Is possible configure macros in the module execution (module_exec) or in a plugin parameters.
Each macro has 3 parameters:
- Description
- Default value (optional)
- Help (optional)
In example, to configure a module that returns the apache's running process
number in a machine, we configure the next command:
ps -A | grep apache2 | wc -l
We can replace the name of the process by a macro:
ps -A | grep _field1_ | wc -l
And configure the parameters of the macro as:
- Description: Process
- Default value: apache2
- Help: Name of substring of the running processes counted by the module
When we configure the module from this component, will appear a text field "Process"
with a default value "apache2" that we can modify, and a help that will show more information
to user.
Is possible to configure as many macros as you want.