START TRANSACTION; ALTER TABLE `tagente_modulo` ADD COLUMN `percentage_critical` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `tagente_modulo` ADD COLUMN `percentage_warning` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `tnetwork_component` ADD COLUMN `percentage_critical` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `tnetwork_component` ADD COLUMN `percentage_warning` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `tlocal_component` ADD COLUMN `percentage_critical` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `tlocal_component` ADD COLUMN `percentage_warning` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `tpolicy_modules` ADD COLUMN `percentage_warning` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE `tpolicy_modules` ADD COLUMN `percentage_critical` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0; ALTER TABLE tagente_modulo MODIFY debug_content TEXT; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `talert_calendar` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', `id_group` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `description` text, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT IGNORE INTO `talert_calendar` VALUES (1, 'Default', 0, 'Default calendar'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tipam_network_location` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; INSERT IGNORE INTO `tipam_network_location` (`name`) SELECT `location` FROM `tipam_network` WHERE `location` <> ''; UPDATE `tipam_network` INNER JOIN `tipam_network_location` ON SET; ALTER TABLE `tipam_network` MODIFY `location` int(10) unsigned NULL; ALTER TABLE `tipam_network` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`location`) REFERENCES `tipam_network_location`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `talert_special_days` ADD COLUMN `id_calendar` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1; ALTER TABLE `talert_special_days` ADD COLUMN `day_code` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0; UPDATE `talert_special_days` set `day_code` = 1 WHERE `same_day` = 'monday'; UPDATE `talert_special_days` set `day_code` = 2 WHERE `same_day` = 'tuesday'; UPDATE `talert_special_days` set `day_code` = 3 WHERE `same_day` = 'wednesday'; UPDATE `talert_special_days` set `day_code` = 4 WHERE `same_day` = 'thursday'; UPDATE `talert_special_days` set `day_code` = 5 WHERE `same_day` = 'friday'; UPDATE `talert_special_days` set `day_code` = 6 WHERE `same_day` = 'saturday'; UPDATE `talert_special_days` set `day_code` = 7 WHERE `same_day` = 'sunday'; ALTER TABLE `talert_special_days` DROP COLUMN `same_day`; ALTER TABLE `talert_special_days` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`id_calendar`) REFERENCES `talert_calendar`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE `tagent_repository` ADD COLUMN `deployment_timeout` INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 600 AFTER `path`; UPDATE `tconfig` c1 JOIN (select count(*) as n FROM `tconfig` c2 WHERE (c2.`token` = "node_metaconsole" AND c2.`value` = 1) OR (c2.`token` = "centralized_management" AND c2.`value` = 1) ) v SET c1. `value` = 0 WHERE c1.token = "autocreate_remote_users" AND v.n = 2; COMMIT;