'; echo '

'.__('Get data from agent').'

'; // All data (now) $time["all"] = get_system_time (); // 1 day ago $time["1day"] = $time["all"] - SECONDS_1DAY; // 3 days ago $time["3day"] = $time["all"] - SECONDS_1DAY * 3; // 1 week ago $time["1week"] = $time["all"] - SECONDS_1WEEK; // 2 weeks ago $time["2week"] = $time["all"] - SECONDS_1WEEK * 2; // 1 month ago $time["1month"] = $time["all"] - SECONDS_1MONTH; // Three months ago $time["3month"] = $time["all"] - SECONDS_3MONTHS; //Init data $data["1day"] = 0; $data["3day"] = 0; $data["1week"] = 0; $data["2week"] = 0; $data["1month"] = 0; $data["3month"] = 0; $data["total"] = 0; // Purge data using dates if (isset($_POST["purgedb"])) { $from_date = get_parameter_post ("date_purge", 0); if ($id_agent > 0) { echo __('Purge task launched for agent')." ".agents_get_name ($id_agent)." :: ".__('Data older than')." ".human_time_description_raw ($from_date); echo "

".__('Please be patient. This operation can take a long time depending on the amount of modules.')."

"; $sql = sprintf ("SELECT id_agente_modulo FROM tagente_modulo WHERE id_agente = %d", $id_agent); $result = db_get_all_rows_sql ($sql); if (empty ($result)) { $result = array (); } //Made it in a transaction so it gets done all at once. db_process_sql_begin (); $errors = 0; $affected = 0; foreach ($result as $row) { echo __('Deleting records for module')." ".modules_get_agentmodule_name ($row["id_agente_modulo"]); echo "
"; flush (); //Flush here in case there are errors and the script dies, at least we know where we ended set_time_limit (); //Reset the time limit just in case $result = db_process_sql_delete('tagente_datos', array('id_agente_modulo' => $row["id_agente_modulo"], 'utimestamp' => '< ' . $from_date)); if ($result === false) $errors++; else $affected += $result; if ($errors == 0) { $result = db_process_sql_delete('tagente_datos_inc', array('id_agente_modulo' => $row["id_agente_modulo"], 'utimestamp' => '< ' . $from_date)); if ($result === false) $errors++; else $affected += $result; } if ($errors == 0) { $result = db_process_sql_delete('tagente_datos_string', array('id_agente_modulo' => $row["id_agente_modulo"], 'utimestamp' => '< ' . $from_date)); if ($result === false) $errors++; else $affected += $result; } if ($errors == 0) { $result = db_process_sql_delete('tagente_datos_log4x', array('id_agente_modulo' => $row["id_agente_modulo"], 'utimestamp' => '< ' . $from_date)); if ($result === false) $errors++; else $affected += $result; } } if ($errors > 0) { db_process_sql_rollback (); } else { db_process_sql_commit (); echo __('Total records deleted: ') . $affected; } } else { //All agents echo __('Deleting records for all agents'); flush (); db_process_sql_delete('tagente_datos', array('utimestamp' => '< ' . $from_date)); db_process_sql_delete('tagente_datos_inc', array('utimestamp' => '< ' . $from_date)); db_process_sql_delete('tagente_datos_string', array('utimestamp' => '< ' . $from_date)); db_process_sql_delete('tagente_datos_log4x', array('utimestamp' => '< ' . $from_date)); } echo "

"; } # Select Agent for further operations. $agents = agents_get_group_agents (0, true); $agents[-1] = __('Choose agent'); $agents[0] = __('All agents'); echo '
'; echo '
'; html_print_select ($agents, "agent", $id_agent, "this.form.submit();", "", "", false, false, false); ui_print_help_tip (__("Select the agent you want information about")); echo '
'; if ($id_agent > 0) { $title = __('Information on agent %s in the database', agents_get_name ($id_agent)); } else { $title = __('Information on all agents in the database'); } echo '


'; //Flush before we do some SQL stuff flush (); if ($id_agent > 0) { //If the agent is not All or Not selected $modules = agents_get_modules ($id_agent); $query = sprintf (" AND id_agente_modulo IN (%s)", implode (",", array_keys ($modules))); } else { $query = ""; } $data["1day"] = db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1day"], $query)); $data["3day"] = db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["3day"], $query)); $data["1week"] = db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1week"], $query)); $data["2week"] = db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["2week"], $query)); $data["1month"] = db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1month"], $query)); $data["3month"] = db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["3month"], $query)); $data["total"] = db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos WHERE 1=1 %s", $query)); $data["1day"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_inc WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1day"], $query)); $data["3day"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_inc WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["3day"], $query)); $data["1week"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_inc WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1week"], $query)); $data["2week"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_inc WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["2week"], $query)); $data["1month"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_inc WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1month"], $query)); $data["3month"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_inc WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["3month"], $query)); $data["total"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_inc WHERE 1=1 %s", $query)); $data["1day"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1day"], $query)); $data["3day"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["3day"], $query)); $data["1week"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1week"], $query)); $data["2week"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["2week"], $query)); $data["1month"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1month"], $query)); $data["3month"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["3month"], $query)); $data["total"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_string WHERE 1=1 %s", $query)); $data["1day"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_log4x WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1day"], $query)); $data["3day"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_log4x WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["3day"], $query)); $data["1week"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_log4x WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1week"], $query)); $data["2week"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_log4x WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["2week"], $query)); $data["1month"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_log4x WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["1month"], $query)); $data["3month"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_log4x WHERE utimestamp > %d %s", $time["3month"], $query)); $data["total"] += db_get_sql (sprintf ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tagente_datos_log4x WHERE 1=1 %s", $query)); $table->width = '98%'; $table->border = 0; $table->class = "databox"; $table->data[0][0] = __('Packets less than three months old'); $table->data[0][1] = format_numeric($data["3month"]); $table->data[1][0] = __('Packets less than one month old'); $table->data[1][1] = format_numeric($data["1month"]); $table->data[2][0] = __('Packets less than two weeks old'); $table->data[2][1] = format_numeric($data["2week"]); $table->data[3][0] = __('Packets less than one week old'); $table->data[3][1] = format_numeric($data["1week"]); $table->data[4][0] = __('Packets less than three days old'); $table->data[4][1] = format_numeric($data["3day"]); $table->data[5][0] = __('Packets less than one day old'); $table->data[5][1] = format_numeric($data["1day"]); $table->data[6][0] = ''.__('Total number of packets').''; $table->data[6][1] = ''.format_numeric($data["total"]).''; html_print_table ($table); echo '
'; echo '

'.__('Purge data').'

'; $table->data = array (); $times = array (); $times[$time["3month"]] = __('Purge data over 3 months'); $times[$time["1month"]] = __('Purge data over 1 month'); $times[$time["2week"]] = __('Purge data over 2 weeks'); $times[$time["1week"]] = __('Purge data over 1 week'); $times[$time["3day"]] = __('Purge data over 3 days'); $times[$time["1day"]] = __('Purge data over 1 day'); $times[$time["all"]] = __('All data until now'); $table->data[0][0] = html_print_select ($times, 'date_purge', '', '', '', '', true, false, false); $table->data[0][1] = html_print_submit_button (__('Purge'), "purgedb", false, 'class="sub wand"', true); html_print_table ($table); echo ''; ?>