'; $sizhfin = ''; } $date_text = ''; if (!empty($date)) { $date_text = date($config['date_format'], $date); } else if (!empty($from) && !empty($to)) { $date_text = '('.human_time_description_raw($period).') '.__('From:').' '.date($config['date_format'], $from).'
'.__('To:').' '.date($config['date_format'], $to); } else if ($period > 0) { $date_text = human_time_description_raw($period); } else if ($period === 0) { $date_text = __('Last data'); } $data = []; if (empty($subtitle) && (empty($date_text))) { $title = $sizh.$title.$sizhfin; $data[] = $title; $table->colspan[0][0] = 3; } else if (empty($subtitle)) { $data[] = $sizh.$title.$sizhfin; $data[] = "
'; $table->colspan[0][1] = 2; } else if (empty($date_text)) { $data[] = $sizh.$title.$sizhfin; $data[] = $sizh.$subtitle.$sizhfin; $table->colspan[0][1] = 2; } else { $title = $sizh.$title; if ($label != '') { $title .= '
'.__('Label: ').$label; } $data[] = $title.$sizhfin; $data[] = $sizh.$subtitle.$sizhfin; $data[] = "
'; } array_push($table->data, $data); } function html_do_report_info($report, $custom_date_end=false, $custom_period=false) { global $config; if ($custom_period !== false && $custom_date_end !== false) { $report['datetime'] = strtotime($custom_date_end); $report['period'] = $custom_period; } if ($config['style'] === 'pandora_black' && !is_metaconsole()) { $background_color = '#222'; } else { $background_color = '#f5f5f5'; } $date_today = date($config['date_format']); $date_today = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', io_safe_output($date_today)); $date_today = __($date_today[0]).' '.$date_today[1].' '.$date_today[2].' '.$date_today[3].' '.$date_today[4]; $html = '
'; $date_before = date($config['date_format'], $report['datetime']); $date_before = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', io_safe_output($date_before)); $date_before = __($date_before[0]).' '.$date_before[1].' '.$date_before[2].' '.$date_before[3].' '.$date_before[4]; if (is_numeric($report['datetime']) && is_numeric($report['period']) && ($report['period'] != 0)) { $html .= ''; $html .= ''; } else { $html .= ''; } $html .= '
'.__('Generated').': '.$date_today.'
'.__('Report date').': '.__('From').' '.date($config['date_format'], ($report['datetime'] - $report['period'])).''.__('to').' '.date($config['date_format'], $report['datetime']).''.__('Items period before').' '.$date_before.'
'.__('Description').': '.htmlspecialchars($report['description']).'
'; echo $html; } /** * Print html report. * * @param array $report Info. * @param boolean $mini Type. * @param integer $report_info Show info. * * @return array */ function reporting_html_print_report($report, $mini=false, $report_info=1, $custom_date_end=false, $custom_period=false) { if ($report_info == 1) { html_do_report_info($report, $custom_date_end, $custom_period); } foreach ($report['contents'] as $key => $item) { $table = new stdClass(); $table->size = []; $table->style = []; $table->width = '100%'; $table->class = 'databox filters'; $table->rowclass = []; $table->rowclass[0] = 'datos5'; $table->data = []; $table->head = []; $table->colspan = []; $table->rowstyle = ['background-color: #686868']; if (isset($item['label']) && $item['label'] != '') { $id_agent = $item['id_agent']; $id_agent_module = $item['id_agent_module']; // Add macros name. $agent_description = agents_get_description($id_agent); $agent_group = agents_get_agent_group($id_agent); $agent_address = agents_get_address($id_agent); $agent_alias = agents_get_alias($id_agent); $module_name = modules_get_agentmodule_name( $id_agent_module ); $module_description = modules_get_agentmodule_descripcion( $id_agent_module ); $items_label = [ 'type' => $item['type'], 'id_agent' => $id_agent, 'id_agent_module' => $id_agent_module, 'agent_description' => $agent_description, 'agent_group' => $agent_group, 'agent_address' => $agent_address, 'agent_alias' => $agent_alias, 'module_name' => $module_name, 'module_description' => $module_description, ]; $label = reporting_label_macro( $items_label, ($item['label'] ?? '') ); } else { $label = ''; } if ($custom_date_end !== false) { $to = strtotime($custom_date_end); } else { $to = $item['date']['to']; } reporting_html_header( $table, $mini, $item['title'], $item['subtitle'], $item['date']['period'], $item['date']['date'], $item['date']['from'], $to, $label ); $table->data['description_row']['description'] = $item['description']; if ($item['type'] == 'event_report_agent' || $item['type'] == 'event_report_group' || $item['type'] == 'event_report_module' ) { $table->data['count_row']['count'] = 'Total events: '.$item['total_events']; } $table->colspan['description_row']['description'] = 3; switch ($item['type']) { case 'availability': default: reporting_html_availability($table, $item); break; case 'event_report_log': reporting_html_log($table, $item); break; case 'event_report_log_table': reporting_html_log_table($table, $item); break; case 'permissions_report': reporting_html_permissions($table, $item); break; case 'availability_graph': reporting_html_availability_graph($table, $item); break; case 'general': reporting_html_general($table, $item); break; case 'sql': reporting_html_sql($table, $item); break; case 'simple_baseline_graph': case 'simple_graph': reporting_html_graph($table, $item); break; case 'custom_graph': reporting_html_graph($table, $item); break; case 'text': reporting_html_text($table, $item); break; case 'url': reporting_html_url($table, $item, $key); break; case 'max_value': reporting_html_max_value($table, $item, $mini); break; case 'avg_value': reporting_html_avg_value($table, $item, $mini); break; case 'increment': reporting_html_increment($table, $item); break; case 'min_value': reporting_html_min_value($table, $item, $mini); break; case 'sumatory': reporting_html_sum_value($table, $item, $mini); break; case 'agent_configuration': reporting_html_agent_configuration($table, $item); break; case 'projection_graph': reporting_html_graph($table, $item); break; case 'prediction_date': reporting_html_prediction_date($table, $item, $mini); break; case 'netflow_area': case 'netflow_data': case 'netflow_summary': case 'netflow_top_N': reporting_html_graph($table, $item); break; case 'monitor_report': reporting_html_monitor_report($table, $item, $mini); break; case 'sql_graph_vbar': case 'sql_graph_hbar': case 'sql_graph_pie': reporting_html_sql_graph($table, $item); break; case 'alert_report_group': case 'alert_report_module': case 'alert_report_agent': reporting_html_alert_report($table, $item); break; case 'network_interfaces_report': reporting_html_network_interfaces_report($table, $item); break; case 'custom_render': reporting_html_custom_render($table, $item); break; case 'group_configuration': reporting_html_group_configuration($table, $item); break; case 'historical_data': reporting_html_historical_data($table, $item); break; case 'database_serialized': reporting_html_database_serialized($table, $item); break; case 'last_value': reporting_html_last_value($table, $item); break; case 'group_report': reporting_html_group_report($table, $item); break; case 'exception': reporting_html_exception($table, $item); break; case 'agent_module': reporting_html_agent_module($table, $item); break; case 'agent_module_status': reporting_html_agent_module_status($table, $item); break; case 'end_of_life': reporting_html_end_of_life($table, $item); break; case 'alert_report_actions': reporting_html_alert_report_actions($table, $item); break; case 'agents_inventory': reporting_html_agents_inventory($table, $item); break; case 'modules_inventory': reporting_html_modules_inventory($table, $item); break; case 'inventory': reporting_html_inventory($table, $item); break; case 'inventory_changes': reporting_html_inventory_changes($table, $item); break; case 'IPAM_network': reporting_enterprise_html_ipam($table, $item, $mini); break; case 'agent_detailed_event': case 'event_report_agent': reporting_html_event_report_agent($table, $item); break; case 'event_report_module': reporting_html_event_report_module($table, $item); break; case 'event_report_group': reporting_html_event_report_group($table, $item); break; case 'top_n': reporting_html_top_n($table, $item); break; case 'SLA': reporting_html_SLA($table, $item, $mini); break; case 'SLA_monthly': reporting_enterprise_html_SLA_monthly($table, $item, $mini); break; case 'SLA_weekly': reporting_enterprise_html_SLA_weekly($table, $item, $mini); break; case 'SLA_hourly': reporting_enterprise_html_SLA_hourly($table, $item, $mini); break; case 'SLA_services': reporting_enterprise_html_SLA_services($table, $item, $mini); break; case 'module_histogram_graph': reporting_enterprise_html_module_histogram_graph( $table, $item, $mini ); break; case 'ncm': reporting_html_ncm_config($table, $item); break; case 'top_n_agents_sh': reporting_html_top_n_agents_sh($table, $item); break; case 'top_n_checks_failed': reporting_html_top_n_checks_failed($table, $item); break; case 'top_n_categories_checks': reporting_html_top_n_categories_checks($table, $item); break; case 'vul_by_cat': reporting_vul_by_cat_graph($table, $item); break; case 'list_checks': reporting_html_list_checks($table, $item); break; case 'scoring': reporting_html_scoring($table, $item); break; case 'evolution': reporting_evolution_graph($table, $item); break; } if ($item['type'] == 'agent_module') { echo '
'; } html_print_table($table); if ($item['type'] == 'agent_module') { echo '
'; } } } /** * Function to print the security hardening evolution. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * * @return void */ function reporting_evolution_graph($table, $item) { $table->rowclass[0] = ''; $table->colspan['chart']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart']['cell'] = $item['chart']; } /** * Function to print the agents scoring. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string */ function reporting_html_scoring($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $table->width = '99%'; $table->styleTable = 'border: 0px;'; $table->colspan[2][0] = 3; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->rowclass[0] = ''; $table1->head[0] = ''.__('Date').''; $table1->head[1] = ''.__('Agent').''; $table1->head[2] = ''.__('Score').''; $row = 1; foreach ($item['data'] as $key => $check) { $table1->data[$row][1] = date($config['date_format'], $check['date']); $table1->data[$row][2] = $check['agent']; $table1->data[$row][3] = $check['scoring'].' %'; $row++; } if ($pdf === 1) { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; } $table->data[2][0] = html_print_table($table1, true); if ($pdf === 1) { return html_print_table($table1, true); } } /** * Function to print HTML checks filtered by agent and category. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string */ function reporting_html_list_checks($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $table->width = '99%'; $table->styleTable = 'border: 0px;'; $table->colspan[2][0] = 4; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->rowclass[0] = ''; $table1->head[0] = ''.__('Id').''; $table1->head[1] = ''.__('Title').''; $table1->head[2] = ''.__('Category').''; $table1->head[3] = ''.__('Status').''; $row = 2; foreach ($item['data'] as $key => $check) { $table1->data[$row][0] = $check['id']; $table1->data[$row][1] = $check['title']; $table1->data[$row][2] = $check['category']; $table1->data[$row][3] = $check['status']; $row++; } if ($pdf === 1) { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; } $table->data[2][0] = html_print_table($table1, true); if ($pdf === 1) { return html_print_table($table1, true); } } /** * Function to print HTML top checks failed by category * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string */ function reporting_html_top_n_categories_checks($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $table->width = '99%'; $table->styleTable = 'border: 0px;'; $table->colspan[2][0] = 3; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->rowclass[0] = ''; $table1->head[0] = ''.__('Id').''; $table1->head[1] = ''.__('Category').''; $table1->head[2] = ''.__('Total Failed').''; $row = 2; foreach ($item['data'] as $key => $check) { $table1->data[$row][0] = $check['id']; $table1->data[$row][1] = $check['category']; $table1->data[$row][2] = $check['total']; $row++; } if ($pdf === 1) { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; } $table->data[2][0] = html_print_table($table1, true); if ($pdf === 1) { return html_print_table($table1, true); } } /** * Function to print HTML top checks failed. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string */ function reporting_html_top_n_checks_failed($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $table->width = '99%'; $table->styleTable = 'border: 0px;'; $table->colspan[2][0] = 3; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'width: 10%; text-align: center;'; $table1->style[2] = 'text-align: center;'; $table1->rowclass[0] = ''; $table1->head[0] = ''.__('Title').''; $table1->head[1] = ''.__('Total Failed').''; $table1->head[2] = ''.__('Description').''; $row = 2; foreach ($item['data'] as $key => $check) { $table1->data[$row][1] = $check['title']; $table1->data[$row][2] = $check['total']; $table1->data[$row][3] = $check['description']; $row++; } if ($pdf === 1) { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; } $table->data[2][0] = html_print_table($table1, true); if ($pdf === 1) { return html_print_table($table1, true); } } /** * Function to print HTML top categories in graph. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * * @return void */ function reporting_vul_by_cat_graph($table, $item) { $table->rowclass[0] = ''; $table->colspan['chart']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart']['cell'] = $item['chart']; } /** * Function to print HTML top n agents from security hardening. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string */ function reporting_html_top_n_agents_sh($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $table->width = '99%'; $table->styleTable = 'border: 0px;'; $table->colspan[2][0] = 3; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->headstyle = []; $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->rowclass[0] = ''; $table1->head[0] = ''.__('Agent').''; $table1->head[1] = ''.__('Last audit scan').''; $table1->head[2] = ''.__('Score').''; $row = 2; foreach ($item['data'] as $key => $agent) { $table1->data[$row][0] = $agent['alias']; $table1->data[$row][1] = date($config['date_format'], $agent['utimestamp']); $table1->data[$row][2] = $agent['datos'].' %'; $row++; } if ($pdf === 1) { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; } $table->data[2][0] = html_print_table($table1, true); if ($pdf === 1) { return html_print_table($table, true); } } /** * Function to print to HTML SLA report. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $mini If true or false letter mini. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_SLA($table, $item, $mini, $pdf=0) { $return_pdf = ''; $style = db_get_value( 'style', 'treport_content', 'id_rc', $item['id_rc'] ); $style = json_decode(io_safe_output($style), true); global $config; $interval_description = ($config['interval_description'] ?? null); if ($mini === true) { $font_size = '1.5em'; } else { $font_size = $config['font_size_item_report'].'em'; } $metaconsole_on = is_metaconsole(); if ($metaconsole_on === true) { $src = '../../'; } else { $src = $config['homeurl']; } if (empty($item['failed']) === false) { $table->colspan['sla']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['sla']['cell'] = $item['failed']; } else { if (empty($item['planned_downtimes']) === false) { $downtimes_table = reporting_html_planned_downtimes_table( $item['planned_downtimes'] ); if (empty($downtimes_table) === false) { $table->colspan['planned_downtime']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['planned_downtime']['cell'] = $downtimes_table; } } if (isset($item['data']) === true) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->align = []; $table1->align[0] = 'left'; $table1->align[1] = 'left'; $table1->align[2] = 'right'; $table1->align[3] = 'right'; $table1->align[4] = 'right'; $table1->align[5] = 'right'; $table1->data = []; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Agent'); $table1->head[1] = __('Module'); $table1->head[2] = __('Max/Min Values'); $table1->head[3] = __('SLA Limit'); $table1->head[4] = __('SLA Compliance'); $table1->head[5] = __('Status'); $table1->headstyle = []; $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->headstyle[3] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->headstyle[4] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->headstyle[5] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->style = []; $table1->style[0] = 'page-break-before: always;'; $table1->rowstyle = []; // Second_table for time globals. $table2 = new stdClass(); $table2->width = '99%'; $table2->class = 'info_table'; $table2->align = []; $table2->align[0] = 'left'; $table2->align[1] = 'left'; $table2->align[2] = 'right'; $table2->align[3] = 'right'; $table2->align[4] = 'right'; $table2->align[5] = 'right'; $table2->align[6] = 'right'; $table2->data = []; $table2->head = []; $table2->head[0] = __('Global Time'); $table2->head[1] = __('Time Total'); $table2->head[2] = __('Time Failed'); $table2->head[3] = __('Time OK'); $table2->head[4] = __('Time Unknown'); $table2->head[5] = __('Time Not Init'); $table2->head[6] = __('Downtime'); $table2->headstyle = []; $table2->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table2->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table2->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: right'; $table2->headstyle[3] = 'text-align: right'; $table2->headstyle[4] = 'text-align: right'; $table2->headstyle[5] = 'text-align: right'; $table2->headstyle[6] = 'text-align: right'; // Third_table for time globals. $table3 = new stdClass(); $table3->width = '99%'; $table3->class = 'info_table'; $table3->align = []; $table3->align[0] = 'left'; $table3->align[1] = 'right'; $table3->align[2] = 'right'; $table3->align[3] = 'right'; $table3->align[4] = 'right'; $table3->align[5] = 'right'; $table3->align[6] = 'right'; $table3->data = []; $table3->head = []; $table3->head[0] = __('Checks Time'); $table3->head[1] = __('Checks Total'); $table3->head[2] = __('Checks Failed'); $table3->head[3] = __('Checks OK'); $table3->head[4] = __('Checks Unknown'); $table3->headstyle = []; $table3->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table3->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: right'; $table3->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: right'; $table3->headstyle[3] = 'text-align: right'; $table3->headstyle[4] = 'text-align: right'; $table3->headstyle[5] = 'text-align: right'; foreach ($item['data'] as $sla) { if (isset($sla) === true) { // First_table. $row = []; $row[] = $sla['agent']; if ((bool) $sla['compare'] === false) { $row[] = $sla['module']; } else { $row[] = $sla['module'].' ('.__('24 x 7').')'; } if (is_numeric($sla['dinamic_text'])) { $row[] = sla_truncate( $sla['max'], $config['graph_precision'] ).' / '.sla_truncate( $sla['min'], $config['graph_precision'] ); } else { $row[] = $sla['dinamic_text']; } $row[] = round($sla['sla_limit'], 2).'%'; if (reporting_sla_is_not_init_from_array($sla)) { $row[] = ''.__('N/A').''; $row[] = ''.__('Not init').''; } else if (reporting_sla_is_ignored_from_array($sla)) { $row[] = ''.__('N/A').''; $row[] = ''.__('No data').''; // Normal calculation. } else if ($sla['sla_status']) { $row[] = ''.sla_truncate($sla['sla_value'], $config['graph_precision']).'%'; $row[] = ''.__('OK').''; } else { $row[] = ''.sla_truncate($sla['sla_value'], $config['graph_precision']).'%'; $row[] = ''.__('Fail').''; } // Second table for time globals. $row2 = []; if ((bool) $sla['compare'] === false) { $row2[] = $sla['agent'].' -- ['.$sla['module'].']'; } else { $name_agent_module = $sla['agent']; $name_agent_module .= ' -- ['.$sla['module']; $name_agent_module .= ' ('.__('24 x 7').')]'; $row2[] = $name_agent_module; } if ($sla['time_total'] != 0) { $row2[] = human_time_description_raw( $sla['time_total'], false, $interval_description ); } else { $row2[] = '--'; } if ($sla['time_error'] != 0) { $row2[] = ''.human_time_description_raw( $sla['time_error'], true, $interval_description ).''; } else { $row2[] = '--'; } if ($sla['time_ok'] != 0) { $row2[] = ''.human_time_description_raw( $sla['time_ok'], true, $interval_description ).''; } else { $row2[] = '--'; } if ($sla['time_unknown'] != 0) { $row2[] = ''.human_time_description_raw( $sla['time_unknown'], true, $interval_description ).''; } else { $row2[] = '--'; } if ($sla['time_not_init'] != 0) { $row2[] = ''.human_time_description_raw( $sla['time_not_init'], true, $interval_description ).''; } else { $row2[] = '--'; } if ($sla['time_downtime'] != 0) { $row2[] = ''.human_time_description_raw( $sla['time_downtime'], true, $interval_description ).''; } else { $row2[] = '--'; } // Third table for checks globals. $row3 = []; if ((bool) $sla['compare'] === false) { $row3[] = $sla['agent'].' -- ['.$sla['module'].']'; } else { $name_agent_module = $sla['agent']; $name_agent_module .= ' -- ['.$sla['module']; $name_agent_module .= ' ('.__('24 x 7').')]'; $row3[] = $name_agent_module; } $row3[] = $sla['checks_total']; $row3[] = ''.$sla['checks_error'].''; $row3[] = ''.$sla['checks_ok'].''; $row3[] = ''.$sla['checks_unknown'].''; $table1->rowstyle[] = 'page-break-before: always;'; $table1->data[] = $row; $table2->data[] = $row2; $table3->data[] = $row3; } } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['sla']['cell'] = 2; $table->data['sla']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); $table->colspan['time_global']['cell'] = 2; $table->data['time_global']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table2, true ); $table->colspan['checks_global']['cell'] = 2; $table->data['checks_global']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table3, true ); } else { // $table1->title = $item['title']; // $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; // $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table( $table1, true ); // $table2->title = $item['title']; // $table2->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; // $table2->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table( $table2, true ); // $table3->title = $item['title']; // $table3->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; // $table3->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table( $table3, true ); } } else { $table->colspan['error']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['error']['cell'] = __( 'There are no Agent/Modules defined' ); } if (empty($item['charts']) === false) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '100%'; $table1->size = []; $table1->size[0] = '10%'; if ($pdf !== 0) { $table1->size[0] = '20%'; } $table1->data = []; foreach ($item['charts'] as $chart) { $name_agent_module = $chart['agent']; $name_agent_module .= '
