($row['datos'], $row['unit']); if ($data_macro) { $salida = $data_macro; } else { $salida = $row['datos']; } } } else { // Fixed the goliat sends the strings from web. // Without HTML entities. if ($is_web_content_string) { $sub_string = substr($row['datos'], 0, 12); } else { // Fixed the data from Selenium Plugin. if ($module_value != strip_tags($module_value)) { $module_value = io_safe_input($module_value); $sub_string = substr($row['datos'], 0, 12); } else { $sub_string = substr(io_safe_output($row['datos']), 0, 12); } } if ($module_value == $sub_string) { $salida = $module_value; } else { $salida = ''.'".''.$sub_string.' '."".html_print_image('images/rosette.png', true).''; } } } } } if (in_array('data', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { $data[10] = $salida; } if (in_array('timestamp', $show_fields) || is_metaconsole()) { if ($row['module_interval'] > 0) { $interval = $row['module_interval']; } else { $interval = $row['agent_interval']; } if ($row['estado'] == 3) { $option = [ 'html_attr' => 'class="redb"', 'style' => 'font-size:7pt;', ]; } else { $option = ['style' => 'font-size:7pt;']; } $data[11] = ui_print_timestamp($row['utimestamp'], true, $option); } if (check_acl_one_of_groups($config['id_user'], $agent_groups, 'AW')) { $table->cellclass[][2] = 'action_buttons'; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { echo "
"; html_print_input_hidden( 'id_agente', $row['id_agent'], false ); html_print_input_hidden( 'id_agent_module', $row['id_agente_modulo'], false ); html_print_input_hidden( 'loginhash', 'auto', false ); html_print_input_hidden( 'loginhash_data', $row['hashdata'], false ); html_print_input_hidden( 'loginhash_user', str_rot13($row['user']), false ); echo '
'; $agent_link = ""; $agent_alias = ui_print_truncate_text( $agent_alias, 'agent_small', false, true, true, '[…]', 'font-size:7.5pt;' ); $data[12] .= $agent_link.html_print_image( 'images/edit.svg', true, [ 'alt' => '0', 'border' => '', 'title' => __('Edit'), 'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter', ] ).''; } else { $url_edit_module = $row['server_url']; $url_edit_module .= 'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente&'; $url_edit_module .= '&id_agente='.$row['id_agent']; $url_edit_module .= '&tab=module&id_agent_module='.$row['id_agente_modulo'].'&edit_module=1'; $data[12] .= ''.html_print_image( 'images/edit.svg', true, [ 'alt' => '0', 'border' => '', 'title' => __('Edit'), 'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter', ] ).''; } // Delete. if (is_metaconsole() === false) { $url_delete_module = $row['server_url'].'index.php?sec=gagente&sec2=godmode/agentes/configurar_agente'; $url_delete_module .= '&id_agente='.$row['id_agent'].'&delete_module='.$row['id_agente_modulo']; $onclick = 'onclick="javascript: if (!confirm(\''.__('Are you sure to delete?').'\')) return false;'; $data[12] .= ''.html_print_image( 'images/delete.svg', true, [ 'alt' => '0', 'border' => '', 'title' => __('Delete'), 'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter', ] ).''; } } $inc_id++; array_push($table->data, $data); } html_print_table($table); if ($count_modules > $config['block_size']) { $tablePagination = ui_pagination($count_modules, false, $offset, 0, true, 'offset', false); } } else { ui_print_info_message(['no_close' => true, 'message' => __('Sorry no search parameters')]); } if (is_metaconsole() !== true) { html_print_action_buttons( '', [ 'type' => 'form_action', 'right_content' => $tablePagination, ] ); } // End Build List Result. echo "
"; // Load filter div for dialog. echo ''; echo ''; ui_require_javascript_file('pandora_modules'); ?>