echo $result;
echo " Apparently something went wrong reading the output. ";
echo " Is ".$config["attachment_store"]." readable by the webserver process?";
print_image ($filename_img, false, array ("alt" => __('Network Map'), "usemap" => "#networkmap"));
require ($filename_map);
} else {
echo '
'.__('Map could not be generated').'
echo $result;
echo " Apparently something went wrong executing the command or writing the output.";
echo "
Is ".$filter." (usually part of GraphViz) and echo installed and able to be executed by the webserver process?";
echo "
Is your webserver restricted from executing command line tools through the system() call (PHP Safe Mode or SELinux)";
echo "
Is ".$config["attachment_store"]." writeable by the webserver process? To change this do the following (POSIX-based systems): chown <apache user> ".$config["attachment_store"];
require_css_file ('cluetip');
require_jquery_file ('cluetip');