'; $name_agent_module .= $chart['module']; if ((bool) $chart['compare'] === true) { $name_agent_module .= ' ('.__('24 x 7').')'; } $table1->data[] = [ $name_agent_module, $chart['chart'], ]; } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['charts']['cell'] = 2; $table->data['charts']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); } else { // $table1->title = $item['title']; // $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; // $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table( $table1, true ); } // Table_legend_graphs. $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->data = []; $table1->size = []; $table1->size[0] = '2%'; $table1->data[0][0] = ''; $table1->size[1] = '14%'; $table1->data[0][1] = ''.__('OK').''; $table1->size[2] = '2%'; $table1->data[0][2] = ''; $table1->size[3] = '14%'; $table1->data[0][3] = ''.__('Critical').''; $table1->size[4] = '2%'; $table1->data[0][4] = ''; $table1->size[5] = '14%'; $table1->data[0][5] = ''.__('Unknow').''; $table1->size[6] = '2%'; $table1->data[0][6] = ''; $table1->size[7] = '14%'; $table1->data[0][7] = ''.__('Not Init').''; $table1->size[8] = '2%'; $table1->data[0][8] = ''; $table1->size[9] = '14%'; $table1->data[0][9] = ''.__('Downtimes').''; $table1->size[10] = '2%'; $table1->data[0][10] = ''; $table1->size[11] = '15%'; $table1->data[0][11] = ''.__('Scheduled Downtime').''; if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['legend']['cell'] = 2; $table->data['legend']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); } else { $return_pdf .= html_print_table( $table1, true ); } } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } /** * Function to print html report top N. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_top_n($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $return_pdf = ''; if (!empty($item['failed'])) { if ($pdf !== 0) { $return_pdf .= $item['failed']; } else { $table->colspan['top_n']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['top_n']['cell'] = $item['failed']; } } else { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->align = []; $table1->align[0] = 'left'; $table1->align[1] = 'left'; $table1->align[2] = 'right'; $table1->data = []; $table1->headstyle = []; $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Agent'); $table1->head[1] = __('Module'); $table1->head[2] = __('Value'); foreach ($item['data'] as $top) { $row = []; $row[] = $top['agent']; $row[] = $top['module']; $row[] = $top['formated_value']; $table1->data[] = $row; } $table->colspan['top_n']['cell'] = 3; if ($pdf !== 0) { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table($table1, true); } else { $table->data['top_n']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } if (empty($item['charts']['pie']) === false) { if ($pdf !== 0) { $return_pdf .= $item['charts']['pie']; } else { $table->colspan['char_pie'][0] = 2; $table->data['char_pie'][0] = $item['charts']['pie']; } } if (empty($item['charts']['bars']) === false) { if ($pdf !== 0) { $return_pdf .= $item['charts']['bars']; } else { $table->data['char_pie'][1] = $item['charts']['bars']; } } if (empty($item['resume']) === false) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->align = []; $table1->align[0] = 'center'; $table1->align[1] = 'center'; $table1->align[2] = 'center'; $table1->data = []; $table1->headstyle = []; $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Min Value'); $table1->head[1] = __('Average Value'); $table1->head[2] = __('Max Value'); $row = []; $row[] = $item['resume']['min']['formated_value']; $row[] = $item['resume']['avg']['formated_value']; $row[] = $item['resume']['max']['formated_value']; $table1->data[] = $row; if ($pdf !== 0) { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table($table1, true); } else { $table->colspan['resume']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['resume']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } function reporting_html_event_report_group($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $show_extended_events = $item['show_extended_events']; $show_custom_data = (bool) $item['show_custom_data']; if ($item['total_events']) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->align = []; $table1->align[0] = 'left'; if ($item['show_summary_group']) { $table1->align[3] = 'left'; } else { $table1->align[2] = 'left'; } $table1->data = []; $table1->head = []; if ($item['show_summary_group']) { $table1->head[0] = __('Status'); $table1->head[1] = __('Type'); $table1->head[2] = __('Count'); $table1->head[3] = __('Name'); $table1->head[4] = __('Agent'); $table1->head[5] = __('Severity'); $table1->head[6] = __('Val. by'); $table1->head[7] = __('Timestamp'); } else { $table1->head[0] = __('Status'); $table1->head[1] = __('Type'); $table1->head[2] = __('Name'); $table1->head[3] = __('Agent'); $table1->head[4] = __('Severity'); $table1->head[5] = __('Val. by'); $table1->head[6] = __('Timestamp'); } if ($show_custom_data === true) { $table1->head[8] = __('Custom data'); } foreach ($item['data'] as $k => $event) { $data = []; // Colored box. switch ($event['estado']) { case 1: $img_st = 'images/tick.png'; $title_st = __('Event validated'); break; case 2: $img_st = 'images/hourglass.png'; $title_st = __('Event in process'); break; default: case 0: $img_st = 'images/star.png'; $title_st = __('New event'); break; } $data[] = html_print_image( $img_st, true, [ 'class' => 'image_status invert_filter', 'width' => 16, 'title' => $title_st, 'id' => 'status_img_'.$event['id_evento'], ] ); if ($pdf) { $data[] = events_print_type_img_pdf($event['event_type'], true); } else { $data[] = events_print_type_img($event['event_type'], true); } if ($item['show_summary_group']) { $data[] = $event['event_rep']; } $data[] = ui_print_truncate_text( io_safe_output($event['evento']), 140, false, true ); if (empty($event['alias']) === false) { $alias = $event['alias']; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $alias = '('.$event['server_name'].') '.$event['alias']; } $data[] = $alias; } else { $data[] = __('%s System', get_product_name()); } $data[] = get_priority_name($event['criticity']); if (empty($event['id_usuario']) === true && $event['estado'] == EVENT_VALIDATE ) { $data[] = ''.__('System').''; } else { $user_name = db_get_value( 'fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event['id_usuario'] ); $data[] = io_safe_output($user_name); } if ($item['show_summary_group']) { $data[] = ''.date($config['date_format'], $event['timestamp_last']).''; } else { $data[] = ''.date($config['date_format'], strtotime($event['timestamp'])).''; } if ($show_custom_data === true) { $custom_data_text = ''; if (empty($event['custom_data']) === false) { $custom_data = json_decode($event['custom_data'], true); if (empty($custom_data) === false) { foreach ($custom_data as $key => $value) { $custom_data_text .= $key.' = '.$value.'
'; } } } $data[] = $custom_data_text; } array_push($table1->data, $data); if ($show_extended_events == 1 && events_has_extended_info($event['id_evento'])) { $extended_events = events_get_extended_events($event['id_evento']); foreach ($extended_events as $extended_event) { $extended_data = []; $extended_data[] = "".io_safe_output($extended_event['description'])."".date($config['date_format'], $extended_event['utimestamp']).''; array_push($table1->data, $extended_data); } } } if ($pdf) { $table0 = new stdClass(); $table0->width = '99%'; $table0->data['count_row']['count'] = 'Total events: '.$item['total_events']; $pdf_export = html_print_table($table0, true); $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['events']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['events']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } if (!empty($item['chart']['by_agent'])) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Events by agent'); $table1->data[0][0] = $item['chart']['by_agent']; if ($pdf) { $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['chart_by_agent']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_by_agent']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_by_agent']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } if (!empty($item['chart']['by_user_validator'])) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Events by user validator'); $table1->data[0][0] = $item['chart']['by_user_validator']; if ($pdf) { $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['chart_by_user_validator']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_by_user_validator']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_by_user_validator']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } if (!empty($item['chart']['by_criticity'])) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Events by Severity'); $table1->data[0][0] = $item['chart']['by_criticity']; if ($pdf) { $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['chart_by_criticity']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_by_criticity']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_by_criticity']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } if (!empty($item['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'])) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Events validated vs unvalidated'); $table1->data[0][0] = $item['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated']; if ($pdf) { $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['chart_validated_vs_unvalidated']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_validated_vs_unvalidated']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_validated_vs_unvalidated']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } if ($pdf) { return $pdf_export; } } else { if ($pdf) { $table0 = new stdClass(); $table0->width = '99%'; $table0->data['count_row']['count'] = 'Total events: '.$item['total_events']; $pdf_export = html_print_table($table0, true); return $pdf_export; } } } function reporting_html_event_report_module($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $show_extended_events = $item['show_extended_events']; $show_summary_group = $item['show_summary_group']; $show_custom_data = (bool) $item['show_custom_data']; if ($item['total_events']) { if (!empty($item['failed'])) { $table->colspan['events']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['events']['cell'] = $item['failed']; } else { foreach ($item['data'] as $item) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->data = []; $table1->head = []; $table1->align[0] = 'left'; if ($show_summary_group) { $table1->head[0] = __('Status'); $table1->head[1] = __('Type'); $table1->head[2] = __('Event name'); $table1->head[3] = __('Severity'); $table1->head[4] = __('Count'); $table1->head[5] = __('Timestamp'); $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: center;'; } else { $table1->head[0] = __('Status'); $table1->head[1] = __('Type'); $table1->head[2] = __('Event name'); $table1->head[3] = __('Severity'); $table1->head[4] = __('Timestamp'); $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: center;'; } if ($show_custom_data === true) { $table1->head[6] = __('Custom data'); } if (is_array($item['data']) || is_object($item['data'])) { $item_data = array_reverse($item['data']); } if (is_array($item_data) || is_object($item_data)) { foreach ($item_data as $i => $event) { $data = []; // Colored box. switch ($event['estado']) { case 0: default: $img_st = 'images/star.png'; $title_st = __('New event'); break; case 1: $img_st = 'images/tick.png'; $title_st = __('Event validated'); break; case 2: $img_st = 'images/hourglass.png'; $title_st = __('Event in process'); break; } $data[0] = html_print_image( $img_st, true, [ 'class' => 'image_status invert_filter', 'width' => 16, 'title' => $title_st, 'id' => 'status_img_'.$event['id_evento'], ] ); if ($pdf) { $data[1] = events_print_type_img_pdf($event['event_type'], true); } else { $data[1] = events_print_type_img($event['event_type'], true); } $data[2] = io_safe_output($event['evento']); $data[3] = get_priority_name($event['criticity']); if ($show_summary_group) { $data[4] = $event['event_rep']; $data[5] = date($config['date_format'], $event['timestamp_last']); } else { $data[4] = date($config['date_format'], strtotime($event['timestamp'])); } if ($show_custom_data === true) { $custom_data = json_decode($event['custom_data'], true); $custom_data_text = ''; foreach ($custom_data as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $custom_data_text .= $key.' = '; foreach ($value as $action) { $custom_data_text .= $action.', '; } $custom_data_text = rtrim($custom_data_text, ', ').'
'; } else { $custom_data_text .= $key.' = '.$value.'
'; } } $data[6] = $custom_data_text; } $table1->data[] = $data; if ($show_extended_events == 1 && events_has_extended_info($event['id_evento'])) { $extended_events = events_get_extended_events($event['id_evento']); foreach ($extended_events as $extended_event) { $extended_data = []; $extended_data[] = "".io_safe_output($extended_event['description'])."".date($config['date_format'], $extended_event['utimestamp']).''; array_push($table1->data, $extended_data); } } } } if ($pdf) { $table0 = new stdClass(); $table0->width = '99%'; $table0->data['count_row']['count'] = 'Total events: '.$item['total_events']; $pdf_export = html_print_table($table0, true); $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['events']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['events']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } if (!empty($item['chart']['by_agent'])) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Events by agent'); $table1->data[0][0] = $item['chart']['by_agent']; if ($pdf) { $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['chart_by_agent']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_by_agent']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_by_agent']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } if (!empty($item['chart']['by_user_validator'])) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Events by user validator'); $table1->data[0][0] = $item['chart']['by_user_validator']; if ($pdf) { $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['chart_by_user_validator']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_by_user_validator']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_by_user_validator']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } if (!empty($item['chart']['by_criticity'])) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Events by Severity'); $table1->data[0][0] = $item['chart']['by_criticity']; if ($pdf) { $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['chart_by_criticity']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_by_criticity']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_by_criticity']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } if (!empty($item['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'])) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Events validated vs unvalidated'); $table1->data[0][0] = $item['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated']; if ($pdf) { $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['chart_validated_vs_unvalidated']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_validated_vs_unvalidated']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_validated_vs_unvalidated']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } if ($pdf) { return $pdf_export; } } } } else { if ($pdf) { $table0 = new stdClass(); $table0->width = '99%'; $table0->data['count_row']['count'] = 'Total events: '.$item['total_events']; $pdf_export = html_print_table($table0, true); return $pdf_export; } } } /** * Print in html agents inventory * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf Print pdf true or false. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_agents_inventory($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '100%'; $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->cellpadding = 1; $table1->cellspacing = 1; $table1->styleTable = 'overflow: wrap; table-layout: fixed;'; $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[1] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[2] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top; min-width: 100px'; $table1->style[3] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[4] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[5] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top; min-width: 100px'; $table1->style[6] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[7] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[8] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top; min-width: 100px'; $table1->style[9] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[10] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[11] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top; min-width: 100px'; $table1->head = []; // Sort array columns. $tmp_sort_array = []; foreach ($item['data'] as $data_key => $data_value) { if (array_key_exists('alias', $data_value) === true) { $tmp_sort_array['alias'] = $data_value['alias']; } if (array_key_exists('direccion', $data_value) === true) { $tmp_sort_array['direccion'] = $data_value['direccion']; } if (array_key_exists('id_os', $data_value) === true) { $tmp_sort_array['id_os'] = $data_value['id_os']; } if (array_key_exists('agent_version', $data_value) === true) { $tmp_sort_array['agent_version'] = $data_value['agent_version']; } if (array_key_exists('id_grupo', $data_value) === true) { $tmp_sort_array['id_grupo'] = $data_value['id_grupo']; } if (array_key_exists('comentarios', $data_value) === true) { $tmp_sort_array['comentarios'] = $data_value['comentarios']; } if (array_key_exists('url_address', $data_value) === true) { $tmp_sort_array['url_address'] = $data_value['url_address']; } if (array_key_exists('remote', $data_value) === true) { $tmp_sort_array['remote'] = $data_value['remote']; } if (array_key_exists('secondary_groups', $data_value) === true) { $tmp_sort_array['secondary_groups'] = $data_value['secondary_groups']; } if (array_key_exists('custom_fields', $data_value) === true) { $tmp_sort_array['custom_fields'] = $data_value['custom_fields']; } if (array_key_exists('estado', $data_value) === true) { $tmp_sort_array['estado'] = $data_value['estado']; } unset($item['data'][$data_key]); $item['data'][$data_key] = $tmp_sort_array; } foreach ($item['data'][0] as $field_key => $field_value) { switch ($field_key) { case 'alias': $table1->head[] = __('Alias'); break; case 'direccion': $table1->head[] = __('IP Address'); break; case 'id_os': $table1->head[] = __('OS'); break; case 'id_grupo': $table1->head[] = __('Group'); break; case 'comentarios': $table1->head[] = __('Description'); break; case 'secondary_groups': $table1->head[] = __('Sec. groups'); break; case 'url_address': $table1->head[] = __('URL'); break; case 'custom_fields': $table1->head[] = __('Custom fields'); break; case 'estado': $table1->head[] = __('Status'); break; case 'agent_version': $table1->head[] = __('Version'); break; case 'remote': $table1->head[] = __('Remote conf.'); break; } } $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[3] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[4] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[5] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[6] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[7] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[8] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[9] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[10] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[11] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->data = []; foreach ($item['data'] as $data) { $row = []; foreach ($data as $data_field_key => $data_field_value) { $column_value = $data_field_value; $show_link = ($pdf === 0) ? true : false; // Necessary transformations of data prior to represent it. if ($data_field_key === 'id_os') { $column_value = get_os_name((int) $data_field_value); } else if ($data_field_key === 'remote' && $pdf === 0) { $column_value = ((int) $data_field_value === 1) ? __('Yes') : __('No'); } else if ($data_field_key === 'url_address' && $pdf === 0) { $column_value = ui_print_truncate_text($data_field_value, 10); } else if ($data_field_key === 'estado') { $column_value = ($pdf === 0) ? ui_print_module_status((int) $data_field_value, true) : modules_get_modules_status((int) $data_field_value); } else if ($data_field_key === 'id_grupo') { $column_value = groups_get_name((int) $data_field_value); } else if ($data_field_key === 'custom_fields') { $custom_fields_value = []; if (is_array($data_field_value)) { foreach ($data_field_value as $value) { $custom_fields_value[] = $value['name'].': '.$value['description']; } } $column_value = implode(' / ', $custom_fields_value); } else if ($data_field_key === 'secondary_groups') { $custom_fields_value = []; if (is_array($data_field_value)) { foreach ($data_field_value as $value) { $custom_fields_value[] = groups_get_name((int) $value['id_group']); } } $column_value = implode(' / ', $custom_fields_value); } $row[] = $column_value; } $table1->data[] = $row; if ($pdf !== 0) { $table1->data[] = '
'; } } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['permissions']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['permissions']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['permissions']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); } else { return html_print_table( $table1, true ); } } /** * Print html modules inventory * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf Print pdf true or false. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_modules_inventory($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '100%'; $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->cellpadding = 1; $table1->cellspacing = 1; $table1->styleTable = 'overflow: wrap; table-layout: fixed;'; $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[1] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[2] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[3] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[4] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[5] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[6] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[7] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->head = []; $first_index = array_key_first($item['data']); foreach ($item['data'][$first_index] as $field_key => $field_value) { switch ($field_key) { case 'alias': $table1->head[] = __('Alias'); break; case 'nombre': $table1->head[] = __('Name'); break; case 'descripcion': $table1->head[] = __('Description'); break; case 'id_module_group': $table1->head[] = __('Module group'); break; case 'id_tag': $table1->head[] = __('Tags'); break; case 'group_id': $table1->head[] = __('Agent group'); break; case 'sec_group_id': $table1->head[] = __('Agent secondary groups'); break; case 'last_status_change': $table1->head[] = __('Last status change'); } } $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[3] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[4] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[5] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[6] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[7] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->data = []; foreach ($item['data'] as $module_id => $module_data) { unset($module_data['server_id']); $row = []; $first_item = array_pop(array_reverse($module_data)); foreach ($module_data as $data_field_key => $data_field_value) { if ($data_field_key === 'alias') { $column_value = $data_field_value; } else if ($data_field_key === 'nombre') { $column_value = $data_field_value; } else if ($data_field_key === 'descripcion') { $column_value = $data_field_value; } else if ($data_field_key === 'id_module_group') { $module_group_name = modules_get_modulegroup_name($data_field_value); if ($module_group_name === '') { $module_group_name = '-'; } $column_value = $module_group_name; } else if ($data_field_key === 'id_tag') { if (empty($data_field_value[0]) === false) { $sql = 'SELECT name FROM ttag WHERE id_tag IN ('.$data_field_value[0].')'; $tags_rows = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); $tags_names = []; foreach ($tags_rows as $tag_row) { array_push($tags_names, $tag_row['name']); } $column_value = implode('
', $tags_names); } else { $tags_names = array_map( function ($tag_id) { return db_get_value('name', 'ttag', 'id_tag', $tag_id); }, $data_field_value ); $column_value = implode('
', $tags_names); } } else if ($data_field_key === 'group_id') { $column_value = groups_get_name($data_field_value[0]); } else if ($data_field_key === 'sec_group_id') { $sec_groups_names = array_map( function ($group_id) { return groups_get_name($group_id); }, $data_field_value ); $column_value = implode('
', $sec_groups_names); } else if ($data_field_key === 'last_status_change') { $column_value = $data_field_value; } $row[] = $column_value; } $table1->data[] = $row; if ($pdf !== 0) { $table1->data[] = '
'; } } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['permissions']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['permissions']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['permissions']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); } else { return html_print_table( $table1, true ); } } /** * Print in html inventory changes reports * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf Print pdf true or false. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_inventory_changes($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $return_pdf = ''; if (!empty($item['failed'])) { if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['failed']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['failed']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['failed']['cell'] = $item['failed']; } else { $return_pdf .= $item['failed']; } } else { foreach ($item['data'] as $module_item) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->cellstyle = []; $table1->cellstyle[0][0] = 'background: #373737; color: #FFF;'; $table1->cellstyle[0][1] = 'background: #373737; color: #FFF;'; $table1->data[0][0] = $module_item['agent']; $table1->data[0][1] = $module_item['module']; $table1->cellstyle[1][0] = 'background: #373737; color: #FFF;'; $table1->data[1][0] = $module_item['date']; $table1->colspan[1][0] = 2; $table1->cellstyle[2][0] = 'background: #373737; color: #FFF; text-align: center;'; $table1->data[2][0] = __('Added'); $table1->colspan[2][0] = 2; if (count($module_item['added'])) { $table1->data = array_merge( $table1->data, $module_item['added'] ); } $table1->cellstyle[(3 + count($module_item['added']))][0] = 'background: #373737; color: #FFF; text-align: center;'; $table1->data[(3 + count($module_item['added']))][0] = __('Deleted'); $table1->colspan[(3 + count($module_item['added']))][0] = 2; if (count($module_item['deleted'])) { $table1->data = array_merge( $table1->data, $module_item['deleted'] ); } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan[$module_item['agent'].'_'.$module_item['module']]['cell'] = 3; $table->data[$module_item['agent'].'_'.$module_item['module']]['cell'] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); } else { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table( $table1, true ); } } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } /** * Print in html inventory reportd * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf Print pdf true or false. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_inventory($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $return_pdf = ''; if (empty($item['failed']) === false) { if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['failed']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['failed']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['failed']['cell'] = $item['failed']; } else { $return_pdf .= $item['failed']; } } else { // Grouped type inventory. $type_modules = array_reduce( $item['data'], function ($carry, $it) { $carry[$it['name']][] = $it; return $carry; }, [] ); if (isset($type_modules) === true && is_array($type_modules) === true ) { foreach ($type_modules as $key_type_module => $type_module) { $print_table = true; foreach ($type_module as $key => $module) { if (count($module['data']) == 0) { unset($type_module[$key]); } } $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->data = []; $table1->head = []; $table1->cellstyle = []; $table1->headstyle = []; if (isset($type_module) === true && is_array($type_module) === true ) { if (count($type_module) > 0) { foreach ($type_module as $key_type => $module) { if (isset($module['data']) === true && is_array($module['data']) === true ) { foreach ($module['data'] as $k_module => $v_module) { $str_key = $key_type_module.'-'.$key_type.'-'.$k_module; $table1->head[0] = __('Agent'); $table1->head[1] = __('Module'); $table1->head[2] = __('Date'); $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->cellstyle[$str_key][0] = 'text-align: left;'; $table1->cellstyle[$str_key][1] = 'text-align: left;'; $table1->cellstyle[$str_key][2] = 'text-align: left;'; $table1->data[$str_key][0] = $module['agent_name']; $table1->data[$str_key][1] = $key_type_module; $dateModule = explode(' ', $module['timestamp']); $table1->data[$str_key][2] = $dateModule[0]; if (isset($v_module) === true && is_array($v_module) === true ) { foreach ($v_module as $k => $v) { $table1->head[$k] = $k; $table1->headstyle[$k] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->cellstyle[$str_key][$k] = 'text-align: left;'; if ($pdf === 0) { $table1->data[$str_key][$k] = $v; } else { // Workaround to prevent table columns from growing indefinitely in PDFs. $table1->data[$str_key][$k] = preg_replace( '/([^\s]{30})(?=[^\s])/', '$1'.'
', $v ); } } } } } } } else { $print_table = false; } } else { $print_table = false; } if ($pdf === 0 && $print_table === true) { $table->colspan[$key_type_module]['cell'] = 3; $table->data[$key_type_module]['cell'] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); } else if ($print_table === true) { $return_pdf .= html_print_table( $table1, true ); } } } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } /** * Print in html the agent / module report * showing the status of these modules. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * * @return void */ function reporting_html_agent_module($table, $item) { $table->colspan['agent_module']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['agent_module']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; if (!empty($item['failed'])) { $table->data['agent_module']['cell'] = $item['failed']; } else { $table_data = ''; $table_data .= ''; $table_data .= ''; $first = reset($item['data']); $list_modules = $first['modules']; foreach ($list_modules as $module_name => $module) { $file_name = ui_print_truncate_text( $module_name, 'module_small', false, true, false, '...' ); $table_data .= ''; } $table_data .= ''; foreach ($item['data'] as $row) { $table_data .= ""; switch ($row['agent_status']) { case AGENT_STATUS_ALERT_FIRED: $rowcolor = COL_ALERTFIRED; $textcolor = '#000'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL: $rowcolor = COL_CRITICAL; $textcolor = '#FFF'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_WARNING: $rowcolor = COL_WARNING; $textcolor = '#000'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL: $rowcolor = COL_NORMAL; $textcolor = '#FFF'; break; case AGENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: case AGENT_STATUS_ALL: default: $rowcolor = COL_UNKNOWN; $textcolor = '#FFF'; break; } $file_name = ui_print_truncate_text( $row['agent_name'], 'agent_small', false, true, false, '...' ); $table_data .= ''; foreach ($row['modules'] as $module_name => $module) { if ($module === null) { $table_data .= ''; } else { $table_data .= ''; } } } $table_data .= '
'.__('Agents').' / '.__('Modules').''.$file_name.'
'.$file_name.''; if (isset($row['show_type']) === true && $row['show_type'] === '1') { $table_data .= $module; } else { switch ($module) { case AGENT_STATUS_CRITICAL: $table_data .= ui_print_status_image( 'module_critical.png', __( '%s in %s : CRITICAL', $module_name, $row['agent_name'] ), true, [ 'width' => '20px', 'height' => '20px', ], 'images/status_sets/default/' ); break; case AGENT_STATUS_WARNING: $table_data .= ui_print_status_image( 'module_warning.png', __( '%s in %s : WARNING', $module_name, $row['agent_name'] ), true, [ 'width' => '20px', 'height' => '20px', ], 'images/status_sets/default/' ); break; case AGENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: $table_data .= ui_print_status_image( 'module_unknown.png', __( '%s in %s : UNKNOWN', $module_name, $row['agent_name'] ), true, [ 'width' => '20px', 'height' => '20px', ], 'images/status_sets/default/' ); break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_ALERT: $table_data .= ui_print_status_image( 'module_alertsfired.png', __( '%s in %s : ALERTS FIRED', $module_name, $row['agent_name'] ), true, [ 'width' => '20px', 'height' => '20px', ], 'images/status_sets/default/' ); break; case 4: $table_data .= ui_print_status_image( 'module_no_data.png', __( '%s in %s : Not initialize', $module_name, $row['agent_name'] ), true, [ 'width' => '20px', 'height' => '20px', ], 'images/status_sets/default/' ); break; default: case AGENT_STATUS_NORMAL: $table_data .= ui_print_status_image( 'module_ok.png', __( '%s in %s : NORMAL', $module_name, $row['agent_name'] ), true, [ 'width' => '20px', 'height' => '20px', ], 'images/status_sets/default/' ); break; } } $table_data .= '
'; if (isset($row['show_type']) === false) { $table_data .= "
"; $table_data .= ''; $table_data .= "'; $table_data .= "'; $table_data .= "'; $table_data .= "'; $table_data .= "'; $table_data .= "'; $table_data .= "'; $table_data .= '
".__('Orange cell when the module has fired alerts').'
".__('Red cell when the module has a critical status').'
".__('Yellow cell when the module has a warning status').'
".__('Green cell when the module has a normal status').'
".__('Grey cell when the module has an unknown status').'
".__("Cell turns grey when the module is in 'not initialize' status").'
'; $table_data .= '
'; } $table->data['agent_module']['cell'] = $table_data; } } /** * Html report agent modules status. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param integer $pdf Pdf output. * * @return mixed */ function reporting_html_agent_module_status($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $return_pdf = ''; if (empty($item['data']) === true) { if ($pdf !== 0) { $return_pdf .= __('No items'); } else { $table->colspan['group_report']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['group_report']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['group_report']['cell'] = __('No items'); } } else { $table_info = new stdClass(); $table_info->width = '99%'; $table_info->align = []; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $table_info->align['server'] = 'left'; } $table_info->align['name_group'] = 'left'; $table_info->align['name_agent'] = 'left'; $table_info->align['name_module'] = 'left'; $table_info->align['status_module'] = 'left'; $table_info->align['data_module'] = 'left'; $table_info->align['data_time_module'] = 'left'; $table_info->headstyle = []; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $table_info->headstyle['server'] = 'text-align: left'; } $table_info->headstyle['name_group'] = 'text-align: left'; $table_info->headstyle['name_agent'] = 'text-align: left'; $table_info->headstyle['name_module'] = 'text-align: left'; $table_info->headstyle['status_module'] = 'text-align: left'; $table_info->headstyle['data_module'] = 'text-align: left'; $table_info->headstyle['data_time_module'] = 'text-align: left'; $table_info->head = []; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $table_info->head['server'] = __('Server'); } $table_info->head['name_agent'] = __('Agent'); $table_info->head['name_module'] = __('Module'); $table_info->head['name_group'] = __('Group'); $table_info->head['status_module'] = __('Status'); $table_info->head['data_module'] = __('Data'); $table_info->head['data_time_module'] = __('Last time'); $table_info->data = []; foreach ($item['data'] as $server => $info) { foreach ($info as $data) { $row = []; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $row['server'] = $server; } $row['name_agent'] = $data['name_agent']; $row['name_module'] = $data['name_module']; $row['name_group'] = $data['name_group']; $row['status_module'] = ui_print_module_status( $data['status_module'], true, 'status_rounded_rectangles', null, ($pdf === 1) ? '       ' : '' ); if (is_numeric($data['data_module']) === true) { $row['data_module'] = remove_right_zeros( number_format( $data['data_module'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'] ) ); } else { $row['data_module'] = (empty($data['data_module']) === true) ? '--' : $data['data_module']; } $row['data_module'] .= $data['unit_module']; $row['data_time_module'] = $data['data_time_module']; $table_info->data[] = $row; } } if ($pdf !== 0) { $table_info->title = $item['title']; $table_info->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table_info->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table($table_info, true); } else { $table->colspan['data']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['data']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['data']['cell'] = html_print_table($table_info, true); } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } /** * Html report end of life. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param integer $pdf Pdf output. * * @return mixed */ function reporting_html_end_of_life($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $return_pdf = ''; if (empty($item['data']) === true) { if ($pdf !== 0) { $return_pdf .= __('No items'); } else { $table->colspan['group_report']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['group_report']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['group_report']['cell'] = __('No items'); } } else { $table_info = new stdClass(); $table_info->width = '99%'; $table_info->align = []; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $table_info->align['server'] = 'left'; } $table_info->align['agent_alias'] = 'left'; $table_info->align['ip'] = 'left'; $table_info->align['os_type'] = 'left'; $table_info->align['os_version'] = 'left'; $table_info->align['end_of_life'] = 'left'; $table_info->headstyle = []; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $table_info->headstyle['server'] = 'text-align: left'; } $table_info->headstyle['agent_alias'] = 'text-align: left'; $table_info->headstyle['ip'] = 'text-align: left'; $table_info->headstyle['os_type'] = 'text-align: left'; $table_info->headstyle['os_version'] = 'text-align: left'; $table_info->headstyle['end_of_life'] = 'text-align: left'; $table_info->head = []; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { $table_info->head['server'] = __('Server'); } $table_info->head['agent_alias'] = __('Agent alias'); $table_info->head['ip'] = __('IP'); $table_info->head['os_type'] = __('OS Type'); $table_info->head['os_version'] = __('OS Version'); $table_info->head['end_of_life'] = __('End of life'); $table_info->data = []; if (is_metaconsole() === true) { foreach ($item['data'] as $server_name => $agents_per_server) { foreach ($agents_per_server as $agent) { $row = []; $row['server'] = $server_name; $row['agent_alias'] = $agent['alias']; $row['ip'] = $agent['direccion']; $row['os_type'] = $agent['name']; $row['os_version'] = $agent['os_version']; $date_string = date_w_fixed_tz($agent['end_of_life']); $timestamp = strtotime($date_string); $date_without_time = date('F j, Y', $timestamp); $row['end_of_life'] = $date_without_time; $table_info->data[] = $row; } } } else { foreach ($item['data'] as $data) { $row = []; $row['agent_alias'] = $data['alias']; $row['ip'] = $data['direccion']; $row['os_type'] = $data['name']; $row['os_version'] = $data['os_version']; $date_string = date_w_fixed_tz($data['end_of_life']); $timestamp = strtotime($date_string); $date_without_time = date('F j, Y', $timestamp); $row['end_of_life'] = $date_without_time; $table_info->data[] = $row; } } if ($pdf !== 0) { $table_info->title = $item['title']; $table_info->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table_info->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table($table_info, true); } else { $table->colspan['data']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['data']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['data']['cell'] = html_print_table($table_info, true); } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } /** * Function to print to HTML Exception report. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_exception($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $return_pdf = ''; if (!empty($item['failed'])) { if ($pdf !== 0) { $return_pdf .= $item['failed']; } else { $table->colspan['group_report']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['group_report']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['group_report']['cell'] = $item['failed']; } } else { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->align = []; $table1->align['agent'] = 'left'; $table1->align['module'] = 'left'; $table1->align['operation'] = 'left'; $table1->align['value'] = 'right'; $table1->data = []; $table1->headstyle = []; $table1->headstyle['agent'] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle['module'] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle['operation'] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle['value'] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head['agent'] = __('Agent'); $table1->head['module'] = __('Module'); $table1->head['operation'] = __('Operation'); $table1->head['value'] = __('Value'); foreach ($item['data'] as $data) { $row = []; $row['agent'] = $data['agent']; $row['module'] = $data['module']; $row['operation'] = $data['operation']; $row['value'] = $data['formated_value']; $table1->data[] = $row; } if ($pdf !== 0) { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table($table1, true); } else { $table->colspan['data']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['data']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['data']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } if (!empty($item['chart'])) { if ($pdf !== 0) { $return_pdf .= $item['chart']['pie']; $return_pdf .= $item['chart']['hbar']; } else { $table->colspan['chart_pie']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_pie']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_pie']['cell'] = $item['chart']['pie']; $table->colspan['chart_hbar']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_hbar']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_hbar']['cell'] = $item['chart']['hbar']; } } if (!empty($item['resume'])) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->align = []; $table1->align['min'] = 'right'; $table1->align['avg'] = 'right'; $table1->align['max'] = 'right'; $table1->headstyle = []; $table1->headstyle['min'] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->headstyle['avg'] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->headstyle['max'] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head['min'] = __('Min Value'); $table1->head['avg'] = __('Average Value'); $table1->head['max'] = __('Max Value'); $table1->data = []; $table1->data[] = [ 'min' => $item['resume']['min']['formated_value'], 'avg' => $item['resume']['avg']['formated_value'], 'max' => $item['resume']['max']['formated_value'], ]; if ($pdf !== 0) { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table($table1, true); } else { $table->colspan['resume']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['resume']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['resume']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } /** * Function to print to HTML group report. