#!/bin/bash set -e if [ -n "$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP" ]; then if [ -z "$PANDORA_DB_HOST" ]; then PANDORA_DB_HOST='mysql' else echo >&2 'warning: both PANDORA_DB_HOST and MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP found' echo >&2 " Connecting to PANDORA_DB_HOST ($PANDORA_DB_HOST)" echo >&2 ' instead of the linked mysql container' fi fi if [ -z "$PANDORA_DB_HOST" ]; then echo >&2 'error: missing PANDORA_DB_HOST and MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP environment variables' echo >&2 ' Did you forget to --link some_mysql_container:mysql or set an external db' echo >&2 ' with -e PANDORA_DB_HOST=hostname:port?' exit 1 fi # if we're linked to MySQL and thus have credentials already, let's use them : ${PANDORA_DB_USER:=${MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_USER:-root}} if [ "$PANDORA_DB_USER" = 'root' ]; then : ${PANDORA_DB_PASSWORD:=$MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} fi : ${PANDORA_DB_PASSWORD:=$MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_PASSWORD} if [ -z "$PANDORA_DB_NAME" ]; then : ${PANDORA_DB_NAME:=${MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_DATABASE:-pandora}} fi if [ -z "$PANDORA_DB_PASSWORD" ]; then echo >&2 'error: missing required PANDORA_DB_PASSWORD environment variable' echo >&2 ' Did you forget to -e PANDORA_DB_PASSWORD=... ?' echo >&2 echo >&2 ' (Also of interest might be PANDORA_DB_USER and PANDORA_DB_NAME.)' exit 1 fi mv -f /tmp/pandorafms/pandora_console /var/www/html cd /var/www/html/pandora_console/include cat > config.php <<- 'EOF' <?php $config["dbtype"] = "mysql"; $config["homedir"]="/var/www/html/pandora_console"; // Config homedir $config["homeurl"]="/pandora_console"; // Base URL $config["homeurl_static"]="/pandora_console"; // Don't delete error_reporting(E_ALL); $ownDir = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; EOF echo "\$config[\"dbname\"]=\"$PANDORA_DB_NAME\";" >> config.php echo "\$config[\"dbuser\"]=\"$PANDORA_DB_USER\";" >> config.php echo "\$config[\"dbpass\"]=\"$PANDORA_DB_PASSWORD\";" >> config.php echo "\$config[\"dbhost\"]=\"$PANDORA_DB_HOST\";" >> config.php echo "include (\$ownDir . \"config_process.php\");" >> config.php echo "?>" >> config.php echo "Granting apache permissions to the console directory" chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/pandora_console chmod 600 /var/www/html/pandora_console/include/config.php # Customize php.iniA echo "Configuring Pandora FMS elements and depending services" sed "s/.*error_reporting =.*/error_reporting = E_ALL \& \~E_DEPRECATED \& \~E_NOTICE \& \~E_USER_WARNING/" /etc/php.ini > /tmp/php.ini && mv /tmp/php.ini /etc/php.ini sed "s/.*max_execution_time =.*/max_execution_time = 0/" /etc/php.ini > /tmp/php.ini && mv /tmp/php.ini /etc/php.ini sed "s/.*max_input_time =.*/max_input_time = -1/" /etc/php.ini > /tmp/php.ini && mv /tmp/php.ini /etc/php.ini sed "s/.*upload_max_filesize =.*/upload_max_filesize = 800M/" /etc/php.ini > /tmp/php.ini && mv /tmp/php.ini /etc/php.ini sed "s/.*memory_limit =.*/memory_limit = 500M/" /etc/php.ini > /tmp/php.ini && mv /tmp/php.ini /etc/php.ini sed "s/.*post_max_size =.*/post_max_size = 100M/" /etc/php.ini > /tmp/php.ini && mv /tmp/php.ini /etc/php.ini cd /var/www/html/pandora_console && mv -f install.php install.php.done #Create the pandora user to run the anyterd, mainly /usr/sbin/useradd -d /home/pandora -s /bin/false -M -g 0 pandora #Rock n' roll! /etc/init.d/crond start & /etc/init.d/ntpd start & /etc/init.d/anytermd start & rm -rf /run/httpd/* exec /usr/sbin/apachectl -D FOREGROUND