publicLink = false; // Check user access. if ($hash === false) { check_login(); if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'RR') === 0) { include 'general/noaccess.php'; return; } } else { if (self::validatePublicHash($hash) === false) { db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_HACK_ATTEMPT, 'Trying to access public dashboard' ); include 'general/noaccess.php'; exit; } $this->publicLink = true; } if (empty(get_parameter('auth_hash', '')) === false) { $this->publicLink = true; } // User is admin. $this->isAdmin = (bool) \is_user_admin($config['id_user']); // Groups user access. $this->groups = array_keys( \users_get_groups( $config['id_user'], 'RR', true ) ); // String groups for query. $this->stringGroups = \io_safe_output( implode( ', ', array_values($this->groups) ) ); // Urls. $this->url = \ui_get_full_url( 'index.php?sec=reporting&sec2=operation/dashboard/dashboard' ); $this->ajaxController = $page; // ACL Dashboards. $this->writeDashboards = \check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'RW'); $this->manageDashboards = \check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'RM'); // Operations Dashboards. $this->deleteDashboard = (bool) \get_parameter('deleteDashboard', 0); $this->copyDashboard = (bool) \get_parameter('copyDashboard', 0); $this->createDashboard = \get_parameter('createDashboard', null); $this->updateDashboard = \get_parameter('updateDashboard', null); $this->slides = (int) \get_parameter('slides', 0); $extradata = \get_parameter('extradata', ''); if (empty($extradata) === false) { $extradata = json_decode(\io_safe_output($extradata), true); if (isset($extradata['dashboardId']) === false) { $extradata['dashboardId'] = null; } if (isset($extradata['cellId']) === false) { $extradata['cellId'] = null; } if (isset($extradata['offset']) === false) { $extradata['offset'] = null; } if (isset($extradata['widgetId']) === false) { $extradata['widgetId'] = null; } $this->dashboardId = (int) $extradata['dashboardId']; $this->cellId = (int) $extradata['cellId']; $this->offset = (int) $extradata['offset']; $this->widgetId = (int) $extradata['widgetId']; } else { $this->cellId = (int) \get_parameter('cellId', []); $this->offset = (int) \get_parameter('offset', 0); $this->dashboardId = (int) \get_parameter('dashboardId', 0); if ($this->slides === 1) { $this->slidesIds = (array) \get_parameter('slidesIds'); $this->cellModeSlides = (int) \get_parameter( 'cellModeSlides', 0 ); if ($this->dashboardId === 0) { $this->dashboardId = (int) $this->slidesIds[0]; } } $this->widgetId = (int) \get_parameter('widgetId', 0); } if ($this->dashboardId !== 0) { $this->dashboardFields = $this->get(); $this->cells = Cell::getCells($this->dashboardId); } $this->refr = (int) get_parameter('refr', 0); $this->refr = (empty($this->refr) === false) ? $this->refr : $config['vc_refr']; } /** * Generates a hash to authenticate in public dashboards. * * @param string|null $other_secret To authenticate some parts * of public dashboards (like visual consoles or wux widgets) * another hash is needed. Other secret avoid * to reuse the main hash to view other components. * * @return string Returns a hash with the authenticaction. */ public static function generatePublicHash(?string $other_secret=''):string { global $config; $str = $config['dbpass']; $str .= $config['id_user']; $str .= $other_secret; return hash('sha256', $str); } /** * Validates a hash to authenticate in public dashboards. * * @param string $hash Hash to be checked. * @param string $other_secret Yo need to provide it to * authenticate some parts of widgets. * * @return boolean Returns true if hash is valid. */ public static function validatePublicHash( string $hash, string $other_secret='' ):bool { global $config; if (isset($config['id_user']) === true) { // Already logged in. return true; } $userFromParams = false; // Try to get id_user from parameters if it is missing. if (isset($config['id_user']) === false) { $userFromParams = true; $config['id_user'] = get_parameter('id_user', false); // It is impossible to authenticate without an id user. if ($config['id_user'] === false) { unset($config['id_user']); return false; } } else { $config['public_dashboard'] = false; } // Build a hash to check. $hashCheck = self::generatePublicHash($other_secret); if ($hashCheck === $hash) { // "Log" user in. if (session_status() !== PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { session_start(); } $_SESSION['id_usuario'] = $config['id_user']; session_write_close(); $config['public_dashboard'] = true; $config['force_instant_logout'] = true; return true; } // Remove id user from config array if authentication has failed. if ($userFromParams === true) { unset($config['id_user']); } return false; } /** * Instance Widget. * * @param integer|null $width Width. * @param integer|null $height Height. * @param integer|null $gridWidth Width Grid. * * @return object */ private function instanceWidget( ?int $width=0, ?int $height=0, ?int $gridWidth=0 ):object { global $config; if ($this->widgetId === 0) { $cellClass = new Cell($this->cellId, $this->dashboardId); $dataCell = $cellClass->get(); $this->widgetId = $dataCell['id_widget']; } $this->cWidget = new Widget( $this->cellId, $this->dashboardId, $this->widgetId ); $widgetData = $this->cWidget->get(); // Include widget if necesary. $urlWidget = $config['homedir']; $urlWidget .= '/include/lib/Dashboard/Widgets/'; $urlWidget .= $widgetData['page']; include_once $urlWidget; $class = new \ReflectionClass($this); $nameSpace = $class->getNamespaceName(); // Rename Old bad name class. if ($widgetData['class_name'] === 'TopN_event_by_group') { $widgetData['class_name'] = 'TopNEventByGroupWidget'; } else if ($widgetData['class_name'] === 'TopN_event_by_module') { $widgetData['class_name'] = 'TopNEventByModuleWidget'; } $className = $nameSpace.'\\'.$widgetData['class_name']; // Hack: class_name is the name of the widget class to create. $instance = new $className( $this->cellId, $this->dashboardId, $this->widgetId, $width, $height, $gridWidth, $this->publicLink ); return $instance; } /** * Retrieve a dashboard definition. * * @return array dashboard data. */ private function get() { global $config; $sql = sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM tdashboard WHERE id = %d', $this->dashboardId ); if ($this->isAdmin !== true) { $sql = sprintf( "SELECT * FROM tdashboard WHERE id = %d AND (id_group IN (%s) AND id_user = '') OR id_user = '%s'", $this->dashboardId, $this->stringGroups, $config['id_user'] ); } $data = \db_get_row_sql($sql); if ($data === false) { return []; } return $data; } /** * Insert dashboard item. * * @param array $data Array data Insert. * * @return integer */ public function set(array $data):int { global $config; // Insert. $result = \db_process_sql_insert( 'tdashboard', $data ); if ($result === false) { $result = 0; } return $result; } /** * Update local object attributes and updates the DB. * * @param array $values Values to be updated. * * @return array Result of set operation. */ public function put(array $values) : array { global $config; $result = [ 'error' => false, 'msg_error' => '', 'result' => 0, ]; // Update. $res = \db_process_sql_update( 'tdashboard', $values, ['id' => $this->dashboardId] ); $result['result'] = $res; if ($res === false) { $result = [ 'error' => true, 'msg_error' => $config['dbconnection']->error, 'result' => $res, ]; } return $result; } /** * Delete Dashboard. * * @return boolean */ public function delete() { global $config; $result = 0; if ($this->manageDashboards === 1) { $result = \db_process_sql_delete( 'tdashboard', ['id' => $this->dashboardId] ); } // Audit. if ($result !== 0) { \db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_DASHBOARD_MANAGEMENT, 'Delete dashboard #'.$this->dashboardId ); } else { \db_pandora_audit( AUDIT_LOG_DASHBOARD_MANAGEMENT, 'Fail try to delete dashboard #'.$this->dashboardId ); } return $result; } /** * Copy Dashboard and asociate widgets. * * @return integer */ public function copy():int { $result = true; // Name copy change. $name = __('Copy of %s', $this->dashboardFields['name']); $i = 1; while (true) { $exists = db_get_value( 'name', 'tdashboard', 'name', $name ); if (empty($exists) === true) { break; } else { $name = $name.' ('.