<?php /** * Event CSV exporter. * * @category Event CSV export * @package Pandora FMS * @subpackage Community * @version 1.0.0 * @license See below * * ______ ___ _______ _______ ________ * | __ \.-----.--.--.--| |.-----.----.-----. | ___| | | __| * | __/| _ | | _ || _ | _| _ | | ___| |__ | * |___| |___._|__|__|_____||_____|__| |___._| |___| |__|_|__|_______| * * ============================================================================ * Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas * Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * ============================================================================ */ // Load global vars. global $config; require_once '../../include/config.php'; require_once '../../include/auth/mysql.php'; require_once '../../include/functions.php'; require_once '../../include/functions_db.php'; require_once '../../include/functions_events.php'; require_once '../../include/functions_agents.php'; require_once '../../include/functions_groups.php'; $config['id_user'] = $_SESSION['id_usuario']; if (! check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'ER') && ! check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'EW') && ! check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'EM') ) { exit; } // Loading l10n tables, because of being invoked not through index.php. $l10n = null; if (file_exists($config['homedir'].'/include/languages/'.$user_language.'.mo')) { $cfr = new CachedFileReader( $config['homedir'].'/include/languages/'.$user_language.'.mo' ); $l10n = new gettext_reader($cfr); $l10n->load_tables(); } $column_names = [ 'id_evento', 'evento', 'timestamp', 'estado', 'event_type', 'utimestamp', 'id_agente', 'agent_name', 'id_usuario', 'id_grupo', 'id_agentmodule', 'id_alert_am', 'criticity', 'user_comment', 'tags', 'source', 'id_extra', 'critical_instructions', 'warning_instructions', 'unknown_instructions', 'owner_user', 'ack_utimestamp', 'custom_data', 'data', 'module_status', ]; $fields = [ 'te.id_evento', 'te.evento', 'te.timestamp', 'te.estado', 'te.event_type', 'te.utimestamp', 'te.id_agente', 'ta.alias as agent_name', 'te.id_usuario', 'te.id_grupo', 'te.id_agentmodule', 'am.nombre as module_name', 'te.id_alert_am', 'te.criticity', 'te.user_comment', 'te.tags', 'te.source', 'te.id_extra', 'te.critical_instructions', 'te.warning_instructions', 'te.unknown_instructions', 'te.owner_user', 'te.ack_utimestamp', 'te.custom_data', 'te.data', 'te.module_status', 'tg.nombre as group_name', ]; $now = date('Y-m-d'); // Download header. header('Content-type: text/txt'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="export_events_'.$now.'.csv"'); try { $fb64 = get_parameter('fb64', null); $plain_filter = base64_decode($fb64); $filter = json_decode($plain_filter, true); if (json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE) { throw new Exception('Invalid filter. ['.$plain_filter.']'); } $names = events_get_column_names($column_names); // Dump headers. foreach ($names as $n) { echo io_safe_output($n).$config['csv_divider']; } echo chr(13); // Dump events. $events_per_step = 1000; $step = 0; while (1) { $events = events_get_all( $fields, $filter, (($step++) * $events_per_step), $events_per_step, 'desc', 'timestamp', $filter['history'] ); if ($events === false) { break; } foreach ($events as $row) { foreach ($column_names as $val) { $key = $val; if ($val == 'id_grupo') { $key = 'group_name'; } else if ($val == 'id_agentmodule') { $key = 'module_name'; } switch ($key) { case 'module_status': echo events_translate_module_status( $row[$key] ); break; case 'event_type': echo events_translate_event_type( $row[$key] ); break; case 'criticity': echo events_translate_event_criticity( $row[$key] ); break; default: echo io_safe_output($row[$key]); break; } echo $config['csv_divider']; } echo chr(13); } } } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'ERROR'.chr(13); echo $e->getMessage(); exit; } exit;