['id_user' => $config['id_user']]
// Update the alert action Mail to XXX/Administrator if it is set to default
$mail_check = 'yourmail@domain.es';
$mail_alert = alerts_get_alert_action_field1(1);
if ($mail_check === $mail_alert && $email !== false) {
'field1' => $email,
'field1_recovery' => $email,
config_update_value('initial_wizard', 1);
// Change the language if is change in checkbox
if ($change_language !== 0) {
config_update_value('language', $change_language);
if ($cancel_wizard !== 0) {
config_update_value('initial_wizard', 1);
$email = db_get_value('email', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $config['id_user']);
// Avoid to show default email
if ($email == 'admin@example.com') {
$email = '';
// Prints first step pandora registration
echo '
echo '
echo __('Please fill the following information in order to configure your %s instance successfully', get_product_name()).'.';
echo '
echo '
$table = new StdClass();
$table->class = 'databox filters';
$table->width = '100%';
$table->data = [];
$table->size = [];
$table->size[0] = '40%';
$table->style[0] = 'font-weight:bold';
$table->size[1] = '60%';
$table->border = '5px solid';
$table->data[0][0] = __('Language code');
$table->data[0][1] = html_print_select_from_sql(
'SELECT id_language, name FROM tlanguage',
$zone_name = [
'Africa' => __('Africa'),
'America' => __('America'),
'Antarctica' => __('Antarctica'),
'Arctic' => __('Arctic'),
'Asia' => __('Asia'),
'Atlantic' => __('Atlantic'),
'Australia' => __('Australia'),
'Europe' => __('Europe'),
'Indian' => __('Indian'),
'Pacific' => __('Pacific'),
'UTC' => __('UTC'),
if ($zone_selected == '') {
if ($config['timezone'] != '') {
$zone_array = explode('/', $config['timezone']);
$zone_selected = $zone_array[0];
} else {
$zone_selected = 'Europe';
$timezones = timezone_identifiers_list();
foreach ($timezones as $timezone) {
if (strpos($timezone, $zone_selected) !== false) {
$timezone_country = preg_replace('/^.*\//', '', $timezone);
$timezone_n[$timezone] = $timezone_country;
$table->data[2][0] = __('Timezone setup').' '.ui_print_help_tip(
__('Must have the same time zone as the system or database to avoid mismatches of time.'),
$table->data[2][1] = html_print_select($zone_name, 'zone', $zone_selected, 'show_timezone()', '', '', true);
$table->data[2][1] .= ' '.html_print_select($timezone_n, 'timezone', $config['timezone'], '', '', '', true);
$table->data[4][0] = __('E-mail for receiving alerts');
$table->data[4][1] = html_print_input_text('email', $email, '', 50, 255, true);
echo '
echo '
echo '
html_print_submit_button(__('Register'), 'id_dialog_button', false, 'class="ui-button-dialog ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only sub ok" style="width:100px;"');
echo '
echo '
html_print_button(__('Cancel'), 'cancel', false, '', 'class="ui-button-dialog ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only sub ok" style="width:100px;"');
echo '
echo '
echo __('All fields required');
echo '
echo '
echo '