setBreadcrum([]); $this->access = 'AW'; $this->task = []; $this->msg = $msg; $this->icon = $icon; $this->label = $label; $this->page = $page; $this->url = ui_get_full_url( 'index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=godmode/servers/discovery&wiz=cloud' ); return $this; } /** * Run wizard manager. * * @return mixed Returns null if wizard is ongoing. Result if done. */ public function run() { global $config; // Load styles. parent::run(); // Load current wiz. sub-styles. ui_require_css_file( 'cloud', ENTERPRISE_DIR.'/include/styles/wizards/' ); $mode = get_parameter('mode', null); // Load cloud wizards. $enterprise_classes = glob( $config['homedir'].'/'.ENTERPRISE_DIR.'/include/class/*.cloud.php' ); $extensions = new ExtensionsDiscovery('cloud', $mode); foreach ($enterprise_classes as $classpath) { enterprise_include_once( 'include/class/'.basename($classpath) ); } switch ($mode) { case 'amazonws': $classname_selected = 'Aws'; break; case 'azure': $classname_selected = 'Azure'; break; case 'gcp': $classname_selected = 'Google'; break; default: $classname_selected = null; break; } // Else: class not found pseudo exception. if ($classname_selected !== null) { $wiz = new $classname_selected($this->page); $result = $wiz->run(); if (is_array($result) === true) { return $result; } } if ($classname_selected === null) { if ($mode !== null) { // Load extension if exist. $extensions->run(); return; } // Load classes and print selector. $wiz_data = []; foreach ($enterprise_classes as $classpath) { $classname = basename($classpath, '.cloud.php'); $obj = new $classname(); $wiz_data[] = $obj->load(); } $wiz_data = array_merge($wiz_data, $extensions->loadExtensions()); $this->prepareBreadcrum( [ [ 'link' => ui_get_full_url( 'index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=godmode/servers/discovery' ), 'label' => __('Discovery'), ], [ 'link' => $this->url, 'label' => __('Cloud'), 'selected' => true, ], ], true ); // Header. ui_print_page_header( __('Cloud'), '', false, '', true, '', false, '', GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT, '', $this->printHeader(true) ); Wizard::printBigButtonsList($wiz_data); echo '
*'.__('All company names used here are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.').'
'; } // Print Warning Message. $this->printWarningMessage(); return $result; } /** * Run credentials wizard. * * @return boolean True if credentials wizard is displayed and false if not. */ public function runCredentials() { global $config; if ($this->status === false) { $empty_account = true; } // Checks credentials. If check not passed. Show the form to fill it. if ($this->checkCredentials()) { return true; } // Add breadcrum and print header. $this->prepareBreadcrum( [ [ 'link' => $this->url.'&credentials=1', 'label' => __('%s credentials', $this->product), 'selected' => true, ], ], true ); // Header. ui_print_page_header( __('%s credentials', $this->product), '', false, $this->product.'_credentials_tab', true, '', false, '', GENERIC_SIZE_TEXT, '', $this->printHeader(true) ); if ($this->product === 'Aws') { ui_print_warning_message( __( 'If a task with the selected credentials is already running, it will be edited. To create a new one, another account from the credential store must be selected.' ) ); } if ($this->status === true) { ui_print_success_message($this->msg); } else if ($this->status === false) { ui_print_error_message($this->msg); } if ($empty_account === true) { ui_print_error_message($this->msg); } $link_to_cs = ''; if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'UM')) { $link_to_cs = ''; $link_to_cs .= __('Manage accounts').''; } $this->getCredentials(); $this->printFormAsList( [ 'form' => [ 'action' => $this->url, 'method' => 'POST', 'id' => 'form-credentials', ], 'inputs' => [ [ 'label' => __('Cloud tool full path'), 'arguments' => [ 'name' => 'cloud_util_path', 'value' => isset($config['cloud_util_path']) ? io_safe_output($config['cloud_util_path']) : '/usr/bin/pandora-cm-api', 'type' => 'text', ], ], [ 'label' => __('Account'), 'extra' => $link_to_cs, 'arguments' => [ 'name' => 'account_identifier', 'type' => 'select', 'fields' => CredentialStore::getKeys($this->keyStoreType), 'selected' => $this->keyIdentifier, 'return' => true, ], ], [ 'arguments' => [ 'name' => 'parse_credentials', 'value' => 1, 'type' => 'hidden', 'return' => true, ], ], ], ] ); $buttons_form = $this->printInput( [ 'name' => 'submit', 'label' => __('Validate'), 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => [ 'icon' => 'wand', 'form' => 'form-credentials', ], 'return' => true, 'width' => 'initial', ] ); $buttons_form .