$i.')'; } $i++; } $values = [ 'name' => $name, 'id_user' => $this->dashboardFields['id_user'], 'id_group' => $this->dashboardFields['id_group'], 'active' => $this->dashboardFields['active'], 'cells' => $this->dashboardFields['cells'], 'cells_slideshow' => $this->dashboardFields['cells_slideshow'], ]; $id = $this->set($values); if (empty($id) === true) { $result = 0; } else { $cells = Cell::getCells($this->dashboardId); foreach ($cells as $cell) { // Remove Id. unset($cell['id']); // Change Id dashboard. $cell['id_dashboard'] = $id; $result = db_process_sql_insert('twidget_dashboard', $cell); if (empty($result) === true) { $result = 0; break; } } // Clean database. if ($result === 0) { db_process_sql_delete( 'tdashboard', ['id' => $id] ); db_process_sql_delete( 'twidget_dashboard', ['id_dashboard' => $id] ); } } return $result; } /** * Get all dashboard user can you see. * * @param integer $offset Offset query. * @param integer $limit Limit query. * @param boolean $favourite Fovorite dashboard. * @param boolean $slideshow Slideshow Mode. * * @return array */ static public function getDashboards( int $offset=-1, int $limit=-1, bool $favourite=false, bool $slideshow=false ):array { global $config; $sql_limit = ''; if ($offset !== -1 && $limit !== -1) { $sql_limit = ' LIMIT '.$offset.','.$limit; } $sql_where = ''; if ($favourite === true) { $sql_where .= 'AND = 1'; } if ($slideshow === true) { $sql_where .= 'AND td.cells_slideshow = 1'; } // Check ACl. if (\is_user_admin($config['id_user']) !== true) { // User no admin see dashboards of him groups and profile 'AR'. $group_list = \users_get_groups( $config['id_user'], 'RR', true ); if ($group_list === false) { $group_list = []; } if (empty($group_list) === false) { $string_groups = implode(', ', array_keys($group_list)); $string_groups = \io_safe_output($string_groups); // Select user's dashboards. $sql_dashboard = sprintf( "SELECT,, td.id_user, td.id_group,, count( as cells, td.cells_slideshow FROM tdashboard td LEFT JOIN twidget_dashboard twd ON = twd.id_dashboard WHERE ((td.id_group IN (%s) AND td.id_user = '') OR td.id_user = '%s') %s GROUP BY ORDER BY name%s", $string_groups, $config['id_user'], $sql_where, $sql_limit ); } else { $sql_dashboard = sprintf( "SELECT,, td.id_user, td.id_group,, count( as cells, td.cells_slideshow FROM tdashboard td LEFT JOIN twidget_dashboard twd ON = twd.id_dashboard WHERE td.id_group = 0 AND td.id_user = '%s' %s GROUP BY ORDER BY name%s", $config['id_user'], $sql_where, $sql_limit ); } } else { // User admin view all dashboards. $sql_dashboard = sprintf( 'SELECT,, td.id_user, td.id_group,, count( as cells, td.cells_slideshow FROM tdashboard td LEFT JOIN twidget_dashboard twd ON = twd.id_dashboard WHERE 1=1 %s GROUP BY ORDER BY name%s', $sql_where, $sql_limit ); } $dashboards = \db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_dashboard); if ($favourite === true && $dashboards !== false && count($dashboards) > 0) { $dashboards = array_map( function ($dashboard) { $dashboard['name'] = io_safe_input($dashboard['name']); return $dashboard; }, $dashboards ); } if ($dashboards === false) { $dashboards = []; } return $dashboards; } /** * Get all dashboard user can you see. * * @return array Return counts. */ static public function getDashboardsCount() { global $config; if (is_user_admin($config['id_user']) !== false) { // User no admin see dashboards of him groups and profile 'AR'. $group_list = \users_get_groups( $config['id_user'], 'RR', true ); if ($group_list === false) { $group_list = []; } if (empty($group_list) === false) { $string_groups = implode(', ', array_keys($group_list)); $string_groups = io_safe_output($string_groups); $sql_dashboard = sprintf( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tdashboard WHERE (id_group IN (%s) AND id_user = '') OR id_user = '%s'", $string_groups, $config['id_user'] ); } else { $sql_dashboard = sprintf( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tdashboard WHERE id_group = 0 AND id_user = '%s'", $config['id_user'] ); } } else { $sql_dashboard = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tdashboard'; } $count_dashboards = db_get_all_rows_sql($sql_dashboard); if ($count_dashboards === false) { $count_dashboards = []; } return $count_dashboards[0]['COUNT(*)']; } /** * Checks if target method is available to be called using AJAX. * * @param string $method Target method. * * @return boolean True allowed, false not. */ public function ajaxMethod(string $method):bool { return in_array($method, $this->AJAXMethods); } /** * Init manager dashboard. * * @return void */ public function run() { global $config; ui_require_css_file('modal'); ui_require_css_file('form'); if ($this->dashboardId === 0 || $this->deleteDashboard === true || $this->copyDashboard === true ) { $this->showList(); } else { $this->drawLayout(); } } /** * Draw list dashboards. * * @return void */ private function showList() { global $config; $limit_sql = $config['block_size']; $resultDelete = null; if ($this->deleteDashboard === true) { $resultDelete = $this->delete(); } $resultCopy = null; if ($this->copyDashboard === true) { $resultCopy = $this->copy(); } $dashboards = $this->getDashboards($this->offset, $limit_sql); $count = $this->getDashboardsCount(); View::render( 'dashboard/list', [ 'dashboards' => $dashboards, 'count' => $count, 'offset' => $this->offset, 'urlDashboard' => $this->url, 'manageDashboards' => $this->manageDashboards, 'writeDashboards' => $this->writeDashboards, 'resultDelete' => $resultDelete, 'resultCopy' => $resultCopy, 'ajaxController' => $this->ajaxController, 'urlAjax' => \ui_get_full_url('ajax.php'), ] ); } /** * Form Upadte dashboards. * * @return void */ public function drawFormDashboard() { View::render( 'dashboard/formDashboard', [ 'dashboardId' => $this->dashboardId, 'arrayDashboard' => $this->dashboardFields, ] ); } /** * Update dashboards. * * @return mixed */ public function updateDashboard() { global $config; if (check_acl($config['id_user'], 0, 'RW') === 0) { include 'general/noaccess.php'; return; } $name = \get_parameter('name', ''); $private = \get_parameter_switch('private'); $id_group = \get_parameter('id_group'); $slideshow = \get_parameter_switch('slideshow'); $favourite = \get_parameter_switch('favourite'); $id_user = (empty($private) === false) ? $config['id_user'] : ''; $values = [ 'name' => $name, 'id_user' => $id_user, 'id_group' => $id_group, 'cells_slideshow' => $slideshow, 'active' => $favourite, ]; if ($this->dashboardId === 0) { $this->dashboardId = $this->set($values); $res = $this->dashboardId; if ($res !== false) { // Create Initial Widget. $values = [ 'x' => '0', 'y' => '0', 'width' => '4', 'height' => '4', ]; $cellClass = new Cell($values, $this->dashboardId); $dataCell = $cellClass->get(); } $type = '&createDashboard=1'; $type .= '&cellIdCreate='.$dataCell['id']; } else { $res = $this->put($values); } $result = [ 'error' => ($res === false) ? 1 : 0, 'error_mesage' => __('Error create or update dashboard'), 'url' => $this->url.$type, 'dashboardId' => $this->dashboardId, ]; echo json_encode($result); } /** * Draw layout. * * @return mixed */ public function drawLayout() { global $config; $dashboards = $this->getDashboards(); $dashboards = array_reduce( $dashboards, function ($carry, $item) { $carry[$item['id']] = $item['name']; return $carry; }, [] ); // Header. if ($this->slides === 0) { if ((bool) \is_metaconsole() === true) { open_meta_frame(); } View::render( 'dashboard/header', [ 'dashboards' => $dashboards, 'ajaxController' => $this->ajaxController, 'dashboardId' => $this->dashboardId, 'refr' => $this->refr, 'url' => $this->url, 'dashboardName' => $this->dashboardFields['name'], 'hash' => self::generatePublicHash(), 'publicLink' => $this->publicLink, 'dashboardGroup' => $this->dashboardFields['id_group'], ] ); } else { View::render( 'dashboard/slides', [ 'dashboard' => $this->dashboardFields, 'ajaxController' => $this->ajaxController, 'dashboardId' => $this->dashboardId, 'refr' => $this->refr, 'url' => $this->url, 'dashboardName' => $this->dashboardFields['name'], 'slides' => $this->slides, 'slidesIds' => $this->slidesIds, 'cells' => $this->cells, 'cellModeSlides' => $this->cellModeSlides, 'cellId' => ($this->cellId === 0) ? $this->cells[0]['id'] : $this->cellId, 'dashboardGroup' => $this->dashboardFields['id_group'], ] ); } if (isset($config['public_dashboard']) === false) { $config['public_dashboard'] = false; } // View. if ($this->slides === 0 || $this->cellModeSlides === 0) { View::render( 'dashboard/layout', [ 'ajaxController' => $this->ajaxController, 'dashboardId' => $this->dashboardId, 'url' => \ui_get_full_url('ajax.php'), 'createDashboard' => $this->createDashboard, 'updateDashboard' => $this->updateDashboard, 'cellIdCreate' => \get_parameter('cellIdCreate', 0), 'class' => (($config['public_dashboard'] === true) ? quotemeta(__CLASS__) : ''), 'hash' => (($config['public_dashboard'] === true) ? self::generatePublicHash() : ''), ] ); } else { $this->cellId = ($this->cellId === 0) ? $this->cells[0]['id'] : $this->cellId; $cellClass = new Cell($this->cellId, $this->dashboardId); $cellData = $cellClass->get(); $instance = ''; if ((int) $cellData['id_widget'] !== 0 || $this->widgetId !== 0) { $settings = [ 'page' => $this->ajaxController, 'url' => \ui_get_full_url('ajax.php'), 'dashboardId' => $this->dashboardId, 'widgetId' => $cellData['id_widget'], 'cellId' => $this->cellId, ]; } View::render( 'dashboard/slidesWidget', [ 'options' => \json_decode($cellData['options'], true), 'settings' => $settings, ] ); } // Js countdown for mode slice. View::render( 'dashboard/jsLayout', ['dashboardId' => $this->dashboardId] ); if ((bool) \is_metaconsole() === true && $this->slides === 0 ) { close_meta_frame(); } return null; } /** * Get cells for layout draw * * @return void */ public function getCellsLayout() { global $config; $result = []; $cells = $this->cells; if ($cells === false) { $cells = []; } if (empty($cells) === false) { $result = array_reduce( $cells, function ($carry, $item) { $carry[$item['order']]['id'] = $item['id']; $carry[$item['order']]['position'] = $item['position']; $carry[$item['order']]['widgetId'] = $item['id_widget']; return $carry; }, [] ); } echo json_encode($result); } /** * Insert new cell layout. * * @return void */ public function insertCellLayout():void { global $config; $position = [ 'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, 'width' => 4, 'height' => 4, ]; $cellClass = new Cell($position, $this->dashboardId); $dataCell = $cellClass->get(); $result = ['cellId' => $dataCell['id']]; echo json_encode($result); } /** * Draw Cell. * * @return mixed */ public function drawCell() { global $config; $redraw = (bool) \get_parameter('redraw', 0); $cellClass = new Cell($this->cellId, $this->dashboardId); $cellData = $cellClass->get(); if ((int) $cellData['id_widget'] !== 0 || $this->widgetId !== 0) { if ((int) $cellData['id_widget'] === 0 && $this->widgetId !== 0) { // Insert in cell widget ID. $res = $cellClass->put([], $this->widgetId); if ($res === 1) { $cellData['id_widget'] = $this->widgetId; } } $instance = $this->instanceWidget(); $cellData['options'] = $instance->decoders( $instance->getOptionsWidget() ); if (isset($cellData['options']['title']) === false) { $cellData['options']['title'] = $instance->getDescription(); } $cellData['options'] = json_encode($cellData['options']); } View::render( 'dashboard/cell', [ 'redraw' => $redraw, 'cellData' => $cellData, 'manageDashboards' => $this->manageDashboards, ] ); return null; } /** * Draw widget. * * @return mixed */ public function drawWidget() { $newWidth = (int) \get_parameter('newWidth', 0); $newHeight = (int) \get_parameter('newHeight', 0); $gridWidth = (int) \get_parameter('gridWidth', 0); $cellClass = new Cell($this->cellId, $this->dashboardId); $cellData = $cellClass->get(); $instance = ''; if ((int) $cellData['id_widget'] !== 0 || $this->widgetId !== 0) { $instance = $this->instanceWidget( $newWidth, $newHeight, $gridWidth ); } View::render( 'dashboard/widget', [ 'widgetId' => $this->widgetId, 'cellData' => $cellData, 'instance' => $instance, ] ); return null; } /** * Save layout. * Update, Insert and delete widgets. * More important order. * * @return mixed */ public function saveLayout() { global $config; $items = \get_parameter('items', []); // Class Dashboard. if (empty($items) === false) { // Order for position Y and X. usort( $items, function ($a, $b) { // First order by position `y`. // if `y` is the same order by position `x`. $retval = ($a['y'] <=> $b['y']); if ($retval === 0) { $retval = ($a['x'] <=> $b['x']); } return $retval; } ); $result = false; foreach ($items as $order => $item) { $item['order'] = $order; $id = $item['id']; unset($item['id']); // Update cells. $cellClass = new Cell($id, $this->dashboardId); $result = $cellClass->put($item); if ($result === false) { return false; } } } echo json_encode($result); } /** * Ajax layout delete Cell. * * @return void */ public function deleteCell():void { global $config; $res = 0; if ($this->cellId !