0); $return['last'] = $last; $return['correct'] = 1; $return['package'] = uniqid(); $return['end'] = 0; if ($last == 1) { $return['end'] = 1; } echo json_encode($return); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } function update_pandora_download_package() { global $config; $dir = $config['attachment_store'] . '/update_pandora/'; $package = get_parameter('package', ''); //TODO Make all code, at the moment. $url = 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/pandora/files/Pandora%20FMS%204.0.1/Pandora_FMS_4.0.1_OpenSource.i686-0.0.3.vmx.tar.gz/download'; $url = 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/pandora/files/Nightly/Tarball/pandorafms_console-4.1dev-120330.tar.gz/download'; $url = 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/pandora/files/Nightly/Tarball/pandorafms_server-4.1dev-120330.tar.gz/download'; preg_match_all('/Tarball\/(.*.tar.gz)/i', $url, $targz); $targz = $targz[1][0]; $url = ''; $url = ''; $targz = 'test001.tar.gz'; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $file = fopen($dir . $targz, "w"); $mch = curl_multi_init(); $c = curl_init(); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FILE, $file); curl_multi_add_handle($mch ,$c); $running = null; do { curl_multi_exec($mch ,$running); $info = curl_getinfo ($c); $data = array(); $data['filename'] = $targz; $data['size'] = $info['download_content_length']; $data['size_download'] = $info['size_download']; $data['speed_download'] = $info['speed_download']; $info_json = json_encode($data); file_put_contents('/tmp/' . $package . '.info.txt', $info_json, LOCK_EX); sleep(1); } while($running > 0); $return = array('correct' => 1); echo json_encode($return); } function update_pandora_check_download_package() { global $config; require_once ($config["homedir"] . '/include/functions_graph.php'); sleep(1); $package = get_parameter('package', ''); $return = array('correct' => 1, 'info_download' => "Size: %s/%s bytes Speed: %s bytes/second", 'progres_bar' => progress_bar(0, 300, 20, '0%', 1, false, "#00ff00"), 'progres_bar_text' => '0%', 'percent' => 0); $info_json = @file_get_contents('/tmp/' . $package . '.info.txt'); $info = json_decode($info_json, true); $percent = 0; $size_download = 0; $size = 0; $speed_download = 0; if ($info['size_download'] > 0) { $percent = format_numeric( ($info['size_download'] / $info['size']) * 100, 2); $return['percent'] = $percent; $size_download = $info['size_download']; $size = $info['size']; $speed_download = $info['speed_download']; $return['info_download'] = sprintf($return['info_download'], format_for_graph($size_download, 2), format_for_graph($size, 2), format_for_graph($speed_download, 2)); } else { $return['info_download'] = __('Starting: connect to server'); } $img = progress_bar($percent, 300, 20, $percent . '%', 1, false, "#00ff00"); $return['progres_bar'] = $img; preg_match_all('/src=[\'\"]([^\"^\']*)[\'\"]/i', $img, $attr); $return['progres_bar_src'] = $attr[1]; preg_match_all('/alt=[\'\"]([^\"^\']*)[\'\"]/i', $img, $attr); $return['progres_bar_alt'] = $attr[1]; preg_match_all('/title=[\'\"]([^\"^\']*)[\'\"]/i', $img, $attr); $return['progres_bar_title'] = $attr[1]; $return['filename'] = $info['filename']; echo json_encode($return); } function update_pandora_install_package() { global $config; global $conf_update_pandora; if (empty($conf_update_pandora)) $conf_update_pandora = update_pandora_get_conf(); $dir = $config['attachment_store'] . '/update_pandora/'; $package = get_parameter('package', ''); $filename = get_parameter('filename', ''); //Get total files $command = 'tar tzvf ' . $dir . $filename . '| wc -l > /tmp/' . $package . '.info.txt'; exec($command, $output, $status); html_debug_print($command, true); $command = 'tar xzvf ' . $dir . $filename . ' -C ' . $config['homedir'] . ' 1>/tmp/' . $package . '.files.info.txt'; html_debug_print($command, true); //Maybe this line run for seconds or minutes exec($command, $output, $status); if (($status == 0) || ($status == 2)) { $conf_update_pandora['last_installed'] = $filename; update_pandora_update_conf(); echo json_encode(array('correct' => 1)); } else { echo json_encode(array('correct' => 0)); } } function update_pandora_check_install_package() { global $config; require_once ($config["homedir"] . '/include/functions_graph.php'); sleep(1); $package = get_parameter('package', ''); $filename = get_parameter('filename', ''); //TODO MAYBE THE FILE OF FILES DON'T EXIST AT THE MOMENT $files = @file('/tmp/' . $package . '.files.info.txt'); if (empty($files)) $files = array(); $total = (int)file_get_contents('/tmp/' . $package . '.info.txt'); $return = array('correct' => 1, 'info' => "
", 'src' => progress_bar(0, 300, 20, '0%', 1, false, "#0000ff"), 'alt' => '0%', 'percent' => 0); $percent = 0; if ((count($files) > 0) && ($total > 0)) { $percent = format_numeric((count($files) / $total) * 100, 2); if ($percent > 100) $percent = 100; } $files_txtbox = (string)implode("
", $files); $return['info'] = sprintf($return['info'], $files_txtbox); $img = progress_bar($percent, 300, 20, $percent . '%', 1, false, "#0000ff"); $return['percent'] = $percent; preg_match_all('/src=[\'\"]([^\"^\']*)[\'\"]/i', $img, $attr); $return['src'] = $attr[1]; preg_match_all('/alt=[\'\"]([^\"^\']*)[\'\"]/i', $img, $attr); $return['alt'] = $attr[1]; preg_match_all('/title=[\'\"]([^\"^\']*)[\'\"]/i', $img, $attr); $return['title'] = $attr[1]; if ($percent == 100) { unlink('/tmp/' . $package . '.files.info.txt'); unlink('/tmp/' . $package . '.info.txt'); } echo json_encode($return); } ?>