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_group_report($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $table->colspan['group_report']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['group_report']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $metaconsole_connected = false; if (is_metaconsole() === true && $item['server_name'] != '0') { $connection = metaconsole_get_connection($item['server_name']); if (metaconsole_connect($connection) == NOERR) { $metaconsole_connected = true; } } $all_group_id = []; $group_events = []; $group_os = []; if ($item['subtitle'] === 'All') { if (is_metaconsole() === true && $item['server_name'] === 'all' || $item['server_name'] === '0') { $nodes = metaconsole_get_connections(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { try { $nd = new Node($node['id']); $nd->connect(); $all_group_id_node = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT id_grupo FROM tgrupo'); $group_events_node = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(te.id_evento) as count_events, ta.alias FROM tevento as te INNER JOIN tagente as ta ON te.id_agente = ta.id_agente GROUP BY te.id_agente' ); $group_os_node = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(os.name) as count_os, os.name as name_os, ta.id_grupo FROM tconfig_os as os INNER JOIN tagente as ta ON ta.id_os = os.id_os GROUP by os.name' ); $all_group_id = array_merge($all_group_id, $all_group_id_node); $group_events = array_merge($group_events, $group_events_node); $group_os = array_merge($group_os, $group_os_node); } catch (\Exception $e) { $nd->disconnect(); $modules_regex_node = []; } finally { $nd->disconnect(); } } } else { $all_group_id = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT id_grupo FROM tgrupo'); $group_events = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(te.id_evento) as count_events, ta.alias FROM tevento as te INNER JOIN tagente as ta ON te.id_agente = ta.id_agente GROUP BY te.id_agente' ); $group_os = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(os.name) as count_os, os.name as name_os, ta.id_grupo FROM tconfig_os as os INNER JOIN tagente as ta ON ta.id_os = os.id_os GROUP by os.name' ); } $group_id = []; foreach ($all_group_id as $group) { $group_id[] = $group['id_grupo']; } $description = __('Data view of all groups'); $icon = ''; } else { $group_id = db_get_value('id_grupo', 'tgrupo', 'nombre', $item['subtitle']); if (is_metaconsole() === true && $item['server_name'] === 'all' || $item['server_name'] === '0') { $nodes = metaconsole_get_connections(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { try { $nd = new Node($node['id']); $nd->connect(); $group_id_node = db_get_value('id_grupo', 'tgrupo', 'nombre', $item['subtitle']); $description = db_get_value('description', 'tgrupo', 'id_grupo', $group_id_node); $icon_url = db_get_value('icon', 'tgrupo', 'id_grupo', $group_id_node); $icon = html_print_image( 'images/'.$icon_url, true, [ 'title' => $item['subtitle'], 'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter', ] ); $childrens = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT id_grupo FROM tgrupo WHERE parent = '.$group_id_node); $total_agents = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT COUNT(id_agente) as total FROM tagente where id_grupo = '.$group_id_node); if ($childrens !== false && (int) $total_agents[0]['total'] !== $item['data']['group_stats']['total_agents']) { $array_group_id = []; $array_group_id[] = $group_id_node; foreach ($childrens as $group) { $array_group_id[] = $group['id_grupo']; } $group_id_node = $array_group_id; $explode_group_id = implode(',', $group_id_node); } else { $explode_group_id = $group_id_node; } $group_events_node = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(te.id_evento) as count_events, ta.alias FROM tevento as te INNER JOIN tagente as ta ON te.id_agente = ta.id_agente WHERE te.id_grupo IN ('.$explode_group_id.') GROUP BY te.id_agente' ); $group_os_node = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(os.name) as count_os, os.name as name_os, ta.id_grupo FROM tconfig_os as os INNER JOIN tagente as ta ON ta.id_os = os.id_os WHERE ta.id_grupo IN ('.$explode_group_id.') GROUP by os.name' ); if (is_array($group_events_node) === true) { $group_events = array_merge($group_events, $group_events_node); } if (is_array($group_os_node) === true) { $group_os = array_merge($group_os, $group_os_node); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $nd->disconnect(); } finally { $nd->disconnect(); } } } else { $description = db_get_value('description', 'tgrupo', 'id_grupo', $group_id); $icon_url = db_get_value('icon', 'tgrupo', 'id_grupo', $group_id); $icon = html_print_image( 'images/'.$icon_url, true, [ 'title' => $item['subtitle'], 'class' => 'main_menu_icon invert_filter', ] ); $childrens = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT id_grupo FROM tgrupo WHERE parent = '.$group_id); $total_agents = db_get_all_rows_sql('SELECT COUNT(id_agente) as total FROM tagente where id_grupo = '.$group_id); if ($childrens !== false && (int) $total_agents[0]['total'] !== $item['data']['group_stats']['total_agents']) { $array_group_id = []; $array_group_id[] = $group_id; foreach ($childrens as $group) { $array_group_id[] = $group['id_grupo']; } $group_id = $array_group_id; $explode_group_id = implode(',', $group_id); } else { $explode_group_id = $group_id; } $group_events = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(te.id_evento) as count_events, ta.alias FROM tevento as te INNER JOIN tagente as ta ON te.id_agente = ta.id_agente WHERE te.id_grupo IN ('.$explode_group_id.') GROUP BY te.id_agente' ); $group_os = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT COUNT(os.name) as count_os, os.name as name_os, ta.id_grupo FROM tconfig_os as os INNER JOIN tagente as ta ON ta.id_os = os.id_os WHERE ta.id_grupo IN ('.$explode_group_id.') GROUP by os.name' ); } } if ($metaconsole_connected === true) { metaconsole_restore_db(); } $graph_width = 280; $graph_height = 250; $out = ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'.$item['subtitle'].'   '.$icon.''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= ''; $out .= '
'.__('Group Description').'  '.$description.'
'; $data = [ 'monitor_alerts' => $item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_alerts'], 'monitor_alerts_fired' => $item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_alerts_fired'], ]; $out .= tactical_groups_get_stats_alerts($group_id, $data); $out .= '
'; $data = [ 'total_agents' => $item['data']['group_stats']['total_agents'], 'monitor_total' => $item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_checks'], ]; $out .= tactical_groups_get_agents_and_monitoring($group_id, $data); $out .= ''; $data = [ 'monitor_critical' => $item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_critical'], 'monitor_warning' => $item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_warning'], 'monitor_ok' => $item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_ok'], 'monitor_unknown' => $item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_unknown'], 'monitor_not_init' => $item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_not_init'], ]; $out .= groups_get_stats_modules_status($group_id, 250, 150, false, false, $data); $out .= '
'.__('Events per agent').''; $data = []; $options = []; $labels = []; foreach ($group_events as $value) { $data[$value['alias']] = $value['count_events']; $labels[] = io_safe_output($value['alias']); } if ($pdf !== 0) { $ttl = 2; } else { $ttl = 0; } $options = [ 'width' => $graph_width, 'height' => $graph_height, 'legend' => ['display' => false], 'labels' => $labels, 'ttl' => $ttl, 'legend' => [ 'display' => true, 'position' => 'top', 'align' => 'center', ], ]; $out .= '
'; if ((int) $ttl === 2) { $out .= ''; } $out .= pie_graph($data, $options); if ((int) $ttl === 2) { $out .= '" />'; } else { $out .= '
'; } $out .= ''; $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'.__('Distribution by OS').''; $data = []; $options = []; $labels = []; foreach ($group_os as $value) { $data[$value['name_os']] += $value['count_os']; if (array_search($value['name_os'], $labels) === false) { $labels[] = io_safe_output($value['name_os']); } } $options = [ 'width' => $graph_width, 'height' => $graph_height, 'legend' => ['display' => false], 'labels' => $labels, 'ttl' => $ttl, 'legend' => [ 'display' => true, 'position' => 'top', 'align' => 'center', ], ]; $out .= '
'; if ((int) $ttl === 2) { $out .= ''; } $out .= pie_graph($data, $options); if ((int) $ttl === 2) { $out .= '" />'; } else { $out .= '
'; } $out .= ''; $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; /* $data = "
".__('Total')." ".__('Unknown')."
".__('Agents')." ".$item['data']['group_stats']['total_agents']." ".$item['data']['group_stats']['agents_unknown']."
".__('Total')." ".__('Normal')." ".__('Critical')." ".__('Warning')." ".__('Unknown')." ".__('Not init')."
".__('Monitors')." ".$item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_checks']." ".$item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_ok']." ".$item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_critical']." ".$item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_warning']." ".$item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_unknown']." ".$item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_not_init']."
".__('Defined')." ".__('Fired')."
".__('Alerts')." ".$item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_alerts']." ".$item['data']['group_stats']['monitor_alerts_fired']."
".__('Events (not validated)')." ".$item['data']['count_events'].'
';*/ $table->data['group_report']['cell'] = $out; if ($pdf !== 0) { return $out; } } function reporting_html_event_report_agent($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $show_extended_events = $item['show_extended_events']; if ($item['total_events'] != 0) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->align = []; $table1->align[0] = 'left'; $table1->align[1] = 'left'; $table1->align[2] = 'left'; $table1->align[3] = 'left'; $table1->align[4] = 'left'; $table1->align[5] = 'left'; $table1->align[6] = 'left'; $table1->align[7] = 'left'; $table1->data = []; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Status'); $table1->head[3] = __('Type'); if ($item['show_summary_group']) { $table1->head[1] = __('Count'); } $table1->head[2] = __('Name'); $table1->head[4] = __('Severity'); $table1->head[5] = __('Val. by'); $table1->head[6] = __('Timestamp'); if ((bool) $item['show_custom_data'] === true) { $table1->head[7] = __('Custom data'); } foreach ($item['data'] as $i => $event) { $data = []; // Colored box. switch ($event['status']) { case 0: default: $img_st = 'images/star.png'; $title_st = __('New event'); break; case 1: $img_st = 'images/tick.png'; $title_st = __('Event validated'); break; case 2: $img_st = 'images/hourglass.png'; $title_st = __('Event in process'); break; } $data[] = html_print_image( $img_st, true, [ 'class' => 'image_status invert_filter', 'width' => 16, 'title' => $title_st, ] ); if ($pdf) { $data[] = events_print_type_img_pdf($event['type'], true); } else { $data[] = events_print_type_img($event['type'], true); } if ($item['show_summary_group']) { $data[] = $event['count']; } $data[] = ui_print_truncate_text( io_safe_output($event['name']), 140, false, true ); $data[] = get_priority_name($event['criticity']); if (empty($event['validated_by']) && $event['status'] == EVENT_VALIDATE) { $data[] = ''.__('System').''; } else { $user_name = db_get_value('fullname', 'tusuario', 'id_user', $event['validated_by']); $data[] = io_safe_output($user_name); } if ($item['show_summary_group']) { $data[] = ''.date($config['date_format'], $event['timestamp']).''; } else { $data[] = ''.date($config['date_format'], strtotime($event['timestamp'])).''; } if ((bool) $item['show_custom_data'] === true) { $custom_data = json_decode($event['custom_data'], true); $custom_data_text = ''; foreach ($custom_data as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $custom_data_text .= $key.' = '; foreach ($value as $action) { $custom_data_text .= $action.', '; } $custom_data_text = rtrim($custom_data_text, ', ').'
'; } else { $custom_data_text .= $key.' = '.$value.'
'; } } $data[] = $custom_data_text; } array_push($table1->data, $data); if ($show_extended_events == 1 && events_has_extended_info($event['id_evento'])) { $extended_events = events_get_extended_events($event['id_evento']); foreach ($extended_events as $extended_event) { $extended_data = []; $extended_data[] = "".io_safe_output($extended_event['description'])."".date($config['date_format'], $extended_event['utimestamp']).''; array_push($table1->data, $extended_data); } } } if ($pdf) { $table0 = new stdClass(); $table0->width = '99%'; $table0->data['count_row']['count'] = 'Total events: '.$item['total_events']; $pdf_export = html_print_table($table0, true); $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['event_list']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['event_list']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['event_list']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } if (!empty($item['chart']['by_user_validator'])) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Events validated by user'); $table1->data[0][0] = $item['chart']['by_user_validator']; if ($pdf) { $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['chart_by_user_validator']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_by_user_validator']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_by_user_validator']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } if (!empty($item['chart']['by_criticity'])) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Events by severity'); $table1->data[0][0] = $item['chart']['by_criticity']; if ($pdf) { $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['chart_by_criticity']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_by_criticity']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_by_criticity']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } if (!empty($item['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated'])) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Amount events validated'); $table1->data[0][0] = $item['chart']['validated_vs_unvalidated']; if ($pdf) { $pdf_export .= html_print_table($table1, true); $pdf_export .= '
'; } else { $table->colspan['chart_validated_vs_unvalidated']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart_validated_vs_unvalidated']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart_validated_vs_unvalidated']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } if ($pdf) { return $pdf_export; } } else { if ($pdf) { $table0 = new stdClass(); $table0->width = '99%'; $table0->data['count_row']['count'] = 'Total events: '.$item['total_events']; $pdf_export = html_print_table($table0, true); return $pdf_export; } } } /** * Function to print to HTML historical data report. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_historical_data($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '100%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->head = [ __('Date'), __('Data'), ]; $table1->data = []; foreach ($item['data'] as $data) { if (!is_numeric($data[__('Data')])) { if (is_snapshot_data($data[__('Data')])) { if ($config['command_snapshot']) { $row = [ $data[__('Date')], '', ]; } else { $row = [ $data[__('Date')], wordwrap(io_safe_input($data[__('Data')]), 60, "
\n", true), ]; } } else { // Command line snapshot. if (is_text_to_black_string($data[__('Data')])) { $table1->style[1] = 'text-align: left;'; $row = [ $data[__('Date')], '
', ]; } else { $row = [ $data[__('Date')], $data[__('Data')], ]; } } } else { $row = [ $data[__('Date')], remove_right_zeros(number_format($data[__('Data')], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'])), ]; } $table1->data[] = $row; } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['database_serialized']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['database_serialized']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['database_serialized']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); return html_print_table($table, true); } else { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; return html_print_table($table1, true); } } /** * It displays an item in the table format report from * the data stored within the table named 'tagente_datos_stringin' * the Pandora FMS Database. * For it, the agent should serialize the data separating * them with a line-separating character and another * which separates the fields. All lines should contain all fields. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_database_serialized($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '100%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->head = [ __('Date'), __('Data'), ]; if (!empty($item['keys'])) { $table1->head = array_merge($table1->head, $item['keys']); } $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->data = []; foreach ($item['data'] as $data) { foreach ($data['data'] as $data_unserialized) { $row = [$data['date']]; foreach ($data_unserialized as $key => $data_value) { if (is_snapshot_data($data_unserialized[$key])) { if ($config['command_snapshot']) { $data_unserialized[$key] = ''; } else { $data_unserialized[$key] = wordwrap(io_safe_input($data_value), 60, "
\n", true); } } else if (is_text_to_black_string($data_unserialized[$key])) { $table1->style[1] = 'white-space: pre-wrap;'; $table1->style[1] .= 'text-align: left'; $data_unserialized[$key] = '
'; } } $row = array_merge($row, $data_unserialized); $table1->data[] = $row; } } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['database_serialized']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['database_serialized']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['database_serialized']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); } else { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; return html_print_table( $table1, true ); } } /** * Show last value and state of module. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string Html code. */ function reporting_html_last_value($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; if (empty($item['data']) === false) { $table_data = new stdClass(); $table_data->width = '100%'; $table_data->class = 'info_table'; $table_data->headstyle = []; $table_data->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left;'; $table_data->style = []; $table_data->style[0] = 'text-align: left;'; $table_data->head = [ __('Name'), __('Date'), __('Data'), __('Status'), ]; $table_data->data = []; $table_data->data[1][0] = $item['data']['agent_name']; $table_data->data[1][0] .= ' / '; $table_data->data[1][0] .= $item['data']['module_name']; $table_data->data[1][1] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $item['data']['utimestamp'] ); if (is_numeric($item['data']['datos']) === true) { $dataDatos = remove_right_zeros( number_format( $item['data']['datos'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'] ) ); } else { $dataDatos = trim($item['data']['datos']); } $table_data->data[1][2] = $dataDatos; switch ($item['data']['estado']) { case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_BAD: $img_status = ui_print_status_image( 'module_critical.png', $item['data']['datos'], true, [ 'width' => '50px', 'height' => '20px', 'style' => 'border-radius:5px;', ], 'images/status_sets/default/' ); break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING: $img_status = ui_print_status_image( 'module_warning.png', $item['data']['datos'], true, [ 'width' => '50px', 'height' => '20px', 'style' => 'border-radius:5px;', ], 'images/status_sets/default/' ); break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_UNKNOWN: $img_status = ui_print_status_image( 'module_unknown.png', $item['data']['datos'], true, [ 'width' => '50px', 'height' => '20px', 'style' => 'border-radius:5px;', ], 'images/status_sets/default/' ); break; case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_WARNING_ALERT: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_CRITICAL_ALERT: $img_status = ui_print_status_image( 'module_alertsfired.png', $item['data']['datos'], true, [ 'width' => '50px', 'height' => '20px', 'style' => 'border-radius:5px;', ], 'images/status_sets/default/' ); break; case 4: $img_status = ui_print_status_image( 'module_no_data.png', $item['data']['datos'], true, [ 'width' => '50px', 'height' => '20px', 'style' => 'border-radius:5px;', ], 'images/status_sets/default/' ); break; default: case AGENT_MODULE_STATUS_NORMAL: $img_status = ui_print_status_image( 'module_ok.png', $item['data']['datos'], true, [ 'width' => '50px', 'height' => '20px', 'style' => 'border-radius:5px;', ], 'images/status_sets/default/' ); break; } $table_data->data[1][3] = $img_status; if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['last_value']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['last_value']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['last_value']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table_data, true ); } else { return html_print_table( $table_data, true ); } } else { // TODO:XXX } } /** * Shows the data of a group and the agents that are part of them. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_group_configuration($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $cell = ''; foreach ($item['data'] as $agent) { if ($pdf === 0) { $table2 = new stdClass(); $table2->width = '100%'; $table2->class = 'info_table'; $table2->data = []; reporting_html_agent_configuration( $table2, ['data' => $agent], $pdf ); $cell .= html_print_table( $table2, true ); } else { $cell .= reporting_html_agent_configuration( false, ['data' => $agent], $pdf, $item['title'] ); } } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['group_configuration']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['group_configuration']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['group_configuration']['cell'] = $cell; } else { return $cell; } } /** * Html output report alert actions * * @param object $table Table. * @param array $item Data for draw report. * @param integer $pdf PDF output. * * @return string Html output. */ function reporting_html_alert_report_actions($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $data = $item['data']; $groupsBy = $item['groupsBy']; $output = ''; if (isset($data['data']) === true && empty($data['data']) === false ) { foreach ($data['data'] as $period => $data_array) { if (empty($period) === false) { $output .= '