== 0) { // Remove cells. $cellClass = new Cell($this->cellId, $this->dashboardId); $res = $cellClass->delete(); } $result = ['result' => $res]; echo json_encode($result); } /** * Draw list widgets. * * @return mixed */ public function drawAddWidget() { global $config; Widget::dashboardInstallWidgets($this->cellId); $search = \io_safe_output(\get_parameter('search', '')); // The limit is fixed here. $total = count(Widget::getWidgets(-1, -1, $search)); $widgets = Widget::getWidgets($this->offset, 9, $search); View::render( 'dashboard/listWidgets', [ 'widgets' => $widgets, 'total' => $total, 'offset' => $this->offset, 'dashboardId' => $this->dashboardId, 'cellId' => $this->cellId, 'search' => $search, 'ajaxController' => $this->ajaxController, ] ); return null; } /** * Form configuration widget. * * @return mixed */ public function drawConfiguration() { global $config; $instance = $this->instanceWidget(); $blocks = []; $htmlInputs = $instance->getFormInputs([]); if (isset($htmlInputs['blocks']) === true) { $blocks = $htmlInputs['blocks']; $htmlInputs = $htmlInputs['inputs']; } $js = $instance->getFormJS(); View::render( 'dashboard/configurationWidgets', [ 'dashboardId' => $this->dashboardId, 'cellId' => $this->cellId, 'blocks' => $blocks, 'htmlInputs' => $htmlInputs, 'js' => $js, ] ); return null; } /** * Save widget into cell. * * @return void */ public function saveWidgetIntoCell() { global $config; // Init result. $result = ['result' => false]; if ($this->widgetId !== 0) { // Instance widget for get Post. $instance = $this->instanceWidget(); $values = $instance->getPost(); // Add new configuration for widget into cell. $cellClass = new Cell($this->cellId, $this->dashboardId); $res = $cellClass->put([], $this->widgetId, $values); $result = [ 'result' => $res, 'page' => $this->ajaxController, 'url' => ui_get_full_url('ajax.php'), 'dashboardId' => $this->dashboardId, 'cellId' => $this->cellId, 'widgetId' => $this->widgetId, ]; } echo json_encode($result); } /** * Image icon Dashboard ajax change. * * @return mixed */ public function imageIconDashboardAjax() { $nameImg = \get_parameter('nameImg', ''); $output = $this->imageIconDashboard($nameImg); echo $output; return null; } /** * Return image php. * * @param string|null $nameImg Path image. * * @return string Image. */ public static function imageIconDashboard(?string $nameImg):string { if (empty($nameImg) === true) { $nameImg = 'appliance'; } $output = html_print_image( 'images/console/icons/'.$nameImg.'.png', true, [ 'alt' => __('Icon image dashboard'), 'style' => 'max-width:70px; max-height:70px;', ] ); return $output; } /** * Draw form slides. * * @return mixed */ public function formSlides() { $dashboards = $this->getDashboards(-1, -1, false, false); View::render( 'dashboard/formSlides', [ 'url' => $this->url, 'dashboards' => $dashboards, ] ); return null; } /** * Prints error. * * @param string $msg Message. * * @return void */ public function error(string $msg) { if ((bool) \is_ajax() === true) { echo json_encode(['error' => $msg]); } else { \ui_print_error_message($msg); } } /** * Call widget method (ajax only). * * @param string $method Method to be invoked. * * @return boolean Executed or not. */ public function callWidgetMethod(string $method):bool { $widget = $this->instanceWidget(); if (method_exists($widget, $method) === true) { $widget->$method(); return true; } return false; } /** * Size configuration modal (ajax only). * * @return void. */ public function getSizeModalConfiguration():void { $result = []; $widget = $this->instanceWidget(); $result = $widget->getSizeModalConfiguration(); echo json_encode($result); return; } }