<?php /** * Extension to manage a list of gateways and the node address where they should * point to. * * @category Users * @package Pandora FMS * @subpackage Community * @version 1.0.0 * @license See below * * ______ ___ _______ _______ ________ * | __ \.-----.--.--.--| |.-----.----.-----. | ___| | | __| * | __/| _ | | _ || _ | _| _ | | ___| |__ | * |___| |___._|__|__|_____||_____|__| |___._| |___| |__|_|__|_______| * * ============================================================================ * Copyright (c) 2005-2023 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas * Please see http://pandorafms.org for full contribution list * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation for version 2. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * ============================================================================ */ global $config; // Includes. require_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_notifications.php'; // Load the header. $headerTitle = __('User notifications'); require $config['homedir'].'/operation/users/user_edit_header.php'; if (get_parameter('change_label', 0)) { $label = get_parameter('label', ''); $source = get_parameter('source', 0); $user = get_parameter('user', ''); $value = get_parameter('value', 0) ? 1 : 0; // Update the label value. ob_clean(); echo json_encode( [ 'result' => notifications_set_user_label_status( $source, $user, $label, $value ), ] ); return; } echo '<div id="user-notifications-wrapper" class="white_box table_div table_three_columns padding-2"> <div class="table_thead"> <div class="table_th"></div> <div class="table_th">'.__('Enable').'</div> <div class="table_th">'.__('Also receive an email').'</div> </div>'; $sources = notifications_get_all_sources(); $disabled_flag = false; foreach ($sources as $source) { echo '<div class="table_tbody">'; $table_content = [ $source['description'], notifications_print_user_switch($source, $id, 'enabled'), notifications_print_user_switch($source, $id, 'also_mail'), ]; $notifications_enabled = notifications_print_user_switch($source, $id, 'enabled'); $notifications_also_mail = notifications_print_user_switch($source, $id, 'also_mail'); if ($notifications_enabled['disabled'] == 1 || $notifications_also_mail['disabled'] == 1) { $disabled_flag = true; } echo '<div class="table_td">'.$source['description'].'</div>'; echo '<div class="table_td">'.$notifications_enabled['switch'].'</div>'; echo '<div class="table_td">'.$notifications_also_mail['switch'].'</div>'; echo '</div>'; } if ((bool) $disabled_flag === true) { ui_print_warning_message( __('Controls have been disabled by the system administrator') ); } echo '</div>'; // Print id user to handle it on js. html_print_input_hidden('id_user', $id); ?> <script> // Encapsulate the code. (function() { function notifications_change_label(event) { event.preventDefault(); var check = document.getElementById(event.target.id); if (check === null) return; var match = /notifications-user-([0-9]+)-label-(.*)/ .exec(event.target.id); jQuery.post ("ajax.php", { "page" : "operation/users/user_edit_notifications", "change_label" : 1, "label" : match[2], "source" : match[1], "user" : document.getElementById('hidden-id_user').value, "value": check.checked ? 1 : 0 }, function (data, status) { if (!data.result) { console.error("Error changing configuration in database."); } else { check.checked = !check.checked; } }, "json" ).done(function(m){}) .fail(function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){ console.error( "Cannot change configuration in database. Server error.", xhr.responseText ); }); } var all_labels = document.getElementsByClassName( 'notifications-user-label_individual' ); for (var i = 0; i < all_labels.length; i++) { all_labels[i].addEventListener( 'click', notifications_change_label, false ); } }()); </script>