'; $output .= __('From').' '; $output .= date( 'd-m-Y H:i:s', $period ); $output .= ' '.__('to').' '; $output .= date('d-m-Y H:i:s', ($period + (int) $groupsBy['lapse'])); $output .= '

'; } $output .= get_alert_table($data_array); } if (isset($data['summary']) === true && empty($data['summary']) === false ) { $output .= '

'; $output .= __('Total summary'); $output .= '

'; $output .= get_alert_table($data['summary']); } } else { $output .= ui_print_empty_data( __('No alerts fired'), '', true ); } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['alert_report_action']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['alert_report_action']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['alert_report_action']['cell'] = $output; } else { return $output; } } /** * Draw alert action table. * * @param array $data Data. * * @return string Html output. */ function get_alert_table($data) { $table = new StdCLass(); $table->width = '99%'; $table->class = 'info_table'; $table->data = []; $table->head = []; $table->headstyle = []; $table->cellstyle = []; $table->headstyle[0] = 'text-align:left;'; $table->size[0] = '25%'; $table->size[1] = '12%'; $table->size[2] = '12%'; $table->size[3] = '12%'; $table->size[4] = '12%'; $table->size[5] = '12%'; $table->size[6] = '12%'; $head = reset($data); foreach (array_reverse(array_keys($head)) as $name) { $table->head[] = ucfirst($name); } foreach ($data as $key => $params) { $table->cellstyle[$key][0] = 'text-align:left;'; foreach (array_reverse($params) as $name => $value) { $table->data[$key][] = $value; } } return html_print_table($table, true); } /** * This type of report element will generate the interface graphs * of all those devices that belong to the selected group. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_network_interfaces_report($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $return_pdf = ''; if (empty($item['failed']) === false) { if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['interfaces']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['interfaces']['cell'] = 'text-align: left;'; $table->data['interfaces']['cell'] = $item['failed']; } else { $return_pdf .= $item['failed']; } } else { foreach ($item['data'] as $agent) { $table_agent = new StdCLass(); $table_agent->width = '100%'; $table_agent->class = 'info_table'; $table_agent->data = []; $table_agent->head = []; $table_agent->head[0] = __('Agent').' '.$agent['agent']; $table_agent->headstyle = []; $table_agent->style[0] = 'text-align: center'; $table_agent->data['interfaces'] = ''; foreach ($agent['interfaces'] as $interface) { $table_interface = new StdClass(); $table_interface->width = '100%'; $table_interface->data = []; $table_interface->rowstyle = []; $table_interface->head = []; $table_interface->cellstyle = []; $table_interface->title = sprintf( __("Interface '%s' throughput graph"), $interface['name'] ); $table_interface->head['ip'] = __('IP'); $table_interface->head['mac'] = __('Mac'); $table_interface->head['status'] = __('Actual status'); $table_interface->style['ip'] = 'text-align: center'; $table_interface->style['mac'] = 'text-align: center'; $table_interface->style['status'] = 'width: 150px; text-align: center'; $data = []; $data['ip'] = !empty($interface['ip']) ? $interface['ip'] : '--'; $data['mac'] = !empty($interface['mac']) ? $interface['mac'] : '--'; $data['status'] = $interface['status_image']; $table_interface->data['data'] = $data; if (!empty($interface['chart'])) { $table_interface->data['graph'] = $interface['chart']; $table_interface->colspan['graph'][0] = 3; $table_interface->cellstyle['graph'][0] = 'text-align: center;'; } if ($pdf !== 0) { $table_interface->title = $item['title'].' '.__('Agents').': '.$agent['agent']; $table_interface->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table_interface->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $table_interface->styleTable = 'page-break-inside:avoid;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table( $table_interface, true ); } $table_agent->data['interfaces'] .= html_print_table( $table_interface, true ); $table_agent->colspan[$interface_name][0] = 3; } $id = uniqid(); $table->colspan[$id][0] = 3; $table->data[$id] = html_print_table( $table_agent, true ); } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } /** * This type of report element will generate the interface graphs * of all those devices that belong to the selected group. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_custom_render($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $return_pdf = ''; if (empty($item['failed']) === false) { if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['interfaces']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['interfaces']['cell'] = 'text-align: left;'; $table->data['interfaces']['cell'] = $item['failed']; } else { $return_pdf .= $item['failed']; } } else { $output = '
'; $output .= $item['data']; $output .= '
'; if ($pdf === 1) { $return_pdf .= $output; } else { $id = uniqid(); $table->colspan[$id][0] = 3; $table->data[$id] = $output; } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } /** * Unified alert report HTML */ function reporting_html_alert_report($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $table->colspan['alerts']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['alerts']['cell'] = 'text-align: left;'; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->head = []; $table1->data = []; $table1->rowspan = []; $table1->valign = []; if ($item['data'] == null) { $table->data['alerts']['cell'] = ui_print_empty_data( __('No alerts defined'), '', true ); } $table1->head['agent'] = __('Agent'); $table1->head['module'] = __('Module'); $table1->head['template'] = __('Template'); $table1->head['actions'] = __('Actions'); $table1->head['fired'] = __('Action').' '.__('Fired'); $table1->head['tfired'] = __('Template').' '.__('Fired'); $table1->valign['agent'] = 'top'; $table1->valign['module'] = 'top'; $table1->valign['template'] = 'top'; $table1->valign['actions'] = 'top'; $table1->valign['fired'] = 'top'; $table1->valign['tfired'] = 'top'; $td = 0; foreach ($item['data'] as $information) { $row = []; $td = count($information['alerts']); $row['agent'] = $information['agent']; $row['module'] = $information['module']; foreach ($information['alerts'] as $alert) { $row['template'] = $alert['template']; $row['actions'] = ''; $row['fired'] = ''; foreach ($alert['actions'] as $action) { if ($action['name'] == '') { // Removed from retrieved hash. continue; } $row['actions'] .= '
'; if (is_numeric($action['fired'])) { $row['fired'] .= '
'.date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $action['fired']).'
'; } else { $row['fired'] .= '
'; } } $row['tfired'] = ''; foreach ($alert['template_fired'] as $fired) { $row['tfired'] .= '
'."\n"; } // Skip first td's to avoid repeat the agent and module names. $table1->data[] = $row; if ($td > 1) { for ($i = 0; $i < $td; $i++) { $row['agent'] = ''; $row['module'] = ''; } } } } $table->data['alerts']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); if ($pdf) { $table1->class = 'info_table'; return html_print_table($table1, true); } } /** * This type of report element allows custom graphs to be defined * for use in reports. * These graphs will be created using SQL code entered by the user. * This SQL code should always return a variable called "label" * for the text labels or name of the elements to be displayed * and a field called "value" to store the numerical value to be represented. * * @param object $table Parameters table. * @param array $item Items data. * * @return void */ function reporting_html_sql_graph($table, $item) { $table->colspan['chart']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart']['cell'] = $item['chart']; } /** * It shows the percentage of time a module has been * right or wrong within a predefined period. * * @param object $table Parameters table. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $mini True or flase. * @param integer $pdf Values 0 or 1. * * @return mixed */ function reporting_html_monitor_report($table, $item, $mini, $pdf=0) { global $config; if ($mini) { $font_size = '1.5em'; } else { $font_size = $config['font_size_item_report'].'em'; } $table->colspan['module']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['module']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->head = []; $table1->data = []; if ($item['data']['unknown'] == 1) { $table1->data['data']['unknown'] = '

'; $table1->data['data']['unknown'] .= __('Unknown').'

'; } else { $table1->data['data']['ok'] = '

'; $table1->data['data']['ok'] .= html_print_image( 'images/module_ok.png', true ).' '.__('OK').': '.remove_right_zeros( number_format( $item['data']['ok']['value'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'] ) ).' %

'; $table1->data['data']['fail'] = '

'; $table1->data['data']['fail'] .= html_print_image( 'images/module_critical.png', true ).' '.__('Not OK').': '.remove_right_zeros( number_format( $item['data']['fail']['value'], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'] ) ).' % '.'

'; } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->data['module']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); } else { return html_print_table( $table1, true ); } } /** * Print report html. * * @param object $table Parameters table. * @param array $item Items data. * * @return mixed */ function reporting_html_graph($table, $item) { $table->colspan['chart']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['chart']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['chart']['cell'] = $item['chart']; } /** * Print report prediction date. * * @param object $table Parameters table. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $mini True or False. * * @return mixed */ function reporting_html_prediction_date($table, $item, $mini) { reporting_html_value($table, $item, $mini, true); } /** * Shows the data of agents and modules. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * @param string $title Show title pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_agent_configuration( $table, $item, $pdf=0, $title='' ) { $return_pdf = ''; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->head['name'] = __('Agent name'); $table1->head['group'] = __('Group'); $table1->head['os'] = __('OS'); $table1->head['address'] = __('IP'); $table1->head['description'] = __('Description'); $table1->head['status'] = __('Status'); $table1->data = []; $row = []; $row['name'] = $item['data']['name']; $row['group'] = groups_get_name($item['data']['group'], true); $row['address'] = $item['data']['os_icon']; $row['os'] = $item['data']['address']; $row['description'] = $item['data']['description']; if ($item['data']['enabled']) { $row['status'] = __('Enabled'); } else { $row['status'] = __('Disabled'); } $table1->data[] = $row; if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['agent']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['agent']['cell'] = 'text-align: left;'; $table->data['agent']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); } else { $return_pdf .= html_print_table( $table1, true ); } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['modules']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['modules']['cell'] = 'text-align: left;'; } if (empty($item['data']['modules'])) { if ($pdf === 0) { $table->data['modules']['cell'] = __('Empty modules'); } else { $return_pdf .= __('Empty modules'); } } else { $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->head = []; $table1->head['name'] = __('Name'); $table1->head['threshold'] = __('Threshold'); $table1->head['description'] = __('Description'); $table1->head['interval'] = __('Interval'); $table1->head['unit'] = __('Unit'); $table1->head['status'] = __('Status'); $table1->head['tags'] = __('Tags'); $table1->align = []; $table1->align[] = 'left'; $table1->data = []; foreach ($item['data']['modules'] as $module) { $row = []; $row['name'] = $module['name']; $row['threshold'] = $module['threshold']; $row['description'] = $module['description']; $row['interval'] = $module['interval']; $row['unit'] = $module['unit']; $row['status'] = ($pdf === 0) ? $module['status_icon'] : explode(':', $module['status'])[0]; $row['tags'] = implode(',', $module['tags']); $table1->data[] = $row; } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->data['modules']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } else { if ($title !== '') { $item['title'] = $title; } $table1->title = $item['title'].' '.__('Agent').': '.$item['data']['name']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table( $table1, true ); } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } function reporting_html_sum_value(&$table, $item, $mini) { reporting_html_value($table, $item, $mini); } function reporting_html_avg_value(&$table, $item, $mini) { reporting_html_value($table, $item, $mini); } function reporting_html_max_value(&$table, $item, $mini) { reporting_html_value($table, $item, $mini); } function reporting_html_min_value(&$table, $item, $mini) { reporting_html_value($table, $item, $mini); } /** * Htlm report AVg, min, Max, Only. * * @param array $table Table. * @param array $item Data. * @param boolean $mini Is mini. * @param boolean $only_value Only value. * @param boolean $check_empty Empty. * @param integer $pdf PDF Mode. * * @return string Html output. */ function reporting_html_value( $table, $item, $mini, $only_value=false, $check_empty=false, $pdf=0 ) { global $config; if ($mini) { $font_size = '1.5em'; } else { $font_size = $config['font_size_item_report'].'em'; } $return_pdf = ''; if (isset($item['visual_format']) === true && $item['visual_format'] != 0 && ($item['type'] == 'max_value' || $item['type'] == 'min_value' || $item['type'] == 'avg_value') ) { $table2 = new stdClass(); $table2->width = '100%'; $table2->class = 'info_table'; switch ($item['type']) { case 'max_value': $table2->head = [ __('Agent'), __('Module'), __('Maximun'), ]; break; case 'min_value': $table2->head = [ __('Agent'), __('Module'), __('Minimun'), ]; break; case 'avg_value': default: $table2->head = [ __('Agent'), __('Module'), __('Average'), ]; break; } $table2->data = []; $data = $item['data'][0]; $row = [ $data[__('Agent')], $data[__('Module')], $data[__('Maximun')], ]; $table2->data[] = $row; $table2->title = $item['title']; $table2->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table2->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $table->colspan[1][0] = 3; $table->colspan[2][0] = 3; $table->colspan[3][0] = 3; if ($pdf === 0) { array_push($table->data, html_print_table($table2, true)); } else { $return_pdf .= html_print_table($table2, true); } unset($item['data'][0]); if ($item['visual_format'] != 1) { $value = $item['data'][1]['value']; if ($pdf === 0) { array_push($table->data, $value); } else { $style_div_pdf = 'text-align:center;margin-bottom:20px;'; $return_pdf .= '
'; $return_pdf .= $value; $return_pdf .= '
'; } } unset($item['data'][1]); if ($item['visual_format'] != 2) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '100%'; $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align:left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align:left'; switch ($item['type']) { case 'max_value': $table1->head = [ __('Lapse'), __('Maximun'), ]; break; case 'min_value': $table1->head = [ __('Lapse'), __('Minimun'), ]; break; case 'avg_value': default: $table1->head = [ __('Lapse'), __('Average'), ]; break; } $table1->data = []; $row = []; foreach ($item['data'] as $data) { if (is_numeric($data[__('Maximun')]) === false) { $row = [ $data[__('Lapse')], $data[__('Maximun')], ]; } else { $row = [ $data[__('Lapse')], remove_right_zeros( number_format( $data[__('Maximun')], $config['graph_precision'], $config['decimal_separator'], $config['thousand_separator'] ) ), ]; } $table1->data[] = $row; } $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; if ($pdf === 0) { array_push($table->data, html_print_table($table1, true)); } else { $return_pdf .= html_print_table($table1, true); } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } else { if ($pdf !== 0) { $table = new stdClass(); $table->width = '100%'; } $table->colspan['data']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['data']['cell'] = 'text-align: left;'; $table->data['data']['cell'] = '

'; if ($check_empty && empty($item['data']['value'])) { $table->data['data']['cell'] .= __('Unknown'); } else if ($only_value) { $table->data['data']['cell'] .= $item['data']['value']; } else { $table->data['data']['cell'] .= $item['data']['formated_value']; } $table->data['data']['cell'] .= '