= $this->printGoBackButton( ui_get_full_url( 'index.php?sec=gservers&sec2=godmode/servers/discovery&wiz=cloud' ), true ); html_print_action_buttons($buttons_form); return false; } /** * Check credentials. * * @return boolean True if credentials are OK. */ public function checkCredentials() { global $config; $pandora = io_safe_output($config['cloud_util_path']); if (isset($pandora) === false) { config_update_value('cloud_util_path', '/usr/bin/pandora-cm-api'); } if ((bool) get_parameter('disconnect_account', false) === true) { $this->status = null; return false; } if ($this->keyIdentifier === null) { // Ask user for available credentials. $this->msg = __('Select a set of credentials from the list'); $this->status = null; return false; } $credentials = $this->getCredentials($this->keyIdentifier); if (empty($credentials['username']) === true || empty($credentials['password']) === true || isset($pandora) === false || is_executable($pandora) === false ) { if (is_executable($pandora) === false) { $this->msg = (__('Path %s is not executable.', $pandora)); $this->status = false; } else { $this->msg = __('Invalid username or password'); $this->status = false; } return false; } try { $value = $this->executeCMCommand('--get availability'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->msg = $e->getMessage(); $this->status = false; return false; } if ($value == '1') { return true; } $this->status = false; // Error message directly from pandora-cm-api. $this->msg = str_replace('"', '', $value); return false; } /** * Handle the click on disconnect account link. * * @return void But it prints some info to user. */ protected function parseDisconnectAccount() { // Check if disconection account link is pressed. if ((bool) get_parameter('disconnect_account') === false) { return; } $ret = $this->setCredentials(null); if ($ret) { $this->msg = __('Account disconnected'); } else { $this->msg = __('Failed disconnecting account'); } $this->status = $ret; $this->page = 0; } /** * Build an array with Product credentials. * * @return array with credentials (pass and id). */ public function getCredentials() { return CredentialStore::getKey($this->keyIdentifier); } /** * Set Product credentials. * * @param string|null $identifier Credential store identifier. * * @return boolean True if success. */ public function setCredentials($identifier) { if ($identifier === null) { unset($this->keyIdentifier); return true; } if (isset($identifier) === false) { return false; } $all = CredentialStore::getKeys($this->type); if (in_array($identifier, $all) === true) { $this->keyIdentifier = $identifier; return true; } return false; } /** * Parse credentials form. * * @return void But it prints a message. */ protected function parseCredentials() { global $config; if (!$this->keyIdentifier) { $this->setCredentials(get_parameter('ki', null)); } // Check if credentials form is submitted. if ((bool) get_parameter('parse_credentials') === false) { return; } $this->page = 0; $ret = $this->setCredentials( get_parameter('account_identifier') ); $path = get_parameter('cloud_util_path'); $ret_path = config_update_value('cloud_util_path', $path); if ($ret_path) { $config['cloud_util_path'] = $path; } if ($ret && $ret_path) { $this->msg = __('Credentials successfully updated'); } else { $this->msg = __('Failed updating credentials process'); } $this->status = ($ret && $ret_path); } /** * This method must be implemented. * * Execute a pandora-cm-api request. * * @param string $command Command to execute. * * @return void But must return string STDOUT of executed command. * @throws Exception If not implemented. */ protected function executeCMCommand($command) { throw new Exception('executeCMCommand must be implemented.'); } /** * Get a recon token value * * @param string $token The recon key to retrieve. * * @return string String with the value. */ protected function getConfigReconElement($token) { if ($this->reconConfig === false || isset($this->reconConfig[0][$token]) === false ) { if (is_array($this->task) === true && isset($this->task[$token]) === true ) { return $this->task[$token]; } else { return ''; } } else { return $this->reconConfig[0][$token]; } } /** * Print global inputs * * @param boolean $last True if is last element. * * @return array Array with all global inputs. */ protected function getGlobalInputs(bool $last=false) { $task_id = $this->task['id_rt']; if (!$task_id) { $task_id = $this->getConfigReconElement('id_rt'); } return [ [ 'arguments' => [ 'name' => 'page', 'value' => ($this->page + 1), 'type' => 'hidden', 'return' => true, ], ], [ 'arguments' => [ 'name' => 'submit', 'label' => ($last) ? __('Finish') : __('Next'), 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => 'class="sub '.(($last) ? 'wand' : 'next').'"', 'return' => true, ], ], [ 'arguments' => [ 'name' => 'task', 'value' => $task_id, 'type' => 'hidden', 'return' => true, ], ], [ 'arguments' => [ 'name' => 'parse_form', 'value' => 1, 'type' => 'hidden', 'return' => true, ], ], ]; } /** * Print required css in some points. * * @return string With js code. */ protected function cloudJS() { return ' function toggleCloudSubmenu(curr_elem, id_csm){ if (document.getElementsByName(curr_elem)[0].checked){ $("#li-"+id_csm).show(); } else { $("#li-"+id_csm).hide(); } }; '; } /** * Check if section have extensions. * * @return boolean Return true if section is empty. */ public function isEmpty() { $extensions = new ExtensionsDiscovery('cloud'); $listExtensions = $extensions->getExtensionsApps(); if ($listExtensions > 0 || enterprise_installed() === true) { return false; } else { return true; } } }