'; if ($pdf !== 0) { return html_print_table($table, true); } } } /** * Show a brief analysis in which the variation of the value * of the indicated module is indicated. * * @param string $table Reference table in pdf a false. * @param array $item Parameters for item pdf. * @param boolean $pdf Send pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_increment($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $return_pdf = ''; if (isset($item['data']['error'])) { if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['error']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['error']['cell'] = $item['data']['message']; } else { $return_pdf .= $item['data']['message']; } } else { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->data = []; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Agent'); $table1->head[1] = __('Module'); $table1->head[2] = __('From'); $table1->head[3] = __('To'); $table1->head[4] = __('From data'); $table1->head[5] = __('To data'); $table1->head[6] = __('Increment'); $table1->headstyle = []; $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[3] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[4] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->headstyle[5] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->headstyle[6] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->style[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->style[2] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->style[3] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->style[4] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->style[5] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->style[6] = 'text-align: right'; $table1_row = []; $table1_row[0] = agents_get_alias($item['id_agent']); $table1_row[1] = modules_get_agentmodule_name($item['id_agent_module']); $table1_row[2] = date('F j, Y, G:i', $item['from']); $table1_row[3] = date('F j, Y, G:i', $item['to']); $table1_row[4] = $item['data']['old']; $table1_row[5] = $item['data']['now']; if ($item['data']['inc'] == 'negative') { $table1_row[6] = __('Negative increase: ').$item['data']['inc_data']; } else if ($item['data']['inc'] == 'positive') { $table1_row[6] = __('Positive increase: ').$item['data']['inc_data']; } else { $table1_row[6] = __('Neutral increase: ').$item['data']['inc_data']; } $table1->data[] = $table1_row; if ($pdf === 0) { $data = []; $data[0] = html_print_table($table1, true); array_push($table->data, $data); } else { $return_pdf = html_print_table($table1, true); } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } function reporting_html_url(&$table, $item, $key) { $table->colspan['data']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['data']['cell'] = 'text-align: left;'; $table->data['data']['cell'] = ' '; // TODO: make this dynamic and get the height if the iframe to resize this item. $table->data['data']['cell'] .= ' '; } function reporting_html_text(&$table, $item) { $table->colspan['data']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['data']['cell'] = 'text-align: left;'; $table->data['data']['cell'] = $item['data']; } /** * Report availability * * @param string $table Reference table in pdf a false. * @param array $item Parameters for item pdf. * @param boolean $pdf Send pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_availability($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $return_pdf = ''; $style = db_get_value( 'style', 'treport_content', 'id_rc', $item['id_rc'] ); $style = json_decode( io_safe_output($style), true ); $same_agent_in_resume = ''; global $config; $font_size = $config['font_size_item_report'].'em'; $interval_description = $config['interval_description']; if (empty($item['data']) === false) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->data = []; $table1->head = []; if (isset($item['data'][0]['failover']) === true) { $table1->head[-1] = __('Failover'); } $table1->head[0] = __('Agent'); // HACK it is saved in show_graph field. // Show interfaces instead the modules. if ($item['kind_availability'] == 'address') { $table1->head[1] = __('IP Address'); } else { $table1->head[1] = __('Module'); } if ($item['fields']['total_time']) { $table1->head[2] = __('Total time'); } else { $table1->head[2] = __(''); } if ($item['fields']['time_failed']) { $table1->head[3] = __('Time failed'); } else { $table1->head[3] = __(''); } if ($item['fields']['time_in_ok_status']) { $table1->head[4] = __('Time OK'); } else { $table1->head[4] = __(''); } if ($item['fields']['time_in_warning_status']) { $table1->head[5] = __('Time in warning status'); } else { $table1->head[5] = __(''); } if ($item['fields']['time_in_unknown_status']) { $table1->head[6] = __('Time Unknown'); } else { $table1->head[6] = __(''); } if ($item['fields']['time_of_not_initialized_module']) { $table1->head[7] = __('Time Not Init Module'); } else { $table1->head[7] = __(''); } if ($item['fields']['time_of_downtime']) { $table1->head[8] = __('Time Downtime'); } else { $table1->head[8] = __(''); } $table1->head[9] = __('% Ok'); $table1->headstyle = []; if (isset($item['data'][0]['failover']) === true) { $table1->headstyle[-1] = 'text-align: left'; } $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->headstyle[3] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->headstyle[4] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->headstyle[5] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->headstyle[6] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->headstyle[7] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->headstyle[8] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->headstyle[9] = 'text-align: right'; if (isset($item['data'][0]['failover']) === true) { $table1->style[-1] = 'text-align: left'; } $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->style[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->style[2] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[3] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[4] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[5] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[6] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[7] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->style[8] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->style[9] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->style[10] = 'text-align: right'; $table2 = new stdClass(); $table2->width = '99%'; $table2->data = []; $table2->head = []; if (isset($item['data'][0]['failover']) === true) { $table2->head[-1] = __('Failover'); } $table2->head[0] = __('Agent'); // HACK it is saved in show_graph field. // Show interfaces instead the modules. if ($item['kind_availability'] == 'address') { $table2->head[1] = __('IP Address'); } else { $table2->head[1] = __('Module'); } if ($item['fields']['total_checks']) { $table2->head[2] = __('Total checks'); } else { $table2->head[2] = __(''); } if ($item['fields']['checks_failed']) { $table2->head[3] = __('Checks failed'); } else { $table2->head[3] = __(''); } if ($item['fields']['checks_in_ok_status']) { $table2->head[4] = __('Checks OK'); } else { $table2->head[4] = __(''); } if ($item['fields']['checks_in_warning_status']) { $table2->head[5] = __('Checks Warning'); } else { $table2->head[5] = __(''); } if ($item['fields']['unknown_checks']) { $table2->head[6] = __('Checks Uknown'); } else { $table2->head[6] = __(''); } $table2->headstyle = []; if (isset($item['data'][0]['failover']) === true) { $table2->headstyle[-1] = 'text-align: left'; } $table2->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table2->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table2->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: left'; if (isset($item['data'][0]['failover']) === true) { $table2->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: right'; } $table2->headstyle[3] = 'text-align: right'; $table2->headstyle[4] = 'text-align: right'; $table2->headstyle[5] = 'text-align: right'; $table2->headstyle[6] = 'text-align: right'; if (isset($item['data'][0]['failover']) === true) { $table2->style[-1] = 'text-align: left'; } $table2->style[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table2->style[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table2->style[2] = 'text-align: left'; $table2->style[3] = 'text-align: right'; $table2->style[4] = 'text-align: right'; $table2->style[5] = 'text-align: right'; $table2->style[6] = 'text-align: right'; foreach ($item['data'] as $row) { $table_row = []; if (isset($row['failover']) === true) { switch ($row['failover']) { case 'primary_compare': $table_row[] = __('Primary').' (24x7)'; break; case 'failover_compare': $table_row[] = __('Failover').' (24x7)'; break; case 'result_compare': $table_row[] = __('Result').' (24x7)'; break; default: if (strpos($row['failover'], 'failover') !== false) { $table_row[] = __('Failover'); } else { $table_row[] = ucfirst($row['failover']); } break; } } if (isset($row['failover']) === true && ($row['failover'] === 'result' || $row['failover'] === 'result_compare') ) { $table_row[] = '--'; $table_row[] = '--'; } else { $table_row[] = $row['agent']; $item_name = $row['availability_item']; if ((bool) $row['compare'] === true) { $item_name .= ' ('.__('24 x 7').')'; } $table_row[] = $item_name; } if ($row['time_total'] != 0 && $item['fields']['total_time']) { $table_row[] = human_time_description_raw( $row['time_total'], true, $interval_description ); } else if ($row['time_total'] == 0 && $item['fields']['total_time'] ) { $table_row[] = '--'; } else { $table_row[] = ''; }; if ($row['time_error'] != 0 && $item['fields']['time_failed']) { $table_row[] = human_time_description_raw( $row['time_error'], true, $interval_description ); } else if ($row['time_error'] == 0 && $item['fields']['time_failed'] ) { $table_row[] = '--'; } else { $table_row[] = ''; }; if ($row['time_ok'] != 0 && $item['fields']['time_in_ok_status']) { $table_row[] = human_time_description_raw( $row['time_ok'], true, $interval_description ); } else if ($row['time_ok'] == 0 && $item['fields']['time_in_ok_status'] ) { $table_row[] = '--'; } else { $table_row[] = ''; }; if ($row['time_warning'] != 0 && $item['fields']['time_in_warning_status']) { $table_row[] = human_time_description_raw( $row['time_warning'], true, $interval_description ); } else if ($row['time_warning'] == 0 && $item['fields']['time_in_warning_status'] ) { $table_row[] = '--'; } else { $table_row[] = ''; }; if ($row['time_unknown'] != 0 && $item['fields']['time_in_unknown_status'] ) { $table_row[] = human_time_description_raw( $row['time_unknown'], true, $interval_description ); } else if ($row['time_unknown'] == 0 && $item['fields']['time_in_unknown_status'] ) { $table_row[] = '--'; } else { $table_row[] = ''; }; if ($row['time_not_init'] != 0 && $item['fields']['time_of_not_initialized_module'] ) { $table_row[] = human_time_description_raw( $row['time_not_init'], true, $interval_description ); } else if ($row['time_not_init'] == 0 && $item['fields']['time_of_not_initialized_module'] ) { $table_row[] = '--'; } else { $table_row[] = ''; }; if ($row['time_downtime'] != 0 && $item['fields']['time_of_downtime'] ) { $table_row[] = human_time_description_raw( $row['time_downtime'], true, $interval_description ); } else if ($row['time_downtime'] == 0 && $item['fields']['time_of_downtime'] ) { $table_row[] = '--'; } else { $table_row[] = ''; }; $table_row[] = ''.sla_truncate($row['SLA'], $config['graph_precision']).'%'; $table_row2 = []; if (isset($row['failover']) === true) { switch ($row['failover']) { case 'primary_compare': $table_row2[] = __('Primary').' (24x7)'; break; case 'failover_compare': $table_row2[] = __('Failover').' (24x7)'; break; case 'result_compare': $table_row2[] = __('Result').' (24x7)'; break; default: if (strpos($row['failover'], 'failover') !== false) { $table_row2[] = __('Failover'); } else { $table_row2[] = ucfirst($row['failover']); } break; } } if (isset($row['failover']) === true && ($row['failover'] === 'result' || $row['failover'] === 'result_compare') ) { $table_row2[] = '--'; $table_row2[] = '--'; } else { $table_row2[] = $row['agent']; $item_name = $row['availability_item']; if ((bool) $row['compare'] === true) { $item_name .= ' ('.__('24 x 7').')'; } $table_row2[] = $item_name; } if ($item['fields']['total_checks']) { $table_row2[] = $row['checks_total']; } else { $table_row2[] = ''; } if ($item['fields']['checks_failed']) { $table_row2[] = $row['checks_error']; } else { $table_row2[] = ''; } if ($item['fields']['checks_in_ok_status']) { $table_row2[] = $row['checks_ok']; } else { $table_row2[] = ''; } if ($item['fields']['checks_in_warning_status']) { $table_row2[] = $row['checks_warning']; } else { $table_row2[] = ''; } if ($item['fields']['unknown_checks']) { $table_row2[] = $row['checks_unknown']; } else { $table_row2[] = ''; } $table1->data[] = $table_row; $table2->data[] = $table_row2; } } else { $table = new stdClass(); $table->colspan['error']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['error']['cell'] = __( 'There are no Agent/Modules defined' ); } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan[1][0] = 2; $table->colspan[2][0] = 2; $data = []; $data[0] = html_print_table($table1, true); array_push($table->data, $data); } else { // $table1->title = $item['title']; // $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; // $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table($table1, true); } if ($item['resume']['resume']) { if ($pdf === 0) { $data2 = []; $data2[0] = html_print_table($table2, true); array_push($table->data, $data2); } else { // $table2->title = $item['title']; // $table2->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; // $table2->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table($table2, true); } } if ($item['resume']['resume'] && empty($item['data']) === false) { $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->data = []; if (empty($same_agent_in_resume) === true || (strpos($item['resume']['min_text'], $same_agent_in_resume) === false) ) { $table1->head = []; $table1->head['max_text'] = __('Agent max value'); $table1->head['max'] = __('Max Value'); $table1->head['min_text'] = __('Agent min value'); $table1->head['min'] = __('Min Value'); $table1->head['avg'] = __('Average Value'); $table1->headstyle = []; $table1->headstyle['min_text'] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle['min'] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->headstyle['max_text'] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle['max'] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->headstyle['avg'] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->style = []; $table1->style['min_text'] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->style['min'] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->style['max_text'] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->style['max'] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->style['avg'] = 'text-align: right'; $table1->data[] = [ 'max_text' => $item['resume']['max_text'], 'max' => sla_truncate( $item['resume']['max'], $config['graph_precision'] ).'%', 'min_text' => $item['resume']['min_text'], 'min' => sla_truncate( $item['resume']['min'], $config['graph_precision'] ).'%', 'avg' => ''.sla_truncate($item['resume']['avg'], $config['graph_precision']).'%', ]; if ($item['fields']['agent_max_value'] == false) { $table1->head['max_text'] = ''; $table1->data[0]['max_text'] = ''; $table1->head['max'] = ''; $table1->data[0]['max'] = ''; } if ($item['fields']['agent_min_value'] == false) { $table1->head['min_text'] = ''; $table1->data[0]['min_text'] = ''; $table1->head['min'] = ''; $table1->data[0]['min'] = ''; } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan[3][0] = 3; $data = []; $data[0] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); array_push($table->data, $data); } else { // $table1->title = $item['title']; // $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; // $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table( $table1, true ); } } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } /** * The availability report shows in detail the reached * status of a module in a given time interval. * * @param string $table Reference table in pdf a false. * @param array $item Parameters for item pdf. * @param boolean $pdf Send pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_availability_graph($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $metaconsole_on = is_metaconsole(); $font_size = $config['font_size_item_report'].'em'; if ($pdf) { $font_mini = '9px'; } else { $font_mini = 'inherit'; } if ($metaconsole_on !== false) { $hack_metaconsole = '../../'; } else { $hack_metaconsole = ''; } $src = ui_get_full_url(false); $tables_chart = ''; $total_values = 0; $count_total_charts = 0; if (isset($item['failed']) === true && empty($item['failed']) === false) { $tables_chart .= $item['failed']; } else { foreach ($item['charts'] as $k_chart => $chart) { $checks_resume = ''; $sla_value = ''; if (reporting_sla_is_not_init_from_array($chart)) { $color = COL_NOTINIT; $sla_value = __('Not init'); } else if (reporting_sla_is_ignored_from_array($chart)) { $color = COL_IGNORED; $sla_value = __('No data'); } else { switch ($chart['sla_status']) { case REPORT_STATUS_ERR: $color = COL_CRITICAL; break; case REPORT_STATUS_OK: $color = COL_NORMAL; break; default: $color = COL_UNKNOWN; break; } $sla_value = sla_truncate( $chart['sla_value'], $config['graph_precision'] ).'%'; $checks_resume = '('.$chart['checks_ok'].'/'.$chart['checks_total'].')'; } // Check failover availability report. if (empty($item['data'][$k_chart]['failover']) === true) { if ($item['data'][$k_chart]['compare'] === 0 || $item['data'][$k_chart]['compare'] === 1 ) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '100%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->autosize = 1; $table1->styleTable = 'overflow: wrap; table-layout: fixed;'; $table1->data = []; $table1->size = []; $table1->size[0] = '10%'; $table1->size[1] = '80%'; $table1->size[2] = '10%'; } $table1->style[0] = 'overflow-wrap: break-word'; // Align percentage and checks resume. $table1->align[2] = 'left'; $table1->data[$k_chart][0] = $chart['agent']; $table1->data[$k_chart][0] .= '
'; $table1->data[$k_chart][0] .= $chart['module']; if ($item['data'][$k_chart]['compare'] === 1) { $table1->data[$k_chart][0] .= ' (24 x 7)'; } $total_values .= $sla_value; $count_total_charts++; $table1->data[$k_chart][1] = $chart['chart']; $table1->data[$k_chart][2] = "".$sla_value.'
'; // Pdf sizes to avoid excesive overflow. if ($pdf !== 0) { $table1->size[0] = '15%'; $table1->size[1] = '70%'; $table1->size[2] = '15%'; } $table1->data[$k_chart][2] .= "".$checks_resume.''; if ($item['data'][$k_chart]['compare'] !== 1) { $tables_chart .= html_print_table( $table1, true ); } } else { if (($item['data'][$k_chart]['failover'] === 'primary' || $item['data'][$k_chart]['failover'] === 'primary_compare' || $item['failover_type'] == REPORT_FAILOVER_TYPE_SIMPLE) && ($item['data'][$k_chart]['compare'] === 0 || $item['data'][$k_chart]['compare'] === 1) ) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '100%'; $table1->data = []; $table1->size = []; $table1->size[0] = '10%'; $table1->size[1] = '80%'; $table1->size[2] = '5%'; $table1->size[3] = '5%'; } $title = ''; $checks_resume_text = ''; $checks_resume_text .= $checks_resume; $checks_resume_text .= ''; $sla_value_text = "".$sla_value.''; switch ($item['data'][$k_chart]['failover']) { case 'primary_compare': $title = ''.__('Primary').' (24x7)'; $title .= '
'.$chart['agent']; $title .= '
'.$chart['module']; break; case 'primary': $title = ''.__('Primary').''; $title .= '
'.$chart['agent']; $title .= '
'.$chart['module']; break; case 'failover_compare': $title = ''.__('Failover').' (24x7)'; $title .= '
'.$chart['agent']; $title .= '
'.$chart['module']; break; case (preg_match('/failover.*/', $item['data'][$k_chart]['failover']) ? true : false): $title = ''.__('Failover').''; $title .= '
'.$chart['agent']; $title .= '
'.$chart['module']; break; case 'result_compare': $title = ''.__('Result').' (24x7)'; $sla_value_text = "".$sla_value.''; $checks_resume_text = ''; $checks_resume_text .= $checks_resume; $checks_resume_text .= ''; break; case 'result': default: $total_values .= $sla_value; $count_total_charts++; $title = ''.__('Result').''; $sla_value_text = "".$sla_value.''; $checks_resume_text = ''; $checks_resume_text .= $checks_resume; $checks_resume_text .= ''; break; } $table1->data[$item['data'][$k_chart]['failover']][0] = $title; $table1->data[$item['data'][$k_chart]['failover']][1] = $chart['chart']; $table1->data[$item['data'][$k_chart]['failover']][2] = $sla_value_text; $table1->data[$item['data'][$k_chart]['failover']][3] = $checks_resume_text; if ($item['data'][$k_chart]['compare'] !== 1 && $item['data'][$k_chart]['failover'] === 'result' ) { $tables_chart .= html_print_table( $table1, true ); } } } } if ((bool) $item['summary'] === true) { $table_summary = new stdClass(); $table_summary->width = '20%'; $table_summary->size = []; $table_summary->size[0] = '50%'; $table_summary->size[1] = '50%'; $table_summary->data = []; $table_summary->data[0][0] = ''.__('Summary').''; $table_summary->data[0][1] = ''; $table_summary->data[0][1] .= sla_truncate($total_values / $count_total_charts); $table_summary->data[0][1] .= ' %'; $table_summary->data[0][1] .= ''; $tables_chart .= html_print_table( $table_summary, true ); } if ($item['type'] == 'availability_graph') { // Table_legend_graphs. $table2 = new stdClass(); $table2->width = '99%'; $table2->data = []; $table2->size = []; $table2->size[0] = '2%'; $table2->data[0][0] = ''; $table2->size[1] = '14%'; $table2->data[0][1] = ''.__('OK').''; $table2->size[2] = '2%'; $table2->data[0][2] = ''; $table2->size[3] = '14%'; $table2->data[0][3] = ''.__('Critical').''; $table2->size[4] = '2%'; $table2->data[0][4] = ''; $table2->size[5] = '14%'; $table2->data[0][5] = ''.__('Unknow').''; $table2->size[6] = '2%'; $table2->data[0][6] = ''; $table2->size[7] = '14%'; $table2->data[0][7] = ''.__('Not Init').''; $table2->size[8] = '2%'; $table2->data[0][8] = ''; $table2->size[9] = '14%'; $table2->data[0][9] = ''.__('Downtimes').''; $table2->size[10] = '2%'; $table2->data[0][10] = ''; $table2->size[11] = '15%'; $table2->data[0][11] = ''.__('Scheduled Downtime').''; } if ($pdf !== 0) { $tables_chart .= html_print_table( $table2, true ); return $tables_chart; } else { $table->colspan['charts']['cell'] = 2; $table->data['charts']['cell'] = $tables_chart; $table->colspan['legend']['cell'] = 2; $table->data['legend']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table2, true ); } } /** * Function for first time data agent. * * @param string $agent_name Agent name. * * @return array */ function get_agent_first_time($agent_name) { $id = agents_get_agent_id($agent_name, true); $utimestamp = db_get_all_rows_sql( 'SELECT min(utimestamp) FROM tagente_datos WHERE id_agente_modulo IN (SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = '.$id.')' ); $utimestamp = $utimestamp[0]['utimestamp']; return $utimestamp; } /** * Function to print to HTML General report. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_general($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $return_pdf = ''; if (!empty($item['data'])) { $data_in_same_row = $item['show_in_same_row']; switch ($item['subtype']) { default: case REPORT_GENERAL_NOT_GROUP_BY_AGENT: if (!$data_in_same_row) { $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->data = []; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Agent'); $table1->head[1] = __('Module'); if ($item['date']['period'] != 0) { $table1->head[2] = __('Operation'); } $table1->head[3] = __('Value'); $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[1] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[2] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[3] = 'text-align: center'; foreach ($item['data'] as $row) { if ($row['id_module_type'] == 6 || $row['id_module_type'] == 9 || $row['id_module_type'] == 18 || $row['id_module_type'] == 2) { $row['formated_value'] = round($row['formated_value'], 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN); } if (($row['id_module_type'] == 6 || $row['id_module_type'] == 9 || $row['id_module_type'] == 18 || $row['id_module_type'] == 2) && $row['formated_value'] == 1) { $row['formated_value'] = 'Up'; } else if (($row['id_module_type'] == 6 || $row['id_module_type'] == 9 || $row['id_module_type'] == 18 || $row['id_module_type'] == 2) && $row['formated_value'] == 0) { $row['formated_value'] = 'Down'; } if ($item['date']['period'] != 0) { $table1->data[] = [ $row['agent'], $row['module'], $row['operator'], $row['formated_value'], ]; } else { $table1->data[] = [ $row['agent'], $row['module'], $row['formated_value'], ]; } } } else { $order_data = []; foreach ($item['data'] as $row) { $order_data[$row['id_agent']][$row['id_agent_module']][$row['operator']] = $row['formated_value']; } $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->data = []; $table1->head = []; $table1->head[0] = __('Agent'); $table1->head[1] = __('Module'); $table1->head[2] = __('Avg'); $table1->head[3] = __('Max'); $table1->head[4] = __('Min'); $table1->head[5] = __('Sum'); $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[1] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[2] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[3] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[4] = 'text-align: center'; $table1->style[4] = 'text-align: center'; foreach ($order_data as $id_agent => $row) { foreach ($row as $id_module => $row2) { $table1->data[] = [ agents_get_alias($id_agent), modules_get_agentmodule_name($id_module), $row2['all'][0], $row2['all'][1], $row2['all'][2], $row2['all'][3], ]; } } } break; case REPORT_GENERAL_GROUP_BY_AGENT: $list_modules = []; foreach ($item['data'] as $modules) { foreach ($modules as $name => $value) { $list_modules[$name] = null; } } $list_modules = array_keys($list_modules); $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '99%'; $table1->data = []; $table1->head = array_merge([__('Agent')], $list_modules); foreach ($item['data'] as $agent => $modules) { $row = []; $alias = agents_get_alias_by_name($agent); $row['agent'] = $alias; $table1->style['agent'] = 'text-align: center;'; foreach ($list_modules as $name) { $table1->style[$name] = 'text-align: center;'; if (isset($modules[$name])) { $row[$name] = $modules[$name]; } else { $row[$name] = '--'; } } $table1->data[] = $row; } break; } if ($pdf !== 0) { $table1->title = $item['title']; $table1->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table1->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table($table1, true); } else { $table->colspan['data']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['data']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['data']['cell'] = html_print_table($table1, true); } } else { if ($pdf !== 0) { $return_pdf .= __('There are no Agent/Modules defined'); } else { $table->colspan['error']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['error']['cell'] = __('There are no Agent/Modules defined'); } } if ($item['resume'] && !empty($item['data'])) { $table_summary = new stdClass(); $table_summary->width = '99%'; $table_summary->data = []; $table_summary->head = []; $table_summary->head_colspan = []; $table_summary->align = []; $table_summary->headstyle = []; $table_summary->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: center;'; $table_summary->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: center;'; $table_summary->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: center;'; $table_summary->align[0] = 'center'; $table_summary->align[1] = 'center'; $table_summary->align[2] = 'center'; $table_summary->align[3] = 'center'; $table_summary->align[4] = 'center'; $table_summary->head_colspan[0] = 2; $table_summary->head[0] = __('Min Value'); $table_summary->head[1] = __('Average Value'); $table_summary->head_colspan[2] = 2; $table_summary->head[2] = __('Max Value'); $table_summary->data[0][0] = $item['min']['agent'].' - '.$item['min']['module'].str_repeat(' ', 20).$item['min']['formated_value']; $table_summary->data[0][1] = ''; $table_summary->data[0][2] = $item['avg_value']; $table_summary->data[0][3] = $item['max']['agent'].' - '.$item['max']['module'].str_repeat(' ', 20).$item['max']['formated_value']; $table_summary->data[0][4] = ''; if ($pdf !== 0) { $return_pdf .= html_print_table($table_summary, true); } else { $table->colspan['summary_title']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['summary_title']['cell'] = ''.__('Summary').''; $table->colspan['summary_table']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['summary_table']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table_summary, true ); } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } /** * Function to print to HTML query sql. * * @param object $table Head table or false if it comes from pdf. * @param array $item Items data. * @param boolean $pdf If it comes from pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_sql($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $return_pdf = ''; if (!$item['correct']) { if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['error']['cell'] = 3; $table->data['error']['cell'] = $item['error']; } else { $return_pdf .= $item['error']; } } else { $first = true; $table2 = new stdClass(); $table2->class = 'info_table'; $table2->width = '100%'; foreach ($item['data'] as $row) { if ($first === true) { $first = false; // Print the header. foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $table2->head[] = $key; } } $table2->data[] = $row; } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['data']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['data']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['data']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table2, true ); } else { $table2->title = $item['title']; $table2->titleclass = 'title_table_pdf'; $table2->titlestyle = 'text-align:left;'; $return_pdf .= html_print_table( $table2, true ); } } if ($pdf !== 0) { return $return_pdf; } } /** * Function for stats. * * @param array $data Array item. * @param integer $graph_width Items data. * @param integer $graph_height If it comes from pdf. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_get_stats_summary($data, $graph_width, $graph_height) { global $config; // Alerts table. $table_sum = html_get_predefined_table(); $tdata = []; $table_sum->colspan[count($table_sum->data)][0] = 2; $table_sum->colspan[count($table_sum->data)][2] = 2; $table_sum->cellstyle[count($table_sum->data)][0] = 'text-align: center;'; $table_sum->cellstyle[count($table_sum->data)][2] = 'text-align: center;'; $tdata[0] = ''.__('Module status').''; $tdata[2] = ''.__('Alert level').''; $table_sum->rowclass[] = ''; $table_sum->data[] = $tdata; $tdata = []; $table_sum->colspan[count($table_sum->data)][0] = 2; $table_sum->colspan[count($table_sum->data)][2] = 2; $table_sum->cellstyle[count($table_sum->data)][0] = 'text-align: center;'; $table_sum->cellstyle[count($table_sum->data)][2] = 'text-align: center;'; if ($data['monitor_checks'] > 0) { // Fixed width non interactive charts. $status_chart_width = $graph_width; $monitor_data = []; $monitor_data['monitor_critical'] = $data['monitor_critical']; $monitor_data['monitor_warning'] = $data['monitor_warning']; $monitor_data['monitor_ok'] = $data['monitor_ok']; $monitor_data['monitor_unknown'] = $data['monitor_unknown']; $monitor_data['monitor_not_init'] = $data['monitor_not_init']; $tdata[0] = '
'; $tdata[0] .= '
'; $tdata[0] .= graph_agent_status( false, $graph_width, $graph_height, true, true, $monitor_data ); $tdata[0] .= '
'; $tdata[0] .= '
'; } else { $tdata[0] = html_print_image( 'images/image_problem_area_small.png', true, ['width' => $graph_width] ); } if ($data['monitor_alerts'] > 0) { $tdata[2] = '
'; $tdata[2] .= graph_alert_status( $data['monitor_alerts'], $data['monitor_alerts_fired'], $graph_width, $graph_height, true, true ); $tdata[2] .= '
'; } else { $tdata[2] = html_print_image( 'images/image_problem_area_small.png', true, ['width' => $graph_width] ); } $table_sum->rowclass[] = ''; $table_sum->data[] = $tdata; $output = '
'.__('Summary').''.html_print_table($table_sum, true).'
'; return $output; } /** * Get an event reporting table. * * It construct a table object with all the events happened in a group * during a period of time. * * @param integer $id_group Group id to get the report. * @param integer $period Period of time to get the report. * @param integer $date Beginning date of the report. * @param boolean $return Flag to return or echo the * report table (echo by default). * * @return object A table object */ function reporting_event_reporting($id_group, $period, $date=0, $return=false) { if (empty($date)) { $date = get_system_time(); } else if (!is_numeric($date)) { $date = strtotime($date); } $table->data = []; $table->head = []; $table->head[0] = __('Status'); $table->head[1] = __('Event name'); $table->head[2] = __('User ID'); $table->head[3] = __('Timestamp'); $events = events_get_group_events($id_group, $period, $date); if (empty($events)) { $events = []; } foreach ($events as $event) { $data = []; if ($event['estado'] == 0) { $data[0] = html_print_image('images/dot_red.png', true); } else { $data[0] = html_print_image('images/dot_green.png', true); } $data[1] = $event['evento']; $data[2] = ($event['id_usuario'] != '0') ? $event['id_usuario'] : ''; $data[3] = $event['timestamp']; array_push($table->data, $data); } if (empty($return)) { html_print_table($table); } return $table; } /** * Get a table report from a alerts fired array. * * @param array $alerts_fired Alerts fired array. * * @see function get_alerts_fired () * * @return object A table object with a report of the fired alerts. */ function reporting_get_fired_alerts_table($alerts_fired) { $agents = []; global $config; include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_alerts.php'; foreach (array_keys($alerts_fired) as $id_alert) { $alert_module = alerts_get_alert_agent_module($id_alert); $template = alerts_get_alert_template($id_alert); // Add alerts fired to $agents_fired_alerts indexed by id_agent. $id_agent = db_get_value( 'id_agente', 'tagente_modulo', 'id_agente_modulo', $alert_module['id_agent_module'] ); if (!isset($agents[$id_agent])) { $agents[$id_agent] = []; } array_push($agents[$id_agent], [$alert_module, $template]); } $table->data = []; $table->head = []; $table->head[0] = __('Agent'); $table->head[1] = __('Alert description'); $table->head[2] = __('Times fired'); $table->head[3] = __('Priority'); foreach ($agents as $id_agent => $alerts) { $data = []; foreach ($alerts as $tuple) { $alert_module = $tuple[0]; $template = $tuple[1]; if (! isset($data[0])) { $data[0] = agents_get_alias($id_agent); } else { $data[0] = ''; } $data[1] = $template['name']; $data[2] = $alerts_fired[$alert_module['id']]; $data[3] = get_alert_priority($alert_module['priority']); array_push($table->data, $data); } } return $table; } /** * Get a report table with all the monitors down. * * @param array $monitors_down An array with all the monitors down. * * @see Function modules_get_monitors_down(). * * @return object A table object with a monitors down report. */ function reporting_get_monitors_down_table($monitors_down) { $table->data = []; $table->head = []; $table->head[0] = __('Agent'); $table->head[1] = __('Monitor'); $agents = []; if ($monitors_down) { foreach ($monitors_down as $monitor) { // Add monitors fired to $agents_fired_alerts indexed by id_agent. $id_agent = $monitor['id_agente']; if (!isset($agents[$id_agent])) { $agents[$id_agent] = []; } array_push($agents[$id_agent], $monitor); $monitors_down++; } foreach ($agents as $id_agent => $monitors) { $data = []; foreach ($monitors as $monitor) { if (! isset($data[0])) { $data[0] = agents_get_alias($id_agent); } else { $data[0] = ''; } if ($monitor['descripcion'] != '') { $data[1] = $monitor['descripcion']; } else { $data[1] = $monitor['nombre']; } array_push($table->data, $data); } } } return $table; } /** * Get a general report of a group of agents. * * It shows the number of agents and no more things right now. * * @param integer $id_group Group to get the report. * @param boolean $return Flag to return or echo the report (by default). * * @return string HTML code. string with group report */ function reporting_print_group_reporting($id_group, $return=false) { $agents = agents_get_group_agents($id_group, false, 'none'); $output = ''.sprintf(__('Agents in group: %s'), count($agents)).'
'; if ($return === false) { echo $output; } return $output; } /** * Get a report table of the fired alerts group by agents. * * @param integer $id_agent Agent id to generate the report. * @param integer $period Period of time of the report. * @param integer $date Beginning date of the report in * UNIX time (current date by default). * * @return object A table object with the alert reporting.. */ function reporting_get_agent_alerts_table($id_agent, $period=0, $date=0) { global $config; $table->data = []; $table->head = []; $table->head[0] = __('Type'); $table->head[1] = __('Description'); $table->head[2] = __('Value'); $table->head[3] = __('Threshold'); $table->head[4] = __('Last fired'); $table->head[5] = __('Times fired'); include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_alerts.php'; $alerts = agents_get_alerts($id_agent); foreach ($alerts['simple'] as $alert) { $fires = get_alert_fires_in_period($alert['id'], $period, $date); if (! $fires) { continue; } $template = alerts_get_alert_template($alert['id_alert_template']); $data = []; $data[0] = alerts_get_alert_templates_type_name($template['type']); $data[1] = $template['name']; switch ($template['type']) { case 'regex': default: if ($template['matches_value']) { $data[2] = '≃ "'.$template['value'].'"'; } else { $data[2] = '≄ "'.$template['value'].'"'; } break; case 'equal': case 'not_equal': $data[2] = $template['value']; break; case 'max-min': $data[2] = __('Min.').': '.$template['min_value'].' '; $data[2] .= __('Max.').': '.$template['max_value'].' '; break; case 'max': $data[2] = $template['max_value']; break; case 'min': $data[2] = $template['min_value']; break; } $data[3] = $template['time_threshold']; $data[4] = ui_print_timestamp(get_alert_last_fire_timestamp_in_period($alert['id'], $period, $date), true); $data[5] = $fires; array_push($table->data, $data); } return $table; } /** * Get a report of monitors in an agent. * * @param integer $id_agent Agent id to get the report. * @param integer $period Period of time of the report. * @param integer $date Beginning date of the report in UNIX time * (current date by default). * * @return object A table object with the report. */ function reporting_get_agent_monitors_table($id_agent, $period=0, $date=0) { $n_a_string = __('N/A').'(*)'; $table->head = []; $table->head[0] = __('Monitor'); $table->head[1] = __('Last failure'); $table->data = []; $monitors = modules_get_monitors_in_agent($id_agent); if ($monitors === false) { return $table; } foreach ($monitors as $monitor) { $downs = modules_get_monitor_downs_in_period( $monitor['id_agente_modulo'], $period, $date ); if (! $downs) { continue; } $data = []; if ($monitor['descripcion'] != $n_a_string && $monitor['descripcion'] != '') { $data[0] = $monitor['descripcion']; } else { $data[0] = $monitor['nombre']; } $data[1] = modules_get_last_down_timestamp_in_period( $monitor['id_agente_modulo'], $period, $date ); array_push($table->data, $data); } return $table; } /** * Get a report of all the modules in an agent. * * @param integer $id_agent Agent id to get the report. * @param integer $period Period of time of the report. * @param integer $date Beginning date of the report in UNIX time * (current date by default). * * @return object */ function reporting_get_agent_modules_table($id_agent, $period=0, $date=0) { $table->data = []; $n_a_string = __('N/A').'(*)'; $modules = agents_get_modules($id_agent, ['nombre', 'descripcion']); if ($modules === false) { $modules = []; } $data = []; foreach ($modules as $module) { if ($module['descripcion'] != $n_a_string && $module['descripcion'] != '') { $data[0] = $module['descripcion']; } else { $data[0] = $module['nombre']; } array_push($table->data, $data); } return $table; } /** * Get a detailed report of an agent * * @param integer $id_agent Agent to get the report. * @param integer $period Period of time of the desired report. * @param integer $date Beginning date of the report in UNIX time * (current date by default). * @param boolean $return Flag to return or echo the report (by default). * * @return string */ function reporting_get_agent_detailed( $id_agent, $period=0, $date=0, $return=false ) { $output = ''; $n_a_string = __('N/A(*)'); // Show modules in agent. $output .= '
'; $output .= '

'.__('Agent').' - '.agents_get_alias($id_agent).'

'; $output .= '


'; $table_modules = reporting_get_agent_modules_table($id_agent, $period, $date); $table_modules->width = '99%'; $output .= html_print_table($table_modules, true); // Show alerts in agent. $table_alerts = reporting_get_agent_alerts_table($id_agent, $period, $date); $table_alerts->width = '99%'; if (count($table_alerts->data)) { $output .= '


'; $output .= html_print_table($table_alerts, true); } // Show monitor status in agent (if any). $table_monitors = reporting_get_agent_monitors_table($id_agent, $period, $date); if (count($table_monitors->data) == 0) { $output .= '
'; if (! $return) { echo $output; } return $output; } $table_monitors->width = '99%'; $table_monitors->align = []; $table_monitors->align[1] = 'right'; $table_monitors->size = []; $table_monitors->align[1] = '10%'; $output .= '


'; $output .= html_print_table($table_monitors, true); $output .= ''; if (! $return) { echo $output; } return $output; } /** * Get a detailed report of agents in a group. * * @param mixed Group(s) to get the report * @param int Period * @param int Timestamp to start from * @param bool Flag to return or echo the report (by default). * * @return string */ function reporting_agents_get_group_agents_detailed($id_group, $period=0, $date=0, $return=false) { $agents = agents_get_group_agents($id_group, false, 'none'); $output = ''; foreach ($agents as $agent_id => $agent_name) { $output .= reporting_get_agent_detailed($agent_id, $period, $date, true); } if ($return === false) { echo $output; } return $output; } /** * This is the callback sorting function for SLA values descending * * @param array $a Array element 1 to compare * @param array $b Array element 2 to compare */ function sla_value_desc_cmp($a, $b) { // This makes 'Unknown' values the lastest if (preg_match('/^(.)*Unknown(.)*$/', $a[5])) { $a[6] = -1; } if (preg_match('/^(.)*Unknown(.)*$/', $b[5])) { $b[6] = -1; } return ($a[6] < $b[6]) ? 1 : 0; } /** * This is the callback sorting function for SLA values ascending * * @param array $a Array element 1 to compare * @param array $b Array element 2 to compare */ function sla_value_asc_cmp($a, $b) { // This makes 'Unknown' values the lastest if (preg_match('/^(.)*Unknown(.)*$/', $a[5])) { $a[6] = -1; } if (preg_match('/^(.)*Unknown(.)*$/', $b[5])) { $b[6] = -1; } return ($a[6] > $b[6]) ? 1 : 0; } /** * Make the header for each content. */ function reporting_header_content( $mini, $content, $report, &$table, $title=false, $name=false, $period=false ) { global $config; if ($mini) { $sizh = ''; $sizhfin = ''; } else { $sizh = '

'; $sizhfin = '

'; } $data = []; $count_empty = 0; if ($title !== false) { $data[] = $sizh.$title.$sizhfin; } else { $count_empty++; } if ($name !== false) { $data[] = $sizh.$name.$sizhfin; } else { $count_empty++; } if ($period !== false && $content['period'] > 0) { $data[] = $sizh.$period.$sizhfin; } else if ($content['period'] == 0) { $es = json_decode($content['external_source'], true); if ($es['date'] == 0) { $date = __('Last data'); } else { $date = date($config['date_format'], $es['date']); } $data[] = "
'; } else { $data[] = "
".$sizh.'('.human_time_description_raw($content['period']).') '.__('From:').' '.date($config['date_format'], ($report['datetime'] - $content['period'])).'
'.__('To:').' '.date($config['date_format'], $report['datetime']).'
'; } $table->colspan[0][(2 - $count_empty)] = (1 + $count_empty); array_push($table->data, $data); } function reporting_get_agents_by_status($data, $graph_width=250, $graph_height=150, $links=false) { global $config; if ($links == false) { $links = []; } $table_agent = html_get_predefined_table(); $agent_data = []; $agent_data[0] = html_print_image('images/agent_critical.png', true, ['title' => __('Agents critical')]); $agent_data[1] = "".format_numeric($data['agent_critical']).''; $agent_data[2] = html_print_image('images/agent_warning.png', true, ['title' => __('Agents warning')]); $agent_data[3] = "".format_numeric($data['agent_warning']).''; $table_agent->data[] = $agent_data; $agent_data = []; $agent_data[0] = html_print_image('images/agent_ok.png', true, ['title' => __('Agents ok')]); $agent_data[1] = "".format_numeric($data['agent_ok']).''; $agent_data[2] = html_print_image('images/agent_unknown.png', true, ['title' => __('Agents unknown')]); $agent_data[3] = "".format_numeric($data['agent_unknown']).''; $table_agent->data[] = $agent_data; $agent_data = []; $agent_data[0] = html_print_image('images/agent_notinit.png', true, ['title' => __('Agents not init')]); $agent_data[1] = "".format_numeric($data['agent_not_init']).''; $agent_data[2] = ''; $agent_data[3] = ''; $table_agent->data[] = $agent_data; if (!defined('METACONSOLE')) { $agents_data = '
'.__('Agents by status').''.html_print_table($table_agent, true).'
'; } else { $table_agent->style = []; $table_agent->class = 'tactical_view'; $agents_data = '
'.__('Agents by status').''.html_print_table($table_agent, true).'
'; } return $agents_data; } function reporting_get_total_agents_and_monitors($data, $graph_width=250, $graph_height=150) { global $config; $total_agent = ($data['agent_ok'] + $data['agent_warning'] + $data['agent_critical'] + $data['gent_unknown'] + $data['agent_not_init']); $total_module = ($data['monitor_ok'] + $data['monitor_warning'] + $data['monitor_critical'] + $data['monitor_unknown'] + $data['monitor_not_init']); $table_total = html_get_predefined_table(); $total_data = []; $total_data[0] = html_print_image( 'images/agent.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Total agents'), 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ); $total_data[1] = $total_agent <= 0 ? '-' : $total_agent; $total_data[2] = html_print_image( 'images/module.png', true, [ 'title' => __('Monitor checks'), 'class' => 'invert_filter', ] ); $total_data[3] = $total_module <= 0 ? '-' : $total_module; $table_total->data[] = $total_data; $total_agent_module = '
'.__('Total agents and monitors').''.html_print_table($table_total, true).'
'; return $total_agent_module; } function reporting_get_total_servers($num_servers) { global $config; $table_node = html_get_predefined_table(); $node_data = []; $node_data[0] = html_print_image('images/server_export.png', true, ['title' => __('Nodes'), 'class' => 'invert_filter']); $node_data[1] = "".format_numeric($num_servers).''; $table_node->data[] = $node_data; if (!defined('METACONSOLE')) { $node_overview = '
'.__('Node overview').''.html_print_table($table_node, true).'
'; } else { $table_node->style = []; $table_node->class = 'tactical_view'; $node_overview = '
'.__('Node overview').''.html_print_table($table_node, true).'
'; } return $node_overview; } function reporting_get_events($data, $links=false) { global $config; $table_events = new stdClass(); $table_events->width = '100%'; if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $style = ' vertical-align:middle;'; } else { $style = ''; } if (defined('METACONSOLE')) { $table_events->style[0] = 'background-color:#e63c52'; $table_events->data[0][0] = html_print_image('images/module_event_critical.png', true, ['title' => __('Critical events')]); $table_events->data[0][0] .= '   '."".format_numeric($data['critical']).''; $table_events->style[1] = 'background-color:#f3b200'; $table_events->data[0][1] = html_print_image('images/module_event_warning.png', true, ['title' => __('Warning events')]); $table_events->data[0][1] .= '   '."".format_numeric($data['warning']).''; $table_events->style[2] = 'background-color:#82b92e'; $table_events->data[0][2] = html_print_image('images/module_event_ok.png', true, ['title' => __('OK events')]); $table_events->data[0][2] .= '   '."".format_numeric($data['normal']).''; $table_events->style[3] = 'background-color:#B2B2B2'; $table_events->data[0][3] = html_print_image('images/module_event_unknown.png', true, ['title' => __('Unknown events')]); $table_events->data[0][3] .= '   '."".format_numeric($data['unknown']).''; } else { $table_events->data[0][0] = html_print_image('images/module_critical.png', true, ['title' => __('Critical events')]); $table_events->data[0][0] .= '   '."".format_numeric($data['critical']).''; $table_events->data[0][1] = html_print_image('images/module_warning.png', true, ['title' => __('Warning events')]); $table_events->data[0][1] .= '   '."".format_numeric($data['warning']).''; $table_events->data[0][2] = html_print_image('images/module_ok.png', true, ['title' => __('OK events')]); $table_events->data[0][2] .= '   '."".format_numeric($data['normal']).''; $table_events->data[0][3] = html_print_image('images/module_unknown.png', true, ['title' => __('Unknown events')]); $table_events->data[0][3] .= '   '."".format_numeric($data['unknown']).''; } if (!defined('METACONSOLE')) { $event_view = '
'.__('Events by severity').''.html_print_table($table_events, true).'
'; } else { $table_events->class = 'tactical_view'; $table_events->styleTable = 'text-align:center;'; $table_events->size[0] = '10%'; $table_events->size[1] = '10%'; $table_events->size[2] = '10%'; $table_events->size[3] = '10%'; $tooltip = ui_print_help_tip( __( 'Event count corresponds to events within the last hour' ), true ); $event_view = '
'.__('Important Events by Criticity').$tooltip.''.html_print_table($table_events, true).'
'; } return $event_view; } function reporting_get_last_activity() { global $config; // Show last activity from this user $table = new stdClass(); $table->width = '100%'; $table->data = []; $table->class = 'info_table'; $table->size = []; $table->size[2] = '150px'; $table->size[3] = '130px'; $table->size[5] = '200px'; $table->head = []; $table->head[0] = __('User'); $table->head[1] = ''; $table->head[2] = __('Action'); $table->head[3] = __('Date'); $table->head[4] = __('Source IP'); $table->head[5] = __('Comments'); $table->title = ''.__('Last activity in %s console', get_product_name()).''; $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT id_usuario,accion,fecha,ip_origen,descripcion,utimestamp FROM tsesion WHERE (`utimestamp` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - '.SECONDS_1WEEK.") AND `id_usuario` = '%s' ORDER BY `utimestamp` DESC LIMIT 5", $config['id_user'] ); $sessions = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql); if ($sessions === false) { $sessions = []; } foreach ($sessions as $session) { $data = []; $session_id_usuario = $session['id_usuario']; $session_ip_origen = $session['ip_origen']; $data[0] = ''.$session_id_usuario.''; $data[1] = ui_print_session_action_icon($session['accion'], true); $data[2] = $session['accion']; $data[3] = ui_print_help_tip($session['fecha'], true).human_time_comparation($session['utimestamp'], 'tiny'); $data[4] = $session_ip_origen; $data[5] = io_safe_output($session['descripcion']); array_push($table->data, $data); } return html_print_table($table, true); } function reporting_get_event_histogram($events, $text_header_event=false) { global $config; if (!is_metaconsole()) { include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/graphs/functions_gd.php'; } else { include_once '../../include/graphs/functions_gd.php'; } $period = SECONDS_1DAY; if (!$text_header_event) { $text_header_event = __('Events info (1hr.)'); } $ttl = 1; $urlImage = ui_get_full_url(false, true, false, false); $colors = [ EVENT_CRIT_MAINTENANCE => COL_MAINTENANCE, EVENT_CRIT_INFORMATIONAL => COL_INFORMATIONAL, EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL => COL_NORMAL, EVENT_CRIT_MINOR => COL_MINOR, EVENT_CRIT_WARNING => COL_WARNING, EVENT_CRIT_MAJOR => COL_MAJOR, EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL => COL_CRITICAL, ]; if (is_metaconsole()) { $full_legend = []; $cont = 0; } foreach ($events as $data) { switch ($data['criticity']) { case 0: $color = EVENT_CRIT_MAINTENANCE; break; case 1: $color = EVENT_CRIT_INFORMATIONAL; break; case 2: $color = EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL; break; case 3: $color = EVENT_CRIT_WARNING; break; case 4: $color = EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL; break; case 5: $color = EVENT_CRIT_MINOR; break; case 6: $color = EVENT_CRIT_MAJOR; break; case 20: $color = EVENT_CRIT_NOT_NORMAL; break; case 34: $color = EVENT_CRIT_WARNING_OR_CRITICAL; break; } if (is_metaconsole()) { $full_legend[$cont] = $data['timestamp']; $graph_data[] = [ 'data' => $color, 'utimestamp' => ($data['utimestamp'] - get_system_time()), ]; $cont++; } else { $graph_data[] = [ 'data' => $color, 'utimestamp' => SECONDS_1DAY, ]; } } $table = new stdClass(); $table->width = '100%'; $table->data = []; $table->size = []; $table->size[0] = '100%'; $table->head = []; $table->title = ''.$text_header_event.''; $table->data[0][0] = ''; if (empty($graph_data) === false) { $url_slice = is_metaconsole() ? $url : $urlImage; $slicebar = flot_slicesbar_graph( $graph_data, $period, '400px;border:0', 40, $full_legend, $colors, $config['fontpath'], $config['round_corner'], $url, '', '', false, 0, [], true, 1, 450, true ); $table->data[0][0] = $slicebar; } else { $table->data[0][0] = __('No events'); } if (!is_metaconsole()) { if (!$text_header_event) { $event_graph = '
'.$text_header_event.''.html_print_table($table, true).'
'; } else { $table->class = 'noclass'; $event_graph = html_print_table($table, true); } } else { $table->class = 'tactical_view'; $event_graph = '
'.html_print_table($table, true).'
'; } return $event_graph; } function reporting_get_event_histogram_meta($width, $events) { global $config; if (!defined('METACONSOLE')) { include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/graphs/functions_gd.php'; } else { include_once '../../include/graphs/functions_gd.php'; } $period = SECONDS_1HOUR; if (!$text_header_event) { $text_header_event = __('Events info (1hr.)'); } $ttl = 1; $urlImage = ui_get_full_url(false, true, false, false); $data = []; // $resolution = $config['graph_res'] * ($period * 2 / $width); // Number of "slices" we want in graph $resolution = (5 * ($period * 2 / $width)); // Number of "slices" we want in graph $interval = (int) ($period / $resolution); $date = get_system_time(); $datelimit = ($date - $period); $periodtime = floor($period / $interval); $time = []; $data = []; $legend = []; $full_legend = []; $full_legend_date = []; $colors = [ EVENT_CRIT_MAINTENANCE => COL_MAINTENANCE, EVENT_CRIT_INFORMATIONAL => COL_INFORMATIONAL, EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL => COL_NORMAL, EVENT_CRIT_MINOR => COL_MINOR, EVENT_CRIT_WARNING => COL_WARNING, EVENT_CRIT_MAJOR => COL_MAJOR, EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL => COL_CRITICAL, ]; $cont = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $interval; $i++) { $bottom = ($datelimit + ($periodtime * $i)); if (! $graphic_type) { $name = date('H:i:s', $bottom); } else { $name = $bottom; } // Show less values in legend if ($cont == 0 or ($cont % 2)) { $legend[$cont] = $name; } if ($from_agent_view) { $full_date = date('Y/m/d', $bottom); $full_legend_date[$cont] = $full_date; } $full_legend[$cont] = $name; $top = ($datelimit + ($periodtime * ($i + 1))); $events_criticity = []; if (is_array($events)) { foreach ($events as $value) { if ($value['utimestamp'] >= $bottom && $value['utimestamp'] < $top) { array_push($events_criticity, $value['criticity']); } } } if (!empty($events)) { if (array_search('4', $events_criticity) !== false) { $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_CRITICAL; } else if (array_search('3', $events_criticity) !== false) { $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_WARNING; } else if (array_search('6', $events_criticity) !== false) { $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_MAJOR; } else if (array_search('5', $events_criticity) !== false) { $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_MINOR; } else if (array_search('20', $events_criticity) !== false) { $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_NOT_NORMAL; } else if (array_search('34', $events_criticity) !== false) { $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_WARNING_OR_CRITICAL; } else if (array_search('2', $events_criticity) !== false) { $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_NORMAL; } else if (array_search('0', $events_criticity) !== false) { $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_MAINTENANCE; } else { $data[$cont]['data'] = EVENT_CRIT_INFORMATIONAL; } $data[$cont]['utimestamp'] = $periodtime; } else { $data[$cont]['utimestamp'] = $periodtime; $data[$cont]['data'] = 1; } $cont++; } $table = new stdClass(); $table->width = '100%'; $table->data = []; $table->size = []; $table->head = []; $table->title = ''.$text_header_event.''; $table->data[0][0] = ''; if (!empty($data)) { $slicebar = flot_slicesbar_graph( $data, $period, 100, 30, $full_legend, $colors, $config['fontpath'], $config['round_corner'], $url, '', '', false, 0, $full_legend_date, true, 1, false, true ); $table->data[0][0] = $slicebar; } else { $table->data[0][0] = __('No events'); } if (!$text_header_event) { $event_graph = '
'.$text_header_event.''.html_print_table($table, true).'
'; } else { $table->class = 'noclass'; $event_graph = html_print_table($table, true); } return $event_graph; } function reporting_html_planned_downtimes_table($planned_downtimes) { global $config; if (empty($planned_downtimes)) { return false; } include_once $config['homedir'].'/include/functions_planned_downtimes.php'; $downtime_malformed = false; $malformed_planned_downtimes = planned_downtimes_get_malformed(); $table = new StdClass(); $table->width = '99%'; $table->title = __('This SLA has been affected by the following scheduled downtimes').ui_print_help_tip( __('If the duration of the scheduled downtime is less than 5 minutes it will not be represented in the graph'), true ); $table->head = []; $table->head[0] = __('Name'); $table->head[1] = __('Description'); $table->head[2] = __('Execution'); $table->head[3] = __('Dates'); $table->headstyle = []; $table->style = []; $table->data = []; foreach ($planned_downtimes as $planned_downtime) { $data = []; $data[0] = $planned_downtime['name']; $data[1] = $planned_downtime['description']; $data[2] = $planned_downtime['execution']; $data[3] = $planned_downtime['dates']; if (!empty($malformed_planned_downtimes) && isset($malformed_planned_downtimes[$planned_downtime['id']])) { $next_row_num = count($table->data); $table->cellstyle[$next_row_num][0] = 'color: red'; $table->cellstyle[$next_row_num][1] = 'color: red'; $table->cellstyle[$next_row_num][2] = 'color: red'; $table->cellstyle[$next_row_num][3] = 'color: red'; if (!$downtime_malformed) { $downtime_malformed = true; } } $table->data[] = $data; } $downtimes_table = ''; if ($downtime_malformed) { $info_malformed = ui_print_error_message( __('This item is affected by a malformed scheduled downtime').'. '.__('Go to the scheduled downtimes section to solve this').'.', '', true ); $downtimes_table .= $info_malformed; } $downtimes_table .= html_print_table($table, true); return $downtimes_table; } function reporting_html_permissions($table, $item, $pdf=0) { global $config; $table1 = new stdClass(); $table1->width = '100%'; $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->class = 'info_table'; $table1->cellpadding = 1; $table1->cellspacing = 1; $table1->styleTable = 'overflow: wrap; table-layout: fixed;'; if ($item['subtype'] === REPORT_PERMISSIONS_NOT_GROUP_BY_GROUP) { $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[1] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 100px;'; $table1->style[2] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top; min-width: 100px'; $table1->head = [ __('User ID'), __('Full name'), __('Permissions'), ]; $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: left'; } if ($item['subtype'] === REPORT_PERMISSIONS_GROUP_BY_GROUP) { $table1->style[0] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 150px;'; $table1->style[1] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 150px;'; $table1->style[2] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 150px;'; $table1->style[3] = 'text-align: left;vertical-align: top;min-width: 150px;'; $table1->headstyle[0] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[1] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[2] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->headstyle[3] = 'text-align: left'; $table1->head = [ __('Group'), __('User ID'), __('Full name'), __('Permissions'), ]; } $table1->data = []; foreach ($item['data'] as $data) { if ($item['subtype'] === REPORT_PERMISSIONS_NOT_GROUP_BY_GROUP) { $profile_group_name = ''; foreach ($data['user_profiles'] as $user_profile) { $profile_group_name .= $user_profile.'
'; } $row = [ $data['user_id'], $data['user_name'], $profile_group_name, ]; } if ($item['subtype'] === REPORT_PERMISSIONS_GROUP_BY_GROUP) { $user_profile_id_users = ''; $user_profile_name = ''; $user_profile_users_name = ''; $group_name = $data['group_name'].'
'; foreach ($data['users'] as $user => $user_data) { $user_profile_id_users .= $user.'
'; $user_profile_users_name .= $user_data['fullname'].'
'; foreach ($user_data['profiles'] as $profile) { $user_profile_id_users .= '
'; $user_profile_users_name .= '
'; $user_profile_name .= $profile.'
'; } $user_profile_name .= '
'; } $row = [ $group_name, $user_profile_id_users, $user_profile_users_name, $user_profile_name, ]; } $table1->data[] = $row; if ($pdf !== 0) { $table1->data[] = '
'; } } if ($pdf === 0) { $table->colspan['permissions']['cell'] = 3; $table->cellstyle['permissions']['cell'] = 'text-align: center;'; $table->data['permissions']['cell'] = html_print_table( $table1, true ); } else { return html_print_table( $table1, true ); } } /** * HTML content for ncm configuration diff report. * * @param array $item Content generated by reporting_ncm_config. * * @return string HTML code. */ function reporting_html_ncm_config($table, $item, $pdf=0) { $key = uniqid(); if ($pdf === 0) { ui_require_javascript_file('diff2html-ui.min'); ui_require_css_file('diff2html.min'); $script = "$(document).ready(function() { const configuration = { drawFileList: false, collapsed: true, matching: 'lines', outputFormat: 'side-by-side', }; const diff2htmlUi = new Diff2HtmlUI( document.getElementById('".$key."'), atob('".base64_encode($item['data'])."'), configuration ); diff2htmlUi.draw(); });"; $content = '
'; $content .= ''; $table->data[1] = $content; $table->colspan[1][0] = 2; } else { $content = '
'; $content .= str_replace("\n", '
', $item['data']); $content .= '
'; return $content; } }